ant-jsch-1.10.13-150200.4.15.2 >  A esp9|L<-;3Fzyg[k~^/=%]f0Bfo/mjRJRM 5"0YEi % 0*@Rl+PR~-³i!yǑXNXlE#aW8RcbV+&~5sk 5U0]F΅xk""*6Sr*OVU/F)RVkZquifI{x_RfsUZRmY5}r r5 hάŚE=c0TDvX̠CMC+>cO\aEA:J@>Yʞy;ۃ٧L6E |H>p>IT?IDd  ! = *BHPh t    <T   (8191: 61FEGE4HELIEdXElYE|\E]E^FbFcG8dGeGfGlGuGvGwHxHyHzHHHHI@Cant-jsch1.10.13150200.4.15.2Optional jsch tasks for antApache Ant is a Java-based build tool. This package contains optional jsch tasks for Apache Ant.e?h01-ch3aPSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Apache-2.0큤e6e5e5e5e5e587bed2e8996a8ba9c4fcb6ca829fee7a0143c3168312ae503b8c9111e42b3fc12c793b9b7084cc98b10b75d013f95900435226a366d19b33ef855857697a43203329a6dd5917dfba3dea2cfed5734225f203656071e206e19feaeca996c97f9999f119e44dfa1ab278567dbe8ad27c8e851aa54db53a22f620da3d3ad7898ea3../../java/ant/ant-jsch.jarrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootant-antlr-1.10.13-150200.4.15.2.src.rpmant-jschconfig(ant-jsch)mvn(org.apache.ant:ant-jsch)mvn(org.apache.ant:ant-jsch:pom:)@@@@    antconfig(ant-jsch)java-headlessjavapackages-filesystemjschmvn(com.jcraft:jsch)mvn(org.apache.ant:ant)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)`@_u^2^^^@]X]?]@\@\@\]o@\]o@\Yz\T4\U@[@[ٙ@[[j@[$@[@ZZ@ZZYq@Y+@Y@Y5Yo@Y@Y:Y.@Y@Y]Y]X@XV@U@UnU@U hfstrba@suse.comdavid.anes@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comdavid.anes@suse.compmonreal@suse.compmonreal@suse.compmonrealgonzalez@suse.compmonrealgonzalez@suse.compmonrealgonzalez@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comjengelh@inai.defstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.compmonrealgonzalez@suse.comantoine.belvire@opensuse.orgfstrba@suse.comjsikes@suse.defstrba@suse.comecsos@opensuse.orgtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comjengelh@inai.debwiedemann@suse.comfstrba@suse.com Package and distribute the new ant-jakartamail- Update ant keyring with new developer keys. - Update to 1.10.13: * Breaking changes: - has a new attribute authenticateOnRedirect that can be used to prevent Ant from sending the configured credentials when following a redirect. It is false by default, which means builds that rely on credentials being used on the redirected URI may break. * Fixed bugs: - the PropertyEnumerator change introduced in 1.10.9 proved to be not fully backwards compatible when combined with certain custom PropertyHelper implementations - for example when using AntXtras. - legacy-xml reporter of the junitlauncher task now escapes ]]> when writing CDATA. - may leak connections when trying to preserve the last modified timestamps of files transferred recursively from a server. - tstamp task would in certain cases parse the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable value to an incorrect date. This has now been fixed. - fetch.xml didn't set up non-default repositories propery and thus failed to download JAI. - When building and installing Ant distribution from source, the build script would change permissions on unrelated files in the destination directory. This is now fixed and such unrelated files in the destination directory will be left untouched. - parsing tar entries with multiple NUL bytes in their name would include garbage bytes as the name included all bytes up to the last NUL rather than the first. - loadresource might log warnings even though quiet was set to true - javac task would add paths constructs containing wildcards to the internally created argument file where wildcards are not allowed * Other changes: - added an implementation of the MIME Mail sender based on the repackaged Jakarta Mail package rather than javax Mail. - The "listener" element in the junitlauncher task now supports an "extension" attribute to control the filename extension of the generated output file from the listener. - now supports FTPs. - DirectoryScanner avoids listing directory contents when it known it will never use the information retrieved. This may improve performance in some special cases. - will now create the parent directory of the manifestFile attribute if it doesn't exist. - now has a new method getMessageOutputLevel() which returns the currently set message output level.