tuned-utils-0.2.19-6.el6> H HtxHFNNc ?*}}0xTJTꬶ Y;sOtCڪ&,(rCF4c)fefed6aed84825a1ed9a15a0bf8fd7f593cc2144h#ei"Y| nV'FNNc ?*}}2L/?y% !X DK"}CRԾZ2]_>9+P?+@d  O $, \  t           <X ;(Z8`*9*:J*G' H( I(H X(TY(X\(h ]( ^)4b)d)e)f)l)t) u) v*w* x* y+,+<Ctuned-utils0.2.196.el6Disk and net statistic monitoring systemtap scriptsThe tuned-utils package contains several systemtap scripts to allow detailed manual monitoring of the system. Instead of the typical IO/sec it collects minimal, maximal and average time between operations to be able to identify applications that behave power inefficient (many small operations instead of fewer large ones).NLspacewalk.fnal.govScientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPLv2+Scientific LinuxApplications/Systemhttps://fedorahosted.org/tuned/linuxnoarchr BFH}A큤NLNLNLNLNLM+\M+\M+\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-0.2.19-6.el6.src.rpmtuned-utils@@    /usr/bin/python/usr/bin/staprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)systemtaprpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.8.0N1O@N1O@M@Mx@M.@M*L*@LjyLXL=L@K^K@KK[Kie@Kf@K^@KG@K/c@K"4@K?KmJ@JTJJ@J JjJJQJx"JmJlE@J_@JCfII@I@I@I2IThomas Wörner 0.2.19-6Thomas Wörner 0.2.19-5Jan Vcelak 0.2.19-4Jan Vcelak 0.2.19-3Jan Vcelak 0.2.19-2Jan Vcelak 0.2.19-1Jan Vcelak 0.2.11-9Jarod Wilson 0.2.11-8Phil Knirsch 0.2.11-7Jan Vcelak 0.2.11-6Jan Vcelak 0.2.11-5Jan Vcelak 0.2.11-4Jan Vcelak 0.2.11-3Jan Vcelak 0.2.11-2Phil Knirsch 0.2.11-1Jan Vcelak 0.2.10-1Jan Vcelak 0.2.9-1Jan Vcelak 0.2.8-2Jan Vcelak 0.2.8-1Jan Vcelak 0.2.7-2Thomas Woerner 0.2.7-1Phil Knirsch 0.2.6-1Petr Lautrbach 0.2.5-2Phil Knirsch 0.2.5-1Marcela Mašláňová 0.2.5-0.3Petr Lautrbach 0.2.5-0.2Petr Lautrbach 0.2.5-0.1Petr Lautrbach 0.2.4-2Petr Lautrbach 0.2.4-1Phil Knirsch 0.2.3-1Phil Knirsch 0.2.2-1Phil Knirsch - 0.2.1-1Thomas Woerner - 0.2.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.1.6-2Phil Knirsch - 0.1.7-1Petr Lautrbach - 0.1.6-1Phil Knirsch - 0.1.5-1Phil Knirsch - 0.1.4-1Phil Knirsch - 0.1.3-1Phil Knirsch - 0.1.2-1Phil Knirsch - 0.1.1-1Phil Knirsch - 0.1.0-1- fixed device type determination v2 (rhbz#707079)- fixed handling of stdin/stdout/stderr during daemon creation (rhbz#695480) - fixed device type determination (rhbz#707079)- fix: crash when parsing unsupported network card link mode (#689715)- universal ethernet card identifier detection (#682380)- add missing man pages (#625850) - update profiles description (#619812) - fix typos in laptop-battery-profile script - disable tuned powersaving in disk-spindown, *-performance and enterprise-storage- reduced FSB support on Asus EEE netbooks with Intel Atom - consolidate ktune script functions in tuning profiles - disable tuned daemon on s390/s390x architectures - set readahead by multiplying previous setting - udev rules and script for CFQ and multipath devices scheduler tuning - fix hal-disable-polling if no CD drives present - added support for architecture-specific configuration files - special sysctl setting for s390x arch in 'throughtput-performance' profile - overall profiles update - 'tuned-adm active' shows status of tuned and ktune services as well - proper configuration files setup after fresh instalation - tuned-utils: added license text - bash completion support - tuned-adm: profile validity check - Fixed 577983 - AttributeError: Nettool instance has no attribute 'interface'- Apply I/O scheduler changes to device mapper devices (#636548)- Don't touch transparent hugepage or cpufreq settings if not supported (#621877) - Add