ghostscript-9.25-5.el7> H HtxHF_t9 ?*}}`17!){ L#cābd20fe095bedb5d6a609c3dbfa1cd5966ff4b8ff7bMoJwE)vF_t9 ?*}}8ǁ0y9{8yr5¨1xfxM}~>=h?Xd  C,0ARZ kw @ @ @  @  @ @ l@l@@ @ ,8(o8xO9O:S,O>@G@H@I@X@YH\`@]`@^bPdeflt8@u8@v8wˬ@x̬@yͬ*TCghostscript9.255.el7Interpreter for PostScript language & PDFThis package provides useful conversion utilities based on Ghostscript software, for converting PS, PDF and other document formats between each other. Ghostscript is a suite of software providing an interpreter for Adobe Systems' PostScript (PS) and Portable Document Format (PDF) page description languages. Its primary purpose includes displaying (rasterization & rendering) and printing of document pages, as well as conversions between different document formats._ssl7.fnal.govYScientific LinuxScientific LinuxAGPLv3+Scientific LinuxUnspecified # === PACKAGING INSTRUCTIONS ================================================== +^``a^^w IE0] u6   3 [Y# 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  @ /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/^0]X]H@\N\eX@\?[\ZYw2YR@Y @X@X-XXBXtX&W-@WPT"@T RURkRRB@RQQ@QکQo@Qo@QKQQ@QQyQb@Q9Q@P9@P@PO@Pd?PE@P"TPPSO~O8O3@O3@O@O@NN@N@N^"@NRDNJ[N6@N6@M@M>M@MUMMMx@MS@MS@MQ0@MIG@MBM4/@M0:M*M'@L@L+@LL@L{L*@LA@L@L@LvW@LuLuLZL@IKrK!@K@KO@KqKK~}@K{@K{@KzK]KY@KXAK3WJJv@Jv@Jq@Jq@Ji@J/@J'@I@IÅ@I@II@H~@H~@H@HH@H_@G@G9G9GPG@GGG^{GO@GO@GMX@GMX@GFG@G m@F@FvFF]FtF$FAEEEJ@Ea@Ex@Eu_@E\RE"PD@DD@DDbDvDWIDN@DLD:HD7D5D@D;@C@CCC @CqCqCqC7C2C@CB@BBۙB@BӰB_@B/@BBF@B06B$Y@B@A@AA>@AU@A1AvS@AYR@A#DAr@ @@@@@@o@M@G@@Dw@@3S@,@@+j@"0@@@@ @@ @@?F@?@?@?s@?@?@?}?yp@?M?Cb?.J?)?&a?!?@?x>@>S@>>u>"@>->>Z @>V>9>.>&=@=@=b@=ϛ=ϛ=2@==[=W@=U@=S==E@=*@=%@="@==[@=r@=< - 9.25-5Zdenek Dohnal - 9.25-4Martin Osvald - 9.25-3Martin Osvald - 9.25-2Martin Osvald - 9.25-1Martin Osvald - 9.07-32David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-31David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-30David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-29David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-28David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-27David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-26David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-25David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-24David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-23David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-22David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-21David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-20David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] - 9.07-19Tim Waugh 9.07-18Tim Waugh 9.07-17Daniel Mach - 9.07-16Daniel Mach - 9.07-15Tim Waugh 9.07-14Tim Waugh 9.07-13Tim Waugh 9.07-12Tim Waugh 9.07-11Tim Waugh 9.07-10Tim Waugh 9.07-9Tim Waugh 9.07-8Tim Waugh 9.07-7Tim Waugh 9.07-6Tim Waugh 9.07-5Tim Waugh 9.07-4Tim Waugh - 9.07-3Tim Waugh Tim Waugh - 9.07-2Tim Waugh - 9.07-1Fedora Release Engineering - 9.06-7Adam Tkac - 9.06-6Tim Waugh - 9.06-5Adam Tkac - 9.06-4Tim Waugh - 9.06-3Tim Waugh - 9.06-2Tim Waugh - 9.06-1Fedora Release Engineering - 9.05-5Tim Waugh - 9.05-4Tim Waugh - 9.05-3Jon Ciesla - 9.05-2Tim Waugh 9.05-1.1Tim Waugh 9.05-1Tim Waugh 9.04-9Tim Waugh 9.04-8Tim Waugh 9.04-7Tim Waugh 9.04-6Tim Waugh 9.04-5Tim Waugh 9.04-4Tim Waugh 9.04-3Tim Waugh 9.04-2Tim Waugh 9.04-1Tim Waugh 9.02-5Tim Waugh 9.02-4Tim Waugh 9.02-3Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 9.02-2Tim Waugh Tim 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Dunnavant 6.51-4Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-3Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-2Crutcher Dunnavant Crutcher Dunnavant Crutcher Dunnavant Adrian Havill Crutcher Dunnavant Crutcher Dunnavant Crutcher Dunnavant Crutcher Dunnavnat Crutcher Dunnavant Jeff Johnson Michael Stefaniuc Michael Stefaniuc Matt Wilson Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bill Nottingham Prospector Trond Eivind Glomsrød Matt Wilson Chris Ding Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bill Nottingham Preston Brown Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Michael K. Johnson Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Cristian Gafton Cristian