java-javadoc-1.5.33-1jpp_4rh> A AlpA?@%xGG7=S?ΓRb&+p08c1afe88d1132f5c9cbc53e9c875ca0c1ae2e324+5A0v8'?'d  $ ?\`pt        (PXhp(8@9@:@F&G&H&I&X&Y&\&]'^'b'Cd'ge'lf'qk'sl'zt'u'v'w'x'Cjava-javadoc1.5.331jpp_4rhDummy package / directory.Dummy package / directory.@noswad.fnal.govFermi National Accelerator LaboratoryGPLUtilities큤@@d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427erootrootrootrootjpackage-utils-1.5.33-1jpp_4rh.src.rpmjava-javadocJJrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)3.0.4-14.0-14.2.1@t@M @I@C΀@>@>@(@???Ȁ??R?Q:?<">q>q>q>>{>>>>>>>>)>>@>>K>K>>>W>>>y>nx>L1>J>J>I>I>H=>F>A>;>4v>4v>4v>3%>;=s=P===*=J=J<$ 0:1.5.33-1jpp_4rhFrank Ch. Eigler 0:1.5.33-1jpp_3rhFrank Ch. Eigler 0:1.5.33-1jpp_2rhThomas Fitzsimmons 0:1.5.33-1jpp_1rhThomas Fitzsimmons 0:1.5.33-1jpp_1rhThomas Fitzsimmons 0:1.5.33-1jpp_1rhDavid Walluck 0:1.5.33-1jppVille Skyttä - 0:1.5.32-1jppVille Skyttä - 0:1.5.31-1jppNicolas Mailhot - 0:1.5.30-1jppVille Skyttä - 0:1.5.29-1jppVille Skyttä - 0:1.5.28-1jppVille Skyttä - 0:1.5.27-1jppVille Skyttä - 0:1.5.26-1jppVille Skyttä - 0:1.5.25-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.24-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.23-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.22-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.21-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.20-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.19-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.18-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.17-1jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.16-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.15-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.14-3jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.14-1jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.13-5jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.13-4jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.13-3jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.13-2jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.13-1jppNicolas Mailhot 0:1.5.12-1jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.11-3jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.11-2jppDavid Walluck 0:1.5.11-1jppDavid Walluck 1.5.10-1jppNicolas Mailhot 1.5.9-1jppNicolas Mailhot 1.5.7-1jppNicolas Mailhot 1.5.6-1jppNicolas Mailhot 1.5.4-3jppNicolas Mailhot 1.5.3-1jppNicolas Mailhot 1.5.2-1jppNicolas Mailhot 1.5.1-1jppNicolas Mailhot 1.5.0-1jppDavid Walluck 1.4.8-1jppDavid Walluck 1.4.7-1jppDavid Walluck 1.4.6-1jppDavid Walluck 1.4.5-1jppDavid Walluck 1.4.4-1jppDavid Walluck 1.4.3-2jppDavid Walluck 1.4.3-1jppVille Skyttä - 1.4.2-1jppVille Skyttä - 1.4.1-1jppVille Skyttä - 1.4-1jppVille Skyttä - 1.3-6jppVille Skyttä 1.3-5jppVille Skyttä 1.3-4jppVille Skyttä 1.3-3jppVille Skyttä 1.3-2jppVille Skyttä 1.3-1jppNicolas Mailhot 1.2-1jppGuillaume Rousse 1.1-1jppGuillaume Rousse 1.0-1jpp- Patch java.conf to remove RPM macros.- Add "package-list" blank file to java-javadoc.- Add dummy java-javadoc subpackage.- Remove postun and triggerin sections.- Remove Vendor and Distribution tags.- Append _1rh to release name.- update for J2SE 1.5.0 Beta 1- Fix java-functions location in diff-jars. - Add (X)Emacs mode cookies to java.conf and java-functions. - Micro-performance improvement to set_javacmd. - Insert macros.jpackage before anything starting with "~/" in rpmrc's. - Include example httpd.conf snippet for javadocs.- Update java_home.list with Sun's default 1.4.2_03, 1.4.1_06 and 1.4.0_04 locations.- Add a minimalist xfonset entry to the default Update java_home.list with Sun's default 1.4.2_02 and 1.4.1_05 locations.- Make package bootstrappable, thanks to Markus Pilzecker for ideas.- Update jpackage-1.5-policy wrt. jvm-private and speling fixxes.- Add %{_jvmprivdir} (== %{_libdir}/jvm-private), a directory for JVM-private stuff (eg. JCE policy jars). - Update java_home.list with Sun's default 1.4.2_01 location.- Update java_home.list. - Save .spec in UTF-8.