rh-ruby23-ruby-devel-2.3.0-60.el7> H HtxHFWVl ?*}}$i@n3]Íޘ|_+, WʁKn&G9k452c155b6bb3add2f767685e13b9ea096c21cd74Z^I8=A)LFWVl ?*}}1-@&RՏʨUH䁲-p~QO7]1.>9P?@d $ C+ <Rhnx% % V% % 4%  %  % d% %  % ,  (:8D(9(:I(G%Ht%I%X0YD\t%]%^`bd5e:f=l?tX%u%vw%x|%yK<Crh-ruby23-ruby-devel2.3.060.el7A Ruby development environmentHeader files and libraries for building an extension library for the Ruby or an application embedding Ruby.WPYsl7.fnal.govKScientific LinuxScientific Linux(Ruby or BSD) and Public Domain and MIT and CC0 and zlib and UCDScientific LinuxDevelopment/Languageshttp://ruby-lang.org/linuxx86_64dN*VESYv5 DiF @FdA큤A큤A큤WP;WP;OWP6V"V"V"V"V#1WPWP;RTV\lWP3UsV{:UV^6UiT|Q^WPUNVQ^SsKV\HT8Q^WP5WP;WPQ~LqNcmOaUї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.so.2.3.0rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrh-ruby23-ruby-2.3.0-60.el7.src.rpmconfig(rh-ruby23-ruby-devel)pkgconfig(ruby)rh-ruby23-ruby-develrh-ruby23-ruby-devel(x86-64)scl-package(rh-ruby23)@@@    /usr/bin/pkg-configconfig(rh-ruby23-ruby-devel)libruby.so.2.3()(64bit)rh-ruby23-ruby(x86-64)rh-ruby23-runtimerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)2.3.0-60.el72.3.0-60.el73.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.1W4V@VVVŲ@V`VV@VVV^Vy;@VwVii@UU@UJ@UUx&UG_@U-@U-@U TTs@T[@T Tи@T TT@TMTmTSySSh@SP@S|@S{CShSW@SCSnR@Rx@RTQQ@Qޞ@QcQQQo@QQq1QLGQJ@Q9Q5@Q+R@Q+R@Q+R@Q']Q']Q@PP9@P@P!@P@P@PAPAPyWPmz@PH@P*=P@P OOOĺ@OOOO@ON@OB5O%4O!@@O@ObO@OOn@On@NV@Nm@N@NN!}@N@NMM_MRM hM.@LҠ@LrbLV@LMxL;L3L#HL!@L!@L LT@Lk@KK/KKFKK,Ka|@K`*KTM@KMK@JJ=J@Jս@Jս@J#JhPJ<@J"q@I@I@I?@IIHHHuHj@HhHb3@H`G9GGG@GZ@G~Gt@GkGUA@G(n@G%@GV@G FvFS@F@FyF XE5@EѨ@E@E}H@EAEE@DD+@Dp@D@DD@DDk@DF&@DC@C@CC:@CC,C@CqCs6@CgXCf@CBnCA@C7C1K@B@BiBU B@B6@A4A@A@AAT@AA0Ac@@p@@Dw@@,@@ ?@?r?/@?@?@?l@?l@>@>C>.>.>-6@>%M@>%M@=@=@===ki=6=.=$8=@=r@<@<<<<|@<_@<_@Vít Ondruch - 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Fix ruby lib path in macros.ruby.rh-ruby23 - Resolves: rhbz#1255753 - Manually set UTC timezone for tests- Don't prefix bundling provides. - Don't enable collections for build. - Optimize operating_system.rb a bit.- Fix default_dir and default_bindir- Fix dependent scls's paths- Fix macros.ruby and macros.rubygems- Add scl macros- Add rubypick and rubygems requires to ruby-devel to deal with BuildRequires- Backport trunk@53455 to make ruby-qt build- Explicitly require RDoc, since weak dependencies are ignored by default.- Load RubyGems prior ABRT hook to properly rescue RubyGems exceptions.- Upgrade to Ruby 2.3.0. - Move gemified net-telnet into subpackage. - Add did_you_mean subpackage. - Add virtual provides for CCAN copylibs. - Use weak dependencies.- Add systemtap tests.- Update to Ruby 2.2.4.- Fix ABRT hook autoloading.- Add support for MIPS architecture to config.h- Update to Ruby 2.2.3.- Fix for "dh key too small" error of OpenSSL 1.0.2+.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild- Fix the git BR following the git package split.- Fix upgrade path (rubygem-io-console's version was recently bumped in F21 and makes the higher release to win).- Bump release because of gems- Update to Ruby 2.2.2- Fix libruby.so versions in SystemTap scripts (rhbz#1202232).- Update to Ruby 2.2.1.- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Harden_all_packages_with_position-independent_code- Fix directory ownership.- Initialize all load paths in operating_system.rb.- Make operating_system.rb more robust. - Add RubyGems stub headers for bundled gems.- Add missing rubygem-test-unit dependency on rubygem-power_assert.- Bump release to avoid EVR issue on rubygem-test-unit- Upgrade to Ruby 2.2.0. - Explicitly list RubyGems directories to avoid accidentaly packaged content. - Split test-unit and power_assert gems into separate sub-packages. - Drop libdb dependency in favor of gdbm.