Gafton Preston Brown Bill Nottingham Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Jeff Johnson Cristian Gafton Prospector System Erik Troan - 1812284 - ghostscript fontconfig support broken when gs used with -dSAFER/-dPARANOIDSAFER- 1769341 - CVE-2019-14869 ghostscript: -dSAFER escape in .charkeys- Resolves: #1737339 - CVE-2019-10216 ghostscript: -dSAFER escape via .buildfont1 (701394) - Resolves: #1744009 - CVE-2019-14811 ghostscript: Safer Mode Bypass by .forceput Exposure in .pdf_hook_DSC_Creator (701445) - Resolves: #1744013 - CVE-2019-14812 ghostscript: Safer Mode Bypass by .forceput Exposure in setuserparams (701444) - Resolves: #1744004 - CVE-2019-14813 ghostscript: Safer Mode Bypass by .forceput Exposure in setsystemparams (701443) - Resolves: #1744229 - CVE-2019-14817 ghostscript: Safer Mode Bypass by .forceput Exposure in .pdfexectoken and other procedures (701450)- obsoleted old ghostscript-devel to allow clean upgrade to libgs-devel- Rebase to latest upstream version (bug #1636115) - Resolves: #1673399 - CVE-2019-3839 ghostscript: missing attack vector protections for CVE-2019-6116 - Resolves: #1678172 - CVE-2019-3835 ghostscript: superexec operator is available (700585) - Resolves: #1680026 - CVE-2019-3838 ghostscript: forceput in DefineResource is still accessible (700576) - Resolves: #1670443 - ghostscript: Regression: double comment chars '%' in leading to missing metadata - fix for pdf2dsc regression added to allow fix for CVE-2019-3839- Remove as many non-standard operators as possible to make the codebase closer to upstream for later CVEs - Resolves: #1621385 - CVE-2018-16511 ghostscript: missing type check in type checker (699659) - Resolves: #1649722 - CVE-2018-16539 ghostscript: incorrect access checking in temp file handling to disclose contents of files (699658) - Resolves: #1621162 - CVE-2018-15908 ghostscript: .tempfile file permission issues (699657) - Resolves: #1621384 - CVE-2018-15909 ghostscript: shading_param incomplete type checking (699660) - Resolves: #1652902 - CVE-2018-16863 ghostscript: incomplete fix for CVE-2018-16509 - Resolves: #1654045 ghostscript update breaks xdvi (gs: Error: /undefined in flushpage) - Resolves: #1651150 - CVE-2018-15911 ghostscript: uninitialized memory access in the aesdecode operator (699665) - Resolves: #1650061 - CVE-2018-16802 ghostscript: Incorrect "restoration of privilege" checking when running out of stack during exception handling - Resolves: #1652936 - CVE-2018-19409 ghostscript: Improperly implemented security check in zsetdevice function in psi/zdevice.c - Resolves: #1654622 - CVE-2018-16541 ghostscript: incorrect free logic in pagedevice replacement (699664) - Resolves: #1650211 - CVE-2018-17183 ghostscript: User-writable error exception table - Resolves: #1645517 - CVE-2018-18073 ghostscript: saved execution stacks can leak operator arrays - Resolves: #1648892 - CVE-2018-17961 ghostscript: saved execution stacks can leak operator arrays (incomplete fix for CVE-2018-17183) - Resolves: #1643117 - CVE-2018-18284 ghostscript: 1Policy operator allows a sandbox protection bypass - Resolves: #1655939 - CVE-2018-19134 ghostscript: Type confusion in setpattern (700141) - Resolves: #1657694 - ghostscript: Regression: Warning: Dropping incorrect smooth shading object (Error: /rangecheck in --run--) - Resolves: #1661210 pdf2ps reports an error when reading from stdin - Resolves: #1657334 - CVE-2018-16540 ghostscript: use-after-free in copydevice handling (699661) - Resolves: #1660570 - CVE-2018-19475 ghostscript: access bypass in psi/zdevice2.c (700153) - Resolves: #1660829 - CVE-2018-19476 ghostscript: access bypass in psi/zicc.c - Resolves: #1661279 - CVE-2018-19477 ghostscript: access bypass in psi/zfjbig2.c (700168) - Resolves: #1667443 - CVE-2019-6116 ghostscript: subroutines within pseudo-operators must themselves be pseudo-operators - Resolves: #1670443 - ghostscript: Regression: double comment chars '%' in leading to missing metadata- Added security fixes for: - CVE-2018-16509 (bug #1621158) - CVE-2018-15910 (bug #1621160) - CVE-2018-16542 (bug #1621382)- Fix MediaPosition, ManualFeed and MediaType with pxl devices (bug #1551782)- Fix rare