libyui-qt-graph16-4.3.7-150400.3.3.1 >  A dp9|V{સ%f|D{Vp5d e Œ Q25=%Q{Ulr4xhfK|rS/R,hax-q%rN?+g`jI[~ i)&ib&m%8ar|h LsTB(Q0'h^͌/d~e4a785575d6db7833336282216ef2eb970f6c66e446969ed6ee4d11419d2c6ddb7df29287b95f64cb75c0a7a4e28e6ccda1a5b3a`dp9|kM+߰gMWl!i꟮=A;*)橐/_Ƃq;ʬ +O\4)?7KB{ ǐ_XQyI>epbo)Qq 5dUkalMArrhJKg3n^5 8g KezFDlBF9kĨDod26`0]RoK*{7%}WTӃ|ҡ}#Z&>pF?d ' @ ,0Ij     ( / Plh(;8Dj9 j:(j>@BFG4HPIlXtYZ[\]^dbcmdefluv8wxyzxˆŒ˜œ ¦Clibyui-qt-graph164.3.7150400.3.3.1Libyui - Qt graph widgetThis package contains the Qt graph component for libyui. This is a special widget to visualize graphs such as the storage device hierarchy (disks, partitions, subvolumes etc.). and similar graphviz-generated graphs.dibs-arm-4!SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only큤ddddddd5878d6265110f60    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/>@c#b|b0b ba aaaaqV@an@amaaim@af@a$@a $@``r`!@`8@````@`@`e@`x*`v@`u`n@`lM@`Q@`KW`Gc@`7@`3`*b@`*b@`*b@`*b@`*b@`*b@`%@`%@`#``@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@_@_0@_@___G@___@_@_@_#_@_F@_]@_"_9_9_9_P_P_P_P_P_P_P_P_~@_u_ts@_cO_a@_a@_H_G@_3_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_$_c^(@^(@^(@^3^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^V@^^^^@^@^x^2^|@^y@^y@^y@^J@^J@^J@^J@^;^:@^*@^)^(9@^!^ P@^@]]f@]]q]q]}@]}@]@]]]]7@]7@]]]@]@]@]߶]߶]߶]*]A]A]@]M@]@]@]µ]]]@]W]c@]z@]z@]@]@]]m]@]@]@]{]z3@]z3@]z3@]rJ@]p]m@]@]@] ] ] ]@\"\@\s@\s@\s@\@\@\f\f\@\@\@\@\}\,@\,@\\\@\v{\eX@\73\@\@\@\@\\@\[[_[[[@[@[Ѱ@[ @[ @[@[:@[{[{[{[{[{[z@[^[[ @[Y[Y[Y[Y[;e@[;e@[6@[6@[0@[0@[(@[ZZZ?Z?Z?Z3@ZH@Z_@ZS]@ZN@Z7Z ,@Z ,@Z ,@Y3YYYV@YV@YV@Y@Y[@YMY@XXXXh@Xh@XXF@X>@X=mX=mX8'X,J@X#XX 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NCurses UI: Prevent buffer overflow when drawing very wide labels (bsc#1211354) - 4.3.7- Qt UI: Fixed loading icons from an absolute path (bsc#1210591) - 4.3.6- Backported fix for main window stacking order in YQMainWinDock to avoid unintentional transparency when QSS-styling YQDialogs (bsc#1199020, bsc#1191112) - 4.3.5- Force messages from .ui file through our translation mechanism (bsc#1198097) - 4.3.4- Fixed release notes dialog in YQWizard clearing content on click (bsc#1195158) - Documented the different ways of displaying release notes in the UI - 4.3.3- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296) - 4.3.2- Made widget style sheet (theme) switching discoverable in the Qt UI: Added an icon button to YQWizard (jsc#SLE-20564, bsc#1195730) More info + screenshots: - Fixed Qt warning in y2log: QFrame '' already has a layout - 4.3.1- Added widget style sheet (theme) switching to Qt UI (jsc#SLE-20564) with the Shift-F3 key combination More info + screenshots: - Added UI built-in UI.AskForWidgetStyle() - Added UI capability HasWidgetStyleSupport (for UI.GetDisplayInfo()) - Bumped SO version to 16 - Fixed gcc 12 warnings (GitHub issue #63) (elevated to error by -Werror) - 4.3.0- Fix deprecated warning (elevated to error by -Werror) for libmicrohttpd's MHD_HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY in rest-api (bsc#1193956) - 4.2.24- Fixed YQPkg button redraw problem in dark SLE installation theme: Use centered button in dialogs with QSizeGrip (bsc#1193808) - 4.2.23- Send a proper notify event from the YMultiSelectionBox widget when checking a check box via the REST API (bsc#1192574) - 4.2.22- ncurses: Fix sorting tables by strings (jsc#SLE-17782) - 4.2.21- Use the C++17 standard in the *-pkg plugins (libzypp uses that standard by default) (related to bsc#1191829) - 4.2.20- Fixed crash in NCurses online update when retracted packages are present (bsc#1191130) - 4.2.19- Add debug_label as filter and improve error handling (bsc#1174390) - 4.2.18- Fixed empty entries in YQPackageSelector Zypp history window (bsc#1191430) - Added missing textdomain (bsc#1190805) - 4.2.17- Fixed using an uninitialized variable, in some situations the patch category could be missing in the Qt UI (bsc#1174390) - 4.2.16- Fixed displaying empty help text or empty release notes in ncurses UI (the real cause of bsc#972548) - 4.2.15- rest-api: When finding table items by cell value, ignore BiDi control chars (bsc#1128091) - 4.2.14- Fixed build failure with latest GCC 11.1: Added operator delete as counterpart to our custom operator new in YWidget (bsc#1186741) - 4.2.13- Greatly improved visual appearance of tab widgets in the Qt UI (bsc #1186705, GitHub issue #20) - 4.2.12- rest-api: fix crash when switching tabs (bsc#1185746) - 4.2.11- Added pkgconfig files for libyui-qt and libyui-ncurses for writing extensions of the Qt and NCurses plug-ins (GitHub issue #9 / bsc#1139747) - 4.2.10- Ignore ampersand when search item in YMenuWidget and YDumbTab with rest-api (bsc#1139747) - 4.2.9- Fixed license headers to use the correct license (LGPL) everywhere (bsc#1185443) - 4.2.8- Auto-publish C++ API docs (libyui base lib doxygen autodocs) as GitHub pages when a PR to master is merged (part of bsc#1181653) Doc URL: - 4.2.7- Moved CI scripts into new subdir scripts/ to unclutter toplevel dir (part of bsc#1181653) - Renamed ambiguously