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trace)ksym(default:kthread_create_on_node)ksym(default:ktime_get_real_ts64)ksym(default:ktime_get_ts64)ksym(default:load_nls)ksym(default:logfc)ksym(default:make_kgid)ksym(default:make_kuid)ksym(default:map_vm_area)ksym(default:mark_page_accessed)ksym(default:memchr)ksym(default:memcmp)ksym(default:memcpy)ksym(default:memmove)ksym(default:memset)ksym(default:misc_deregister)ksym(default:misc_register)ksym(default:mod_timer)ksym(default:module_layout)ksym(default:module_put)ksym(default:mutex_lock)ksym(default:mutex_unlock)ksym(default:netif_carrier_off)ksym(default:netif_carrier_on)ksym(default:netif_rx_ni)ksym(default:netif_schedule_queue)ksym(default:no_llseek)ksym(default:nr_cpu_ids)ksym(default:page_offset_base)ksym(default:pagecache_get_page)ksym(default:panic)ksym(default:param_ops_int)ksym(default:pci_disable_device)ksym(default:pci_enable_device)ksym(default:pci_iomap_range)ksym(default:pci_iounmap)ksym(default:pci_save_state)ksym(default:pci_set_power_state)ksym(default:pci_unregister_driver)ksym(default:pgdir_shift)ksym(default:phys_base)ksym(default:physical_mask)ksym(default:platform_device_register)ksym(default:platform_device_unregister)ksym(default:platform_driver_unregister)ksym(default:preempt_notifier_dec)ksym(default:preempt_notifier_inc)ksym(default:preempt_notifier_register)ksym(default:preempt_notifier_unregister)ksym(default:preempt_voluntary_key)ksym(default:prepare_to_wait)ksym(default:printk)ksym(default:ptrs_per_p4d)ksym(default:pv_ops)ksym(default:queue_delayed_work_on)ksym(default:queue_work_on)ksym(default:refcount_warn_saturate)ksym(default:register_filesystem)ksym(default:register_inet6addr_notifier)ksym(default:register_inetaddr_notifier)ksym(default:register_netdev)ksym(default:register_netdevice_notifier)ksym(default:remap_pfn_range)ksym(default:request_threaded_irq)ksym(default:rtnl_lock)ksym(default:rtnl_unlock)ksym(default:sched_setscheduler)ksym(default:schedule)ksym(default:schedule_hrtimeout_range)ksym(default:schedule_timeout)ksym(default:scnprintf)ksym(default:seq_escape)ksym(default:seq_printf)ksym(default:seq_puts)ksym(default:set_nlink)ksym(default:set_page_dirty)ksym(default:set_user_nice)ksym(default:setattr_prepare)ksym(default:simple_write_begin)ksym(default:simple_write_end)ksym(default:skb_checksum)ksym(default:skb_copy_bits)ksym(default:skb_pull)ksym(default:skb_push)ksym(default:skb_put)ksym(default:sme_me_mask)ksym(default:smp_call_function)ksym(default:smp_call_function_many)ksym(default:smp_call_function_single)ksym(default:strchr)ksym(default:strcmp)ksym(default:strlcpy)ksym(default:strlen)ksym(default:strncmp)ksym(default:strncpy)ksym(default:strnlen)ksym(default:super_setup_bdi_name)ksym(default:system_wq)ksym(default:this_cpu_off)ksym(default:truncate_inode_pages)ksym(default:try_module_get)ksym(default:ttm_bo_device_init)ksym(default:ttm_bo_device_release)ksym(default:ttm_bo_dma_acc_size)ksym(default:ttm_bo_eviction_valuable)ksym(default:ttm_bo_glob)ksym(default:ttm_bo_init)ksym(default:ttm_bo_init_mm)ksym(default:ttm_bo_kmap)ksym(default:ttm_bo_kunmap)ksym(default:ttm_bo_manager_func)ksym(default:ttm_bo_mmap)ksym(default:ttm_bo_move_to_lru_tail)ksym(default:ttm_bo_put)ksym(default:ttm_bo_validate)ksym(default:ttm_tt_fini)ksym(default:ttm_tt_init)ksym(default:tty_kref_put)ksym(default:tty_name)ksym(default:unload_nls)ksym(default:unlock_new_inode)ksym(default:unlock_page)ksym(default:unregister_filesystem)ksym(default:unregister_inet6addr_notifier)ksym(default:unregister_inetaddr_notifier)ksym(default:unregister_netdev)ksym(default:unregister_netdevice_notifier)ksym(default:up)ksym(default:up_read)ksym(default:up_write)ksym(default:utf32_to_utf8)ksym(default:utf8_to_utf32)ksym(default:vfree)ksym(default:vgacon_text_force)ksym(default:vm_insert_page)ksym(default:vm_mmap)ksym(default:vm_munmap)ksym(default:vmalloc)ksym(default:vmap)ksym(default:vmemmap_base)ksym(default:vunmap)ksym(default:wake_up_process)ksym(default:ww_mutex_lock_interruptible)ksym(default:ww_mutex_unlock)ksym(default:yield)ksym(default:zalloc_cpumask_var)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)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Update per boo#1186361- Version bump to 6.1.22 (released April 29 2021 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: Improved performance of 64-bit Windows and Solaris guests when Hyper-V is used on recent Windows 10 hosts VMM: Fixed frequent crashes of 64-bit Windows Vista and Server 2003 guests when Hyper-V is used GUI: Fixed regression where user was not able to save unset default shortcuts (bug #20305) Storage: Fixed regression in LsiLogic SAS controller emulation caused VM crash (bug #20323) Linux Guest Additions: Fixed issue when it was not possible to run executables from mounted share (bug #20320) Fixes for CVE-2021-2145 CVE-2021-2250 CVE-2021-2264 CVE-2021-2266 CVE-2021-2279 CVE-2021-2280 CVE-2021-2281 CVE-2021-2282 CVE-2021-2283 CVE-2021-2284 CVE-2021-2285 CVE-2021-2286 CVE-2021-2287 CVE-2021-2291 CVE-2021-2296 CVE-2021-2297 CVE-2021-2306 CVE-2021-2309 CVE-2021-2310 CVE-2021-2312- Version bump to (released April 20 2021 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: Fixed extremely poor VM performance depending on the timing of various actions (regression in 6.1.0) VMM: Fixed guest OS hanging under certain circumstances when Hyper-V is present (bug #20141) VMM: Fixed Guru Meditation error when using a nested hypervisor under certain circumstances (bug #20175) VMM: Fixed a SMAP related host panic affecting Solaris 11.4 systems with Intel Haswell CPUs or later (bug #16068) OCI: Add cloud-init support for export to OCI and for OCI instance creation GUI: Fixed "Delete all files" leaving behind Logs/VBoxUI.log (bug #20235) Audio: Multiple fixes and enhancements Audio: Fixed detection of duplex audio devices on macOS (5.0 regression; bug #20171) Network: Fixed link status reporting for "not attached" adapters Network: Fixed connectivity issues with e1000 in OS/2 guests (6.1.18 regression; bug #20148) Network: Fixed VxWorks e1000 driver compatibility issue (bug #20182) Network: Fixed GUI checks for port forwarding rules rejecting IPv6 with "Nat Network" (bug #14847) DHCP: Don't crash in the presence of fixed address assignments (bug #20128) Serial: Fixed possible VM hang when using the a serial port in disconnected mode (bug #19854) Webcam: Fixed interoperability with v4l2loopback and fixed a crash under certain circumstances (bug #20176) NVMe: Fixed sporadic Windows VM hang or reboot on high CPU load VBoxManage: Allow changing network adapter attachment of a saved VM with "modifyvm" vboximg-mount: Fix for argument processing to honor the '--root' option (6.0 regression; bug #20073) Linux host and guest: Support kernel versions 5.11 (bug #20198) and 5.12 Linux host: Maximum MTU size increased to 16110 for host-only adapters on Linux kernels 4.10+ (bug #19122) Linux Guest Additions: Fix vboxvideo module compilation for kernel version 5.10.x Linux Guest Additions: Fixed kernel module build for RHEL 8.4 beta and CentOS Stream (bug #20289) File "fixes-for-5.11.patch" is deleted. The issue is fixed upstream. File "" is replaced by "" File "vboxautostart.service" is replaced by "vboxautostart-service.service" Fixes boo#1183329 "virtualbox 6.1.18 crashes when it runs nested VM" Fixes boo#1183125 "Leap 15.3 installation in Virtualbox without VBox integration" Fixes CVE-2021-2264 and boo#1184542. The directory for the .start files for autostarting VMs is moved from /etc/vbox to /etc/vbox/autostart.d. In addition, the autostart service is hardened (by Oracle). File "virtualbox-kmp-files-leap" is deleted.- Use distconfdir for xinitrc.d files on TW- Improve autostart security boo#1182918.- Own %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d as default packages (eg systemd) no longer do so, breaking package build.- explicitly use https:// protocol for authenticity. The http:// URL is currently redirected to https:// but don't rely on this.- Add code to generate guest modules for Leap 15.2 and Leap 15.3. The kernel versions do not allow window resizing. Files "virtualbox-kmp-files-leap" and "" are added- Fix build for Leap 15.3. File "fixes_for_leap15.3.patch" is added.- Fix additional problem with modal dialog parent. Fixes CVE-2021-2074, boo#1181197 and CVE-2021-2129, boo#1181198.- Version update to 6.1.18 (released January 19 2021) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Nested VM: Fixed hangs when executing SMP nested-guests under certain conditions on Intel hosts (bug #19315, #19561) OCI integration: Cloud Instance parameters parsing is improved on import (bug #19156) Network: UDP checksum offloading in e1000 no longer produces zero checksums (bug #19930) Network: Fixed Host-Only Ethernet Adapter DHCP, guest os can not get IP on host resume (bug #19620) NAT: Fixed mss parameter handing (bug #15256) macOS host: Multiple optimizations for BigSur Audio: Fixed issues with audio playback after host goes to sleep (bug #18594) Documentation: Some content touch-up and table formatting fixes Linux host and guest: Support kernel version 5.10 (bug #20055) Solaris host: Fix regression breaking VGA text mode since version 6.1.0 Guest Additions: Fixed a build failure affecting CentOS 8.2-2004 and later (bug #20091) Guest Additions: Fixed a build failure affecting Linux kernels 3.2.0 through 3.2.50 (bug #20006) Guest Additions: Fixed a VM segfault on copy with shared clipboard with X11 (bug #19226) Shared Folder: Fixed error with remounting on Linux guests File "debug_mountsf.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream. File "linux-5.10-address-space-fixes.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream. File "linux-5.10-framebuffer-fixes.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream. File "linux-5.10-r0drv-memobj-fix-r0.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream.