subscription-manager-gnome-0.95.14-1.el6_1> H HtxHFM ?*}}ʆ]^j2]z:?o|n )G73271575ce40e1b671a43ea65e5346beccdf873dz=(؇:8FM ?*}}W/PzZy7?s7YPy1o>?BL?B<d% - e->D UmPP hP P HP P PPP PP( p(#((#q8#xJ9$J:1aJ>/<@/DG/LPH0PI1PX2Y2$\2DP]3P^8x b9d:Fe:Kf:Nl:Pt:hPu;Pv<w?Px@PPyAAB0B8Csubscription-manager-gnome0.95.141.el6_1A GUI interface to manage Red Hat product subscriptionsThis package contains a GTK+ graphical interface for configuring and registering a system with a Red Hat Entitlement platform and manage LinuxScientific LinuxGPLv2Scientific LinuxSystem Environment/Base --no-create /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then touch --no-create /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : fiaB*(d ]@vv \ \'$$D9*9*LL?:h& h!y4>>xF2S\:E  ~P R>R> #  wwI 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trootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootsubscription-manager-0.95.14-1.el6_1.src.rpmsubscription-manager-gnomesubscription-manager-gnome(x86-32)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @ /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/usr/bin/‘@M‘@M@M>M@M=Mv@Mk@MfH@MK@MBMBMBM-M'@M# MME@ME@M PLs@LLNL@LL@L@L@L@LLL@L@LLL@LzLbLXLRLN@LH2LF@LF@L7@L7@L#HL@L@KFK@KK@K]K@KK͗@KQ@KŮ@K @K"@KKKKP@KK[Kg@K@K!@K@KKO@KqAdrian Likins 0.95.14-1Adrian Likins 0.95.13-1Adrian Likins Chris Duryee (beav) Bryan Kearney 0.95.7-1Bryan Kearney 0.95.6-1Bryan Kearney 0.95.5-1Devan Goodwin 0.95.4-1Chris Duryee (beav) Chris Duryee (beav) Devan Goodwin 0.95.1-1Chris Duryee (beav) Chris Duryee (beav) Chris Duryee (beav) Devan Goodwin 0.93.11-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.10-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.9-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.8-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.7-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.6-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.5-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.3-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.2-1Devan Goodwin 0.93.1-1Devan Goodwin 0.92-1Devan Goodwin 0.91-1Devan Goodwin 0.90-1Devan Goodwin 0.89-1Devan Goodwin 0.88-1Devan Goodwin 0.84-1Devan Goodwin 0.83-1Devan Goodwin 0.80-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.79-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.78-1Adrian Likins Pradeep Kilambi 0.77-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.76-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.75-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.74-1Adrian Likins 0.74-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.73-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.72-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.71-1Adrian Likins 0.69-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.68-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.67-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.66-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.63-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.61-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.60-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.55-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.54-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.52-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.51-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.48-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.47-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.41-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.39-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.38-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.37-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.36-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.33-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.28-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.26-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.22-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.21-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.20-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.19-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.17-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.17-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.16-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.14-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.12-1Pradeep Kilambi 0.1-1- Resolves: #702030 - 702030: fix an unintional revert of a fix for i386 ( Resolves: #702403 - 702403: rev the version to get ahead ( - use z branch now ( - 700601: try really hard to set a meaningful locale ( - 683553: subscription-manager-gui is displaying unlimited pools as -1 ( - Write unique key.pem for each entitlement. ( - 700313: We were skipping the code that hides the activation button ( - 700313: Tweaking activate dialog properties to show in firstboot. ( - 699442: dates are being displayed incorrectly everywhere ( - 696020: on x86, serial numbers do not like to be long's ( Resolves: #702403 - use z branch now ( - 700601: try really hard to set a meaningful locale ( - 683553: subscription-manager-gui is displaying unlimited pools as -1 ( - Write unique key.pem for each entitlement. ( - 700313: We were skipping the code that hides the activation button ( - 700313: Tweaking activate dialog properties to show in firstboot. ( - 699442: dates are being displayed incorrectly everywhere ( - 696020: on x86, serial numbers do not like to be long's ( 696021: fix regression in error message formatting ( Resolves: #691784, #688419, #691480, #691536, #691788 - 691784: fix entitlement failure that throws sequence error ( - 688419: Latest japanese strings ( - 691784: Fix a bug when bare strings were passed to handle_gui_exception ( - 691784: Fix handling of unsubscribing imported certs while unregistered ( - 691480: syslog non-compliance on the proper status code ( - 691480: update syslog message for proper cli command name ( - 691536: remove 'compliance' from a11y string, and remove useless glade string ( - 691788: Check if entitlement cert is valid before allowing manual import. ( Resolves: #691137,#691536,#684647,#688592 - Add the latest l10n strings ( - 691137: set return code from main() for rhsmcertd ( - latest l10n strings ( - 691536: More string updates ( - 691536: update strings replacing compliance with valid ( - 684647: i18n/l10n our .desktop files ( - 688592: Latest strings from the i18n team ( Resolves: #688192,#688469,#683968,#688550,#685086,#685099,#685145,#685108,#684680,#684285,#676377,#681925,#614453,#682331 - 688192: don't look for dmi info on machines without dmi ( - 688469: workaround for optparse's lack of i18n/l10n ( - 683968: ensure yum plugins don't log to stdout ( - 688550: ensure i18n configuration is the first thing to happen ( - 685086: Fact times were read from the file but not localized before putting on the ui ( - 685099: Add in missed translations to the