system-config-printer-udev-1.1.16-17.el6> H HtxHFL0 ?*}}QcOW #C[J[FAj8^i8Kf2e3f314ad349739596319090cde3712464d49ed@v.S=a2ߛFL0 ?*}}\ownU~F8atG)loaëײbS+v><,?d$ + f RX`t ~    0n(89 :.BGH$I8X@YPZ[\]^bGdefltuv wxy Csystem-config-printer-udev1.1.1617.el6Rules for udev for automatic configuration of USB printersThe udev rules and helper programs for automatically configuring USB printers.Llspacewalk.fnal.govs|Scientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPLv2+KojiSystem Environment/Base큤LlLlLlLlLlfcaffaf2d2583233f6e4e4a8658f2a713e25d4229914823c33563ecad875b79c39803e53dc413b8d01dd5f45b895810b6321d7c4cbd57de48fc5b687bcd95097946d7040ebdf0d32bad1f3d3826f7b3fea1b4c0a2e859bd216ca798a5455302ee3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootsystem-config-printer-1.1.16-17.el6.src.rpmconfig(system-config-printer-udev)hal-cups-utilssystem-config-printer-udevsystem-config-printer-udev(x86-64)@@@@@@@@    @ /usr/bin/pythonconfig(system-config-printer-udev)>@L+1L#HL L @KKKKO@KO@Kf@KjKXAKLd@KEK3WK+nK&(K@K?K@K@K@KK@KmK y@J@J@J@JJ@JJ2@J@Jv@J0@J@JJJu@J#J#J@J:J@JQJQJ@J|@Jx"JrJmJlE@Ji@JhPJf@JQ@JMJCfJB@J:,@J @I@I@IzIJIV@II2I@I@IIl@Il@IIwII1Io%@IeIL@IKIKIKIHIBR@I?@I9I3I&I@H@H~@H,H@H@H8@H@H@H6@HHH@H@HH)HuHsVHhH[HNlHM@HG@HG@HE2@H>H;H6H6H2@H2@H0@H-w@GGG]@G΋@G@GGG8G@G@G,@GGjY@GfdGLGEo@GDGAzG'GV@GG@G2F@F@F@F@FF=@Fֱ@FF@FS@F@FF@F#@FF@Fr@FiDF]g@FR@F#e@FF@F@F F @FF@E)EE@E@E@EѨ@Eb@Eɿ@E@ElEx@E2@EEI@Ew@E}H@Ex@Ex@EnEb@Eb@EYEX^@ETiEPu@EIEG:E>@E @E E E@D}DC@DeDq@D@DĶ@D@DLDDD@DDDD@D@DDbD~D~D}@Dx?@DvDu@Dhm@D[>@D[>@DYDRDH@DGwD@@D>=@D - 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Always use close_fds=True in subprocess.Popen calls (bug #590065). - cups-pk-helper support: FileGet requires a file it can write to (bug #592343). - Initialise auto_make to the empty string (bug #592346).- Escape messages in the error dialog, they may contain markup (bug #592352).- Import modules we catch exceptions from (bug #574131). - Fixed reconnection error handling in IPPAuthOperation class (bug #575798). - Initialize downloadable_drivers when OpenPrinting query fails (bug #575916). - Fixed race condition in asyncipp (bug #576934). - Fixed possible traceback in the SMB handling part of (bug #579864).- Fixed pycups to be more cautious when removing the Connection object from the list (bug #571451). - No longer requires usermode (bug #572138). - Fixed jobviewer traceback when closing not yes shown notification (bug #572142). - Treat hpcups-requiring-plugin as 3rd party proprietary (bug #572143).- Allow IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR when fetching PPD for empty class (bug #569488).- Added comments to all sources and patches. - Ship COPYING files.- Avoid crash filling makes list when no make detected (bug #562641). - Avoid clearing device settings when adding printer (bug #564001). - Catch RuntimeError in when cupsGetPPD2 fails (bug #567226).- Fixed async fallback again (bug #558551). - Fixed statereason localization for raw queues (bug #558552). - Only add current device to list when all devices found (bug #558553). - Better error handling when renaming a printer (bug #561401).- Clean up temporary files when localizing statereason (bug #556548). - Make sure serial device widgets are always initialized (bug #556514). - Handle errors more gracefully in (bug #556521). - Don't rely on cups-pk-helper being around (bug #556512). - Avoid traceback when checking on connecting backends (bug #556524).- Fixed traceback introduced in recent fix (bug #554376). - Fixed traceback when copying printer with certain job options set (bug #554329).- Fixed crash when using keyring for auth without password (bug #553162). - Make sure there are enough ink level values (bug #553310). - Make sure the printer we added still exists before selecting it (bug #552311). - Set notification timeouts appropriately (bug #552312). - Avoid traceback in NewPrinterGUI.init (bug #552313). - Avoid traceback in on_jobviewer_exit (bug #552314). - Use %global instead of %define.