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Di Nitto - 2.99.01-1- cman: fix ttl default if no value is specified Resolves: rhbz#720100- gfs2_convert: exits with success without doing anything (gfs2_convert_exists_with_success_without_doing_anything_part2.patch) Resolves: rhbz#688734- gfs2_convert: exits with success without doing anything (gfs2_convert_exists_with_success_without_doing_anything.patch) Resolves: rhbz#688734- config: Add DRBD 0.8.3 metadata back to schema (add_drbd_0_8_3_metadata_back_to_schema.patch) Resolves: rhbz#680172- qdiskd: Fix bad timer check (qdiskd_fix_bad_timer_check.patch) Resolves: rhbz#688154 - cman init: increase the default timeout waiting for quorum (cman_init_increase_default_timeout_waiting_for_quorum.patch) Resolves: rhbz#688201- cman-preconfig: allow cman to configure corosync multicast ttl (cman_preconfig_allow_cman_to_configure_multicast_ttl.patch) Resolves: rhbz#684020- Fix race condition at startup that affects dlm based applications (dlm_controld_always_return_error_if_daemon_is_not_ready_to_operate.patch) (cman_init_wait_for_dlm_controld_to_be_fully_operational_before_proceeding.patch) Resolves: rhbz#595725- config_xml: stop leaking memory on config reload (config_stop_leaking_memory_on_config_reload.patch) Resolves: rhbz#680155- fenced: don't ignore victim_done messages for reduced victims (fenced_do_not_ignore_victim_done_messages_for_reduced_victims.patch) Resolves: rhbz#678704- qdiskd: Fix auto-vote calculation loop (qdiskd_fix_auto_vote_calculation_loop.patch) Resolves: rhbz#663433- gfs2_edit enhancements: * gfs2_edit: handle corrupt file systems better (gfs2_edit_handle_corrupt_filesystems_better.patch) * gfs2_edit: print large block numbers better (gfs2_edit_print_large_block_numbers_better.patch) * gfs2_edit: has problems printing gfs1 journals (gfs2_edit_has_problems_printing_gfs1_journals.patch) * gfs2_edit: add -d option for printing journal details (gfs2_edit_add_d_option_for_printing_journal_details.patch) * gfs2_edit: Fix error message on blockalloc when outside bitmap (gfs2_edit_fix_error_message_blockalloc_when_outside_bitmap.patch) * gfs2_edit: fix careless compiler warning (gfs2_edit_fix_careless_compiler_warning.patch) * gfs2_edit: Fix bitmap editing function (gfs2_edit_fix_bitmap_editing_function.patch) * gfs2_edit: fix segfault in set_bitmap when block is in rgrp (gfs2_edit_fix_segfault_in_set_bitmap_when_block_is_rgrp.patch) Resolves: rhbz#674843 - fenced: emit dbus signals to be handled by foghorn package for SNMP traps (fenced_send_dbus_signals_when_node_is_fenced.patch) (fenced_update_fenced_man_page_with_q_option.patch) (build_allow_dbus_notification_code_to_be_disabled.patch) Resolves: rhbz#592964 - config: Update relax ng schema (config_update_schema_2.patch) - doc: Update cluster_conf.html to match schema (doc_update_cluster_conf_html.patch) Resolves: rhbz#618705- fsck.gfs2: can't repair rgrps resulting from gfs_grow->gfs2_convert (fsck_gfs2_cannot_repair_rgrps_resulting_from_gfs_grow_plus_gfs2_convert.patch) Resolves: rhbz#576640 - qdisk: Informational syslog message indicating label overrides device (qdiskd_info_syslog_msg_when_lavel_overriders_device.patch) Resolves: rhbz#635413 - Integrate watchdog with cluster to reboot nodes under specific heuristics (cman_add_checkquorum_script_for_self_fencing_part1.patch) (cman_add_checkquorum_script_for_self_fencing_part2.patch) Resolves: rhbz#560700- mkfs.gfs2 segfaults with 18.55TB and -b512 (gfs2_mkfs_segfaults_with_18.55T_and_b512.patch) Resolves: rhbz#624535 - fsck.gfs2: reports master/root dinodes as unused and fixes the bitmap (gfs2_fsck_reports_master_root_dinodes_as_unused_and_fixes_bitmap.patch) Resolves: rhbz#663037- ccs_tool: deprecate editing capabilities (ccs_tool_deprecate_editing_capabilities.patch) Resolves: rhbz#614885- cman init: do not include wrong default file (cman_init_do_not_include_wrong_default_config_file.patch) Resolves: rhbz#669340- gfs_controld: fix plock owner in unmount (gfs_controld_fix_plock_owner_in_umount.patch) Resolves: rhbz#624822 - mkfs.gfs2 should support discard request generation (gfs2_mkfs_should_support_discard_request_generation.patch) Resolves: rhbz#656956 - ccs_tool: completely remove references to update/upgrades (ccs_tool_man_page_shows_removed_update_upgrade_subcommands.patch) Resolves: rhbz#577874 - cman: allow users to configure transport method (cman_does_not_allow_user_to_select_transport_mechanism.patch) Resolves: rhbz#657041 - cman_tool: display meaningful translation of corosync exit code (cman_tool_display_meaningful_translation_of_corosync_exit_codes.patch) Resolves: rhbz#617247 - cman_tool: handle "another instance running" error code (cman_tool_handle_another_instance_is_running_error_code.patch) Related: rhbz#617247, rhbz#617234 - cman init: check if corosync is already running (cman_init_check_if_corosync_is_running.patch) - cman: handle INT and TERM signals correctly (cman_handle_int_and_term_signals_correctly.patch) Resolves: rhbz#617234 - cman init: add support for "nocluster" kernel cmdline to not start at boot (cman_init_add_support_for_nocluster_kernel_cmdline.patch) Resolves: rhbz#563901 - cman: Make qdiskd exit if removed from configuration (cman_make_qdiskd_exit_if_removed_from_config.patch) Resolves: rhbz#620679 - cman: Update cman_tool version section in man page (cman_update_cman_tool_version_section_in_man_page.patch) Resolves: rhbz#619874 - config: Add missing qdiskd options (config_add_missing_qdiskd_options.patch) Resolves: rhbz#645830 - qdisk: Assume 1 vote if not specified in cluster.conf (qdiskd_should_assume_1_vote_if_not_specified.patch) Resolves: rhbz#663433 - config: Fix broken fence_egenera options (fence_egenera_add_missing_options_in_cluster_rng.patch) Resolves: rhbz#629017 - cman: Make qdiskd heuristics time out (cman_make_qdisk_heuristics_time_out.patch) Resolves: rhbz#636243- Drop dlm-pcmk and gfs-pcmk variants of dlm_controld and gfs_controld that are now replaced by pacemaker + cman support. Resolves: rhbz#649021- dlm_controld: fix plock owner syncing (dlm_controld_fix_plock_owner_syncing.patch) Resolves: rhbz#617306 - dlm_controld: fix plock signature in stored message (dlm_controld_fix_plock_signature_in_stored_message.patch) Resolves: rhbz#623816 - dlm_controld: ignore plocks until checkpoint time (dlm_controld_ignore_plocks_until_checkpoint_time.patch) Resolves: rhbz#623810 - gfs_controld: fix plock owner syncing (gfs_controld_fix_plock_owner_syncing.patch) Resolves: rhbz#617306 - fenced: use post_join_delay after cluster join (fenced_use_post_join_delay_after_cluster_join.patch) Resolves: rhbz#624844 - gfs2_edit enhancements: * gfs2_edit: better printing of directory leaf information (gfs2_edit_better_printing_of_dir_leaf_information.patch) * gfs2_edit: print hex numbers in lower-case (gfs2_edit_print_hex_numbers_in_lower_case.patch) * gfs2_edit: negative block numbers don't jump a negative amount (gfs2_edit_negative_block_numbers_dont_jump_a_negative_amount.patch) * gfs2_edit: tiny (stuffed) files had user data saved with savemeta (gfs2_edit_tiny_files_had_user_data_saved_with_savemeta.patch) * gfs2_edit: give meaningful feedback for savemeta and restoremeta (gfs2_edit_give_meaningful_feedback_for_savemeta_and_restoremeta.patch) * gfs2_edit: Fix memory leak in savemeta option (gfs2_edit_fix_memory_leak_in_savemeta_option.patch) * gfs2_edit: Split extended display functions into extended.c (gfs2_edit_split_extended_display_functions_into_extended_c.patch) * gfs2_edit: Move more functions to extended.c (gfs2_edit_move_more_functions_to_extended_c.patch) * gfs2_edit: Extend individual field printing/editing (gfs2_edit_extend_individual_field_printing_editing.patch) * gfs2_edit: fix page down on rindex (gfs2_edit_fix_page_down_on_rindex.patch) * gfs2_edit: print field names in right column (gfs2_edit_print_field_names_in_right_column.patch) * gfs2_edit: display block allocation on rgrps and bitmaps (gfs2_edit_display_block_allocation_on_rgrps_and_bitmaps.patch) * gfs2_edit: fix extended.h to not double-include (gfs2_edit_fix_extended_h_to_not_double_include.patch) Resolves: rhbz#634623 - gfs2_convert: corrupts file system when directory has di_height 3 (gfs2_convert_corrupts_file_system_when_directory_has_di_height_3.patch) Resolves: rhbz#630005- GFS2: fsck.gfs2 seems to process large files twice (fsck_gfs2_seems_to_process_large_files_twice.patch) Resolves: rhbz#621313 - fsck.gfs2 segfaults if journals are missing (fsck_gfs2_segfaults_if_journals_are_missing.patch) Resolves: rhbz#622576 - fsck.gfs2 truncates directories with more than 100,000 entries (fsck_gfs2_truncates_directories_with_more_than_100,000_entries.patch) Resolves: rhbz#628013 - Updating /proc/mounts and /etc/mtab with mount args for GFS2 fs (updating_proc_mounts_and_etc_mtab_with_mount_args_for_gfs2_fs.patch) Resolves: rhbz#632595 - cman init: fix "stop remove" operation (cman_init_fix_stop_remove_operation.patch) cman: Calculate expected_votes correctly after leave remove (cman_calculate_expected_votes_correctly_after_leave_remove.patch) Resolves: rhbz#634718 - gfs2_convert: gfs2_convert doesn't resume after interrupted conversion (gfs2_convert_doesn_t_resume_after_interrupted_conversion.patch) Resolves: rhbz#637913 - cman: fix startup race condition when configs are different across nodes (cman_fix_startup_race_condition_when_configs_are_different_across_nodes.patch) Resolves: rhbz#639018- gfs2-utils: fsck.gfs2 deletes directories if they get too big (gfs2_fsck_do_not_delete_directories_if_they_get_too_big.patch) Resolves: rhbz#624691- gfs2-utils: mkfs can't fsync device with 32MB RGs (gfs2_utils_mkfs_can_t_fsync_device_with_32mb_rgs.patch) Resolves: rhbz#622844- cman: do not propagate old configurations around (cman_do_not_propagate_old_configurations_around.patch) cman: Clarify man page on config distribution (cman_clarify_man_page_on_config_distribution.patch) Resolves: rhbz#619680- Fix regression in "Fix fsck.gfs2 unaligned access on ia64" that affects all 32bit systems. Rename fsck_gfs2_unaligned_access_on_ia64.patch to fsck_gfs2_unaligned_access_on_ia64_part1.patch (fsck_gfs2_unaligned_access_on_ia64_part2.patch) Resolves: rhbz#608154- dlm_controld/gfs_controld: make default plock_ownership 0 Use the simpler, safer, and more reliable option as default. (controld_make_default_plock_ownership_0.patch) Resolves: rhbz#618303 - dlm_controld: fix plock checkpoint signatures (dlm_controld_fix_plock_checkpoint_signatures.patch) Resolves: rhbz#618806 - dlm_controld: fix plock owner in checkpoints (dlm_controld_fix_plock_owner_in_checkpoints.patch) Resolves: rhbz#618814 - cman: fix consensus calculation Bump Requires: corosync to 1.2.3-17 to guarantee that corosync is at the minimal version for this fix to work. (cman_fix_consensus_calculation.patch) Resolves: rhbz#618534- Fix several issues related to cluster config reload operation including checks that would allow the config to be downgraded and extra spurious config reload notifications. (cman_config_reload_fix_part1.patch) (cman_config_reload_fix_part2.patch) (cman_config_reload_fix_part3.patch) (cman_config_reload_fix_part4.patch) (cman_config_reload_fix_part5.patch) (cman_config_reload_fix_part6.patch) Resolves: rhbz#617161, rhbz#617163 - Fix logging configuration reload operations (cman_preconfig_handle_logging_reload_operation_part1.patch) (cman_preconfig_handle_logging_reload_operation_part2.patch) Resolves: rhbz#615202- cman init: allow startup options to fenced (cman_init_allow_startup_options_to_fenced.patch) Resolves: rhbz#617566- cman: Check for new configs only once per second to avoid 100% cpu spin (cman_check_config_only_once_per_sec.patch) Resolves: rhbz#616222- cman: Recalculate quorum on quorum device vote changes (cman_recalculate_quorum_on_quorum_device_vote_changes.patch) Resolves: rhbz#606989- cman: Recalculate quorum on config change (recalculate_quorum_on_config_change.patch) Resolves: rhbz#606989 - config: Add tomcat-6 resource agent to schema (add_tomcat_6_resource_agent_to_schema.patch) doc: Add tomcat-6 to cluster_conf.html (add_tomcat_6_to_cluster_conf_html.patch) Resolves: rhbz#614127 - config: Add missing cman_label (add_missing_cman_label.patch) config: Add doc for cman_label attribute (add_doc_for_cman_label_attribute.patch) Resolves: rhbz#615509 - config: Allow multiple logging_daemon tags (allow_multiple_logging_daemon_tags.patch) Resolves: rhbz#614961 - cman config: copy all logging objects to the top level tree (config_copy_all_logging_objects_to_the_top_level_tree.patch) Resolves: rhbz#615202- Add autogenerated cluster_conf.html (doc_autogen_cluster_conf_html_part1.patch) (doc_autogen_cluster_conf_html_part2.patch) Resolves: rhbz#593015 - Update relax ng schema (config_update_schema.patch) Related: rhbz#595547, rhbz#593015 - Fix patch file naming Related: rhbz#553383, rhbz#606368, rhbz#609978, rhbz#612097- Fix gfs2 init script to be more LSB compliant (gfs2_init_lsb_compliant.patch) Resolves: rhbz#553383- Add /etc/sysconfig/cman example file with extensive documentation of options that can be passed to the init script. (cman_sysconfig_part1.patch from upstream) (cman_sysconfig_part2.patch rhel6 specific) Resolves: rhbz#606368- Add cman_tool version -S to man page (cman_tool_config_reload_man_page.patch) Resolves: rhbz#609978 - Fix cman init script to be more LSB compliant (cman_init_lsb_compliant.patch) Resolves: rhbz#612097- Update gfs2_convert man page (gfs2_convert_manpage_update.patch) Resolves: rhbz#601315 - Don't return 0 if gfs2_edit restoremeta fails (gfs2_edit_restoremeta_should_not_return_0_on_failure.patch) Resolves: rhbz#607321 - Fix fsck.gfs2 unaligned access on ia64 (fsck_gfs2_unaligned_access_on_ia64.patch) Resolves: rhbz#608154- Add missing components to cluster schema (config_add_missing_resource_docs_to_schema.patch) - Clean up recursion in cluster schema (config_clean_up_recursion_in_schema.patch) Resolves: rhbz#604298- Ensure cman recalculates quorum on configuration reload (cman_recalculate_expected_votes_on_config_reload.patch) Resolves: rhbz#606989- Fix device name and mount point in utils (gfs2_fix_device_name_and_mount_point_in_utils.patch) Resolves: rhbz#597002- Fix dlm_controld wrong fencing time comparison (part2): Rename dlm_controld_wrong_fencing_time_comparison.patch to dlm_controld_wrong_fencing_time_comparison_part1.patch Add dlm_controld_wrong_fencing_time_comparison_part2.patch Resolves: rhbz#594511- cman: fix quorum recalculation when a node is externally killed (cman_fix_quorum_recalculation.patch) Resolves: rhbz#596046 - rpmdiff automatic test tool found 2 issues: * add missing man pages for cman_notify, dlm_controld.pcmk and gfs_controld.pcmk, and update the spec file to ship them in the correct subpackages. (add_missing_man_pages.patch) * cman, dlm-pcmk, gfs-pcmk should have a tigher Requires on cluster libraries. Resolves: rhbz#594111- Fix dlm_controld wrong fencing time comparison (dlm_controld_wrong_fencing_time_comparison.patch) Resolves: rhbz#594511 - Fix ccs_tool create -n (fix_ccs_tool_create.patch) Resolves: rhbz#594626- Fix cman init script stop action to wait for corosync daemon to shutdown (cman_init_wait_for_corosync_shutdown.patch) Resolves: rhbz#592103 - fenced: use cpg ringid (fenced_use_cpg_ringid.patch) Update Requires/BuildRequires on corosync + cpg ringid patch. Resolves: rhbz#584140 - fix changelog entries from 3.0.12-1 (missing bugzilla entries)- Rebase on top of new upstream bug fix only release: * drop all bug fix patches. * refresh patches with official SHA1 git commits from RHEL6 upstream branch: - disable_ldap_loader_support.patch - support_only_xmlconfig_loader.patch - disable_fence_xvmd_support.patch * rename cman_use_hashed_cluster_id_part4.patch to cman_use_hash_cluster_id_by_default.patch. * Addresses the following issues: from 3.0.11 release: Resolves: rhbz#581047, rhbz#576330, rhbz#582017, rhbz#583945 Resolves: rhbz#581038 from 3.0.12 release: Resolves: rhbz#589823, rhbz#586100, rhbz#585083, rhbz#587079 Resolves: rhbz#590000 * Rebase: Resolves: rhbz#582322 - Stop build on ppc and ppc64. Resolves: rhbz#590980 - cman should only load OpenAIS checkpoint service by default (cman_only_load_ckpt_service_by_default.patch) Resolves: rhbz#568407- Fix ccs_tool man page (fix_ccs_tool_man_page.patch) Resolves: rhbz#577874 - dlm_controld: add plock checkpoint signatures (dlm_controld_add_plock_checkpoint_signatures.patch) Resolves: rhbz#578625 - dlm_controld: set last_plock_time for ownership operations (dlm_controld_set_last_plock_time_for_ownership_ops.patch) (gfs_controld_set_last_plock_time_for_ownership_ops.patch) Resolves: rhbz#578626 - dlm_controld: don't skip unlinking checkpoint (dlm_controld_do_not_skip_unlinking_checkpoint.patch) Resolves: rhbz#578628 - gfs2_convert segfaults when converting fs of blocksize 512 bytes (gfs2_convert_fix_segfault_with_512bytes_bs.patch) Resolves: rhbz#579621 - gfs2_convert uses too much memory for jdata conversion (gfs2_convert_uses_too_much_memory_for_jdata_conversion.patch) Resolves: rhbz#579623 - Fix conversion of gfs1 CDPNs (gfs2_convert_fix_conversion_of_gfs1_cdpns.patch) Resolves: rhbz#579625 - gfs2_convert: Doesn't convert indirectly-pointed eattrs correctly (gfs2_convert_does_not_convert_eattrs_correctly.patch) Resolves: rhbz#579626- Fix weakness in clusterid generation by using non-crypto hashing. part1-3 are he upstream generic implemetation. part4 turns it on specifically for RHEL-6 as the change breaks micro rolling