compliance assistant string ( - 685145: Remove rogue use of pyOpenSSL ( - 685108: Translation missed for the import dialog ( - 684680: Remove unnecessary gettext text domain calls, and ensure only using the rhsm domain ( - 684285: Add a svg library dependency ( - 676377: rhsm-compliance-icon's status can be a day out of sync ( - 681925: subscription-manager masks SIGPIPE when running virt-what, resulting in errors in shell commands ( - 614453: fix list cli command for multi entitled products ( - 682331: Latest man pages from Deon ( Add support for tags. ( - 682311: rhsm-compliance icon pegs the cpu at 100% ( - 672821: Latest man pages from deon ( - 679961: Clearing out all fields in subscription details widget. ( - 629670: check for warning periods in valid certs, not expired ones ( - 676017: Configure the release branch to use production ( - 676371: Better Compliance Assistant refreshing after bind. ( - Move the translations to be language only, not language plus country ( - 678151: prompt for credentials if not supplied as cli args ( - 680399: add --auto to subscribe ( - 676377: rhsm-compliance-icon's status can be a day out of sync ( - 672562: request for subscription-manager list --available --ondate option ( - Add in the translated po files ( - 677756 add accesibility names to compliance assistant tables ( 678003: Write proxy info for yum repositories we manage. ( - 678003: Fix a certlib cached connection. ( 573591: Fix the permissions on some directories ( - 678049: Fix status after CLI register with --autosubscribe. ( - 676349: python deprecation fixups ( - 676363 - rhsm-compliance-icon has no icon image ( - 672562 - request for subscription-manager list --available --ondate option ( - 672562 - request for subscription-manager list --available --ondate option ( - 676371 - Compliance Assistant closes when you're not done ( - 676348: make config file and runtime dirs/logs only readable by root ( - 676534 - Got message “unable to read /var/lib/rhsm/facts/facts.json” at first time register to stage ( - 675777 Date search field has no accessibility handler ( - 675817 - Compliance Assistant needs an Update button for the date ( - 675812 - Some tracebacks while beating on subscription-manager-gui ( - 675951 compliance asst doesn't word wrap label ( - 670655 can't dismiss error dialog when subscribing to personal subscriptions ( - 673050: Using strftime to format update time. ( - 674078: send 'right now' for compliance today, too ( 674418: Changing accessibility handles to reflect check box functionality. ( - 674691: Add vertical panes to the compliance assistant ( - 674078: Send a timezone aware timestamp for activeOn pools query ( - Update the man pages. ( - Write metadata expire attribute in yum repos. ( - Updating warning message. ( - 671588: hide incompatible pools from the compliance assistant ( - 673621: Fix the use of tests for return codes ( - Changing the RHN Classic warning and only displaying cli warning in register command. ( - Add a logrotate file. ( - Add a direct require on usermode. ( - Fix the dangling link for consolehelper. ( - Add support to compliance code for checking to see if we are RHN registered ( - Add the Encoding to the gui desktop file ( 673568 Use only svg for application icons. ( Move the man pages ( - add a reload to the cert service ( - Fix the permissions on the man pages ( - Clean up the icons in the makefile ( Updating the application icon. ( - Adding CLI warning if registered to classic RHN. ( - Adding warning dialog if already registered to RHN. ( - 672965 next update time isn't localized ( - Adding RHN classic registration check. ( - 672939: use re.compile for older pythons ( - 672969: put the checkbox filter options in an expander ( - 672939: Highlight search term in the main list and details ( - 668572: search provided product names along with the main product ( - I18N update. ( - 672649 Proxy location has no handler to be read by automation ( - Add in the new manpages ( - 669753: set timestamps on .py files for multilib ( - Compliance Screen should be called End Date. ( - 672122: facts updating wasn't using consumer_uuid ( - 670655: remove addFrame method. Fix traceback on sub error dialog ( - 671526: Fixing GUI exception messages ( - 668796: Reducing the default size of most widgets to small screens. ( - 668572: Turn search filters into real filters ( - 663756 exit calendar widget when you click outside cal box ( - 670899: make contract selection screen larger by default ( - Fix "not yet installed" filter error. ( - 670823: Remove reg tokens from the cli ( - 668572: hide installed subscriptions from search results ( - 670597: reload consumer in mainwindow after registration. ( - 670885: Adding warning dialog on unsubscribe. ( - 670212 add a text box in addition to calendar widget ( - 669753: use install -p to preserve py file timestamps ( - 669513: Make sure we get fresh facts when we show the facts dialog. ( - Show the contract support and management attributes ( - Making the tool buttons resize the parent container. ( - 669513: add a 'system.compliant' fact ( - Hiding activation button when not active and adding back click handler. ( - set default window size to 640x480 ( - 668581: more changes to shrink the ui ( - Ignoring network issues with activation button, defaulting to hide. ( - 668521: on unregistration, clear the list of available pools in the gui ( - 668048: Making calendar visible in all subs tab. ( - 668936: Raising exception if virt-what return code is non-zero. ( - 668796: Make the main window thinner ( - 669395: default consumer name to hostname to match ui ( - 668054: center contract selection dialog ( - 669208: Fix for exception handler on register ( - 669208: JSONDecodeError doesn't exist on simplejson 2.0.9 (aka, RHEL6) ( - 667953: remove warning here about empty facts.json ( - 668032: Log all bundled products on subscription ( - 668814: break out 404 and 500s into a different error ( Resolves: #665122,#668058,#668051 - Config update. ( - 665122: log to rhsm.log in the plugins with the new logger setup ( - 665122: initialize logging once for the whole app ( - 668058: Remove the fuel gage from the title bar ( - 668051: Remove the start date column ( Resolves: #668006,#667953,#667788,#664779,#664775,#664581,#666942 - 668006: Error handling fixes. ( - 667953: handle empty facts.json files ( - 667788: Fix contract selector total contracts count. ( - 664779: hide the register/unregister buttons during firstboot ( - 664779: move the tool button bar buttons to glade ( - 664775: potential fix for proxy being ignored in firstboot ( - Moving compliance header up and making larger. ( - Overhauling the all subs tab per Paul's feedback. ( - Changing search button to 'Update' ( - Removing contract number from my subscriptions tab ( - Adding compliance info icon and text ( - More UXD tweaks to the compliance sidebar - primarily wording changes ( - Removing contract header