pygtk2-libglade-2.4.0-1> A AlpA?B%xWY@;x["@<[eսPMgZ995674d7351dd232f724c1a0ec8a4495d06faf972a"A)hlÈ?B%xd[ -#/tC05Kk3mIӽb<>7?d  P$(8<M Rhntx z |   H( 8292: 2FoGHIXY\]^bdef#k%l*t@uDvHwxyCpygtk2-libglade2.4.01A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTKThis module contains a wrapper for the libglade library. Libglade allows a program to construct its user interface from an XML description, which allows the programmer to keep the UI and program logic separate.B;tScientific LinuxLGPLDevelopment/Languageslinuxi386;tB'@0@ύ@P@O@E @2@-e@,??W?<"?2?>ވ>>>ζ>d>>p>W>q>q>f>B>7>/0> =#==p=md=l=E=6===x - 2.4.0-1Jonathan Blandford 2.3.96-2Jonathan Blandford 2.3.96-1Jonathan Blandford 2.3.96-1Jeremy Katz - 2.3.95-1Jeremy Katz - 2.3.92-1Elliot Lee Jeremy Katz - 2.2.0-1Jeremy Katz 2.2.0-0.rc1Elliot Lee Jeremy Katz - 2.0.0-5Elliot Lee Jeremy Katz - 2.0.0-3Jeremy Katz 2.0.0-2Jeremy Katz 2.0.0-1Elliot Lee 1.99.17-1Elliot Lee 1.99.16-10Jeremy Katz 1.99.16-8Elliot Lee Jonathan Blandford 1.99.16-5Matt Wilson 1.99.16-4Matt Wilson 1.99.16-3Matt Wilson 1.99.16-2Matt Wilson 1.99.16-1Matt Wilson 1.99.16-1Jonathan Blandford 1.99.16-1Jeremy Katz 1.99.14-7Jeremy Katz 1.99.14-6Thomas Woerner 1.99.14-5Mihai Ibanescu 1.99.14-4Jeremy Katz 1.99.14-3Tim Powers Jeremy Katz 1.99.14-1Jonathan Blandford Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Jonathan Blandford Jonathan Blandford Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Tim Waugh Tim Powers Matt Wilson Tim Powers Jeremy Katz Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Matt Wilson - new version- cleaner lib64 patch- move pythondir into /usr/lib64/- new version- update to 2.3.95- update to 2.3.92- rebuilt- 2.2.0- 2.2.0 RC1- rebuilt- GtkTextSearchFlags is flags, not enum (#114910)- rebuilt- own %{_libdir}/python?.?/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk dir (#113048)- rebuild for python 2.3- 2.0.0- Update to latest version - Module filenames changed from to Fix libtool- part of the fixnew patch wasn't applied upstream, apply it (#99400)- rebuilt- Update compat patch to include gtk_text_buffer_set_text- don't require the deprecated length parameter- add compatibility for deprecated length field in GtkTextBuffer insert methods (#91519)- apply atom_intern patch again (#91349)- added a compatibility function for gtk.gdk.gc_new() so we won't have to fix all our code quite yet- enable threads (#83539, #87872)- new version- and again- rebuild in new environment- fixed new functions for ListStore, TreeStrore and ProgressBar- rebuild to use the UCS4-enabled python- rerun auto* to use new python.m4 and work properly with multilib python - libdir-ize- rebuilt- bump version to 1.99.14 - add patch to up the ref on gtkInvisible instantiation (#80283)- bump version to 1.99.13 - backport rebuild for multilib - use %configure- fix pixbuf leaks (#72137) - five more pixbuf leaks plugged- remover Packager tag- add binding for gdk_atom_intern- 0.99.12- new version from CVS- Fix bug #65770.- automated rebuild- new version from CVS- automated rebuild- 1.99.10- 1.99.8- added to file list- fix devel filelist to match new header location- get the headers from their new version-specific location- fixed typo in devel filelist - added macro that tests to see if we have libglade2, make the filelist a condition of that - changed name to 'pygtk2' to avoid name conflict with 1096911583 ' -g -pipe -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4cpiogzip9i386i386-redhat-linux-gnuELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), strippeddirectoryPRRRRRRRRRR R R R R RRRRRR?; xTՕ/F2ڨQ l@$X d%3e2ghM:Ǧvk--|[?uЖf m`׺)bK]b 3@b{ޛ7/ys=sϽY**++[f̪ rvQu{5-|&s79K{OCo00>szا:\69  z`=#ilܿ; Ϡ4 pn`P {+4r]:]D`F_!HF'|DՏ鴕 Z{42ydݖlz6htvd /~%CIgo1 .gӇLٸ}@TCnי^XĤ;&7~},o%3p^70m54MUߛ2{ ۟W%Se_sL_ ;~`9>}an7[Ygc2ѼL>[LyҤ }x&y_6.|\gL?̴/9k]Q|"ɹaaMlYXpJNg[{0 +Dr.o,9yRn9 UHKXDr5ɹXVj}n wA@J*r{ڠpQCWe(oԁ6:C?-_pspkOUsg>8L̽H1-~|W q. 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