named script to - 4.2.6- Added reference to autodocs (C++ API doc) and more docs (part of bsc#1181653) - 4.2.5- Added support for $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for alternate installation dir either as -D on the cmake command line or in the environment (gh#14, part of bsc#1181653) - 4.2.4- Added toplevel build-all script (part of bsc#1181653) - Revamped toplevel - Create local include dirs at cmake time to avoid root ownership after "make install" - 4.2.3- Adjust documentation url in libyui-rest-api for the new project structure (bsc#1184363) - 4.2.2- Cleaned up cmake build environment (part of bsc#1181653): - Removed obsolete old .spec and .changes files in each subdir (now in toplevel package/ subdir) - Removed artificial "install-doc" make target now that the -doc subpackages are dropped - 4.2.1- Obsolete older -doc packages in all main packages that have them to prevent outdated -doc packages being installed (bsc#1184363) - 4.2.0- Remove background opacity from libyui-qt-pkg icons (bsc#1183519) - 4.1.2- Add the missing transparency to the folder-temp.svg icon (bsc#1183449). - 4.1.1- New packaging system. - From now on, libyui subpackages are built inside the libyui OBS package. - The affected packages are: libyui-qt, libyui-qt-graph, libyui-qt-pkg, libyui-ncurses, libyui-ncurses-pkg, libyui-rest-api, libyui-qt-rest-api, libyui-ncurses-rest-api, libyui-bindings. - 4.1.0- Removed dependency on Xlib (bsc#1182663) - 4.0.3- Fixed segfault in disk usage list: Removed code for disabled columns completely (bsc#1182555) - 4.0.2- Adapted to new libyui cmake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Renamed Makefile.cvs to Makefile.repo - 4.0.0- Require libyui-ncurses (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Require libyui-ncurses (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Require libyui-qt (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Require libyui-qt (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Require libyui-qt (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Added `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C` keyboard shortcuts for starting special configuration console (jsc#PM-1895, jsc#SLE-16263) - 4.0.1- Added keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl-D Shift-G - start the debugger Ctrl-D Shift-C - start the configuration console (jsc#PM-1895, jsc#SLE-16263) - CMake fix: do not create the include/yui symlink if it already exists - 4.0.2- Added YSpecialKeyEvent to allow sending a special keyboard shortcut for configuring the application (jsc#PM-1895, jsc#SLE-16263) - Added File->Close menu item in the dialog inspector (it was not possible to close the inspector when opened during installation) - Require newer cmake (3.17+, version 3.10 is not enough) - 4.0.1- In tables with nested items, only open/close branches with [Space], don't also send an "Activated" event (bsc#1181789) - 4.0.1- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- Block processing the idle loop after calling the closeUI() method (bsc#1181647) The terminal was actually still used by the UI after that call and there was a race condition if the started application after the call also used the terminal. - 2.57.3- Fixed build against the latest libmicrohttpd library (related to bsc#1173718) - 0.5.12- Add folder-temp icon (related to jsc#SLE-16313). - 2.56.4- Create structure to move handlers to separate classes (bsc#1132247) - 0.2.3- Add activation for YTable (bsc#1139747) - Create structure to move handlers to separate classes - 0.2.4- Add activation for YTable (bsc#1139747) - Create structure to move handlers to separate classes - 0.5.11- Fixed OBS-only changes by kkaempf vs. Git master conflicts - Removed kkaempf's libyui-bindings-2.0.2.patch (now included in mvidner's latest commits for 2.1.0) - 2.1.1- Add activation for Radiobutton (bsc#1139747) - 0.2.3- Add activation for Radiobutton (bsc#1139747) - 0.5.10- Fix text and icon overlapping in the pattern header (boo#1176530) - Improve layout of pattern headers - 2.48.5- Added new widgets: YMenuBar, YItemSelector (bsc#1175115) - 2.1.0- Add support for the child items in the table (bsc#1139747) - 0.5.9- Honor menu bar toplevel menu enabled/disabled and visibility state (boo#1178394 again) - 2.56.3- Higher priority for toplevel menu shortcuts (bsc#1175489) - Dropped support for openSUSE 13.2 (or earlier) builds in .spec file - 3.12.2- Honor menu item enabled/disabled state when rebuilding menu item tree (e.g. after keyboard shortcut change) (boo#1178394) - 2.56.2- Explicitly set item and line index in NCMultiSelectionBox and NCSelectionBox (bsc#1177982, bsc#1177985) - 2.57.2- Do not set json value to nullptr when YCheckBoxState is YCheckBox_dont_care (bsc#1139747) - 0.5.8- Fixed menu hotkeys (bsc#1177760) - 2.57.1- Added support for OpenItems property for (nested) tables (bsc#1176402) - 2.56.1- Added support for OpenItems property for (nested) tables (bsc#1176402) - 3.12.1- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 0.2.