pcp-pmda-summary-4.3.2-6.el7> H HtxHF^< ?*}}Fy~'j_ћGt>-njda!{WHM38a9745cf4fc960271311f00e52521526b7bfd62X 1)+J 4F^< ?*}}+l$yp*q#s#9Iao}o=|Qy>;U?Ud  T  ".=CJ 4  H  \        2 d|  ($8,q9 q:q?QGR HR, IRT XR`YRh\R ]R ^RbS$dSeSfSlStS uT vT0wU8 xU` yUUCpcp-pmda-summary4.3.26.el7Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) summary metrics from pmieThis package contains the PCP Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) for collecting metrics about other installed PMDAs.^sl7.fnal.govScientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPLv2+Scientific LinuxUnspecifiedhttps://pcp.iolinuxx86_64 if [ "$1" -eq 0 ] then if [ -f "/etc/pcp/pmcd/pmcd.conf" -a -f "/var/lib/pcp/pmdas/"summary"/domain.h" ] then (cd /var/lib/pcp/pmdas/"summary"/ && ./Remove >/dev/null 2>&1) fi fi ' >NxtA큤큤큤^@^^^^^^^W^^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-4.3.2-6.el7.src.rpmpcp-pmda-summarypcp-pmda-summary(x86-64) @@@@@@@@@@@@   @ /bin/sh/bin/shlibc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.15)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit)libpcp.so.3()(64bit)libpcp.so.3(PCP_3.0)(64bit)libpcp.so.3(PCP_3.21)(64bit)libpcp.so.3(PCP_3.22)(64bit)libpcp_pmda.so.3()(64bit)libpcp_pmda.so.3(PCP_PMDA_3.0)(64bit)pcppcp-libsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rtld(GNU_HASH)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)4.3.2-6.el74.3.2-6.el73.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.3]fl]^]M`@\!\[@[@[b@[(@[#@[[ZnZZo Z@Z@ZOY@YA%@Y]X@X @XX@W/@WW~D@Wc@W9@W#LVVT@VqR@V3[UYU@UL@U@U~@U.RTTPT@T@T7T|X@Tk4TSyT SvS@SS@Si@S@S@St@SM@S)S@SR@Rx@R@Rv:RsRa"R6R5@R0[@R-@QQ@Q@Q'@Qq1QIQP - 4.3.2-6Nathan Scott - 4.3.2-5Nathan Scott - 4.3.2-4Nathan Scott - 4.3.2-2Nathan Scott - 4.3.2-1Nathan Scott - 4.1.0-5Nathan Scott - 4.1.0-4Nathan Scott - 4.1.0-3Nathan Scott - 4.1.0-2Nathan Scott - 4.1.0-1Nathan Scott - 4.0.2-4Nathan Scott - 4.0.2-3Nathan Scott - 4.0.2-2Nathan Scott - 4.0.2-1Lukas Berk - 3.12.2-5Nathan Scott - 3.12.2-4Nathan Scott - 3.12.2-3Lukas Berk - 3.12.2-2Lukas Berk - 3.12.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.11.8-7Lukas Berk - 3.11.8-5Nathan Scott - 3.11.8-4Nathan Scott - 3.11.8-3Nathan Scott - 3.11.8-2Dave Brolley - 3.11.8-1Lukas Berk - 3.11.3-4Nathan Scott - 3.11.3-3Nathan Scott - 3.11.3-2Nathan Scott - 3.11.3-1Jitka Plesnikova - 3.11.2-2.1Lukas Berk - 3.11.2-1Dave Brolley - 3.11.1-1Mark Goodwin - 3.11.0-1Lukas Berk - 3.10.9-1Mark Goodwin - 3.10.8-1Nathan Scott - 3.10.7-1Kalev Lember - 3.10.6-2.1Lukas Berk - 3.10.6-2Nathan Scott - 3.10.6-1Mark Goodwin - 3.10.5-1Nathan Scott - 3.10.4-1Dave Brolley - 3.10.3-2Dave Brolley - 3.10.3-1Slavek Kabrda - 3.10.2-3Nathan Scott - 3.10.2-2Dave Brolley - 3.10.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.10.1-1Dave Brolley - 3.10.0-2Nathan Scott - 3.10.0-1Nathan Scott - 3.9.10-1Jitka Plesnikova - 3.9.9-1.2Fedora Release Engineering - 3.9.9-1.1Nathan Scott - 3.9.9-1Mark Goodwin - 3.9.7-1Dave Brolley - 3.9.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.9.4-1.1Nathan Scott - 3.9.4-1Dave Brolley - 3.9.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.9.1-1Nathan Scott - 3.9.0-2Nathan Scott - 3.9.0-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.12-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.10-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.9-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.8-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.6-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.5-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.4-2Nathan Scott - 3.8.4-1Stan Cox - 3.8.3-2Nathan Scott - 3.8.3-1Petr Pisar - 3.8.2-1.1Nathan Scott - 3.8.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.1-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.0-1Nathan Scott - 3.7.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.7.1-1Nathan Scott - 3.7.