perl-Test-Perl-Critic-Policy-1.118-5.el7> H HtxHFSss ?*}}p;>[pƧ W:;69[>bgcb682b0ca70620aebc189fb68b4181687362945dd5UAO~6ZkFSss ?*}}mJY!*O~\iռ/JjZVާ/EK>9<<?<,d% + Xx| $8 B L `  2Xl-(`8h3943:3G9H90I9DX9LY9T\9h]9|^9b:fd:e;f;l;t; u;4v;Hw;x;y;<(Cperl-Test-Perl-Critic-Policy1.1185.el7A framework for testing your custom PoliciesThis module provides a framework for function-testing your custom Perl::Critic::Policy modules. Policy testing usually involves feeding it a string of Perl code and checking its behavior. In the old days, those strings of Perl code were mixed directly in the test script. That sucked.Sd1fortythree.fnal.govGhScientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPL+ or ArtisticScientific LinuxDevelopment/LibrariesՁAAA큤Sd1Sd1Sd1Sd1Sd16ed906742826fa86af2ed2c092762a34cba0cc296e48d00e8e2364c42a82b3f0aefa664f94485c4ccb788052446f1863c0d42efa32c679f098ad013e4da65031rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootperl-Perl-Critic-1.118-5.el7.src.rpmperl(Test::Perl::Critic::Policy)perl-Test-Perl-Critic-Policy@ @@@@@@@@@@@@    perlperl(Carp)perl(English)perl(Exporter)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Perl::Critic::TestUtils)perl(Perl::Critic::Violation)perl(Readonly)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)0:5.0060013.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.1RkQQP H@OjO@O@O@O@OЗOOLO@NN)f@N)f@N(N&@N MM@MMtMQ0@M!@ML[@K @K@K @ĴJlE@J@I@HG@GPGNGNGNFsEEK@E@E@EEJ@E1@E1@EU@E @Daniel Mach - 1.118-5Paul Howarth - 1.118-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.118-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.118-2Paul Howarth - 1.118-1Petr Pisar - 1.117-9Paul Howarth - 1.117-8Petr Pisar - 1.117-7Petr Pisar - 1.117-6Marcela Mašláňová - 1.117-5Petr Pisar - 1.117-4Paul Howarth - 1.117-3Paul Howarth - 1.117-2Paul Howarth - 1.117-1Paul Howarth - 1.116-6Petr Sabata - 1.116-5Petr Sabata - 1.116-4Petr Sabata - 1.116-3Paul Howarth - 1.116-2Paul Howarth - 1.116-1Paul Howarth - 1.115-1Paul Howarth 1.114-1Marcela Mašláňová - 1.113-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.111-2Marcela Mašláňová - 1.111-1Marcela Maslanova - 1.108-2Marcela Maslanova - 1.108-1Marcela Maslanova - 1.105-4Stepan Kasal - 1.105-3Stepan Kasal - 1.105-2Stepan Kasal - 1.105-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.098-3Chris Weyl 1.098-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.092-2Chris Weyl 1.092-1Chris Weyl 1.082-1Tom "spot" Callaway - 1.080-3Tom "spot" Callaway - 1.080-2Tom "spot" Callaway - 1.080-1Tom "spot" Callaway - 1.053-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.053-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.05-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.03-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.01-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.01-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 0.23-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 0.23-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 0.22-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 0.22-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 0.21-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 0.2-1- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- BR: perl(Fatal) for the test suite- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update to 1.118 Policy Changes: - CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode: revise