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 0.2.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 0.5.7- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 2.46.6- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 2.48.4- Adapt code to changes for nested tables. - Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 2.50.10- Resolve hotkeys conflicts for widgets with multiple hotkeys. - Activate the menu hotkeys without using the ALT key. - Close a menu by using BACKSPACE. - Allow to use hotkeys to jump between menus. - Related to bsc#1175489 - Allow to show/hide menus and menu items (related to manatools/libyui-mga#1). - Allow nested items in tables (bsc#1176402). - Bumped SO version to 14. - 2.57.0- Resolve hotkeys conflicts for widgets with multiple hotkeys (related to bsc#1175489). - Allow to show/hide menus and menu items (related to manatools/libyui-mga#1). - Allow nested items in tables (bsc#1176402). - Bumped SO version to 14. - 2.56.0- Resolve hotkeys conflicts for widgets with multiple hotkeys (related to bsc#1175489). - Allow to show/hide menus and menu items (related to manatools/libyui-mga#1). - Allow nested items in tables (bsc#1176402). - Bumped SO version to 14. - 3.12.0- Remove log component from YHttpWidgetsActionHandler header file bsc#1177159 - 0.5.6- fix Factory build, add libyui-bindings-2.0.2.patch - move to python3-only build- Add item selection in YMenuBar (bsc#1175115) - 0.5.5- Hide heading of the dialog when no title is defined. - Related to bsc#1175489. - 2.55.0- Fixed compilation in SLE15-SP2 (related to the previous fix bsc#1139747) - 0.5.4- Serialize value for YDateField and YTimeField (bsc#1139747) - 0.5.3- Fix changing a single cell in a sorted table (bsc#1165388, bsc#1174615) - 2.56.2- Handle hot-keys for top level menu options. - Related to bsc#1175115. - 2.56.1- Add MenuBar widget (bsc#1175115). - Bump SO version to 13. - 2.56.0- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 0.2.1- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 2.50.9- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 0.2.1- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 2.46.5- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 2.48.3- Added MenuBar widget (bsc#1175115) - Bumped SO version to 13 - 2.54.0- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 0.5.2- Added MenuBar widget (bsc#1175115) - Bumped SO version to 13 - 3.11.0- Fix build by porting NCURSES_CXX_IMPEXP from upstream (bsc#1174759). - 2.55.1- Handle MHD result as int or enum depending on libmicrohttpd version (libmicrohttpd>=0.9.71 uses enum) - 0.5.1- Trigger update on YCombobox, YSelectionBox, YInputField, YMultiSelectionBox (bsc#1139747) - Add support for YDateField and YTimeField - Allow setting text in editable YComboBox - Allow selecting row in the table by row id - Return json format consistently - Add support for YCheckBoxFrame widget - Allow reusing port if YUI_REUSE_PORT=1 - Add json serialization for YBarGraph - 0.5.0- Trigger update on YCombobox, YSelectionBox, YInputField, YMultiSelectionBox (bsc#1139747) - Add support for YDateField and YTimeField - Add support for YCheckBoxFrame - 0.2.0- Trigger update on YCombobox, YSelectionBox, YInputField, YMultiSelectionBox (bsc#1139747) - Add support for YDateField and YTimeField - Add support for YCheckBoxFrame - 0.2.0- Make itemAt method public for YSelectionWidget (bsc#1132247) - 3.10.1- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 0.1.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 0.1.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 2.50.8- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 2.46.4- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 2.48.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 0.4.1- Added autoWrap to label widget (bsc#1172513) - Bumped SO version to 12 - 2.55.0- Added autoWrap to label widget (bsc#1172513) - Bumped SO version to 12 - 2.53.0- Added autoWrap to label widget (bsc#1172513) - Bumped SO version to 12 - 3.10.0- Fix ruby bindings when build as non-gem (bsc#1172158) - 2.0.2- Modify spec file to build python3 package - 2.0.1- Fixed compatibility with older (pre-5.15) Qt versions (bsc#1165118) - 2.48.1- Fixed build failures with older Qt versions (pre-5.15) (bsc#1165118) - 2.52.4- Allow vendor change also for distribution upgrade (bsc#1170521) - 2.50.7- allow to move graph by dragging mouse (bsc#1171865) - 2.46.3- Allow vendor change also for distribution upgrade (bsc#1170521) - 2.48.0- handle multi-line labels (bsc#1171700) - 2.46.2- Fixed Qt 5.15-Beta2 deprecated warnings (bsc#1165118) - 2.47.5- Fixed Qt 5.15 deprecated warnings (bsc#1165118) - 2.46.1- Fixed Qt 5.15 deprecated warnings (bsc#1165118) - 2.47.4- Fixed Qt 5.15 deprecated warnings (bsc#1165118) - 2.52.3- Added missing gettext init (bsc#1163586) - 2.52.2- Removed obsolete old RPM group tags (bsc#1163594) - 3.9.3- Removed leftovers of dropping support for RPM group tags (bsc#1163594) - 2.50.6- Removed leftovers of dropping support for RPM group tags (bsc#1163594) - 2.47.3- Ask user for