plymouth-theme-spinner-0.8.9-0.32.20140113.sl7> H HtxHF]L3 ?*}}3&cOEb搎*3ѫ>)50("514b5cd073e1342ae854556d9c1d19a60aff45fd>f Rgؚ%-\;F]L3 ?*}}6bY( ^Uf'd-Lr=@JnߗԸ>8X?Hd 1 J *\bl6D6 6 6 6 j6 6x666u(890:FG6H6Ix6XY\6]6^bdeflt6u6v\w6xl6DCplymouth-theme-spinner0. "Spinner" themeThis package contains the "spinner" boot splash theme for Plymouth. It features a small spinner on a dark background.]JGsl7.fnal.govScientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPLv2+Scientific LinuxSystem Environment/Base oI9&m0]+Sfoh? A큤]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]JD]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-0.8.9-0.32.20140113.sl7.src.rpmplymouth-theme-spinnerplymouth-theme-spinner(x86-64)    plymouth-plugin-two-stepplymouth-scriptsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)0.8.9-0.32.20140113.sl73.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.3]Ik\@ZS]@Z@Z@YR@X @Wv[@WEV*!@V@VUU@UnU(U(U(UUy@T7@T7@T5'@Sc@SnRRy@R'RRUR@RRx@R@RRRkR@R|@Rj]@Rj]@Qg@QQQC @Q& @P@P@PPd@P{@P3x@P3x@P

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Instead, remember what mode the admin set it to. Related: #916704 - Don't unlink boot.log before opening it. Related: #916704- Don't truncate boot.log. Rely on logrotate.d to carve it up. Resolves: #916704- Fix color of text progress bar Related: #1167735 - Fix escape key during media check of live image Resolves: #1167735- Read OS string from PRETTY_NAME instead of REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT again, this time munging it to get rid of parts we want to hide. Related: #911553 Resolves: #1306543- Fix text plugins in the same way we fixed pixel plugins Related: #1260705 Resolves: #1265646- Fix details plugin race Related: #1260705 Resolves: 1265646- Fix password prompt on some machines Resolves: #1260705- Fix crash on minimal install Related: #1159160- Fix crash on s390 Resolves: 1250171 Related: #1244858- Fix infinite loop at shutdown Related: #1244858 Resolves: 1243793- Don't instantiate drm renderer twice on some boots Related: #1097174 1244858- Fix up last commit to ensure serial consoles force details mode Related: #1097174 1244858- Ensure graphical special gets terminal even if drm driver isn't boot_vga (more fixes for hyper-v) Related: #1097174 1244858- Ship label plugin in initrd Resolves: #801932 - Backport udev queue detection fix which may help missing password prompt on hyper-v Related: #1097174 1244858- Fix hidden cursor after boot up on hyper-v Resolves: #1097174- Resize /proc/cmdline buffer to quash coverity message Related: #1085094- Fix init=/bin/sh with encrypted root fs Resolves: #1098332- Add requires to appease rpmdiff Resolves: #1085094- more serial console fixes Resolves: #1058049- Ignore early fb devices Resolves: #1063758 Resolves: #1064235 Resolves: #1066641 - Ignore udev if using lone serial console Resolves: #1058049 - Fix password at start up race Resolves: #1070707 Resolves: #1073145- Enable position-independent code Resolves: #1063953- Release terminal on hide-splash Resolves: #1062334- Fix race causing assertion failure at startup Resolves: #1061186- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Make booting without "rhgb" work Resolves: #1050876- Read OS string from REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT instead of PRETTY_NAME in /etc/os-release to work around a lorax bug. Resolves: #911553 - Fix text splash when explicitly configured by user Related: #911553 Related: #1026571- Remove artificial 5 second delay for asking for password Related: #1043689- Update to more compliant versioning scheme Resolves: #1053769- more udev fixes Related: #1026571 Related: #1043689- Fix plymouth-set-default-theme -R Resolves: #1045514- Update to latest snapshot - Fixes ask-for-password feature Resolves: #1043689 - Drops bogus delay when hitting escape Resolves: #1049379- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Update to latest snapshot, but revert text splash back to tribar - Fixes systemd unit files and lets us drop