ethereal-0.10.14-9.SWITCH.TO.WIRESHARK.1> A AlpA?E zjEms#+?d  + D  !7PV[(89:BF~XYbdefklz Cethereal0.10.149.SWITCH.TO.WIRESHARK.1Network traffic analyzerIn May 2006, Ethereal changed its name to Wireshark. This update deprecates the Ethereal packages in Scientific Linux 3, and 4 in favor of the supported Wireshark packages.E Znoswad.fnal.govScientific LinuxGPLApplications/Internet >Troy Dawson 0.10.14-9.SWITCH.TO.WIRESHARK.1- Created a blank set of rpm's that all depend on 11583281540.10.14-9.SWITCH.TO.WIRESHARK.1-O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686cpiogzip9i386i386-redhat-linux-gnu\5`.G2<?3070704 $!A>A @5|