yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves-1.1.30-6.el6> H HtxHFM׶ ?*}}5DbP"EXq?:4a242jPV231851eed8a08b1501c3803de6ab5ad7f16fe3a8KHa֍/71gWQFM׶ ?*}}yx 5tAFV]9(DѯcTk#5n>>?d ' - }48LPary     $ j pXx?(849|4:F4BGH0IHXPY\Z[\]^5bdefltuvwPxhCyum-plugin-remove-with-leaves1.1.306.el6Yum plugin to remove dependencies which are no longer used because of a removalThis plugin removes any unused dependencies that were brought in by an install but would not normally be removed. It helps to keep a system clean of unused libraries and packages.M2spacewalk.fnal.goviScientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPLv2+Scientific LinuxSystem Environment/Basehttp://yum.baseurl.org/download/yum-utils/linuxnoarch7 F8A큤M2M2M2M2M2M.c32f90060cd093419bf8cd0465a346925f1742e514c4a7b3ee379ee1266b2210d2b816a2d767dbe37c858c879d9c6573614508c29a20bbe13fcbf06b93b4969cf78a159dea10ac16927928c14795743a18c1dbabc0eb2233a7a447a9d133bec2f78a159dea10ac16927928c14795743a18c1dbabc0eb2233a7a447a9d133bec21b2a567f289f66a143c56353e7b3d4fa5862514a5e3c5cfdf8b02ee5e5aaa953rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootyum-utils-1.1.30-6.el6.src.rpmconfig(yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves)yum-remove-with-leavesyum-plugin-remove-with-leaves      config(yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(VersionedDependencies)yumrpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1.1.30-6.el63.0.4-14.6.0-14.0.4-14.0-13.0.3- @K$@KɢKrKbK`*KG@KJJa@JlJ@J^@J@JMII@IxI2I1IHI?@IP@I@HӔ@H@HHAH@HH4H4H4G@G@G@G@G߮GE@G@G GfG@G|@James Antill - 1.1.30-6James Antill - 1.1.30-5James Antill - 1.1.30-4James Antill - 1.1.30-3James Antill - 1.1.30-2James Antill - 1.1.30-1James Antill - 1.1.26-11James Antill - 1.1.26-10James Antill - 1.1.26-9James Antill - 1.1.26-8James Antill - 1.1.26-7Tim Lauridsen James Antill - 1.1.24-4Tim Lauridsen James Antill - 1.1.24-3Dennis Gregorovic - 1.1.24-2.1Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen Seth Vidal Seth Vidal Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen Seth Vidal Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen James Antill Tim Lauridsen Seth Vidal Tim Lauridsen Seth Vidal Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen Seth Vidal Tim Lauridsen James Antill Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen James Antill James Antill Tim Lauridsen Tim Lauridsen Shawn Starr James Antill James Antill James Antill Tim Lauridsen Seth Vidal Tim Lauridsen - Fix yum-config-manager repo file saving error when in repo id is $basearch - Resolves: rhbz#679098- Fix typo in the FS snapshot patch. - Resolves: rhbz#669178- Fix typo in the FS snapshot patch. - Resolves: rhbz#669178 - yumdownloader man page do not mention --archlist option - Resolves: rhbz#616408 - Resolves: rhbz#659497- Make FS snapshot fail, if the lvm snapshot fails. - Resolves: rhbz#659497 - Resolves: rhbz#669178- Fix aliases rebase to upstream 1.1.30. - Resolves: rhbz#659497 - Resolves: rhzb#674584- Rebase to upstream 