our upstreamed patches Resolves: #1040015 - Uses udev for device enumeration Resolves: #1026571 - Correct "charge" theme description- Fix unlock screen Related: #1002219 Resolves: #1027263- Add features to facilitate new charge design Related: #1002219- Drop old compat goo - Add improved man pages Resolves: #948892- Colors Related: #796861- Update to snapshot to fix systemd vconsole issue- drm: use dirty fb ioctl to allow plymouth work on qxl- Merge newer F18 release into rawhide- Ensure fedup gets right splash screen Related: #879295- Drop set-default-plugin compat script - Just use upstream update-initrd- More boot blocking fixes Related: #870695- Fix crash when deactivating multiple times Related: #870695- Latest upstream release - includes systemd fixes and system update fixes- Latest upstream release - includes systemd fixes- fix plymouth race at bootup breaking efi/vesa handoff. - fix version number - its against fedora package policy to have 0.year- One more crack at #830482 (will probably need additional fixes tomorrow)- fix bz704658 (thanks to Ian Pilcher for the patch), resolves issue where spinfinity theme never goes idle and thus, never exits to gdm- Rebuilt for Update to since I mucked up 0.8.6 Resolves: #830482- Update to 0.8.6 - Fixes encrypted fs bug Resolves: #830482 - Adds support for offline package updates- Rebuild without libkms- Add /usr to systemd service path- Update to latest release - Ship systemd service files - Conflict with old systemd- Disable the nouveau driver as I've broken it with the new libdrm ABI- Don't try to build against libdrm_intel on non-intel architectures- Update to latest snapshot- Don't require libdrm_intel on non intel arches- make plymouth-scripts require plymouth (RH #794894)- install everything in /usr Rebuilt for Change spec based on suggestion from Nicolas Chauvet to fix scriptlet error during livecd creation Resolves: #666419- Rebuild for libpng 1.5- Make plymouth background dark gray at the request of Mo / design team.- Update to latest git snapshot - Reintroduce accidentally dropped spinner theme and systemd integration- Rebuild- retry reopening tty if we get EIO Hopefully Resolves: #681167- unlock tty when reopening in case it spontaenously goes bonkers and we need to fix it up Resolves: #655538- Fix up obsoletes typo- Update to latest snapshot- Rebuilt for Drop log viewer- Dir ownership fixes (#645044).- Fix serial console issue eparis was seeing- Update to recent snapshot- Update to recent snapshot- Add more Requirse- Add more Requires- Fix plymouth-update-initrd It's regressed to the pre-dracut version. This commit fixes that.- Update to newer pre-release snapshot of 0.8.4 - Generate separate initrd in /boot- Update to newer pre-release snapshot of 0.8.4 - Fix bizarre-o animation during boot up.- Update to pre-release snapshot of 0.8.4- Don't link plymouthd against libpng either- Make it possible to do a basic plymouth installations without libpng- Drop nash dep- rebuild for API bump in libdrm- Update to latest snapshot- Add new x11-renderer plugin from Charlie Brej for debugging- Fix escape and ask-for-password- Add prerelease of 0.8.0 for multihead support- Go back to blue charge background (bug 522460)- Remove duplicate Provides: plymouth(system-theme)- Fix set_verbose error reported by yaneti.- Look for inst() in dracut as well as mkinitrd bash source file - Drop plymouth initrd for now.- Create plymouth supplementary initrd in post (bug 515589)- Get plugin path from plymouth instead of trying to guess. Should fix bug 502667- Update to 0.7.1- Set charge bgcolor to black. (#519052)- Update to 0.7.0- Rebuilt for Fix spinfinity theme to point to the right image directory (bug 500994)- Update to new snapshot that renames plugins to fix upgrades somewhat (bug 499940)- Add some fixes for shutdown- Don't slow down progress updating at the end of boot- Change colors to transition better to gdm- Make "charge" theme require two-step plugin instead of solar (oops)- Update to "plugin-rework" branch from git- Drop the version on system-logos requires for now, causing hell with other -logos providers not having the same version.