chkfontpath-1.10.0-2> A AlpA?B7%x.XoZ*m@v, /[X0]'bbab87fb7f753e04e4594160d38a62f55151dfd24V].;SP?B7%x, ^g)! Tm۽ރ5Iz2AYTw <>7?d  Ydh|       *4T\h6(J8P9::FzGHIXY\]^bdef!k#l*tDuLvTwxyCchkfontpath1.10.02Simple interface for editing the font path for the X font server.This is a simple command line utility for configuring the directories in the X font server's path. It is mostly intended to be used 'internally' by RPM when packages with fonts are added or removed, but it may be useful as a stand-alone utility in some;&Scientific LinuxGPLSystem Environment/Baselinuxx86_646X΁큤B5B5faf1f91abc7d3bfb1c841ddb8802739fdace6569c8090c46392fbec53080cf6crootrootrootrootchkfontpath-1.10.0-2.src.rpmchkfontpath@@@@JJ/sbin/ύ@W>M>>{>H=<߀:g:g:_9bz9Ey9#288 77T7,7 7e6骀66Ԓ66ȵElliot Lee Mike A. Harris 1.10.0-1Mike A. Harris 1.9.10-1Bill Nottingham 1.9.9-1Mike A. Harris 1.9.8-1Mike A. Harris 1.9.7-1Mike A. Harris 1.9.6-1Preston Brown Nalin Dahyabhai Preston Brown Matt Wilson Preston Brown Matt Wilson Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown - rebuilt- Change PreReq: XFree86-xfs to Requires: xfs, which is a virtual Provide that is present in the xorg-x11 packaging, and in XFree86-4.3.0-64 and later builds. This is necessary in order to make packages not require a specific X11 implementation unnecessarily. (#118469)- Add patch from Uli, with some cosmetic cleanups to fix bug (#90942)- don't forcibly strip binaries on make install- Fix serious problem where chkfontpath sends SIGUSR1 to PID 2 bug (#90999) - Replace hard coded xfs config file paths with constants - Implemented fatalerror() for displaying variadic error messages and bailing with EXIT_FAILURE when "quiet" mode is not enabled, or silencing error output and exiting with EXIT_SUCCESS when "quiet" mode is enabled. Replaced all conditionalized tests for quiet mode throughout the code, and changed all critical error messages with calls to fatalerror() - Make restartXfs() more robust, with a fallback for if /proc isn't available.- Bump and rebuild in new environment as 1.9.7-1 - Fixes for GNU extension usage isblank()- Bump and rebuild in new environment as 1.9.6-1- document missing arguments (#24055) in man page - use popt to generate help text for the program- #ifdef out some debugging code (#24054) - do a setlocale() before using ctype functions- fixed up handling of catalogue line in situations where there is no path listed on the first line (#10128) - fixed up handling when adding a directory to empty font path (#11108) - use fputs where more correct (#14286)- Prereq: XFree86-xfs to insure that it gets installed before chkfontpath is. This should promote XFree86-xfs to be installed before any package that has a Prereq: on chkfontpath - Prereq: /sbin/pidof (even though a Requires: should be sufficient)- FHS macros- rebuilt to get rid of broken deps- rebuild to gzip man page, update description.- patches from JJ understand :unscaled automatically, no longer necessary to specify manually on the cmd line - tries to keep specific font groups together much harder.- incorporated patches to deal with :unscaled font dir entries, and add a --first flag to add the path at the beginning instead of the end. - minor cleanups- fixed up basename - default to list, not help - if trailing slash '/' is appended to paths given, strip it off- preserve permissions on config file- if /proc isn't mounted, don't do a killall- don't use psmisc, use pidof from SysVinit- made psmisc a requirement.- added "quiet" option.- injected new group / description.- important fix - kill font server with USR1 instead of HUP.- initial spec 10873385291.10.0-2chkfontpathchkfontpath.8.gz/usr/sbin//usr/share/man/man8/-O2 -g -pipe -m64cpiogzip9x86_64x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), strippeddirectoryRRRR?{ XW$EPmAJŵ EK! 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