Segmentation fault when converting PDF to PNG (bug #1473337) - Raise the default VMThreshold from 1Mb to 8Mb (bug #1479852)- Security fix for CVE-2017-8291 updated to address SIGSEGV- Added security fix for CVE-2017-8291 (bug #1446063)- Updated requirements for lcms2 to avoid possible issues in the future- Added security fix for CVE-2017-7207 (bug #1434353) - Added explicit requirement for lcms2 version we are build with (bug #1436273)- Fix infinite 'for' loop in gdevp14.c file (bug #1424752)- Fix for regression caused by previous CVE fixes (bug #1411725)- Fix of SIGSEGV in cid_font_data_param when using ps2pdf (bug #1390847)- Added security fixes for: - CVE-2013-5653 (bug #1380327) - CVE-2016-7977 (bug #1380415) - CVE-2016-7978 (bug #1382300) - CVE-2016-7979 (bug #1382305) - CVE-2016-8602 (bug #1383940)- Fixed some complains of CovScan in ghostscript-hanging-in-convert.patch- Import LCMS2 2.6 rebase changes into ghostscript (bug #959351) - Fix hanging of ghostscript when converting PDF -> PNG (bug #1302121) - Do not SIGSEGV after icc_profile error, report error instead (bug #1243784) - Fix the color printing on HP InkJet printers (bug #1225858)- Applied patch from upstream to fix memory handling issue that could lead to crashes (bug #1105519).- Fix insufficient integer digits in trio's rendering of "%g" (bug #1096158).- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Filter costs for gstoraster tweaked again (bug #1032117).- Regenerate tarball (bug #1012902).- Tweak filter costs for gstoraster (part of bug #998977).- Remove bundled (and unused) lcms source. - Fixed license tag (AGPLv3+).- Added in missing part of gs_sprintf backport: add in the header to stdio_.h. Without this there are problems with va_args on some platforms (bug #979681).- Upstream patch from bug #693921 to avoid zfapi crash (bug #969785).- Use correct colord device ID in gstoraster.- Use more caution when converting floats to strings (bug #980085).- Upstream patch from bug #690692 to handle strange fonts (bug #969660).- Remove pdfopt man pages which were mistakenly left in (bug #963882).- Upstream patch to fix pdfwrite segfault (bug #962120).- Back-ported locale fix (bug #961149).- Unowned directories (bug #902525).- Rebuilt.- 9.07.- Rebuilt for rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop- Updated build requirement from gtk2-devel to gtk3-devel so that gsx gets built using the correct loader (bug #884483).- rebuild against new libjpeg- Remove cups/libs to avoid bundling, although it isn't built in any case.- Fixed encoding of German ps2pdf man page (bug #853764).- 9.06.- Rebuilt for Ship pkg-config file for ijs (bug #840830).- Removed more bundled packages (bug #816747). - Fixed missing error check when setting ICC profile.- Fixed encodings and changelog version for merge review BZ 225795.- Avoid mixed tabs and spaces in spec file.- 9.05.- Use %_cups_serverbin macro.- Rebuilt for GCC 4.7.- Applied fix for type 1 font copying code SEAC scanner (bug #728710).- Rebuilt for new libpng.- Applied upstream fix for skipping "cached" outline glyphs (bug #742349).- Fixed typo (EXTRAFLAGS -> EXTRACFLAGS).- Updated upstream fix for gdevcups RGBW handling (Ghostscript bug #691922).- Applied upstream fix for gdevcups handling of RGBW (Ghostscript bug #691922).- 9.04.- No longer need jbig2-image-refcount patch. - Fixed error reporting in the gstoraster filter.- colord is optional (bug #706619).- Prevent segfault when running gstoraster outside CUPS.- Remove bundled expat directory. Not used, but this makes it clearer.- pxl: match landscape page sizes (bug #692165).- Fixed source URL.- 9.02.- colord support: prefix printer name with "cups-" to get device ID.- Backport a patch from svn trunk to enable colord support.- 9.01. No longer needed gdevcups-691733, glyph-stretch-691920, icc-fix, scan_token, or system-jasper patches.- Rebuilt for Applied fix for upstream bug #691920.- Use poppler-data for CMaps (bug #630632).- Fixed macro in comment. - Include full source URL.- Avoid symbol clash with scan_token (bug #590914).- Replaced width-and-height patch with the one actually used upstream.- Applied upstream ICC fix (bug #655449). - gdevcups: use correct width and height values when allocating memory (upstream bug 691733).