xguest-1.0.10-32.el7> H HtxHFSstv ?*}}{]LMO`es{"XVnHp 48dc71bf22b7d1feeac0804d70242688b62be7aa1AZ م&=FSstv ?*}}A"HU \ 7ĶOo<¥Z->C X>B?d   A >DK  ( @   $B`  w ()*+,-8 ,9,:,>@?HDPGXHpIXY\]^bUde flt,uDv\wxCxguest1.0.1032.el7Creates xguest user as a locked down userInstalling this package sets up the xguest user to be used as a temporary account to switch to or as a kiosk user account. The account is disabled unless SELinux is in enforcing mode. The user is only allowed to log in via graphical login program. The home and temporary directories of the user will be polyinstantiated and mounted on tmpfs.Sgdsl7-kojislave01.fnal.govTScientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPLv2+Scientific LinuxSystem Environment/Basehttp://people.fedoraproject.org/~dwalsh/xguest/linuxnoarchif [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then semanage user -a -S targeted -P xguest -R xguest_r xguest_u 2> /dev/null || : (useradd -c "Guest" -Z xguest_u -d /var/lib/xguest/home/xguest xguest || semanage login -a -S targeted -s xguest_u xguest || semanage login -m -S targeted -s xguest_u xguest) 2>/dev/null || exit 1 head -1 /dev/urandom | passwd xguest --stdin > /dev/null echo "xguest:exclusive" >> /etc/security/sepermit.conf semanage -S targeted -i - << _EOF boolean -m --on allow_polyinstantiation boolean -m --on xguest_connect_network boolean -m --on xguest_mount_media boolean -m --on xguest_use_bluetooth _EOF fiif [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then sed -i '/^xguest/d' /etc/security/sepermit.conf fi!FC A큤AASgdSgdGDGDSgdSgd96a668e9f63f9954ae3b1bad958675b53ef14b0de123bd3edeaca4eb9de819fbab15fd526bd8dd18a9e77ebc139656bf4d33e97fc7238cd11bf60e2b9b8666c6288a7f5bd11a06b1533d4f9e255f60213a228825e6800aa3280a33d25f4d57f4rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootxguest-1.0.10-32.el7.src.rpmxguest      /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shpampolicycoreutils-sandboxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)selinux-policy-targetedrpmlib(PayloadIsXz) -1 /dev/urandom | passwd xguest --stdin >/dev/null exit 0xguest1.0.10-31RkR$}R7RC@QB@QQ#@P@P @O@On@NU@N|tN7MMOMGM$]@LdKqN@K]K @J#JmJ@I@IIx_G@G@GPG8G@Gg@GfdGY5GY5GLGDG!GGGaF&@Daniel Mach - 1.0.10-32Dan Walsh - 1.0.10-32Dan Walsh - 1.0.10-31Dan Walsh - 1.0.10-30Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.10-29Dan Walsh - 1.0.10-28Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.10-7Dan Walsh - 1.0.10-26Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.10-5Dan Walsh - 1.0.10-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.10-3Dan Walsh - 1.0.10-2Dan Walsh - 1.0.10-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.9-6Dan Walsh - 1.0.9-5Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.9-4Dan Walsh - 1.0.9-3Dan Walsh - 1.0.9-2Dan Walsh - 1.0.9-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.8-3Dan Walsh - 1.0.8-2Dan Walsh - 1.0.8-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.7-7Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.7-6Dan