- Disbable sse2 on i668 (bug #1101811)- Update to Ruby 2.1.5.- Update to Ruby 2.1.4. - Include only vendor directories, not their content (rhbz#1114071). - Fix "invalid regex" warning for non-rubygem packages (rhbz#1154067). - Use load macro introduced in RPM 4.12.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Fix FTBFS - Specify tcl/tk 8.6 - Add upstream patch to build with libffi 3.1- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/f21tcl86- Update to Ruby 2.1.2- Remove useless exclude (rhbz#1065897). - Extract load macro into external file and include it. - Kill bundled certificates.- Correctly expand $(prefix) in some Makefiles, e.g. eruby.- Update to Ruby 2.1.1. - Revert regression of Hash#reject.- Add RPM dependency generators for RubyGems.- Don't link cert.pem explicitely- Don't generate documentation on unexpected places. - Detect if rubygems are running under rpmbuild and install gem binary extensions into appropriate place. - Add support for ppc64le arch (rhbz#1053263). - Re-enable some test cases, which are passing now with Kernel 3.12.8+. - Backport fix for floating point issues on i686.- Upgrade to Ruby 2.1.0. - Move RPM macros into /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d directory. - Allow MD5 in OpenSSL for tests.- Move Psych symlinks to vendor dir, to prevent F18 -> F19 upgrade issues (rhbz#988490).- Add forgotten psych.rb link into rubygem-psych to fix "private method `load' called for Psych:Moduler" error (rhbz#979133).- Fixes multilib conlicts of .gemspec files. - Make symlinks for psych gem to ruby stdlib dirs (rhbz#979133). - Use system-wide cert.pem.- Fix RubyGems search paths when building gems with native extension (rhbz#979133).- Fix RubyGems version.- Better support for build without configuration (rhbz#977941).- Update to Ruby 2.0.0-p247 (rhbz#979605). - Fix CVE-2013-4073. - Fix for wrong makefiles created by mkmf (rhbz#921650). - Add support for ABRT autoloading.- Update to Ruby 2.0.0-p195 (rhbz#917374). - Fix object taint bypassing in DL and Fiddle (CVE-2013-2065). - Fix build against OpenSSL with enabled ECC curves. - Add aarch64 support (rhbz#926463).- Macro definition moved into macros.ruby and macros.rubygems files. - Added filtering macros. - Filter automatically generated provides of private libraries (rhbz#947408).- Fix RbConfig::CONFIG['exec_prefix'] returns empty string (rhbz#924851).- Make Ruby buildable without rubypick. - Prevent random test failures.- Don't mark rpm config file as %config (fpc#259)- Avoid "method redefined;" warnings due to modified operating_system.rb. - Fix strange paths created during build of binary gems.- Prevent squash of %gem_install with following line.- Update to Ruby 2.0.0-p0. - Change %{ruby_extdir} to %{ruby_extdir_mri} in preparation for better JRuby support.- Move test-unit.gemspec to -libs subpackage for now because rubygems 2.0.0 does not create this- Fix issues with wrong value of Rubygem's shebang introduced in r39267.- Upgrade to Ruby 2.0.0 (r39387). - Introduce %gem_install macro. - Build against libdb instead of libdb4 (rhbz#894022). - Move native extensions from exts to ruby directory. - Enable most of the PPC test suite. - Change ruby(abi) -> ruby(release). - Rename ruby executable to ruby-mri, to be prepared for RubyPick. - Add ruby(runtime_executable) virtual provide, which is later used by RubyPick. - RDoc now depends on JSON. - Try to make -doc subpackage noarch again, since the new RDoc should resolve the arch dependent issues (https://github.com/rdoc/rdoc/issues/71). - Enable SystemTap support. - Add TapSet for Ruby. - Split Psych into rubygem-psych subpackage.