revisor-rebrand-2.2-2.sl6.4> H HtxHFM Lu ?*}}7Lov8N˜@غ:z<[t:P.5C iIa4aab6884e697ad7c9006b274ca0ff1861bb827c/9ET(|&P?O.8FM Lu ?*}}>W^n7,nPxzKRezCS>~!R $>9 ? d  @tx   $ , <  (<Xhx;({8'9 ': )'G\HlI|XY\]^b 0d 4e 9f <l >t Xu hv xw x y  Crevisor-rebrand2.22.sl6.4Revisor Rebranding Fedora UtiliesUtilities for Revisor to support rebranding FedoraM Kyfortythree.fnal.govScientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPLv2Scientific LinuxApplications/System A큤M KvM KtM KuM Ku2d0964671555394ae878991ff338adfc5569ab84e8f14f6e86eadb54fb5a410057dc18ffd783f4b18262cac1775d99482767c86cbd730186b1716cc5e35ec7d357dc18ffd783f4b18262cac1775d99482767c86cbd730186b1716cc5e35ec7d3rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrevisor-2.2-2.sl6.4.src.rpmrevisor-rebrand@     python(abi)revisor-clirevisor-guirpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)2.62.2-2.sl6.42.2-2.sl6.43.0.4-14.6.0-14.0.4-14.0-15.2-14.8.0M @Ls@LK JI2HHj@GfGjY@G1GG2F=@FFFtF@FQ@F~\F} @Fu"@FkFg@FeP@F^F]g@FU~@FLCF@f@F?F5@F$F#e@FE@EK@EEVTroy Dawson 2.2-2.sl6.4Connie Sieh 2.2-1.0.slJeroen van Meeuwen 2.2-1Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.1.8-2Jonathan Steffan 2.1.8-2Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.1.3-1Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.1.2-2Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.1.1-5Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.1.0-1rc5Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.1.0-1rc2Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.1.0-1rc1Jonathan Steffan 2.0.5-5Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.0.5-3Jeroen van Meeuwen van Meeuwen van Meeuwen Steffan van Meeuwen Steffan van Meeuwen van Meeuwen Steffan van Meeuwen Steffan van Meeuwen Steffan van Meeuwen 2.0.3-1Jonathan Steffan 2.0.2-3Jeroen van meeuwen 2.0.2-2Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.0.2-1Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.0.1-5Jonathan Steffan 2.0.1-4Jef Spaleta 2.0.1-3Jeroen van Meeuwen 2.0.1-2Jonathan Steffan 2.0.1-1Jonathan Steffan 1.0.2-1Jonathan Steffan 1.0.1-1Jonathan Steffan 1.0-2Jonathan Steffan 1.0-1- Changed the version numbering scheme to reduce confusion- patch 1 fixes a bug where a comps file provided via the config file is - ignored - patch 2 adds the ability to via command line or revisor.conf file of - adding a custom "product.img" file to the images directory. - product.img file allows for the addition/override of anaconda - installimages/ - syntax in /etc/revisor/revisor.conf is - updates_img = - command line syntax is - --updates_img= - patch 3 adds support for composing RHEL 6 based releases, adding - "version_from = RHEL6" in /etc/revisor/revisor.conf- Fix os not being imported (#541443)- Fix configuration file issues - Better estimation for the size of a tree that is to become an iso - Huge improvements to package ordering - Exclude boot.iso from installation media iso files- Remove rhpl - Add s-c-keyboard Requires- Add modmock, modhub, modcomposer - Rebuild for Fedora 10 - Include modisolinux and modreuseinstaller- Fix anaconda removing - Latest rebuild - Minor bugfixes (#344 pkgorder traceback) - Add SELinux Check- Fix running GUI - Add check for architecture composing - Bugfixes in live media creation - Add bluray disc support - F-9 Release- Add Rescue Image capabilities - Add modserver into package - Remove conflicts - Updates - Let's not build revisor-cobbler on ppc/ppc64- Updates to many components related to plugins and kickstart- import piruterrors - Minor fixes related to respinning Fedora for release - Applied patch from Alexander Todorov for filtering comps - Applied patch from Alexander Todorov to get_comps() failing when comps not tidy - Move GUI to it's own package - API changes! - Point at Everything, not Fedora (from 2.0.5-13) - Add in ignore_list for pkglist_required() (from 2.0.5-13) - Catch a Bob Jensen Corner Case (from 2.0.5-13) - Minor bugfixes in packaging (from 2.0.5-13) - Other minor fixes (from 2.0.5-13)- Update spec for release- Bugfixes to x86_64 packageSack creation - Bugfixes- Bugfixes - Removed pungi