- Prefer foomatic-recommended drivers (bug #550113). - Pre-select correct driver when adding or changing a queue (bug #550098). - Fixed typo (bug #550097). - Updated pycups to 1.9.47 (bug #549779). - 1.1.16: - Prevent traceback in found_network_printer_callback (bug #549783). - Use asynchronous connection class for fetching device lists (bug #549768). - Prefer Foomatic/hpijs to hpcups for the time being (bug #547346. - Clear device screen each time a new dialog is presented. - Constraints handling fix. - Ignore state reason.- Prevent traceback when no downloadable driver selected (#548715).- Prevent traceback when cancel button in troubleshooter pressed (#547442).- Fixed jobviewer traceback with short-lived state reasons (bug #545733).- Fixed traceback with short lpd device URIs (bug #545397).- Fixed traceback when troubleshooter operation is cancelled (bug #544356).- Fixed cupsd.conf parsing when lines begin with blanks (bug #544003). - Don't overwrite BrowsePoll settings in basic settings dialog (bug #543986).- Handle RuntimeError when localizing state reason (bug #543937).- 1.1.15: - Fixed traceback introduced by fix to bug #541882.- 1.1.14: - Retry when reconnection fails (bug #541741). - Prevent traceback with bad marker-levels attribute (bug #541882).- Prevent display of marker levels from making the properties dialog too big (bug #540826). - Place the window in the middle of the screen (bug #539876). - Fixed editability of PPD options for explicit IPP queues (bug #541588).- Prevent traceback when PackageKit is not installed (bug #540230).- Suggest installing foomatic-db-ppds when appropriate (bug #536831).- Release bump.- Fail gracefully if the new printer has disappeared before the user has responded to the test page prompt (bug #533109).- Fixed typo in de.po (bug #532371).- Avoid traceback in IPP notification handlers (bug #530641). - Avoid epydoc dependency.- Added upstream patch for custom state reasons (bug #531872). - Strip 'zjs' from make-and-model as well (bug #531869).- Troubleshoot: connect to the right server when choosing a network queue (bug #531482). - Strip 'zxs' and 'pcl3' from make-and-model (bug #531048). - Fixed visibility tracking for jobs window (bug #531438). - Don't display properties dialog for first test page (bug #531490). - Determine make/model for network printers (bug #524321). - Auto-select the correct driver entry for raw queues. - Avoid traceback in - Let Return key activate the Find button for Find Network Printer.- Fixed missing import in probe_printer module. - Fixed race when fetching device list (bug #521110).- Iconify jobs window into status icon. - Avoid showing the publish-printers dialog when not necessary. - Fixed traceback when cancelling change-driver dialog. - Fixed data button state.- 1.1.13: - Translation updates (bug #522451).- Further speed improvement when fetching devices.- Speed improvement when fetching devices. - Allow raw devices to be changed.- Fixed PPD/IPP string translation. - Fixed proxy authentication.- Ported to polkit-1.- Handle icon load failure gracefully. - Fixed statereason icon names.- Fixed traceback in on_tvNPDeviceURIs_cursor_changed (bug #519367).- 1.1.12: - Troubleshooting fix. - Fixed applet traceback when printing test page. - Removed completed job notifications (trac #181). - Show printer status in printer icons (bug #518020). - Use paused icon when printer state reason is 'paused'. - Driver preference order fixes. - Job status icon and state reason display in jobs list (bug #518070). - Fixed overactive job creation times update timer. - Use preferred D-Bus object path for AuthenticationAgent (bug #518427). - Fixed disabling a printer when PolicyKit call fails. - Set appropriate status icon tooltip when configuration printer (bug #518007). - Use separate thread for verifying IPP queue (bug #518065). - Use newer tooltip API to avoid deprecation warnings. - Compare MFG/MDL case-insensitively in udev rule. - Support for cups-pk-helper's DevicesGet method. - Don't attempt to use PolicyKit if running as root. - Support for localized marker names (trac #183). - Other small fixes.- Applied patch from 1.1.x (52a73b6). - Better printer icons representing status (bug #518020). - Use paused ico nwhen printer state reason is 'paused'. - Job status icon and state reason in jobs treeview (bug #518070). - Job creation times display fixes. - Use preferred object path for AuthenticationAgent (bug #518427).