quagga-contrib-0.97.0-1> A AlpA?B7%x5x=![fV* tSH'/|Mbz. 0b6e40f2c0ef1b020ae75856d7f60f8cdfbf973a3,u.&nmW:\?B7%xAx9*]{.E}u_؂3y/F3ʶ'/r;k;V>9?|d  9x|     <  +Nh(1889t:FG$H@I\XdYh\t]^b=dOeTfYk[lbt|uvw0xLyhCquagga-contrib0.97.01contrib tools for quaggaContributed/3rd party tools which may be of use with quagga.B6 linux55.fnal.govRScientific LinuxGPLSystem Environment/Daemonshttp://www.quagga.netlinuxx86_64# | 7 AA큤큤B6 Ae=?=?=?=?=?426a80a859c985555f044818da5006ecbae70e561d3f6409e17022f63061a1786604c09621ebb1e2ef9edf2fcee4ace09a71ee8a0388e804d9d800e8ac34727106ed85aec7abf0de11d9632cbed76559rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootquagga-0.97.0-1.src.rpmquagga-contrib@@ @@JJ/usr/bin/perlperlperl(Getopt::Std)perl(POSIX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)0:5.0023.0.4-14.0-14.3.3Ag*AdA@@ύ@.@E @-e@-e??߀?o?o?K?B?:Jay Fenlason 0.97.0-1Jay Fenlason Bill Nottingham 0.96.5-2Elliot Lee Jay Fenlason 0.96.5-0Elliot Lee Jay Fenlason Elliot Lee Jay Fenlason 0.96.4-0Jay Fenlason 0.96.3-1Jay Fenlason 0.96.2-5Nalin Dahyabhai Jay Fenlason 0.96.2-1Jay Fenlason 0.96.1-3Jay Fenlason 0.96-1- New upstream version. This obsoletes the -lib64 patch.- Change the permissions of /var/run/quagga to 771 and /var/log/quagga to 770 This closes #134793- don't run by default- rebuilt- New upstream version - Change includedir - Change the pre scriptlet to fail if the useradd command fails. - Remove obsolete patches from this .spec file and renumber the two remaining ones.- rebuilt- Add --enable-rtadv, to turn ipv6 router advertisement back on. Closes bugzilla #114691- rebuilt- New upstream version - include .h files in the -devel package.- Patch a remote DoS attack (#107140) - New upstream version - Removed the .libcap patch, which was applied upstream - Renamed the vty group from quaggavty to quaggavt because quaggavty is too long for NIS. - Patch the spec file to fix #106857: /etc/quagga/zebra.conf is created with the wrong owner. - Removed the "med" part of the 0.96.1-warnings patch for . . . - Add a new warnings patch with a fix for #106315. This also updates the "med" part of the previous warnings patch.- merge sysconfig patch from 3E branch. This patch is from Kaj J. Niemi (kajtzu@basen.net), and puts Quagga configuration options in /etc/sysconfig/quagga, and defaults Quagga to listening on only. This closes #104376 - Use /sbin/nologin for the shell of the quagga user. This closes #103320 - Update the quagga-0.96.1-warnings.patch patch to kill a couple more warnings.- Remove the directory part of paths for PAM modules in quagga.pam, allowing libpam to search its default directory (needed if a 64-bit libpam needs to look in /lib64/security instead of /lib/security).- New upstream version- Merge from quagga-3E-branch, with a fix for #102673 and a couple more compiler warnings quashed.