- Under some circumstances, shared folders are mounted as root. File "debug_mountsf.patch" is added to allow recovery on affected systems. Automounted volumes are not fixed by this patch; however, manual mounting with the uid/gid options are correct.- Fix build for kernel 5.11 - File "fixes-for-5.11.patch" is added.- Disable build of guest modules. These are included in recent kernels and are not needed for Tumbleweed, Leap 15.1 and Leap 15.3. File "" is deleted.- Fix additional mouse control dialog issues.- Forward Hans-Peter Jansen's fixes.- Add vb-6.1.16-modal-dialog-parent.patch in order to solve the file selector dialog mouse control issues- Fix build with RPM 4.16: Do not install files to buildroot during the build phase: - Do not forcibly require systemd: systemd_ordering is sufficient.- Add linux-5.10-r0drv-memobj-fix-r0.patch to fix build with kernel 5.10 - Add linux-5.10-address-space-fixes.patch to fix sharedfolders with 5.10 - Add linux-5.10-framebuffer-fixes.patch to fix framebuffer with 5.10- Version bump to 6.1.16 (released October 16 2020 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: File "fixes_for_5.9.patch" deleted - fixed upstream. VMM: Fixed random memory corruption and XMM register state corruption inside the VM when Hyper-V is used (bug #19695) VMM: Fixed VMSVGA 3D support with Linux guests when Hyper-V is used (bug #19884) GUI: Fixed some Qt related crashes on macOS Big Sur Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integration: Fixed network integration not working behind some proxies USB: Mask out remote wake capability to avoid unresponsive devices Audio: Fixed issues with audio playback after host goes to sleep (bug #18594) Serial: Keep transferring data if the status line monitoring fails Serial: Fixed blocking a re-connect when TCP mode is used (bug #19878) HPET: Fixed inability of guests to use the last timer VBoxManage: Fixed detection of system locale when running 'VBoxManage unattended install' without --locale (bug #19856) Linux host and guest: Support kernel version 5.9 (bug #19845) Linux guest: Workaround to improve resizing of 32-bit VMs with VMSVGA graphics controller, and do not try to use RandR version 1.3 due to bugs causing the X server to hang Linux guest: Fixed VBoxService crashing in the CPU hot-plug service under certain circumstances during a CPU hot-unplug event (bugs #19902 and #19903) Linux guest: Fixed Guest additions build for RHEL 8.3 beta (bug #19863)- %service_del_postun_without_restart is not yet available in Leap 15.{1,2} of SLE15_SP1. For that reason, a workaround is added.- keep "Provides: multiversion(kernel)" in kmp package- Make use of %service_del_postun_without_restart And stop using DISABLE_RESTART_ON_UPDATE as this interface is obsolete.- Update to Oracle version 6.1.14a. This minor update enables the building of libvirt again. File "fix_virtio_build.patch" is removed.- Remove symbols that forced rebuild of initrd - Version update to 6.1.14 (released September 04 2020 by Oracle) File "fix_virtio_build.patch" is added to fix a build problem. This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: Fixes file name changes in the File location field when creating Virtual Hard Disk (bug #19286) VMM: Fixed running VMs which failed to start with VERR_NEM_MISSING_KERNEL_API_2 when Hyper-V is used (bug #19779 and #19804) Audio: fix regression in HDA emulation introduced in 6.1.0 Shared Clipboard: Fixed a potential crash when copying HTML data (6.1.2 regression; bug #19226) Linux host and guest: Linux kernel version 5.8 support EFI: Fixed reading ISO9660 filesystems on attached media (6.1.0 regression; bug #19682) EFI: Support booting from drives attached to the LsiLogic SCSI and SAS controller emulations- Pseudo version bump to 6.1.13, which is NOT an Oracle release. Update VB sources to run under kernel 5.8.0+ with no modifications to the kernel. These sources are derived from r85883 of the Oracle svn repository. For operations with USB{2,3}, the extension pack for revision 140056 must be installed. Once Oracle releases 6.1.14, then the extension pack and VB itself will have the same revision number. File "fixes_for_5.8.patch" is removed as that part was fixed upstream. Fixes boo#1175201.- Modify fixes_for_5.9.patch.- Fix build for kernel 5.9. File "fixes_for_5.9.patch" is added.- Delete temporary USBpassthru test patch.- Apply Oracle changes for kernel 5.8.- Version bump to 6.1.12 (released July 14 2020 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: File "turn_off_cloud_net.patch" added. Fixes for CVE-2020-14628, CVE-2020-14646, CVE-2020-14647, CVE-2020-14649 CVE-2020-14713, CVE-2020-14674, CVE-2020-14675, CVE-2020-14676 CVE-2020-14677, CVE-2020-14699, CVE-2020-14711, CVE-2020-14629 CVE-2020-14703, CVE-2020-14704, CVE-2020-14648, CVE-2020-14650 CVE-2020-14673, CVE-2020-14694, CVE-2020-14695, CVE-2020-14698 CVE-2020-14700, CVE-2020-14712, CVE-2020-14707, CVE-2020-14714 CVE-2020-14715 bsc#1174159. UI: Fixes for Log-Viewer search-backward icon Devices: Fixes and improvements for the BusLogic SCSI controller emulation Serial Port: Regression fixes in FIFO data handling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integration: Experimental new type of network attachment, allowing local VM to act as if it was run in cloud API: improved resource management in the guest control functionality VBoxManage: fixed command option parsing for the "snapshot edit" sub-command VBoxManage: Fix crash of 'VBoxManage internalcommands repairhd' when processing invalid input (bug #19579) Guest Additions, 3D: New experimental GLX graphics output Guest Additions, 3D: Fixed releasing texture objects, which could cause guest crashes Guest Additions: Fixed writes to a file on a shared folder not being reflected on the host when the file is mmap'ed and the used Linux kernel is between version 4.10.0 and 4.11.x Guest Additions: Fixed the shared folder driver on 32bit Windows 8 and newer returning an error when flushing writes to a file which is mapped into memory under rare circumstances Guest Additions: Improve resize coverage for VMSVGA graphics controller Guest Additions: Fix issues detecting guest additions ISO at runtime Guest Additions: Fixed German translation encoding for Windows GA installer- More fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec(bsc#1174075) - Previous fixes accidentally removed from changelog after conflict- Switch to multibuild to so that we can maintain one spec file for both virtualbox and virtualbox-kmp and build them separately. (bsc#1114605) + Add file "_multibuild" to specify the additional "kmp" build flavor. + Merge "virtualbox-kmp.spec" into "virtualbox.spec" + Drop file "virtualbox-kmp.changes". + Add file "fixes_for_sle12.patch"- Split virtualbox-kmp from virtualbox.spec (bsc#1114605) Adds files "virtualbox-kmp.spec" and "virtualbox-kmp.changes".- Add fixes to build with kernel 5.8. File "fixes_for_5.8.patch" is added. - Remove file "fixes_for_5.5.patch". Fixed upstream. -`Add file "fixes_for_makefile.patch" to clean up the Makefile used from the vboxdrv service routine when modules are not available.- Version bump to 6.1.10 (released June 05 2020 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: Fixed crash when using Qt on Xwayland sessions (bug #19583) GUI: Fixed mouse pointer doesn't work properly in Windows guests when scaling is on (bug #19597) VBoxManage: Fixed crash of 'VBoxManage internalcommands repairhd' when processing invalid input (bug #19579) Settings: disable audio input and audio output by default for new VMs (bug #19527) Guest Additions: Fixed resizing and multi monitor handling for Wayland guests. (bug #19496) Guest Additions: Fixed VBoxClient error: The parent session seems to be non-X11. (bug #19590) Linux host and guest: Linux kernel version 5.7 support. (bug #19516 File "fix_wayland_crash.patch" is removed - fixed upstream.- Gsoap 2.8.103 changes the way that "soap_socket_errno" is handled. File "handle_gsoap_208103.patch" is added. Handle case where Wayland chooses wrong video. File "fix_wayland_crash.patch" is added.- Version bump to 6.1.8 (released May 15 2020 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: File "fixes_for_5.7.patch" is removed as the issue was fixed upstream. GUI: Fix several layout and mouse position handling bugs with soft keyboard GUI: Fixed crash on last VM removed (6.1.4 regression; bug #19568, #19525, #19506, #19490, #19481, #19397) GUI and API: Allow renaming VMs which are in saved state Serial: Fixed slow guest output when using the TCP server mode without anyone being connected Guest Additions: Restored 'VBoxClient--checkhostversion' functionality (6.1.0 regression; bug #19470) Guest Additions: Fixed resizing and multi monitor handling for X11 guests. (6.1.0 regression; bug #19496) Guest Additions: Build problems fix with Oracle Linux 8.2 (Red Hat compatible kernel) / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 / CentOS 8.2 (bug #19391) Guest Control/VBoxManage: Fixed handling of multiple environment variables supplied to 'VBoxManage guestcontrol VM run' (6.1.6/6.0.20 regression; bug #19518) Guest Control: Implemented support for long(er) command lines Guest Control: Various stability improvements- Version bump to 6.1.6 (released April 14 2020 by Oracle) This version fixes bsc#1169249, bsc#1169202, and bsc#1166782. This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: Multiple enhancements including visual elements updates Graphics: Fixed monitor resizing and multi-monitor handling bugs on X11 guests with VMSVGA graphics adapter Graphics: Enhancements in 2D and 3D acceleration and rendering USB: Multiple enhancements improving prformance and stability Serial port: Improve error handling and fix hang when host port disappears VBoxManage: Multiple fixes for guestcontrol operations API: Fix for exception handling bug in Python bindings Shared clipboard: Multiple fixes including possible crash and HTML data support Linux host and guest: Support Linux kernel 5.6 (bug #19312) File "VirtualBox-6.1.4-VBoxClient-vmsvga-x11-crash.patch" removed - fixed upstream. File "fixes_for_5.6.patch" removed - fixed upstream. File "change_default_display.patch" removed - fixed upstream.