Walsh - 1.0.7-5Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.7-3Dan Walsh - 1.0.7-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.6-8Dan Walsh - 1.0.6-7Dan Walsh - 1.0.6-6Dan Walsh - 1.0.6-5Florian La Roche - 1.0.6-4Dan Walsh - 1.0.6-3Dan Walsh - 1.0.6-2Dan Walsh - 1.0.6-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.5-2Dan Walsh - 1.0.5-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.4-2Dan Walsh - 1.0.4-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.3-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.2-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.1-2Dan Walsh - 1.0.1-1Dan Walsh - 1.0.0-1- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- remove excess noice from post install scripts- Fix to add random password on upgrade- Add random password so xguest will show up in gdm.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild- Remove sabayon support from xguest, no longer supported. - Remove /etc/skel directories- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild- Remove /etc/security/namespace.d from payload- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- Remove Requirement for gdm - Fix xguest entry in /etc/shadow so gdm lists it- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Change xguest homedir to be /var/lib/xguest/home/xguest- Make sure none of the gpk apps start on the desktop- Change location of xguest home dir to /var/lib/xguest/home- Add requires for selinux-policy-targeted- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- Fix boolean handling in the post install- Fix semanage boolean line to use -i -- Fix placement of xguest.zip file- Fix sabayon remove- Fix sabayon installation- Fix sabayon file- Switch to use policycoreutils-sandbox init script- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Changed to require policycoreutils-python- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Change xguest init script to have proper summary- Modify xguest to be able to be installed in a livecd- Require newer version of policy- Change gecos field to say "Guest"- Leave xguest_u assignment on preun and always set the user to xguest_u on install- fix post requires on pam- Add support for exclusive login for xguest- Remove lines from namespace.init on package removal- Remove xguest init.d script on uninstall - Fix description- Turn on the xguest booleans- Allow xguest to run nm-applet- Fix permissions on /etc/init.d/xguest- Add mount code to allow sharing of file system so hal and automount will work. - I have added an initscript to set the / as shared and /tmp, /var/tmp and /home/xguest as private- Remove exit lines - Add LICENSE- Cleanup spec file- Turn on allow_polyinstantiation boolean- Add sabayon support- Initial version/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh1.0.10-32.el7xguest.confxguest-1.0.10LICENSEREADMExguesthome/etc/security/namespace.d//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/xguest-1.0.10//var/lib//var/lib/xguest/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m32 -march=athlon -fasynchronous-unwind-tablescpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryPascal source, ASCII text?7zXZ !