to work with incompatible changes in Perl::Tidy 20120619 (CPAN RT#77977) - TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoWarnings: correct the parse of the 'no warnings' statement, so that 'no warnings "qw"' is recognized as suppressing just 'qw' warnings (CPAN RT#74647) - Miscellanea::RequireRcsKeywords has been moved to the Perl-Critic-More distribution (CPAN RT#69546) Other Changes: - make all unescaped literal "{" characters in regexps into character classes; these are deprecated, and became noisy with Perl 5.17.0 (CPAN RT#77510) - drop now-redundant patch for Perl::Tidy compatibility - BR: perl(lib) for the build process - BR: perl(base), perl(PPIx::Utilities::Node) and perl(Test::Builder) ≥ 0.92 for the module (Test::Builder required by Test::Perl::Critic::Policy) - BR: perl(Exporter) ≥ 5.58; with older versions we get: ":color_severity" is not exported by the Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants module - BR: perl(File::Spec::Functions) for the test suite - drop buildreqs for perl(charnames), perl(File::Basename), perl(File::Find), perl(overload), perl(strict) and perl(warnings) - not dual lived- Perl 5.16 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- fix breakage with Perl::Tidy ≥ 20120619 (CPAN RT#77977)- Perl 5.16 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Perl 5.16 rebuild- conditionalize aspell- do not use Test::Kwalitee on RHEL ≥ 7- spec clean-up - separate build requirements and runtime requirements - drop redundant %{?perl_default_filter} - fix permissions verbosely - use tabs- drop %defattr, no longer needed- update to 1.117 New Policies: - Variables::ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration reports constructs like 'my $x += 1' Policy Changes: - BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitLvalueSubstr: add explicit 'use version' (CPAN RT#68498) - CodeLayout::ProhibitHardTabs: add 'pbp' to the default_themes list (CPAN RT#71093) - ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions now understands that tr///r (introduced in 5.13.7) does not change its operand - ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions now understands that '//=', '<<=', and '>>=' are assignment operators (CPAN RT#70901) - ErrorHandling::RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval now allows things like grep { eval $_ } (CPAN RT#69489) - Modules::RequireExplicitPackage now has configuraion option allow_import_of, to allow the import of specified modules before the package statement (CPAN RT#72660) - RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumeratedClasses no longer thinks that [A-Za-z_] matches \w. RT #69322. - RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCaptures now skips the first block of an 'if' or 'elsif' if the regular expression is bound to its operand with the '!~' operator (CPAN RT#69867) - RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCaptures now looks into lists and blocks in the replacement portion of the regular expression if /e is asserted (CPAN RT#72086) - RegularExpressions::RequireDotMatchAnything, RegularExpressions::RequireExtendedFormatting and RegularExpressions::RequireLineBoundaryMatching now honor defaults set with 'use re "/modifiers"' (CPAN RT#72151) - Subroutines::ProhibitManyArgs now recognizes '+' as a prototype character - Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars now recognizes bracketed variables