- Applied patch from 1.1.x (3f45e96): - Show a 'paused' emblem for rejecting/disabled printers (bug #518020). - Set appropriate tooltip when configuring printer (bug #518007). - Use separate thread for verifying IPP queue (part of bug #518065). - Better driver preference order (bug #518045).- Compare MFG and MDL fields case insensitively when adding automatic queues, because HPLIP provides them with different case than the actual devices do. Upstream HPLIP bug: Own /var/run/udev-configure-printer.- Updated cupspk DevicesGet call for accepted API.- 1.1.11: - Several udev-configure-printer fixes. - Use case-insensitive PPD matching. - Better URI validity testing. - Another stale printer status icon fix. - Notice when jobs stop due to backend errors. - Warn about job history when renaming printers. - Small UI improvements.- Dropped foomatic dependency from libs package.- Sync with 1.1.x. - Added patch for cupspk DevicesGet method call.- Drop no-longer-used python-sexy dep- Split out D-Bus service for udev helper. Build requires dbus-glib-devel.- Removed gnome-packagekit dependency. The presence of gpk-install-package-name is detected at run-time, and the program acts accordingly.- Applied some udev-configure-printer fixes from upstream.- 1.1.10: - New udev rules for adding/enabling/disabling USB printers automatically. - Now uses gnome-packagekit utility to install packages instead of the D-Bus API. - Fixed detection of stopped jobs with CUPS 1.4. - Fixed tracebacks when adding a new printer and when receiving IPP notifications. - Fixed 'location' field for printers added on remote CUPS servers. - Fixed handling of incorrect authentication. - Some UI and troubleshooter fixes have been made.- Requires gnome-packagekit for gpk-install-package-name.- Use gpk-install-package-name instead of trying to use the D-Bus API. - Spot stopped jobs with CUPS 1.4 as well (trac #177). This, along with the previous fix, addresses bug #509177. - Map gutenprint filenames to the package name. - Fixed sensitivity of class member selection arrows (bug #508653).- Use correct 'location' field for printers added remotely. - Parse nmblookup failures correctly in troubleshooter. - Prevent traceback on IPP notification after properties dialog cancelled. - Fixed handling of incorrect authentication when not using PolicyKit (bug #508102).- Make sure we find https URIs from https backend (bug #507628). - Avoid showing a non-fatal exception when adding an IPP printer (bug #507629). - Fixed traceback when adding/modifying printer which could lead to display bugs (bug #507489).- Updated pycups to 1.9.46. - Updated to 1.1.8: - Select a printer after adding it (trac #145). - Make sure the job and printer context menus cannot get out of date (trac #175, trac #172). - Fixed displayed hold time for held jobs. - Use grey ink-drop when there is no marker-colors value instead of crashing (bug #505399). - Scroll job list window to new job when appropriate. - Clean up temporary PPD files (bug #498743). - Fixed XML crash (Ubuntu #370469). - Fixed automatic printer model selection. - Fixed cupspk crash due to missing debugprint import (bug #496722, trac #161). - Fixed PhysicalDevice crash (bug #496722, trac #161). - Adjusted border padding for New Printer window (bug #493862). - Set glade's textdomain in the job viewer (Ubuntu #341765). - Fixed URI parsing when verifying IPP URIs. - Set relaxed PPD conformance (trac #159). - Make troubleshooter work again by disabling cupspk for it.- Changed requirement on notification-daemon to desktop-notification-daemon to allow for other implementations (bug #500587).- Moved them back again, as they are not part of the exported interface (bug #496808).- Move files required by system-config-printer-kde to -libs (#496646)- Requires dbus-python (bug #495392). - Updated to 1.1.7: - Updated translations. - Don't abort if the jobviewer couldn't show a notification. - Don't use setlocale() for locale-independent case conversion. - Don't assume the notification daemon can show action buttons. - Use case-insensitive matching for model names. - HPLIP compatibility fixes. - Fixed typo in jobviewer keyring support (Ubuntu #343156). - Added support for https device URIs (bug #478677). - Prevent traceback in monitor when connection failed (Ubuntu #343387).