kernel-module-qcusb-2.6.9-89.0.9.ELsmp-debuginfo-0.6.3-2.SL4x> A AlpA?Js?*}}U'٨ X֒Ub]f yN ܃?H# ,U3040949f1ba163d623d7c3e905a653d6753024b2I]T{L ĸf-/?Js?*}}T%egq4 :n'/QCpֈ }6v|>#?zd39 @ PTdhy} *\d(89:FXYb%dSeXf]k_ldCkernel-module-qcusb-2.6.9-89.0.9.ELsmp-debuginfo0.6.32.SL4xDebug information for package kernel-module-qcusb-2.6.9-89.0.9.ELsmpThis package provides debug information for package kernel-module-qcusb-2.6.9-89.0.9.ELsmp. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.Jyort.fnal.govScientific LinuxGPLTroy Dawson Development/Debug Dawson - 0.6.3-1.SL4Troy Dawson - 0.6.2-1.tjdTroy Dawson - 0.6.2-1Dag Wieers - 0.5.1-1Dag Wieers - 0.5.1-0Bert de Bruijn - 0.5.1-0- Updated it to 0.6.3 - changed spec stuff to be in line with livna format- Changed it to the kernel-module-- naming- Moved it to 0.6.2, and tweeked a building problem- Fixed the longstanding smp kernel bug. (Bert de Bruijn)- User contributed package. (Bert de Bruijn)- Initial 11316541840.6.3-2.SL4x-O2 -g -pipe -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=pentium4cpiogzip9i686i686-redhat-linux-gnu?3070704 $!A>A @5|