- Destroy terminal on detach (may help with bug 490965)- Address one more issue with password handling. It wasn't working well for secondary devices when using the "details" plugin.- Attempt to address some problems with password handling in the 0.7.0 snapshots- Fix set default script- more scriptlet changes to move from solar to spinfinity- Updated to development snapshot - Guess progress better on second boot of persistent live images - Drop upstream patches - swap "solar" and "spinfinity" scriptlet behavior- Add fix-heap-corruptor patch from master. Problem spotted by Mr. McCann.- Add patch from drop-nash branch for jeremy- Update to 0.6.0- Strip %name from %summary- don't give error about missing - rework packaging of boot-duration to prevent .rpmnew droppings (bug 469752)- Don't tell gdm to transition unless booting into runlevel 3 (bug 471785)- Crawl progress bar if boot is way off course (Charlie, bug 471089)- Don't loop forever when tty returns NUL byte (bug 471498)- Generate solar background dynamically to reduce ondisk size, and look better at various resolutions (Charlie, bug 471227)- Move Obsoletes: plymouth-text-and-details-only to base package so people who had it installed don't end up solar on upgrade- Redo packaging to work better with minimal installs (bug 471314)- Fix plymouth-set-default-plugin to allow external $LIB- Fix star image (Charlie, bug 471113)- Improve solar flares (Charlie) - redirect tty again on --show-splash - ignore subsequent --hide-splash calls after the first one - turn off kernel printks during boot up- Disconnect from tty when init=/bin/bash (bug 471007)- Force the right arch when calling plymouth-set-default-plugin (bug 470732)- Drop comet (bug 468705) - make boot-duration config(noreplace)- Don't abort if no splash when root is mounted - Actually move patches upstream- Fix feedback loop with plymouth:debug - Move patches upstream - Improve comet animation- Fix up more-debug patch to not assert with plymouth:nolog (bug 470569)- add some more debug spew to help debug a problem jlaska is having- show details plugin on --hide-splash so people can see why the splash got hidden.- Don't exit on plymouth --show-splash after sulogin - Properly retake console after that --show-splash- reset colors on quit --retain-splash - fix off by one in damage calculation for label- Add a sample boot-duration for livecds and first time boots (bug 469752)- Allow pre-setting the default plugin when calling plymouth-populate-initrd- Add pango minimum version to buildrequires- Update prompt text colors to be legible on new artwork- Drop upstreamed patches - Patch from Charlie to update artwork - Patch from Charlie to make password screen match animation better (bug 468899)- Fix escape at password prompt (bug 467533)- Don't require /bin/plymouth before it's installed (bug 468925)- Force raw mode for keyboard input with solar and fade-in (bug 468880) - make sure windows get closed on exit- Make "Solar" lock icon the same as the "Spinfinity" one.- Make plymouth-libs own /usr/lib/plymouth (bug 458071)- Default to "Solar" instead of "Spinfinity"- Don't set plymouth default plugin to text in %post- Add Charlie patch to dither in lower color modes (bug 468276)- More requires changing to avoid loops (#467356)- Add updated progress bar for solar plugin from Charlie - Log plymouth:debug output to boot log - Ignore sigpipe signals in daemon- Bump so name of libply to hopefully force plymouth to get installed before kernel (or at least make plymouth-libs and plymouth get installed on the same side of kernel in the transaction).- Add patch from Charlie to align progress bar to milestones during boot up - force tty to be sane on exit (bug 467207)- add empty files section for text-and-details-only so the subpackage shows up.- add text-and-details-only subpackage so davej can uninstall spinfinity, pango, cairo etc from his router.