- No longer requires gnome-python2-gnome. - Updated to 1.1.6: - Translatable string fix for authconn. - Romanian allow/deny translation fix (bug #489748). - Set glade's textdomain in the jobviewer (Ubuntu #341765).- Added patch for changes in 1.1.x since 1.1.5: - Strip " hpijs" from PPD names. - Handle there being no operation name set when authentication/retry is required. - Mark "Unauthorized" PolicyKit dialog strings for translation, and change that dialog to an error. - Work around marker-* attributes not being presented as lists (bug #489512). - D-Bus policy tweak. - Better PPD fallback searching. - Fixed model search oddity when no digits in model name. - Fixed locale save/restore in cupshelpers (bug #489313). - Use gtk.show_uri() instead of gnome.url_show() (trac #147). - Removed HPLIP probe screen (no longer needed). - Be certain of having the right cell when starting a rename (Ubuntu #333260). - Fixed strftime call (Ubuntu #334859). - Check dict before use when handling auth-info-required. - Handle timed operations being cancelled in the troubleshooter test print page (Ubuntu #325084). - Put pycups version requirement in monitor module.- 1.1.5.- Rebuilt for Updated from git: - Prevent traceback when adding new printer (bug #486587).- 1.1.4: - Skip model selection screen when adding a new printer for which we know the exact model. - Better integration for HPLIP hp and hpfax queues. - Work around HPLIP option parsing bug. - Pre-select the current device correctly. - Better descriptions for types of available connection. - Perform lowercase operations in a locale-independent manner (trac #151).- Updated from git: - Avoid tracebacks in main application (bug #484130) and job viewer. - Avoid unnecessary modal dialog when adding printer (bug #484960). - Don't use notification when authentication is required, just display the dialog.- Updated from git: - Better make/model discovery for multiple devices (bug #484130).- Updated from git: - Handle D-Bus failures when querying Jockey (bug #484402). - Set operation when fetching PPD from server (bug #484130). - Don't allow prompting when updating the UI for a server failure (bug #484130). - Fixed printing a test page from the applet (bug #484130).- Requires libxml2-python.- Ship the missing cupspk file (bug #484461).- Added in cups-pk-helper support from upstream.- Requires python-sexy. - 1.1.3.- 1.1.2. - Requires gnome-python2-gnomekeyring.- Updated pycups to 1.9.45.- 1.1.1.- 1.1.0.- Updated patch for 1.0.x changes: - Fixed stub scripts (bug #477107).- Updated patch for 1.0.x changes: - Look harder for locale/page size issues in the troubleshooter (trac #118). - Troubleshooter speed improvement (trac #123). - Localization fixes for authentication dialog (trac #122). - Character encoding fixes (trac #124). - Handle model names with more than one set of digits (Ubuntu #251244). - Catch unable-to-connect error when trying to print a test page (Ubuntu #286943). - Prevent crash when copying PPD options (Ubuntu #285133). - Use get_cursor for the printer properties treeview (Ubuntu #282634). - Fix IPP browser when trying to connect to host:port (bug #476396). - Make sure we're authenticating as the correct user in authconn. - Prevent traceback when adding printer driven by HPLIP (bug #477107). - Better display of available local HP fax devices.- Added patch for pycups git changes since 1.9.44: - Look for test page file in new location for CUPS 1.4 (bug #476612).- Updated patch for 1.0.x changes: - Fix for advanced server settings dialog. - Fixes for troubleshooter to restore error_log fetching.- Updated patch for 1.0.x changes: - Fixed problem that prevented authentication prompt being displayed.- Added patch for 1.0.x changes since 1.0.12: - Smarter PPD cache in cupshelpers module. - Don't write back localized versions of globalized PPDs.- Updated to 1.0.12: - Don't automatically replace network printer URIs with HPLIP URIs (bug #473129). - Fixed some file descriptor and temporary file leaks. - Updated pycups to 1.9.44.