- Fixed more summaries ending with ".".- Own more directories (bug #645075).- gdevcups: don't use uninitialized variables in debugging output (Ghostscript bug #691683).- Reverted incorrect change introduced to fix bug #635786.- Don't use carriage return in ps2epsi output (bug #635786). - Include more documentation (bug #634354).- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- Updated to 9.00. No longer need -P-, CVE-2009-4270, CVE-2010-1628, SEARCH_HERE_FIRST, bbox-close, cups-realloc-color-depth, epstopdf-failure, fPIC, gdevcups-ripcache, iname-segfault, ldfalgs, pdf2dsc, pdftoraster-exit, tif-fail-close, tiff-default-strip-size, or tiff-fixes patches.- Pulled in modification for .runlibfileifexists from OpenSUSE package (bug #610301).- Restored Fontmap.local patch, incorrectly dropped after ghostscript-8.15.4-3 (bug #610301). - Applied patch to let gdevcups use automatic memory allocation. Use RIPCache=auto in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to enable. - Applied patch to fix NULL dereference in bbox driver (bug #591624). - Applied upstream patch to fix iname.c segfault (bug #465311).- Avoid epstopdf failure using upstream patch (bug #627390). - More upstream fixes for bug #599564.- Fix implementation of -P- (bug #599564). - Use -P- and -dSAFER in scripts (bug #599564).- Change SEARCH_HERE_FIRST default to make -P- default instead of -P (bug #599564). - Removed redundant gs-executable patch (bug #502550).- Avoid another NULL pointer dereference in jbig2 code (bug #621569).- Applied patch to fix CVE-2010-1628 (memory corruption at PS stack overflow, bug #592492).- Backported some more TIFF fixes (bug #573970). - Use upstream fix for TIFF default strip size (bug #571520).- Restore the TIFF default strip size of 0 (bug #571520). - Don't segfault closing tiffg3 device if opening failed (bug #571520). - Don't revert gdevcups y-axis change (bug #541604). - Reallocate memory in gdevcups when color depth changes (bug #563313).- Don't own the %{_datadir}/ghostscript or %{_datadir}/ghostscript/conf.d directories as the filesystem package already does (bug #569442).- Fixed summary. - Fixed macros in changelog. - Avoid mixed spaces and tabs. - Ship COPYING file. - Added comments for all patches. - More consistent macro use.- The doc subpackage is now noarch (bug #567179).- Actually revert the upstream gdevcups changes (bug #563313). - Fixed (bug #565935). - Use fixed patch for LDFLAGS to make sure gets a soname (bug #565935).- Fixed LDFLAGS when building dynamically linked executables (bug #565935).- Use system libtiff.- 8.71 (bug #565935).- Reverted gdevcups duplex changes as they cause a regression (see bug #563313).- Fixed pdftoraster so that it waits for its sub-process to exit. - Another gdevcups duplex fix from upstream revision 10631 (bug #541604).- Don't build static library for ijs (bug #556051).- Fixed gdevcups duplex output (bug #541604) by backporting upstream revision 10625.- Don't ship libtool la files (bug #542674). - Fix debugging output from gdevcups (CVE-2009-4270, bug #540760). - Harden ghostscript's debugging output functions (bug #540760).- New cups sub-package for pstoraster/pdftoraster/pstopxl.- 8.70. - License has changed to GPLv3+. Packages containing programs that link to libgs/libijs are: - foomatic (GPLv2+) - libspectre (GPLv2+) - ImageMagick (ImageMagick, listed on Licensing wiki page under "Good Licenses" and marked as GPLv3 compat) - gutenprint (GPLv2+)- Moved examples to doc subpackage (bug #515167). - Converted spec file to UTF-8.- Fixed CVE-2009-0583,0584 patch by using 255 as the maximum number of points, not 100, and by not treating a missing black point tag as an error (bug #487744).- License: GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted (bug #487510)- Rebuilt for Fix scripts so they don't get broken on install (bug #502550).- Applied patch to fix NULL dereference in JBIG2 decoder (bug #503995).- Applied patch to fix CVE-2009-0792 (bug #491853). - Applied patch to fix CVE-2009-0196 (bug #493379).- Applied patch to fix CVE-2009-0583 (bug #487742) and CVE-2009-0584 (bug #487744).