- Update to 1.9.3 p385- Update to 1.9.3 p374 - Fix provided variables in pkgconfig (bug 789532: Vít Ondruch )- Provide non-versioned pkgconfig file (bug 789532) - Use db5 on F-19 (bug 894022)- Backport fix for the upstream PR7629, save the proc made from the given block (bug 895173)- Update to Skipping test_parse.rb (fails on ARM at line 787) - http://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/6899- Skip test_str_crypt (on rawhide) for now (upstream bug 7312)- Ignore some network related tests- Update to - Fix Hash-flooding DoS vulnerability on MurmurHash function (CVE-2012-5371)- Update to 1.9.3 p286 - Don't create files when NUL-containing path name is passed (bug 865940, CVE-2012-4522)- Patch from trunk for CVE-2012-4464, CVE-2012-4466- Split documentation into -doc subpackage (rhbz#854418).- Revert the dependency of ruby-libs on rubygems (rhbz#845011, rhbz#847482).- ruby-libs must require rubygems (rhbz#845011).- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- Make the bigdecimal gem a runtime dependency of Ruby.- Make symlinks for bigdecimal and io-console gems to ruby stdlib dirs (RHBZ 829209).- Fix license to contain Public Domain. - macros.ruby now contains unexpanded macros.- Bump release- Update to Ruby 1.9.3-p194.- disable check on ppc(64), RH bugzilla 803698- Temporarily disable make check on ARM until it's fixed upstream. Tracked in RHBZ 789410- Upgrade to Ruby 1.9.3-p125.- Make mkmf.rb verbose by default- Relax dependencies to allow external updates of bundled gems.- Initial release of Ruby 1.9.3. - Add rubygems dependency on io-console for user interactions. - Gems license clarification.- Bundled gems moved into dedicated directories and subpackages. - Create and own RubyGems directories for binary extensions. - Fix build with GCC 4.7.- Fix RHEL build. - Fixed directory ownership. - Verose build output.- Install RubyGems outside of Ruby directory structure. - RubyGems has not its own -devel subpackage. - Enhanced macros.ruby and macros.rubygems. - All tests are green now (bkabrda).- Initial package- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 1.8.7p357 - Randomize hash on process startup (CVE-2011-4815, bug 750564)- dont normalise arm cpus to arm - there is something weird about how ruby choses where to put bits- F-17: kill gdbm support for now due to licensing compatibility issue- F-17: rebuild against new gdbm- Update to 1.8.7 p352 - CVE-2011-2686 is fixed in this version (bug 722415) - Update ext/tk to the latest git - Remove duplicate path entry (bug 718695)- Once fix FTBFS (bug 716021)- normalise arm cpus to arm- Own %{_normalized_cpu}-%{_target_os} directory (bug 708816)- Update to 1.8.7 p334- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- nomalise the 32 bit sparc archs to sparc- Update to 1.8.7 p330 - ext/tk updated to the newest header- Avoid multilib conflict on -libs subpackage (bug 649174)- Update to - CVE-2010-0541 (bug 587731) is fixed in this version - Update ext/tk to the latest head- More cleanup of spec file, expecially for rpmlint issue - build ri files in %build- Cleanup spec file - Make -irb, -rdoc subpackage noarch - Make dependencies between arch-dependent subpackages isa specific - Improve sample documentation gathering- updated packaged based on feedback (from mtasaka) - added comments to all patches / sources - obsoleted ruby-mode, as it's now provided by the emacs package itself - readded missing documentation - various small compatability/regression fixes- readded bits to pull tk package from upstream source branch - removed unecessary .tk.old dir - renamed macros which may cause confusion, removed unused ones- integrate more of jmeyering's and mtaska's feedback - removed emacs bits that are now shipped with the emacs package - various patch and spec cleanup - rebased to ruby 1.8.7 patch 299, removed patches no longer needed: ruby-1.8.7-openssl-1.0.patch, ruby-1.8.7-rb_gc_guard_ptr-optimization.patch- Various fixes- Fixed incorrect