- Updated to 1.0.11. - Updated pycups to 1.9.43.- Updated to 1.0.10. Applied patch from git. - Applied pycups patch from git.- Updated to 1.0.9 for translations. - Updated pysmbc to 1.0.6. No longer need pysmbc-git patch.- Added patch for pysmbc changes in git to prevent getdents crashing (bug #465975).- Updated patch for 1.0.x changes: - Fixed SMB authentication dialog's cancel button (bug #467127). - Work around samba bug #5805 by sending debug output to stderr instead of stdout.- Updated patch for 1.0.x changes: - Fixed SMB authentication (bug #464003).- Updated patch for 1.0.x changes: - Removed unneeded debugging output. - Don't show the applet in KDE (bug #466945). - Auth/error dialog improvements for SMB as for IPP (bug #465407).- Added patch for 1.0.x changes since 1.0.8: - Don't use a LinkButton for the 'Problems?' button (bug #465407). - Don't use a separator for the server settings dialog (bug - Don't set non-zero page size for SpinButtons. - Don't show an error dialog if an IPP operation's authentication dialog is cancelled by the user, but show an error dialog if the password was incorrect (bug #465407). - Set Server Settings... menu entry sensitive depending on whether we are connected to a server (Ubuntu #280736). - Lots of translations updated.- Removed patch (no longer needed).- 1.0.8: - Use modelName from custom PPD to suggest name for new printer (trac #97). - Avoid display problem with installable options. - Better matching for Lexmark printers. - Catch exceptions from advanced server settings dialog (Ubuntu - Added some missing OpenPrinting query fields. - Jockey support added. - Lots of translations updated.- Handle IPP_FORBIDDEN (bug #460670).- 1.0.7: - Efficiency improvements. - Small UI improvements for the New Printer dialog. - Other small fixes.- Updated pysmbc to 1.0.5. - Updated pycups to 1.9.42.- Requires gnome-python2-gnome (bug #460021). - 1.0.6: - More delete-event fixes. - Fixed temporary file leak. - Fixed dialog leaks. - Small UI improvements for the New Printer dialog. - Other small fixes.- Include other fixes from upstream including: - OpenPrinting API change (trac #74). - libnotify API change for 'closed' signal. - Notification for job authentication (trac #91). - Glade delete-event fixes (trac #88). - Pre-fill username in job authentication dialog (trac #87).- Handle HTTP_FORBIDDEN.- 1.0.5. - Updated pycups to 1.9.41.- 1.0.4. - Applied upstream patch for pycups to fix getPrinterAttributes when requested_attributes is specified.- Better debugging for pysmbc.- Updated pycups to 1.9.40. - 1.0.3.- Updated pysmbc to 1.0.4.- 1.0.2.- Updated pysmbc to 1.0.3. - 1.0.1 (bug #450119).- Requires notify-python (bug #450139).- Applied patches from upstream (bug #450120).- Applied patches from upstream (bug #449753).- Updated pycups to 1.9.39. - Updated libs summary.- 1.0.0.- Fixed small UI problem in SMB browser.- 0.9.93.- 0.9.92.- Sync to trunk. - Updated pysmbc to 1.0.2.- Fixed icon search path.- No longer requires system-install-packages (bug #444645). - Added pysmbc. Build requires libsmbclient-devel. - Don't install consolehelper bits any more as they are no longer needed. - 0.9.91: - User interface overhaul, part 2.- Updated pycups to 1.9.38. - 0.9.90: - User interface overhaul, part 1.- - Various bug fixes. - Translation updates.- Updated pycups to 1.9.37. - More fixes from upstream.- Updated pycups to 1.9.36. - Some fixes from upstream.- Requires /usr/bin/system-install-packages not pirut (bug #435622). - - More trouble-shooting improvements. - applet: notify user about failed jobs (bug #168370).- Updated to pycups-1.9.35. - 0.7.82: - More trouble-shooting improvements.- 0.7.81: - Trouble-shooting improvements and other minor fixes.- Rebuild for GCC 4.3.- Updated to pycups-1.9.34. - 0.7.80: - Trouble-shooting support.- 0.7.79.- Updated to pycups-1.9.33.- Use config-util from new usermode (bug #428406).- Requires notification-daemon (Ubuntu #176929). - Requires gnome-python2 for theme support (Ubuntu #176929). - Requires gnome-icon-theme for printer icon (Ubuntu #176929).- Install Python egg-info file. - Updated pycups to 1.9.32.