quagga-contrib-0.96.2-12.3E> A AlpA?F`gjjTWN o<&syF8tf;su289245a8861da3ebd1a297e6c89d851676f578ff,+^5 j`d?F`gjjx7[$,ZF:p,Co1^|K,V>88?(d  7tx     4  #Fd(-84 9\ :5 FGHIXY\]0^{bdef k lt(uDv`wxyCquagga-contrib0.96.212.3Econtrib tools for quaggaContributed/3rd party tools which may be of use with quagga.F_4noswad.fnal.govRScientific LinuxGPLSystem Environment/Daemonshttp://www.quagga.netlinuxi386# | 7 AA큤큤F_4?J/=?=?=?=?=?426a80a859c985555f044818da5006ecbae70e561d3f6409e17022f63061a1786604c09621ebb1e2ef9edf2fcee4ace09a71ee8a0388e804d9d800e8ac34727106ed85aec7abf0de11d9632cbed76559rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootquagga-0.96.2-12.3E.src.rpmquagga-contrib@@ @@JJ/usr/bin/perlperlperl(Getopt::Std)perl(POSIX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)0:5.0023.0.4-14.0-14.2.3FTՀDm ?l?T??o?h?MF?B?:Martin Bacovsky - 0.96.2-12Jay Fenlason 0.96.2-11.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.2-10.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.2-8.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.2-6.3ENalin Dahyabhai 0.96.2-4.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.2-2.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.2-0.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.1-2.3EJay Fenlason 0.96-0.3E- resolves: #240480: CVE-2007-1995 Quagga bgpd DoS- Include the -bgpd-dos patch to close bz#191376 CVE-2006-2276 quagga locks with command sh ip bgp - Include the -ripd-security patch to close bz#191084 CVE-2006-2224 Quagga RIPd route injection bz#191080 CVE-2006-2223 Quagga RIPd information disclosure - Clean up this specfile's handling of /usr/lib/quagga/* - Modify this spec file to separate out /usr/include/quagga/quagga/ospfd from .../*.h and /usr/include/quagga/quagga/ospfapi from .../*.h Rpmbuild probably shouldn't allow %dir of a plain file. - remove target buildroot again to not waste disk space- Add a patch to make RIPv1 work (Bugzilla #109282, #109049). This patch was included in 0.96.4 so it's been fairly well tested.- Fix a local DOS attack. - Fix the specfile so that upgrading quagga does not accidentally run /sbin/install-info --delete /usr/share/info/quagga.info.gz /usr/share/info/dir which deletes the quagga info page from the info directory. - Stop the daemons correctly when quagga is removed.- Fix a remote DOS attack (#107140)- Remove the directory part of paths for PAM modules in quagga.pam, allowing libpam to search its default directory (needed if a 64-bit libpam needs to look in /lib64/security instead of /lib/security). Pulled up from HEAD.