1.1.30 for bugfixes and new features. - Resolves: rhbz#659497 - Some of the changes included in the above are: - yum-plugin-verify reports small changes in mtime - Resolves: rhbz#604529 - yumdownloader man page do not mention --archlist option - Resolves: rhbz#616408 - deprecation warning messages in repomanage - Resolves: rhbz#620652 - tsflags plugin is using deprecated function setConfigOption - Resolves: rhbz#627533 - yum-debug-dump saves the output to a wrong file - Resolves: rhbz#641837 - Update the "security" plugin for the new updateinfo data - Resolves: rhbz#662790- Fix minor return code bugs in updateonboot initscript. - Resolves: rhbz#536770- Don't traceback when repomanage is given a bad path. - Resolves: rhbz#587288- Add yum-config-manager - Resolves: rhbz#536911- Fix versionlock with follow_obsoletes=true - Resolves: rhbz#592206 - Fix repodiff - Resolves: rhbz#592943- Get lots of fixes from latest HEAD. Also: - --alldeps default in repoquery. - repoquery will now do a full provides version check. - Add repoclosure --group. - Big repodiff speedup. - Resolves: rhbz#576705- mark as 1.1.26- Remove refresh-updatesd - Resolves: rhbz#543948- mark as 1.1.25 - add touch /etc/yum.repos.d/_local.repo to install section - this need for for the ghost in files section of yum-plugin-local- Get the latest yum-utils from git. Lots of fixes. Incl. - Resolves: rhbz#523574- Rebuilt for RHEL 6- remove basearchonly since all versions of yum for quite some time obsolete it - truncate changelog to last 2 years- mark as 1.1.24- add needs-restarting- add python compileall to all plugins so we get .pyc/.pyo files in them - fixes https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=493174- mark as 1.1.23- mark as 1.1.22- add show-leaves plugin from Ville Skyttä- mark as 1.1.21- set yum require to 3.2.21 (the 3.2.21 in rawhide is patched to yum head, so it matches the need yum 3.2.22 code) - Added versioned Provides: yum- to make rpm/yum happy. - yum-updateonboot is not renamed and dont need Obsoletes/Conflicts/Provides- mark as 1.1.20 - rename plugins from yum-name to yum-plugin-name- Remove yum-kernel-module & yum-fedorakmod plugins (no obsoleting yet) - Remove yum-skip-broken plugin leftovers- add auto-update-debuginfo plugin- mark as 1.1.19- add find-repos-of-install from James' stash of misc stuff- mark as 1.1.18- add rpm-warm-cache plugin- removed skip-broken plugin- mark as 1.1.17- add yum-remove-with-leaves plugin- mark as 1.1.16- add yum-groups-manager- mark as 1.1.15- add verifytreeMake yum-fastestmirror %files handle the fastestmirror-asyncore.py file- mark as 1.1.14- Add keys plugin- Add yum-aliases man page- mark as 1.1.13- mark as 1.1.12- Add yum-utils.1 manual page - Rename yum-complete-transaction manual page to 8 - Move yum-complete-transaction to /usr/sbin- Add verify plugin- Add empty versionlock file- Add filter-data plugin- mark as 1.1.11- add repodiff- mark as 1.1.10yum-remove-with-leaves      1.1.30-6.el61.1.30-6.el61.1.30-6.el61.1.20-0remove-with-leaves.confremove-with-leaves.pyremove-with-leaves.pycremove-with-leaves.pyoyum-plugin-remove-with-leaves-1.1.30COPYING/etc/yum/pluginconf.d//usr/lib/yum-plugins//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves-1.1.30/-O2cpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textPython script text executabledirectorypython 2.6 byte-compiled? 