- pycups: Applied patch from SVN to allow fetching printer attributes by URI. - Sync to SVN 1748.- pycups: Fix job-sheets-default attribute. - Updated pycups to 1.9.31. - 0.7.78.- Applied patch to pycups to avoid reading uninitialised memory (bug #390431).- Updated pycups to 1.9.30.- 0.7.77: - Tooltips for the button bar buttons (bug #335601).- 0.7.76.- 0.7.75.- No need to run update-desktop-database because there are no MimeKey lines in the desktop files. - Consistent macro style.- Changed PreReq to Requires. - Mark console.apps file as a config file. - Mark pam file as a config file (not replaceable). - No need to ship empty NEWS file. - Give executable permissions to satisfy rpmlint. - Provides system-config-printer-gui. - Mark D-Bus configuration file as a config file. - Fixed libs summary. - Better buildroot tag. - Better defattr. - Preserve timestamps on explicitly install files. - Make example pycups program non-executable. - - Updated translations. - Several small bugs fixed.- - Updated translations. - Other small bug fixes.- Pull in SVN patch from stable branch for foomatic recommended drivers (bug #292021).- Pull in SVN patch from stable branch for 'Allow printing from the Internet' check-box (bug #221003).- Updated pycups to 1.9.27. - - When a class is removed on the server, remove it from the UI. - When deleting a printer, select the default printer again. - Select newly-copied printer. - Updated translation (fi). - Better --help message. - Use strcoll to sort manufacturer names. - Avoid duplicate 'recommended' marks. - Remove duplicate device URIs. - Handle IPP_TAG_NOVALUE attributes (for CUPS 1.3.x).- Updated pycups to 1.9.26. - Build requires epydoc. Ship HTML documentation.- - Updated Polish translation (bug #263001). - Don't select the default printer after changes to another printer have been made. - Always construct URI from input fields when changing device (bug #281551). - Avoid busy-cursor traceback when window is not yet displayed.- Updated pycups to 1.9.25. - 0.7.74: - Fixed New Class dialog. - UI fixes.- More specific license tag.- 0.7.73.- Ship the applet's desktop file.- 0.7.72: - Fixed my-default-printer traceback. - Improvements to New Printer wizard (Till Kamppeter).- 0.7.71: - Don't discard make/model-matched devices when there are ID-matched devices (Till Kamppeter). - Fixed fallback if no text-only driver is available (Till Kamppeter). - Initialise the make/model list when an ID match failed (Till Kamppeter). - Better error-handling in default-print application (Ubuntu #129901). - UI tweak in admin tool (Ubuntu #128263). - Handle socket: URIs (Ubuntu #127074).- Obsoletes/provides desktop-printing.- Requires pirut for system-install-packages. - 0.7.70: - Increased GetReady->NewPrinter timeout. - More binary names mapped to package named. - Run system-install-packages to install missing drivers (bug #246726). - Less debug output. - Desktop file fixes for KDE (bug #247299).- No longer requires PyXML (bug #233146). - Moved applet to main package. - 0.7.69: - Use HardwareSettings category for my-default-printer desktop file (bug #244935). - Removed unused code. - Filter PPDs by natural language (bug #244173).- The applet requires dbus-x11 (Ubuntu #119570).- 0.7.68: - Fixed the notification bubbles. - Ship my-default-printer utility.- Don't put TrayIcon or SystemSetup categories in the desktop file. - Updated pycups to 1.9.24. - 0.7.67: - Fixed desktop files to have capital letters at the start of each word in the Name field (bug #242859). - Fixed crash when saving unapplied changes. - Fixed Device ID parser to always split the CMD field at commas. - New PPDs class means we no longer parse the foomatic XML database.- 0.7.66: - Allow job-hold-until to be set (bug #239776). - Implement new printer notifications.- Build requires xmlto. - Updated to pycups-1.9.22. - 0.7.65: - Use urllib for quoting/unquoting (Val Henson, Ubuntu #105022). - Added kn translation. - Better permissions on non-scripts. - Added man pages. - Applet: status feedback. - Applet: fixed relative time descriptions. - Applet: limit refresh frequency.- - Small applet fixes.