from installed tab ( - Clean up the text a bit in the contract selection screen ( - 664581: remove proxy options from clean a different way ( - 666942: Contract Selection page was using product id instead of the contract number ( Resolves: #664548,#664581 - rely on rhn-client-tools to handle entitlement selection ( - firstboot: read up2date proxy settings ( - firstboot: split firstboot into a seperate rpm ( - 664548: Fix for some subcommands (refresh ) not using proxy info as well ( - 664581: Removing proxy options for clean command ( - Removing header image per Paul's feedback and cleaning out unused images. ( - Manpage updates. ( - Changing registration wording per Paul's input. ( - Reworking facts dialog and updating to display last update time. ( - gui: add a 'today' button to the calendar ( - Show x of y available in compliance assistant. ( - Shrink the compliance assistant. ( - check the contains text box when text is entered ( - Adding in spacing to compliance selection ( - Remove the references to Unified Entitlement Platform in the cli ( - Allow the proxy window to be reopened after a close ( - Expanding subscription view in installed tab ( - Getting rid of guidelines for facts dialog ( - Adding in accessible name for compliance status image. ( Resolves: #663038 - Remove (moved to python-rhsm package) ( - Refactor top of compliance assistant. ( - Make accessible names more consistent ( - 663038: No bundled products cases a divide by zero error ( - Adding vertical pane to the all subs tab ( - Adding pane to installed products tab ( - Adding vertical pane to my subscriptions tab ( Resolves: #664538- More import fixes. ( - New header graphic. ( - Hiding next update when the value is not known. ( Resolves: #663669,#659735,#659735,#661517,#661517,#662232,#661876,#661329,#661419 - Update I18N string bundles. ( - firstboot: initialize the registerscreen superclass ( - 639436: make --proxy help blurb more clear about format required ( - Adding in more accessibility labels ( - 663669: add proxy_user and proxy_password to default config ( - Adding in accessibility names for automation ( - Fixing update file to be in daemon loop ( - 659735: fix up dialog display for all cases ( - 659735: display errors when the pulse bar is showing ( - 661517: make sure changes to proxy settings are respected ( - Set and write out config values on network config screen close. ( - 661517: make network config dialog respect disabling of proxy settings ( - Changing update label to use dropfile with unix timestamp ( - gui: stop using global UEP during register ( - 661542: update gui if registration state changes externally ( - 662232: remove "showIncompatiblePools" config option ( - 661876: fix a bug with cli not using config file proxy auth info ( - 661329: Only requiring registration if updating facts. ( - firstboot: fix display of compliance screen ( - 661419: Adding modal dialog when running second GUI instance. ( - Remove python-rhsm sub-package. ( - firstboot: get all but compliance to center on firstboot window ( - Adding Next Update notification to main screen ( - firstboot: let the MainWindow know the sytem is registered ( - firstboot: start using the new gui in firstboot ( - firstboot: add proxy configuration button ( Resolves: #661345,#660102,#634254 - New Subscription Manager UI.- Resolves: 654442,654435,654113,643931,645883,650965,654430,654429,648977,647891,649374 - I18N strings update. ( - 654442: Record rpm package name in yum history ( - 654435: Give the yum plugins better names ( - make sure we show all noncompliant products ( - show installed but not compliant on compliance screen ( - Refactoring main window to use common widget and adding cert monitoring ( - Add tests for find last compliant date. ( - add progressbar ( - Hook up the subscriptions detail pane to the date ( - Check for expiration on entitlment certs not product certs. ( - allsubs: handle errors during bind ( - refresh the all subs search results after a subscribe ( - Allow for subscribing from the all subscriptions tab ( - thread search results ( - Fix compliance error comparing date/datetime. ( - Error handling improvements. ( - 654113: software license -> subscription ( - s/day/day_entry to fix traceback ( - add pulse() method ( - BZ 643931 ( - Make all subs date selector match the compliance assistants. ( - Minor error message touchup. ( - 645883: repo_ca_cert in rhsm.conf should make use of ca_cert_dir ( - Make the name subscription-manager instead of subscription-manager-cli ( - Populate the subscriptions list based on products chosen ( - Add findAllByProduct method to EntitlementDir ( - BZ 650965 ( - Get uncompliant list working ( - 654430: Calling register with no username or password should result in clear text ( - 654429: when running facts/identity command, notify user when not registered. ( - Uncomment overlapping filter. ( - Add new UI support for unregistration. ( - remove duplicate code in unregister method. ( - Moving new ui to sm-gui ( - filter out installed products properly ( - Prompt to register when trying to open compliance assistant. ( - Display/hide all subs tab depending on registration status. ( - Add registration callbacks. ( - Add start of a contract selection window ( - Fix a busted Makefile target. ( - Allow overlapping pool filter to be skipped. ( - Moving cert monitoring to the backend object ( - Fixing bugs around subscription display and adding some ui tweaks ( - Fix overlapping option in compliance assistant. ( - Hookup date selector in compliance assistant. ( - stop subscription manager from deleting entitlement certificates without product information ( - list from entitlements, not products, for overlap ( - Add a filter for overlapping subscriptions ( - Adding status icon to product column ( - Allow compliance assistant to be used more than once per run. ( - Adding product directory monitoring in installed tab ( - Add sub details to compliance assistant. ( - Fix for server side provided product changes. ( manager ( - add a toggle button to the product list on compliance page ( - Figure out what products to display in the out of compliance product list ( - Make compliance date filter widget comply with mockup ( - Make the compliance label use actual date ( - Ensured that the cli prints out products which have been autosubscribed ( - add a "install-file" and "install-conf" targets ( - Introducing MappedListStore and adding installed table headers ( - Hookup compliance assistant button. ( - 648977: Changed the tool tip to be more specific ( - 647891: Add consumer name to the output ( - Refactor All Subs to better match wireframe spec. ( - gui: show account number for subscriptions ( - cli: show account number during 'list' ( - fix up some whitespace alignment in constants ( - add syslogging of adding and removing subscriptions ( - Getting all the headers in order ( - Adding documentation and refactoring mysubs table ( - Use