qpid-cpp-server-devel-0.10-8.el6_1> H HtxHFN ?*}}VB36w61zU"sbw/T0Q5de26a3fa1b6dd200a857fa08a5ee80e39513a0bcP|k.MZQoB#FN ?*}}Kw8+ۻY1Bg+#G&,?V}>@K?Kxd % f 28=L     0 ` ? ({8w9`w:!w>I@IBIGIHIIIXIYIZJ[J\J]J$^J<bJYdJeJfJlKtKuK vK(wK`xKhyKpKtCqpid-cpp-server-devel0.108.el6_1Libraries and header files for developing Qpid broker extensionsLibraries and header files for developing extensions to the Qpid broker daemon.N2sl6.fnal.govScientific LinuxRed Hat, Inc.ASL 2.0Scientific LinuxDevelopment/Systemhttp://qpid.apache.orglinuxi686/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfig # === Package: qpid-cpp-client-rdma ===ANNlibqpidbroker.so.5.0.0rootrootrootrootqpid-cpp-0.10-8.el6_1.src.rpmqpid-cpp-server-develqpid-cpp-server-devel(x86-32)@    /bin/sh/bin/shboost-develboost-filesystemboost-program-optionslibqpidbroker.so.5qpid-cpp-client-develqpid-cpp-serverrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)0.10-8.el6_10.10-8.el6_13.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.8.0NFMM۝M@M@M@MMwkMv@MdMOMK@MK@M0:LLLcL)@L=L=L_L@LKKKEKKie@K^@KO@KO@KMKMKMKMKLd@JJJ_@JJp9JlE@JL@JD@J?r@J/@IIW@I?@I?@II2I2IHIuIo%@IPI5#@I-:@I&I%Q@Ih@I@I-I@I@I9@I II@IIg@HXH@H@H|@HuHRa@HQHQHO@H=I@H5`@H2@H2@H*@H$ - 0.10-8Kim van der Riet - 0.10-6Kim van der Riet - 0.10-5Kim van der Riet - 0.10-4Kim van der Riet - 0.10-3Kim van der Riet - 0.10-2Kim van der Riet - 0.10-1Kim van der Riet - 0.9.1079953-1Kim van der Riet - 0.9.1078967-1Kim van der Riet - 0.9.1073306-1Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-13Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-12Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-11Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-10Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-9Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-8Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-7Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-6Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-5Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-4Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-3Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-3Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-3Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-2Kim van der Riet - 0.7.946106-1Kim van der Riet - 0.7.935473-1Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-5Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-5Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-4Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-3Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-3Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-3Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-3Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-2Kim van der Riet - 0.6.895736-1Kim van der Riet - 0.5.819892-3Nuno Santos - 0.5.819819-2Nuno Santos - 0.5.819819-1Nuno Santos - 0.5.818599-1Nuno Santos - 0.5.817349Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.5.790661-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.790661-2Nuno Santos - 0.5.790661-1Nuno Santos - 0.5.788782-1Nuno Santos - 0.5.787286-1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.5.752600-8Nuno Santos - 0.5.752600-5Michael Schwendt - 0.5.752600-5Nuno Santos - 0.5.752600-4Nuno Santos - 0.5.752600-3Nuno Santos - 0.5.752600-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.4.738618-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.4.738618-3Nuno Santos - 0.4.738618-2Nuno Santos - 0.4.734452-3Nuno Santos - 0.4.734452-1Nuno Santos - 0.4.728142-1Nuno Santos - 0.3.722557-1Nuno Santos - 0.3.720979-1Mick Goulish Mick Goulish Justin Ross - 0.3.714072-1Justin Ross - 0.3.713378-1Justin Ross - 0.3.712127-1Nuno Santos - 0.3.711915-2Justin Ross - 0.3.711915-1Nuno Santos - 0.3.709187-2Nuno Santos - 0.3.709187-1Nuno Santos - 0.3.708576-1Nuno Santos - 0.3.708210-1Justin Ross - 0.3.707724-1Justin Ross - 0.3.707468-1Justin Ross - 0.2.687156-1Justin Ross - 0.2.685273-1Justin Ross - 0.2.683301-1Justin Ross - 0.2.676581-1Nuno Santos - 0.2.667603-3Justin Ross - 0.2.667603-1Justin Ross - 0.2.667253-1Nuno Santos - 0.2.666138-5Justin Ross - 0.2.666138-3David Sommerseth - 