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BTeVTrigger.py Astro.pyBTeV.pyуBTeVSimulation.pyбхе BTeVWorker.py┌P╚BooNE.pyBooNEDataServer.py 8CDF.pyизCDFCAFworker.pyи CDFlevel3.py CDFoffsite.py╓╟╓ CDFonline.py CMSdesktop.py Ю CMSfarm.pys CMSserver.pyCPD.pyFt CPDserver.pyCSS.py%▒ClueD0Workstation.pyConsoleServer.py FOCUS.py!Farms.py"FarmsConsole.py°#FermiStandAlone.pyм$Minos.py%(FermiGenericDesktopOffsite.pyч& FnaluBatch.py'"Ф'FnaluInteractive.py╬(GenericFarm.py▄╡)OAA.py*RIP.py+SDSS.py,Sidet.py- Theory.py. custom.py/personal_desktop.py0EAG.py1╘ D0online.pyfrom fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("BTeVTrigger Install") pixmap = "btevtrigger.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the BTeV Trigger workgroup.") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("btevtrigger") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("Astro Workgroup Install") pixmap = "astro.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the Astro workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("astro") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("BTeV Install") pixmap = "btev.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the BTeV workgroup.") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("btev") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("BTeVSimulation Install") pixmap = "btevsimulation.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the BTeV Simulation workgroup.") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("btevsimulation") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("BTeVWorker Install") pixmap = "btevworker.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the BTeV Worker workgroup.") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("btevworker") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("BooNE Install") pixmap = "boone.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the Boone workgroup.") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("boone") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("BooNEDataServer Install") pixmap = "boonedataserver.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the BooNE Data Server workgroup.") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("boonedataserver") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CDF Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "cdf-desktop.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the CDF workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cdf") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CDF CAF Worker Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "cdf-farm.png" sortPriority = 100 description = ("This will install the CDF CAF Worker workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cdfcafworker") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CDFlevel3 Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "cdf-farm.png" sortPriority = 100 description = ("This will install the CDF level 3 workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cdflevel3") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CDFoffsite Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "cdf-desktop.png" sortPriority = 100 description = ("This will install the CDF Offsite workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cdfoffsitedesktop") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CDFonline Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "cdf-server.png" sortPriority = 100 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the CDF Online workgroup.") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("timezone") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cdfonline") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CMSdesktop Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "cms-desktop.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the CMS Desktop workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cmsdesktop") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CMSfarm Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "cms-farm.png" sortPriority = 100 description = ("This will install the CMS Farm workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cmsfarm") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CMSserver Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "cms-server.png" sortPriority = 100 description = ("This will install the CMS Server workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cnsserver") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CPD Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "cpd.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the CPD workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cpd") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CPD Server Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "cpd.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the CPD Server workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("cpdserver") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass import os class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("CSS Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "css.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("Select this installation type if you belong " "to the CSS workgroup " ", this workgroup comes with Fermi kerberos.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("css") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk", skip = 1) dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) dispatch.skipStep("timezone") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("ClueD0 Workstation Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "ClueD0Workstation.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the ClueD0 workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("clued0workstation") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("ConsoleServer Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "consoleserver.png" sortPriority = 100 description = ("This will install the Console Server workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("consoleserver") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("timezone") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("FOCUS Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "focus.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the FOCUS workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("focus") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("Farms Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "fermitux-farm.png" sortPriority = 25 description = ("This will install the Farms workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("farms") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("timezone") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("Farms Console Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "farms-console.png" sortPriority = 25 description = ("This will install the Farms Console workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("farmsconsole") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("timezone") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("Fermi Generic Desktop Install") pixmap = "fermigenericdesktop.png" sortPriority = 1 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("PICK ME!! This is the choice if you don't know what to do. " "This workgroup does come with Fermi kerberos.") pkgstext = ("\tDesktop KDE)\n" "\tFermi Kerberos\n" "\tFermi OpenSSH client\n" "\tOffice suite (OpenOffice)\n" "\tWeb browser (Mozilla) \n" "\tSound and video applications\n" "\tSoftware Development Tools\n") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("fermigenericdesktopmeta", asMeta = 1) grpset.selectGroup("fermigenericdesktop") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk", skip = 1) from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("Minos Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "minos.