- Disable a test failing to compile with junit5 5.8.x- Do not build against the log4j12 packages, use the new reload4j- Update to 1.10.12: * The update includes fixes for the following CVEs: CVE-2021-36374, bsc#1188469 Excessive memory allocation when reading a specially crafted ZIP archive or a derived formats. CVE-2021-36373, bsc#1188468 Excessive memory allocation when reading a specially crafted TAR archive. * The http condition would follow redirects even when "followRedirects" attribute was set to "false". This has now been fixed. Bugzilla Report 65489 * Made sure setting build.compiler to the fully qualified classname that corresponds to extJavac or modern has the same effect as using the shorter alias names. Bugzilla Report 65539 * Prevent potential deadlocks in Bugzilla Report 65424 * The implementation of AntClassLoader#findResources() has been changed to optimize it for potential performance issues, as those noted at Github Pull Request #151 * AntClassLoader now implements the ClassLoader#findResource(String) method. Github Pull Request #150 * Ant tries to avoid file name canonicalization when possible. Bugzilla Report 65499 * javadoc task will now look for warning messages in the STDERR stream too when "failonwarning" is set to true to account for changes in JDK 17+ * The tar task now preserves symlinks of nested tarfilesets. Github Pull Request #142 - Changes from 1.10.11: * a race condition could lead to NullPointerExceptions when running tasks in parallel. Bugzilla Report 65316 * fixed potential OutOfMemory errors when reading broken archives using the tar or zip formats or formats derived from zip. * now has a new protected createExecuteWatchdog() method for allowing it to be overriden. Github Pull Request #147 * Upgraded AntUnit to 1.4.1.- Update to 1.10.10 * SCP (with sftp=true) task would fail if fetching file located in root directory. * Fixed: javac task would fail if the arguments file it (internally) created didn't quote the # character. * Make sure LegacyXmlResultFormatter encodes characters illegal in XML the same way JUnit5's built-in formatter would. * LegacyXmlResultFormatter no longer double-encodes <>& in system-err and system-out. * Fixes a bug in junitlauncher task's legacy-xml formatter, where the testcase representing a @Parameterized JUnit4 test wasn't being reported in the XML. * Fixes a bug where the ant-testutil-sources.jar that gets published to Maven central repository didn't contain any source files. * The condition didn't follow redirects from http to https. * ZipOutputStream now overrides write(int) in order to make sure single byte writes get the same treatment as array writes. * Fixes a potential deadlock in junitlauncher task when using legacy-xml reporter. * javaversion condition now has a new "atmost" attribute. See the javaversion manual for more details * The "listener" nested element of the "junitlauncher" task now has a new "useLegacyReportingName" attribute which can be used to control the test identifiers names that get reported by the listener. See the junitlauncher manual for more details. Note that this change also introduces a new "setUseLegacyReportingName" method on the interface. This will break backward compatibility with any of your custom result formatters which implemented this interface and such implementations are now expected to implement this new method. * A new attribute preserveduplicates allows to return the same resource multiple times when set to true. * A new attribute filterbeforeconcat in can be used to decide whether the filterchain should be applied to the concatenated content (the default) or each nested resource individually before concatenating them. * The ssh tasks now share a new nested element additionalConfig that can be used to set config values for the jsch Session used by the task. * Added new discardOutput and discardError properties to redirector and the exec, apply and java tasks which can be used to completely discard any (error) output. This is a platform independent alternative to directiong output to any kind of null device. * junitlauncher now prints a more useful and instantaneous summary of tests being run, closely matching the junit task's summary.