0.2.663761-1Nuno Santos - 0.2.656926-4Nuno Santos - 0.2.656926-3Justin Ross -0.2.656926-2Nuno Santos - 0.2-34Matthew Farrellee - 0.2-33Matthew Farrellee - 0.2-32Matthew Farrellee - 0.2-31Matthew Farrellee - 0.2-30Matthew Farrellee - 0.2-29Nuno Santos - 0.2-28Nuno Santos - 0.2-25Rafael Schloming - 0.2-24Rafael Schloming - 0.2-23Alan Conway - 0.2-22Alan Conway - 0.2-21Rafael Schloming - 0.2-20Gordon Sim - 0.2-18Nuno Santos - 0.2-17Nuno Santos - 0.2-16Nuno Santos - 0.2-15Nuno Santos - 0.2-14Alan Conway - 0.2-13Alan Conway - 0.2-10Alan Conway - 0.2-9Alan Conway - 0.2-8Alan Conway - 0.2-7Alan Conway - 0.2-6Alan Conway - 0.2-5Alan Conway - 0.2-4Alan Conway - 0.2-3Alan Conway - 0.2-2Alan Conway - 0.2-1Alan Conway - 0.1-5Jim Meyering - 0.1-4Alan Conway - 0.1-3Alan Conway - 0.1-1David Lutterkort - 0.1-1- Related rhbz#743512 - mrg_2.0.x patch was updated to include: - BZ 690107: Too many 'task overran' warnings in qpid broker logs - BZ 728586: Broker memory bloat due to leak of messages. - BZ 730017: Cluster authentication ignores cluster-* settings - BZ 732063: creating invalid federation link causes file descriptor leak - BZ 733543: Client freezes up when sending a large message - BZ 734608: qpidd core dump when accessed from a 1.2 client - BZ 736160: Qpidd possible memory leaks- Related rhbz#706120 - MRG 2.0 GA build, equates to 0.10-8.el5 build - The mrg-2.0.x patch file was updated to include: - BZ 707023: RPMdiff failure (multilib regressions) in qpid-qmf - BZ 709343: Packaging problem in qpid-qmf-devel (qmf-gen templates) - BZ 709862: dash-7 source RPM does not build - BZ 671369: RDMA client can segfault when no SASL mechanism specified- Related rhbz#706120 The patch file for the -4 build was not updated, this respin corrects that mistake. The fixes described below for -4 should now correctly apply to the -5 build.- Related rhbz#706120 - Catch-up build corresponding to RHEL-5 builds 0.10-4 -5 -6 and -7: - RHEL-5 0.10-4: - 2.0 RC build 1 - BZs: 690261,693407,695263,695716,696637,696655,696698 - RHEL-5 0.10-5: - Intermediate build to address rpmdiff/multilib problems - BZs: 689907 - Now sourcing the doxygen-generated HTML from distcvs - RHEL-5 0.10-6: - 2.0 RC build 2 - BZs: 675921,681313,689907,698254,700822,701709,701777,701786,701804 - RHEL-5 0.10-7: - 2.0 RC build 3 - BZs: 693895,698721- Related: rhbz#675821- Related: rhbz#675821 - Fix for missing uuid lib dependency - QMF v2 generation bug fix- Related: rhbz#675821 - Rebase to upstream 0.10 rev 1083082 (store rev remains 4446) - Removing svn rev no. from the package names- Related: rhbz#675821 - Redo latest build because of windows build error.- Related: rhbz#675821 - First build of 0-10 branch, but because final numbering strategy is still undecided, the 0.9.x label persists for this build. QMF has been removed entirely and placed into its own package, as there were not only inconsistencies in the old packaging, but also name clashes.- Related: rhbz#675821 - Rebase qpid-cpp to 0.10 for snapshot 3 Note that the current qpid trunk is still in 0.9, but will branch onto the 0.10 release branch soon. This is a test build only.- Related: rhbz#659098 - Missing libqmf2.so.* in qmf package and libqmf2.so in qmf-devel package- Related: rhbz#659098 - QMFv2 API for C++ - Related: rhbz#617260 - qmf agent crashes broker when queue limits exceeded - Related: rhbz#659100 - QMFv2 API for Python - Related: rhbz#662826 - Support for federated brokers in QMF This build adds QMF v.2 to the previous MRG 1.3.2 RC2 build, and a new python-qmf2 subpackage (rpm).- Related: rhbz#631002 - Synchronize qpid-cpp build to MRG 1.3. This build synchronizes with RHEL-{4,5} qpid-cpp-mrg-0.7.946106-28 (MRG 1.3.2 RC2). Updated lib version numbers for RHEL 6.1.- Related: rhbz#631002 - Synchronize qpid-cpp build to MRG 1.3. This build synchronizes with RHEL-{4,5} qpid-cpp-mrg-0.7.946106-26.- Related: rhbz#631002 - Synchronize qpid-cpp build to MRG 1.3. This build synchronizes with RHEL-{4,5} qpid-cpp-mrg-0.7.946106-17.- Related: rhbz#631002 - Synchronize qpid-cpp build to MRG 1.3. This build synchronizes with RHEL-{4,5} qpid-cpp-mrg-0.7.946106-15.