upgrades. (cman_use_hashed_cluster_id_part1.patch) (cman_use_hashed_cluster_id_part2.patch) (cman_use_hashed_cluster_id_part3.patch) (cman_use_hashed_cluster_id_part4.patch) Resolves: rhbz#574886 - Add plock debug buffer. (dlm_separate_plock_debug_buffer_part1.patch) (dlm_separate_plock_debug_buffer_part2.patch) Resolves: rhbz#576322 - Add more fs_notified debugging (dlm_controld_add_more_fs_notified_debugging.patch) Resolves: rhbz#576335 - dlm_controld/gfs_controld: avoid full plock unlock when no resource exists (controld_avoid_full_plock_unlock.patch) Resolves: rhbz#575103- Fix fsck.gfs2 segfault (gfs2_fix_segfault_osi_tree.patch) Resolves: rhbz#574215- Fix gfs2_quota hadle of boundary conditions (gfs2_fix_quota_boundary.patch) Resolves: rhbz#570525 - Fix gfs_controld dm suspend event handling (gfs_controld_dm_suspend.patch) Resolves: rhbz#571806- new upstream release: Resolves: rhbz#566784, rhbz#555047, rhbz#556603, rhbz#561862 Resolves: rhbz#565907, rhbz#568446, rhbz#564471, rhbz#561416 Resolves: rhbz#553383 - upstream rebase and patch cleanup Resolves: rhbz#557348 - gfs2: make use of exported device topology (gfs2_exported_dev_topology) Resolves: rhbz#519491 - spec file update: * cman should Requires fence-virt directly * merge changelog from Fedora * re-enable cmannotifyd support and ship doc/template- Resolves: rhbz#567884 - Do not build cluster on s390 and s390x.- Add workaround for corosync IPC shutdown issue (cman-init-workaround-bz547813.patch) - Related: rhbz#547813- Drop ldapconfig loader support (PM-disable-ldap-loader-support.patch) - Drop notifyd support (PM-disable-notifyd-support.patch) - Support only xmlconfig loader (PM-support-only-xmlconfig-loader.patch) - Disable support for perl bindings- New upstream release- Drop gfs-utils commodity package- New upstream release - spec file update: * use global instead of define * use new Source0 url * use cluster macro more aggressively * bump Requires on fence-agents * ship var/run/cluster and var/lib/cluster- New upstream release - spec file update: * drop BuildRequires on slang-devel.- New upstream release - spec file update: * explicitly Requires newer version of fence-agents- spec file update: * gfs-pcmk now Requires dlm-pcmk- New upstream release - spec file updates: * drop cp_workaround patch * stop shipping rgmanager from cluster * move dlm udev rules in clusterlib where they belong * enable pacemaker components build * ship 2 new rpms: dlm-pcmk and gfs-pcmk for pacemaker integration- Add temporary workaround to install symlinks- New upstream release- New upstream release- Rebuilt for New upstream release - spec file updates: * Update copyright header * final release.. undefine alphatag * BuildRequires and Requires corosync/openais 1.0.0-1 final.- New upstream release - spec file updates: * cman subpackage: avoid unnecessary calls to ldconfig * rgmanager subpackage: drop unrequired Requires: that belong to ras * BuildRequires and Requires corosync/openais 1.0.0.rc1- New upstream release - spec file updates: * Drop local patches. * Update BuildRequires and Requires: on newer corosync/openais.