libtermcap-2.0.8-39> A AlpA?BAie +4ݕ ?589Q3>7q+‚*cBf7809d5230c06763a330f853827f8a8ad1e30bf0;ֈsq8.5|1?BAie k)-qϿ Etns~<9^Q Jx?jb>9?d   QLPhl q     ",HPt)(<8D&9&:&>9@HFWGxHIXY\]^bdefkltuvwdxlytClibtermcap2.0.839A basic system library for accessing the termcap database.The libtermcap package contains a basic system library needed to access the termcap database. The termcap library supports easy access to the termcap database, so that programs can output character-based displays in a terminal-independent manner.B@;`LGPLSystem Environment/Libraries`B@;B@;`@@E@-H>k>@7>5>/`=W`=W`=`=Tim Waugh 2.0.8-38Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Florian La Roche Nalin Dahyabhai 2.0.8-34Tim Powers Elliot Lee 2.0.8-33Elliot Lee Jeremy Katz Tim Powers Tim Powers Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.0.8-29Tim Powers Than Ngo Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Nalin Dahyabhai Preston Brown Prospector Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Bernhard Rosenkrnzer Bernhard Rosenkrnzer Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Cristian Gafton Jeff Johnson Cristian Gafton Erik Troan Jeff Johnson Alan Cox Alan Cox Prospector System Donnie Barnes Erik Troan - rebuilt- Fix tgetent() (bug #116934).- rebuilt- rebuilt- rebuilt- add symlink to shared lib- don't strip libraries directly, that's the job of the buildroot policy - rework part of %install to handle cases where %{_libdir} = /usr/lib- rebuilt- Cross-compile changes- Pull in hammer changes, rebuild- libdir fun- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- Add workaround for libgcc/glibc breakage on ia64 - s/Copyright/License/ in spec file - bzip2 source to save space- make libtermcap-devel require the same version as the main package- add missing libtermcap symlink- Uninstall info pages in %postun devel rather than %postun (Bug #18545)- fix broken symlink (#16285)- absolute --> relative symlink (#16131)- automatic rebuild- move the trigger to the devel package, that's where the info pages live now- rebuild for next release - move info pages to the development package - use %{_infodir} - patched to build against new glibc (patch11)- BuildPrereq: texinfo (#8927)- strip library - fix up handling of RPM_OPT_FLAGS- ignore the first argument to tgetent, so the last change doesn't keep blowing up programs. - ignore the second argument to tgetstr() as well.- increase default size of malloc'ed tgetent buffer from 1024 to 1536. - don't shrink colons (#4270). - rebuild for 6.1.- add buffer overflow patch from Kevin Vajk - permit multiple tc= continuations and ignore unnecessary %p ("push arg") (#54)- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 13) - fix to make the texi documenattion compile- use __PMT(...) prototypes (#761)- build against glibc 2.1- run install-info from a %trigger so we don't have to make it a prereq; as termcap is used by bash, the install ordering issues are hairy - commented out the chown stuff from 'make install' so you don't have to be root to build this - don't run ldconfig if prefix= is used during 'make install'- build root.- But assume system termcap is sane. Also handle setfsuid return right.- TERMCAP environment hole for setuid apps squished.- translations modified for de, fr, tr- spec file cleanups- built against glibc/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ 1087347149$$/5/ -g -pipecpiogzip9ia64ia64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, IA-64, version 1 (SYSV), strippeddirectoryPRR?p}mpu`.8YihHQBV--iZS*aA$}HC&Sv\"_\ xT1U܊VrD䪅ɣ KAI3=}|نezZٰ-߽۪YqF뾝X> k7{@|kwޝ紎 n !jKkdkw&!^ ҭ* @(~6SeH 6#[(WxFTl׃zH+8jzUGn: mJu5v]<4/`<s<^/cӵdyMS;<<𬄧5aj&/C١E_|EʻI{0}vK͛k50? nbpS9Y+?`~-]3䟬@~Xە+]3VEzdgǖ'[%{pw7$Pxo߾r`ݳohg߾ѡ޾C/lﶁ={G7220hKjl0{F<{vo߾~2PGF Ib:y~ؕ2FxYwZT_\oŴdWU!! ;ŷޡkLXj2*ER~nHُ=k'&[OX/tC}:`؁bӇ/w xB&ƵjO҄dV{0nVܪ0ӊ_>tE24Ńi4 p͸_u*2W wT21EZ`&cWH&MʥEoi^gG@w%XW*~ ^ˑJYMU︐~8v5 WS?׭tDr RԱ6 ,'v/K8G4(?41ň #iqwT|U0ۀ`v(/:|`0b_~j>\forS}Gנ]Ew9f^nϫ98 GNO7QH"3:zu^kg'tr1q#`OmgVpf==YN7,m4A\lynl1qOh0fU-:JMSmwa>1>pW-}?Cm:y1:Q'bԾW1Qާ 3jT6f?4i)~'7/3>?z=4/L2T~>9Q䯾UmvL_%=z]U77XeC#bx W= \?7`\ koN;AnK"E7qZU> GTq|:8s#N_zXcBS{{_7R"B6H֟dfc O=PUWd8bC!~l|=3~ ;Hs{76f?0"~}n*_C: WepAl}R/&{ &oD{\aB6HxY jH? 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