new server-side date filtering. ( - gui: Remove unused broken import ( - Add syslogging of register and unregister ( - Refactoring common widgets into a widgets module ( - 649374: Make the ssl verify depth configurable ( Update I18N strings. ( - Pulling out contract info in 'All Subscriptions' tab ( - 648947: update certs and config for stage env ( - Fixing up facts test ( - 647855: subscription update button doesn't work, remove it ( - Adding working logic around subscription date coloring ( - 646565: Don't load key.pem as an entitlement cert ( - Make the facts a tree view ( - Ensure that autosubscribe is called from the cli, and exceptions are logged ( - Display bundled product names in details for all subs tab. ( - Hookup all subs display of provided products. ( - 647410: handle error on unbindBySerial call in ui (don't reraise) ( - Adding first pass at date-based subscription coloring ( - 646451: Handle network outages on the add subscription screen ( - Tweaking subscription table renderering options (grid lines, centering) ( - Filter pools in memory. ( - Stash pool results in the all subs tab. ( - Pulling out the Renew button from My Subscriptions ( - Adding renew button back to My Subscriptions tab ( - Lots of glade cleanup and tweaks. ( - Adding in none check for tree_iter to get rid of initial traceback ( - Removing hardware column and making products table functional. ( - Remove unecessary call to server after GUI bind. ( - Touchups for compliance status width/wrapping. ( - Calculate and display products out of compliance status. ( - Hookup All Subs tab to the subscription details below. ( - Break subscription details out into a class. ( - Getting rid of duplicate date formatting method ( - Adding products table layout - currently showing dummy data ( - 646431: Fix missing refresh for add screen. ( - 646916: Enable the plugin by default ( - 646557: remove extraneous "user service" in the selector ( - Fixing bug in percentage calculation of installed products ( - Rendering installed products as a progress bar ( - Hookup View Facts button. ( - Enable Registration Settings button. ( - Add new UI sidebar. ( - Refactoring how to obtain widget refs ( - More All Subs tab UI touchups. ( - Set new UI main window size to 1024x768. ( - All Subs tab UI touchups. ( - Set all subs date selector to current date by default. ( - Hookup all subs date filtering. ( - Enable active on date selection UI components. ( - Adding in selection listener to update mysubs info ( - 64431 Man page updates ( - 645347: Long usernames caused httpd server to reject the request. ( - 640463: Update the oids in the order namespace ( - 645115: clean up the location of the entitlement certificates ( - 645378: do not allow empty system names on registration ( - 645372: better logging during a force register to say what is going on ( - Latest man page from Deon. This is version 49774 ( - 643027: Use the new bind by product API ( - Moving out renew button and adding a little polish ( - Hookup uninstalled/name filtering in new UI. ( - Add helper for filtering a list of pools. ( - Hookup pool list on all subscriptions tab. ( - Calculate 'merged' pool data. ( - cleanup rhsm.conf a bit, make everything of form "a = b" ( - 617662: Add a config value for the default yum repo ca cert location ( - Moving 'My Subscriptions' page to look at entitlement certs (whoops!) ( - Force local cleanup if GUI unregister fails. ( - Fix bad i18n calls. ( - Fix my subs tab. ( - Remove global facts object. ( - Begin using mocks in tests. ( - 613709: Munge product labels so we always have a valid repo id ( - Remove use of 'consumer' global in GUI. ( - Fix monkey-patching test error. ( - Switch to webqa in default rhsm.conf. ( - Add All Subs search button. ( - Enable the 'contains text' UI widgets. ( - Adding several additions to 'My Subscriptions' page. ( - 627962: Fix issue with cpu.cpu_mhz causing facts to always update ( - 642705: destroy icon wen compliant ( - 643402: update the gui after a manual cert import ( - 642705: destroy icon when compliant ( - Wildcard GNOME files in spec. ( - Pass data between new main window and tab classes. ( - 642997: split RHN or RHN sat option into two choices ( - 642997: split RHN or RHN sat option into two choices ( - 642661: Fix registration status during firstboot ( - 642661: Fix registration status during firstboot ( - 643054: Add in the latest man page. ( - 643054: Add in the latest man page. ( - Dynamically loading subscriptoin tabs. ( - Hookup signals for all subs filter checkboxes. ( - Refactor all subs tab into separate class. ( - Get all subs treeview operational. ( - Mockup "all subscriptions" tab. ( - Wildcard glade files in spec. ( - Skeleton code for new UI. ( - Reversion alpha branch, next tag 0.92.1 ( - Reversion for beta, next tag will go to 0.93.1. ( Resolves: #641037,#641448,#641479,#641502 - Update I18N strings. ( - Add helper for quantity used OID extension. ( - Add string substituion parameter to UNREGISTER_ERROR. ( - 641037: Skipping past RHSM screens when selecting 'Do not register' ( - 641037: Skipping Entitlement choice screen in firstboot if network is not avaiable ( - 641448: invalid error message on SSL failure(s) ( - 641479: users should be informed of invalid certs from candlepin. ( - Skipping entitlement selection page if id cert exists ( - Reload subscriptions on changes. ( - 641502: Add the options prepend to the description ( Resolves: #641040,#633814,#632570,#631472 - Display buttons on main screen dynamically. ( - Adjust firstboot screen priorities. ( - No network required for firstboot entitlement chooser. ( - remove the content portion from the fakamai url ( - Pull down the latest code if you autosubscribe, or register as an existing consumer ( - Add a 'refresh' command which will pull down the latest entitlement data ( - Add a clean command. ( - Add configuration and certificate for the dev environment ( - Make the cfg check work for show compatible screen ( - 633814: fix 'Compliance icon not refreshed' ( - 632570: alignment issues with product description text ( - 631472: Using close button in update screen breaks GUI ( Resolves: #641082,#640338 - 641082: Fix double call to Path.abs. ( - 640338: subscribe is occasionally dropping duplicate entitlement certs ( Resolves: #640980- Resolves: #638696,#585193 - Fix broken directory path joining. ( - Display error messages sent from the server on entitlement bind ( - Update the config name for the ca cert dir to ca_cert_dir ( - clean up a gtk warning about the bad button group ( - 638696: bugfix 'cli fails silently with wrong server SSL cert' ( - unregister should delete identity certs if candlepin call is successfull. ( - some glade reference renaming s/treeview_2/treeview_matching, etc ( - refactor the populate*Subscriptions methods. ( - 585193: refractor error handling code. ( Resolves: #632612,#640128,#639320,#639491,#637160,#638289 - When re-registering, previously