confirmation for retracted packages (bsc#1162145) - 2.50.5- Replace hard-coded HTML documentation with the url to the actual documentation in project repo - Add "/version" endpoint to access to API version - Use /v1/ prefix in URL path while accessing resources - 0.4.0- bsc#1154694 - do not crash UI when terminal window is too tight for table - 2.54.5- Add an option to include a "Search Online" option in the package selector (jsc#SLE-9109). - 2.50.4- Handle retracted packages (jsc#SLE-11211) - 2.50.3- Add an option to include a "Search Online" option in the package selector (jsc#SLE-9109). - 3.9.2- Add an Online Search option to the Extras menu (jsc#SLE-9109). - 2.47.2- Handle retracted packages (jsc#SLE-11211) - 2.47.1- handle new sort-key when sorting tables (bsc#1140018) - 2.52.1- handle new sort-key when sorting tables (bsc#1140018) - 2.54.4- added sort key to table cell (bsc#1140018) - 3.9.1- update selected item in table when changing sorting only if multiselection mode is off (bsc#1159098) - 2.54.3- sort new table content (unless keep-sorting flag is set) (part of bsc#1140018 and part of #1159177) - update selected item in table when changing sorting (bsc#1159098) - 2.54.2- adapted to changes in libyui-ncurses (needed for bsc#1159177) - 2.50.2- save flag for reverse sorting in SortStrategyBase (needed for bsc#1159177) - 2.54.1- Added multiversion package list to the package classification filter (related to the bsc#1155132) - 2.50.1- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 2.46.0- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 2.50.0- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 2.47.0- Partially restore the "Package Groups" view, display only special package groups (orphaned, unneeded, multiversion,... packages) (bsc#1155132) - 2.46.11- Add support to operate on many widgets with rest-api (bsc#1132247) - Increase SO version to 11 - 2.52.0- Added a banner on the upper/right side of the YaST layout. The label can be set by the environment variable YAST_BANNER (jsc#SLE-9424). - 2.51.7- Do not require graphviz-devel for the doc package (bsc#1157916) - 2.45.5- Add support to operate on many widgets with rest-api (bsc#1132247) - Support column index when selecting a row - Update documentation - Increase SO version to 11 - 0.3.0- Add support to operate on many widgets with rest-api (bsc#1132247) - Increase SO version to 11 - 2.54.0- Add support to operate on many widgets with rest-api (bsc#1132247) - Increase SO version to 11 - 3.9.0- Respect backslashes (graphviz escString) in texts (bsc#1157916) - 2.45.4- Fixed Qt 5.14 deprecated warnings (bsc#1155550) - 2.46.10- Fixed Qt 5.14 deprecated warnings (bsc#1155550) - 2.51.6- Prevent crash on [PrintScreen] of a main window (bsc#1157170) - 2.51.5- Mirror layout direction in Farsi (bsc#1156437) - 2.51.4- Implemented CustomStatusItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 2.53.2- Don't use tab in string literal (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.5- Switch to native rpm boolean dependency syntax (boo#1156428)- Support item status getting and setting for ItemSelector (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.4- Left-align ItemSelector toggle and icon if using custom status values, but items without description (bsc#1084674) - 2.51.3- do not complain about vendor change when switching repo (bsc#1149391,bsc#1065584) - 2.46.9- Support custom status values (int, not just boolean) in ItemSelector (bsc#1084674) - 2.51.2- Support custom status values (int, not just bool) in ItemSelector (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.3- Don't enforce an initial selection for SingleItemSelector (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.2- 2.46.8- Fix build failure with older boost (bsc#1084674) - 2.53.1- Try to sort out a bit the package using spec-cleaner - Use the distribution %cmake macros that define all the various compilation flags/etc. - Use %cmake_build that will allow us later to switch from make to ninja on distribution level- Remove Group view pane as it is based on the rpm group tag indirectly via packagekit (fate#326485).- Implemented ItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 2.53.0- Icon support for ItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 2.51.1- Added CurrentItem property to new ItemSelector widget for consistency (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.1- Added ItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.0- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 0.1.1- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 0.1.1- Implemented ItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 2.51.0- handle new libyui feature dealing with scrollbar position of RichText widget (bsc#1150498) - 2.52.1- Make scroll-up mean zoom-in (bsc#1149158) - 2.45.3- handle new libyui feature dealing with scrollbar position of RichText widget (bsc#1150498) - 2.50.6- Allow to get and set scrollbar position of RichText widget (bsc#1150498) - 3.7.0- Added a new generic dependency to force upgrade