crontabs-1.10-7> A AlpA?B7%x [D*֎w^EpPQc[nKڗG!N"7c462787ef71a99735777eb4ac4ee0aa15d7fbadвlrJUE;?B7%x&<Aw, P穸 Tke$DAXp>7 ? d   Q '-4L X d |  4Lhx(89@:F G H 8I PX XY `\ p] ^ b d e f k l t u 0v Hw x y Ccrontabs1.107Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs.The crontabs package contains root crontab files. Crontab is the program used to install, uninstall or list the tables used to drive the cron daemon. The cron daemon checks the crontab files to see when particular commands are scheduled to be executed. If commands are scheduled, it executes them. Crontabs handles a basic system function, so it should be installed on your system.B5linux55.fnal.govScientific LinuxPublic DomainSystem Environment/BaselinuxnoarchAAAA큤B5B5B5B5B5B503fa15e550843194a8ba55b473a6549a6d640da0c2cfb3f9fea40a50146b6a4frootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootcrontabs-1.10-7.src.rpmconfig(crontabs)crontabs@JJ/bin/bashconfig(crontabs)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)1.10-73.0.4-14.0-14.3.3AOo@-e>DH=<킀<<ـ;Wt:?:x9M9m9=7&7}66c155A'5*4Q63'Jason Vas Dias Elliot Lee Bill Nottingham Tim Powers Tim Powers Tim Powers Preston Brown Preston Brown Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Prospector Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Bill Nottingham Cristian Gafton Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Prospector System Erik Troan Erik Troan Erik Troan - rebuilt under new CVS for dist-fc3- rebuilt- not-as-automated rebuild- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- don't require tmpwatch- noreplace crontab file; use tmppath- don't process ,v files (#15968)- put name of script in output of stuff run by run-parts (#12411)- automatic rebuild- rebuild- don't run *~ or *, files (#4740).- don't run .rpm{save,new,orig} files (bug #2190)- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 5)- crontab: set HOME=/- run-parts: skip sub-directories (e.g. CVS) found instead of complaining- translations modified for de, fr, tr- moved crontab jobs up a bit to make sure they aren't confused by switching to and fro daylight savings time- removed tmpwatch and at entries- made a noarch 1095717490CBEDHI1.10-71.10-7cron.dailycron.hourlycron.monthlycron.weeklycrontabrun-parts/etc//usr/bin/-O2 -g -pipe -m64cpiogzip9noarchnoarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabledirectoryR?Tmo0WQqB*:*R+u(LE#ǔV!Zsؾ{s':cc\Rw4ۗ{( q܅P8|pWOH>(64cJy]wh?~L_+=uq~ur;]ӻ{IDfWst}zyuwӒB(tqs}rʃJLJv}f*H9꾝4>ZL_[뽿>Y/[꿪$T <EC$hnJc {0kw"T5Қ%( RXm(.&(F  [e rP *V!yq!)^JeHb=)q^hB(NtX4(GYy80(Hz鸜B 6ZICV"LڏE>`Jݍ^~|;Tyo,}N.2@X'C*05Ěr8w5+X=,m7I`r4az,=t$0Z}oY6Ww~m.3o?,p