embedded in interpolated strings (e.g. "${$}"); for the purpose of the 'allow' configuration, these are considered equivalent to the unbracketed form (CPAN RT#72910) Other Changes: - corrected POD in Perl::Critic::PPI::Utils (CPAN RT#68898) - Perl::Critic::Violation source() method now returns the line containing the violation (not the first line) when the statement containing the violation spans multiple lines - this release by THALJEF -> update source URL - drop stopwords patch, now included upstream- reinstate author tests: META.yml creation issue fixed in perl-5.14.1-182- completely disable author tests to avoid Kwalitee META complaints- Perl mass rebuild- Perl mass rebuild- move BR: perl(Test::Perl::Critic) to author test section where it belongs - run the author tests if we're not bootstrapping- update to 1.116 - BuiltInFunctions::ProhibitLvalueSubstr does not report violations if the document contains an explicit 'use n.nnn;' where the version is before 5.005 (CPAN RT#59112) - Documentation::RequirePodSections no longer blows up on code having POD but no =head1 (CPAN RT#67231) - RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture should more reliably find things like s/(a)/${1}2/ (CPAN RT#67273) - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers and Module::RequireVersionVar now treat versions passed as the second argument of a 'package' statement the same as versions declared as 'our $VERSION ...' (CPAN RT#67159) - Variables::RequireLexicalLoopIterators does not report violations if the document contains an explicit 'use n.nnn;' where the version is before 5.004 (CPAN RT#67760)- update to 1.115 - fatal error in RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture here document check (CPAN RT#67116) - internal POD error in Documentation::RequirePodLinksIncludeText (CPAN RT#67012)- update to 1.114 - Documentation::RequirePodLinksIncludeText now handles nested POD formatting (CPAN RT#65569) - clarified relation of severity numbers to names in Perl::Critic POD (CPAN RT#66017) - removed caveats from Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars, no longer necessary with PPI 1.208 (CPAN RT#65514) - have InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen attempt to expand scope as necessary to deal with the case where the open() and the corresponding close() are not in the same scope (CPAN RT#64437) - RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture now looks inside double-quotish things (CPAN RT#38942) - RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture now takes logical alternation into account, so that (e.g.) if ( /(a)/ || /(b)/ ) { say $1; } is not a violation (CPAN RT#38942) - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitCommaSeparatedStatements now recognizes 'return { foo => 1, bar => 2 }' as containing a hash constructor, not a block; this was fixed by PPI 1.215 (CPAN RT#61301) - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitCommaSeparatedStatements now recognizes 'bless { foo => 1, bar => 2 }' as containing a hash constructor, not a block; this was fixed by PPI 1.215 (CPAN RT#64132) - bump PPI version requirement to 1.215 - BR/R: perl(Pod::Parser) - BR/R: optional modules perl(Readonly::XS), perl(Term::ANSIColor) >= 2.02 - BR: perl(Pod::Spell) >= 1 - BR: perl(Text::ParseWords) >= 3 - add runtime deps for optional modules perl(File::HomeDir), perl(File::Which) - drop redundant (for modern