from all previous versions (e.g. from libyui-qt-pkg9 to libyui-qt-pkg10) (bsc#1148622) - 2.46.7- Added a new generic dependency to force upgrade from all previous versions (e.g. from libyui-ncurses-pkg9 to libyui-ncurses-pkg10) (bsc#1148622) - 2.49.1- pollEventInternal/UI.PollInput would produce no events (bsc#1139967) - 2.50.5- Split the libyui-rest-api plugin to separate Qt and Ncurses parts (bsc#1139747) - IPv6 support - HTTP Basic Auth support (set the user name and password via the YUI_AUTH_USER and YUI_AUTH_PASSWD environment variables) - 0.2.0- Send the notify events also when some widgets are changed via the REST API (CheckBox, RadioButton, InputField) (bsc#1139747) - 2.52.0- Initial version, split the libyui-rest-api plugin to separate Qt and Ncurses parts (bsc#1139747) - 0.1.0- Initial version, split the libyui-rest-api plugin to separate Qt and Ncurses parts (bsc#1139747) - 0.1.0- Split the libyui-rest-api plugin to separate Qt and Ncurses parts (bsc#1139747) - 3.6.0- Adding explanation for temporary menue options. (bsc#1137034) - 2.46.6- Clarify license to lgpl-2.1 and lgpl-3 (bsc#1136407). - 2.46.5- Allow for full customization of the steps (boo#1134575) - 2.50.4- Fixed empty labels in graph elements (bsc#1130502): Proper replacement for obsolete QPainter::initFrom() - 2.45.2- Check for correct Qt version to fix build with Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.46.4- Check for correct Qt version to fix build with Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.50.3- Fixed segfault in pkg changes dialog (bsc#1132980) - 2.46.3- Spec file cleanup, use %cmake macros- Backward compatibility fix to ensure it still compiles in Leap 15.0 (related to bsc#1130502) - 2.46.2- Backward compatibility fix to ensure it still compiles in Leap 15.0 (related to bsc#1130502) - 2.50.2- Fixed obsolete warnings when building against Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.45.1- Fixed obsolete warnings when building against Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.46.1- Adapt to the latest libyui base library (REST API extension) - Bump the .so version to 10 to be compatible with the other libyui packages (bsc#1132247) - 2.51.0- Fixed obsolete warnings when building against Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.50.1- Bump the .so version to 10 to be compatible with the other libyui packages (bsc#1132247) - 2.45.0- Bump the .so version to 10 to be compatible with the other libyui packages (bsc#1132247) - 2.46.0- Bump the .so version to 10 to be compatible with the other libyui packages (bsc#1132247) - 2.49.0- Add changes required for the libyui-testframework (bsc#1132247) - 2.50.0- Add icons for partitioner (boo#1118521) - 2.49.16- Revert to previous initial status column width (bsc#1127708) - 2.45.27- Use YQUI icon loader in YQImage whenever possible (bsc#1119688, bsc#1122174) - 2.49.15- Fix icon display to new libyui-qt function (boo#1125424) - 2.45.26- Fixed segfault in YQTableItem icon (bsc#1121083) - 2.49.14- Initial commit (bsc#1132247) - 0.1.0- Add changes required for the libyui-rest-api (bsc#1132247) - 3.5.0- YImage: Fall back to compiled-in Qt resources (bsc#1119688) - 2.49.13- log QIcon::themeName (for bsc#1119688) - 2.49.12- Make icons pop out from any background (boo#1115949) - 2.45.25- libyui-ncurses-tools conflicts with libyui-ncurses8 (related to bsc#1113291) - 2.50.4- Ship only primary icons with module to avoid conflicts (boo#1118521) - 2.49.11- Fix YQTree's icon loading function (boo#1116562) - Fix padding on the left caused by deprecated dialog icon (boo#1116278)- Destroy sidebar where necessary (boo#1115994)- Use native icon theme methods (boo#1109378) - 2.49.8- Require and link against libQt5Svg (bsc#1114654) - 2.45.24- Better error handling for missing icons (bsc#1114654): Error message in the y2log plus displaying a small red square for missing icons. - 2.45.23- New way of handling emblems with theming support (boo#1109382) - 2.45.22- Split off libyui-terminal into libyui-ncurses-tools (bsc#1113291) - 2.50.3- Remove the RPM Groups view (FATE#326485). - 2.48.9- Remove the RPM Groups view (FATE#326485). - 2.45.21- Fix style disappearing from sidebar (boo#1111720) - 2.49.7- Enable HiDPI (bsc#1089886) - 2.49.6- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Update the version to match the other packages (improvement for handling big disks, bsc#991090) - 2.44.9- Fix for the new FSize class (avoid the 8EiB limit, bsc#991090) - Update the package version - 2.48.8- Update the version to match the other packages (improvement for handling big disks, bsc#991090) - 2.50.2- Fix for the new FSize class (avoid the 8EiB limit, bsc#991090) - Update the package version - 2.45.20- Fix for the new FSize class (avoid the 8EiB limit, bsc#991090) - Update the package version - 2.49.5- Improved the FSize class to handle arbitrary sizes, use the boost multiprecision library instead of `long long` which overflows for values > 8EiB (bsc#991090) - 3.4.2- Fixes for file systems >8EiB (bsc#991090): - Do not display "out of