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.6.10-2.1Nathan Scott - 3.6.10-2Nathan Scott - 3.6.10-1Nathan Scott - 3.6.9-1Nathan Scott - 3.6.8-1Nathan Scott - 3.6.6-1.1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.6-1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.5-1Mark Goodwin Mark Goodwin Dan Hork - 3.6.3-1.1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.3-1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.2-1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.1-1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.11-2Mark Goodwin - 3.5.11-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.10-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.9-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.8-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.7-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.6-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.5-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.4.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.3.3-1Mark Goodwin - 3.3.2-1Mark Goodwin - 3.3.1-1Mark Goodwin - 3.3.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.1.2-1Mark Goodwin - 3.1.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.0.3-1Mark Goodwin - 3.0.2-1Martin Hicks - 3.0.1-2Mark Goodwin - 3.0.0-9- Improve libpcp corrupt archive handling in multi-archive mode (BZ 1673053)- Override tracefs_t presence in selinux-policy (BZ 1714856)- Fix a pmdaproc memory leak (BZ 1721107) - Rebuild with selinux runtime dependency update (BZ 1714101) - Update selinux-policy to latest upstream (BZs 1699830, 1700989)- Rework the pcp-libs ldconfig post-op (BZ 1705362) - Resolve a QA file permissions diagnostic issue- Numerous fixes in pmlogger daily scripts (BZs 1677848, 1697182, 1579881, 1603143) - Update PCP selinux policy rules (BZs 1692305, 1695066) - Adjust spec file /var/run/pcp settings (BZ 1533154) - Fix pmdaproc kernel process misreporting (BZ 1673250) - Fix pmdalinux SYSV IPC metric scalability (BZ 1699232) - Ensure pmdaroot reaps all of its children (BZ 1698517) - Corrections to python version dependencies (BZ 1676867) - Fix pcp-atopsar(1) -A (all) option handling (BZ 1673996) - Update to a more recent PCP bug fix release (BZ 1647308)- Missing values from short /proc/*/status file reads (BZ 1600262)- BPF kernel compatibility fixes (BZ 1597975) - Several important selinux fixes (BZ 1603596)- Enable transparent decompression in the build.- Enable pcp-pmda-bcc sub-package in the build.- Resolve MMV instance domain mishandling issue (BZ 1586051)- Clear zero-length pmlogger configuration files (BZ 1581109)- Resolve rpm verification problem on /var/run/pcp (BZ 1533154) - Fix device mapper PMDA histogram metrics sigsegv (BZ 1569854) - Fix pmlogger_daily log rotation open port issue (BZ 1579881)- Resolve multilib issue in installed header files - Add whitespace into ASL 2.0 license lines- Ensure sans font dependency resolved for webapps (BZ 1568109) - Ensure sans font dependency resolved for pmchart (BZ 1546640) - Update to latest PCP sources (BZ 1565370).- Correction to spec file and selinux policy (BZ 1488116) - Show all perfevent metrics in pcpatop (BZ 1525864) - Multilib corrections (BZ 1537623)- Correction to selinux.patch embedded spec file change- Update Source2 for external grafana webapp (BZ 1516933) - Remove an unhelpful log metadata diagnostic (BZ 1472153)- Selinux policy updates (BZs 1517655,1517656,1480447,1505888,1515928,1517281,1517862) - Multilib corrections (BZ 1513503)- Selinux policy updates (BZs 1459165,1460131,1488116,1447585,1449671) - PCP bash completions not working (BZ 1482605) - pmdabash man page fix (BZ 1459907)- Fix problems in the new pcp-zeroconf sub-package (BZ 1456609)- Removed pmdalibvirt dep for collector on aarch64 (BZ 1432007)- Enable collecting POWER9 NEST PMU perf metrics (BZ 1419490) - SELinux policy updates (BZs 1381301,1432086,1433271,1443632) - zeroconf package added (BZs 1211432, 1371950)- Rebuild with the correct (previous) version of Vector.