paths in 1.8.7 rpm- Integrated Jim Meyering's feedback and changes in to: - remove trailing blanks - placate rpmlint - ruby_* definitions: do not use trailing slashes in directory names - _normalized_cpu: simplify definition- Integrate mtasaka's feedback and changes - patch101 ruby_1_8_7-rb_gc_guard_ptr-optimization.patch- Initial Ruby 1.8.7 specfile- Retry for bug 559158, Simplify the OpenSSL::Digest class pull more change commits from ruby_1_8 branch- Patch36 (ruby-1.8.x-RHASH_SIZE-rb_hash_lookup-def.patch) also backport rb_hash_lookup definition (bug 592936)- ruby-1.8.x-null-class-must-be-Qnil.patch (bug 530407) - Recreate some patches using upstream svn when available, and add some comments for patches- tcltk: Give up using potentially unmaintained ruby_1_8_6 branch and instead completely replace with ruby_1_8 branch head (at this time, using rev 27738) (seems to fix 560053, 590503) - Fix Japanese encoding strings under ruby-tcltk/ext/tk/sample/- Update to 1.8.6 p 399 (bug 579675) - Patch to fix gc bug causing open4 crash (bug 580993)- F-14: rebuild against new gdbm- Once revert the previous change (patch34)- Backport openssl/digest functions providing digest and hexdigest functions directly in OpenSSL::Digest.methods - Make sure that Red Hat people version their changelog entries - This is actually release #1, but now needs to be release #7- Add conditional for RHEL.- CVE-2009-4492 ruby WEBrick log escape sequence (bug 554485)- Change mkmf.rb to use LIBRUBYARG_SHARED so that have_library() works without libruby-static.a (bug 428384) - And move libruby-static.a to -static subpackage- Use bison to regenerate parse.c to keep the original format of error messages (bug 530275 comment 4)- Patch so that irb saves its history (bug 518584, ruby issue 1556)- Update to 1.8.6 patchlevel 383 (bug 520063)- Much better idea for Patch31 provided by Akira TAGOH - Fix the search path of ri command for ri manuals installed with gem (bug 528787)- Rebuild against new openssl- Make sure that readline.so is linked against readline 5 because Ruby is under GPLv2- New patchlevel fixing CVE-2009-1904 - Fix directory on ARM (#506233, Kedar Sovani)- New upstream release (p368)- Merge Review fix (#226381)- Fix regression in CVE-2008-3790 (#485383)- Again use -O2 optimization level - i586 should search i386-linux directory (on <= F-11)- Rebuild for gcc4.4- CVE-2008-5189: CGI header injection.- CVE-2008-3790: DoS vulnerability in the REXML module.- New upstream release. - Security fixes. - CVE-2008-3655: Ruby does not properly restrict access to critical variables and methods at various safe levels. - CVE-2008-3656: DoS vulnerability in WEBrick. - CVE-2008-3657: Lack of taintness check in dl. - CVE-2008-1447: DNS spoofing vulnerability in resolv.rb. - CVE-2008-3443: Memory allocation failure in Ruby regex engine. - Remove the unnecessary backported patches.- rebuild against db4-4.7- Backported from upstream SVN to fix a segfault issue with Array#fill.- Backported from upstream SVN to fix a segfault issue. (#452825) - Backported from upstream SVN to fix an integer overflow in rb_ary_fill.- Fix a segfault issue. (#452810)- New upstream release. - Security fixes. (#452295) - CVE-2008-1891: WEBrick CGI source disclosure. - CVE-2008-2662: Integer overflow in rb_str_buf_append(). - CVE-2008-2663: Integer overflow in rb_ary_store(). - CVE-2008-2664: Unsafe use of alloca in rb_str_format(). - CVE-2008-2725: Integer overflow in rb_ary_splice(). - CVE-2008-2726: Integer overflow in rb_ary_splice(). - ruby- removed. - Build ruby-mode package for all archtectures.- Security fix for CVE-2008-1145. - Improve a spec file. (#226381) - Correct License tag. - Fix a timestamp issue. - Own a arch-specific directory.- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Rebuild for gcc-4.3.