netdump-0.7.7-3> A AlpA?BM}%xjnHli;?d   R(,= A\bg`       $<T  2 (Q8X 9 : ( >*?2F:G\HtIXY\]^bjdefkltuvwPxhyCnetdump0.7.73Client setup for network kernel message logging and crash dumpsThe netdump client sets up the kernel to send crash dumps and/or console messages as syslog packets to a remote system. Some manual setup is required as documented in the netdump (8) man 2>&1 fiif [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/service netdump stop > /dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/chkconfig --del netdump fi'/=큤A큤BEBEBE?_<BEa5b5b9fa327bd409ba5f7f142b0d6ff169f2a0e87ba58741ed35ebad58a58b713f813055acd9574c22eb5eec00bbfb6d08804da7a9a40571304f10792157bd041dfe2e579dee8e8058275bf515c05d55rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootnetdump-0.7.7-3.src.rpmconfig(netdump)netdump@@ @JJ/bin/bash/bin/sh/bin/sh/sbin/ifconfig/usr/bin/ssh/usr/bin/ssh-keygenconfig(netdump)fileutilsgawkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)textutils0.7.7-33.0.4-14.0-14.3.3B%AȹA A A}ACA[L@1@???k?_?=t?0E?.? >va>]U>7=t - 0.7.7-3Dave Anderson 0.7.5-2Dave Anderson 0.7.4-2Dave Anderson 0.7.3-2Dave Anderson 0.7.1-2Dave Anderson 0.7.0-2Dave Anderson 0.7.0-1Jeff Moyer - 0.6.13-1Jeff Moyer - 0.6.12-1Dave Anderson 0.6.11-3Dave Anderson 0.6.11-2Jeff Moyer 0.6.11-1Dave Anderson 0.6.10-2Michael K. Johnson 0.6.10-1Michael K. Johnson 0.6.9-4Michael K. Johnson 0.6.9-3Dave Anderson 0.6.9-2Michael K. Johnson 0.6.9-1Dave Anderson 0.6.8-3Michael K. Johnson 0.6.8-2Elliot Lee Michael K. Johnson Michael K. Johnson Michael K. Johnson Michael K. Johnson Michael K. Johnson Michael K. Johnson Michael K. Johnson Michael K. Johnson Alex Larsson Alex Larsson Alex Larsson - Add support for auto-detecting the first hop on the way to the netdump server.- Updated source package to netdump-0.7.5.tar.gz: Allows multiple "service netdump start" to handle magic numbers properly. BZ #142752- Fix for unintentional failure of netconsole modprobe when NETLOGADDR=NONE. BZ #141373.- Replaces "set" usage with "read" for gathering arp output in print_address_info(). BZ #139781. - Convert netdump-server.8 man page to UTF-8 format. BZ #140707- Changed netdump.init file to use "set -f" in print_address_info(). Fixes "service netdump start" bug if /e, /t, /h, or /r files exist, i.e., characters in "ether".- rebuild for RHEL-4- Added BuildRequires and updated to latest package- More init script fixes. Namely, don't load netdump module if netdumpaddr isn't filled in.- Add support for 2.6 netdump. - Allow netlog to be configured indepndently from netdump. - Change the server to create only one directory in /var/crash per boot of a system.- rebuild- fix config_init() in configuration.c to work with PPC64. - fix netdump.init to allow SYSLOGADDR to be configured w/o NETDUMPADDR, and - to properly handle configuration errors.- Incorporate the latest netdump sources. See file ChangeLog.