yum-conf-41-10.LTS> A AlpA?C"j%FxZ AG?]kO.,,'bR׷d5c1cf387d5e7c8f74a4ab31ce8c9d745b584fbf8S7A| 뾂#؈?C"j -ńCNBt<`֒4>C<?,d   ? O @ p    ,  d ()* v+ , - 8 9 ::>?DFGH@IXY\]<^xbdefkltupvwHxyzCyum-conf4110.LTSRPM installer/updater config filesConfiguration files to setup yum.conf, as well as setup yum in you daily cron.Cyort.fnal.govGPLSystem Environment/Basehttp://www.dulug.duke.edu/yum/linuxnoarch/sbin/chkconfig --add yum /sbin/chkconfig yum on /sbin/service yum restart >> /dev/null exit 0if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --del yum /sbin/service yum stop >> /dev/null fi exit 0+ Y++/ (P큤A큤큤A큤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-conf-41-10.LTS.src.rpmconfig(yum-conf)yum-conf@@ @@@@JJ/bin/bash/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/sbin/chkconfig/sbin/serviceconfig(yum-conf)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)21:41-10.LTS3.0.4-14.0-14.3.3# # This makes it so that you don't get asked about up2date on the firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py* fi # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about more cd's on firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py* fi# # This ensures that you have the Fermilab stuff in your yumex config file # file=/etc/yumex.profiles.conf fermifile=/etc/yumex.profiles.conf.fermi grep -q FERMI $file if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then rm -f $file.tmp cat $file | grep -v lastprofile | grep -v "\[main\]" > $file.tmp cat $fermifile >> $file.tmp mv -f $file $file.41.10.LTS mv -f $file.tmp $file fifirstbootyumexC'CC=C C BBMBoB(BeBdJB\aB%AƀAAA@A5A3@Ǥ@]@@b!@)??=t>>>?Troy Dawson 41-10.LTSTroy Dawson 41-9.LTSTroy Dawson 41-8.LTSTroy Dawson 41-5.LTSTroy Dawson 41-4.LTSTroy Dawson 41-3.LTSTroy Dawson 41-1.LTSTroy Dawson 40-3.LTSTroy Dawson 40-2.LTSTroy Dawson 40-4.SLTroy Dawson 40-3.SLTroy Dawson 40-2.SLTroy Dawson 40-1.SLTroy Dawson 304-2.SLTroy Dawson 304-1.SLTroy Dawson 30rolling-2.SLTroy Dawson 30rolling-1.SLTroy Dawson 303-1.SLTroy Dawson 302-3.SLTroy Dawson - 302-2.SLTroy Dawson - sl301-8Connie Sieh Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson - Fixed the addon's part of the yum.cron- Renamed all the repo's to be more logical - put in change for yumex config file - Added testing repository- Changed everything to work with the yum 2.4- Fixed the "No Match" problem in yum.cron- Fixed the workgroup section of yum.cron - Fixed the bugfix repo's- Changed the configurations from rolling to the real 41 - Added the bugfix yum repo- Changed to 4.1, though it's really the same.- Put the exclude=openssh* into the sl and sl-errata repos- Fixed bad yum repo's- Testing putting everything in yum.repos.d as config(noreplace)- Hard coded it so that it points to 40, soft coding didn't work- Added check to yum.cron to check if yum is already running, and if it has been running for a long time, to kill it. - Changed config's to actually point to 40 instead of rolling - Fixed flash.repo, they changed where they were.- Rewrote yum.cron to take advantage of yum 2.2 - moved the yum.conf.