- Fix bug that deletes everything in ~/.vbox/- Fix builds for kernel 5.7. File "fixes_for_5.7.patch" is added.- Change default display type for openSUSE virtual machines. The default type has been VMSVGA; however, this display type fails to utilize driver vboxvideo. thus the display size is fixed. This problem is under investigation, but until a fix is found, the default is changed to VBoxVGA with file "add change_default_display.patch". - Makefile in the kernel-host-source package has a typo bug fixed (boo#1168910) and a large number of warnings are fixed.- apply fixes for kernel 5.6 unconditionally - adjust fixes_for_5.6.patch in such a way, it can be applied unconditionally (in order to support builds for newer kernel with older distributions)- Fix build errors for gcc-10 (boo#1167897). File "fixes_for_gcc10.patch" is added. - Convert /usr/bin/VirtualBox to use "~/.config/VirtualBox" instead "~/.vbox". This change was requested in boo#1167660.- Add patch to fix missing include with Qt 5.15: * fix-missing-includes-with-qt-5.15.patch- With version 6.1.4 of VB, the bidirectional clipboard part of VBoxClient for guest systems is failing. A patch is provided at These changes have been added to file "VirtualBox-6.1.4-VBoxClient-vmsvga-x11-crash.patch". This fixes boo #1167403 "VBoxClient --clipboard dies".- Update the wrapper that starts the UI for VirtualBox to check the version of the extpack that is installed. If no pack is installed or if the license is not current, the new code does nothing. If there is a current license and the installed pack does not match the running version of VB, then the script downloads and installs the new version. File "" is added.- A fix for boo #1166782 ("VirtualBox Guest 6.1.4 for OpenSUSE 15.1 constant segfault in every 5 seconds") is fixed. File "VirtualBox-6.1.4-VBoxClient-vmsvga-x11-crash.patch", published in, fixes the problem.- Version bump to 6.1.4 (released February 19 2020 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Virtualization core: Fixed a rare issue with ICEBP instruction causing guru meditations on Intel hosts (6.1.0 regression; bug #19171) Virtualization core: Fixed macOS Catalina guests failing to boot after upgrading to 10.15.2 onwards (bug #19188) GUI: recent NLS integration and bug fixes for GUI and Qt translation tags USB: Fix isochronous transfers to the VM for xHCI Serial: Fix buffer handling, avoiding receiving stale data when the receive queue is flushed (bug #18671) Serial: Improve host serial port passthrough handling on Windows host VBoxManage: Restore old --clipboard option for modifyvm command Linux guest: Support Linux 5.5 (bug #19145) Linux guest: Shared folder fix for loopback mounting of images BIOS: Always report non-ATA disks as ready BIOS: Report EFI support through DMI table (bug 19144) VGA BIOS: Reduce stack space usage for INT 10h handlers- Kernel 5.6.0-rc3 introduced some fixes for the Y2038 problem. File "fixes_for_5.6" has been modified to handle these changes.- Update patches for v5.5 to handle errors in vboxvideo. boo#1163337.- Add file "fixes_for_5.6.patch" to handle API changes.- Version update to 6.1.2 (released January 14 2020i by Oracle) 18 Vulnerabilities fixed: CVE-2020-2674 CVE-2020-2682 CVE-2020-2698 CVE-2020-2701 CVE-2020-2702 CVE-2020-2726 CVE-2020-2681 CVE-2020-2689 CVE-2020-2690 CVE-2020-2691 CVE-2020-2692 CVE-2020-2703 CVE-2020-2704 CVE-2020-2705 CVE-2020-2725 CVE-2020-2678 CVE-2020-2727 CVE-2020-2693 See bsc#1161050 File "fixes_for_leap15.2.patch" added to fix build for Leap 15.2. File "vbox_fix_for_gcc7.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream. File "fixes_for_5.4.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream. Exclude 32-bit builds Update so the openSUSE Leap 42.3 builds OK. As announced earlier by Oracle, 32-bit builds are no longer supported. This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Virtualization core: fixed performance issue observed with Windows XP guests on AMD hosts (6.0.0 regression; bug #19152) Virtualization core: consistent IBRS/IBPB CPUID feature reporting, avoids crash of NetBSD 9.0 RC1 installer (bug #19146) GUI: fixed updating of runtime info GUI: in Display settings, do not show "2D video acceleration" checkbox if it is meaningless for the selected graphics adapter Audio: fixed audio input handling when VRDE is enabled Audio: fixed crash in the HDA emulation when using multi-speaker configurations Storage: fixed use of encrypted disks with snapshots involved (6.1.0 regression; bug #19160) Storage: improve performance of virtio-scsi Storage: read-only support for compressed clusters in QCOW2 images Linux host: Support Linux 5.5 (guest additions not yet) Windows guest: accelerate 2D video decoding (scaling and color space conversion) if the VM is configured to use VBoxSVGA with 3D enabled Windows guest: fix guest additions installer to upgrade the mouse filter driver reliably Windows guest: when uninstalling older Guest Additions with old 3D support enabled try restoring original Direct3D files Linux guest: improve resize and multi-monitor handling for VMs using VMSVGA (known remaining issue: do not disable a monitor "in the middle", causes confusion)- Version update to 6.1.0 (released December 10 2019 by Oracle) - Fixes bsc#1132102. - Removed file "set_graphics_type.patch" as the problem is fixed upstream. This is a major update. The following major new features were added: - Implemented support for importing a virtual machine from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Extended support for exporting a virtual machine to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, allowing the creation of multiple virtual machines without re-uploading. Also added option to export a VM to the cloud using the more efficient variant "paravirtialized", and to specify free-form tags for cloud images - Virtualization core: Support for nested hardware-virtualization on Intel CPUs (starting with 5th generation Core i, codename Broadwell), so far tested only with guest running VirtualBox - Graphics: New style 3D support (with VBoxSVGA and VMSVGA) remains, old style 3D support (with VBoxVGA) has been completely removed - Shared Clipboard: Implemented experimental support for file transfers (Windows hosts/guests only at the moment). Needs to be enabled via VBoxManage (disabled by default). In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added: In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added: - Virtualization core: Drop recompiler, i.e. running VMs now needs a CPU supporting hardware virtualization - Runtime: Works now on hosts with many CPUs (limit now 1024) - Appliance and Cloud Import: Add field for defining firmware type (not part of OVF spec and thus manual in the Appliance case, for OCI it is automatically taken from the instance information) - GUI: Improved the VISO creation and file manager dialogs - GUI: Virtual machine list of VirtualBox Manager was improved. Machine groups are now more obvious visually and VM search functionality has been improved. Global Tools element can now be pinned in place, to avoid scrolling it with rest of machine list - GUI: Virtual machine details pane is now extended with embedded editors for selected VM attributes, allowing user to edit them on-the-fly byi clicking corresponding hyper-links without opening VM settings dialog - GUI: Details pane provides more complete information - GUI: Internal medium enumeration routines were optimized to reduce the load and optimize the performance in cases when user have lots of media registered. Also, we again allowed to add existing media (and create new) via Virtual Media Manager - GUI: More consistent medium selection (both showing known images and allowing to select using the file picker) - GUI: VM storage settings page was adjusted a bit in usability regard. User is now allowed to change controller bus type and can move attachments between the controllers by using drag and drop - GUI: Storage and Network settings pages bug-fixes and usability optimization - GUI: Added a new soft (virtual) keyboard enabling arbitrary keyboard input to guests, including multimedia keys - GUI: Fixed crash in cloud related wizards when accessibility functionality was enabled - GUI: Show VM CPU load as part of status bar CPU indicator - GUI: Improved and extended the Session Information dialog - GUI: Fixed/improved mouse pointer scaling - GUI: Some issues related to mouse integration cursor scaling were addressed (bug #14366), more to go - GUI: Fix and unify geometry save/restore in various dialogs - GUI: Added the missing restriction options for disabling new functionality such as the VISO creator - GUI: Popup messages mouse click fix - Graphics: Remove 3D support for VBoxVGA (old one deprecated with 6.0) - Graphics: Additional texture format support on Windows host - Graphics: Improved fix for flickering on Windows host - Input: Added support for horizontal scrolling in the PS/2 mouse device using the IntelliMouse Explorer protocol. Note that this support is automatically used by Linux guests but not by Windows guests - vboximg-mount: Experimental support for direct read-only access to NTFS, FAT and ext2/3/4 filesystems inside a disk image without the need for support on the host - vboximg-mount: Now also available on Linux host - Storage: Experimental support for virtio-scsi, for both hard disks and optical drives (including boot support in BIOS) - Storage: For optical drive emulation fix empty host drive crash - USB: Improvements for EHCI controller implementation - USB: Filter can now specify port path, uniquely identifying a port in a system - NAT: Fix TFTP OACK response, send only if request has options - NAT Network: Use non-blocking sockets on Linux for accepted incoming connections (port forwarding) - PCnet-ISA: Added new network adapter type, currently