- Revert the change of libruby-static.a. (#428384)- Fix an unnecessary replacement for shebang. (#426835)- Rebuild.- Clean up again.- Clean up the spec file. - Remove ruby-man-1.4.6 stuff. this is entirely the out-dated document. this could be replaced by ri. - Disable the static library building.- Rebuild for openssl bump- Fix the dead link.- New upstream release. - ruby- Update a bit with backporting the changes at trunk to enable the fix without any modifications on the users' scripts. Note that Net::HTTP#enable_post_connection_check isn't available anymore. If you want to disable this post-check, you should give OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE to Net::HTTP#verify_mode= instead of.- Enable pthread support for ppc too. (#201452) - Fix unexpected dependencies appears in ruby-libs. (#253325)- New upstream release. - ruby-r12567.patch: removed. - ruby-1.8.6-CVE-2007-5162.patch: security fix for Net::HTTP that is insufficient verification of SSL certificate.- Rebuild- Update License tag.- ruby-r12567.patch: backport patch from upstream svn to get rid of the unnecessary declarations. (#245446)- New upstream release. - Fix Etc::getgrgid to get the correct gid as requested. (#236647)- Fix search path breakage. (#234029)- New upstream release. - clean up a spec file.- Rebuild- New upstream release.- security fix release.- security fix release. - ruby-1.8.5-cgi-CVE-2006-5467.patch: fix a CGI multipart parsing bug that causes the denial of service. (#212396)- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21- fixed rbconfig.rb to refer to DESTDIR for sitearchdir. (#207311)- New upstream release. - removed the unnecessary patches: - ruby-1.8.4-no-eaccess.patch - ruby-1.8.4-64bit-pack.patch - ruby-1.8.4-fix-insecure-dir-operation.patch - ruby-1.8.4-fix-insecure-regexp-modification.patch - ruby-1.8.4-fix-alias-safe-level.patch - build with --enable-pthread except on ppc. - ruby-1.8.5-hash-memory-leak.patch: backported from CVS to fix a memory leak on Hash. [ruby-talk:211233]- owns sitearchdir. (#201208)- security fixes [CVE-2006-3694] - ruby-1.8.4-fix-insecure-dir-operation.patch: - ruby-1.8.4-fix-insecure-regexp-modification.patch: fixed the insecure operations in the certain safe-level restrictions. (#199538) - ruby-1.8.4-fix-alias-safe-level.patch: fixed to not bypass the certain safe-level restrictions. (#199543)- rebuild- fixed the wrong file list again. moved tcltk library into ruby-tcltk. (#195872)- ruby-deprecated-sitelib-search-path.patch: correct the order of search path.- exclude ppc64 to make ruby-mode package. right now emacs.ppc64 isn't provided and buildsys became much stricter. - ruby-deprecated-sitelib-search-path.patch: applied to add more search path for backward compatiblity. - added byacc to BuildReq. (#194161)- ruby-deprecated-search-path.patch: added the deprecated installation paths to the search path for the backward compatibility. - added a Provides: ruby(abi) to ruby-libs. - ruby-1.8.4-64bit-pack.patch: backport patch from upstream to fix unpack("l") not working on 64bit arch and integer overflow on template "w". (#189350) - updated License tag to be more comfortable, and with a pointer to get more details, like Python package does. (#179933) - clean up.- ruby-rubyprefix.patch: moved all arch-independent modules under /usr/lib/ruby and keep arch-dependent modules under /usr/lib64/ruby for 64bit archs. so 'rubylibdir', 'sitelibdir' and 'sitedir' in Config::CONFIG points to the kind of /usr/lib/ruby now. (#184199)- correct sitelibdir. (#184198)- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- ruby-1.8.4-no-eaccess.patch: backported from ruby CVS to avoid conflict between newer glibc. (#179835)- ruby-tcltk-multilib.patch: fixed a typo.