disk space" error at start when such a large disk is present in the system - Fixed displaying negative disk sizes in the disk usage dialog - 2.45.19- Fixes for file systems >8EiB (bsc#991090): - Do not display "out of disk space" error at start when such a large disk is present in the system - Fixed displaying negative disk sizes in the disk usage dialog - 2.48.7- Added new "Services" filter, displayed only when at least one repository service is present (FATE#321043)- Added new "Services" view, displayed only when at least one repository service is present (FATE#321043) - Display the busy cursor while package filtering is in progress- use long long instead of int for free disk space with MiB base - 2.45.18- use long long instead of int for free disk space with MiB base - 2.48.6- Drop code related to qt solver plugin which is dead for long time (bsc#1088759) - 2.45.17- Drop qt5_use_modules (related to bsc#1091286). - 2.44.8- Fix Gnome's display of titles/icons (boo#1092845) - 2.49.4- Fix GCC 8 warning: -Werror=catch-value (boo#1084636). - 3.4.1- Replace qt5_use_modules with target_link_libraries (bsc#1091286). - 2.45.16- Replace qt5_use_modules with target_link_libraries (bsc#1091286). - 2.44.7- Replace qt5_use_modules with target_link_libraries (bsc#1091286). - 2.49.3- Use QLibraryInfo to determine the path to Qt translations (bsc#1082569). - 2.49.2- fix translations for advanced help text (bsc#1083015) - 2.50.1- Contribution by LelCP: Add support for icon themes (boo#1081517) - 2.45.15- Prevent segfault if an open dialog is left over (bsc#1074596): Don't do anything widget related after the QApplication is destroyed, in particular not deleting other widgets, even if indirectly via YDialog::deleteAllDialogs() in YUI. [#] 2.49.1- Removed is_linetouched() function that clashes with a macro of the same name of newer NCurses libs (bsc#1074600) - 2.50.0- Don't probe X11 display, for better integration with Wayland (bsc#1072411) - 2.48.1- Send a widget ID with Shift-F6 for automated testing (fate#324098) - 2.48.0- Send a widget ID with Shift-F6 for automated testing (fate#324098) - 2.49.0- Support for sending a widget ID with Shift-F6 for automated testing (fate#324098) - 3.4.0- Removed an obsolete non-working Qt initialization hack (bsc#1053873) - 2.47.3- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - 2.44.6- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - Reduce build dependencies: Use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel (amajer) - 2.45.14- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - Reduce build dependencies: Use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel (amajer) - 2.48.5- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - 2.47.2- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - Reduce build dependencies: Use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel (amajer) - 2.48.4- CMake 3.9 warns about CMP0028 being obsolete - 3.3.3- bnc#1047145 - patch to make the package buildable by gcc7 (by - 2.48.3- Limit the number of displayed changes (the last 512 entries), rendering a huge change log might cause a freeze for long time (bsc#1044777) - 2.45.13- adjustments needed to work with latest ncurses update (bsc#1034922) - 2.48.2- Add option to enable MGA-Extensions - Patches from MGA (anaselli) to support external plugins - 2.0.0- Python3: YItem and YWidget pointers comparison does not work any more (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#26, A. Naselli) - Python: Python binding missing constant values (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#25, A. Naselli) - Python: Added an example to show how to fill a YTable using YItemCollection (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#24, A. Naselli) - CMake: Fix handling of PerlLibs (boo#1113271) - 1.1.2- Add $(ENV:YUI_PREFERED_BACKEND) to set prefered UI-backend - Avoid several warnings from CMake - 3.3.2- Fix detection of Desktop Environments - 3.3.1- Add YSettings::loadedUI option (gh#libyui/libyui#35) - Prefer Gtk-UI on Gtk-based desktop enviroments - Bump SO-name and minor version for API-change - 3.3.0- Fix crash when shutting down the UI (gh#libyui-libyui-qt#41, bsc#931762) - Fix a problem with hanging UI - 2.47.1- Sort pkg list case-insensitively (bsc#1012294) - Prevent double sorting (widget sorts by itself) - 2.48.4- Treat RichText non-pair tag cases (gh#libyui-ncurses/issues#33). - 2.48.1- Sort pkg list case-insensitively (bsc#1012294) - 2.45.12- Made menu hotkey unique for QA (bsc#1012604) - 2.48.3- implement shortcut conflicts resolver for menu buttons (bsc#940817) - 3.2.9- Add hotkey for help about advanced hotkeys (bsc#1010039) - 2.48.0- Add handler for Shift-F1 to show advanced keyboard shortcuts (bsc#1010039) - 2.47.0- avoid duplicate entries in package groups view (bnc#852073) - 2.45.11- install qt-pkg if graphical control center and yast2-packager is used to prevent crash (bsc#999031) - 2.45.10- Add support for @import directive in QSS (related to bsc#768112 and bsc#780621) - 2.46.30- Rename Y2COLORMODE to