CLI only - Audio: Allow changing the host audio backend while the VM is in saved state - ACPI: Report NVMe controller - VGA: Improve hardware and BIOS compatibility - VBoxSVGA/VMSVGA: Support YUV2 and related texture formats with hosts using OpenGL (macOS and Linux), which accelerates video playback when 3D is enabled by delegating the color space conversion to the host GPU - VBoxSVGA/VMSVGA: Several drawing fixes for the 3D case - VMSVGA 3D: Fixed OpenGL compressed textures - VBoxManage: More cloud functionality coverage, e.g. starting a cloud instance - VBoxManage: As part of the guest control feature support moving multiple source files/directories to a target directory - Guest Control/VBoxManage: Added support for specifying multiple sources when renaming guest files - VBoxManage: Show "unrestricted guest" and "nested HW virtualization" CPU features when listing the host information - API: Reduce the amount of leftovers from Move VM function - Shared Clipboard: Implemented experimental support for file transfers for Linux hosts on Windows guests (disabled by default) - SMBIOS: Store system UUID in little endian format which is the default for new VMs, while existing VMs stick to the old VirtualBox behavior of storing them in big endian format for backwards compatibility to avoid breaking the activation status of Windows VMs - VBoxSDL frontend: Fixed running on Windows hosts - Linux host: Improve vboxweb systemd service dependency information - Linux host: Drop PCI passthrough, the current code is too incomplete (cannot handle PCIe devices at all), i.e. not useful enough - Linux host and guest: Support Linux 5.4 (bug #18945) - Linux host and guest: Force disabling of kernel module signing during build (user can do it afterwards) - Windows Guest Additions: Many fixes for drawing problems in the driver for VBoxSVGA - Windows Guest Additions: Fixes for legacy VBoxVGA adapter, restore previously working cases - Windows Guest Additions: Restore VHWA functionality for VBoxSVGA - Windows guest: DXVA implementation for WDDM driver - Documentation: Updated supported host operating systems, added few new manual pages (more to come later) - EFI: Switch to newer firmware code base and add NVRAM support, should improve compatibility with OSes significantly - EFI: Added support for booting from APFS - EFI: Added support for non-standard SATA and NVMe boot device paths created by OS X- Turn build of vboxvideo back on just in case VB is used with an older kernel, and make the necessary fixes for kernel v5.5.- Fix build for kernel 5.5. Added file "fixes_for_5.5.patch".- Update file "switch_to_python3.4+.patch" to handle Python 3.8. (bsc#1158288)- Try to fix unresolvable kernel version in Leap 15.2.- Fix build errors in Leap 42.3- Update "fixes_for_5.4.patch" for kernel API backport in openSUSE 15.2- Tweak file setup for appstream.- Add directory %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/metainfo for metafile "virtualbox.appdata.xml- Add appstream file (boo#1154128)- Version bumk to 6.0.14 (released October 15 2019 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Virtualization core: fixed an invalid-guest state guru meditation in some rare circumstances on Intel hosts Virtualization core: some fixes for systems with lots of processors Audio: relaxed VRM / VRA (variable rate audio) bit checks to provide more compatibility for guests running ALSA setups with the AC'97 emulation USB: made device capturing for passthrough more accurate and reliable on Windows host Network: fixed potential issue with interrupt signalling for network adapters in UEFI guests 3D: fixed flicker and redraw issues when using VBoxSVGA or VMSVGA graphics adapter (bugs #18562, #18956) 3D: fixed crash with some applications when using VBoxSVGA or VMSVGA graphics adapter (bug #18638) macOS host: fix crash of GUI VM process which showed up frequently with 10.15 Catalina (bug #18990) Linux host: support Linux 5.3, thank you Larry Finger (see also bug #18911) Linux host: improve python version detection during rpm package creation, can change package dependencies and fix some installation problems Linux guests: calls to aio_read(3) and aio_write(3) may fail inside shared folders (bug #18805) Linux guests: fix problem with shared folder unmounting in service script, thank you Denis Ryndine (bug #18853) Linux guests: VBox 6.0.10 GAs fail to compile on Red Hat/CentOS/Oracle Linux 7.7 and Red Hat 8.1 Beta (bug #18917) Fix vulnerabilities CVE-2019-3028 CVE-2019-3017 CVE-2019-2944 CVE-2019-3026 CVE-2019-3021 CVE-2019-2984 CVE-2019-3002 CVE-2019-3005 CVE-2019-3031 CVE-2019-1547 CVE-2019-2926 (bsc#1154166) Removed file "fixes_for_5.3.patch" - fixes included upstream.- Kernel 5.4.0-rc3 introduces a change in the way the compiler handles the fallthrough attribute leading to build errors. File "fixes_for_5.4.patch" is modified to build correctly.- added "BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xdamage)" in order to fix build with upcoming changes in libglvnd/Mesa- Rework "fixes_for_5.4.patch" to unconditionally remove set_pages_nx() and set_pages_x() as these changes are backported to Kernel:HEAD:KMP.- Update file "fixes_for_5.4.patch" to handle removal of DRIVER_PRIME and rework of struct ttm_buffer_object.- Remove BuildRequires for device-mapper as workarounds for OBS bugs are not allowed.- Added file "set_graphics_type.patch" to set graphics adapter type to VBoxVGA boo#1151896- Add BuildRequires for device-mapper - Add file "fixes_for_5.4.patch" to handle API changes in kernel 5.4Added file "" to documentation with instructions for me and any eventual successors. - Version update to 6.0.12 (released September 03 2019 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: OCI export: handle empty disk image correctly API: fix potential crash when using the medium I/O functionality VBoxManage: fixed documentation of VBoxManage modifyvm uarttype documentation (bug #18759) Network: scrub inbound TCP URG pointer, working around incorrect OOB handling USB: Improved identification of power-saved devices on Windows hosts Audio: in the AC97 work around buggy guest drivers which reprogram the sampling rate, breaking audio in and/or audio out Linux host and guest: fix kernel module build for SLES 12 SP4 kernel 3D: fixed state saving and loading when the VBoxVGA graphics adapter is used with 3D enabled (bug #18802, 6.0.10 regression) Windows guests: fixed mouse cursor visibility updating Windows guests: fixed graphics corruption in Windows 10 search menu with VBoxSVGA adapter Windows guests: fixed dwm.exe crashes related to the WDDM driver for VBoxSVGA adapter when the VM has lots of RAM MacOS Guest Additions fail to start in 6.0.10 (bug #18793) Windows guests: fixed crashes when using shared folders (bug #18766) Linux guests: unprivileged users unable to create files inside shared folders (bug #18737) Linux guests: improve compatibility of vboxvideo.ko kernel module build logic (bug #18869)- Merge host kmp and guest kmp into a single kmp. The existence of two different kernel module packages is believed to be the reason that it is possible for a new kernel not to include the necessary kernel modules (boo#1142955). Files "virtualbox-host-kmp-files" and "virtualbox-guest-kmp-files" are deleted. File "virtualbox-kmp-files" is added. Files "virtualbox-host-preamble" and virtualbox-guest-preamble" are deleted. File "virtualbox-kmp-preamble" is added. File "fix_conflict_between_host_and_guest.patch" is added.- Script, which is called from the systemd service file, incorrectly called a routine that does not exist when the kernel modules were not available. This call is changed to /sbin/vboxconfig that will build the modules if the requisite packages are available. If that is not true, the systemctl status vboxdrv will list the command needed to load the missing packages. This change address part of boo#1142995.- Version update to 6.0.10 (released July 16 2019 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Various vulnerabilities are fixed (bsc#1141801) inclding CVE-2019-2859 CVE-2019-2867 CVE-2019-2866 CVE-2019-2864 CVE-2019-2865 CVE-2019-1543 CVE-2019-2863 CVE-2019-2848 CVE-2019-2877 CVE-2019-2873 CVE-2019-2874 CVE-2019-2875 CVE-2019-2876 CVE-2019-2850 User interface: fix issue inputing controller names (bug #11579) User interface: fix resize problems with recent Linux hosts (bug #18677) Serial: fixed guru meditation when raw mode is enabled (bug #18632) Serial: fixed possible VM crash under certain circumstances USB: Fixed "unrecoverable error" problems in OHCI emulation (bug #18593, 6.0.6 regression) USB: improve captured device identification VBoxManage: fix reversed reporting of audio input and output (thank you Socratis Kalogrianitis) VBoxManage: fix controlling recording for running machine (bug #18723) Guest control service: various fixes Linux hosts: kernel module build fixes for various kernels (bug #18316) Linux hosts: support UEFI secure boot driver signing on Ubuntu and Debian hosts (bug #11577) Linux hosts: fix focus grabbing problems with recent Qt versions (builds from source only; thank you Fabian Vogt (SUSE) and Larry Finger; bug #18745) Windows guests: many shared folders fixes Windows guests: fix other services failing if seamless mode was not available Linux guests: kernel module build fixes for various kernels (bugs #18677 and #18697; fixes by Larry Finger and Gianfranco Costamagna) Linux guests: do not try to load old versions of libcrypt on recent guests in Guest Additions tools (bug #18682) Linux guests: udev rules for guest kernel modules did not always take effect in time Linux guests/VMSVGA: do not forget the guest screen size after a guest reboot OS/2 guests: various shared folder fixes File "fixes_for_5.2.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream. File "fixes_for_5.3.patch" is added to handle API changes in kernel 5.3. File "fixes_for_Leap15.1.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream. File "fixes_focus_steal.patch" is deleted - fixed upstream.