- Close bugzilla #103320 by using /sbin/nologin for the quagga user - Include a patch from Kaj J. Niemi (kajtzu@basen.net) to put Quagga configuration options in /etc/sysconfig/quagga and default Quagga to only listening on This closes bugzilla #104376)- Merge from HEAD including - New upstream version- Fix bugzilla #102673 by groupadd and useradd-ing quagga in %pre. - Quash a couple more compiler warnings while we're at it.- merge from HEAD to the 3E branch for taroon. - added a patch (libwrap) to allow the generated Makefiles for zebra/ and lib/ to work on AMD64 systems. For some reason make there does not like a dependency on -lcap - added a patch (warnings) to shut up warnings about an undefined structure type in some function prototypes and quiet down all the warnings about assert(ptr) on x86_64. - Modified the upstream quagga-0.96/readhat/quagga.spec to work as an official Red Hat package (remove user and group creation and changes to services) - Trimmed changelog. See the upstream .spec file for previous changelog entries.js20-bc2-11.build.redhat.com 11799997270.96.2-12.3Equagga-contrib-0.96.2toolsmrlg.cgirrcheck.plrrlookup.plzc.plzebra.el/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/quagga-contrib-0.96.2//usr/share/doc/quagga-contrib-0.96.2/tools/-O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686cpiogzip9i386i386-redhat-linux-gnuLisp/Scheme program textPaul Falstad's zsh script text executablea /usr/local/bin/perl script text executabledirectoryRRRRR?p̞oC讪kwJRxWUYZ[x1϶bچT*O -,áv_^mjO* {x ֍Z{ Ox*Oy{?[uk^n,ڋ{=3u-`Ɓ'ᰣi߱MrA(p-[H-Е<6BPq@H`"&F|̛ TB2(vd9Y`țbI8qSi9 kg['i9ı27 㝟9y3x99hw1kIg^;>:Ku9WҤi,ft'P~wF94}/1 K.Yمodmu\Td/^Gg)RX[bZZիkE*e2>4xF_ wbX vxGLv;[($(rV2q䜴FD0}P:÷rԫ`1lGp(G9*_fYf6YW?4=.FJfshZsͷ֘;S$1.9&fDII"k;8}`ofrCjxB+Gځ2eZ3rvl w,"YDhXk.S8"Rfj&/!EW }lAźk&_ч>1=y9ڰ)OMEO 0os;'탓ӽϹ[TBR+b:ZN6}d @|Y9h%g!V`@"f Qz}kkHN*<5qЃf:b0wTTU뢅\cx!DDoQ  +,zjp s Zm E<P=qlY.WdCOX~5xQ,LK!ie$5=MI2w*w^~$7G<+M'O~t[w,Cv0 ;> ]\oXիשklcé!0^izĎS;ș, t+_[鏉}Y2,x'ULI6NJvi%!h͙vp܃ &K ; ذV< ꔺ} *mWm ;-25f!4p#@T2?Y۵%n7DY΋@6aJ>dXeE }gf& D"+,7gߡ6-1 \!\~ TۘK\S-ȫe]GB6啨ѫ~4d˸*m2D15$?Gp N[!**:S{(ZHe673ȓ%T$~i]$uF=9O#(~!-( []TБ#^"|`1:KKzy/Hr\9_%tAl nc E3VgdCA~]Q?EpYFj9+j+iߊp |JnoNG,^陹 4dU5a^k v&A7& եՕP")2 O _ab^ "vhN4ɼd'F%o"ņ4.Y'%!Q?zsЩ?2fIJκV'REz̺cYUKpS(|XH8ww~m~qn4EHL\n&pj'E2U($mB s#NV"W${#^}I 7+h@j^tMldfT4(a]_vDZIJMS)-mq!醘-c[(0xaoKfi`woM,R#OˑǀLHlnMLfrb'ԶCQn-|-m7uMuգ,bbS%t<0;AWj᧯Eqf]-$MBFz۶oLOIz۴PMɡ(<kUWY!Eh˿8Qh;ӌB9  gTn{Y"cJ:R´.fk3=KsI-Ԅ YA:KUs* Y3 Fj bqcKWO*֖-3."xHI){zߜާ|rŰKMU^?xý/{w#ضCЍzSl…7Cyr,K;k=gC5^@GUUlR$B9SY1bK$o{,u;sH-Hk?g՘j9*vʯ!$?Ђª^C#?g$` Cʲi9m 3/QJp?lާcz}޿ 9(<LF񶯎\0$g1|6 b%JT ~cF1 =ᓔiYc Y  ,2|L*D&XxnҰ'yG0 X`%מgq9Dx Vr^&hHۓ ڇwBL];OSEt74v QEލ1A'1?#]'2rA6EM+K:_qU"PFf} ӳeׇ bX*D27 Q BKO-ׂ%MJ*:,'$% sahC>&ˮ WkQB.WJW]F쎩aЇ;ZY ptuFr1)=<`wm <,Or1/F|Q IKK [rPm]ʰ+)3ՏVCUZR VdBrG~hlMaF rfD7pˍZATie(wm/5z- 7RVg}n¨mV