- added a patch (libwrap) to allow the generated Makefiles for zebra/ and lib/ to work on AMD64 systems. For some reason make there does not like a dependency on -lcap - added a patch (warnings) to shut up warnings about an undefined structure type in some function prototypes and quiet down all the warnings about assert(ptr) on x86_64. - Modified the upstream quagga-0.96/readhat/quagga.spec to work as an official Red Hat package (remove user and group creation and changes to services) - Trimmed changelog. See the upstream .spec file for previous changelog entries.dolly.build.redhat.com 1097268166bcefghd0:0.97.0-1quagga-contrib-0.97.0toolsmrlg.cgirrcheck.plrrlookup.plzc.plzebra.el/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/quagga-contrib-0.97.0//usr/share/doc/quagga-contrib-0.97.0/tools/-O2 -g -pipe -m64cpiogzip9x86_64x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuLisp/Scheme program textPaul Falstad's zsh script text executablea /usr/local/bin/perl script text executabledirectoryRRRRR?p<85bIp)Ͳ7-xcljI~IHӽ\i?h4OIRT*WིVVekumeub_|uT~9>/[Y<1C7=7^)~Y<$yZ 2|Oɓ4o/hyZ}cI+x[}G3(ɓ˄ֳNS~=`wjAθ؞˪ T] Cv70d~+wa_qm4e!<\68~}4";퐌-kkvAp3A "RVje4K?Ol ީA.>V;X x|CHN|gSdu@J7V*Zg6ZnzLz D(pE@{<@\##4%b_Hq$$`1q;}ɉ d\rّx h]H(9vɵx`m -8 qiƾLۆ`O/Ǽ",ÑuA2؀7nXڡ{@֏t'( FY<xYl-v@k*`=g$L(6":Td-t'[F&117SR۠%kz.3H;zWkƛ`Q~`lmm}cC,ഫiԃ>) @-12#iTC~߿Wk ]dDLbY߄(ݣne{E|F0$]m=gg(J |hd "F4E$**x/pgz|@OLSSLF&ɡ J|^I3١&Z܄FͩD'dL.̰,ptAՏ=?o<4cWh\)Grt1Ap6L e |X@3tU-'DL+R2:ƔϘ,7 ~pӐRn }OV~!ehF(3(YH 0EbX ק @qD.4L_@,s@)uLO}csaS,ۛ`_['r7@)ցVt$ j "- @r4J2 ϸ*>ED ,/hn22Ӑ䝈}UxDzlk*mt3 'EFa:j!&&SQB܅hFɒll_,?Y~;DP!M]E)PCz׶"|Z(hR9`#VȎB郓ձhCT^QJDC 7e+1'.ouZ8_fN|[P4~bsЃ:eLpœqNl,ztu uQ.[UUմTK2żިwMq|z-Y@C1U*sh!W^{2Ƹ#[iTŠ Z7F\R[ip< zhjڰ QFf߱X/i'sʂ1@qkU0 ^dM#DfMF ڲ0;< p"\)]&7<}h`q,1'E9+6a(}!"Tg&Ts;QrJ &zHL UzTrQ$YMx fjV)h!|#CZo#oY%&W PI":% O L09fD[F;R(z j Vd-/Ml=w'mӹDh7@OՀ%$zzP4a7a~R.A gt㙒=im%X-Ơ})7ĖDNCr̪Jj@uŢ&Z**%Vdػ$d/)p "'|[2i㒢www)Psڿ`P862~iYGɈ`y ^}CBer-ݮ]KS@J ^ {:bGnYo$&)PYFojk$7ndfhZd%44fNoOy[] |QG.FL{=nMrxMU:>30(o )ڏ{Sb;>q70w6μ3c_.Kƈ]kXJtN9*,p'Wo*cg5V)kK\0 !I#Ȝ9Jr[ڂic{(~"&s{qȰ1Wmt~br.3&I}l71wKQQ>Q%Ցڕ<i&Qd 4i TNu˱]\D0( /V~S`B)i D H9kuK GM~ZwcͻK'łW&_Com+m%՗زZ`lClz!JU?Lve\6 Q~TBB # LR'Mtt~Y =P-$G2ݛBIw*.:J{MLf '|NwcHh͎JAvKH/zBLE%HAZ$T9[.LZ:{ f'ұ9gSBʡ ?M.UJ( ϞE"b8Ҭy#f5ҕoDc8?:!7#EyQ*l_ v&A& ե)ՕP")2 O ]ab^ "vh5ɼd'F%o"ņ4γi'tP㨇9x^PԟyJ$ji%L{{M+n\"Baj]f,*%)>}'CI@A;ۿI{?`IKH7"$&.7Hy8"*69't+E+vJ $vb4 zv}q5/:ތ׆l3Sf*ARNZqljR^ |E:x'%dDJKod!f d:^j"ǒYn3bA6919{eSk6sr1 r0ۀ@7Ӷܶ4PqԤs_sAM\Syb(ؔnaI.1{դj"k8P#y-۷K'fN%[-V(AʦPTrܵuD+"4v](_iliǜFrEH*z?mΏ,ʱsF%KTTlnZI+S= 3IԄ YA5;KU3*f Y3 j bqcPKWO*-3.N9SY1bieuP%?*C{M1~ ~ޘIJ41uZ  6>VOk?p*"C,<3|iX@<#,0DϒkOKϳ} [P A^{No4:BCI!'.N)":g[]N; "JZ OA io~A DMs ҠFgUTQ,.@yDCt= <Ă@2ВS/3 ZIIE7XA2u& h_gp5 -VJ _Ӄ150q]+#8ŘaY. @lL6-q"ߔiY|S\X QA"ň/J!it $xKT́K`EY"Ez}|I*Qs*T A=fLgޟNdj@-XK|@ L[hL&TOa\D;+vd&!yҴ\)M)bVUqZ$J{ #y H~sQ:Z^^b<}V