- Update to 1.10.9 * Security fix: [bsc#1177180, CVE-2020-11979] - Insecure temporary file vulnerability * Fixed bugs: - The ftp task could throw a NullPointerException if an error occured. - Propertyset now also sees in-scope local properties. - Replaced ReaderInputStream with the version of Apache Commons IO due to problems with surrogate pairs. - will no longer remove the temporary file it just created before writing to it. - and didn't deal with wildcard hostnames in shs config files properly. * Other changes: - Ant will no longer log a warning if it doesn't find tools.jar. - The task accepts now a nested element that can be used to perform custom filename transformations for the archives. - Added a new PropertyEnumerator interface that extensions can provide if they are managing properties unknown to the Ant project. - Added some special code to support GraalVM JavaScript as javax.script scripting engine for JavaScript. In particular we relax some security settings of GraalVM so that scripts can access Ant objects. - Also Ant enables Nashorn compatibility mode by default, you can disable that by setting the magic Ant property ant.disable.graal.nashorn.compat to true. - If the magic property ant.tmpdir hasn't been set and Ant can control the permissions of directories it creates it will create an owner-owned temporary directory unaccessible to others as default tempdir as soon as a temporary file is created for the first time.- Update to 1.10.8 * Security fix: [CVE-2020-1945, bsc#1171696] - A new property ant.tmpdir provides improved control over the location Ant uses to create temporary files * sshexec failed to write output to a file if the file didn't exist * Fixes a regression in javac task involving command line argument files. * sshexec, sshsession and scp now support a new sshConfig parameter. It specified the SSH configuration file (typically ${user.home}/.ssh/config) defining the username and keyfile to be used per host. * "legacy-xml" formatter of junitlauncher task wasn't writing out exceptions that happen in @BeforeAll method of a test. * Fixes a potential ConcurrentModificationException in XMLLogger. * Fixes a bug in junitlauncher task in forked mode, where if a listener element was used as a sibling element for either the test or testclasses element, then the forked mode launch would fail. * Fixes an issue in AntStructure where an incorrect DTD was being generated. * Fixes an incorrect variable name usage in junit-frames-xalan1.xsl. * The script should now work with Python 3. * rmic has been removed from Java 15. The task will now throw an exception if you try to use it while running Java 15 or newer. - Remove ant-python3.patch fixed upstream- Add rhino to the ant-apache-bsf optional tasks [bsc#1134001]- Remove jakarta-commons-* dependencies [bsc#1133997] * Use apache-commons-logging and apache-commons-net in optional tasks- Use xml-commons-apis-bootstrap as jar in classpath instead of the common xml-apis jar, since we are forcing build against the bootstrap package- Upgrade to upstream version 1.10.7 - Modified patches: * apache-ant-bootstrap.patch * apache-ant-no-test-jar.patch * apache-ant-xml-apis.patch * reproducible-build-manifest.patch + rediff - Fix ant-xz.jar to be non-empty and split it from the ant-antlr package- Build against the new compatibility packages log4j12/log4j12-mini- Remove references to parent poms from all artifacts and do not distribute the ant-parent, since we don't need it- Require directly xerces-j2 and not its virtual provide jaxp_parser_impl- Make "if" statements in build recipe POSIX sh compatible.- Create an ant-junit5 package to build junit5 optional tasks when they become resolved - Add a simple pom file for ant-bootstrap.jar- Add compatibility links ant/ant*.jar for bootstrap build- BuildRequire hamcrest for ant-junit and ant-antlr, since junit4 depends strictly on hamcrest-core only.- Build ant against xml-commons-apis-bootstrap and xml-commons-resolver-bootstrap in order to break build cycle- Don't build against a particular xml-apis/xml-resolver provider, but against the generic virtual provider. This allows easier bootstrapping. - Added patch: * apache-ant-xml-apis.patch + look for the xml-apis.jar and xml-resolver.jar when composing classpath; they are symlinks provided by several packages.