7zXZ !PH6n'i] b2p#WGJnY߇7z|7l0p~xe)О<4Bn7;yTĮ\p;t}Dj뒹Rf1̈́+k䙑WBmCzc?u$X/A~;z1x$s~F~Ov8􏚕lE8Lp N1|UbMu0#ɑAAtjm?B.6ul@W'8S3)1Kr`ώ:4;hֻ(<{:i+cz_؇oFb@Nv]2W^G`WHFd滊d>4♠m`ć1G`bq)Ŵ!E=.`Y akFq,X uzڃz'$%|,&h@O%KTen']6ji:>jDxߜ YfÆaA~Szڈz  ɣW,Ռ1a= %-]2돢 'Ɛnw^J*;tįBp;Ljmc"39%_'>ųI>O">X!)F7<^ĸK}7gO5vsOO֝R"`l).2b0I닗X2p9ٜG5`,9.tTFg;jjٻ< PqDi `R7Rʘ ӼScGpQ`m]8n |e0mOc^.5Aw a'?du_-O-)bV:ÆQV[#oCQ?&_ǢII{D,"T#_̩{~)LCq=/b5,C+RۀP_/~fE)B"y[G^8&h$ Pܖ#y^baP's{3j< p:~= \tf񥇑i3 qF*$m}r%&SA[ mtGϩU=.O4bNWp76c1 mxTv-(0T 󾋐<hQ@ݶ#I_$ӗ^VckRZlEY >\ ":]2"^>{ ș!HƧ-' #YD7{& ejZ8D A,q0OX6lQ*%CI-n5Xv[L,VvhQkpXمpP|ԬPj4ٝ% ;[AZTb%\zjFBPchZ/dSq҄4eSDo݊LB6珬~pC0q.^1Q%Ǧcr_8.>hb͔SpZpu{yc[WCԕN <% \9 LJB ]ҏeg' '!e[Ɠ3EX{ނ"rjO9>DWiW;[ ,<kFC/׹^ 5cA'`"; б%4oΙk[%p=#8]}-g=RHŴ46mgZWVQbO6=pRT-i=YDfaƀh1/Y\]F@ڧpʇ3< ^8:Xadi2&a+X3$0է_@b` gzp}r_\4stcszz= r9&NCyhC %hK5j\Ѐ& K Zy.^Z`"lOo› L.ZpV"nGYceUV~16.EjS@ X]&Ǎ|)QL&z#)Һ-M-qNXV v/"AvX⏦ײ6y+)G*q߭O^9d:t5g'1)K"[y@y c(\'i(3 p*@-(hBnݗ ýժiQ'ȰlZ %|LJYpcw1Nlmg K5qٲgd_P`>l|;_@}ڃze{2&d x ~hjqg97mmw3hc'oNIό)vCOp~ Øȹ|W'{c?f!>numGʁho(G9ɖh ZB.Qː{I )`ƂBBy=s ry{;lMQ=Lә뮩 ;AH! =8 X偫s:&gJJDK-u 8wcRf`wFCBae0$[XsMxƝs3UCŕ?p w\oDmXGapd3!%t'0FW;h  W=$R/3g=w+6qXf>$serJ  :P]T)b7mgAJu"^e vK`Eze <( U_DGfH kݳ"C\U_D ]شd*Hb+ J;?%K78X f_zDA&8;hȸ$KdyDo5-Y(&|^:Y/ }|YeE&*"7HpH QRf: 6ߔa󏷫ǜXY T=>r^}G v-]EL^|NWw5_ʯ;aS۾sص8mNY=ҺQDT|OȮrĔ\:<&TM^,P-W̚@-IFؐ%w=T!}*^dX[`7@Yc?BVtS!g4ԫ3r|}zdmiJ} *7~lÅ25@N+>DWo 7ikGFS8Vgt2f q+irNw9b?F$cERMHi".ENw5KհFij'M144WVxd _CAfnu9PUPׯZn[꘣i:`t (oF_0;Tk_T$UAɒDŽ^2$hؖP0؁پ)ˑ۲x%`|V-j[viZZ-B ؁^ m^r)>76cQ9u]Hipujo2.sH?n'I+.>y|Qĸ^\%[+(Yj0;Nj\ݹ;B:/Sw <>Z!ud_y"HK1vٲ:eʪ6$dx(8wr5f v$9A9'4MC=BS2c{,A*}:C#zb7b@(JY,\Hy\0qMdKV+PAfl07y~3 x<ͦZo˜ YGFХ_˖Pca8roH8x,S]_ }eAZ+O`tQ1㿴I+K_>Ϲ댞eiCeN>C6}v~@nȒmidT0JCb k0'xNGui|kgݬ?Raz݁cYh mKoF Œ Qt)]25Z GY 0qg#y\5[q2SeI r|&$*7j#=47PZq~͜gA$K3e8tF!}{I#׷^$ϣnTA@2hՐS_KuBǠXyjK덴7hq$_ިvIZ1N?$,:ЌpY܂\_J]2Á꽊ǭ>okc܊J b4^G/Qb:h{n Md_h ùQD1yMR_2~+!!Ĩz:/El-G9m{%b횊pGk"aJ 8 GLjŝ͠eEAIs{A;51[tH$"0Uab]g -n֫J}IY3dAEo"1+d5<4KJMa8%Lzz3RDŽ=4Z #h +x)5\AAhM˱/cr@fk-#9Pf>ص!I%l8m deo$l/+6AR&A瞝^p'_{ JCa?eS98)58|,$?#„g)JXdx-1fѺ#7hcSg<)q}f6f[ Ds` Z/juػ os Ӎ:'#w⥻c$+|qzhO6qB>KgH[Q:U`P)Rtdi .FˇCW|ꆌ d#˴ 9g"0Qs9~>Y3_D@H!)V.ᶪ5yg ccf=^ ^EjŁxŝ0q[Bwp̠Pq-- 54=3|fiQ){I=R5=dqg,3;\{V?S݂ Kb0詶*hjsX(Ed8 .Yӭ=V -r20p'Ċw·cbZA `;$ qip66GK%en5zwSD'pNܲ YѢ13YʵWph Z|ׄ9h`zɠMGm;˪:^Zͣ `VLPJӕt?wWY+4$bSxI^g7 NK~}{g#=WtRynҘLF8[a'ӀCVcUt9ʪ\e0z %W?~5Eb #{](Y]7yM3gA6ehu|gPhk<{?)TUXTu:GDb- 8+"/9/Klb> b«Ast]iu\QV]FEbS7fӢ'hMmY˺Y9<ހWQ;nM'pB MtݮhP۬ŝK[BLT)1xJLZQKplN'>ez}"c/\e92s{ھo!3J #βl7HSp |WYbk 6lu8pR`:)P|AJ^NQ11|=,w^hcCƁ¬u4,@MH4n}3@tMgc9UomyAp:[!& :;}uB: cqK؁vB\n_1sW#9zvYlM F_-Ϧ+Re ԷopU~pk^"@]|p? 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