- Minor event loop changes - drop upstream patches - Charlie Brej fix for progress bar resetting when escape gets pressed- Don't make plymouth-libs require plymouth (more fun with 467356)- Add initscripts requires (bug 461322)- Put tty1 back in "cooked" mode when going into runlevel 3 (bug 467207)- Clear screen in details plugin when it's done - Make plymouth-update-initrd a small wrapper around mkinitrd instead of the broken monstrosity it was before.- Move plymouth-set-default-plugin, plymouth-update-initrd, and plymouth-populate-initrd to plymouth-scripts subpackage (the last fix didn't actually help with bug 467356)- Move plymouth-set-default-plugin to -libs (might help with bug 467356) - Fix up requires, provides and postun scripts- Don't free windows on --hide-splash (fix from Jeremy)- Solar fixes from Charlie Brej - Better cpu usage from Charlie- Add Requires(post): nash (bug 466500)- Rework how "console=" args done again, to hopefully fix bug 460565- Add "Solar" plugin from Charles Brej - Move things around so computers with separate /usr boot (hopefully this won't break things, but it probably will) - Make GDM show up on vt1 for all plugins- Remove mkinitrd requires to break the dep loop and ensure things get installed in the right order- Add new snapshot to fold in Will Woods progress bar, and move ajax's splash upstream, putting the old text splash in a "pulser" subpackage- Last snapshot was broken- Update to latest snapshot to get better transition support- Turn on gdm trigger for transition- add quit command with --retain-splash option to client- Fix text rendering for certain machines- More serial console fixes (bug 460565 again)- make the text plugin use the system release info rather than a hardcoded 'Fedora 10'- Try to support multiple serial consoles better (bug 460565)- Fix some confusion with password handling in details plugin- Fix another crasher for users with encrypted disks (this time in the text plugin, not the client)- Update to latest snapshot - Add the ability to show text prompts in graphical plugin - Fix crasher for users with encrypted disks- Update to latest snapshot- Update previous patch to remove some assertions- add a patch that may help serial console users- add spool directory to file list- Make plymouth-gdm-hooks require plymouth-utils- Add a boot failure viewer to login screen (written by Matthias)- plymouth-0.5.0-textbar-hotness.patch: Change the text plugin to a slightly more traditional progress bar, to maintain the illusion of progress better than the eternally oscillating cylon. Note: still incomplete.- Don't require a modifiable text color map (may fix serial consoles)- Update to new snapshot which when combined with a new mkinitrd should make unlocking encrypted root partitions work again- Update to new snapshot which fixes some assertion failures in the client code- Add Requires(post): plymouth to plugins so they get plymouth-set-default-plugin (bug 458071)- Add plymouth dirs to file list (bug 457871)- new plymout-populate-initrd features don't work with the set -e at the top of it.- Update to another snapshot to actually get new plymouth-populate-initrd features- Update to snapshot to get new plymouth-populate-initrd features - Make removing rhgb use details plugin instead of exiting- Make it a mkinitrd requires instead of a nash requires (that will still pull in nash, but we need mkinitrd for newer plymouth-populate-initrd)- Add nash requires- Use a new heuristic for finding libdir, since the old one falls over on ia64- add ctrl-r to rotate text color palette back to stock values- Fix populate script on ppc (bug 454353)- Pull in spinfinity by default. This whole "figure out which plugin to use" set of scripts and scriptlets needs work. We need to separate distro default from user choice.- Add new client "ask-for-password" command which feeds the user input to a program instead of standard output, and loops when the program returns non-zero exit status.