subscribed-to subscriptions are checked by default) ( - update CA trust chain ( - Write identity cert with correct permissions initially. ( - Check and fix identity cert permissions on every run. ( - Type in the identity command ( - fix for bz#639320 ( - Fix segfault when adding subs during firstboot. ( - 639491: Put register by consumer back in ( - Moving re-register to be identity. ( - Get firstboot displaying the right subscription screen. ( - Fix separate subscription window in firstboot. ( - 637160 - require --all to unsubscribe to unsub all ( - merge getAllAvailableSubscriptions and getAvailableEntitlements ( - getAvailableEntitlementsCLI isn't needed, just call the regular version ( - remove some code duplication for getting available entitlements/subscriptions ( - remove unneeded wrapper method ( - Move registration status on main UI page. ( - Handle errors during unregistration. ( - Add "Activate Subscription" button. ( - Add unregister button to main screen. ( - Display UUID on main page of the GUI. ( - 638289: Fix broken re-register if identity cert doesn't exist. ( - Fix broken list all subscriptions. ( - Update registration screen to match new mockups. ( - remove some unused imports ( - Add missing imports ( - Split registration screens into separate glade files. ( - Remove duplicate log initialization in ( - Ship the CA chain ( - Load CA trust chains from a directory of pem formatted files ( Resolves: #617685 - Cleanup authentication logic. ( - Split out REST lib into seprate rpm. ( - config: define defaults in the config module ( - Start of glade name cleanup. Make glade names per top level. ( - Initial work in adding facts dialog. ( - Line length fixups in the firstboot module ( - 617685: Ensure that the baseurl works with and without trailing slashes. ( - Use config file for directories to use. ( - Specify default cert location in default config. ( - Fix insecure setting comparison. ( - Refactor to use Python ConfigParser. ( - Fallback to console logging if we cannot write to /var/log. ( Resolves: #628589 - Updated I18N strings. ( - added username & password check for reregister with --consumerid option command ( - Fix bad translation. ( - fix for #628589 -removed --consumerid option from register command ( - 623264: Fix multiple issues with registration. ( Resolves: #631472 - update these screens priorities so we show the management screen first to simplify the flow ( - Have the UEP Connection read the values from the local config file ( - escape the product name in unsubscribe confirm dialog. ( - return True from delete_event handlers. fix bz#631472 ( - 635844:If there is a colossal failure, and no json is returned.. then assume it is a network erorr and provide a generic response ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - Change the name of the entitlement chooser module to a more vibrant and impressive name as to better establish our brand and mark in a challenging marketplace. ( Resolves: #631537, #633514 - Only escape strings that need it (aka, product name for now) instead of all strings sent to the messageWindow. Escaping all of them broke the formating. ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - change packing on register/close buttons so they display correctly in firstboot ( - Catch locale errors ( - Move close button in the subscription token/modify subscription dialog ( - change paths for firstboot modules ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - Escape text passed to gtk's text markup. ( - 623448: Added the new config options to the example config file ( - 596136 ensure that the daemon only runs one time ( - Fix up some spec file issues with the local being double listed and the first boot stuff not being included ( - bugfix for bz#631537 ( - rename files firstboot modules ( - Add an option on the entitlement choose screen for "local" ( - bugfix for bz#633514 ( - Change rhms screen priority to match those of rhn. ( - add chooser screen ( - start of adding a rhn or rhesus screen ( - Fix missing gettext import. ( - fixed a problem with prefix config ( - made '/candlepin' prefix configurable as 'prefix' configuration file parameter ( - Merge branch 'i18n' ( - Remove the translations used for testing. ( - Deploy translations to /usr/share/locale/. ( - Add po/build to gitignore ( - Make a seperate update-po makefile target ( - glob po files for compile_pos ( - Add a menu icon for subscription-manager ( - Minor strings update. ( - Safer generation of glade.h string files. ( - Add missing translation markers in Python code. ( - Remove bad glade translatable markers. ( - We need to import certlib after setting path in include rhsm ( - I18N for compliance icon. ( - Include Glade strings for translation. ( - Enable I18N in subscription manager itself. ( - Compile .po files during install. ( - Remove (most of) HATEOAS. ( - 608005: checking for bad html characters on the client ( - Handle window manager delete_entry signals. fix bz#631472 ( - fix for bz#628070 Do not try to unsubscribe from the server for local management ( - 632019: Remove hyphen from re-register ( - 613650: Improved the text a bit ( - 632019: Clean up typo in the help message ( - Add make target to extract strings for i18n. ( - bugfix for bz#617703 ( names on firstboot modules changed- Resolves: #627915 - Update for Candlepin HATEOAS changes. ( - Comment out logging response from server. bz#627915 ( #627681, #616137, #618819, #627707 - bugfix for bz#627681 ( - compliance-icon: support warning period notification ( - bugfix for bz#618819 ( - fix for bz#616137 ( - Fix broken exception handling. ( - Use the write method name when saving facts. fix bz#628679 ( - fix for bz#585193 ( - Fix bz #627707 - facts cache not being updated for "update facts now" button if the facts file is deleted under it ( - add /etc/rhsm/facts to makefile ( - add /etc/rhsm/facts to spec file ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - 624106 - handle the consumerid properly ( - 624106 - add consumerid param to reregister. ( - fix for bz#609126 ( - bugzilla fix#601848 ( - 624816 - unlimited flag unavailable, check quantity for -1. ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - Change the firstboot ordering ( - Missing config options for insecure options and ca certs. ( - bugfix/enhancement for bugzilla#597210 ( - BZ624794: Start using basic auth ( - date format did not change. reverting it back to original ( - Fix format string and added logging to detect failures when running cert- daemon ( - add user certs in all the places it makes sense ( - add user/cert based auth for unregister as well. fix bz#624025 ( - Remove debug "raise" that was breaking some of the error handling ( - Try to only create the UEP once, and add ssl certs to it when we get them ( - move around where we init the connection object ( - add my favorite "trace_me" helper method that dumps the stack of where it is called from to ( Resolves: #622839, #612250 - get rid of stray print debug ( - missed an instance of create_connection_with_userIdentity ( - remove unneeded printing of consumer id bz#622839 ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - implement entitlement grace periods ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - Adding some firstboot niceties for registration. ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - Somewhat rough fix for BZ #612250 ( - Add back some missing atk strings ( - remove the executable bit from ( - Add bin to gitignore ( - Remove unused 'test' file (from repo check) ( - s/create_connection_with_userIdentity/create_connection_with_userIdentity ( - remove reference to non existent variable ( - More moving of ImportCertificate screen dialog around ( - refactor ImportCertificate screen a bit. ( - more refactoring ( - refactor AddSubscriptionScreen.init to be slightly less indented ( - remove unused imports cleanup indention ( - remove unused "os" import ( - indention cleanup pylint cleanups ( - unused variable removed pychecker cleanups ( - import os here pychecker fix ( - BZ615357: Can now pass in --all if you are doing list --available (root@localhost.localdomain) - BZ615404 changed the name ( Resolves: #614015, #613635, #612730 - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager ( - compliance-icon: fix up right click handling ( - compliance-icon: call notify_init for older distros ( - make add subscriptions dialog a singleton ( - Making register screen and regtoken screen singletons. ( - Getting the firstboot screens working again with the common glade file. ( - Refactoring managergui to use signals for consumer updates. ( - Make the progress dialog for subscribing to channels a little better. ( - Change getMatchedSubscriptions to uniq the list of products based on pool id. ( - Moving firstboot regsiter screen to use common network init method. ( - Tweaking the registration screen. ( - remove unwanted print statement ( - unregister functionality implemented ( - Make RegisterScreen run as a dialog ( - remove redundant connection method ( - register client if consumer cert doesn't exist ( - fix typo ( - remove --regen option from facts, use the reregister command ( - add reregister command ( - add rhms_subscriptions module to spec ( - remove debug spew ( - Turn subscriptionToken/status/factupdate/kitchen sink screen back on ( - Several small UI tweaks to register screen. ( - turn on "subscriptionTokenScreen" again ( - change the add subscription dialog to "run" so we don't block in it's main loop. ( - refactoring to make firstboot gui work ( - Merge branch 'firstboot' of git+ssh:// /subscription-manager into firstboot ( - abstract more rhsm gui stuff so we can redefine them in firstboot ( - Basically adding documentation. ( - Merge branch 'firstboot' of git+ssh:// /subscription-manager into firstboot ( - Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// manager into firstboot ( - bugfix for connection not using usr credentials after registration. ( - remove unused code ( - Merging in master and doing further work on register screen. ( - Getting the basics of the register screen in and working. ( - add the main "rhms_subscriptions" screen. ( - Disarm "reload" since it causes firstboot ui to freak out. ( - s/rhms_module/rhms_login ( - reenabled installing rhsm.conf. ( - create firstboot dirs in make install ( - add rhms firstboot module to repo ( - add firstboot modules to spec ( - install the firstboot modules in make install ( - Changes to make this module also work as a firstboot screen. ( - force the symlink to console helper. Do not install the config file on make install. ( - Merging in master and doing further work on register screen. ( - insecure mode option moved to rhsm.conf file ( - Getting the basics of the register screen in and working. ( - add the main "rhms_subscriptions" screen. ( - Disarm "reload" since it causes firstboot ui to freak out. ( - s/rhms_module/rhms_login ( - reenabled installing rhsm.conf. ( - create firstboot dirs in make install ( - add rhms firstboot module to repo ( - add firstboot modules to spec ( - install the firstboot modules in make install ( - Changes to make this module also work as a firstboot screen. ( - force the symlink to console helper. Do not install the config file on make install. ( - Create /var/lib/rhsm/facts if it doesn't exist. Fix for bz#613003 ( - Always push the facts up if users click "update facts" even if we don't think there has been a change. ( - Add a "update facts" button the the "modify registration" screen. ( - Merge branch 'master' of git:// manager ( - add "facts --list" and "facts --update" to cli ( - add to repo ( - Swap OrderNumber and SerialNumber fields for formatting in list --consumed ( add rhms_subscriptions firstboot module- Resolves: #614015, #613635, #612730 - remove prints, use proper method name ( - store the cert ( - adding regen identity certs to client ( - moving importing of logutils after PYTHONPATH is set ( - fix for bugzilla#607162 ( - bugfix for 'connection.UEPConnection' instance. ( - renaming the main subscription-manager-gui glade as rhsm ( - Show and accept consumer names via the gui ( - Show the name in the register page ( - Removed setters. Multiple connections not spawned for every execution. ( - BZ616065: Allow a name to passed into the register command ( - added exception logging and fix for one bug. ( - 614015 - fixing name mismatches ( - 613635 - remove printing cp instance ( - 612730 - fixing typo ( - display error when unregister fails ( Resolves: #617303 - BZ613650: Clean up the help text (root@localhost.localdomain) - Make insecure by default for testing purposes. ( Resolves: #613003 - Make subscription-manager-gui run as root ( - Pass the UUID in the subject, and name in the subjectAlternateName ( - hook up consolehelper for subscription-manager-gui ( - Add compliance notification syslogging/desktop icon ( - Make candlepin_ca_file an instance variable (root@localhost.localdomain) - subscription-manager now checks server's certificate before performing further commands ( - From: Adrian Likins Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:23:59 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 7/7] Don't try to use any existing consumer certs for registration ( - Need to add pidplugin.conf to Makefile. ( - Daemon not started at install; pidplugin disabled. As per fedora packaging guidelines, the rhsm daemon is not started during rpm install. ( - Add product ID (yum) plugin conf. ( - Add support for alternate root directories. Change the root dir to /mnt/sysimage when it exists to support running the product id plugin within an Anaconda install. ( - Add productid plugin. ( - Remove unnecessary import. ( - Removing bind by product name. Use pool or reg-token to do future binds ( add firstboot modules- Resolves: #613003 - putting back accessibility strings overridden