- Revise instructions for case when VirtualBoxVM has the wrong privilege. Rework conditional code when applying patch for SLE15_SP1. File "fixes_for_SLE15.patch" deleted.- Fix Virtualbox for problem with stealing focus under Qt 5.13. File "fixes_focus_steal.patch" is added.- Fix build for SLE15 SP1 - add file "fixes_for_SLE15.patch"- Kernel 5.2, now in Kernel_HEAD_stardard, has some API changes. These are handled in the new file "fixes_for_5.2.patch".- Unused file "fix_LTO_builds.patch" removed.- separate from - add vboxautostart.service - clean up - fix build of vboxvideo kernel module by replacing the relative drm include patch with an absolute include path (with sed) - build vboxvideo kernel module for openSUSE >= 15.0 - apply fixes_for_Leap15.1.patch conditionally only - add minimal patch fixes_for_Leap42.3.patch to build for 42.3 - fix path typo: %{_datadir}/pixmaps/virtalbox - > %{_datadir}/pixmaps/virtualbox- Version bump to 6.0.8 (released May 13 2019 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Core: fix saved state resume failures (bugs #18265 and #18331) User interface: show full file location in New Medium window. User interface: fix mouse click pass-through problems in multi-screen virtual machines (6.0.6 regression, bug #18567) Graphics: fixed a crash when powering off a VM without graphics controller (bug #18570) API: partial fix for dealing with VM config conflicting with other VMs related to medium UUIDs, now correctly flags VM as inaccessible (bug #17908) Linux hosts: fix kernel module build breakage in non-default build set-ups (bug #18620, thank you Ambroz Bizjak) Linux hosts: fix kernel module build breakage in debug build set-ups (bug #18621, thank you Ambroz Bizjak) Windows guests: notice file size increases in shared folders which were missed in certain cases Linux guests: make shared folders work with Linux 3.16.35 Linux guests: fix incorrectly read-only shared folders (bug #18345)- Modify "fixes_for_qt13.1" for i586 builds qith Qt 5.13- Limit all architectures to a maxium of 2 jobs. Without this restriction, 32-bit builds run out of memory, and 64-bit builds get strange crashes.- LTO builds still failing. Reset flag to nil. - Changed the way that the spec file limits the 32-bit builds to 2 threads. boo#1133492. If enough memory were allocated so that the full number of workers were allowed, the job would never be scheduled.- bsc#1130588: Require shadow instead of old pwdutils- Disable LTO (boo#1133289).- Updated file "Fixes_for_Leap15.1.patch" to handle one addition problem due to backporting of kernel APIa. Remove "BuildRequires: quilt" - that package is not needed. VirtualBox 6.0.6 fixes the following: CVE-2019-2656, CVE-2019-2680, CVE-2019-2696, CVE-2019-2703, CVE-2019-2721, CVE-2019-2722, CVE-2019-2723, CVE-2019-2657, CVE-2019-2690, CVE-2019-2679, CVE-2019-2678, and CVE-2019-2574 boo#1132827.- Version bump to 6.0.6 (released April 17 2019 by Oracle) The following files in the openSUSE implemetation are removed: "fix_32_bit_builds.patch", "fixes_for_5.0.patch", and "fixes_for_5.1.patch". These issues are fixed upstream. This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added by Oracle: Virtualization core: nested AMD virtualization fixes User interface: fixed copying directories in file manager User interface: fixed operation progress in file manager when copying content User interface: fixed operation progress when deleting snapshots User interface: fixed unattended installation of recent Ubuntu guests User interface: various additional improvements Storage: fixed loading saved states for LsiLogic devices (6.0.0 regression; bug #18263) Storage: fixed fixed reading certain QCOW2 images and support version 3 of the format readonly Storage: Improved IDE PCI emulation to allow NetWare IDE drivers to use bus-mastering Graphics: Improved VMSVGA support to work with old X servers which previously showed only a badly scrambled screen Graphics: fixed invisible mouse cursor with VMSVGA emulation and without mouse integration (bug #18239) Graphics: make EFI work with VMSVGA emulation (bug #18282) Graphics: remember last guest screen size VMSVGA emulation Graphics: fix RDP to guests using VMSVGA emulation Graphics: various additional VMSVGA emulation fixes Audio: implemented audio device enumeration for the DirectSound backend Network: fixed unwanted padding bytes in Windows host adaptor network packets (bug #18202 and bug #18355) Serial: fixed possible crash on Windows when using a host device (6.0.0 regression; bug #18319) Serial: fixed loopback handling in the emulation causing garbage to be sent during boot with Linux guests (6.0.0 regression; bug #18319) Shared folders: fixed duplicate folders after restoring a saved state (bug #18373 and other) Drag and drop: fixed copying files from guest host (bug #18305) Recording: fixed modifying settings via VBoxManage (bug #18494) VBoxManage: crash fix (bug #18341) Fixed hangs during failed virtual machine start-up Linux host and guest: support Linux 5.0 and 5.1, thank you Valdis Kletnieks (see also bug #18515) Linux host: support kernel 4.4.169 (bug #18315) Linux host: fix logging when building Linux kernel modules (bug #18226) Linux host: clarified building Linux host drivers with secure boot (bug #18312) Installers: reduced size of packages Web services: work with Java 11 LibreSSL compilation fix, thank you Stefan Strogin Windows guests: fixed running applications which use complex display topologies with WDDM driver, fixed Skype for Business hangs (bug #17092) Windows guests: fixed an occasional guest crash with WDDM driver and VBoxSVGA adapter (bug #18369) Windows guests: shared folder file creation detection issue (bug #9276) Linux guests: shared folder performance and reliability improvements and missing features (bugs #17360, #819) OS/2 guests: shared folder fixes (bug #18376 and bug #18379)- The VirtualBox packages for both Tumbleweed and Leap 15.1 are now derived from the sources in Factory; however, the underlying kernels are very different in that vboxvideo.ko is built-into the TW kernel, thus the package did not try to build that module. The result is that Leap 15.1 guests have only 640x480 resolution (boo#1132439). These changes conditionally turn building of the kernel module back on. As TW does not need the module, it is only built for Leap 15.1.- An instance of /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBoxVM being installed without SUID privilege has been reported as boo#1132379. Unfortunately, the error message thrown by VB in this case is rather opaque. To help the user recover, the wrapper /usr/bin/VirtualBox has been modified to check the permissions and pop up a warning describing the problem and showing the command needed to fix the problem. File "vbox-suid-warning.diff" is added.- Fix problems with use of files "virtualbox.permissions" and "virtualbox.permissions.paranoid" - they are deleted Removed setBadness line from virtualbox-rpmlinc.- Fix file "fixes_for_qt5.13.patch" - macro QT_VERSION_CHECK is not available for Qt < 5.13. Substitute the equivalent (qtmajor << 16 + qtminor << 8).- adjust patch virtualbox-fix-ui-background-color.patch to really fix the background color messing...- add patch to stop UI messing with Highlight Color for background - apply fixes_for_qt5.13.patch for Qt versions >= 5.13.0 only- Fix build with the pending Qt 5.13. File "fixes_for_qt5.13.patch" is added. bsc#1130503- Fix API changes for kernel 5.1.0 - add file "fixes_for_5.1.patch".- Remove requires on libvncserver for virtualbox-vnc.- Add setBadness('permissions-unauthorized-file',333) to rpmlintrc - Remove suid attributes from all files - add libgsoap version dependency >= 2.8.50 (recv_maxlength)- Fix virtualbox wrapper script to check 60-vboxdrv.rules in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d, not /etc/udev/rules.d Logic is still flawed, until it doesn't take both locations into account - Add custom /etc/permission.d/virtualbox{,.paranoid} definitions - Add compatibility symlink to keep old desktop links functional- Add changes requested by Security - new file "security_fixes.patch" File UserManual.pdf is resent to clear error in build.- Part of the API changes for kernel 5.0 are not fixed upstream. Add file "fixes_for_5.0" back in.- Version bump to 6.0.4 (released January 28 2019 by Oracle) Files "fixes_for_5.0" and "fixes_for_gcc9" are deleted - the code was fixed upstream. This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Virtualization core: support Shanghai/Zhaoxin CPUs. User interface: handle command line arguments to VirtualBox correctly (bugs #18206 and #18197) User interface: improvements to machine manager window, virtual optical disk creator, storage selector window and log viewer window User interface: various small fixes and improvements Audio: implemented time scheduling for the AC'97 device emulation to keep audio and video in sync Graphics: basic support for VMSVGA graphics device in virtual machines using EFI Network: fix occasional NATNet crashes (bug #13899) Network: worked around problems in certain PCnet drivers on old operating systems Serial: fixed connecting to pseudo terminals on POSIX hosts (6.0.0 regression; bug #18319) Linux hosts and guests: fix for building kernel modules against Linux 5.0. Thank you Kyle Laker- Converted vboxwebsrv to a systemd service. Previously, this was started through init.d. bsc#1116050 Files "vboxweb-service.service" and "" are added. File "vbox-vboxweb-init-script.diff" is removed. File "fixes_for_4.20.patch" is removed - the code was fixed upstream. File "fix_lib_search.patch" is added to fix the build of VBox0GL. File "fixes_for_5.0.patch" is added to compensate for API changes in kernel 5.0. File "virtualbox-system-x.patch" is removed. File "fixes_for_Leap15.1.patch" is added to fix build errors on Leap 15.1. - Version bump to 6.0.2 (released January 15 2019 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: User interface: fixed creation of desktop shortcuts for starting virtual machines (bug #18207) User interface: allow the first run window to selecting host drives (bug #18230) User interface: fixed attaching empty host optical drives (bug #18223) User interface: implemented a new virtual optical disk creation window USB: modified Linux backends to reset USB devices (previously, most guest attempts to reset USB devices were ignored) PCnet: fixed a regression which caused some PCnet PCI guest drivers to not detect the emulated hardware (bug #18286) Linux hosts: fixed conflict between Debian and Oracle build desktop files (bug #18264) Linux and MacOS hosts: VirtualBoxVM command not accessible (bug #18257) Windows guests: multiple monitor fixes with VBoxSVGA graphics Windows guests: black screen with VBoxSVGA graphics when 3D is disabled (bug #18205) Linux guests: fixed building drivers on SLES 12.4 (bug #18213) Linux guests: fixed building shared folder driver with older kernels (bug #18238) OS/2 shared folders: fixed write regression introduced in 6.0.0 GA-Version bump to 6.0.0 (released December 18 2018 by Oracle) This is a major update. The following major new features were added: Implemented support for exporting a virtual machine to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure User interface: greatly improved HiDPI and scaling support, including better detection and per-machine configuration Major rework of user interface with simpler and more powerful application and virtual machine set-up User interface: a new file manager enabling user to control the guest file system and copy files between host and guest. Graphics: major update of 3D graphics support for Windows guests, and VMSVGA 3D graphics device emulation on Linux and Solaris guests Added support for surround speaker setups (as used by Windows 10 Build 1809) Added utility vboximg-mount on Apple hosts to access the content of guest disks on the host Added support for using Hyper-V as the fallback execution core on Windows host, to avoid inability to run VMs at the price of reduced performance In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added: Execution core: fixed single-stepping in certain circumstances (bug #17316) User interface: video and audio recording can now be separately enabled Audio/Video recording fixes and improvements Audio: better support for attaching and detaching remote desktop connections Serial port emulation fixes Serial ports: allow changing the serial port attachment while a machine is running (bug #6115) Networking: Added a workaround for older guests which do not enable bus mastering for the virtio PCI device Networking: fixed wrong RCODE from DNS AAAA query with --natdnshostresolver1 (bug #18171) iSCSI: In cases where there is no ambiguity, the LUN of an iSCSI target is automatically determined, for targets with non-zero LUNs Transparently resize disk images when merging if possible VBoxManage: support for DHCP options Fixed VNC/RDP (bug 18153) Guest Control: various new interfaces and features (see SDK documentation) Linux hosts: support Linux 4.20 (thank you Larry Finger) Shared folders: performance improvements Guest Additions: improved shared folder auto-mounting Windows Guest Additions: fix incorrect tablet co-ordinate handling with recent Windows 10 builds Linux Additions: fix for building vboxvideo on EL 7.6 standard kernel, contributed by Robert Conde (bug #18093) Linux guests: support Linux 4.20 (thank you Larry Finger) Linux guests: support VMSVGA in the Linux and X11 Additions MacOS Guest Additions: initial support OS/2 Guest Additions: initial shared folder support BIOS fixes ACPI: Up to four custom ACPI tables can now be configured for a VM- Version bump to 5.2.24 (released January 15 2019 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Linux Additions: fix for building vboxvideo on EL 7.6 standard kernel, contributed by Robert Conde (bug #18093) USB: fixed a problem causing failures attaching SuperSpeed devices which report USB version 3.1 (rather than 3.0) on Windows hosts Audio: added support for surround speaker setups used by Windows 10 Build 1809 Linux hosts: fixed conflict between Debian and Oracle build desktop files (bug #18264) Linux guests: fixed building drivers on SLES 12.4 (bug #18213) Linux guests: fixed building shared folder driver with older kernels (bug #18238) Patch "fixes_for_5.0.patch" is added to handle API changes for kernel 5.0. Contains fixes for: CVE-2019-2500, CVE-2019-2524, CVE-2019-2552, CVE-2018-3309, CVE-2019-2520 CVE-2019-2521, CVE-2019-2522, CVE-2019-2523, CVE-2019-2526, CVE-2019-2548 CVE-2018-11763, CVE-2019-2511, CVE-2019-2508, CVE-2019-2509, CVE-2019-2527 CVE-2019-2450, CVE-2019-2451, CVE-2019-2555, CVE-2019-2554, CVE-2019-2556 CVE-2018-11784, CVE-2018-0734, CVE-2019-2525, CVE-2019-2446, CVE-2019-2448 CVE-2019-2501, CVE-2019-2504, CVE-2019-2505, CVE-2019-2506, and CVE-2019-2553a bsc#1122212.- Remove test patch "change_default_net_adapter.patch". It was made obsolete by upstream changes.- Fix for latest gcc8 was incomplete.- Fix builds for the latest version of gcc8 and above. File "fixes_for_gcc9" is added.- proper permissions for /etc/vbox/*.cfg- remove ambiguous labels in vboxdrv: fixes restart and such - make autostarting synchronous again - improve README.autostart - add new autostart variables to the existing /etc/default/virtualbox in %post, if missing- replace switch_to_python3.6.patch with switch_to_python3.4+.patch- remove fixes_for_leap15.patch, upstream has incorporated it - add conflict with i4l-vbox due to shared /etc/vbox - adjust /etc/vbox permissions - add /etc/vbox/autostart.cfg - fix apply new autostart mechanics to stop_vms() - remove obsolete shutdown section in /etc/default/virtualbox - add VBOXAUTOSTART_{DB,CONFIG} to /etc/default/virtualbox - supply README.autostart- Fix the changes for kernel 4.20 API differences. The previous version compiled but had an error in logic.- Version bump to 5.2.22 (released November 09 2018 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Audio: fixed a regression in the Core Audio backend causing a hang when returning from host sleep when processing input buffers Audio: fixed a potential crash in the HDA emulation if a stream has no valid mixer sink attached -- thanks to Rink Springer (rink@…) Linux Additions: disable 3D for recent guests using Wayland (bug #18116) Linux Additions: fix for rebuilding kernel modules for new kernels on RPM guests Linux Additions: further fixes for Linux 4.19 Linux Additions: fixed errors rebuilding initrd files with dracut on EL 6 (bug 18055#) Linux Additions: fixed 5.2.20 regression: guests not remembering the screen size after shutdown and restart (bug #18078) Patch file "gcc8-configure.patch" removed. The issue is fixed upstream. Patch file "fixes_for_4.19.patch" removed. The issue is fixed upstream. Add file "change_default_net_adapter.patch" to set PCnet-FAST III as the default adapter. This helps with the vulnerability listed in bsc#1115041.- Update "fixes_for_4.20.patch" for one additional API change so that Kernel_HEAD_standard will build. The description of VB was modified as suggested by Jan Engelhardt.- Fix / simplify python3-virtualbox packages files section. Do not rely on --record-rpm for any version of python, since we can't use it across the band.- Made changes requested in comments for request 646211. 1. Sustituted /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ => %python3_sitelib 2. Reverted change that eliminated use of %{_tmppath}/SITE_FILES for Python 3.6 3. As in Python 3.7 no longer accepts the --record-rpm switch, SITE_FILES does not exist, and the individual files must still be listed.- Make necessary updates so that VirtualBox will build with Python 3.7 - boo#1113894 Change kernel module code to build against the API changes in kernel 4.20 - This change adds file "fixes_for_4.20.patch".- Require(pre) virtualbox by the -qt package: otherewise it might happen that virtualbox-qt is installed before virtualbox, which then results in files being assigned to group 'root' instead of 'vboxusers', as the group is only created later.- Version bump to 5.2.20 (released October 16 2018 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: fixed task switches triggered by INTn instruction (bug #17979) Storage: fixed connecting to certain iSCSI targets (bug #17507) Storage: fixed handling of flush requests when configured to be ignored when the host I/O cache is used (bug #17573) Drag and drop: implemented support for UNC paths (bug #17146) Drag and drop: fixed resuming operation when restoring from a saved state (bug #17649) Drag and drop: fixed copying files with long file names (> 248 characters) from guests to Windows hosts (bug #17447) Drag and drop: fixed handling files with Unicode names on Windows guests (bug #15501) Drag and drop: fixed copying empty (0-byte) files to / from guests (bugs #14863 + #17443) Drag and drop: fixed copying over files from hosts to Linux guests (bug #16025) Networking: restore connectivity for guests bridged to host adapters that were unavailable temporarily (Windows hosts, bug #17090) Guest Control: fixed hang when using --wait-stdout and/or --wait-stderr (bug #17386). Needs updating Guest Additions Video recording: fixed starting video recording on VM power up (bug #17307) Linux Additions: various build fixes for kernel modules on recent distributions, and made sure modules end up in initramfs files Linux Additions: build fixes for 4.19, thank you Larry Finger Linux Additions: various small fixes for video driver This version also addresses the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-0732, CVE-2018-2909, CVE-2018-3287 CVE-2018-3288, CVE-2018-3289, CVE-2018-3290, CVE-2018-3291, CVE-2018-3292, CVE-2018-3293, CVE-2018-3294, CVE-2018-3295, CVE-2018-3296, CVE-2018-3297, and CVE-2018-3298. bsc#1112097- Fix autostart of VMs, which is no longer handled by the vboxes.service. A new routine "start_vms" is added to the start section of, which is called by vboxdrv.service. Files "vboxes.service", "", and "virtualbox-sysconfig.vbox" are deleted. These changes are to satisfy bsc#1107769.