yum-conf-41-5.LTS> A AlpA?C {jLyLi॓O:Pvw$;z c`T221011722788ad427037446d70fab80a6a83f8563ܯǗW0$ v{?C {jON^ZJÞ>l,-EI$k)h>D ?d   ; <   D  H$@   p ( ) * + #, $- (8 ,9 :L>?DF G(HIXY\]h^{bdefkltulvw<xyzCyum-conf415.LTSRPM installer/updater config filesConfiguration files to setup yum.conf, as well as setup yum in you daily cron.C {yort.fnal.govScientific LinuxGPLSystem Environment/Basehttp://www.dulug.duke.edu/yum/linuxnoarch/sbin/chkconfig --add yum /sbin/chkconfig yum on /sbin/service yum restart >> /dev/null # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about up2date on the firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py* fi # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about more cd's on firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py* fi exit 0if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --del yum /sbin/service yum stop >> /dev/null fi exit 0( Y)(q큤A큤큤A큤C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {C {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-conf-41-5.LTS.src.rpmconfig(yum-conf)yum-conf@@ @@@@JJ/bin/bash/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/sbin/chkconfig/sbin/serviceconfig(yum-conf)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)21:41-5.LTS3.0.4-14.0-14.3.3# # This makes it so that you don't get asked about up2date on the firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py* fi # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about more cd's on firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py* fifirstbootC C BBMBoB(BeBdJB\aB%AƀAAA@A5A3@Ǥ@]@@b!@)??=t>>>?Troy Dawson 41-5.LTSTroy Dawson 41-4.LTSTroy Dawson 41-3.LTSTroy Dawson 41-1.LTSTroy Dawson 40-3.LTSTroy Dawson 40-2.LTSTroy Dawson 40-4.SLTroy Dawson 40-3.SLTroy Dawson 40-2.SLTroy Dawson 40-1.SLTroy Dawson 304-2.SLTroy Dawson 304-1.SLTroy Dawson 30rolling-2.SLTroy Dawson 30rolling-1.SLTroy Dawson 303-1.SLTroy Dawson 302-3.SLTroy Dawson - 302-2.SLTroy Dawson - sl301-8Connie Sieh Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson - Fixed the "No Match" problem in yum.cron- Fixed the workgroup section of yum.cron - Fixed the bugfix repo's- Changed the configurations from rolling to the real 41 - Added the bugfix yum repo- Changed to 4.1, though it's really the same.- Put the exclude=openssh* into the sl and sl-errata repos- Fixed bad yum repo's- Testing putting everything in yum.repos.d as config(noreplace)- Hard coded it so that it points to 40, soft coding didn't work- Added check to yum.cron to check if yum is already running, and if it has been running for a long time, to kill it. - Changed config's to actually point to 40 instead of rolling - Fixed flash.repo, they changed where they were.- Rewrote yum.cron to take advantage of yum 2.2 - moved the yum.conf.* files into yum.repos.d after editing them to be just the repo they are supposed to be - Edited files in yum.d to reflect other changes - changed yum.conf to use yum 2.2 repo files - changed logrotate, and yum init file to be from yum 2.2- added yum.conf.rhaps and yum.conf.flash- Changed 30rolling's to 304's- Changed 303's to 304's - Removed all references to linux21- Changed the 303 yum-conf to 30rolling- Changed the 302 yum-conf to 303- Removed add-on's section from the cron.daily - Changed DEFAULTSERVER from linux21.fnal.gov to ftp.scientificlinux.org in the cron.daily script - Added a commented out pointer to our local copy of DAG's repository- Changed main distribution server to ftp.scientificlinux.org- Did a rewrite of yum.cron to allow for the distribution sites to be in easily modified files. - Renamed some of the scripts in /etc/yum.d - Fixed names in yum.conf- Added tolerant=1 to yum.cron for updates so as to get as many updates as - we can- Changed the excludes file to use globs on kernel and openafs- Fixed a minor bug with the wget stuff- Changed ncftpls to wget when checking the servers- Updated from new yum 2.0.1, which made the following changes - init.d script, copied straight from 2.0.1 - yum.conf (and template) added tolerant=1, exactarch=1- Changed the default to 901 from 731- First Go at the 9.0.1 config files.- Split the yum-conf completely away from the yum rpm and made it release dependant./bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shyort.fnal.gov 1124826068mmmmmn:n;mn<mn=nBnDnCnFn@nGn?n>nEnHnA21:41-5.LTS21:41-5.LTSyum.cronyumyumyum.confyum.dREADMEbyhand.yum.croncheckonly.yum.cronoriginal.yum.cronyum.cron.excludesyum.repos.ddag.repofermi-addons.repofermi-bugfix.repofermi-errata.repofermi.repoflash.reposl-bugfix.reposl-contrib.reposl-errata.reposl-rhaps.reposl.repo/etc/cron.daily//etc/init.d//etc/logrotate.d//etc//etc//etc/yum.d//etc/yum.repos.d/-O2 -g -pipe -m64cpiogzip9noarchnoarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII English textASCII textBourne shell script text executablePaul Falstad's zsh script text executabledirectoryRRRRR|)!e%(?]s6_j4iZr9Ʋ˴ Ek}˔MoI,]XHvr~M[/ڜ{󁽇;/g*E|j4yd50z47qcbdl} әzجs}n(`M@݌D0ld 6Ol3A\_Dq[Q%SvSo`M85+fdC Rg=f;.+SjUCkTYƦl1セ|hO>l>CɠN8}ihaS ń1e<@oXx{ĿP%j9=98|xީx UwvZL $監^שnS w4gˋm.P:uPҋ^6ʿMq>aBӇ3s~]?XdŐdEnyS?FuoUaV}d?$רPɶQq\UV8 atadQwF G&OR*EXdLvߍuq ESpΠq0,}OLv#Hݦ 1B8ּ6&p#vgO͕͚0[Y.OrzO#" 6AE yإɛh-D`YeIǭfQSDLM e AgI^ kaws^W V1㮘!CHJF'm+Z<tX)#ج09?B5IJahbrD97 H'`EbA yu@Lj1M I9`[)aCVv_}{ihݿZebDcO*TC[_)&7Wjd ᔆlȀgK*K=30WH@pzdEk+P .8Jp:U7Rz- |X[Y&&U}Cbv$hZ9nhrM JղQ~iC筃. ri1$< *?G̘_C AHKӟ&+[^j)2CKֻcirX3!]`,8^]a.UH~&`_p:EFէ,g֓jE:.WWߵa"kV،2:hG_V_e%-K!]Ώc LE\&ŷRX+8c%KExyްڙ9Iy-1^U4Bw(=n$k٣L52GYil%E2naeBjT 4.KG⍬%l<(:B0zu2PBp+q*7>),ueɯ0=jw x-d-XpmOmv~ziXZ/m6ڨՍzM}W0027i,NprO}=ؔP. 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