- correct README.client to indicate netdump password (instead of root)- make iconv happy with man page- rebuild- rebuild- memory_packet(): cast lseek() offset argument as off_t to avoid wrap-around. - memory_remove_outstanding_timeouts(): remove return arg to avoid warning.- fixed references to ttywatch instead of netdump-server in man page- built 0.6.7-1.1 for AS2.1 errata; bumped to 0.6.8-3 for future builds- rebuild- Rebuild- added call to condrestart- mhz separated from IDLETIMEOUT- netdump and syslog disassociated- added IDLETIMEOUT- netconsole module now does arp, netdump-arphelper no longer needed- special netdump dsa key- added syslog setup- netdump-client -> netdump - finish ssh setup in netdump package- shut up post scripts- Update version to 0.2- Initial build./bin/sh/bin/ 1109704503     0.7.7-30.7.7-3netdumpnetdumpnetdump-0.7.7README.clientcrash.cnetdump.8.gz/etc/rc.d/init.d//etc/sysconfig//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/netdump-0.7.7//usr/share/man/man8/-O2 -g -pipe -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4cpiogzip9i386i386-redhat-linux-gnuASCII C program textASCII English textPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabledirectoryR?P[ xյNᱼJi,+lǮ%qlxvg43K13)%P(ai)e{BÒe)Mie$[XҰ5sь,}kf޳s{(X ,*8|C, ՄcZ%7p?c +@1.倚QM(Kg'O L &I?P֟T bneKDWR(L*W2R2l':B$.JjJ5B9Е7&H ?x(+YS2 $ +SŔB!*1TY!Z1gbM@5xe@f-D$ 0Ud.0 /L͐,N TR)–Jb8SSF -j*d(ӋyfNi)5KZz!}JgUd!Aio xC gʋOS:"Aށ־ݱ?X /IEM&dHLrY/!"qxWv{RmOFh5#(êIB\y.)$H*Rc9eu2p`s),S9::z{##QdP,A#MgS0,l^oԺֈ -nc5]6qoweΉ0%YˈiTdH9T~RU bR22b?} x𰁼y|%SԈOї2af#Hj\eV^z-3=\J!&R,ć ĀyTIYI}z#9c@Tu &rLT>+'6T@ Y1+|K.ލ LA hDI#5,3N<Ӝ= ݽ j:e\7:fZau$@)Y"\ fȰ`Y4E(BG5$5rL%;4ILۈ7x/0,("vP%yZc,j,NLDڝq3U#s^Bg$it  f@RRF" P2| ̄= L.D:Xxt*HUx/.琀,drCG˛ E!A#ӧsKm epcPr3Fڏə :=B:gW%3^$3V2-{W%;Qv >/’i'4 @اΉr-Fأ%'>4fNYʪHf*OD$ 8ϡ-!fH)U.jBEZ5\\ T)i8k= ytѲ X McWuгcq]Ka $(;HTf->`=^k|MqH9ܙ{l[Ѷh *m nm G֙Lw:aFѝqA, v-º WBjg~YKIEC/ 6/hjoh R43'jAҿa-d{ lJ19Y <ix:ZN p1cHpF~FxmB/#(B3 iךѹ[b` z(Vp<Z4;maB-q;/{C6Su0(OV'0y.hjn-cLK#foQnocxOSsMuxYI0)SXݞX3`j&XWI&#X_"ڧ[cTN\?!{y:J)a҃-X+U+f\/uB_(㌁7-asY48V>[UŖ6XOZ8@q*F2Yk n9OcC-' %+T$.wdEt٪(J-Z5Zl3 J*_T]i+*-۴Oæh A4lzVg{ATT'-0E0Eb9"Jkid\ A"HJJ2EtER;i$FE;Ң2]iJ24c*SkrZ2(3+s) b2bR. ~&#)5UȮG:%.XM3(+dVUAL" (8) Z˙`K* r (nX|K9E bu"_pa,X"K,&4ơ!Z UNJˡ3+[j`F ,-7 "Ze˰Y2pVZwv}lyQF?zB ̀O9B֐JV>LBaEi8!Q> tܕ ThZ h:( o@ Pl9 fe΃wF ^(6H1tA0+9&V(¢-Z:|C,5` VdSq IpZZul*|3(j W#as W_ tΖ-@ Ƅ2B4չA_om- ޮ?R\JY4X¢G —lk*Z6XSF5PeX"3"RiZ<,"AS/l^fuU h]=ȍn =-c`]V'_+K.ԹY+Ai"< 8%7<Ft-yK!hX)UBG'+ȰrqT4x;Cak}1(*GG\mᬊWD+D7#Q/ wI5YD^h!A87sjGB] I"U-'vvEgwŽVR XǾY/C:!TNVr#Θ%qutѶشr~ 13.BquV 51<9Tnq9b/?9G(na*BC)<>f`F%J^V,TtgFC JK2_P6⬎DH =.*A``t SP֓RNZlåd [+&I~rs{|vԚe'oW:Ͽ>żk7v+Y9{jlO9w߯+/?]wХNgևW;ۏ|lUKCW=m>c=,<=k9)'=p?bɃҍџ|mO]v޻9 ~1]很`|pEK?KO^U{yY7JoR>y:6ml~s6_+̣:%N>fAOS1g_j?}Fd;|'ӮyLL% 󳶟o;?=Y+/qu!ղmqڅkb_aZ}E_߯>p7qJ󕃲ګoT+.=G2}y͔#]X9dgke뺏:'?𝩻ksִ7_.Y޹{} kNܜu>~_v\G}łwU;pLv4:wʧ9簭?++3;~pŦWb޷ݺsg]{ښ-vZM#opknQ~L_'f]6E;Z{Ms`QÁ@