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the Minos workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("minos") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("Fermi Generic Desktop Offsite Install") pixmap = "genericdesktopoffsite.png" sortPriority = 1 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("If you are NOT onsite at Fermi and you are not part of a workgroup then this is your best choice. It allows for connection to Fermi via kerberos but does not require kerberos for local login's. Thus it is only suitable for offsite. ") pkgstext = ("\tDesktop KDE)\n" "\tFermi Kerberos\n" "\tFermi OpenSSH client\n" "\tOffice suite (OpenOffice)\n" "\tWeb browser (Mozilla) \n" "\tSound and video applications\n" "\tSoftware Development Tools\n") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("fermigenericdesktopoffsitemeta", asMeta = 1) grpset.selectGroup("fermigenericdesktopoffsite") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("FnaluBatch Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "fnalu-interactive.png" sortPriority = 100 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the Fnalu Batch workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("fnalubatch") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("timezone") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("FnaluInteractive Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "fnalu-interactive.png" sortPriority = 100 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the Fnalu Interactive workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("fnaluinteractive") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("timezone") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("GenericFarm Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "genericfarm.png" description = ("Generic Farm is a base system with " "no graphics and no compilers. " "It is meant to be a kerberized bare bones install.") sortPriority = 25 showLoginChoice = 1 def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("genericfarm") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("OAA Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "oaa.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the OAA workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("oaa") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("timezone") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("RIP Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "server.png" pixmap = "rip.png" sortPriority = 150 description = ("This will install the RIP workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("rip") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("SDSS Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "sdss.png" sortPriority = 150 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the SDSS workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("sdss") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("Sidet Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "sidet.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the Sidet workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("sidet") def setSteps(self, dispatch): FermiInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); dispatch.skipStep("makebootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("Theory Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "theory.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the Theory workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("theory") from installclass import BaseInstallClass from rhpl.translate import N_ from constants import * import os import iutil # custom installs are easy :-) class InstallClass(BaseInstallClass): name = N_("Custom") pixmap = "custom.png" showMinimal = 1 showLoginChoice = 1 description = N_("Select this installation type to gain complete " "control over the installation process, including " "software package selection and authentication " "preferences. Since this is the custom class you" "will have to select the Fermi Selections if you" "want them") sortPriority = 10000 def setInstallData(self, id): BaseInstallClass.setInstallData(self, id) # BaseInstallClass.setDefaultPartitioning(self, id.partitions, # CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX) #CJS id.partitions.useAutopartitioning = 0 autorequests = [ ("/", None, 3100, None, 0, 1) ] (minswap, maxswap) = iutil.swapSuggestion() autorequests.append((None, "swap", minswap, maxswap, 0, 1)) self.setTimezoneInfo( id, "America/Chicago") self.setFirewall( id, enable = 0, trusts = [], ports = "", ssh = 0, telnet = 0, smtp = 0, http = 0, ftp = 0) self.setAuthentication( id , 1 , # useShadow 1 , # useMD5 useKrb5 = 1 , krb5Realm = "FNAL.GOV", krb5Kdc = "krb-fnal-1.fnal.gov:88,krb-fnal-2.fnal.gov:88,krb-fnal-3.fnal.gov:88,krb-fnal-4.fnal.gov:88,krb-fnal-5.fnal.gov:88", krb5Admin = "krb-fnal-admin.fnal.gov", ) #CJS end def __init__(self, expert): BaseInstallClass.__init__(self, expert) from installclass import BaseInstallClass from rhpl.translate import N_, _ from constants import * import os import iutil from fsset import * class InstallClass(BaseInstallClass): showLoginChoice = 0 name = N_("Personal Desktop") pixmap = "workstation.png" description = N_("Perfect for personal computers or laptops, select this " "installation type to install a graphical desktop " "environment and create a system ideal for home " "or desktop use. Since this is NOT a Fermi workgroup" " you will need to select Fermi items if needed") pkgstext = ("\tDesktop shell (GNOME)\n" "\tOffice suite (OpenOffice)\n" "\tWeb browser (Mozilla) \n" "\tEmail (Evolution)\n" "\tInstant messaging\n" "\tSound and video applications\n" "\tGames\n") sortPriority = 1000 def setSteps(self, dispatch): BaseInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch); # dispatch.skipStep("partition") # dispatch.skipStep("authentication") # dispatch.skipStep("desktopchoice", skip = 0) # dispatch.skipStep("package-selection", skip = 1) def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): BaseInstallClass.__init__(self, grpset) grpset.unselectAll() grpset.selectGroup("workstation-common", asMeta = 1) grpset.selectGroup("gnome-desktop") def setInstallData(self, id): BaseInstallClass.setInstallData(self, id) # BaseInstallClass.setDefaultPartitioning(self, id.partitions, # CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX) #CJS id.partitions.useAutopartitioning = 0 autorequests = [ ("/", None, 3100, None, 0, 1) ] (minswap, maxswap) = iutil.swapSuggestion() autorequests.append((None, "swap", minswap, maxswap, 0, 1)) self.setTimezoneInfo( id, "America/Chicago") self.setFirewall( id, enable = 0, trusts = [], ports = "", ssh = 0, telnet = 0, smtp = 0, http = 0, ftp = 0) self.setAuthentication( id , 1 , # useShadow 1 , # useMD5 useKrb5 = 1 , krb5Realm = "FNAL.GOV", krb5Kdc = "krb-fnal-1.fnal.gov:88,krb-fnal-2.fnal.gov:88,krb-fnal-3.fnal.gov:88,krb-fnal-4.fnal.gov:88,krb-fnal-5.fnal.gov:88", krb5Admin = "krb-fnal-admin.fnal.gov", ) #CJS end def __init__(self, expert): BaseInstallClass.__init__(self, expert) from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("EAG Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "EAG.png" sortPriority = 150 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the EAG workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("EAG") from fermiinstallclass import FermiInstallClass class InstallClass(FermiInstallClass): name = ("D0 Online Workgroup Install") # pixmap = "workstation.png" pixmap = "D0online.png" sortPriority = 10 showLoginChoice = 1 description = ("This will install the D0 Online workgroup.") def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): FermiInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf) grpset.selectGroup("D0online") 200509141105 Scientific Linux (Fermi) 305 SL Fermi sites