- 0.7.63: - Translation updates. - Checked in missing file.- Updated to pycups-1.9.20 for printer-state-reasons fix.- 0.7.62: - Use standard icon for admin tool desktop file. - Fixed env path in Python scripts. - Applet: stop running when the session ends. - Prevent a traceback in the SMB browser (bug #225351). - 'Manage print jobs' desktop file.- 0.7.61: - Fixed retrieval of SMB authentication details (bug #203539).- Updated to pycups-1.9.19. - Avoid %makeinstall. - 0.7.60: - Handle reconnection failure. - New applet name.- 0.7.59: - Fixed a translatable string. - Set a window icon (bug #233899). - Handle failure to start the D-Bus service. - Ellipsize the document and printer named (bug #233899). - Removed the status bar (bug #233899). - Added an icon pop-up menu for 'Hide' (bug #233899).- Added URL tag. - 0.7.57: - Prevent traceback when removing temporary file (Ubuntu #92914). - Added print applet.- Updated to pycups-1.9.18.- 0.7.56: - Parse Boolean strings correctly in job options. - Small command-set list/string fix (bug #230665). - Handle hostname look-up failures. - Updated filter-to-driver map. - Don't parse printers.conf (bug #231826).- 0.7.55: - Use converted value for job option widgets.- 0.7.54: - Removed debugging code.- No longer requires rhpl (since 0.7.53). - 0.7.53: - Use gettext instead of rhpl.translate. - Better layout for PPD options. - Added scrollbars to main printer list (bug #229453). - Set maximum width of default printer label (bug #229453). - Handle applying changes correctly when switching to another printer (bug #229378). - Don't crash when failing to fetch the PPD (bug #229406). - Make the text entry boxes sensitive but not editable for remote printers (bug #229381). - Better job options screen layout (bug #222272).- 0.7.52: - Sort models using cups.modelSort before scanning for a close match (bug #228505). - Fixed matching logic (bug #228505).- 0.7.51: - Prevent display glitch in job options list when clicking on a printer repeatedly. - List conflicting PPD options, and embolden the relevant tab labels (bug #226368). - Fixed typo in 'set default' handling that caused a traceback (bug #227936). - Handle interactive search a little better (bug #227935).- 0.7.50: - Fixed hex digits list (bug #223770). - Added bs translation. - Don't put the ellipsis in the real device URI (bug #227643). - Don't check for existing drivers for complex command lines (bug #225104). - Allow floating point job options (bug #224651). - Prevent shared/published confusion (bug #225081). - Fixed PPD page size setting. - Avoid os.remove exception (bug #226703). - Handle unknown job options (bug #225538).- 0.7.49: - Fixed a traceback in the driver check code. - Fixed a typo in the conflicts message. - Handle InputSlot/ManualFeed specially because libcups does (bug #222490).- 0.7.48: - Updated translations.- 0.7.47: - Fixed minor text bugs (bug #177433). - Handle shell builtins in the driver check (bug #222413).- 0.7.46: - Fixed page size problem (bug #221702). - Added 'ro' to ALL_LINGUAS.- Updated to pycups-1.9.17. - 0.7.45: - Fixed traceback in driver check.- 0.7.44: - Fixed traceback in error display (bug #220136). - Preserve case in model string when dumping debug output.- 0.7.43: - Don't check against IEEE 1284 DES field at all. - Merged device matching code (bug #219518). - Catch non-fatal errors when auto-matching device. - Fixed driver checking bug involving pipelines (bug #220347). - Show PPD errors (bug #220136).- 0.7.42: - Fixed typo in command set matching code. - Case-insensitive matching when Device ID not known to database.- build against python 2.5- Updated pycups to 1.9.16. - 0.7.41: - Reconnect smoothly after uploading new configuration. - Update lpoptions when setting default printer if it conflicts with the new setting (bug #217395). - Fixed typo in show_HTTP_Error (bug #217537). - Don't pre-select make and model when not discoverable for chosen device (bug #217518). - Set Forward button sensitive on Device screen in new-printer dialog (bug #217515). - Keep Server Settings selected after applying changes if it was selected before. - Set Connecting dialog transient for main window. - Center Connecting dialog on parent. - Optional 'reason' argument for cupshelpers.Printer.setEnabled. - Describe devices that have no optional parameters.