Y2ALTSTYLE for consistency (related to bsc#768112 and bsc#780621) - 2.46.29- Fixed a Wmismatched-tags warning on clang/OSX (gh#libyui/libyui#33) - 3.2.8- Fix pre-selecting a tree item when adding it, in ncurses (gh#libyui/libyui#86, boo#1005889). The very first item would be selected, ignoring YTreeItem::setSelected. - Added ui test before loading extended widget plugin, to avoid a crash- Fix pre-selecting a tree item when adding it, in ncurses (gh#libyui-ncurses/issues#26, boo#1005889). The very first item would be selected, ignoring YTreeItem::setSelected. - 2.47.7- Adapt to the latest API change regarding QY2Styler, renaming usingHighContrastStyleSheet to usingAlternateStyleSheet (related to bsc#780621) - 2.45.9- Rename Y2HIGHCONTRAST environment variable to Y2COLORMODE - Use 'alternate' instead of 'high-contrast' - Load default style sheet if alternate style sheet does not exist - All these changes are related to bsc#768112 and bsc#780621 - 2.46.28- Use the new QY2Styler usingHighContrastStyleSheet instead of the old usingVisionImpairedPalette (related to bsc#780621) - 2.45.8- Fix high-contrast support (bsc#76811 and related to bsc#780621) - 2.46.27- Improve message shown when user want to quit without saving changes (bsc#849084) - 2.45.7- Fix compilation with Qt 5.7 by using non-deprecated classes (boo#1001141).- Force showing widgets that were added after opening a dialog (bsc#998593) - Deliver timeout events only if the delivering dialog is still the topmost (can only happen with Ctrl-Shift-Alt key combos) - 2.46.25- Added editing abilities to the spy dialog (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Y in the Qt UI) (bsc#998593) - 3.2.7- prevent double rendering of content causing segfault in qt and slow down elsewhere (bnc#989155) - 3.2.6- Do not append new line when content of log view do not change (bnc#989155) - 2.46.24- Now Yast requests the focus to the window manager when running fullscreen instead of relying on the window manager focus policy (bsc#974627) - 2.46.23- Show help in wizard widget upon F1 and Alt-H (bnc#973389) - 2.46.22- Fix 'Werror=nonnull-compare' for GCC 6 (bsc#964144) - Optimizations remove null pointer checks for 'this' - Clean-up trailing white-space - 3.2.5- Fixed a compilation error in YTableCell with GCC 6 (bsc#964144). - 3.2.4- replace deprecated auto_ptr by unique_ptr (bsc#962744) - 2.47.6- CSharp: fix a System.EntryPointNotFoundException (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#18, M. Pasotti) - Perl, Python, Ruby: Fixed item identity comparison (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#15, A. Naselli) - 1.1.1- Respect /etc/zypp/zypp.conf settings for options "Allow vendor change" and "Cleanup when deleting packages" (bsc#954117) - 2.45.6- Allow Ctrl-a and Ctrl-e key navigation for ComboBox, InputField and MultiLineEdit widgets (bsc#938814) - 2.47.5- Fix unselecting patterns for installation (unify behavior with qt packager) (bnc#916568) - 2.48.2- fixed styling for the release notes dialog content (bsc#947167) - 2.46.21- Better handling of secondary repository filters when there is no enough screen space (bnc#876540) - 2.45.5- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079). - 2.47.4- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Handle QtInfoMsg value in switch; fixes build with Qt 5.5 (H Senjan, boo#942101). - so-version bumped to match the main library. - 2.46.19- fixed redirection of stderr and stdout to /dev/null (bnc#943757) - 2.47.3- Allow to delete single versions of multiversion packages (bsc#943870) - 2.45.3- bumped so version to match the base library (boo#937026). - 2.44.4- Handle mixed multiversion packages (fate#318778) - Allow to delete single versions of multiversion packages. (bsc#943870) - 2.48.0- Bump also the required yui_backend - 3.2.2- Fixed crash in conflict resolver dialog: No longer call libzypp function that always returns null pointer (bsc#941398) - 2.45.2- Handle mixed multiversion packages (fate#318778) - Fixed libzypp deprecated warning - 2.45.1- don't calculate height of an invisible widget (menu button) to prevent segfault (bnc#931154) - 2.47.2- API-changes imply so-name bump - 3.2.1- Added a libyui-terminal helper script (boo#937026). - 2.47.1- Added NCApplication::openUI/closeUI (boo#937026). - 2.47.0- Added YApplication::openUI/closeUI (boo#937026) - 3.2.0- Added option "Dependencies/Install Recommended Packages", (PKGMGR_RECOMMENDED) (boo#900853). - Changed "Dependencies/Install Recommeded Packages for Already Installed Packages" from an option to a command (boo#902394). - 2.47.0- Unified option handling with NCurses (FATE#318099) - "System verification mode" and "Dependencies/Autocheck" moved to /etc/sysconfig/yast2 (PKGMGR_VERIFY_SYSTEM, PKGMGR_AUTO_CHECK). - made "Cleanup when deleting packages" and "Allow vendor change" not persistent. - Added option Dependencies/Install Recommended Packages, (PKGMGR_RECOMMENDED) (boo#900853). - Changed "Options/Ignore Recommended Packages for Already Installed Packages" from an option to a command "Extras/Install