- New upstream release. - fixed a missing return statement. (#140833) - fixed an use of uninitialized variable. (#144890)- updates to 1.8.4-preview2. - renamed the packages to ruby-* (#175765) - irb -> ruby-irb - rdoc -> ruby-rdoc - ri -> ruby-ri - added tcl-devel and tk-devel into BuildRequires.- rebuilt- rebuilt against the latest openssl.- build-deps libX11-devel instead of xorg-x11-devel.- New upstream release. - ruby-1.8.2-strscan-memset.patch: removed because it's no longer needed.- moved the documents from ruby-libs to ruby-docs, which contains the arch specific thing and to be multilib support. (#168826)- fixed the wrong file list. the external library for tcl/tk was included in ruby-libs unexpectedly.- ruby-multilib.patch: added another chunk for multilib. (#169127)- New upstream release. - Build-Requires xorg-x11-devel instead of XFree86-devel. - ruby-multilib.patch: applied for only 64-bit archs. - ruby-1.8.2-xmlrpc-CAN-2005-1992.patch: removed. it has already been in upstream.- ruby-1.8.2-xmlrpc-CAN-2005-1992.patch: fixed the arbitrary command execution on XMLRPC server. (#161096)- ruby-1.8.2-tcltk-multilib.patch: applied to get tcltklib.so built. (#160194)- ruby-1.8.2-deadcode.patch: removed the dead code from the source. (#146108) - make sure that all documentation files in ruby-docs are the world- readable. (#147279)- ruby-1.8.2-strscan-memset.patch: fixed an wrong usage of memset(3).- rebuilt- fixed the wrong generation of file manifest. (#146055) - spec file clean up.- separated out to rdoc package. - make the dependency of irb for rdoc. (#144708)- Rebuilt for new readline.- New upstream release. - ruby-1.8.1-ia64-stack-limit.patch: removed - it's no longer needed. - ruby-1.8.1-cgi_session_perms.patch: likewise. - ruby-1.8.1-cgi-dos.patch: likewise. - generated Ruby interactive documentation - senarated package. it's now provided as ri package. (#141806)- rebuild against db-4.3.21.- ruby-1.8.1-cgi-dos.patch: security fix [CAN-2004-0983] - ruby-1.8.1-cgi_session_perms.patch: security fix [CAN-2004-0755]- added openssl-devel and db4-devel into BuildRequires (#137479)- require emacs-common instead of emacs.- updated the documentation.- rebuilt- rebuilt- rebuilt- New upstream release. - don't use any optimization for ia64 to avoid the build failure. - ruby-1.8.1-ia64-stack-limit.patch: applied to fix SystemStackError when the optimization is disabled.- rebuild against db-4.2.52.- rebuild against db-4.2.42.- New upstream release.- rebuilt- ruby-1.6.8-castnode.patch: handling the nodes with correct cast. use this patch now instead of ruby-1.6.8-fix-x86_64.patch.- rebuilt- fix the gcc warnings. (#82192) - ruby-1.6.8-fix-x86_64.patch: correct a patch. NOTE: DON'T USE THIS PATCH FOR BIG ENDIAN ARCHITECTURE. - ruby-1.6.7-long2int.patch: removed.- rebuilt- rebuild against ucs4 tcltk- rebuilt- ruby-1.6.8-multilib.patch: applied to fix the search path issue on x86_64- ruby-1.6.8-require.patch: applied to fix the search bug in require. - don't apply long2int patch to s390 and s390x. it doesn't work.- New upstream release. - removed some patches. it's no longer needed. - ruby-1.6.7-100.patch - ruby-1.6.7-101.patch - ruby-1.6.7-102.patch - ruby-1.6.7-103.patch - 801_extmk.rb-shellwords.patch - 801_mkmf.rb-shellwords.patch - 804_parse.y-new-bison.patch - 805_uri-bugfix.patch - ruby-1.6.6-900_XXX_strtod.patch - ruby-1.6.7-sux0rs.patch - ruby-1.6.7-libobj.patch- rebuild to update tcltk deps- Remove ExcludeArch: x86_64 - Fix x86_64 ruby with long2int.patch (ruby was assuming that sizeof(long) == sizeof(int). The patch does not fix the source of the problem, just makes it a non-issue.) - _smp_mflags- rebuild to fix broken tcltk deps- use %configure macro instead of configure script. - use the latest config.