xfs-debuginfo-0.4-1> A AlpA?Gj0މP ѳdSN.ѓ{ _ 4MV9c11c0b8c34e40c3fcacdca731927c772b10a67elPOm+<3ߵ?GjtF=&5\=%.EH7,jT=+{|>$?d  > 6Hhns(89:FX$Y(b0d^ecfhkjloCxfs-debuginfo0.41Debug information for package xfsThis package provides debug information for package xfs. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.Gayort.fnal.govScientific LinuxGPLUrs Beyerle Development/Debughttp://oss.sgi.com/projects/xfslinuxi686xfs-0.4-1.src.rpmxfs-debuginfoJJrpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)4.0-13.0.4-14.3.3GWFSF(F%_Troy Dawson 0.4-1Johnny Hughes 0.4-1Johnny Hughes 0.3-2Johnny Hughes - Modified this to do kernel-modules instead of kmod - spec template taken from Urs Beyerle's xfs for sl5- Modified this version of the spec to work with el4.- Modified kmodtool (Source10) to remove the requirement for xfs-kmod-common- Initial use in CentOS-5 - Added paevar and modified paevar, smpvar, xenvar, xdumpvar to follow EL5 and not FC6 naming conventions.yort.fnal.gov 12058602610:0.4-1-O2 -g -pipe -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=pentium4cpiogzip9i686i686-redhat-linux-gnu?3070704 $!A>A @5|