yum-conf-309-1.SL> A AlpA?F`ljt5cmA]hE 9iV2ЩAtYde54b0699b2992dab372191690768d4c0ccc3b301NP/nvKQ,S?F`ljqTnOm`!II6oնVVk,| A&|>CL?<d   7 8|     (l0t  L (j)p* + , - 8 9 x:>?DFG HdIXY\]^b@ddeifnkplwtuvwxyz,Cyum-conf3091.SLRPM installer/updater config filesConfiguration files to setup yum.conf, as well as setup yum in you daily cron.F`Ynoswad.fnal.govsScientific LinuxGPLSystem Environment/Basehttp://www.dulug.duke.edu/yum/linuxnoarch/sbin/chkconfig --add yum /sbin/chkconfig yum on /sbin/service yum restart >> /dev/null # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about up2date on the firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py* fi # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about more cd's on firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py* fi exit 0if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --del yum /sbin/service yum stop >> /dev/null fi exit 0=SW큤A큤큤F`YF`YF`YF`YF`YF`YF`YF`YF`YF`YF`YF`$F`YF`YF`YF`YF`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-conf-309-1.SL.src.rpmconfig(yum-conf)yum-conf@@ @@@@JJ/bin/bash/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/sbin/chkconfig/sbin/serviceconfig(yum-conf)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)309-1.SL3.0.4-14.0-14.2.3# # This makes it so that you don't get asked about up2date on the firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py* fi # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about more cd's on firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py* fifirstbootFpFpE4DDm Dm DcC C BሀBBAƀAAA@A5A3@Ǥ@]@@b!@)??=t>>>?Troy Dawson 309-1.SLTroy Dawson 309-0.1.rolling.SLTroy Dawson 308-1.SLTroy Dawson 308-0.2.rolling.SLTroy Dawson 308-0.1.rolling.SLTroy Dawson 307-1.SLTroy Dawson 307-0.2.rolling.SLTroy Dawson 307-0.1.rolling.SLTroy Dawson 305-7.SLTroy Dawson 305-3.SLTroy Dawson 305-2.SLTroy Dawson 305-1.SLTroy Dawson 304-2.SLTroy Dawson 304-1.SLTroy Dawson 30rolling-2.SLTroy Dawson 30rolling-1.SLTroy Dawson 303-1.SLTroy Dawson 302-3.SLTroy Dawson - 302-2.SLTroy Dawson - sl301-8Connie Sieh Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson - Changed the 30rollings to 309 - Added http as the primary interface - Changed the yum.cron to use the /etc/yum.conf with the extra excludes - removed yum.cron.primary and secondary. Not needed anymore - removed fastbugs, as there won't be anymore - removed yum.conf.rhaps as we won't support it anymore- Moved things from 30rolling to 308- Moved things from 30rolling to 308 - Added sl-testing and yum.conf.testing- Really moved things to 30rolling, and not 308- Moved things from 307 to 30rolling - added yum.conf.atrpms - removed bugfix-308 since this will be the last release- Moved things form 30rolling to 307 - Made fastbugs and bugfix-308 repository entries- fixed bug in random time function.- changed spec settings to make upgrade actually change things - changed configurations to be 30rolling, or 307 where appropriate- changed spec settings to make upgrade 'gentle' - added yum.conf.30x- put exactarch=1 into the yum.cron- Change 30rolling to 305, plus doublechecked everything - Added the bugfix repository- Changed 304 to 305, but put 30rolling as to where it points - Added the stale yum function in the yum.cron- added yum.conf.rhaps and yum.conf.flash- Changed 30rolling's to 304's- Changed 303's to 304's - Removed all references to linux21- Changed the 303 yum-conf to 30rolling- Changed the 302 yum-conf to 303- Removed add-on's section from the cron.daily - Changed DEFAULTSERVER from linux21.fnal.gov to ftp.scientificlinux.org in the cron.daily script - Added a commented out pointer to our local copy of DAG's repository- Changed main distribution server to ftp.scientificlinux.org- Did a rewrite of yum.cron to allow for the distribution sites to be in easily modified files. - Renamed some of the scripts in /etc/yum.d - Fixed names in yum.conf- Added tolerant=1 to yum.cron for updates so as to get as many updates as - we can- Changed the excludes file to use globs on kernel and openafs- Fixed a minor bug with the wget stuff- Changed ncftpls to wget when checking the servers- Updated from new yum 2.0.1, which made the following changes - init.d script, copied straight from 2.0.1 - yum.conf (and template) added tolerant=1, exactarch=1- Changed the default to 901 from 731- First Go at the 9.0.1 config files.- Split the yum-conf completely away from the yum rpm and made it release dependant./bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shnoswad.fnal.gov 1190748249     309-1.SL309-1.SLyum.cronyumyumyum.confyum.conf.309yum.conf.30xyum.conf.atrpmsyum.conf.contribyum.conf.dagyum.conf.flashyum.conf.testingyum.dREADMEbyhand.yum.croncheckonly.yum.cronoriginal.yum.cronyum.cron.excludes/etc/cron.daily//etc/init.d//etc/logrotate.d//etc//etc//etc//etc/yum.d/-O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686cpiogzip9noarchnoarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII English textASCII textBourne shell script text executablePaul Falstad's zsh script text executabledirectoryRRRRR1lx!3?]{W_Sld7-$NKb'\ 9@8IN#K+[EֺZ !wfv%K2^1;;YΦi[mZyNk[鷭}ӷkYɷFGvEp,ϟ4'񨁏k;4ШU~G әܨV\z;,LI8l4ŐL^0`CK>xX!YEЋ"(џPLX׺ ,1ϠC+:;&lgmBoYf1U}|qG}m"SQU=fP-argǃ٠N8^'3"2j>acM mLD# uW/zC(du39i~}q;QujWi)cK093pd SfDDLlqJ$+";Qf]8FѶ"ncLaG|GQyVMn[E0JxS_ׇDM|6Y-3[ʶ%EkYv%Aj|MrtS Wu ]n3;A8FyR‰ͤIUZϫjr 1.9g#yq 4^P\0_XM@^)QwY u9Y~WbDuG#v A4VZ f1B!67r/$j"{ z__uQ%p£xzDKk#TZ-u.q\J(M36n飼[pf6|<&.S *:rpp{)pG[ @}$$/_^xP/DNga8 m\`]kF Z 7&#`Ù@wۊ% ?zCV̦25Nx!FcH..:*ͅ!tЊ,vZz qUGi 8Tz%$'0*\2c}f 8C@ǎdv̾%y0@p@'7'M(4m)/kiD?zŒ! 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