- Drop pcp-pmda-nutcracker package, missing deps (BZ 1425880) - Incorporate several fixes from Coverity scan review.- Latest upstream PCP, dropping all earlier patches (BZ 1423020)- pcp-pmda-ds389log uses dirsrv user instead of nobody- Install the missing /etc/pcp/nssdb directory (BZ 1360206) - pcp-pmda-ds389 requires perl-LDAP dependency (BZ 1357605) - Switch pcp-pmda-ds389log to the dirsrv user (BZ 1357607) - pcp-pmda-ds389log requires perl-Date-Manip (BZ 1354055) - Remove multi-archive loglabel timezone check (BZ 1351223)- Export filesys metrics with persistent DM naming (BZ 1349932)- Fix memory leak in derived metrics error handling (BZ 1331973) - Correctly propogate indom in mixed derived metrics (BZ 1337212, BZ 1336130) - Disallow stopping pmie/pmlogger daemons from cron (BZ 1336792) - Fail fast for easily detected bad pmcd configuration (BZ 1336210) - Implement primary (local) pmie concept in rc pmie (BZ 1323851) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Negative nice values reported incorrectly (BZ 1328432) - Multithreaded clients with concurrent pmNewContext improvements (BZ 1325363) - PMCD agent auto-restart (BZ 1323521) - Segv in libpcp during discovery error processing (BZ 1319288) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Call Remove script when uninstalling individual PMDAs (BZ 1304722) - Restrict pmcd.services to checking known pcp services (BZ 1286361) - Support for multi-archive contexts, across all clients (BZ 1262723) - Remove the default shotgun approach to stopping daemons (BZ 1210976) - Add mechanism for automatic recovery from PMDA timeouts (BZ 1065803) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Significant speedups to elapsed time stopping pmcd (BZ 1292027) - Fix python derived metric exception handling issues (BZ 1299806) - incorrect interpolation across record in a merged archive (BZ 1296750) - pcp requires pcp-compat pulling in a lot of unneeded pcp-pmda-* packages (BZ 1293466) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Add -V/--version support to several more commands (BZ 1284411) - Resolve a pcp-iostat(1) transient device exception (BZ 1249572) - Provides pmdapipe, an output-capturing domain agent (BZ 1163413) - Python PMAPI pmSetMode allows None timeval parameter (BZ 1284417) - Python PMI pmiPutValue now supports singular metrics (BZ 1285371) - Fix python PMAPI pmRegisterDerived wrapper interface (BZ 1286733) - Fix pmstat SEGV when run with graphical time control (BZ 1287678) - Make pmNonOptionsFromList error message less cryptic (BZ 1287778) - Drop unimplemented pmdumptext options from usage, man page (BZ 1289909) - Stop creating configuration files in tmp_t locations (BZ 1256125) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update pmlogger to log an immediate sample first (BZ 1269921) - Add pmOption host and archive setter python APIs (BZ 1270176) - Replace old pmatop(1) man page with pcp-atop(1) (BZ 1270761) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolved pmchart sigsegv opening view without context (BZ 1256708) - Fixed pmchart memory corruption restoring Saved Hosts (BZ 1257009) - Fix perl PMDA API double-free on socket error path (BZ 1258862) - Fix python API pmGetOption(3) alignment interface (BZ 1262722) - Added missing RPM dependencies to several PMDA sub-packages. - Update to latest stable Vector release for pcp-vector-webapp. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Rebuilt for librpm soname bump- Fix SDT related build error (BZ 1250894)- Fix pcp2graphite write method invocation failure (BZ 1243123) - Reduce diagnostics in pmdaproc unknown state case (BZ 1224431) - Derived metrics via multiple files, directory expansion (BZ 1235556) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Provide and use non-exit(1)ing pmGetConfig(3) variant (BZ 1187588) - Resolve a pmdaproc.sh pmlogger restart regression (BZ 1229458) - Replacement of pmatop/pcp-atop(1) utility (BZ 1160811, BZ 1018575) - Reduced installation size for minimal applications (BZ 1182184) - Ensure pmlogger start scripts wait on pmcd startup (BZ 1185760) - Need to run pmcd at least once before pmval -L will work (BZ 185749)- Update to latest PCP, pcp-webjs and Vector sources. - Packaging improvements after re-review (BZ 1204467) - Start pmlogger/pmie independent of persistent state (BZ 1185755) - Fix cron error reports for disabled pmlogger service (BZ 1208699) - Incorporate Vector from Netflix (https://github.com/Netflix/vector) - Sub-packages for pcp-webjs allowing choice and reducing used space.- papi 5.4.1 rebuild- Update to latest PCP sources. - New sub-package for pcp-import-ganglia2pcp. - Python3 support, enabled by default in f22 onward (BZ 1194324)- Only use Python 3 in Fedora >= 23, more info at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1194324#c4- Initial changes to support python3 as default (BZ 1194324)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Improve pmdaInit diagnostics for DSO helptext (BZ 1182949) - Tighten up PMDA termination on pmcd stop (BZ 1180109) - Correct units for cgroup memory metrics (BZ 1180351) - Add the pcp2graphite(1) export script (BZ 1163986)- New conditionally-built pcp-pmda-perfevent sub-package. - Update to latest PCP sources.- papi 5.4.0 rebuild- Create new sub-packages for pcp-webjs and python3-pcp. - Fix __pmDiscoverServicesWithOptions(1) codes (BZ 1139529) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Convert PCP init scripts to systemd services (BZ 996438) - Fix pmlogsummary -S/-T time window reporting (BZ 1132476) - Resolve pmdumptext segfault with invalid host (BZ 1131779) - Fix signedness in some service discovery codes (BZ 1136166) - New conditionally-built pcp-pmda-papi sub-package. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Daemon signal handlers no longer use unsafe APIs (BZ 847343) - Handle /var/run setups on a temporary filesystem (BZ 656659) - Resolve pmlogcheck sigsegv for some archives (BZ 1077432) - Ensure pcp-gui-{testsuite,debuginfo} packages get replaced. - Revive support for EPEL5 builds, post pcp-gui merge. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Merged pcp-gui and pcp-doc packages into core PCP. - Allow for conditional libmicrohttpd builds in spec file. - Adopt slow-start capability in systemd PMDA (BZ 1073658) - Resolve pmcollectl network/disk mis-reporting (BZ 1097095) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Improve pmdarpm(1) concurrency complications (BZ 1044297) - Fix pmconfig(1) shell output string quoting (BZ 1085401) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Workaround further PowerPC/tapset-related build fallout.- Create new sub-packages for pcp-webapi and pcp-manager - Split configuration from pcp-libs into pcp-conf (multilib) - Fix pmdagluster to handle more volumes, fileops (BZ 1066544) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolves SNMP procfs file ICMP line parse issue (BZ 1055818) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Reduce set of exported symbols from DSO PMDAs (BZ 1025694) - Symbol-versioning for PCP shared libraries (BZ 1037771) - Fix pmcd/Avahi interaction with multiple ports (BZ 1035513) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources (simple build fixes only).- Update to latest PCP sources. - Rework pmpost test which confused virus checkers (BZ 1024850) - Tackle pmatop reporting issues via alternate metrics (BZ 998735)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Disable pcp-pmda-infiniband sub-package on RHEL5 (BZ 1016368)- Disable the pcp-pmda-infiniband sub-package on s390 platforms.