yum-conf-305-11.LTS> A AlpA?Gjg{P&ӒLtvE+~WD"!(.0fb9f8bd6712d32ac2f6f24d9615b1a482966a4a1[;mp`˂Zz?Gj+qo>d.hfconkgt2ĬW~d>C?d   8 8 l        a  p   &D x  P (p)v*+ , - 8 9 p: >?DFG H@ It XY\ ] ^ubdefklt uH v|w x( y\zpCyum-conf30511.LTSRPM installer/updater config fileConfiguration files to setup yum.conf, as well as setup yum in you daily cron.Ggnoswad.fnal.gov!Scientific LinuxGPLSystem Environment/Basehttp://www.dulug.duke.edu/yum/linuxnoarch/sbin/chkconfig --add yum /sbin/chkconfig yum on /sbin/service yum restart >> /dev/null # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about up2date on the firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py* fi # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about more cd's on firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py* fi exit 0if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --del yum /sbin/service yum stop >> /dev/null fi exit 0+=pUV,+큤A큤큤BBCCCCCCCCCCGgGgGgGgGgGgGgGgGgGgGgGgGg41f598b1c25b3538a0942a5c7024a76e2b3b7ac38b71514a786d15164539aa057549949aa0d90bdda8413417b0ec71eeb987519713f0d4898c3206d80826e35c0c013cf73d40cf45840125996939f9afbf0f5a0e84067903732c2c5adc806ebc07af5e633be9954c471f58edf214bcd1822bc3c8725a5358567c43da0df13e0e55ed9af28a993725d0462e4c473d5c2304a506a82461fd13038bfd50ab71151641f598b1c25b3538a0942a5c7024a76e21601f9c9b32dc35360f4fc23ae33807rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootyum-conf-305-11.LTS.src.rpmconfig(yum-conf)yum-conf@@ @@@@JJ/bin/bash/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/sbin/chkconfig/sbin/serviceconfig(yum-conf)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)305-11.LTS3.0.4-14.0-14.2.3# # This makes it so that you don't get asked about up2date on the firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/up2date.py* fi # # This makes it so that you don't get asked about more cd's on firstboot # if [ -s /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py ]; then rm -f /usr/share/firstboot/modules/additional_cds.py* fifirstbootG=Gt>>?Troy Dawson 305-11.LTSTroy Dawson 305-10.LTSTroy Dawson 305-4.LTSTroy Dawson 305-3.LTSTroy Dawson 305-2.LTSTroy Dawson 305-1.LTSTroy Dawson 304-2.LTSTroy Dawson 304-1.LTSTroy Dawson 303-5.LTSTroy Dawson 303-2.SLTroy Dawson 303-2.LTSTroy Dawson 303-1.LTSTroy Dawson 30rolling-1.LTSTroy Dawson 302-4.LTSTroy Dawson 302-3.LTSTroy Dawson - 302-2.SLTroy Dawson - sl301-8Connie Sieh Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson Troy Dawson - Fixed bug in yum.cron which did excludes wrong- removed extra /etc/yum.conf.*, except flash, lts309, lts30x - Changed yum.cron to use the /etc/yum.conf - removed yum.cron.primary and yum.cron.secondary, not needed. - Udated /etc/yum.conf so it's errata looks at lts309 errata- Added exclude=openssh* to the base-SL & errata-SL section in yum.conf - Really changed it from 30rolling to 305- Added yum.conf.lts30x- Put in the exact-arch, and other yum.cron fixes- Converted 304 to 305, then converted that to 30rolling - Put contrib section to be higher up in the priority list- Changed all the 30rolling to 304 - Added yum.conf.flash and yum.conf.rhaps- Converted 303 to 304, then converted that to 30rolling- still had some i386 in the yum.conf's. remove them and put $basearch in- removed the "notsupported" repository because it will not be in 303- Made it really point to 303 and not 30rolling - Added the yum.conf.dag section- Changed the name to 303 from 30rolling - added the added contrib area- Changed it to a pure 30rolling from 302- Actually put in the LTS stuff, version 3.LTS had just the SL stuff.