sysreport-> A AlpA?B ҝm{><'Ts\7aInsv. 5{yM73s\90129c6fbf998e3b6b27365d95993bbf9336c347>M AE4mJnZ?B l.D64$5uA,_#,#nݿإUËm>9?d   Mpt   @  R  d    q  |    <H l  (8'9': 'F$GH Hl I XY\ ] ^.bdefklt u v w x yCsysreport1.3.7.24Gathers system hardware and configuration information.Sysreport is a utility that gathers information about a system's hardware and configuration. The information can then be used for diagnostic purposes and debugging. Sysreport is commonly used to help support technicians and developers by providing a "snapshot" of a system's current,"GPLJaroslaw Polok Development/Debuggers A큤A䁤BBAAABBBB83d49ff8c203b7961bf458de5a8d03c7b87841571e7e07f1173d309962b52b01203b2d9213626fe8581c1668696c6ed069056d3099f1c93a80333e5108b808985286aae95eb216940a8a922ade3bd3d2a9d4f70a4207d6f8da2928d9c1e6fe3477cf916cc1195d1ade2f8342ec05cd1frootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootsysreport- AEoA#(A?\S ?O$ ?(?Р>>>ˠ>.k= =L = <콠< < :~y: $ 9 99lA9I8 8D89 7֠7֠7֠7֠7֠7ׅ 7ׅ 7373737þThan Ngo Ngo Ngo Than Ngo Ngo 1.3.7-1.1Than Ngo 1.3.7-1Than Ngo 1.3.6-1Than Ngo 1.3.5-1Than Ngo 1.3.4-1Than Ngo 1.3.3-2Than Ngo 1.3.3-1.1Than Ngo 1.3.2-1Tim Powers Than Ngo Than Ngo 1.3-5Tim Powers Tim Powers Than Ngo 1.3-2Preston Brown 1.3-1Preston Brown "Wil Harris" "Wil Harris" "Wil Harris" Prospector Matt Wilson Jeff Johnson "Wil Harris" "Wil Harris" "Wil Harris" ""Wil Harris" ""Peter Jones" "Peter Jones" "Wil Harris" ""Peter Jones" "Wil Harris" "Wil Harris" "Wil Harris" "Wil Harris" "Wil Harris" - Fix search path problem and cosmetic issue- Fix typo in collection of iptables #142992 - Add fix to always call #144999 - Add the collection of /etc/nsswitch.conf bug #136717 - Add chkconfig type information to sysreport bug #136699 - Add the collection of information about a samba server config #136575 - Add the collection of LDAP client and server configuration information #136719 - Add the collection of /proc/slabinfo #139558 - Add the collection of syslog configuration - Add the collection of ntp configuration - Add the collection of mdadm.conf #136722 - Add the collection of lsof output - Add the collection of postfix configuration files - Add the collection of squid configuration files - Add the collection of automount configuration files - Add the collection of NFS export file - Add the collection of yp configuration files - Add the collection of kerberos configuration files - Add the collection of CUPS configuration files - Add the collection of apache configuration files - Add the collection of /var/log/secure - Add the collection of modinfo for all loaded modules - Add the collection of satellite-debug and rhn-proxy-debug- add support dkms #122194 - get rid of dmidecode- fix system crash with dmidecode, #115362 - add architecture into installed-rpms- only call dmidecode on x86, x86_64 machines- modify sysreport to include information on cluster setup for AS2.1/Taroon- fixed #99352- add some enhancements from Mike Gahagan - modify sysreport tool to include information ISDN cards- modify systeport tool to include information on RHN entitlement #89721 thanks to Tim Waugh for stylesheet file- fix changelog- fix pattern matching issue (bug #91617)- add support dmidecode, #78386- rebuilt- Fixed sysreport to look sendmail config file in correct place bug #77541 - release 1.3.1- fixed some typo bugs (bug #70679)- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- fix a bug in getpartinfo (bug #63109)- incorporate more additions and fixes from Mike Gahagan- don't look for /etc/inetd.d directory, fix cp warnings (#9469, #25507)- changed the cp of /proc/bus to do lspci -vn to keep from locking up machines - added some fixes for old and new bind (named.boot vs named.conf)- Bumped version up to 1.1- Fixed sysreport to handle both the new xinetd and old inetd files - Added a little better file checking to remove some of the failed - Added a sanity check for boot loader - Added checking for modules.conf and conf.modules- automatic rebuild- rebuild for next release- bump release to 3.2.- Fixed a problem with the fdisk work around- Fixed fdisk options - Added function for Dac960 and Compaq smart Array Raid controllers with help from "Adrian Likins" - Added option to check for milo.conf - Fixed the mail to address - Fixed a typo- Fixed a typo and added a blank line to seperate the information so that it can be read easier.- Arranged information gathering to be in a more logical order. - Put yet MORE verbosity into script by explaining the steps as they are going through. - Fixed the mailto to be a little more understandable.- Added even more verbosity - Fixed OK/Failed to be real - Added filename defaults - Added "ENTER to continue..." stuff - Fixed mailto address at end- Added even more verbosity - ipchains stuff. - changed permissions to 0744 to keep Adrian's paranoia at bay.- Added init style notifications of the current progress of sysreport.- Change for named information. - Preserve tree structure - Removed lspci in favor of duplicating /proc/bus - gzip -9. If size restrictions become a problem, switch to bzip2? - Added rpm -Va > rpm-verify - Fix umask- Change the /proc/scsi/scsi to /proc/scsi to get further scsi information.- Relocated functions needed by suppinfo to /usr/share/support.- Fixed a typo in the README and RFC. Changed the package name.- Rewrote support with enormous help from Peter Jones .- First RPM release of scripts 1106839100R4444AAAA1.3.7.2-4sysreportsysreport- -g -march=i386 -mcpu=i686cpiogzip9noarchnoarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII English textASCII textBourne shell script text executablePaul Falstad's zsh script text executableXML document textdirectoryRRR?p=kw6y;6W;O;Om Q9T3gj/8 kԳ¾DRP$>Vx$3FǑ sER 8-QĎ(:qv' Aw'hŸ 48$6# Dc쨃3;pA&VVן2 ßON*CgȄj;,身H_]9ߵ^Vەcul9Ŏa@@^,HrVIzačռD7y*~!Z',J]_/qh_ +2mͯ@{9XPV?o[OcaAya*J"n4㞡j P?+5Db@%g7 _--iKyN? 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