- Very minor release containing mostly QA related changes. - Enables many more metrics to be logged for Linux hosts.- Disable pmcd.stp on el5 ppc.- Default to Unix domain socket (authenticated) local connections. - Introduces new pcp-pmda-infiniband sub-package. - Disable systemtap-sdt-devel usage on ppc.- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Update to latest PCP sources. - Integrate gluster related stats with PCP (BZ 969348) - Fix for iostat2pcp not parsing iostat output (BZ 981545) - Start pmlogger with usable config by default (BZ 953759) - Fix pmatop failing to start, gives stacktrace (BZ 963085)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Fix log import silently dropping >1024 metrics (BZ 968210) - Move some commonly used tools on the usual PATH (BZ 967709) - Improve pmatop handling of missing proc metrics (BZ 963085) - Stop out-of-order records corrupting import logs (BZ 958745)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Validate metric names passed into pmiAddMetric (BZ 958019) - Install log directories with correct ownership (BZ 960858)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Ensure root namespace exists at the end of install (BZ 952977)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Migrate all tempfiles correctly to the new tempdir hierarchy.- Update to latest PCP sources. - Migrate all configuration files below the /etc/pcp hierarchy.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild- Ensure tmpfile directories created in %files section. - Resolve tmpfile create/teardown race conditions.- Update to latest PCP sources. - Resolve tmpfile security flaws: CVE-2012-5530 - Introduces new "pcp" user account for all daemons to use.- Update to latest PCP sources. - Fix pmcd sigsegv in NUMA/CPU indom setup (BZ 858384) - Fix sar2pcp uninitialised perl variable warning (BZ 859117) - Fix pcp.py and pmcollectl with older python versions (BZ 852234)- Update to latest PCP sources.- Move configure step from prep to build section of spec (BZ 854128)- Update to latest PCP sources, see installed CHANGELOG for details. - Introduces new python-pcp and pcp-testsuite sub-packages.- Update to latest PCP sources, see installed CHANGELOG for details. - Fix security flaws: CVE-2012-3418 CVE-2012-3419 CVE-2012-3420 and CVE-2012-3421 (BZ 848629)- pmcd and pmlogger services are not supposed to be enabled by default (BZ 840763) - 3.6.3-1.3- remove pcp-import-sheet2pcp subpackage due to missing deps (BZ 830923) - 3.6.3-1.2- fix build on s390x- Update to latest PCP sources- Update to latest PCP sources- Update to latest PCP sources- use %configure macro for correct libdir logic - update to latest PCP sources- patched configure.in for libdir=/usr/lib64 on ppc64- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- BuildRequires: initscripts for %{_vendor} == redhat.- BuildRequires: initscripts for FC12.- Added sysfs.kernel metrics, rebased to minor community release.- Remove IB dependencies. The Infiniband PMDA is being moved to a stand-alone package. - Move cluster PMDA to a stand-alone package.- This is the initial import for Fedora - See 3.0.0 details in CHANGELOG/bin/sh 4.3.2-6.el74.3.2-6.el7summaryInstallREADMERemovedomain.hexpr.pmiehelppmdasummarypmnsroot/var/lib/pcp/pmdas//var/lib/pcp/pmdas/summary/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz9x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executableASCII textELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=5c52cb0175008b6b3f712e6ac82ef67ceb62a65b, strippedC source, ASCII text RRR RRRRR R RR RRR?P7zXZ !X/k] crt:bLL'byoa4kz>7Մ'IQBAҪ JĖ@ׅ0S_0 Qhe>`.Q^ܛ+A>;؍ sJbhX/s직wZQu`:"[ W\ؓ!VK.Γ9gq8-Wۯ0|(-G^+sA8 ]̖;VaTT=;1-ͥP"-@e-\*=tgthcP[HLɩ-ο+1'NAeA&>_tϥf1la#r S%gĦ {Yٜ$w A s8G8yc60!wO@0~#~]@|"f9Roqg6(a Qs1j+`!%/ž$&g8\gI4aF(IzGr'}u7=7!{@;[3D{!:bFk\ɕK3B6֟ bHӹy~9Z `򥳡n yuqFy-u'B-\ Kùt:H"$N$u9wJڸ=(N}!Cha[P)D[[ƒd-koÆbZx! 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