perl516-perl-Class-Load-0.20-8.el7> H HtxHFSʼn- ?*}}e.;y\co,G4L~N+#5 W8a34ab9688d93159f00dbed8e44d56f492b055dciX>{ ,Y9&p?&`d % P .4< `  r      1  < `    t^(89 :G! H! I" X"(Y"8\"P ]"t ^"b$ d$e$f$l$t$ u$ v% w% x% y%&\Cperl516-perl-Class-Load0.208.el7A working (require "Class::Name") and morerequire EXPR only accepts Class/ style module names, not Class::Name. How frustrating! For that, we provide load_class 'Class::Name'. It's often useful to test whether a module can be loaded, instead of throwing an error when it's not available. For that, we provide try_load_class 'Class::Name'. Finally, sometimes we need to know whether a particular class has been loaded. Asking %INC is an option, but that will miss inner packages and any class for which the filename does not correspond to the package name. For that, we provide is_class_loaded 'Class::Name'.S;sldist05.fnal.govScientific LinuxScientific LinuxGPL+ or ArtisticScientific LinuxDevelopment/Libraries큤AA큤S;P3P3P3S;S;S;P3P383611c803923415bf966b2ba19aa4d5bc09518c0b2e20bf25176f103905cf3dfb27c3c38e891a2727758393c2a7ce5f7794b29e304e3ce9dbd1ce5109aef7ecd5b9c8a4db2bd906c8fd3630c23d7f2bb48ae7b06a9a0bb015c67b40e4f87081220b2a56fa8ebd52713e74fd1ae074d2a8b1f4cf6d4333fbd4827fd885cd87921233caf3bf2e6b4e59f159c5f3126cd00c8c9f779759a2cfb0b265137185655590459e9c79a7efb9a22bb6d49fe2aba2d328552934a626800e9b7c94012ca143crootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootperl516-perl-Class-Load-0.20-8.el7.src.rpmperl516-perl(Class::Load)perl516-perl(Class::Load::PP)perl516-perl-Class-Loadscl-package(perl516)@@@ @@ @ @@@@@    perl516-perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.16.3)perl516-perl(Data::OptList)perl516-perl(Exporter)perl516-perl(Module::Implementation)perl516-perl(Module::Runtime)perl516-perl(Module::Runtime)perl516-perl(Package::Stash)perl516-perl(Scalar::Util)perl516-perl(Try::Tiny)perl516-perl(base)perl516-perl(strict)perl516-perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)0.040.0120.143.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.1R;R@R q@QQY@QP H@PPO@O@OiOЗOЗOz@O?O7O3@O1@O (@NNNFNf @NJ[NMQ0@MLL[@Jitka Plesnikova - 0.20-8Jitka Plesnikova - 0.20-7Jitka Plesnikova - 0.20-6Fedora Release Engineering - 0.20-5Petr Pisar - 0.20-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.20-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.20-2Paul Howarth - 0.20-1Paul Howarth - 0.19-7Petr Pisar - 0.19-6Marcela Mašláňová - 0.19-5Petr Pisar - 0.19-4Paul Howarth - 0.19-3Marcela Mašláňová - 0.19-2Paul Howarth - 0.19-1Paul Howarth - 0.18-1Paul Howarth - 0.17-1Paul Howarth - 0.15-1Paul Howarth - 0.14-1Paul Howarth - 0.13-2Paul Howarth - 0.13-1Paul Howarth - 0.12-1Paul Howarth - 0.11-1Paul Howarth - 0.10-1Paul Howarth - 0.08-1Marcela Mašláňová - 0.06-5Fedora Release Engineering - 0.06-4Paul Howarth - 0.06-3Paul Howarth - 0.06-2Paul Howarth - 0.06-1- Re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Rebuilt for SCL- Perl 5.18 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to 0.20 - Same as the most recent 0.19, but with a new version (CPAN RT#78389)- New upstream re-release of 0.19 by DROLSKY - The load_class() subroutine now returns the class name on success (CPAN RT#76931) - Exceptions and errors from Class::Load no longer contain references to line numbers in Class::Load or Module::Runtime; this applies to exceptions thrown by load_class, load_first_existing_class, and load_optional_class, as well as the error returned by try_load_class - Exceptions are now croaked properly so they appear to come from the calling code, not from an internal subroutine; this makes the exceptions look more like the ones thrown by Perl's require (CPAN RT#68663) - This release by DROLSKY -> update source URL - BR: perl(Scalar::Util) for the module - BR: perl(lib) for the test suite - Drop buildreqs perl(strict) and perl(warnings) - not dual-lived- Perl 5.16 