* files into yum.repos.d after editing them to be just the repo they are supposed to be - Edited files in yum.d to reflect other changes - changed yum.conf to use yum 2.2 repo files - changed logrotate, and yum init file to be from yum 2.2- added yum.conf.rhaps and yum.conf.flash- Changed 30rolling's to 304's- Changed 303's to 304's - Removed all references to linux21- Changed the 303 yum-conf to 30rolling- Changed the 302 yum-conf to 303- Removed add-on's section from the cron.daily - Changed DEFAULTSERVER from linux21.fnal.gov to ftp.scientificlinux.org in the cron.daily script - Added a commented out pointer to our local copy of DAG's repository- Changed main distribution server to ftp.scientificlinux.org- Did a rewrite of yum.cron to allow for the distribution sites to be in easily modified files. - Renamed some of the scripts in /etc/yum.d - Fixed names in yum.conf- Added tolerant=1 to yum.cron for updates so as to get as many updates as - we can- Changed the excludes file to use globs on kernel and openafs- Fixed a minor bug with the wget stuff- Changed ncftpls to wget when checking the servers- Updated from new yum 2.0.1, which made the following changes - init.d script, copied straight from 2.0.1 - yum.conf (and template) added tolerant=1, exactarch=1- Changed the default to 901 from 731- First Go at the 9.0.1 config files.- Split the yum-conf completely away from the yum rpm and made it release dependant./bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shyort.fnal.gov 1135789078$5678;:<9=EGHFLK?IJNM>O21:41-10.LTS21:41-10.LTSyum.cronyumyumyum.confyum.dREADMEbyhand.yum.croncheckonly.yum.cronoriginal.yum.cronyum.cron.excludesyum.repos.datrpms.repodag.repodries.repofermi-addons.repofermi-bugfix.repofermi-contrib.repofermi-errata.repofermi-testing.repofermi.repoflash.reposl-rhaps.reposl.repoyumex.profiles.conf.fermi/etc/cron.daily//etc/init.d//etc/logrotate.d//etc//etc//etc/yum.d//etc/yum.repos.d/-O2 -g -pipe -m64cpiogzip9noarchnoarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII English textASCII textBourne shell script text executablePaul Falstad's zsh script text executabledirectoryRRRRR,k٧=뿤K?]{w6@%i|YklRͶ9pTZnNX0څ .z3*}=2a<|PZQ)(`.hD(ZJ6IEݥ?{uq USpΠs0,}:@XDPM7 @uכbo /P6رxp2zᾤa8 fN'yzO3"+6E<`C;;Hyt3.;EsvkK*~fuS.{lfQms9yR{r~s'O-2CYW r6&#P!N>&#ZbQ\٤0}'0R"5!}7 +X;|C]1_D.PIWtyI~N#e|\&',ۨ.]*)* ( C3/D;7hǰDYIj/& NpRd^Jn=?8]uU26/{grnFޘ|bĽqEޑ3TQ̫hNUus^\f~][\= cplz8[| T;o93A n*  :_EMIE1nZ#7P=6 wzD& 29+MVB.N POadPn`Yo0dMnص?ŀ%pr p}Dcw'V. ?- /.痬kہ/U6# TE7=oEI058/;ysG[QNhJa lk@?TB|Ms[ ~rK'< )8p )N p}&(5yW V SqQʯe$Jɗ5IP]<bIJβ!7K?6%#5%$ED;ٵWPaUDG6TZXkuK bHE`:sfz'[K9ep 9 ~!mLAmզ^j+25 w=媱f,B:խizv ^wʯ[ViـSq6Ogփʦ,l݇!c;ϿköCkVTulFt9Ƹz><ϖ;lD,'r1X,FYt!1"ݽJIrDy3UzPq\FjgQ,6I}V/Ztas*.7xQEz)R<1%569~}w#ywu(z!,z6^[(܊CܢNKӺ2&L2{@Fu[ug9` qz]lC<ᐔ~h:vhԡuغ.E X409v% MWbe~kZnư˟!kWMSDzgns)m4VX寎Uփ s-r6+p#wY~r!Ϟ~̲:<t@!g Ɵc%>"/xzI4BoO͙zS1CYi>4~}|KïkJN)e$P;;xs˚ġDgM߶I@nf-&.2{Zj2Ήrg)-8eCҨvձ ^DO!JkrOgc(ဝpnx*&*U$^ۤ =ܻ ΠQ%osK(Fl Ӌ˓qY%~,UBù~ޡ "皣w.-Zmͯ~ Q+!I$l\@ۻuheq1NdP""XJPX@Whe1Ov։n1b;QFHbC`CKba :%QF5qxth 6]?~& ; nZ kוdyYgZզbKNqgߌGz$zHG hB[?6Kd8-ġ -dpb4d)%ua`Q~_S7p_GaP $VXB! 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