- Let ant-antlr provide ant-xz too, since it contains the corresponding jar.- Add aliases to some maven artifacts so that packages out there resolve then correctly- Update to 1.10.5 [bsc#1113136] * Same version as in 1.9.13 but with additional features and requires Java8 or higher. * Dropped patch to build with java8+ already fixed in this version - apache-ant-1.9.9-sourcetarget.patch * Refreshed patch: - apache-ant-class-path-in-manifest.patch- Add reproducible-build-manifest.patch: Use less detailed version string for manifest's "Created-by" field (boo#1110024).- Require javapackages-local in order to generate correctly the maven requires and provides - Install maven artifacts- Update to 1.9.13 * Fixes a regression in the "get" task where redirects from a HTTP resource to a HTTPS resource started throwing an exception. Bugzilla Report 62499 * the new allowFilesToEscapeDest didn't work when set to false and archive entries contained relative paths with so many ".." segnments that the resulting path would go beyond the file system root. Bugzilla Report 62502, bsc#1100053, CVE-2018-10886- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal of 1.6 compatibility - Modified patch: * apache-ant-1.9.9-sourcetarget.patch - Build with source/target 8- fix build error for Leap 42.3- Add patch to run scripts with python3 if applicable bsc#1082202: * ant-python3.patch- Update to 1.9.10: * Various fixes for java10 * Small fixes all around - Remove merged patch reproducible.patch- Simply use find -delete over xargs. - Make description neutral.- Add reproducible-build-date.patch to allow to have fixed build dates to make other packages build more reproducibly- Remove dependency on java-1_5_0-gcj-compat-devel and build even the bootstrap package with java source and target 1.6- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on _maven_repository being defined- Allow bootstrapping with something else then java-1_5_0-gcj-compat, but still require java-1_5_0-gcj-compat-devel - Added patch: * apache-ant-bootstrap.patch - Add -sourcepath option to fix build breakages with Eclipse Compiler for Java(tm)- Added patch: * apache-ant-1.9.9-sourcetarget.patch + Change java source and target versions to 1.6 to allow build with jdk9 - For non-boostrap builds require java-devel >= 1.6- Do not generate poms on ant core packages to reduce deps and allow bootstrap- Fix bootstrap to avoid new cycle bsc#1041966- Disable javadoc completely it is on the web in much better form - Remove if0 conditions - Remove patch apache-ant-old-gcj-build.patch for sle11 and unused - Fix build with split javapackages-tools- Version bump to 1.9.9: * Read WHATSNEW file for full changelist- Add reproducible.patch to allow reproducible builds of ant itself and packages built with ant like jcodings- Revert the previous change as it broke the build of most java software stack- Add profile.d scripts to set ANT_HOME- junit4 test did not work (bnc#915686)- Add xalan-j2-serializer to ant-antlr requirements- Sync the changes files among the subpkgs - Version bump to 1.9.6: * Read WHATSNEW file for full changelist- Do better quoting to get better error messages when it fails- Fix build with new javapackages-toolsh01-ch3a 16963349111.10.13-150200. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// textdirectorygzip ERROR: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored (Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract Java archive data (JAR))XML 1.0 document textPPRRRR5Xʼ*M<`֌utf-853cf164b3e85cedc4713c0e43d7ff1024147d7d24b0abfc7ccc242d98937f5cd? 7zXZ !t/GA] crv(vX0oY D ݂A]n N2]\LnB+UzPmǴ\yv eAH_)YlӁ b1KEh]NFMS^K["[CpԀhJSQ ΖƎBHÃˣ\I +>4Bz|OU/ 6؟bQS`z_ee0$ iTB[6[{k*7ap9{z`:^>> "_!ԞLE^zP\ag)Pk $hk(W Agȴ5$#żb>:L^WxRk';'gpOj6fHys{dc|+s e[kXFD7H=Kc<Բ\1IoM(!:sTT}i8џ bI!('͎ZW#6wfcr?a:1ަ $ 28eB@#Y {0M̧HYAսF\E`[ˊK:JOc6JI2~iV#oX$3QV|.-< D6@TRThI`a5F0Ut`vƜ:< EX;N&W/ ?a X + Yʸ.>N=vwp_&xC"d٫,nӀm$dxQw˰ aNP Z)D4{WC"?Bkmk`@z/_ %7LMQLykHD5Cܛ?oi! 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