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Conditionalize Pod::Coverage::Moose- Perl 5.16 rebuild- Add commentary regarding conditionalized buildreqs- Conditionalize aspell-en dependency- Update to 0.19 (no functional changes) - This release by DOY -> update source URL - BR: perl(Exporter) - Don't need to remove empty directories from buildroot- Update to 0.18: - Require Package::Stash ≥ 0.14 (CPAN RT#75095)- Update to 0.17: - Require Module::Runtime 0.012, which has a number of useful bug fixes - A bug in Class::Load caused test failures when Module::Runtime 0.012 was used with Perl 5.8.x (CPAN RT#74897)- Update to 0.15: - Small test changes to accomodate latest version of Module::Implementation - BR: at least version 0.04 of perl(Module::Implementation)- Update to 0.14: - Use Module::Implementation to handle loading the XS or PP versions of the code; using this module fixes a few bugs - Under taint mode, setting an implementation in the CLASS_LOAD_IMPLEMENTATION env var caused a taint error - An invalid value in the CLASS_LOAD_IMPLEMENTATION env var is now detected and reported immediately; no attempt is made to load an invalid implementation - BR: perl(Module::Implementation) - BR: perl(base), perl(Carp), perl(strict) and perl(warnings) for completeness - Drop version requirement for perl(Package::Stash), no longer present upstream - Drop explicit runtime dependencies, no longer needed - Don't BR: perl(Class::Load::XS) or perl(Pod::Coverage::Moose) if we're bootstrapping - Don't run the release tests when bootstrapping as the Pod coverage test will fail in the absence of Pod::Coverage::Moose- Fedora 17 mass rebuild- Update to 0.13: - Fix some bugs with our use of Try::Tiny, which could cause warnings on some systems where Class::Load::XS wasn't installed (CPAN RT#72345) - BR: perl(Test::Without::Module)- Update to 0.12: - Require Module::Runtime ≥ 0.011, which fixes problems with Catalyst under Perl 5.8 and 5.10 - Add versioned runtime dependencies for Module::Runtime and Package::Stash- Update to 0.11: - Don't accept package names that start with a digit - Rewrite some of the guts to use Module::Runtime rather than reimplementing its functionality - BR: perl(Module::Runtime) ≥ 0.009 - Drop all support for older distributions as required module Module::Runtime ≥ 0.009 will not be available prior to F-16- Update to 0.10: - Fix is_class_loaded to ignore $ISA (but still look for @ISA) when trying to determine whether a class is loaded - Lots of internals cleanup - BR: perl(Package::Stash) ≥ 0.32 and perl(Try::Tiny) - Update patches to apply cleanly- Update to 0.08: - The previous version was missing a prereq declaration for Data::OptList (CPAN RT#70285) - This release by DROLSKY -> update source URL - Package new documentation: LICENSE and README - Add build requirements for new release tests and run them: - perl(Pod::Coverage::Moose) - perl(Test::CPAN::Changes) - perl(Test::EOL) - perl(Test::NoTabs) - perl(Test::Pod) - perl(Test::Pod::Coverage) - perl(Test::Requires) - perl(Test::Spelling) and aspell-en - Add patch for building with ExtUtils::MakeMaker < 6.30 - Add patch for building with Test::More < 0.88 - Add patch for building without Test::Requires - Add patch for fixing spell checker word list - Don't try to run the POD Coverage test if we don't have Pod::Coverage::Moose- Perl mass rebuild- Rebuilt for Drop explicit dependency on core module perl(Exporter) (#656408)- Sanitize spec for Fedora submission- Initial RPM version -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textPascal source, ASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)Perl5 module source text PPPPPPPPRRRRRR R R PPRRRRR R P?p7zXZ !#,>] b2u jӫ`(fpŎ!քD4 pPMfv V=󜙵&s5emVדu˩c{*y_cIn/PcPŢAORn+m.~ )fm0"]d,PbcRزZ.,(KJjڡ q(I`_'Y0 ힸfG!^xXLG3@R3g"{|9v|ZGP)#o HGM?IHQyG)X=.f}.*wk9vTO%.ӥn-Cfk`~AH{(̀l;IUm6g'/!8͔sRI%)? 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