dependency - Added kickstart interfacing for pykickstart API differences - Enable Revisor to run in CLI mode on Enterprise Linux 5 - Split comps in their own package - Add rebrand module - Fixed pkgorder, copy_dir - Development release- Added Source RPM Tree for Installation Media - Rebased livecd-tools and created/submitted the necessary patches - Added pre-alpha jigdo sub-package - Disable jigdo, virt and dual media compose for release - Lots of bug fixes - Fixed up some features- Adding a workaround fix for yum issues- Trivial specfile change - Added one for one delta suport- Adding cobbler support for CLI mode - Fixing pkgorder issue - Fixing inefficient pkgorder - Adding Enterprise Linux configuration files - Moving some packages to be suggested instead of required - Fixed progress bar during ISO creation - Fixed SHA1SUM file not having all ISOs - Adding full support for installation tree and cleanup- Bugfixes from 2.0.3.x - Start of all the new features of 2.0.4- Removed excludearchs ppc, ppc64 and added some logic to the spec file including a patch to disable livecd composure. - Fixed bug in repository configuration - Re-enabled CLI- Adding comps-f7 to our distribution - Removing pungi configuration files - Fixed a major bug in unlinking / unmounting the left-overs of a previous live media run. - Enabled translation - Added ExcludeArch: ppc, ppc64. Our dependency livecd-tools is not available for these archs.- Final round of fixes for 2.0.3.x - Added requirement for fedora-release >= 7- Bugfixes, more bugfixes- Updated to - More major bugfixes- Major bugfixes and speed improvements - tagging for reference purposes - Added /etc/revisor/comps-fc6.xml as a %config file- Updated with all combined changes for release - Fixed up configs - Added fc6 comps data - Bug fixes from LinuxTag- Repackage for release- Added desktop-file-install and needed BR - Updated for COPYING - Updated revisor.desktop- Rebuild- Final beta version for RH Summit 2007, San Diego- Fixed configuration files - New files added- Fixed symlink to consolehelper relative path instead of absolute path in Makefile, rather then specfile - Added missing s-c-kickstart dep - Fixed shipped config files to be more targeted for end users- Specfile cleanup for fedora package submission review - remove makeinstall macro - add usermode and pam requires - removed desktop-update-database scriptlets and associated deps- Corrected some file locations - Build for F7- Updated for the new revisor 2.x- Updated config (in)sanity - Added some configuration options- Added a "Select All" button to help ease full distro Re-Spins- Cleaned up code to include as little duplicate Pirut code as possible. - Updated config file to default to mirrorlist- Initial build based on pirutspin 1.0-166662.2-2.sl6.4modrebrand__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyo/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/revisor//usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/revisor/modrebrand/-O2cpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectorypython 2.6 byte-compiledRRRR?p7zXZ !PH6 # ] b2$P#Xne{6۴ 2<ם$^Fi361D\ˀh2sV4S"++1I+;0 E$0N뎓tN~D슯 Uh~rXRdG~])5-|$S= V*++ziqDvvmGRY=P޷%M2)셷Õl߱b(17Ii(~PqcPdsn~OFw5CX3D/fam|E;׉QM_iCވz`zG'h/Gt1ɃA⪐kV)࿁:0C`OI[,=ܮ#ڭ9S;3(4╆_Wqhc@4?5xi@bc(Cx7ۣ: 8/;p hN4o\ wX`B,41}dLc FSK4t2ZOz+0V~̇x=}#-nz3 W[ I`mгY]3bo|t6_݁{ЉAVgYe<j=$@]Yz_/`:fMj=oOo1wnrEYeXxXn ۙ.M q!505RĊ 3zNޑ:EV7tEԓSZd{Z)]m]K* y`G~۩.,7:._0'B=I.uW]i 7^(JFϲD, hk(_;,OKaq0nA`aTZth. ^G,}voB:ihjNuA JBe,Y\&Hv/`>Ϟ5:d>Y$R,64}hw"[<*2фƩ|qн 3t*tejHQ9F@ gI 0fK+Rd ﭧl2#xlmjWȪpmÿmҺt)'&")d6ȗdծ@fHx(HkԳdՏD)J:vC'l>R{N bV4)mS,5a_ws%Ryg-C0`,Ð_Jg" γE? \yn? g9mF(2 bdbE97- F ,{熊;.0ƕ^͹bҪ7`p&|sՉAk3.{Ƽj>A"F-~ɞxiE`ޯ6bd&p]_Z+h&ے8WӦtBaJ ,Mz:`T_]`VCv@,e"4@p{/"9)^|ŨTToEJ'$93ʷwQ)E "!uWgufs|ǒ~Y(gxzkO(' +<7(*pWGTTs n+#=Pu@6_s'GSmG63X./LBݧuO r8Žk%fʙ'q;<{mq{JbDtj&~_wm#׭Wew.|ճh48g_uy DYA0K XdPӶQаSo.:aHA9Uz{s`%60+dha!ZltqѾIsas4z2帺?VYr r>c4SwnݶHOfнΞbJ*(6Dӎ]M%KbA;qsqWcL` O~܁픚-Hk-ȯeѧV2wJjXkG00IaWM .2jc$ЎQ%佋ҵ>8H`/|6U)YBC'͢\ae2Gfgbnr!Jg#^V4$mVԋ+voڙ-<>yP#5B ̴*Nܜntaoc^`BsO&SKQH[{y;CJ]Δس' ȢCsڵtu d\AQ?OuPrb4p>qj(bw0rk?Pf-8]Ea~/`/5!U!+^E|VW@qd= YZ