- Changed it for lts302. Most important changing to work as a SL site.- Changed main distribution server to ftp.scientificlinux.org- Did a rewrite of yum.cron to allow for the distribution sites to be in easily modified files. - Renamed some of the scripts in /etc/yum.d - Fixed names in yum.conf- Added tolerant=1 to yum.cron for updates so as to get as many updates as - we can- Changed the excludes file to use globs on kernel and openafs- Fixed a minor bug with the wget stuff- Changed ncftpls to wget when checking the servers- Updated from new yum 2.0.1, which made the following changes - init.d script, copied straight from 2.0.1 - yum.conf (and template) added tolerant=1, exactarch=1- Changed the default to 901 from 731- First Go at the 9.0.1 config files.- Split the yum-conf completely away from the yum rpm and made it release dependant./bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shnoswad.fnal.gov 1200678247$  C$)$)$)$)oLoMoOoQoPoN305-11.LTS305-11.LTSyum.cronyumyumyum.confyum.conf.flashyum.conf.lts309yum.conf.lts30xyum.dREADMEbyhand.yum.croncheckonly.yum.cronoriginal.yum.cronyum.cron.excludes/etc/cron.daily//etc/init.d//etc/logrotate.d//etc//etc//etc//etc/yum.d/-O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686cpiogzip9noarchnoarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII English textASCII textBourne shell script text executablePaul Falstad's zsh script text executabledirectoryRRRRRd-;<`ڰ?]WW_ߦ$4sinOӮwe{zw #off{׸'VFFhhjj[seM9Ϋ} *E^ٖ{{*ٌ 4akNl5,5_5^=?>ystrqP>N&^Υ|YK(' cˍl.ƻË_e &Uذ)Qe GͦxѸ݈,n(^vUøv/L?Ʀp9(Y2sG^Be!HV I73vgT-3dQ[h) knTjA^pfٷ,fT*5q ({U[lVۆ/='ZhWrA{L()h&#7GNp+ u)Lv]68DؕP(hvQ?`ޅ9C f`4R3A5PE# $ 奂9RqsxtP횂G{8C H*T4y0t< ̦,Ӽxwv KJq- !TX'7,Ξa_ܤ Sٱ%&@N=^ 'Y+UCՃ>^ kH,E754*B}35ݡ 'O)"nQ:VYM,/*|]>CIk5~@K6ӛ{N0:V@@jCjá2X3!kukZ8K(\^OiVA#xʷWx)23gIiE;Y_Ԗ󃂲@Xps2BLTePv]T͒#?iyhaQgT7s%3b|VзeI&rl3 jA(ź⦷d3kO”gOpȀAxQ0/0 1pyfYr2&>XgJ,SIK:M]jrě2UEfZt:"<Ҟ[-ЎɄ`_.aV~\W?j\LX:W'2>}ƺ?y*s)R[-Y{@X^j{/$l*+NZR\VJ8[O ZKl?>toE-Lݖ{:ixFfߙ&@ЦP9N:S0Po/wd-b#/u5Yg y[@ Ѭ%d,B(p(f l-%}|OhP]UCR{CtcksNA*j,TXhsH `Ems5lZA.R3R|˨cF'WL"Gӵ9bqj|gڏOHw`9`S}o)=cqIJR]nz]ߴarI2=zIٓ|>cc/RL`Ugd+d6.*gSd h@|=f Uk;)XHR9Y}HwHpaZF/-s7 _̝Bgp2/.D d0yAs5=YrIZ ](F;{%۰󪵤 q{6ĖT!WրN aVo{ BGfctcM}fR/KaFť%|7>:~y٠E){ehĻpW~\MΨx|}b{)uj_S&}*l(Jzņfwj˃ҍ^Nc5khcİԣ(JEkoV0{>M0E)»vwo q;=1adtK f5'оΡ4ٸl,C9 n~#&%,$C.}T,I`zhТJѰiVDXDaHuc8²~_1q9^)]?s~?R9s윹✹ڜWl[mZ8 9%[|X {e5X {b-a(TadsV(AatWYhLaK`%n_>^ǫaq>^Ǐ}nl}xl}>l *>^׀Kidag֒}eb1Uw=Wy_̩y9<:> )͑:b'ok|<@$:K?O3DQRz<[Hp4a6+o_.n^2\A ?0:bzC[Y( ^WCF MH7 o;2]ֻDL Cz|+qF'm_pD˨x"4rSQA+-BuzHS!t0IR1CKbӞjtkĀ?P}TХQd.r\SM#]pP<|󄚃|r[FLT/IIő!` Z_`nWqwP]~J IQ$Xdp),_OVIu!˄̤ۼXAkx6iɡ,('P]i:gt<_ Q0{1XDOD*8VHr<>!n`WqGU@hCGnU O. 0D5ˮ"QW ǎ3!;VvۥAZfax(K:. 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