php54-php-pecl-apc-devel-3.1.15-0.4.20130912.el7> H HtxHFSʼn? ?*}}"Ap %j+ wB(iJUe@\a69654e6521b9cde49ea35ad7cf6f454de41ebbb#earq7xFSʼn? ?*}}Y7[XJO$B  t~SLvlnpO>3?|d" 3 P !'08 < @ H   8(8 ,9,: ,GHIXY\L]T^ibdTeYf\l^xCphp54-php-pecl-apc-devel3. developer files (header)These are the files needed to compile programs using APC Scientific LinuxScientific LinuxPHPScientific LinuxDevelopment/Libraries A큤SvSv167cbcb3b5473235a5fc55f2aac9e361c150ea6c2f73ca6eb0efef121d00bcf4rootrootrootrootphp54-php-pecl-apc-3.1.15-0.4.20130912.el7.src.rpmphp54-php-pecl-apc-develphp54-php-pecl-apc-devel(x86-64)    php54-php-pecl-apc(x86-64)php54-php-devel(x86-64)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.1.15-0.4.20130912.el74.6.0-14.0-13.0.4-15.2-14.11.1R@RA~QQC @PrP@P@P{@PDP;a@P,P H@O^@Or@OaO?OOn@N(M@MnM@MRM-L@LNLNL@L^@LZJQJlE@JY@I@Hb3@Gs@F@FE EOD@DDD@@Remi Collet - 3.1.15-0.4.20140912Remi Collet - 3.1.15-0.3.svn329724Remi Collet - 3.1.15-0.2.svn329724Remi Collet - 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3.0.10-1- upstream has switched from SVN to GIT - disable shm_strings_buffer in provided configuration - fix segfault when Zend Opcache is ebabled #1052178- clean ZTS conditional build - always run minimal load test- rebuild for new value of php(zend-abi) and php(api) #985352- update to 3.1.15dev with new directive 'enable_opcode_cache' (disabled) which allow to cache only user data and use another opcode cache - switch most configuration to upstream default- Version 3.1.14 (beta) - API 3.1.0 (stable) - apc-panel requires php-gd - also provides php-apc- rebuild for php and system pcre - only run test on x86_64- initial spec rewrite for scl build - fix RHEL-5 build (add buildroot + defattr)- move apc.ini to Source3 - new apc-panel package- Version 3.1.13 (beta) - API 3.1.0 (stable) - add patches from upstream (fixes some tests) - change serveur port for tests (allow 32/64 bits build)- add patches from upstream - delete tests which fail because of missing dom extension- Version 3.1.12 (beta) - API 3.1.0 (stable) - spec cleanups- update to 3.1.11 (beta)- add patches from upstream- Update to 3.1.10 (beta) - fix reported version, new SVN snapshot - enable ZTS build- rebuild against php 5.4.0RC8 (without zend-signals) - pull latest SVN changes- rebuild against php 5.4 - keep apc.php as doc - fix filters- Rebuilt for Ship apc.php in a static location as well, so that it is easier to refer to in webserver configuration files (monitoring...) - Fix the apostrophes messing with the syntax highlighting of your favorite editor- update to 3.1.9 (bugfix, stable)- fix for update to 3.1.8 (bugfix, stable)- Rebuilt for update to 3.1.7 (bugfix) - add devel subpackage (for serializer)- update to 3.1.6 (bugfix)- fix reported version, see update to 3.1.5 (bugfix)- add filter_provides to avoid private-shared-object-provides fix default value for apc.shm_size (need M suffixes)- update to Version 3.1.4 (beta) - API 3.1.0 (beta)- update to 3.1.3 patch1 (beta, for PHP 5.3 support) - add test suite (disabled for - add use_request_time, lazy_classes, lazy_functions options (apc.ini)- Rebuilt for update to 3.1.2 (beta) - PHP 5.3 support - use setup -q -c- Rebuilt for Update to 3.0.19 - Fix PHP Zend API/ABI dependencies to work on EL-4/5 - Fix "License" tag - Fix encoding of "NOTICE" file - Add registration via PECL- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.- Updated to 3.0.14 - Included new php api snipplets- Updated to new upstream version- FC6 rebuild- FC6T2 rebuild- Renamed to php-pecl-apc and added provides php-apc - Removed php version string from the package version- Trimmed down BuildRequires - Added Provices php-pecl(apc)- Initial package, templated on already existing php-json and php-eaccelerator packages3.1.15-0.4.20130912.el73.1.15-0.4.20130912.el7apcapc_serializer.h/opt/rh/php54/root/usr/include/php/ext//opt/rh/php54/root/usr/include/php/ext/apc/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu?7zXZ !#,] b2u jӫ`(fpESdHKU!Jjp(d|y7p`K5Wyl‰OhR4S@.-?V"S*ոXBk_KGz2r"$}|#DDNK\iet-w:;Wܒ5K= BoE"U|Fڊ} UfH;JΫ sc >sttuX dp٦t[.ewpdwHݤg+Hj<:?#>bo/ĻR@tTaגJ66=ip~>c5“Z𼖸z6a["%h 󮏮ݨ|8ӜMg#7+T>C(G7GD $Z.o}#G>NZd#2@_S_] PI2Yд껭E!L-1`T.oHfzu⮍ົ8bbx}..Ȕb+1j0QjKÕWpѼ72fB| Hɋ;٣mݜWWrrdտk|mUQLbcJ| 5E heEK0' ?oS@pE 4QGVv~aɣ Tr~wˆ!"_3 >k$yBKT/sXp#{9_K&VB6v vt]6j6wa}Y_}M,XsGcu0L @a'=v~p*xֻo bI)[tJ@*/Y0"h V+g'嗈 τnx7 8GQˌh`ԹW7"mehAzL!8 Yl鸂0ch1G2Vť'T.=db xp3'Y/r x06_5!`d[16n6-vXm{B]0}K{?U ֧"P|ɃdHk#o""pkM+'mYQ'Ȭ=_J|a_o{)ܦd݄޿?7@ w4tZ@GL@??J{L82cSߎ&\ u*pǒJ'ՄT1 Vߨ 7GP" ت YZ