new enterprise-storage profile based on throughput-performance: * Disables barriers for all non-root non-/boot file systems (#624736) * Increases the default readahead value from 128kb to 512kb (#624828)- Fixes #620686 - Problem with network cards that provide unparsable supported network modes- Jarod Wilson: profiles update (#604046, #587432) - fresh installation and SELinux fixes- Fixes #605217 - tuned-adm unsafe profiles loading tuned-adm tool updated to the newest upstream version- Fixes #596817 - spindown-disk profile requires hciconfig problematic profile was completely removed- Fixes #577971 - error: "net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables" is an unknown key (Thomas Woerner) - Fixes #588739 - tuned should not apply /etc/sysctl.ktune settings (Jan Vcelak)- Fixes: #578104- Added support for display of currently active profile - Fix missing help command - Large update to documentation and manpages - Updated several of the profiles - Updated ALPM powersave code in the various powersave profiles - Disabled USB autosuspend in laptop-battery-powersave for now- Log file moved to separate directory.- New release.- Included Thomas Woerner's patch checking user rights when executing ktune service commands. - Included Jan Vcelak's patch fixing logging module initialization.- New release. Adds logging support.- Fixed 542305 - [abrt] crash detected in tuned-0.2.5-2.fc12 Some ethernet cards are not supported by 'ethtool'.- Updated ktune to version 0.4-1 - Supports start and stop options in profile scripts calls - Fixed CMDLINE_ELEVATOR test (rhbz#496940#c9)- Included Jan Vcelak's patch for pyo and pyc files - Updated ktune.sh script for laptop-battery-powersave profile with latest ALPM mechanism - Fixed ktune.sh script for laptop-battery-powersave profile to stop printing errors when files in /sys are missing- Added python into build requires - Resolves: #539949- Moved from prerelease to normal - Added missing ethtool requires - Fixed 532209 - init priority wrong for ktune (Jan Vcelak) - Fixed 530457 - [abrt] crash detected in tuned-0.2.5-0.1.fc12 (Jan Vcelak) - Added detection of netcard supported speeds (Jan Vcelak) - Fix ktune.sh script for stopping in regard to ALPM and CDROM polling (Phil Knirsch)- new release- Allow run tuned-adm as root for users at the physical console- Removed dependence on kobo - Bumped to 0.2.5 pre release version- fixed url to fedorahosted project page - Resolves: #519019- Update release to tuned-0.2.4 - Resolves: #523385- Updated documentation - Few more fixes for tuned-adm- Updates to the ktune scripts - Added support for start/stop of the ktune scripts and ktune initscript- Added first set of profiles - Added tuned-adm tool for profile switching - Fixed several issues with the tuned-adm tool- Integrated ktune-0.4- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Added first version CPU tuning and monitoring plugins- added scomes- Updated documentation, thanks to Marcela Maslanova! - Updated diskdevstat and netdevstat to have command line arguments - Added the possibility to output a histogram at the end of the run for detailed information about the collected data- Dropped unecessary kernel-debuginfo requires from tuned-utils- Fixed placement of doc entry at tuned-utils package- Added config file option to enable/disable plugins - Switched from ConfigParser to RawConfigParser - Renamed doc/README.txt to doc/DESIGN.txt - Added tuned.conf man page - Updated tuned man page - Updated package descriptions (#487312) - Added