rpm) BuildRoot tag and buildroot cleaning - split Test::Perl::Critic::Policy off into its own package - add dependency on aspell for Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::PodSpelling - add version 1.889 requirement for perl(Email::Address) - add version 0.19 requirement for perl(List::MoreUtils) - add version 0.010 requirement for perl(PPIx::Regexp) - add version 1.001 requirement for perl(PPIx::Utilities::Statement) - add version 0.77 requirement for perl(version) - drop unused buildreq perl(Test::Spelling) - drop bogus buildreqs perl(lib) and perl(base) - add option for building with author tests enabled (--with authortests) - add patch with words not in Fedora dictionaries for spell check tests - split buildreqs into separate sections for build process, the module, the main test suite and the author tests- update to 1.113- rebuilt for update- rebuild to fix problems with vendorarch/lib (#661697)- update- mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- rebuild against perl 5.10.1- use the new filtering macros (verified that the resulting provides and requires are the same) - add version to perl(PPI) require (#541020)- new upstream version - update build requires- Rebuilt for "neaten" filtering - auto-update to 1.098 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01) - added a new br on perl(strict) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(Scalar::Util) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(File::Temp) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(Pod::Usage) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(File::Find) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(PPI::Token::Whitespace) (version 1.203) - added a new br on perl(charnames) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(PPI::Document::File) (version 1.203) - added a new br on perl(File::Spec::Unix) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(List::Util) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(lib) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(Getopt::Long) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(Exporter) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(Test::More) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(overload) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(base) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(version) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(Carp) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(warnings) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(PPI::Document) (version 1.203) - added a new br on perl(File::Basename) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(PPI::Token::Quote::Single) (version 1.203) - added a new br on perl(File::Spec) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(File::Path) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(Pod::PlainText) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(Pod::Select) (version 0) - added a new br on perl(PPI::Node) (version 1.203) - added a new br on perl(English) (version 0)- Rebuilt for update to 1.092- update to 1.082 - resolve BZ#431577 - add t/ examples/ extras/ tools/, and filter- Rebuild for perl 5.10 (again)- add missing BR: perl-Exception-Class- bump to 1.080- rebuild for new perl- Update to 1.053.- Update to 1.05.- Update to 1.03.- Bumping release (forgot to commit sources and .cvsignore changes).