- Fix 2 API changes for kernel 4.19-rc1. File "fixes_for_4.19.patch" is added.-VirtualBox 5.2.18 (released August 14 2018) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: See user manual. VMM: fix loading with recent binutils and self-built versions of VirtualBox (bug #17851) NAT: fix --nataliasmode sameports which is a valid setting (bug #13000) VRDP: fixed VM process termination on RDP client disconnect if 3D is enabled for the virtual machine- Version bump to 5.2.16 (released July 17 2018 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: OVF: case insensitive comparison of manifest attribute values, to improve compatibility (bug #17357) Linux: build for openSUSE 15.0 (bug #17554) Linux: various build fixes for distribution builds, thank you Gianfranco Costamagna This update fixes CVE-2018-3005, CVE-2018-3055, CVE-2018-3085, CVE-2018-3086, CVE-2018-3087, CVE-2018-3088, CVE-2018-3089, CVE-2018-3090, and CVE-2018-3091. bsc#1101667.- Version update to 5.2.14 (released July 02 2018 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: User interface: fixed a segmentation fault when accessing the interface through VNC (bug #16348) User interface: X11: handle repeating keys on the host system correctly (bug #1296, previously fixed, 5.1.0 regression) VMM: Fixed emulation of the undocumented SALC instruction VMM: Fixed emulation of so-called "huge unreal mode" (bug #17744); this in practice only affected Intel CPUs with VT-x without unrestricted execution. Keyboard: The PS/2 keyboard emulation has been corrected to not queue partial scan code sequences (bug #17709); this problem was likely only visible on Linux hosts due to losing the fix for bug #1296 Storage: Fixed CUE file support to correct REM keyword parsing (bug #17783) USB: Fixed a problem where the emulated xHCI device under very rare circumstances failed to report an empty isochronous transfer ring error, causing the transfers on the corresponding endpoint to stop. Audio: fixed Linux kernel log flooding (bug #17759) Apple hosts: make kernel driver load with Mac OS Mojave pre-release (bug #17805). Linux guests: made vboxvideo driver build with kernel 4.17 (bug #17801) and with pre-3.14 and EL 7.1 kernels (bug #17771) Removed "fixes_for_4.17.patch" - fixes merged upstream.- Fix typo in host KMP line.- Add file "fix_32_bit_builds.patch" to fix error in 32-bit builds. Add file "switch_to_python3.6.patch" to convert to Python3. Update warning regarding the security hole in USB passthrough. The text no longer refers to an old bugzilla entry (bsc#1097248). Script is fixed.- Use %{?linux_make_arch} when building kernel modules (boo#1098050).- A second new include was needed for build with Qt5.11 - bsc#1093731.- Fix build errors with Qt 5.11 - b.s.c. #1093731. File "fixes_for_Qt5.11.patch" added.- Version bump to 5.2.12 (released May 09 2018 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Serial: fixed possible data corruption when sending data under certain circumstances Video recording: fixed starting / stopping recording under certain circumstances Linux hosts: support Linux 4.17 changes. Thank you Larry Finger Linux guests: support Linux 4.16 and EL 7.5 kernels (bugs #17676 and #17678) Linux guests: 3D fixes for recent guests (bug #17623) File "fixes_for_4.16.patch" is removed - fixed upstream.- The 3rd time is the charm.- Fix typo that broke builds for kernel 4.16.- Update "fixes_for_4.17.patch" for some additional API changes.- Add "gcc8-configure.patch" to fix boo#1090367.- Version bump to 5.2.10 (released April 17 2018 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Vulnerabilities CVE-2018-0739, CVE-2018-2830, CVE-2018-2831, CVE-2018-2835, CVE-2018-2836, CVE-2018-2837, CVE-2018-2842, CVE-2018-2843, CVE-2018-2844, CVE-2018-2845, and CVE-2018-2860 VMM: Fixed missing NULL pointer check in MMIO code Storage: fixed having multiple NVMe controllers with ICH9 enabled (5.2.0 regression) Network: fixed wireless detection regression when bridging to adapters with unbound IP protocols (bug #17543) Audio: Fixed interrupt storm in FreeBSD guests with HDA (bug #17219) Keyboard: Introduced a small delay to fix old software which expects to be able to read an incoming scan code more than once (bug #17592) NAT: Handle nameserver which is a valid setting (bug #17584) BIOS: INT 15h/87h service must disable A20 gate when done Linux Guest Additions: fix a hang starting KDE Plasma- Add file "fixes_for_4.17.patch" to follow API changes in kernel 4.17.- Further updates for Leap 15 kernel API changes.- Remove extraneouos %posttrans macros- Update so that the system will build on the new Leap 15 kernel.- Remove version requirement on GLIBC. That was an error.- Updated the fixes for kernel 4.16.- Add file "fixes_for_4.16.patch" to handle API changes in kernel 4.16.- File "fixes_for_4.15.patch" removed - fixed upstream. File "fix_videocapture.patch" removed - fixed upstream. Version bump to 5.2.8 (released 2018-02-27 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: added support for FSGSBASE, PCID, INVPCID CPU features for guests VMM: fixed EMM386 issue with detecting suitable page frame base (bug #10022) Front end: Linux: prevent VM window from jumping and auto-resizing to tiny size after resizing it on HiDPI screen Front end: Linux: fixed seamless regression caused by wm_class functionality (bugs #12534, #17304) Front end: switched to https downloads Front end: fixed crash while opening New machine wizard (s.a. forums topic 86592) Audio: added support for distinguishing recording sources in the PulseAudio mixer on the host when multiple VMs are running Audio: various fixes for the DirectSound backend Video recording: added better file seeking support and fixed playback of recorded files with certain players (e.g. Firefox) Audio: various fixes for Windows guest surround setups Audio: various fixes for HDA emulation Serial: fixed an issue where the serial port parameters in the emulation and host serial port got out of sync (bug #17116) Storage: fixed overwriting certain INQUIRY data for the DVD/CD drive attached to a AHCI controller Storage: fixed handling VMDK images created by Amazon EC2 VM export Network: fixed PXE boot regression in e1000 Network: Added a workaround for older guests which do not enable bus mastering for the virtio PCI device 3D: add environment variable to configure presenting 3D content on main thread (see bug #13653) Windows hosts: fixed indiscriminate binding of NDIS5 bridged driver, that caused PPPOE malfunction (bugs #16407, #17489) Windows guests: fixed incorrect function error when using shared folders in certain applications (bug #14118) Linux guests: Linux 4.15 support (bugs #17311, #17320, #17282) Linux guests: fixed black screen when 3D enabled in guests (bug #17463, 5.2.6 regression) Linux guests: suppress setuid and setgid in shared folders- Modify virtualbox-vnc to require libvncserver0 (bsc#1081856).- Fix bug in video capture - boo#1081281. The variable used to store the time code is only 16 bits, but needs to be 32-bits long. File "fix_videocapture.patch" is added to fix the problem.- Update "fixes_for_4.15.patch": remove useless log statement that broke building the vboxvideo guest kernel module - Build and install it again, it's needed for KMS support, i.e. for Xorg's "modesetting" driver to work in the guest (boo#1079221)- Version bump to 5.2.6 (released 2018-01-15 by Oracle) Fixes for the following vulnerabilities (bsc#1076372) CVE-2018-2694, CVE-2018-2698, CVE-2018-2685, CVE-2018-2686, CVE-2018-2687, CVE-2018-2688 CVE-2018-2689, CVE-2018-2690, CVE-2018-2676, CVE-2018-2693, CVE-2017-5715 This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: fixed occasional screen corruption when host screen resolutio n is changed User interface: increase proposed disk size when creating new VMs for Windows 7 and newer User interface: various improvements for high resolution screens VMM: Fixed problems using 256MB VRAM in raw-mode VMs Audio: implemented support for audio playback and recording for macOS guests Audio: further timing improvements for Windows 10 guests Linux hosts: fixed problem accessing mini-toolbar under XFCE (bug #17280, contributed by Dusan Gallo)- Updated file "fixes_for_leap15.patch" for new source.- File "fixes_for_4.14.patch" deleted - upstream fix. File "remove_vbox_video_build.patch" added as current versions of Xorg no longer need this component. Version update to 5.2.4 (released 2017-12-19 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: User interface: Adjusting desktop file for X11 window managers (bug #17312) User interface: various high resolution display adjustments Audio: fixed SB16 volume handling (5.2 regression) Audio: various fixes USB/OHCI: fixed a problem where OHCI emulation might sporadically drop data transfers Linux hosts: fixed screen corruption when the host screen changes and a virtual machine window is maximized X11 Guest Additions: fixed a hang at the GNOME Shell login screen with 3D enabled (5.2 regression, bugs #17189 and #17190) Version bump to 5.2.2 (released 2017-11-24 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: User interface: various improvements for high resolution screens User interface: added functionality to duplicate optical and floppy images User interface: various improvements for the virtual media manager VMM: fixed emulation so that Plan 9 guests can start once more (5.1.0 regression) Storage: fixed regression breaking iSCSI (bug #17196) Audio: added HDA support for more exotic guests (e.g. Haiku) Serial: fixed hanging I/O when using named pipes on Windows (5.2.0 regression; bug #17227) Serial: fixed broken communication with certain devices on Linux hosts USB/OHCI: improved behavior so that the controller state after a VM reset is closer to the initial state after VM start EFI: fixed HFS+ driver which in rare cases failed to access most