documentation for utils scripts (#487312)- Bump version - Added comment in empty __init__.py files - Fixed BuildRoot tag to use latest recommendation of FPG - Lots of whitespace changes - Some minor README changes - Added a changelog rule in Makefile - Fixed rpmlint error messages - Add init() methods to each plugin - Call plugin init() methods during tuned's init() - Add support for command line parameters o -c conffile|--config==conffile to specify the location of the config file o -d to start tuned as a daemon (instead of as normal app) - Readded the debug output in case tuned isn't started as as daemon - Fixed initialization of max transfer values for net tuning plugin - Added complete cleanup code in case of tuned exiting and/or getting a SIGTERM to restore default values - Made the disk tuning pluging less nosy if started as non-daemon - Fixed missing self. in the tuned.py config handling - Added a manpage - Fixed summary - Added missing GPL notic to tuned.py - Added explanation for Source entry in specfile - Added a distarchive target for the Makefile for proper tagging in git - Added a explanation how to create the tarball via git in the specfile - Fixed the defattr() lines in the specfile to conform FRG- Initial version0.2.19-6.el6diskdevstatnetdevstatscomesvarnetloadtuned-utils-0.2.19COPYINGREADME.scomesREADME.utilsdiskdevstat.8.gznetdevstat.8.gzscomes.8.gzvarnetload.8.gz/usr/sbin//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/tuned-utils-0.2.19//usr/share/man/man8/-O2cpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII texta /usr/bin/python script text executablea /usr/bin/stap script text executabledirectorytroff or preprocessor input text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)RRRR?p7zXZ !PH69] cjBesP4ğ;َ)G3HYE cq bCaҦa|3v7a1a:Ga-/ؾώACEͳe(f r#N NGpi]{__1u^-5fkU D_%8)dHL  4A3fϤIF1P˂ F/fG4"ЯS4-mG+{xۺ_B*PS%8W%6ϴiBz!Xat iuϷJGfSakLC|_SC2(.O5u|i;pyhDž:ޖ# uۡEPs#\0S4ӽzD'rc8 b:?6?b'Tw{/S+juNƥE'iIfk_Fk3%XӼ\s|Tkltȍߜe?9^Tqi |8i^FuMIX`p@]{f޼s󁹬s|yv6.{#!v9}ɞxyoOuZD:4fvFY4C;mEM5qh~:\#PXi N@Xfɷ ^$̢Y{ن*" zŇ[Ua0#M3R5!芘sP4+i %M0j"nbH?d*\,^v1z5þ^g[dOlW:O^2Tx\uζtCq.zzKYyAsV gCIQ,Q׆x@',mF<@rŽÐd&)5p!k,&hC%O_qkj؞>9{xUJD>SɑZN"4YNc^ݥŽ.A!_?s-E޳%9 F^*2V,ț]OtQ b|-Kx9c(""^?'NրUfɊ]6T[R|3L%M&j;W]ET0 l ȹ,Dx)8&\?YVFK[.{A@v(VY|ڃ(>U-+.V>nz$qUsk[ :5Զ"h,"ڤ<9l8 hK5ح(xb/c/e4;R)p"00}^{[yY2;X,dv(Uiv'?~y YKн0c w=ro)'WZadrώ(eg26,} TtEB1Q $扻(5J";2ni#ѝyc& daLVncjMaH%Е]5خb%ffoeyB*ګXqLTE7<ڃζHw熺SYpIY3S#ZWFaD;EhL`N[mNZό&ٚ#{AĉYb_ FBnX'uy)b; 2oQr$K؋cO+/Gh ]pM@XQHRgΊJzn ffQ3,:KaA{=f-L񋨃9X潍!pyff;`K8άjMDX= N^CC VJp' .A#v$_-OfY }~ Nߠn[CIei,f;LՎ?ź_8ٰUk- hT xYb1v 6Y3{ccUdzT_}:*KQ=odժ߹|R 3$QLUcZcX·Rw-Ô8j>ᢘLNB{mmeSsaqLSlvI~ ͆E="q@#;`܇><႒ 4&#ـ"kyiTЂ%Ӽ)N~R< (3*!.‚`Mg:GU|]έn5Р_ىCoKKXf>0wv9A M^x@d rV 3s>P5KVa>!J[)wAq8*Xo SdA3+3=Xi8y<8>yS-8SĚl>tgCw_T'X+1~lA?1!cw*cl2| J>?LM{3(#fd+-n !N Wn*:&5o̕hP64#lHWCa~AD#IE-\B<01y8֛_EVʘt1~qz/zgԇ#*?qDW-"ܜ6sQ&H( Tn}<T-yǫNRbs6b(|8fوѱ ڊ.Y9gũki$yrnd}wowa#/f׫dU$מnjZv4o1wCij1YBh,g-fl ~t-#/Ρ[bʎ pvgGa(wím-͒2 "]<@x f?[#Cl I,5qLmp"UYq'3Bz|a _OIa=; 3XW4ǢC 쿘 -8d/ {XUt\S[.4wQ[8,IUIϿo숄]L- ҐV0c|psQG;ę(x'%wrzIw8T#kvܬA"Lp %ʙZ͜Ne4y>wvedaA_` uE8}jwʨP$ɲh`u6vS:Br5 d]n$})Uj\U \)fFF_YաWan1༂B1F(qaBLE0hs'#ʺ᧎;S} }E|Qz_Aȥ#Eǡ4 !_yX8͐㕞n`gZަև1hwK lg{jn Ͼ s]H3M+Vnm΢%,p`5>2S8΂^8E+e/-pб}~+F~vF#mikqĉ$<-M۳6M_2M PBc&Cz۪`OpÝ\vl=Ӏ4ZH'KdDq5umX&5ȓGސ7~|őiw(4f2ijfagl9=ʘ)Pl&U+Z:=ߊuE!trQ-)\/ $J)dK\ԷcC5wDK+qˍ5eV>J[Tau!ؾ,ߘQOprG2t؊3K<}^(314ݒP!1ݟYWUK*̧: ] EfcnC,- rۗTՍi9UHwIe7 #'&83ɈCT_ R,8Rl9#n1 tml8̗*fi|v"<|OkfdwPt|2';  _XVZA~R,\َjV||UWGSI5"8-cu)&og܌+^! 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