- Rebuilt for Fix bitcmyk driver (bug #486644).- 8.64 (bug #483958). - Removed trade marks to avoid any potential confusion.- Removed last patch (unsuccessful).- Try out a work-around for bug #465311.- Don't ship as it pulls in perl (bug #463948).- Split out a doc sub-package (bug #466507).- 8.63. No longer need r8591 or incomplete-ccittfax patches. - Compile without strict aliasing opts due to warnings across several files. - Don't run for main package, just for ijs which doesn't ship with a configure script.- Applied patch to work around bug #229174. - Applied patch from upstream to fix box_fill_path for shfill (bug #452348).- Fix pksmraw output (bug #308211).- No longer need CVE-2008-0411 patch. - Don't ship URW fonts; we already have them.- 8.62. No longer need IJS KRGB patch, or patch for gs bug 689577.- Applied patch to fix CVE-2008-0411 (bug #431536).- Build with jasper again (bug #433897). Build requires jasper-devel, and a patch to remove jas_set_error_cb reference.- Rebuild for GCC 4.3.- Don't build with jasper support. - Remove bundled libraries.- Applied upstream patch for bug #416321.- Fixed runlibfileifexists patch.- Revert previous change, but define .runlibfileifexists, not just runlibfileifexists.- No longer need runlibfileifexists. - Use runlibfile in cidfmap.- Add /usr/share/fonts to fontpath (bug #402551). - Restore cidfmap-switching bits, except for FAPIcidfmap which is no longer used. - Add runlibfileifexists to - Build with --disable-compile-inits (bug #402501).- 8.61.- Applied patch from upstream to fix CVE-2007-2721 (bug #346511).- Marked localized man pages as %lang (bug #322321).- Back-ported mkstemp64 patch (bug #308211).- More specific license tag.- 8.60.- Own %{_libdir}/ghostscript (bug #246026).- 8.60 snapshot from svn. Patches dropped: - big-cmap-post - split-cidfnmap - exactly-enable-cidfnmap - Fontmap.local No longer needed: - gxcht-64bit-crash- Apply fonts in CIDFnmap even if the same fontnames are already registered (bug #163231). - New file CIDFmap (bug #233966). - Allow local overrides for FAPIcidfmap, cidfmap and Fontmap (bug #233966).- Fixed configuration file locations (bug #233966).- 8.15.4.- dvipdf script fixes (bug #88906). - Moved and into devel package (bug #203623).- Configure with --with-drivers=ALL since the advertised default is not what gets used (bug #223819).- Backported gxcht 64bit crash fix from GPL trunk (bug #177763).- Own cjkv directory (bug #221380, bug #222375).- Added split-cidfnmap patch (bug #194592).- 8.15.3. No longer need gtk2, ps2epsi, badc, pagesize, use-external-freetype, split-font-configuration or cjkv patches. - Renumbered patches.- Apply CJKV patch from svn164:165 plus the fix from svn173:174 (bug #194592, bug #203712, possibly bug #167596).- rebuild- Revert CJKV patch.- rebuilt with new gnutls- Undo svn sync. - Apply CJKV patch from svn164:165.- Sync to svn165.- Fix ijs-config not to have multilib conflicts (bug #192672)- Remove adobe-cmaps and acro5-cmaps, since latest CMaps are already included (bug #190463).- 8.15.2. - No longer need build, krgb, pdfwrite, str1570 patches.- Fix emacs interaction (bug #189321, STR #1570).- Add %{_datadir}/fonts/japanese to font path (bug #188448). - Spec file cleanups (bug #188066).- Build requires libtool (bug #188341).- Fix pdfwrite (bug #187834). - CUPS filters go in /usr/lib/cups/filter even on lib64 platforms.- BuildRequires: gnutls-devel - Updated KRGB patch for gdevijs.- BuildRequires: libXt-devel- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Updated adobe-cmaps to 200406 (bug #173613).- Support reading a big cmap/post table from a TrueType font.- rebuilt- Build does not explicitly require xorg-x11-devel.- rebuilt with new openssl- Some directories should be "8.15" not "8.15.1" (bug #169198).- 8.15.1. - No longer need overflow patch.- Rebuilt for new cairo.- Parametrize freetype, and disable it (bug #165962).- 8.15rc4. - Fixed lips4v driver (bug #165713).- Install adobe/acro5 CMaps (bug #165428).- Fixed split font configuration patch (bug #161187).- Split font configuration (bug #161187). - Reverted this change: - Build requires xorg-x11-devel, not XFree86-devel.