- Update from git up to 779dd3c23ca6c56f5b3f7a8a7831bae775c85201 - spec file updates: * Drop BuildRequires on libvolume_id-devel that's now obsoleted * gfs*-utils now Requires: file * Add temporary patch to get rid of volume_id references in the code- New upstream release + git94df30ca63e49afb1e8aeede65df8a3e5bcd0970 - spec file updates: * BuildRequires / Requires: latest corosync and openais * Update configure invokation * Cleanup tree fix up bits that are now upstream * Ship cluster.rng * Move fsck/mkfs gfs/gfs2 binaries in /sbin to be FHS compliant- New upstream release. - Update corosync/openais BuildRequires and Requires. - Drop --corosynclibdir from configure. Libs are now in standard path. - Update BuildRoot usage to preferred versions/names - Drop qdisk init script. Now merged in cman init from upstream.- New upstream release. - Update corosync/openais BuildRequires and Requires. - Fix gfs-utils and cman man page overlapping files.- New upstream release. - Drop local build fix patch.- New upstream release. - Add missing LICENCE and COPYRIGHT files from clusterlib-devel. - Add patch to fix build failure (already upstream).- Stop building fence and resource agents. - cman now Requires: fence-agents. - rgmanager now Requires: resource-agents.- Fix typo in gfs-utils preun scriptlet. - Fix gfs-utils file list.- Rebuilt for New upstream release.- Update to latest stable3 code from git (e3a9ac674fa0ff025e833dcfbc8575cada369843) - Fix Provides: version. - Update corosync/openais BuildRequires and Requires- Fix datadir/fence directory ownership.- New upstream release. - Fix directory ownership #483330. - Add support pkgconfig to devel package. - Total libraries cleanup: - split libraries out of cman into clusterlib. - merge cmanlib into clusterlib. - rename cman-devel into clusterlib-devel. - merge cmanlib-devel into clusterlib-devel. - Comply with multiarch requirements (libraries). - Relax BuildRequires and Requires around corosync and openais.- New upstream release- Move all binaries where they belong. All the legacy stuff is now dead.- New upstream release (retag cvs package)- New upstream release- New upstream release. - Fix legacy code build. - Fix wrong conffile attribute.- New upstream release. - Drop gnbd* packages that are now a separate project. - Tight dependencies with corosync/openais.- Rebuild for Python 2.6- new upstream release. Fix several security related issues.- new upstream release. - drop obsoleted patches. - include very important gfs1 bug fix. - include fix for fence_egenera (CVE-2008-4192).- cman init: add fix from upstream for cman_tool wrong path.- cman now Requires: ricci and modcluster.- Split* from cman and cman-devel into cmanlib and cmanlib-devel to break a very annoying circular dependency.- The "CVS HATES ME" release. - New upstream release. - Build against new corosync and openais. - specfile cleanup: rename buildxen to buildvirt.- Retag release. - New upstream release. - Build against new corosync and openais. - specfile cleanup: rename buildxen to buildvirt.- New upstream release. - Build against new corosync and openais. - specfile cleanup: rename buildxen to buildvirt.- Rebuild for broken deps. - Pull in upstream patches for libvolume_id changes- Rebuild for broken deps.- New upstream release. - Drop local patch that's part of upstream. - Tight BR and Requires for openais to a very specific version. - cman Requires ricci as new default config distribution system. (ricci changes will land soon but in the meantime this is done our side)- New upstream release. - Add patch to build against new headers (already part of upstream next release) - BR on perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) to build perl bindings - Fix logrotate install from upstream - Add "clean up after perl bindings" snippet - Update Requires for perl bindings - Properly split man3 man pages- New upstream release. - BR on new