- Related: rhbz#631002 - Synchronize qpid-cpp build to MRG 1.3. This build synchronizes with RHEL-{4,5} qpid-cpp-mrg-0.7.946106-14.- Related: rhbz#631002 - Synchronize qpid-cpp build to MRG 1.3 Updated to latest 1.3 patches. Removed MRG-core and MRG-non-core flags from spec file. Also removed the core_release global, no longer needed as the el6mrg dist tag has gone.- Related: rhbz#609298 - ruby QMF bindings can't query agents Fix in undelying c++ code for ruby QMF bindings.- Related: rhbz#612285, rhbz#612283 Updated to MRG 1.3 beta 4- Related: rhbz#604173 - Fixed problems with libs and flags which were inconsistent.- Related: rhbz#604173 - Added patch set for MRG 1.3. Modified spec file to set the lib versions for each of the libs produced by the build independently of each other and pass that info as params to make.- Related: rhbz#602696 - removed post script 'semodule -r qpidd' and deps on semodule. - Related: rhbz#587226 - removed qpidd.sasldb which is causing multilib conflict.- Related: rhbz#595710 - Added patch bz595710.patch as Patch0, fixes QMF API problem.- Related: rhbz#574881 - Rebase to qpid r.946106 / store r.3975 - New build process: building all packages for RHEL-6 in one build; relying on compose to split the rpms amongst core RHEL-6 and MRG channels. - Removed the qpidd.sasldb file; this caused a multi-lib problem, and is used for testing only (BZ587226). - Added new client lib libqpidmessaging.so. - Limited examples to the messaging dir only.- Related: rhbz#574416 Updated SELinux handling - remove qpidd.pp Rebase sources on svn r.935473/r.3913 (initial build for MRG 1.3)- Related: rhbz#569937 Adds missing post actions to set up openais/corosync. Fixed up numerous inconsistencies and small discreppanecies in spec file. More efficient build which limits the packages built when building only core rpms.- Related: rhbz#554415 Changed name of fedora_lib_patch flag to simply fedora Added rhel_5 flag, and put in switches for rhel-5 libs Added new boost libs for RHEL-6/Fedora- Related: rhbz#554415 Added a package name varialbe; removed make dist in store build. Fixed some rpmlint warnings.- Related: rhbz#554415 Moved the -devel and -devel-docs into MRG_core for initial RHEL-6 release.- Related: rhbz#554415 Parametized lib revision numbers and Fedora patches, updated files that need to be removed.- Related: rhbz#554415 removed a remaining patch0 tag- Related: rhbz#554415 Removed so_number.patch (used in Fedora, but not needed for RHEL)- Related: rhbz#554415 Changed architecture flags from BuildArchitectures: to ExclusiveArch:- Related: rhbz#554415 Limited builds to i686 and x86_64 archs. Rebased qpid to r.895736 (qpid 0.6 branch) and store to r.3795- qpid-cpp: Add qpid-cpp package to RHEL-6 (rhbz#554415) Related: rhbz#554415 Copied from rawhide and split project into core and non-core parts: core: The RHEL-6 core components distributed with the base OS non-core: The remaining MRG components that make up the subscription product.- Renaming of subpackages as per http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ImprovedQpidCppPackaging- Rebased to svn rev 819819 for F12 beta- Rebased to svn rev 818599 - rhm-cpp-server-store obsoletes rhm top-level package- Rebased to svn rev 817349- Update BuildRequires and Requires to use latest stable versions of corosync and clusterlib. - Unbreak perftests define (and fix vim spec syntax coloring).- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Rebased to svn rev 790661; .so lib numbers bumped- Rebased to svn rev 788782- Rebased to svn rev 787286- update BuildRequires to use corosynclib-devel in correct version. - update BuildRequires to use clusterlib-devel instead of the obsoleted cmanlib-devel. - drop Requires on cmanlib. This should come in automatically as part of the rpm build process. - re-align package version to -8. -7 didn't have a changelog entry? - add patch to port Cluster/Cpg to newest Cpg code. - change patch tag to use patch0.- patch for SASL credentials refresh- Fix unowned examples directory in -devel pkg.