- Add Japanese fonts to FAPIcidfmap (bug #161187). - Moved Resource directory. - Added use-external-freetype patch (bug #161187).- Build requires libtiff-devel (bug #162826).- Build requires xorg-x11-devel, not XFree86-devel. - Include ierrors.h in the devel package.- Drop 'Provides:' because it is incorrect. - Build igcref.c with -O0 to work around bug #150771. - Renumber patches.- Switch to ESP Ghostscript. - 8.15rc3. - Lots of patches dropped. Perhaps some will need to be re-added.- Build igcref.c with -O0 to work around bug #150771.- Rebuilt for new GCC.- Fixes inspired by GCC 4.- Correct permissions for %{_datadir}/ghostscript/Resource (bug #145420).- Fixed missing return statement (bug #136757).- Remove VFlib2 bits (bug #120498).- Added /etc/ghostscript to search path and to file manifest (bug #98974).- Convert man pages to UTF-8- Fix for bug #136322 (temporary files).- Turn off fontconfig until it's fixed (bug #133353).- Only ship gsx in the gtk subpackage.- Run /sbin/ldconfig in %post/%postun. - Stricter requirements for the main package in the subpackages.- Updated eplaser driver to add alc4000 (bug #128007).- Prevent pdf2ps generating "null setpagesize" (bug #126446).- Fix Omni patch assumption about /usr/lib which breaks for multilib architectures.- rebuilt- Removed another debug message from the fontconfig patch.- Added bjc250gs driver (bug #117860).- Fix compilation with GCC 3.4.- rebuilt- Build against gtk2/glib2 (bug #115619). Patch from W. Michael Petullo.- rebuilt- Leave gdevpdfm.c seemingly-mistaken bitwise ops alone (bug #115396).- Fix compilation with GCC 3.4.- Attempt to fix gdevcups crash (bug #114256). - Make gs dynamically link to libgs (bug #114276). - Fix gdevesmv.c's misuse of const (bug #114250).- Turn on libgs again (bug #88175).- Removed stp driver. Use the IJS version (ijsgimpprint) instead. - No longer conflicts with foomatic for hpijs versioning.- Split hpijs out into separate source package.- Fix several mistakenly-used bitwise operations.- Build for Fedora Core 1 printer drivers update. - Conflicts with foomatic before hpijs 1.5 data. - Make fontconfig optional.- Disable unnecessary debug messages from fontconfig support.- Add fontconfig support (bug #111412).- Build requires libjpeg-devel (bug #110737).- Updated hpijs to 1.5 (bug #109714).- Updated lxm3200 patch (bug #109625).- Updated gdevcups.c from CUPS 1.1.19. - Apply NOMEDIAATTRS patch from CUPS 1.1.19 (bug #105401).- Fix lips4v driver (bug #92337).- Fix compilation problems in hpijs.- Further fix from bug #100685.- Further fix from bug #100685.- Further fix from bug #100685.- Further fix from bug #100557.- Further fix from bug #100557. - Fix bug #100685.- Fix bug #100557.- rebuilt- Fix sed usage in ps2epsi (bug #89300).- HPIJS 1.4 (bug #91219).- 7.07. - Parametrize build_libgs. - Remove Omni requirement (bug #88177). - Fix ghostscript-gtk obsoletes: line (bug #88175).- 7.06. - Updated config, vflib.fixup patches. - No longer need dx6, jpeg patches. - No longer need to add in missed GNU drivers. - Turn off dj970 driver (hpijs drives that).- Apply fix for CJK font search method when the fonts are not available (bug #83516). - The gb18030 patch no longer applies here.- Add some missing font aliases (bug #73342). - Use the system jpeg library. - Update hpijs to 1.3.1. - Update gdevcups.c from cups-1.1.18.- debuginfo rebuild- Add ghostscript-7.05-oob-66421.patch to fix the segfault behind #66421- Remove rss patch from hpijs (not needed).- rebuilt- Add Korean font aliases to CIDFnmap CJK resource files (bug #81924).- Obsolete ghostscript-gtk (bug #79585). - Omni 121002 patch.- Don't ship the shared object yet (part of bug #79340). - Don't make the gtk package, since that needs the shared object.- Fix level 1 PostScript output (bug #78450). - No need to carry gomni.c, since it comes from the patch.- Omni 071902 patch.- hpijs-1.3, with updated rss patch. - Fix XLIBDIRS.- hpijs-rss 1.2.2.- Set libdir when installing.- Add cups device (bug #69573).- Fix the gb18030 patch (bug #71135, bug #71303).- rebuilt with gcc-3.2 (we hope)- Add CIDnmap for GB18030 font (bug #71135). - Fix URL (bug #70734).- Rebuild in new environment.- Remove the chp2200 driver again, to fix cdj890 (bug #67578).