by facts commit ( Resolves: #613003 - Create /var/lib/rhsm/facts if it doesn't exist. Fix for bz#613003 ( - New button in gui for refreshing facts - alikins ( - Adding the facts lib ( - First pass at support for supporting updating facts for subscription-manager. ( - subscribing to a regnumber was failing ( Resolves: #589626 - Adding in 'unlimited' quantity support. ( - Candlepin connection library updates. ( - Allow the user to sepcify a type at registration ( - Force username and password to always be required on register ( - more alignment changes on reg token screen ( - fxing alignment issues on reg token screen and fix for other tab content ( - removing raise ( - fixing unregistered case to load cert import ( - load match object intead of other by default ( - compare by productId for other tab as well ( - compare matched and compatible by productId ( - comare matched package list with productids ( - changing the matched bucket to use productId for matching ( - Hide the incompatible pools tab by default and make it a config option ( - Teach the gui to send up email/lang during token activation, too ( - Update cli option names for regtoken activation to match api ( - Teach the cli to send up email/lang on regtoken activation ( - Swap OrderNumber and SerialNumber fields for formatting in list --consumed ( - Adding some changes to disable horizontal scrolling and align the columns appropriately ( - fix the display order for contract info ( - 602258 - represent subscription data as productId instead of sku ( Resolves: #589626 - Adding accessibility string for widgets for automation support ( - updating spec to include new files ( - Add support for a /etc/rhsn/facts/*.facts files that can define additional facts ( - test ( - adding some todos for later ( - get the other tab to populate entitlements ( - rename oder with contract ( - fixing progress dialog path ( - minor fixed ( - Adding order info to list call ( Resolves: #591247 - clean up ( - Revert "Add uep wrapper where async logic will live" ( - Revert "Hook up register/unregister to be async" ( - if we get an error from IT lets show it instead of generic error for reg token activation ( - removing test checks ( - Hook up register/unregister to be async ( - Add uep wrapper where async logic will live ( - error message is now a popup ( - Load gui resources relative to the python code (to run from src) ( - Append consistant python path ( - Add .gitignore ( - Adding Order info to cli and gui ( - Convert to using candlepin's jackson formatted json ( - Fix OID ending in 10+. Add Order.getContract(). ( - Changing the Add subscriptions screen to bucketize entitlements into categories and use a tabbed interface ( - Changing name of referenced variable to regnum ( - test ( - test ( - fix autosubscribe to user right consumer ( Resolves: #591247 - format the dat correctly for gui add - send in product hash as part of autobind - Format the cli print to be sequential instead of a table form. This makes the output more reliable ( - Fix rhsmcertd not sleeping properly. Add Bundle class for combining key & cert next sprint. ( - unsubscribe uses serial number directly from subscription info per subscribed product ( - Change unsubscribe to use serial number instead of product names ( Resolves: #590094 - encode translated error strings before displaying ( Resolves: #584510 - Adding a progress bar to Apply subscriptions process ( Resolves: #589626 - unregister now removes stale entitlement certs from the clients ( Resolves: #585193, #587647, #584440, #586462, #588408 - 585193, 587647 - Handle Non-Network case Gracefully - 584440 - Validate manually uploaded entitlement certs - 586462 - strip out http connection stuff and default all connections through ssl ( - 588408 - re initialize CP instance with consumer certs post registration ( - fixing registration to not load certs while creating a cp instance ( - 588389: Ensure list of expired products is unique. ( Resolves: #586388, #586525 - Adding support to unsubscribe user by serial number ( - Disable update/unsubscribe buttons if a product is not selected or if a selected product is not yet subscribed to any subscription ( - hide the add/update windows after successfully applying the subscription ( - Fix certlib exception and linger bug. ( - Removing testing comment. Add code doc. ( - Stop removing expired certificates; Display warning in yum for expired certificates. ( - 586388 - Allow multiple pools/products/regnumbers to be able to subscribe from commandline ( - exception handling for unsubscribe functionality ( - 586525: Interpret interval as minutes. ( - clean up ( - Subscribe to pools in Add/Update button by pool id instead of productName.Ignore the productId and use productname in the list to identity the product pool in the list ( - Beautify error message display on bad login ( - clean up old modules ( Resolves: #584330 - Add PyXML to the requires - fixing the date format to be human readable for GUI ( - Add tzinfo to datetime objects returned by DateRange.begin() and DateRange.end() ( - Provide a command line and GUI option for user to automacally subscribe upon register. By default we only register the system ( - fixing the cli date format to be human readable ( - spec clean up ( - Adding support to show registration status on the main screen and direct users appropriately ( - 584330: Fix init.d script start() output. ( - 584137 - cli subscribe now uses cert serial number as ent Id until told otherwise ( - Add Reader to skip double newlines left by iniparse when sections are removed. ( - Migrate to iniparse. ( - Add certmgr to replace direct calling of certlib & repolib. ( Resolves: #580043 - jbowes's fix for locale string replacement ( - unsubscribe products based on ent id from cert serial ( - dont show the content/role sets if the list is empty ( - Add access to product hash. ( - Preserve custom repo properties. ( Resolves: #581032, #581489 - cleaning up obsolete exceptions ( - Certlib robustness & testing. Remove InvalidCertificate exception; no longer raised by ProductCertificate.getProduct() and EntitlementCertificate.getOrder() Ensure Directory classes only return 'good' certificates (not bogus ones). Detect and log invalid cert bundles from UEP. Overall more robust error handling. ( Resolves: #568427 - eol string literal missing ( - modify the sequence in whihc subscription column is shown ( - fixing index issue due to mismatched product tuple ( - Exception Handling for custom exceptions sent down from candlepin ( - Remove all certificate caching; Change certificate read() to be instance based. ( - change to right header based on product state ( - Adding support to list products that are consuming a subscription but not installed ( - including locale info in request headers ( - clean up ( - adding a new column called subscription to gui/cli ( - support to handle multiple products per certs for cli/tui ( - Backtrack on