- Update to 1.01. - New build requirement: perl(Test::Memory::Cycle).- perl(Set::Scalar) is no longer required.- Update to 0.23. - New requirement: perl(B::Keywords). - Author tests coverage improved.- Enabled author tests. - BR perl(HomeDir).- Update to 0.22.- Update to 0.21. - New BR: perl(Set::Scalar).- First -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnutroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)directoryPerl5 module source textPRRRRRRRRRR R R R ?p7zXZ !#,K$] b2u Q{J?d&|]}1x c6+P㺹 ԁz`zፓC+aT"`;tXRoq'Er=޿ߛa-o'Az';}ګKra Kd8 ZowΦxБSm##n/Xkq^{#COD1Dei+e҈Ŋ TIpߏ%W!Wܾ {%Q#"ky11tK蒤{I$z[(!Nv7GE|\.QG>D8>/1 [-;0/nM"WR5q^zFa5~-8e8'vDjaҪ}|%34<#0 JVsFA  e vھ\\W[3bZ)+O:;RjTqPW583 fOtsr.O90G=Q,`XuA^BoHˊ`L/~ *}3kf;]e ElQ H zfe09zDuRF@q`>⛂YJ1Lw0"C1xN a?~ǧnD(B#=5q-d2k96GpO'qCMm1zVp' /GTAsoN{fXi¨7`F]wIc2-1$?VTm֯VߞqkâL;(M ܴl"Ǫr=h\>s:n]K䪨YRYmtM-Kͭ;)]hMOWvgϑ]`~<=\>&wR(N Ȇ Zt* iLѲBmfl;7siȵ{?YPRĥ6~+ϱz=C*`|?gL7f\{݄8eMO"0 FTp"V +U~=wt")˅T 6} +Wؽ`pxzgO54Ю7ZZO||A22p 4Y$Q=94v -SH."oPǮ2/ո}9X%+t4t[>e87rDKJC^lW -FG4X c9*s3E1mmL#9/ɳgs'빾&v5?FF^Czق֧||twO?9M[|70,.NqU{ы>e;8{PKda@dA667Ҭ_jv1voЛ )8ݒ󹳀91%%7|Bqj$LƄYįakv-W22²RhV!ض1/zT\n{BȤkÚTmHsGǩ">$wX9CZf5 _$;O ^DžJqU+Nã*n҈)dL@p  Z5{HhşcHb;|$n*60Y:n+P` @Xa~wgT(0ȋWyDCGeaGBQsLAͮ:r^3~oR3p$~9a)d7bV6X!@Go3M!!V?t>.~`N#Qo#dHڥ*~P^>^Z!6XmZz%bZ ^/F& LOFÎׯr93ULl}=c쭠AeMwa}6" U,1HaUyg5.)$t/ENl^=( 軫t @RF.h;`d ֟r;2f:uE@Z\kry^4`&qFE+F cJR~:chWAgt$Jf7Trj!d^6i W?10$S'&"g_ΌZBgƜDzp=yѾ9+Hg 4PP35"d!GxkEYW6Qy9Sz*q,ߥD2tor K'Mc (x `'+J> x||/7B6lD)ᮟmYS@_S ]'9]EFIH8g̏NQA-Υ9CDD&L`w}9}^jR#oY \EZŃ216S,p\Q̘e3E!A jc@s'aA9cdS)J =%J+5n2^ZlVg@TiqET>>Fq/qLNO%{T܎BhKFHjkP;l}+u.JYKZ.IIb^& >v) HJ1juv JWG'.]_ŵ,ظ(Ee Cra5*s@y£L1's{ 6Z 1jdpI)gpk֦˥nm:HnQ M|'+W{N/cp ,9|h/蜗Uz"+k=_n (5qL1mb`NAQVWt5%zx'xJ%o<ɽ Cݷt2uuj,T\_u,MNlPvȾ7r-HtTQ:R[^박<TkD(<ֿ~6Nj6U9sZ'hW$+Fdf:Q<+cDw0#wgbO3nyBA+li[AaQ}<f 5oխNi3*/aLA*b~:@ČS'j7Ln(O5<X^[3R'!W*9Kl lHodS\_n8EIU ti y~4٧h1ϿْiwiA%$r͒]ړq$n 쨢\djdbJGE eY‡GEgF")X¬E -_P۹[8ӹacV!7Yt銈?f_~5>eB ;jk1C@*z/^=G|aѳYu1-? *WFʻnWtZHE`aYЀ=p_&`gKj0qpsNˈ+JKqyK%liR꿡zP 50Ooy?1t]gDJp1$;߃4U8;syrPyo 2=~+/|;kq[~=._Lԟ(Ϧ6%1eHWmX4lhZq)cN%}MK1( (of`ơ"^oT2dcA4 ۔rA$Pڑ2VA '4|pl "Ǿi4 i9ܮQ* >CJ^@$J@d6LpgzX>s׮o;'`L ?}H| dkNSYƇT=tJ!JXt2 y;lw䪮 .km&hc!#9F->5y:BntjtIz:R,=ÐGJ&/D !+KՂĘl-_zccz"go}F.5.zi=lQp *v'/)':k)Re%J [A3|hi"@Z $e&DPA\I`J/J\%zڨr.3u!c%/31LpUR!RwḰ bi3S>0ӓQce5|[2(,{XB]3/uv 6Q vո`UՍci yG=|E)SܲlA1 Uڌ|b XMc\ס]}M@iԔ+' s`Pn/ ԌjҚTS;$o$5;@tN02bjU?e_3^٪9=OO;*?RN.,a<}^i?VGSU K[c,|8H;_łlL ʏd}p1w9k"Vٛ[6Fr˜t%zv(40_`5__V簲Kj/91ϿG^m]}&ʮ&X?%zd .fHIXt%6Hpu^>]Ϟkdͳߵ--ܹYgᓯ{ 1\B k8Oi N Pc,vLcy#>AIL 1L&(ΰk8-:[֪+k4FbS.V#L܁D`KZuH;x{Uzl")©H$f dKAb1'dUׯ{L+_r8IQ8r: |I@tB=0T6noh6!b ЗB= U([;)ş  29ѝ\DIz;p8L#<3`m/mw^hT*6sJ\-M;n#prȭU?Il˚* ,~*^Z KNb\$3\P0-mIP<{p:SGxB^D Ҡ`P&90|.Fkk4_Ƿ.yz;q8@ʗ2GV0: Nœij毿`vіt]e2?Wk)Z}` c"Hk$REX&[]? zJ JQ07)T!cA٫ iBGDqQ>/v0b<)pP<<6 (h dJennR~ atrt$1`f /u-y/T̆BS?Cg1w^Q@I`]-;'pLlRtv7WZHuv*W6=*SB%DiiYkf<"G^襳5xX~,EaQ Hd~p4uDꑕjT1CpFPqI<$KO[j\4F@[vb=ˆ*3 Mz/"lH!,jMH6qvqk dD8,fo\F53|F?Ef ie]%eIhhRz?-{ ^b Tkn"RtWyUZ6?qzl2jR)GAO,QӔHA*ܼ3MN1[tJj>ˉ_bwR@tUq([(E(U_~rY} !xbaKM_eӸAHHCp L u #: |˯/Q|O;ƁC | jYH>[?ʃ׺ǛM`'|qc<2K)LMեeM8p9TJAbxxuB)nJj?/ro .{Soo֫`}.UáneLy[Y.G| sOaE.2pK+cwq/N&>ɄAA>tl `F  X fQ"YqֆaIz0jE V*V*#))BW:vp' @2 .'io bM<1e# P>X:ke誧IA뜟QCWhqˎ2f}CRTS+H¶J,R6ƫ}D[T V<6վQ) pUHL0 F#A.-o 93u Q>OqGAs ޒDasYM;٤trzQv(U&mӁ+%t\J`cbL@ 謁c:ȔY:4~)k(  %pzy#-1Xd\*c޺>e8GAh/bI2y6_EBzbѓKfɗ&r:o֥$&.Up}p<%ZT,Yxr"F< ef5͵I=6UO#mu=:?&o]E!nwŏ|pVgygZz@ג a~;x U?lYuO{$rH4ϬyttJYb?=|3ŅIWڷE�`/2.X_cJMLTR/ CZ<۰6g߰ۓ/8ߎ;kyPN¶Μ\#1ZM6wnO6mexyCWI=Q YZ