openais for logging features. - drop local logrotate snippet in favour of upstream one. - cman Requires: PyOpenSSL for telnet_ssl wrapper. - cman Requires: pexpect and net-snmp-utils for fence agents. Thanks to sendro on IRC for spotting the issue. - Another cleanup round for docs- New upstream release - Update licence tags again after upstream relicensing to kill OSL 2.1. - Add 2 commodity packages (gfs-utils and gnbd-utils). They both require external kernel modules but at least userland will stay automatically in sync for our users. - BR openais 0.84 for new logsys symbols (and requires for runtime). - Update build section to enable gfs-utils and gnbd-utils.- New upstream release - Update license tags after major upstream cleanup (note: rgmanager includes a shell script that is shipped under OSL 2.1 license). - Update inclusion of documents to reflect updated COPYRIGHT file from upstream. - Add documentation to different packages.- New upstream release - cman Requires telnet and ssh client - drops some tree fix up bits that are now upstream- Add missing OpenIPMI requires to cman for fence_ipmilan- New kernel-headers has what we need release. - Drop BR on kernel-devel. - Drop cluster-dlmheaders.patch. - Drop --kernel_* from configure invokation. - Cleanup a few comments in the spec file.- disable parallel build (broken upstream) - build requires higher openais (fix ppc64 build failure)- New upstream release - Shut up the last few rpmlint warnings- Fix typo in rgmanager Summary- Fix rgmanager License: tag.- Drop BR on openais as it is pulled by openais-devel. - Change postun section to use -p /sbin/ldconfig. - Fix rgmanager Requires.- Initial packaging./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigcmanlibttrthttlttttt`ttxttcttptjt|t t t t t -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablescpioxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnu   ASCII textELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippeddirectorysymbolic link to `'symbolic link to `'symbolic link to `'symbolic link to `'symbolic link to `'symbolic link to `'symbolic link to `'symbolic link to `''(129:BCJK   R PRRRRRRR R RRRRRRR"R PRRRR R R"RPRRRRR R R RRRRR"RPRRRRR R R R"RPRRRR R R"RPRRRR R R R"RPRRRR R R"RP RRRRR R RRRRR"?7zXZ !PH6ss] c:0 ?)lNAMbpnxӿF52*T M\M 2C[x,tpnB b՟Օ~"@K%pDu?vVn5XiN8v'YJ@2*40[dh.N$FֺgB4xW&Z|&&QwxJOeល+E38ok₽EXN(8:Ja?K\O*9LRT%]B.R&Y(o|*JMg[Xs+z@nA 3WQPxZG?bf"_I&%TR[&6xFLv` Bt?gvGTVa'yNokB(B /I4 M ~Ej猡'o2T tHj ]%^b=yLek9EI|i%b19P$y A yxt߱V!+z/ Ԃ)ZFEЬCGlMaDD)9_2fJظo5 !պeϟ*hE= f8RY7Eyk$>7 U[N Sr8;z&v3b`[y1`T8 ΎA%"g!Jn5~y~ύᇸB(u.ٻFDq-)Aˎ>M$q54xpRV`'e" yR\vKAkJdt|zaU f\8C KBh*-v/ r US8 )"|a0ַQJ:rrcvT`sV~ԫ@:,h]Q$=XlLt+c 6uRJ nɚz 'Ѹ:fVN$*'^7 k&-bZ4 ?ϨpFᇌX5uˤ7tes+&kwrk mҍdvfk~s 6.Xi_СMCoCvCz^ޕ3/+1(m> :9bP32dSdo+j\>(@dŠm1Ї;ll I|Z+*Ew =Kel]H҃wcRyFtl!M QT6nZM-65ѓ+Da6, ~am^Gͪ\|\j6Kt5ǩϫ40-D * wE{i9 iK>BW Qz6 cbtG ,p$P?^gRT]IO'Ϡ{5#Dow/㲛?՝@c.ygjIt\[L+g %a61xTzF#"č+Qf{g;hzWe].I)2%`? ұ΀MOC^z:}o/lxvb y~B%&*hV)P69"#M~7J]d]rNE‹q(=^skfYy]1OφJX˯;yIK[Ϯ]fAy/Kƒ1$+uzĹ׳RAǒxj!\$ c׷.AAcyL<̺.2,-wo$L~1o oW,*+gQ M1}>^7՜w۹&9Ou  R֥{?*:zk)!]NU 1]XT>SNIzic\T-RZ[r[ؼ2c]Eiq]ŋ1f3QLFy(=ͺ#qkaEA۰6.GFzL\C_Iݓ=%sR+ziPw㙋e2a)x 4/%jZG^YdՍ$eϘgJG9JoF% ?"`*o̲6dGHl5^wL4`c_aw]I$t"F֠ 7Uѩ7y0A*ٹ1c8[@[s BVh?/rA`#i-*)uq]XX!㛷#or:ei.'5r+C-VMUl;RA̍i1|٭"D%ݢͻшj{=t: rC͉I|^" O3΢05*!Gcf__?WN^bbdVY[-23UgVMV<~gkƅ3 7{›}aY]Ld,ʹz w F!kݛZ^WW"L%];w4aaJդK_-,5Jĸ*4}, 8wd# 5f^ctiΕ|m+ P ['|ߏ5s NspZz~v=XwWtRt8~..®æ4OZvoQk4P74CCd7r^<Ѝ}%cQ)]R:ԧs8 7G4|vM! 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