- BZ483925 - split docs into a separate noarch subpackage- Disable auth by default; fix selinux requires- Rebased to svn rev 752600- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Rebased to svn rev 738618- BZ474614 and BZ474613 - qpidc/rhm unowned directories- Rebased to svn rev 734452- Rebased to svn rev 728142 - Re-enable cluster, now using corosync- Rebased to svn rev 722557 - Temporarily disabled cluster due to openais version incompatibility- Rebased to svn rev 720979- updated to 719552- updated to 719323 - For subpackage qpidd-cluster, added dependency to cman-devel. - For subpackage qpidd-cluster, added dependency to qpidc. - added BuildRequires cman-devel- Update to svn rev 714072 - Enable building --with-cpg- Update to svn rev 713378- Update to svn rev 712127- Removed extraneous openais-devel dependency- Update to svn rev 711915- Remove extraneous dependency- Rebsed to svn rev 709187- Rebased to svn rev 708576- Rebased to svn rev 708210; address make check libtool issue- Update to revision 707724- Don't use silly idenity defines - Add new ssl and rdma subpackages - Move cluster and xml plugins into their own subpackages - Reflect new naming of plugins- Update to source revision 687156 of the qpid.0-10 branch- Update to source revision 685273 of the qpid.0-10 branch- Update to source revision 683301 of the qpid.0-10 branch- Update to source revision 676581 of the qpid.0-10 branch - Work around home dir creation problem - Use a license string that rpmlint likes- BZ453818: added additional tests to -perftest- Update to source revision 667603- Update to source revision 667253- add missing doc files- Added directories for modules and pid files to install script- Added perftest utilities- Additional build flags for i686- BZ 432872: remove examples, which are being packaged separately- Drop build requirements for graphviz and help2man- Bumped for Beta 4 release- Moved qpidd.conf from qpidc package to qpidd package - Added BuildRequires xqilla-devel and xerces-c-devel to qpidd for XML Exchange - Added BuildRequires openais-devel to qpidd for CPG - Added missing Requires xqilla-devel to qpidd-devel- Added sasl2 config file for qpidd - Added cyrus-sasl dependencies- Added python dependency, needed by managementgen- Added management-types.xml to qpidc-devel package- Added managementgen to the qpidc-devel package- Fix home dir permissions - Bumped for Fedora 9- Create user qpidd, start qpidd service as qpidd- Bug fix for TCK issue in Beta 3- Bumped to pull in fixes for Beta 3- Added -g to compile flags for debug symbols.- Create /var/lib/qpidd correctly.- bumped for Beta 3- bump up rev for recent changes to plugin modules & mgmt- add missing header file SessionManager.h- limit builds to i386 and x86_64 archs- add ruby as a build dependency- include fixes from Gordon Sim (fragmentation, lazy-loading, staging) and Alan Conway (exception handling in the client).- installcheck target to build examples in installation.- added examples to RPM package.- added config(noreplace) for qpidd.conf- Added qpidd.conf configuration file. - Updated man page to detail configuration options.- Removed apr dependency.- added --disable-cluster flag- Add missing Requires: e2fsprogs-devel for qpidc-devel.- longer broker_start timeout to avoid failures in plague builds.- Add missing Requires: apr in qpidc.- Bugfix for memory errors on x86_64.- Bumped version number for rhm dependencies.- Add qpidd-devel sub-package.- Address http://bugzilla.redhat.com/220630: - Remove redundant "cppunit" build-requires. - Add --disable-static.- Applied Jim Meyerings fixes from http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-qpid-dev/200701.mbox/<87hcugzmyp.fsf@rho.meyering.net>- Fixed all rpmlint complaints (with help from David Lutterkort) - Added qpidd --daemon behaviour, fix init.rc scripts- Initial version based on Jim Meyering's sketch and discussions with Alan Conway/bin/sh/bin/shqpidd-devel 0.10-8.el6_10.10-8.el6_1brokerlibqpidbroker.so/usr/include/qpid//usr/lib/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablescpioxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnudirectorysymbolic link to `libqpidbroker.so.5.0.0'R?7zXZ !PH6] b2L?zPE}rL '8\L˒?g/-ju*VWk6B9-q7Z~oȝ7n L_uVq%?,ÄBˏܹ$ŬUQ%r:8 ź<0Of>8mJowjlDe YZ