quagga-contrib-0.96.2-8.3E> ,0@A733c3ce4114a1451a1fac9f050ee9837894ecf31(b+pI ?@8, tq7-<1M׺8vZRM+ҋ'KdV>7 ? d  6tx    $  6Tp(8$9@:F G H 0I LX TY X\ d] ^ b -d :e ?f Dk Fl Mt hu v w <x Xy tCquagga-contrib0.96.28.3Econtrib tools for quaggaContributed/3rd party tools which may be of use with quagga.@8nrefcel3-amd64RGPLSystem Environment/Daemonshttp://www.quagga.netlinuxx86_64# | 7 AA큤큤@8n?J/=?=?=?=?=?426a80a859c985555f044818da5006ecbae70e561d3f6409e17022f63061a1786604c09621ebb1e2ef9edf2fcee4ace09a71ee8a0388e804d9d800e8ac34727106ed85aec7abf0de11d9632cbed76559rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootquagga-0.96.2-8.3E.src.rpmquagga-contrib@@ @@JJ/usr/bin/perlperlperl(Getopt::Std)perl(POSIX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)0:5.0023.0.4-14.0-14.2.1??U ?n ?h0?L ?A ?: Jay Fenlason 0.96.2-8.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.2-6.3ENalin Dahyabhai 0.96.2-4.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.2-2.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.2-0.3EJay Fenlason 0.96.1-2.3EJay Fenlason 0.96-0.3E- Fix a local DOS attack. - Fix the specfile so that upgrading quagga does not accidentally run /sbin/install-info --delete /usr/share/info/quagga.info.gz /usr/share/info/dir which deletes the quagga info page from the info directory. - Stop the daemons correctly when quagga is removed.- Fix a remote DOS attack (#107140)- Remove the directory part of paths for PAM modules in quagga.pam, allowing libpam to search its default directory (needed if a 64-bit libpam needs to look in /lib64/security instead of /lib/security). Pulled up from HEAD.- Close bugzilla #103320 by using /sbin/nologin for the quagga user - Include a patch from Kaj J. Niemi (kajtzu@basen.net) to put Quagga configuration options in /etc/sysconfig/quagga and default Quagga to only listening on This closes bugzilla #104376)- Merge from HEAD including - New upstream version- Fix bugzilla #102673 by groupadd and useradd-ing quagga in %pre. - Quash a couple more compiler warnings while we're at it.- merge from HEAD to the 3E branch for taroon. - added a patch (libwrap) to allow the generated Makefiles for zebra/ and lib/ to work on AMD64 systems. For some reason make there does not like a dependency on -lcap - added a patch (warnings) to shut up warnings about an undefined structure type in some function prototypes and quiet down all the warnings about assert(ptr) on x86_64. - Modified the upstream quagga-0.96/readhat/quagga.spec to work as an official Red Hat package (remove user and group creation and changes to services) - Trimmed changelog. See the upstream .spec file for previous changelog entries.thor.perf.redhat.com 10675670407E:@f:@k:@g:@h:@i:@j0.96.2-8.3Equagga-contrib-0.96.2toolsmrlg.cgirrcheck.plrrlookup.plzc.plzebra.el/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/quagga-contrib-0.96.2//usr/share/doc/quagga-contrib-0.96.2/tools/-O2 -g -pipecpiogzip9x86_64x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuLisp/Scheme program texta /bin/perl script text executablea /usr/bin/perl script text executablea /usr/local/bin/perl script text executabledirectoryRRRRR?JvCbg$j@9 ~xSTgބ hU|6, HgZ 1Nw}aclP [!X;#y`< l :6V !3oP`ɠt#عd!Co$a O"H[Ǭ<:jp8&!g\Gc0 pKb﵎n]xwGG#v*1\I1_}CН@Lc9gf?UHp<3f,: $cf;ofQd3EvRx͎9C2u&HauRD7^"^UVժ^],f) d_;3hw >kcŰ|hG@Lv;0$;??/rV2Q䜴zD0}P:÷rԫ`1'؎287Q52BsX"yGKJJr'lїhݰM몔ˎɎ@@ @1ŰsN mKh$ @lK5m7d6 zx955ayu*|qÂ~$CN>FYf6Y70=7χRf>h&ζZs7W9$1.'fDII"k> 72䈉!սac) ] ⸫14Q׻ZD04ӵcnk#bF]MٯH:na)Hb|eU|u5| ]dDLbY߄(ݣne{E|F0$]m=gg(J |hd@ "F4E$**x/Twgz|@O SSLF&ɡ J|텼YuPk nBZcX"q2&fX8ǞM2CWс]L9)HY 4@B> $]irI$"ӊ΢13&|Ɵ428dM4uczf`CS_C@2Z9; 6ʆALk,"Xb5@@)P ?m9"+:<6Pcbc5au߶6lSSe{~LqkdsS(":Ԋa@maAE /?+G}$cSj Hv!z>_fZf1/ XmM@壼4x( X-c1"դr*Tpf乑,[16BcC Uןِ҃_B@k#qT@v t&zM x%EUߠ򚏊T"Pl9([9t|;8e{0p܂ sE4)cg2+KwJfcY[xryPܪ"ĤZ,MLF]<5qЃfD0( 袡/V~S`B)i D H9kuK Gq'V1ͻK'łW&_Com+m%{ KlYS-F06!6My%jr9 ve6uQ~TBB # ;LR'Mtt~Y 5P-$G2BIw*.,KxDċ iZg9 =K.!Q?sЩ?2fN&JV;REzԼbYUKpS(|\TO8wiồ>^`IKH7"$&.7Hy8"*69;t*E+vJ`;a =h~8moFkC6)3 )M'-JX865]b]"<2<:n"9v|ȱdLzk FNLa.^{*N\(u88>9v ̄6$Ѝm&-);"Mm>G5i.\ЦzTgX-" 6%[X)fOդjW"k8P=y-۷K'fN%[-ZV(AʦhPTrܵuD+"4vy.N/4bcN#wjz]"${nGHX9%T*67Kٕ' 3IԄ YA5;KU3*f Y3 j bqcPKWO*-3.NJ] Yu ) pirΩy!`<!Q_ PӲ`r~o9j6;bR`s :Bo7rv_{6h$Wb_n#Dί_r_椉)J &lp"{}+ -4>I#%HΦ3 %^kXydnL[4LlZuO(7岃8:!%GJAiAVXau#w 8)xuuZ!4lcOO1 >  PaMÚުr1A3XWJ7XeҰ^m^m~=t;*bV uUm ̝'Ou?cԡ8=t"YajY4b)S6J:K~j:6'5-`5p㗘w:@H G1\O ^g|.Jvi+|HdxRW>jL4` >_DH nwY? | % K/}GC+m7 Hhkd0xRlFׯ4@Pevm}Fz2DX3VT& i_nqbl J*Q@k8C/ycz#')1Zc   L-2m|T*D&XxfҰ'yG X`%מgq9Dx rn::hHuZoBO\^;OSEt]]; "JZApzwCj[#8_Ep"C<aSܴB<5`-ma4Pe.:?\R'!|Xr`XF2|efS4)%3 3H΄+6M>S0 עh\::S'B&key$3L=0@3}mK_(D\7a eߔ&H||1RH2] +C9p)(KHϴO?iX%vUj!H=8L[iWziL E@k>hai+DZci=,=sGE}j$$SV7%)[ *N+DiϽd$o{>TgQǨ5ۻe|!qEV