mozilla-dom-inspector-1.7.13-> A AlpA?DDj(Y, :o! 'I{? a8ՙw[V Cf011df188056257a37100b9fd07ed23f7cec6970ە!M38q?DCj-8)Gj|b$4q|2ATx N )|>#p?`d@ D w,0A Rhnu;(L8T9X:FJXYb(d5e:f?kAlHCmozilla-dom-inspector1. tool for inspecting the DOM of pages in Mozilla.The Mozilla Foundation has discontinued support for the Mozilla Suite. This update deprecates the Mozilla Suite in favor of the supported SeaMonkey Suite.D!handsome.fnal.govScientific LinuxMPL/NPL/GPL/LGPLApplications/Internetlinuxx86_64mozilla-1.7.13- Dawson 37:1.7.13- Created a blank set of rpm's that all depend on 1156368481/usr37:1.7.13- -g -pipecpiogzip9x86_64x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu?3070704 $!A>A @5|