{sub,guess}. - get archname from rbconfig.rb for %dir - applied some patches from Debian: - 801_extmk.rb-shellwords.patch: use Shellwords - 801_mkmf.rb-shellwords.patch: mkmf.rb creates bad Makefile. the Makefile links libruby.a to the target. - 803_sample-fix-shbang.patch: all sample codes should be s|/usr/local/bin|/usr/bin|g - 804_parse.y-new-bison.patch: fix syntax warning. - 805_uri-bugfix.patch: uri.rb could not handle correctly broken mailto-uri. - add ExcludeArch x86_64 temporarily to fix Bug#74581. Right now ruby can't be built on x86_64.- moved sitedir to /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby again according as our perl and python. - ruby-1.6.7-resolv1.patch, ruby-1.6.7-resolv2.patch: applied to fix 'Too many open files - "/etc/resolv.conf"' issue. (Bug#64830)- add the owned directory.- fix typo.- removed the ruby-mode-xemacs because it's merged to the xemacs sumo.- automated rebuild- fix the stripped binary. - use the appropriate macros.- automated rebuild- ruby-1.6.7-libobj.patch: applied to fix autoconf2.53 error.- ruby-man-1.4.6-jp.tar.bz2: removed. - ruby-refm-rdp-1.4.7-ja-html.tar.bz2: uses it instead of. - ruby-1.6.7-500-marshal-proc.patch, ruby-1.6.7-501-class-var.patch: removed. - ruby-1.6.7-100.patch: applied a bug fix patch. (ruby-dev#16274: patch for 'wm state') (PR#206ja: SEGV handle EXIT) - ruby-1.6.7-101.patch: applied a bug fix patch. (ruby-list#34313: singleton should not be Marshal.dump'ed) (ruby-dev#16411: block local var) - ruby-1.6.7-102.patch: applied a bug fix patch. (handling multibyte chars is partially broken) - ruby-1.6.7-103.patch: applied a bug fix patch. (ruby-dev#16462: preserve reference for GC, but link should be cut)- New upstream release. - ruby-1.6.6-100.patch, ruby-1.6.6-501-ruby-mode.patch: removed. these patches no longer should be needed. - ruby-1.6.7-500-marshal-proc.patch: applied a fix patch. (ruby-dev#16178: Marshal::dump should call Proc#call.) - ruby-1.6.7-501-class-var.patch: applied a fix patch. (ruby-talk#35157: class vars broken in 1.6.7)- Disable alpha because nothing is xemacs for alpha now.- Fixed the duplicate files.- Fixed the missing %defattr- New upstream release. - Applied bug fix patches: - ruby-1.6.6-501-ruby-mode.patch: ruby-talk#30479: disables font-lock coloring. - ruby-1.6.6-100.patch: ruby-talk#30203: Ruby 1.6.6 bug and fix ruby-list#33047: regex bug PR#230: problem with -d in 1.6.6 - Added ruby-mode and ruby-mode-xemacs packages. - Ruby works fine for ia64. so re-enable to build with ia64. (probably it should be worked for alpha)- automated rebuild- Remove Japanese description and summaries; they belong in specspo and break rpm - Clean up specfile - Mark language specific files (README.jp) as such - bzip2 sources - rename the libruby package to ruby-libs for consistency - Exclude ia64 (doesn't build - the code doesn't seem to be 64-bit clean [has been excluded on alpha forever])- rebuild for Red Hat 7.2- upgrade to nwe upstream version 1.6.4.- applied patch: - fixed method cache bug. etc. (Patch103, Patch104)- applied patch: - fixed marshal for bignum bug. - fixed scope of constant variables bug.- upgraded to new upstream version 1.6.3.- fixed bad group for libruby. - Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-02-08): fixed minor bugs.- Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-01-15): fixed minor bugs(e.g. ruby makes extention librares too large...).- Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-01-09): fixed minor bugs.- Applied bug fix patch.- Updated to new upstream version 1.6.2.- Removed ruby_cvs.2000122019.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000122215.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version, 1.6.2-preview4).- Removed ruby_cvs.2000121413.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000122019.