redhat-lsb-debuginfo-1.3-3.1.EL3> A AlpA?AѼ%x[++<~5vIȏ߯0A#RO(Q#ݺz1b43b195f834418a997b09c5465e09af611df59f9 %!| v?AѼ%x# ,kt+[|^pATՈqqACi_J|>"H?8d # L "4NT[z(8 9 : FXYbd efkl Credhat-lsb-debuginfo1.33.1.EL3Debug information for package redhat-lsbThis package provides debug information for package redhat-lsb. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.Aɳ handsome.fnal.govFermiGPLDevelopment/Debug ACA? s>ζ>ζ>R=v=<킀<]< 1.3-3.1.EL3Phil Knirsch Phil Knirsch Matt Wilson 1.3-3Matt Wilson 1.3-2Matt Wilson 1.3-2Matt Wilson 1.3-1Matt Wilson Tim Powers Tim Powers Matt Wilson Bill Nottingham Matt Wilson - added post section to recreate the softlink in emul mode (bug 140742)- Tiny correction of bug in new triggers- Fixed invalid sln call for trigger in postun on ia64 (bug 140743)- fix lsb name for ia64 (#100613)- use /usr/lib/lsb for install_initd, remove_initd- add ia64 x86_64 ppc ppc64 s390 s390x- 1.3- 1.2.0- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- addeed trigger on glibc to re-establish the symlink in the forced downgrade case.- add initscripts support- Initial 11013165041.3-3.1.EL3-O2 -g -pipecpiogzip9x86_64x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu?3070704 $!A>A @5|