- fix more symlinks/copy corner cases- debug 1.5.22- more correct java version detection regexp, courtesy of Scott Brickner - allow creation of harlink/copy jar repositories since tomcat4 seems to need this (reported by Greg Barton)- fix a bug in jar repository handling - remove unused APPDIR in jar resolution - add doc for jpackage 1.5 policy- remove unneeded and brittle complexity- fix new jar repository scripts (more corner cases) - create symlinks for not-found extensions to allow a later repository rebuild - create symlinks as [extension].jar, for example [jsse][jcert].jar - allow both extension split and collapsing (one jar -> one directory of jars or the other way round)- fix new scripts- add initial java repository support- %jpackage_script macro fix - add %doc to file list - add %config(noreplace) to jpackage-release in file list to shut up rpmlint- fix error message in java dir computation- use java fonts if available first- add java font config- use quotes in 'test -f'- use hardcoded file list for %postun and %triggerin- don't use quotes around the 'find' command in %postun and %triggerin - don't add a 'macrofiles:' line in %triggerin to rpmrc if one isn't already there- try to support macros.jpackage on RedHat 9- change CLASSPATH to _CLASSPATH and JARS to _JARS - clean up trailing ':' in _CLASSPATH- remove build-classpath dependency on David's stuff since it fails horribly when people actually use it - try to actually fix triggers- don't remove macros.jpackage from rpmrc on jpackage-utils upgrade- remove argouml.log from tarball- add build-classpath-directory - add epoch- back to using %{_libdir}/rpm/rpmrc for macros.jpackage - add %{_javadir}--1.4.2 and %{_jnidir}-1.4.2 directories - update package description - add JAVACMD_OPTS to java.conf - use new external java.conf - update build-classpath and java-functions to support directories in CLASSPATH- more symlinks handling- register new jvm alternatives - allow use of build-classpath for incomplete paths- resurect borked icon/menu handling - hopefuly support jni jars (arch-dependant jars)- extract jar resolving logic from classpath builder - hopefully integrate classpath builder in set_classpath macro- add classpath builder- New reorg- add some extension handling - fix some macros broken in 1.5.0- use a tar source file - use lsb locations - prepare for multi-jvm extensions support- better installation of macros - update %description to list all files currently included in this package - jpackage-release in %{_sysconfdir}, not /etc (I hope this is more correct)- fix sed in %jpackage_script when paths to jars contain '/' - fix typo in macros documentation - add jpackage-policy - add jpackage-release- macro bugfixes - instead of tarball we now use %{SOURCEn} format- add macros.jpackage (DO NOT attempt to use this until we figure something out, but I would still like to get some feedback about how it looks so far)- fix exiting on failed `which` (Ville Skyttä )- fix release tag in %changelog- java-functions changes: + set_jvm: look for javac first to avoid erroneously setting JAVA_HOME to the location of the jre unless we have to + set_jvm: follow symlinks to avoid erroneously setting JAVA_HOME to /usr/bin + set_jvm: export JAVA_HOME - changed to use install instead of mkdir and cp - remove %attr and rely on install to set the permissions instead- java-functions changes: + Prevent non-success exit code from "which" in set_jvm, it can now be used when building RPMs. + Use set_jvm in set_javacmd. + Use set_javacmd and $JAVACMD in run. - Fix Group tag.- Add Sun's 1.4.0_03 and BEA JRockit 7.0SP1 default RPM locations.- Fix diff-jars when diffing 2 jars with same basename (#635202). - Add IBM's 1.4 default RPM location to jvm.list.- Add Sun's 1.3.1_06 default RPM location.- Add Sun's 1.4.1_01 and 1.3.1_05 default RPM locations.- Add Sun's 1.4.1 default rpm location.- Add Sun's 1.4.0_02 and new BEA JRockit locations.- Add section macro.- Add some variants of Sun J2SE java homes as well as JRockit. - Add Distribution tag.Add some stuff to please jakarta ant developpers : - OSX java home - new function set_javacmd with AIX hack included- java-functions: centralized configuration - java-functions: jvm list lookup - diff-jars: fixed typo - diff-jars: used /tmp for files - corrected changelog- first JPackage 1081376270??0:1.5.33-1jpp_4rhjavapackage-list/usr/share/javadoc//usr/share/javadoc/java/-O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686cpiogzip9noarchnoarch-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryempty?30707040005N4&)؁AQa"16Į/-./H,JJ,KLO 00L4CadFى驺9%7U` GO EEE ǘ