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version). - new package: libruby- Removed ruby_cvs.2000101901.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000121413.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version). - Removed ruby-dev.11262.patch, ruby-dev.11265.patch, and ruby-dev.11268.patch (included into above patch).- build on gcc-2.95.3- Added ruby-dev.11268.patch.- Removed ruby_cvs.2000101117.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000101901.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version). - Added ruby-dev.11262.patch. - Added ruby-dev.11265.patch.- Removed ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000101117.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).- Removed ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).- Removed ruby_cvs.2000100218.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).- Removed ruby_cvs.2000092718.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100218.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).- Updated to upstream version 1.6.1. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000082901.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000092718.patch (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).- Updated to version 1.4.6. - removed ruby-dev.10123.patch(included into ruby-1.4.6). - Added ruby_cvs.2000082901.patch(upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).- Updated manuals to version 1.4.5.- Added ruby-dev.10123.patch.- Updated to version 1.4.5. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000062401.patch(included into ruby-1.4.5).- Updated to version 1.4.4(06/22/2000 CVS). - Removed ruby-dev.10054.patch(included into ruby_cvs.patch).- Renamed to ruby_cvs20000620.patch from ruby_cvs.patch.- Updated to version 1.4.4(06/20/2000 CVS). - Removed ruby-list.23190.patch(included into ruby_cvs.patch). - Added ruby-dev.10054.patch.- Updated to version 1.4.4(06/12/2000 CVS). - Added manuals and FAQs. - Split into ruby, ruby-devel, ruby-tcltk, ruby-docs, irb.- Updated to version 1.4.4- Updated to version 1.4.3- Updated to version 1.4.2 (Sep 18)- Updated to version 1.4.2- Updated to version 1.4.0- 2nd release - Updated to version 1.2.6(15 Jul 1999) - striped %{prefix}/bin/ruby- Updated to version 1.2.6(21 Jun 1999)- Updated to version 1.2.5- Updated to version 1.2.4- Version up to 1.2 stable.- Version up to 1.1c9.- Version up to 1.1c8, however it appear short life :-P- Version up.- To make a libruby.so.- Modified SPEC in order to install libruby.a so that it should be used by another ruby entention. - 2nd release.- Added a powerPC arch part. Thanks, MURATA Nobuhiro   !"#$%2.3.0-60.el72. -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryC source, ASCII textpkgconfig fileUTF-8 Unicode textPascal source, ASCII text  "$&(*,.02468;?ACEGIPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPR?p7zXZ !#,.] b2u Q{JR$J/\Fx2^׍_4SbSgbDZqdxv?Fװ @~U(&6P{Lh߹-|Āc涙jBb]tr S<=$<.; 9o׽:|Q,{:PJdA$T )dCT"B/cOvH#n3$ ?e.NbY_-1$# !_bJ1 ![1'b lpdgfo)]Hz8&5šflr~CBZ,,>wKÑQW)f"kHH(WĶKd,}n> [eU^͊ѳ+>?T]P;`[qR]RI%H;%j̳d!,,CL)%]ܪs :/ѽ#M&:wܰƍo6z @ `EOI]58/Cgs P.D⿽s`ؗ6S:& CiuG9s- wj*PO!D|PzOP2(?G\념IS$6<, [_ "c:;Ҷ [ !VagƷbQ^t4:1:tޡ#KX6*; Hwͷ._:)8FYi~|OllE Ļ1Gg ,蓺)b6`֑[iʞ^p=psd=1CIKV;>Xԥ:RdyC AIH8VņE8@AB!Z~?O8T^T0C9 e4 xS.A9))ܼR[SL*[d)O-mށ}Cqmb-̙rL8@QljRe.&-d]ߌYct'O75} gD-4E7-\5 j_&SVk\Xc[MӸGpU|K߯lR.9GegSA01Fyty:n "6E{Is<2[u&ꞒLr]]&:0·G?"^ӊomsJ[IIgxAF4&B$O^>0aWkw3jVMCV$w{7c U[`#.T'u6J *#;et`IL8CH'”u~@dd1h¬2Ge*˰uʉ^ruG)&"HC\.4!{WT#v![@pьa$fYV2cƫӸpw^M֮;*x|= 5\#lzbCDDbc1?Cn|A-ұ义y߯k;3:$j;ԛE#jN?G)H=Kz<`rWv!v'Wܘ5nbJXM(@1 `} w99@\ >+b,bt>E8sEYL׻v*P^BDsE|tڈ]xt>j+fGk0BQ@P4ۃyO&xQ+_aP!钦[r#Wˉ>F+yZK.L$^ r`!k @Hź-i JZcM@1Ц %-%>mma0:#Љhi)4B( v  Ǹ/w׫;\P#=(yE7Alr꤫0M!h vE9,CfM٥6+6 æ6A6͞OxX+HU_˩;9! 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