#,X ] b2u Q{J4Kf@|V5c6UPSCmJ^t+aTZvY <*K'ʀ~ F*B|Pd(LK m oFn*-&vn)_-GEű&}݆/c?2z4sWmԲp{lvQi]uU^y AL񪆾@zFA~=#jRdjJF0y̺q4O5!^;Vp5_iJz)P.D) Ɉ wlK!w7<ZÉf-~7(j(0Krm 5%ZԽٗ~q0KJBI Q5'}b 0 V8:h3?:BYYvXHk*cɼCK* k]Ƒ3O3JrmW D 5 8"=`*R]pbadxT^OLlĊDD˽8T/YG8\J5OvR]y%ŒIĵ˟<ȃrl0G%E&:/1 ˙ / 6ퟢ_]Pkxon@ y%2Qli`343PCKSBQB>)/Ӄ v9v+ahӼ0 #Ղ0]+:M` 1xdGT!έ :se?ȡŸ,̑_2B~Cyy%[k/LomvZCYL`}2NoTg}3x?aj ӒA"~e+AcSwڍTO %|9G'@jU.A9O<,'OkQMsqu'@Pm\j>6vθ:5衵y^͓Z؜1C2Vz[譚0NΆGp5>vM<>:U=;HNo_NFd,%2,pxx"+-t@>%̈~{Bre謅r $Ɵ j'viVIι/ ;tH{KDcPwcJ̺(/ԟ:mkdpeݥqf/ '? 4|tQ|*/&wc=Jx,U|vUDNam"z8;M2{MOL#QsC'-4Va!*0ުup^GVxbVN{grqJCk$n M yTd=X3) _ NUoM7+y a-4Y91Gw!?vp0gk:Tւ<&$ 3k2?1|qvM$M I(?V_Ti}:g<ʀ_$37 ZrY:[y֠AܠuA˰3"] ڝf:1R0A |/+K٘Qu6൨ˊ~UhAn`=/)-{C/jYPP^=rMrEcrx JtFҩlbH^Ob[cJ" =eD5Bjq_"f^0_n(!\CWdr  ;v6sY'vkAӝi Mfͩ9hPpD- &NԺ_ .}A1ܽ!vv@*峺5PL_AMT62 A?0oB{p@h0-)%kC|¨Z2+S~ QIg'[&mfL^FȺP4\jjBX;^4c@hŭ(0f{롨LӮ)US;Kj'ZE[i~ȠhĹ}6py dK_N" ĜTD uqEr#2w ru LDwXY%Niba-#L\8,z.T}[Y 2Ѫ6Z |$dj7$2<64=ķhIZө2iE-Zay巿ֆ;%E1tBgfCxR ŵk;[D&2q֤Y z eUvz2LaZBw2+ȹ2"r8c\QG3 ]4kfzٺśYFSkc^ϭ{K;/7LQ,lj;p.ӌ_𿀥-Cd8G J*?d\ôX09I'$ζE!p?lbF)iJM D^BbUE<]y3v bH& 0pZS ^2߼yN_@lh` AɷP:, 0@n)Ho@!yslP>6UpdҸ]dlT]8aR PMyDL=-+4V,!K|eh Lm6(W0:σ;)^ݫfv^Apмf*J2u&BMro @#x_M+\& U0S ڧcf 9V7k(] C2whQP0#Dfz7tJcsǗ@1$*wU׭=ASJ?Zp*˨]\CxUiuwX^4u=34K]ћ +d2ϼ8(n/J80$]V`؍NvHm8W@!@AxD -)wI()m[*rHϷ)cįTu`I۸R G<~.wXNd}BjkeE Nx>ZJHFXN['?!wuuϥ,ɋJEzU V]6v\ YkN,-=\v+eB hrK2I;J' -qv|n2TkPBANRG2otM_Ո K-wXTAtM4wj]xq 5 lSF|eFݍ^Ds:\va1S(ᢽ5 ǯwsH̯r"Kwiůytbr@,KxT!eʵ3 7AMc-ԇlBD_mG70ʓD%E()t3Hl'饷 D\rhogspZ 3QiϹ0Y: A@*7ɳ Ǣn;ı ^,)k$`y%&mn#0 K-(b9)[Tv9YF ȟ~SQabI?&d$ga[peT|#_ }[O,_M@Fg!n Myo3H4HySRL1ojkM^-½xMة@jD֚Jk!* 7JG-"A UU3n0LOBeى[3%Q,KeLt “p]oV%s׋6|Nژe))uIYaߐFWxb2-KXXo9Vvu҅:h}]=pD ߼u,oAQ7zV.?&AsFݔ ^AHX2 ԮlI/fքqJmV"F 2%xU'fKs ϓd R)gyVřP`'l3iE'J2Ȱ|3dԂH.lA-,|ޞSyQҡ(fMu-դU 8S[3&<Ǔk"=N#@9ʹCk!usoыM,]j<#~E\鱭+LJ*1Ǻct6?(i:'^ ,=fU2l!!J-C+VkL`łqA#D :[䭨 {HgThЁg80Z6׆_1^hf\%^A趿b"l@wKSN.Z>*HÍ2RD''Kp0iD'9-#dѤ@@ R|tBHV$;D^ ;SMB 7%Cim3az: _ziY$YUnY9ssyDQdyi"DgSɳ.Ȩ94)e jEW,&=RJ ;w±8XD*ls]7SDnZwg>OҊv: Xc:]$u3{@=hJ"3lЄuGI~E](H <ӡtfrυxiA 0ڥt[w[)GTr+1no;8$9cӽ?MvP 3dxѥjR~1K/L -QznyG bq԰WalmͯGCG:â棪7i9 ț {`X.# JFlv'/^t3];ute1w82F]T?U.Lk$ȄP a #=ym>Z*4%bs/dr[_\HORƙ7Y}uD(0G\US&=LpUczlqVɭr v;w͈. q%Y!q`HϧuCƔrӳ^Yю2w;\&lI(l ޺' +I%;X ㇖SŠqP)QEH"64D4Md@Bqs1T6eJYPƸ ?NP' x! fʪ^|?HWh.O$IJZP_@IQEU 6DJW>}Xьt} 8|Mk߻c ^d(h4_!Qy:p "w #ƈ`ۨH`ѼqMΑ&9KZɗJʨQ AGA%Oɨc!Ιj>wr#rD3xB#)B'DOko¼!oyWh`E*~vLj>@tyNCc!V#6\uD+*T!H+R13N$GZWuh j1 R$P'[HtMNd2j>X|]k#ղߘY `RX]O0SI?AHp bWRcSە~#b/`P#W>@z:|nfu@Pb+U[q^R_!Ӯ4sfobYGMi8yClOqwF`H^4M떄ʀs1Y3 [nHț,m`U.CF${a8nl.ܱ6n 6rQ^Dz8}*Dj0xc]LfO!*FmaEV bOLzeCFe3ʈO!Np_n&zT׻gXzxN4yr8^kg.Df bx=U$'LH%|"WŹ̷8)WU],,k;bv1|D"x*o.b Qrbђ¨U7KQNx+ uCb"JkOb;Bݑ5fysp;YDV1cb# Nz)]mcKZSŰ0z: n퐗b)8ɼO9:' tw* j)(dԅ*:v K ̳J[%:\]Ia D9{ ܥ6fY!?[lhjō>ݟYFѼk&~n!uu,$/]cvB''s>c .g}S5@*̀hO)&,YrDU|cUt Qd{GC~؆QPNA$  YZ