- For CJK font support, use CIDFnmap instead of CIDFont resources (bug #68009).- Build requires unzip and gtk+-devel (bug #67799).- File list tweaking. - More file list tweaking.- Rebuild for bootstrap.- Omni 052902 patch.- Requires recent version of patchutils (bug #65947). - Don't ship broken man page symlinks (bug #66238).- Put gsx in its own package.- New gomni.c from IBM to fix an A4 media size problem. - Use new Adobe CMaps (bug #65362).- automated rebuild- New gomni.c from IBM to fix bug #65269 (again).- Don't apply bogus parts of vflib patch (bug #65268). - Work around Omni -sPAPERSIZE=a4 problem (bug #65269).- 7.05. - No longer need mkstemp, vflib.fixup, quoting, or PARANOIDSAFER patches. - Don't apply CJK patches any more (no longer needed). - Updated Source15, Patch0, Patch10, Patch5, Patch24, Patch14, Patch12. - Made gdevdmpr.c compile again. - Move gimp-print to a separate package. - Ship the shared object too (and a .so file that is dlopened). - Update Omni patch. No longer need Omni_path, Omni_quiet, Omni_glib patches. - Require Omni >= 0.6.1. - Add patch to fix gtk+ initial window size. - Add devel package with header files. - Turn on IJS support. - Update hpijs to 1.1. - Don't ship the hpijs binary in the ghostscript package. - Use -fPIC when building ijs.- New CIDFonts (bug #61015).- Fix release numbers of sub packages. - Handle info files, use ldconfig (bug #62574).- Fix config patch so that gs --help displays the right thing. - Don't ship - Fix some shell scripts. - Ship escputil man page (bug #58919).- Add CHP2200 driver (bug #57516). - Fix gimp-print-4.2.0 so that it builds without cups-config.- do condrestart in %postun, not %post- Restart service cups after installing gimp-print-cups- hpijs is finally free - support it. - Add extra package for CUPS support- Updates: - ghostscript 6.52 - hpdj 2.6 -> pcl3 3.3 - CJK Patchlevel 3, adobe-cmaps 200109 - gimp-print 4.2.0 - Adapt patches - Fix various URLs - Begin cleaning up spec file - Fix bugs #21879 and #50923- automated rebuild- update the Omni driver, and patch it to seek in /usr/lib/Omni/ first - require Omni- change -dPARANOIDSAFER to punch a hole for OutputFile- add -dPARANOIDSAFER to let us breathe a little easier in the print spooler.- apply jakub's fix to ghostscript's jmp_buf problems; #49591- fix; #50925- added Epson's old eplaseren drivers, - pointed out by Till Kamppeter - included Samsung GDI driver for ML-4500 printer support.- applied IBM's glib patches for Omni, which now works. - BE AWARE: we now link against libstdc++ and glib for this, and use a c++ - link stage to do the dirty. - added glib-devel buildreq and glib req, I don't think we require everything - yet, I could pull in sasl.- Added gs device hpijs and updated gdevhpij.c to hpijs 0.97- pull in ynakai's update to the cjk resources.- turn dmprt and cdj880 back on. for some reason, they work now. - voodoo, who knows.- Add cjk resources- applied's patch for #50300 - fixed build deps on zlib-devel and libpng-devel, #49853 - made a config file; #25096 - O\^/nZ the daTa directorieZ now; #50693- wired up the Resource dir and the Font and CIDFont maps.- luckily, I had a spare chicken. Thanks to some work by Nakai, and one last - desperate search through google, everything /seems/ to be working. I know - that there are going to be problems in the japanese code, and I need to turn - on the cjk font map from adobe, but it /works/ at the moment.- upgraded to 6.51, a major version upgrade - rewrote spec file, threw out some patches - turned on IBM's Omni print drivers interface - turned on HP's hpijs print drivers interface - turned on every driver that looked usable from linux - sacrificed a chicken to integrate the old Japanese drivers - - This didn't work. The japanese patches are turned off, pending review. - - I can do loops with C, but the bugs are in Postscript init files- added P. B. West's lx5000 driver- added xtt-fonts requirement (for VFlib)- cmpskit removed as a build prereq- merged in some patches that got away: * Fri Sep 1 2000 Mitsuo Hamada - add support JIS B size - fix the problem of reconverting GNUPLOT output- switched to japanese for everybody- tweaked time_.h to test for linux, and include the right - header- added the lxm3200 driver- merged in the (accendental) branch that contained the mktemp - and LD_RUN_PATH bug fixes.