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backport upstream patches - patch autoconfigury to build with autoconf >= 2.64 (Stepan Kasal)- fix unrestricted XMLHttpRequest access to local URLs (oCERT-2009-015), #532428- Conflicts with kde-settings (#526109)- rhel cleanup- move /etc/profile.d/kde.(sh|csh) to kde-settings (F-12+)- openssl-1.0 build fixes- fix for CVE-2009-2702- kde.(sh|csh): drop KDE_IS_PRELINKED (workaround bug #515539)- fix CVE-2009-2537 - select length DoS - fix CVE-2009-1725 - crash, possible ACE in numeric character references - fix CVE-2009-1690 - crash, possible ACE in KHTML ( use-after-free) - fix CVE-2009-1687 - possible ACE in KJS (FIXME: still crashes?) - fix CVE-2009-1698 - crash, possible ACE in CSS style attribute handling- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- FTBFS kdelibs3-3.5.10-11.fc11 (#511571) - -devel: Requires: %{name}%_isa ...- update openssl patch (for 0.9.8k)- move designer plugins to runtime (#487622) - make -apidocs noarch- enable -apidocs- disable -apidocs (f11+, #487719) - cleanup unused kdeui_symlink hack baggage- fix files conflicts with 4.2.x - fix build issue with gcc-4.4- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- unowned dirs (#483318)- Slight speedup to profile.d/kde.sh (#465370).- update the KatePart latex.xml syntax definition to the version from Kile 2.0.3- omit libkscreensaver (F9+)- kde-3.5.10- fix build against Rawhide kernel headers (fix flock and flock64 redefinition)- fix logic error in OnlyShowIn=KDE3 patch- f9+: use drkonqi from KDE 4 kdebase-runtime in KCrash (#453243)- set include_crystalsvg to 1 everywhere - use Epoch 1 for crystalsvg-icon-theme, add Obsoletes- revert kdeui symlink hack (there be dragons) - unbreak -apidocs, add %check so this never ever happens again- f9+: include kdeui symlink here + scriptlets to help rpm handle it- f9+: omit %{_datadir}/apps/kdeui, use version from kdelibs-common (rh#447965, kde#157850)- (Only|Not)ShowIn=KDE3 patch (helps #446466)- fix kresources.desktop: NoDisplay=true- omit Requires: kdndsd-avahi (#441222)- more qt->qt3 fixes- s/qt-devel/qt3-devel/- apply upstream patch to fix regression in kate (bz#436384)- hardcode qt_ver again because 3.3.8b reports itself as 3.3.8 (fixes apidocs)- #230979: Writes ServerBin into cupsd.conf - #416101: unable to print after configuring printing in KDE- F9+: include %{_docdir}/HTML/en/common files which are not in kdelibs-common- kde-3.5.9- make kresources hidden on f9+- rebuild for GCC 4.3- BR enchant-devel instead of aspell-devel on F9+ (FeatureDictionary) - Requires: hunspell on F9+ (FeatureDictionary) - patch KSpell for hunspell support on F9+ (FeatureDictionary) - add and build enchant backend for KSpell2 (backported from Sonnet) on F9+ (FeatureDictionary) - don't build aspell and ispell backends for KSpell2 on F9+ (FeatureDictionary)- updated Flash patch- Requires: kdelibs-common (F9+) (#417251)- flash fix (#410651, kde#132138, kde#146784) - simplify crystalsvg-icon-theme handling- set include_crystalsvg to 0 on F9+ (it comes from kdeartwork now)- update openssl patch- install profile scripts as 644 instead of 755 (Ville Skyttä, #407521) - don't rename profile scripts to kde3.(c)sh (not worth the breakage)- separate include_crystalsvg conditional, set to 1 until we have kdeartwork 4 - don't run icon %post/%postun snippets for crystalsvg if we don't ship it - add "3" in all summaries and descriptions- fix inverted logic for Requires: crystalsvg-icon-theme- don't hardcode %fedora- renew the list of file conflicts and removals- preserve makekdewidgets and kconf_compiler for fedora > 9 - add Requires: crystalsvg-icon-theme (for kdelibs3)- only include and provide crystalsvg-icon-theme for fedora < 9- add switch to force rpmbuild behavior for testing - prepare %files for non-conflicting kdelibs3- Provides: crystalsvg-icon-theme- fix application of custom zoom patch (rh#335461)- Resolves: rh#335461, kpdf and kview lost custom zoom- bz273681, add vhdl syntax for kate, thanks to Chitlesh GOORAH- apply upstream patch to fix http-regression- respin (for openexr-1.6.0)- kde-3.5.8- fix rh#243611, autostart from XDG_CONFIG_DIRS- Remove Conflicts: kdelibs4-devel, let kdelibs4 decide whether we conflict (allows using the old /opt/kde4 versions for now)- vcard30 patch (kde#115219,rh#253496) - -devel: restore awol Requires (< f8 only) (#253801) - License: LGPLv2- CVE-2007-3820, CVE-2007-4224, CVE-2007-4225 - clarify licensing- ConsoleKit-related patch (#244065)- fix apidocs subpackage requires- cleanup- undo kdelibs3 rename (for now, anyway) - move to -devel: checkXML, kconfig_compiler, (make)kdewidgets, ksgmltools2, ksvgtopng, kunittestmodrunner - set KDE_IS_PRELINKED unconditionally (#244065) - License: LGPLv2+- Obsoletes/Provides: kdelibs-apidocs (kdelibs3)- toggle kdelibs3 (f8+)- build fails against cups-1.3 (#248717) - incorporate kdelibs3 bits (not enabled... yet)- +Requires: kde-filesystem- omit ICEauthority patch (kde#147454, rh#243560, rh#247455)- rework previously botched openssl patch- -devel: Provides: kdelibs3-devel = ... - openssl patch update (portability) - drop deprecated ssl-krb5 patch- Provides: kdelibs3 = %version-%release- -devel: +Requires: libutempter-devel- omit lib_loader patch (doesn't apply cleanly)- include experimental libtool patches- kdesu: sudo support (kde bug #20914), Requires(hint): sudo- 3.5.7- don't change permission .ICEauthority by sudo KDE programs - apply patch to fix locale issue - apply upstream patch to fix kde#146105- make qtdocdir handling robust - kde_settings=1 - Req: -desktop-backgrounds-basic- add correct qt-version to build kde apidocs ,bz#239947 - disable kde_settings- BR: +keyutils-libs-devel (until krb5 is fixed, bug #240220)- kde.sh: fix typo/thinko- %changelog: prune pre-kde3 entries - %ghost %{_datadir}/services/ksycoca - omit extraneous .la file references (#178733) - BR: jasper-devel OpenEXR-devel - xdg-menu compat symlinks (to help transition to using XDG_MENU_PREFIX) - fix kde#126812.patch to be non-empty - cleanup kde.(sh|csh) - Requires: +kde-settings -redhat-artwork - make apidocs build optional (default on) - use FHS-friendly /etc/kde (#238136)- apply upstream patch to fix build issue with qt-3.3.8 - apply upstream patch to to fix crash on particular 404 url in embedded HTML viewer- cleanup specfile- 3.5.6 - apply patch to fix #225420, CVE-2007-0537 Konqueror improper HTML comment rendering, thanks to Dirk Müller, KDE security team- rebuild- add missing api docs- update to 3.5.5- fix utf8 issue in kdeprint - fix #178320,#198828, follow menu-spec - upstream patches, fix #106748, Evaluate scripts in