some of the snapshot stuff. ( - unbregister account before re-registereing user from GUI ( - unregister existing consumer before re-registering with a force flag ( - Adding support to manually unregister a client to cli ( Resolves: #580576 - fixing error message on failed registration ( - Resolves: #580955 - set ssl_port to cfg value instead of default ( - Ground work for directory snapshot caching. ( - Resolves: #580630 - register window will now not be resizable ( - Updated for OID structure 04-07-10. ( - reflecting changes to the oid schema structure in the client tooling ( - Remove 'layered product versioning' prototype code. ( Support for register system by consumerId - rpmlint fixes - Resolves: #578860 - alignment issues on registration details screen - Resolves: #570489: Updating man page to reflect latest functionality ( - updating frame icon ( Resolves: #578113 - lscpu is localized, use the right locale to accumulate hwdata - Resolves: #578520 - if no products are selected, clicking 'Unsubscribe' should be a noop - Resolves: #578517 registration dialog validates for missing input - Resolves: #576568 catch the socket exceptions or any other unknow exception and error gracefully ( - removing test files ( - specfile clean up ( - updated icons ( - some minor UI tweaks based on feedback from the demo ( - multiple bug fixes to gui, cli and proxy ( - Update product __str__ to show valid and valid date range. ( - test ( - updating config to remove cert paths ( - Fix extension parsing with values on following line as '.\n'. ( Resolves: #577238 #577140 - Use SSLv3 for Candlepin communication. ( - Fix edge case in OID seaching. ( - dont use ssl certs for register even for re registration ( - Update for entitlement OID schema 3-29-10 spec=DOC-33548 which includes yum repo (.1) namespace. ( - make --force default true ( - Ability to unsubscribe in offline mode. Adding a confirm window before unsubscribing ( - --force option to override existing registrations ( - adding dist to rpm spec ( - bug#571242 return error code of 0 for help options ( Resolves: #568427 - bug#577238 dont replace config upon reinstall ( - breaking clients. comment our ssl cert stuff until its functional on cp ( - some ssl changes ( - Update for getCertificateSerials() returned format change. ( - Initial layered product version work. ( - notify user politely if there are no available ents ( - adding id to the available list ( - Added icon support for rhsm gui ( Resolves: #568427 - Spec file clean up - moving gnome tools to separate package - methods to define concrete description for products based on the state, product info and entitlement info. - constants file to accumulate all static strings in one place- Resolves: #568427 - event notification from add/remove and update subscription actions to main window - error notification windows - registration should now auto subscribe products and redirect to already-registered screen- Resolves: #568427 - logging support - changes to support identity cert parsing- Resolves: #568427 - Changes to support dynamic icon changes - changes to support resteasy api changes - fixed alignment issues in mainWindow- Resolves: #568427 - New registration/regtoken/add subscriptions screens- Resolves: #568426 - More changes to api proxy - new gui screens- Resolves: #568426 - more updates to api flush down - updates to new screens and layout in gui- Resolves: #568426 - new build- Resolves: #568433 - Flushed out hardware info - man page for cli- packaging subscription-manager/bin/sh/bin/sh\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/\\\\\\0\\\1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\0.95.14-1.el6_10.95.14-1.el6_1 subscription-manager-guisubscription-manager-guirhsm-compliance-icon.desktoprhsm-compliance-iconsubscription-manager-guisubscription-manager-guisubscription-manager.desktopsubscription-manager.svgrhsm-compliance-icon.8.gzsubscription-manager-gui.8.gzgui__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyoactivate.pyactivate.pycactivate.pyoallsubs.pyallsubs.pycallsubs.pyocompliance.pycompliance.pyccompliance.pyocontract_selection.pycontract_selection.pyccontract_selection.pyodataactivate.gladeallsubs.gladecompliance.gladecontract_selection.gladefactsdialog.gladeiconscompliant.svgnon-compliant.svgscalablesubscription-manager.svgimportsub.gladeinstalled.glademainwindow.glademysubs.gladenetworkConfig.gladeprogress.gladeregistration.gladerhsm.gladesubdetails.gladesubsgui.gladefactsgui.pyfactsgui.pycfactsgui.pyoimportsub.pyimportsub.pycimportsub.pyoinstalledtab.pyinstalledtab.pycinstalledtab.pyomanagergui.pymanagergui.pycmanagergui.pyomessageWindow.pymessageWindow.pycmessageWindow.pyomysubstab.pymysubstab.pycmysubstab.pyonetworkConfig.pynetworkConfig.pycnetworkConfig.pyoprogress.pyprogress.pycprogress.pyostorage.pystorage.pycstorage.pyoutils.pyutils.pycutils.pyowidgets.pywidgets.pycwidgets.pyo/etc/pam.d//etc/security/console.apps//etc/xdg/autostart//usr/bin//usr/sbin//usr/share/applications//usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps//usr/share/man/man8//usr/share/rhsm//usr/share/rhsm/gui//usr/share/rhsm/gui/data//usr/share/rhsm/gui/data/icons//usr/share/rhsm/gui/data/icons/scalable/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablescpioxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnu                  ASCII textELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, strippedPython script text executableSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imageUTF-8 Unicode textXML document texta /usr/bin/python script text executablebroken symbolic link to `/usr/bin/consolehelper'broken symbolic link to `/usr/share/rhsm/gui/data/icons/scalable/subscription-manager.svg'directoryemptypython 2.6 byte-compiledtroff or preprocessor input text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)RRRR R R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR#Rgtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :/bin/sh?7zXZ !PH6U] b2]!< JkujcV~Fe2W׳Yǝ}=b?/us{eT<`6nӤY%ت<†墏t[ұInA{(4I^G'ړdAp)˳¤ܔl3?U& ̴Z>*R:F9S:wtIm@) ̧ C]UMu!~JYmdŽ_(6iUkb6e>g 5I/[pS qscF!%xXaE$d6xDbhL- f-;h3,>N^  HO˸?vcw^SEyتAa׎楖L~!sa05r[ėâŬsИr^P m5͈zB <5^g姂u^Y؆p~2cF^K TJ\>K3nʬ;6KjZ*sxKRނaos&HQN9g+T+H c4ğ =}ZK$)H ^L5' $j ^ E/-{ւ hJ2kWp@-nL"%H7r4bnN4aVyrQv_0H|~*io mg#mʊ3}M60M0IzIˍ,o]k#;lOUZg|}@@aw¤ fn!wg,kì=/$ԥIhk)'έw`$UӗUv)'0l`ue, !Z_&T-=rR9s&>h;MsZ>T8jx>LK!scHgl-V6jp="¥gGm=)=uyw~3 6mmg{Ӵe$t.gɖ mǭ77TNsS]\G508ʴb٨.(>hIf߾,nLJovù м,I6%&[BmGji~ "X]lCD[sS*S~Ru能Mٗj?5QTr[Hv)<4HliVSeS+<5)g2}/BVT/\UW|v%%5D] gƄg@h{3hl}nD՗Z d7$̡\P5YhF6u:޵-@yvFl `͘=& Kuoh +aq~? ,EPW/9FCB PtlE`,ys1\ Qbv7aE~oi$̒cw^2YCS\s1 /({ {`oy(.&%&U>ữF dr !reU!*2ԨS2Su:ZI]ctrpu1E{3^U5_f-/N{$ Jϐ1$>LZ` )dIJ#,`kmEŁ#?C\ߍZ љ9yA ).%r&+oΫl&"g<}l JŐؕsvTnꥵƲ}(k/xe(|"f6JV.`Z$ soL͐{5e# hse8(}#UKߟv4)jpLz)dʄ"|쓧C6S||Bf-RxFZiU$h rN<8my׼/ɺ?D:sqKfjpb< l=Hw8N{DUc.VwLlq^OOU<}+9_ )5Tn+%F-~"vk.L ,.츯MMxrFq'l9ׄϾ3Xx$>hnE ˾IV. 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