- Provide pycups feature.- 0.7.40: - Removed username:password from hint string because we add that in afterwards. - Don't set button widths in create-printer dialog (bug #217025).- 0.7.39: - Busy cursor while loading foomatic and PPD list (bug #215527). - Make PPD NickName selectable. - Added SMB hint label on device screen (bug #212759).- Updated pycups to 1.9.15. - 0.7.38: - Fixed a bug in the 'ieee1284'/'ppd-device-id' parsing code.- 0.7.37: - Allow cancellation of test pages (bug #215054).- 0.7.36: - Match against commandset (bug #214181). - Parse 'ieee1284' foomatic autodetect entries (bug #214761). - Don't remove foomatic PPDs from the list (bug #197331).- 0.7.35.- Updated to pycups-1.9.14 (bug #213136).- Update desktop database (bug #213249).- Build requires Python 2.4.- Updated to pycups-1.9.13 for HTTP_FORBIDDEN. - 0.7.32: - Handle HTTP errors during connection (bug #208824). - Updated translations (bug #208873).- 0.7.31: - Select recommended driver automatically (bug #208606). - Better visibility of driver list (bug #203907).- 0.7.30: - Translations fixed properly (bug #206622). - Button widths corrected (bug #208556).- 0.7.28. Translations fixed (bug #206622).- Build requires intltool. - 0.7.27.- 0.7.26. Fixes bug # 203149.- 0.7.25. (bug #202060)- Fixed description (bug #202189).- 0.7.24.- 0.7.23. Fixes bug #197866.- rebuild- 0.7.22.- Updated to pycups-1.9.12. - 0.7.21.- 0.7.20.- 0.7.19. - Remove foomatic pickle file post-install.- 0.7.18. - Ship translations with libs subpackage.- 0.7.17.- 0.7.16, now with SMB browser.- 0.7.15. - Build requires gettext-devel. - Ship translations.- 0.7.14.- 0.7.13.- 0.7.12.- Fix libs dependency.- Moved the gtk_html2pango module to the libs package (needed by Split out system-config-printer-libs. - Updated to system-config-printer-0.7.11.- Requires gobject2 (bug #192764).- Require foomatic (bug #192764). - Updated to system-config-printer-0.7.10.- Updated to pycups-1.9.11. - Updated to system-config-printer-0.7.9.- Updated to pycups-1.9.10. - Updated to system-config-printer-0.7.8.- Fix pycups segfault.- Ship PAM and userhelper files. - Requires usermode. - Added missing file. - Fix getClasses() in pycups.- Updated to system-config-printer-0.7.7. - Updated to pycups-1.9.9. - Desktop file. - Requires PyXML.- Make it actually run.- Build requires CUPS 1.2.- Updated to pycups-1.9.8. No longer need threads patch. - Updated to system-config-printer-0.7.5.- Updated to pycups-1.9.7.- Obsoletes: system-config-printer-gui <= 0.6.152- Updated to system-config-printer-0.7.4.- Added threads patch from pycups CVS. - Updated to system-config-printer-0.7.3.- Updated to pycups-1.9.6.- Updated to pycups-1.9.5.- Package the actual system-config-printer command.- Include s-c-printer tarball. - Updated to pycups-1.9.4.- Initial spec file.hal-cups-utils1.1.16-17.el60. 0.6.2070-printers.rulesudev-add-printerudev-configure-printerudev-configure-printerusb-uris/lib/udev/rules.d//lib/udev//var/run//var/run/udev-configure-printer/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, strippeda /usr/bin/python script text executabledirectoryemptyRRRRRRRRR ?@7zXZ !PH6v,] b2l+9JeMJa͵ye{<~CHeۜ,vx<ώNCQkT}j-l [\!'~E6ANJtr8g6RvoT|;k)}?j9-mBY\FϜ꟣`HG@ճc!bmSLj n T<@6\8k}X~T=ܱzX/}_yf:8fQ';j!U'/q`CWQ6+)0:Gv؆.N+wO';i=J%\}}AqtByVg]لd(\f6 d}snD/Q" %菶]sA̩h0:chQ2=1|c/ɍ48t@-NCG0Snl~F]"]ߌfIޟ&]Ÿ#/8:MYKvWr#hK5j D.(y{ o*!V~|.b%W-N5QP?0/| ̦:HZ񓿨]Rz9>@O^~ ݴ$V}PY ; `d6QSY9ye6R-Mܶ%p^0W3ŝ|^e%BD0fϗ#c#J q%}Ճ ϺWz)@\ ߼Q)YT!Ev8rSOqp"73 v5GqG$2>O"^aJDXRLܪ^x94 )3&cs)3ͺh[ufB:pձ=235 ;6L4pk̂w~U!ȗb#lGK(O8oa6>/'ڂ9*SP{?ƫ|}(F8˰C?MOZHHf̩rf˜jo{V}j3\^ آX+)Oyb-ngK6F(F9P85+鋥6$ n,HM]5=#H8 ;51-P_S"Lf22Ԋ';iyGDs?ƴˈv߭.G>WP鐼 r豇=$[rQqF3"#oPZ?(T= !4w0 W85Zn˸W>8,*9TrZF;@HӑҿPD)(^{=/HvF&t6i,~;{HJt篮Qۃ` T qko!0kO Vujʶ.$Ӂ7{+f2;.;Hk;z,*Elm JB3,UrVZ>ĻXa j1I+O!R.!uuP{H8cGFY +@@N6OzÊ.̰Й'͛e_Th3s0L$Łj$ @w50u$#cTVy {([O,S2-!GVך8>υ7<ѓl_a76?(1T_ڙ4#[9`xؘ ]3D5 W [")vpc ?{t$mد^^~eIEp4-R=ެ [~͓D3П4}cu5+zFQᡗ5BnE]TosJO2;'&.ނpkz#X]U.Dګl(B r>q4qpIN0̮ [4H U"ɹ )Ca&O։ It+aA2-'IqX1y䝣} (G%i mZbCNm!? 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