zz_tcp_wrappers_change-3.0-2> A AlpA?? 5%xl RJߡx'{vx&n5ee73791c44ed2fca27959474cfee8fbc21c11d01<ߩӛo-P?? 5%xΘ5U?,#^HjK"vMW.jف3O 9>;4?$d  c $(X              ,  ^      4 ( > @ F G H ( I P X \Y d\ p ] ^ b d 'e ,f 1k 3l :t T u | v w x zCzz_tcp_wrappers_change3.02Adds Fermi specific entries in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.denyThis package will add entries in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny which are Fermi specific. By limiting access to certain services to Fermi sites only, it increases security. Specifically, we disallow everyone outside of .fnal.gov all service on the machine and allow virtually everything within .fnal.gov domain. If you're at an off-site institution, you'll have to edit the hosts.allow file accordingly for your domain. The original files will be saved as /etc/hosts.allow(deny).rpmsave. This version includes the standard DOE security banners pre-enabled.?noswad.fnal.gov4Fermi Linux LTS 3.x.xFermilabGPLDan Yocum, Connie SiehFermihttp://www.fnal.gov/cd/UNIX/linux/linuxnoarchcp /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.allow.rpmsave cp /etc/hosts.deny /etc/hosts.deny.rpmsave cp /etc/motd /etc/motd.rpmsave #Check if they have banners yet. If not add it. if [ `grep 'ALL: ALL: banners /etc/banners' /etc/hosts.deny | wc -l ` -eq 0 ] then echo "" >> /etc/hosts.deny echo "ALL: ALL: banners /etc/banners" >> /etc/hosts.deny fi grep -q fnal.gov /etc/hosts.allow result=$? if [ $result -ne 0 ] ; then # This is the case were we did not find a fnal.gov in /etc/hosts.allow # so we need to fix it up. If we did find it we assume they want it # the same as it was perl -pe 'unless (/\A(\#)/) {s/\A/\#/g;}' -i /etc/hosts.allow echo "" >> /etc/hosts.allow echo "portmap: LOCAL" >> /etc/hosts.allow echo "rpc.mountd: 131.225. LOCAL" >> /etc/hosts.allow echo "ALL: .fnal.gov 131.225. LOCAL : banners /etc/banners" >> /etc/hosts.allow # Commented out the sshd for the first update to 7.1.1 CJS echo "#sshd: ALL" >> /etc/hosts.allow fi cp /etc/doe.motd /etc/motd if [ -f /etc/hosts.deny -a -f /etc/hosts.deny.rpmsave ] then mv -f /etc/hosts.deny.rpmsave /etc/hosts.deny fi if [ -f /etc/hosts.allow -a -f /etc/hosts.allow.rpmsave ] then mv -f /etc/hosts.allow.rpmsave /etc/hosts.allow fi if [ -f /etc/motd.rpmsave ] then mv -f /etc/motd.rpmsave /etc/motd fiA큤?8E8N8V8]8e8m8x88L6bb2bfd3e8225c513cdfb152de94872f035b0d4c14715e4e287897d291ac2e556bb2bfd3e8225c513cdfb152de94872f035b0d4c14715e4e287897d291ac2e550b71ad9da0e86acada4f360fb3792e6f6bb2bfd3e8225c513cdfb152de94872f0b71ad9da0e86acada4f360fb3792e6f6bb2bfd3e8225c513cdfb152de94872ff6a26ab430a76311c59582f4026aa549rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootzz_tcp_wrappers_change-3.0-2.src.rpmconfig(zz_tcp_wrappers_change)zz_tcp_wrappers_change@@JJ/bin/sh/bin/shconfig(zz_tcp_wrappers_change)coreutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)tcp_wrappers3.0-23.0.4-14.0-14.2.1/bin/sh/bin/shnoswad.fnal.gov 1069220505//./0/1/3/4/5/6/7/83.0-23.0-2bannersfingerdftpdin.fingerdin.ftpdin.rlogindin.telnetdrlogindtelnetddoe.motd/etc//etc/banners/-O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686cpiogzip9noarchnoarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII English textdirectoryLv[4-S?P[Mo8ٿbr-+No) iHRVz1@Ih|3fȇQ:(gtFxMcDo_I^G㛛u GњYl/b2}#,!ә4#i7Mۣ Syi4?o/w,ad@e^)d$pc'$\1j ajXFiyF֐I Ta'0[P̖Ad@=brǔș0C[/4[h *| >ճpM)> "c{#K;Baۭ$Yf=u0e1 wY3PzZ3٦@ ȆTv|Kr^p; e4.tpY$M31n#Y]7Ve,%ϦWfd1DSfaMwN #,##$Smi;3m8uZ!X>EW2 Wٲ蒶naZ! -sU[-Gb=<WK VfV›ܶ+E)[zn?  _$6 ȱQ6. ;#q1̂wi6@_ݞFFJ<ݨdNqgD1[