- tetex using xdvi with ghostscript patch (#19212).- expanded the gcc296 patch to fix a compilation issue with the new stp driver- added the stp driver from the gimp-print project. It supports high quality printing especialy with Epson Stylus Photo.- rebuilt against new libpng- Fix up the cdj880 patch (Bug #14978) - Fix build with gcc 2.96- turn off japanese support- automatic rebuild- fixed the broken inclusion of files in /usr/doc - Build requires freetype-devel- build japanese support in main distribution - FHS manpage paths- enabled bmp16m driver- added a boatload of Japanese printers- add japanese support, enable_japanese macro- 5.50 at last... - hpdj 2.6 - Added 3rd party drivers: - Lexmark 5700 (lxm5700m) - Alps MD-* (md2k, md5k) - Lexmark 2050, 3200, 5700 and 7000 (lex2050, lex3200, lex5700, lex7000)- rebuild to compress man page - fix gs.1 symlink- add stylus 740 uniprint files- add lq850 dot matrix driver (#6357)- oops, include oki182 driver.- don't optimize on Alpha. This way it works.- added hpdj driver - changed build to use tar_cat so adding new drivers is sane- add OkiPage 4w+, HP 8xx drivers- fix typo in config patch.- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 6)- added patch from rth to fix alignement problems on the alpha.- Injected new description and group.- add uniprint .upp files- fontpath update.- updates for ghostscript 5.10- updated to use shared urw-fonts package.- turned on truetype (ttf) font support.- updated to 4.03.- enabled more printer drivers - buildroot- translations modified for de, fr, tr- Made /usr/share/ghostscript/3.33/Fontmap a config file./bin/sh/bin/sh  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@dededededededededededede9.25-5.el79.25-5.el7dvipdfeps2epsghostscriptgsgsbjgsdjgsdj500gsljgslpgsndlprsetup.shpdf2dscpdf2pspf2afmpfbtopfapphsprintafmps2asciips2epsips2pdfps2pdf12ps2pdf13ps2pdf14ps2pdfwrps2psps2ps2unix-lpr.shghostscriptX11.sodvipdf.1.gzeps2eps.1.gzgsnd.1.gzpdf2dsc.1.gzpdf2ps.1.gzprintafm.1.gzps2ascii.1.gzps2pdf.1.gzps2pdf12.1.gzps2pdf13.1.gzps2pdf14.1.gzps2ps.1.gzdvipdf.1.gzeps2eps.1.gzghostscript.1.gzgs.1.gzgsbj.1.gzgsdj.1.gzgsdj500.1.gzgslj.1.gzgslp.1.gzgsnd.1.gzpdf2dsc.1.gzpdf2ps.1.gzpf2afm.1.gzpfbtopfa.1.gzprintafm.1.gzps2ascii.1.gzps2epsi.1.gzps2pdf.1.gzps2pdf12.1.gzps2pdf13.1.gzps2pdf14.1.gzps2pdfwr.1.gzps2ps.1.gz/usr/bin//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/ghostscript//usr/share/man/de/man1//usr/share/man/man1/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz9x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executableELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=d74044399c0181a15ecd057930f83f237eb98db8, strippedPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with overstrikingdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d33f78e9e64c9e0ae5574e8a198ef44de4d049de, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)  RRR R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R R R RRRRRRR?07zXZ !X~ ] crv9u2Gv*LO,"THeP$t6E0ogD\/+0M{/a(,$u/qD!jZٍMUe1~PO<$WVmRnaȓU,eB3SVϱ &0[0B;y]^Y4Um8M;mE, H]ʘ me*ad`BOP֫x57f8*j^Ȭ?՜+pb^$vA *+i;97^ҏ pLfoU;'P;WyH La:tk^h_Q0&AȨj-3;ܳ8H3뒬Dɹ%ѥ⶟~t #lx .O+d%"o_ t;L?ػlI^Tcر_ S(k\Xߠzbj)IBQz9s'oIL@HWbJqiR(+UtĚ B3zTAlU︈#WC7 ~=M"Ws/gASO-Մ|-^4%ek9ٲmRQiEplߎUdj]3r`Hv(Dxg("Ou+wj"]eFdA>c0onP/٢g6ABWɕ7/9gCZMWc 5~TA$kOij1뺿zoW9ɰBP`VjD.yr^L,$ʇ<"hDpa< gZZ1 Vt>"EJ8^s;RcX:ێPY >a .rSKR6s]>="ʂ,YX Ie:6˟jS̉av0]$qKgں~w@7K{3_ıXg )*a`pWⲭ 67T!wQy3 {U#$&d\EvOo+EcEŝ'/njCgA2P*קF>c(翼'`ϟ?sU?]"A ϴ0ݪG'!o~EF=ѓx":r-BI@eDaB\G2~Bƨ& ?V 0N~I?7n?=pYob.\v*n5Lul6}! =SJP.*FEF+d,t0ʭA"j_啽laFq9^CvzDT w<#xgwz ';/(TF!-:~[ovޫj+:Nl8$I',#&xfoG,լyQC) }e\tn~<)@O#V:ijH4*D®&,B`J'5ҶǢge1 D*Gb @>*]jM&HK9Rxڅ.Gޡ@L*WتX24iLӥ'*1kz(\ B<ήB):E=D[- }swP&6Yһ*, u趨Xe'pl"vէ9t:3]3Ґ?+&;]n-b^6T<}W0~ #JZ]gB2҅& YkðoU5%>[V1{G)fXkStK(,m;YZDj}ɖ >u;߅:j/ !F"GƛxxjjoeG2$4vjgIRXV2H N5KD7u+392L=iyj;G^.W+f`CMLti9ڷ=|>P)fș $.5.%R5r0]0G Yu(8#{0z:EgO.9Ru? \[w[awָFeh* ; ']nQǢ$ARM Xʵk<_hzAZd$wpн Ti/7ES J`P f0 '7М^=p\$98]vQ NBli^|nl'z!+Ͼ! n$Ĕ]ɶ6=X fXe[XnDPT]n 5-fD4hb;:a^'T/#^OBdYy(*n T! 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