- Update to version 0.4.5 - Make text plugin blue and less 80s- Make "Password: " show up correctly in text plugin- Require elfutils (bug 452797)- Make plymouth-set-default-plugin --reset choose the latest installed plugin, not the earliest- Update to version 0.4.0 - Only run if rhgb is on kernel command line - Make text plugin more animated- dont go back to text mode on exit- Update to version 0.3.2 - show gradient in spinfinity plugin - Drop fade out in spinfinity plugin - fix throbber placement - rename to scriplet should be preun, not postun- Fix postun scriptlet- Update to version 0.3.1 - Don't ship generated initrd scripts in tarball- Update to version 0.3.0 - Better plugin handling - Better integration with mkinitrd (pending mkinitrd changes) - random bug fixes- Update to version 0.2.0 - Integrate more tightly with nash (pending nash changes) - ship libs for out of tree splash plugins - gradient support - random bug fixes- Initial import, version 0.1.0  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234560.8.9-0.32.20140113.sl70.8.9-0.32.20140113.sl7spinneranimation-0001.pnganimation-0002.pnganimation-0003.pnganimation-0004.pnganimation-0005.pnganimation-0006.pnganimation-0007.pnganimation-0008.pnganimation-0009.pnganimation-0010.pnganimation-0011.pnganimation-0012.pnganimation-0013.pnganimation-0014.pnganimation-0015.pnganimation-0016.pnganimation-0017.pnganimation-0018.pnganimation-0019.pnganimation-0020.pnganimation-0021.pnganimation-0022.pnganimation-0023.pnganimation-0024.pnganimation-0025.pnganimation-0026.pnganimation-0027.pnganimation-0028.pnganimation-0029.pnganimation-0030.pnganimation-0031.pnganimation-0032.pnganimation-0033.pnganimation-0034.pnganimation-0035.pnganimation-0036.pngbox.pngbullet.pngentry.pnglock.pngspinner.plymouththrobber-0001.pngthrobber-0002.pngthrobber-0003.pngthrobber-0004.pngthrobber-0005.pngthrobber-0006.pngthrobber-0007.pngthrobber-0008.pngthrobber-0009.pngthrobber-0010.pngthrobber-0011.pngthrobber-0012.png/usr/share/plymouth/themes//usr/share/plymouth/themes/spinner/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz9x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 290 x 78, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 8 x 8, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 200 x 30, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 41 x 44, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedASCII text?7zXZ !XԷm] crt:bLL'?;_.(# :pmB63%|HTys" N}uX/:hk"қmH"rbu\#_([LmW&w2Ujp*9sVc_>q#@m<&g@q^0!?)?d+EVORϬvWvPP%>WbQ5{e?1H#_7ʦhO,{[eBϚB|6,Bs@ Tb(@<JP?鐰kaoCjRe@<j{'YAĸWx}y\(JٷxhxM{@0M1\]i) ذ وWi`cNVb/OUFC}@^96 :urN4Z7nz6mH0G&g V8 {{=+ޮ /8<6/25XӺgk.͛rH,Yۄ] Ѿ\ %Sej]賖NU !/4jj[nDN*KdQnʬ0mUQ!x0oKG9:z@ ݢHI2wK"媅[PF1w8eF(lCXLDya)8VLgH]Z`Ƅ}E C̐B YmM~`A.QU bx{\׶Hjx\<"#O?x*nV'o7m<5ph@ꕚݩ7" =_-HA{Mr y%7CnB|ҏs4 (l .|eih1"hYni2zO^uJ?_( V=<#n@jdvR=W)LDt]e^_3 Mt͍\X!U5.z0#D!K?{QOѸfXPîV܇>\7w$y=ut䬛)(T$\,~}{@McZT iָ=mAΰv}$\kQd-A]}u>I3M<#]\Ӛgֈ$PhWSc֩sb*SX=&LBphD2\=UPuP9{6Qv r6[Y!7^[(|(${կy-j:>L15 ɷ3u_J"':#*'Gd'aiY(Xv,.Q6h# |ϳ p `nHҒܷylk>x!bJ+ +ȤM C92OL>0b0邊̬PqtbM!5=77 # DbM,NcV5Ge!|ax\JtnKwg< .b?yӰ﷮z˝,>Zv܋?l`3X67qϾKr?(TN7lY8Z*z?@%[/.VW6E$טnN+8T ,dX_a6VZ4oQ^ԿDqIH쬒 )xӓ.N-Gܹo0ܧ}9n7HsA:Mo@žxj檋w>HGgX-؁pnK`lIưyaejFH^d_f5>D07_k]3Jpg1h!ȅ;L7iʿU æI$+r$kj/G*-sl;j3`+(\E'gGa*~L'QiqH[I g4S֫?̃h-$: !$(fXDX oum|}m;P>JQOreٵr5/6ڸ?M$[Vs(q;.KhXOU%1bIRkcltAdڃWB{&(~Z;1lnTWkJWPKFVγWA#G"6aD XTF#y%I4'"u_}vi.0>]xK|r5Uta,V\g +.uQl6 `f- Yݻ"`=g<4zՈSz,`}g9[73, ]|/CMݤGڨf_YFu Tg'EC@9~z=mѷH%  LX-_sy5#A-| :zMs-om"W8m8MD:Wi q "Ij(T{Zޛ-CedC <8cC>yn㸵N*o>m6S1뒦1["X/vrgaCcZԱT0[+XfGHVu5=QqG9>z%=mn%4𦙷[Ќwk]?4ĐXXi0&ysh{oL˄鉬)szh1uQ0< EmWJ ̕~a$ Պ6|0_s-G+8ʰV1^8Үr' `gn/E]ʠSȈs-r(NB޼I\qU˧(+id8kVݏ 'q̼W|YOO(fU2+7=5Y/CݘkA 0u@~f)Z֝b 72-ܢeK&" "8cxJ`[|'3d}۪t(u$yܤ7l;nVQ%Y-H,N.bMӝw2h]M&npG=G>F+Z w$A(`ψ )Ԩphg@c8DG ETpC9lg򆈺k|s9SrT <.`?Jj 9U'WcS~q1tMy2:~.)k/\V)eż*.@:wX4Z,ka^_m.=pi}55%xVN|1'D*U߄#>kZ3}>R "dRqߞ3D(FJ, w2FJj}C&1 ?C)$طCYx#WXX`daT.`QL 'D7% +͈v]cWYӂthxqDRX& Aj52.OAKu]_Irw6a@ -*~HO,\mQ=/i ^svm3i4]EXpGu.%ol6P6ƒ" )<*$P\I**.tEl{1O%؇kqjhf8x񆨦~N#5L]#*1VzOo; 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