All Matching Recommended Packages" (boo#902394). - 2.45.0- fixed styling for non-Wizard dialogues (bnc#925882) - allow styling of the YQMainWinDock object (the main non-Wizard window) - the stylesheet editor (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+s) also works for non-Wizard dialogues now - 2.46.18- NCTimeField input validity check - NCDateField input validity check - Implementation of optional widget YTimeField - Implementation of optional widget YDateField - new class NCInputText to share code between NCTimeField, NCDateField and NCInputField - 2.46.10- fix layout of Help and Release Notes buttons (bsc#916814) (credits to tgoettlicher) - 2.46.17- don't use internal ncurses (_nc_) functions (bnc #915945) - 2.46.9- include Help and Release notes buttons in keyboard shortcut resolution (bsc#880983) - 2.46.16- added keyboard shortcuts to Help and Release Notes buttons (bnc#880983) - 2.46.15- added QT-specific dialog for displaying release notes- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (PREFIX in spec, boo#911875). - 2.44.3- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (PREFIX in spec, boo#911875). - 2.46.14- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (PREFIX in spec, boo#911875). - 2.46.2- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (PREFIX in spec, boo#911875). - 2.46.8- Fix cmake also in the spec file, duh.- Fix cmake also in the spec file, duh.- Replace deprecated Config: with RbConfig: for Ruby 2.2 - Add bindings for Mono / CSharp thanks to Matteo Pasotti - Add CMake-switches to enable / disable languages thanks to Matteo Pasotti - Shapen-up Mono-bindings to work as expected - 1.1.0- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (-fPIC, PREFIX, boo#911875). - 2.44.8- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (-fPIC, PREFIX, boo#911875). - 1.0.6- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (-fPIC, PREFIX, boo#911875). - 3.1.5- RichText hyperlinks: return as strings, like Qt and GTK do. (gh#libyui/libyui-ncurses#30) - 2.46.7/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglibyui-qt-graph-docyast2-qt-graphibs-arm-4 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fa2c4cc46fb3c4566dc5de573e3fb5db7e128eed, strippedASCII textPRRRRR RRRRRRR RRR RRRRRR R R:9_~< ߟlibyui-qt16utf-8c69f65f82fae789dd35e8ff7922378e7a307055ca4fd38f3254efd7bf901e993?7zXZ !t/&] crt:bLL ܉l;AV|P!%d'Z­$$K:m*/!1]#KšVJnw&ރ {DP|0K[=]haQr3,.j=:<4}Z>y3J`L)92ά<8,EFr*2B| iPZYyT?)aZ bӻvGLᴡtGjw#a7mG\K 'm!$ƺ\s'Pl [%hbd`7Bf12!,Npxcsur2!-HkxoִCg : _gC#?0)3k%n #BB'+xxtI gCOF*K&U켏r|ߔx |ڞcvp?2͝ d,dsqHn* זAx?fDE\&2Y6GeW0%}N0L`] L{SOhxM(d=\o9؂[Ya {XU!`xS&(,Iܼm ]|?\P{t#NE>O1L'o ,X6t5Y*/zembX2ǧrK|:3熌ZR +s/AubԱ{&TqB9Gz;c+6נ| .FQ0Wr28wn&80XFrk?KK/.Ɉ7n( o0O\_ ~@؄ Q('5~rSv_OVH*W³D_ܨe޸k8o4={7 B0pzV9Iiv0?2 )AD㞛Fc,s8R7sGyp݆_fz49[UJ##L zQz Xi0wE爜}̓wN:ta3b()بMI*X^b׿f"+Ԣ{認p'kk'wU.(Wh;_VƥQu;]s"oJ?d)'g:VwB] \aԾ'mQ>,EdƑI>Vn噣٘Qf$Y'嗥(n]<[rMhuKٗC >jPQـ >bوc݉@KHqM6d FGu+ij|)ݽMHgnw -ovF݌psG6G7iZ}I@1"RIj oN9 VܕyuG4%Qy]Ԣ@5m֣zo)W6~A zSRbAi>TO N_H5p4ļnԛ%;G\AK_qLďpSJToou>饆U$z_a*!Z9h!x׋5Ŋپ 0$OI訅{uF@m ?RՋmS_B1\W)Q2gxA]dl8 Y'䊺N)JKEQPڈtIyIEBZp4S5'#SiՍj`[b_wlz%Z<a}&Y!]q;|_ՍE@ZJ%ՙ#myUJ ^au D (L$B(Z3(_[q<kPrjΎ&LY*ǚbwlݙ(T7~wS[sՇ1xk O-Ve\ENX|"*⁚x.1:_j_H(q4Kf6kX)v'a6J?C3`{i{ a~Lo-*+<$'vPcQ!=򱢱qҾ˭y<&\RF{.:s囑/ue%JimC/˃g@4ģPbq.4VgEZw7ʣKd8p& 0`"?nlIFxH'm zÝd xE M;heZr4ͮs:0FܦZ|늵;NA૳ZiBy>euh?CDQu,ys"p/'HHb ʙ9ǭ^/2rY& M<y)85C.<OœP4>Bs[ޫ-8[&SkL;p z0,iGiդ(VVQ0a`7yw?(?sq]P}MF$NT+[$P̓/YDvW/%tʤWAMqV A#k 5-$NCjBeb:--c}l][PD0=* /XӏWLހ]%A9拫3<;] ܰN:@j$| Elheph; ,!#WtoQr&1&dXu&8pUJԉ1 2:<:aJHxI# [WOēL¦^JiRH.4zdm'HBh Rf$yJzrC7XE7jOPbx3G9q f1^%DTmLǩu {Xh>Qk &7fޓֲo$ t`sZsV] CZ[{dGIf4ٷS|ooV9F"utRYvh!ܧ:wR`uT/NF۪$$+(lj2 |A3/|{n36W^I: vͨnӔ/ Cl#Q:- nh3M/r K=A&V8@6T#U.4 Uދ1^\Jbׂ_Δ_HcqB9:"K@0|_ _\#S9>8rM`OgGdhx6N^ \ aBSydSA͛iK@|tcd滸oʉ߃bdYv!x1.Ye _ 6kz^S-}4ih Cں+1ND. dt7e`︐GڡW"~pz::Su "WvpE ~I|p!%qD0|;<98}M[w_T$apҞᲨwS8aؓ`hz) 3*mߗ (doʨg.̑,120KרqKop vo̲jasfw:\΅= Dž@hGsp窽ڬ S|8$eNF7`!& zEU} N!֛@N˫8zPtzl,BzFaCꭀsX"Nu[tܱc"fX-+#0ο8+ex"rfx"1HeB,}7~9 TK7:>`JFNN!95Ewkܝ@B)%W^E:B99ۓw/huv WF4q~D7{t:I@_3c&*SDSDBB=yF/kLI`2]d=,mEjt'SMzt ɕe=s&iMN*3oi;՗2"Ҳ3Bz\9ii n)xm)w?{.YCsVafX#<(/o>HkW~1: dVjͅ/aH_NI]<,rwL^AC ; ͘W;k_4WFvO-W5\CRauJF NGL*16l}D?#G3ZI?!9qf-]J[^7)ReëJ|NގzZ\-x۳}Գ`6,[Pi=Z|8XhSiM*>QUA@H}^Aa }C1歞P*BO7gNu|R'zH5 sYMI.k,-g[LO.FCfsivcR'lQoc/+T? ʷggQTvPl G60 }z ̱H]LPff (x5e',O⬣F-H}*ڕi}Vm͗Nd[LQnepB^w]b2 =&}6bHdݴ-&e~T}o@ j@{à("{SmA֭ߝҙl1/-^7֠h98q`a a"vH`IHT{bG('72GeԸEYC咰Wl2ˑ 7 6~,=f3ܕFЂ.t0k>D"O{x?O>u@'?u¥k4 ,^R#~ k4Ҵ܄xVbmjtY mMں W*sxf&b3kM8Ix5I[V8蝌ĩgxkn!AXo4"|z婸S}LeUHM{N"HB Lm*Qt Wx)fD6Z^F##K݃wr<9ܙڔP`Ȋ1ya fV<ޚch3M\n4rÙupa[ I +L=]+-7L"e '~1'ByudvEF,%,y\ wAe3/ߍ*8D#C(ЭD ~\-򴾔$̈́{2YB#"i:Cx|«_n/XMspyǫՈ % F%rC[{^2lOE.R6c*6OUz(ImZ-6 *|ƶX Csb}ǒ=rяߩnkc;gniONFiTTB8"$yt ,,pgׁ=Lfj})k}`F30R'<͟U3KJϖ*wrAk ;wNyaNu@B.[58v-{}qj5 t~]sx1(aXi Ƞr>6 OtD_ʺ{TNWEIPѹn]炳WQ}Hy'AYPc~뮙 `\[rTo(8Opc28M>\7'g]ȇw-`ζ>jE?pMGAQZ`~5eЦ3a cf#L2;ܦ9{$-ծ10zl|c»]P8>Dnki8[ j.' ?4%ט%+(qri z*XCE>;v'Dv"stMF?dH cѿ?C 7di؃He# @:BSͲ#B@,UbܷGXx@FV#gxvXTx"MTslF[.H| Olyt/ xLjdgfQ]]6&e¿ev[>.(\",~ir[1nnJs0qx=.WH2+W3:_. 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