files on a volume Shared clipboard: fixed hang with OS X host and Linux guest (bug #15782) Linux hosts: fixed kernel module compilation and start failures with Linux kernel 4.14 (bug #17267) X11 hosts: better handle WM_CLASS setting (bug #12534) Linux guests: fixed kernel module compilation and other problems with Linux kernel 4.14 (bug #12534) Linux guests: fixed kernel module compilation and other problems with Linux kernel 4.14 Linux guests: fixed various 5.2.0 regressions (bug #17163) Bridged networking: fixed duplicate EtherType in VLAN/priority tags on Linux (5.2.0 regression; bug #17277) Version change to 5.2.0 (released 2017-10-18 by Oracle) This is a major update. The following major new features were added: VM export to Oracle Cloud (OPC) Unattended guest installation (bug #5810; see the manual for more information) Overhauled VM selector GUI (improved tools VM / global tools handling, new icons) Added experimental audio support for video recording In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: fixed reason for recent Linux kernels on also recent CPU models warning about "XSAVE consistency problem" GUI: Virtual Media Manager rework allowing to manage media attributes, like size, location, type and description GUI: Host-only Network Manager implemented to simplify managing corresponding networks and their attributes GUI: Snapshot Pane rework allowing to manage snapshot attributes, like name and description; reworked snapshot details which looks more clear, corresponds to VM Details pane and reflects current VM state difference according to last snapshot taken GUI: Audio settings extended with possibility to enable/disable audio input/output; corresponding changed were done to Audio and Video Capture settings pages; VM Devices menu and status-bar extended with corresponding actions and indicator as well GUI: improvements with accessibility support GUI: Fixed double mouse cursor when using mouse integration without Guest Additions, actually a Qt 5.6 bug fixed with QT 5.6.3 (Mac OS X hosts only; bug #15610) Audio: implemented (optional) device enumeration support for audio backends Audio: implemented support for host device callbacks (e.g. when adding or removing an audio device) Audio: HDA emulation now uses asynchronous data processing in separate threads Audio: implemented ability to enable or disable audio input / output on-the-fly Storage: implemented support for CUE/BIN images as CD/DVD media including multiple tracks Storage: implemented support for the controller memory buffer feature for NVMe Storage: first milestone of the I/O stack redesign landed E1000: Fix for Windows XP freeze when booting with unplugged cable NAT network: do not skip some port forwarding setup when multiple VMs are active (Windows hosts only; bug #17041) Serial: fixed extremely rare misbehavior on VM poweroff EFI: better video mode handling, supporting custom video modes and easier configuration (bug #6783) BIOS: properly report floppy logical sectors per track for unusual formats BIOS: update ATA disk parameter table vectors only if there is actually a corresponding ATA disk attached PXE: speed up booting by better handling pending packets when the link is not up yet VBoxManage: handle CPUID sub-leaf overrides better Windows Additions: fix several 3D related crashes Solaris hosts: allow increasing MTU size for host-only adapter to 9706 bytes to support jumbo frames Linux Additions: on systems using systemd, make sure that only the Guest Additions timesync service is active many unlisted fixes and improvements- Fix spelling mistakes in vbox-usb-warning.diff.- Move location of kernel modules from /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc to /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra. This change is supposed to force rebuild of the modules when the kernel is updated.- Update "fixes_for_4.15.patch" for further API changes in kernel 4.15.- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- Remove file "fix_KMS_support.patch" - Fixed upstream Add new patch file "fixes_for_4.15.patch". Modified to issue a warning when there is a version mismatch rather than abort.- Update "fixes_for_leap15.patch" for wait queue API changes.- Add file "fixes_for_python.patch".- Modify "fixes_for_leap15.patch" to handle SKB_GSO_UDP API change. - Addresses VUL-0: CVE-2017-10392,CVE-2017-10407,CVE-2017-10408,CVE-2017-3733,CVE-2017-10428 as noted in bsc #1064200- Rename python subpackage - Update python dependnencies for migration to python3 as default- Add patch to handle LEAP 15 API change in wait queues. This change addresses boo#1064524. File "fixes_for_leap15.patch" is added to accomplish this task.- Update as recommended in bsc#1060072. - Move files /usr/lib/virtualbox/, /usr/lib/virtualbox/, /usr/lib/virtualbox/, and /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from package virtualbox to virtualbox-qt. With this change, package virtualbox no longer needs libX11. - Version bump to 5.1.30 (released 2017-10-16 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: translation updates GUI: Fixed double mouse cursor when using mouse integration without Guest Additions, actually a Qt 5.6 bug fixed with QT 5.6.3 (Mac OS X hosts only; bug #15610) Solaris hosts: allow increasing MTU size for host-only adapter to 9706 bytes to support jumbo frames Linux hosts: glibc 2.26 compile fix Windows Additions: 3D related crash fix (bugs #17082, #17092)- Make additional change specified in bsc#1060072. Moving VBoxSDL and from package virtualbox to virtualbox-qt removes an additional need to load the libqt* binaries on a text-only installation running headless VMs.- Make changes suggested in bsc#1060072 The specific changes are: (1) Remove the test in as the script tests for the wrong file. This is safe because if the package is not installed, the script will not be there. (2) Move to package virtualbox-qt. With this change, packages libQt5Core, libQt5Gui and libQt5Widgets are no longer needed with package virtualbox. As a result, a text-only server no longer needs to load QT to support headless virtual machines.- Update "fixes_for_4.14.patch" to handle additional API changes in kernel 4.14. These include the following: removal of gamma_set and gamma_get from struct drm_fb_helper_funcs removal of set_busid from struct drm_driver replacement of drm_pci_init() with pci_register_driver() replacement of drm_pci_exit() with pci_unregister_driver() removal of load_lut from struct drm_crtc_helper_func- Update "fixes_for_4.14.patch" to handle missing SKB_GSO_UDP in kernel 4.14- Add file "fixes_for_4.14.patch" to handle API change in kernel 4.14. Remove file "vbox_fix_42.3_api.patch" as that fix is included in upstream code.- Version bump to 5.1.28 (released 2017-09-13 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Audio: fixed accidental crashes when using the AC'97 sound emulation (bug #16959) Audio: fixed crash when default input or output devices have changed (bugs #16968, #16969, #17004) Audio: fixed recording when using the ALSA backend Audio: fixed handle leak when using the OSS backend E1000: fixed a crash related to VLAN traffic over internal network (5.1.26 regression; bug #16960) NAT: apply --natbindip1 to TCP connections (bug #16478) OVF: when importing an appliance with XHCI controller, don't add an OHCI controller. Linux hosts: fixed creating fixed sized VDI images (bug #17010) Linux hosts / guests: fixes for Linux 4.4 of openSUSE Leap 42.3 (bug #16966) Bridged networking: align outgoing packet at word boundary, preventing Windows host crash in MsLbfoProvider. Linux Additions: kernel drm driver support for custom EL7 Linux 3.10 kernel- mark VBoxNetNAT with the correct permissions line. (bsc#1033425)- Update to fix problems noted in bsc#1042726 Disable pae build for 32-bit kernels. Added missing commands to keep mkinitrd from being called twice during installation of host kernel modules. bsc#105248.- internal-headers.patch: fix invalid use of internal headers, enable POSIX extensions- reorganize vbox autostart, coping with systemd: - add /usr/lib/virtualbox/ (based on /etc/init.d/vboxes) - add /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxes.service - remove /etc/init.d/vboxes- Version bump to 5.1.26 (released 2017-07-27 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: reset the TSC on VM reset to work around a Windows bug (bug #16643) Audio: fixed memory leak when enabled with VRDP connections (5.1.24 regression; bug #16928) Audio: fixed creation of too many sound sinks on Linux hosts when using the PulseAudio backend (bug #16938) Audio: implemented record gain registers for AC'97 emulation; those are needed for newer Ubuntu guests which rely on those when controlling gain and muting the recording (capturing) levels Storage: fixed hang when using the emulated NVMe controller with the SPDK (bug #16945) Mouse: double click was not working with a precision touchpad (bug #14632) Linux hosts: properly bring up host-only network interfaces with iproute (5.1.24 regression; bug #16911) Linux hosts: provide Python 3 libraries for deb/rpm packages Windows guests: fixed automatic logons for Vista and newer Windows guests (5.1.24 regression; bug #16921)- File "vbox_fix_for_kernel_4.12.patch" removed as these changes are fixed upstream. - File "vbox_fix_for_kernel_4.13.patch" removed as these changes are fixed upstream. - Version bump to 5.1.24 (released 2017-07-18 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: mask the VME CPUID capability on AMD Ryzen processors for now to make certain guests works, for example Windows XP VMM: emulate more SSE2 instructions VMM: properly clear the TF and AC flags when dispatching real-mode interrupts GUI: fixes to make the mini-toolbar work with recent versions of KDE / Plasma (bug #16325) GUI: fixed a potential crash when a VM with multiple screens is running in full screen / seamless mode and a host screen is removed, for example when connecting to the host via RDP GUI: fixed initial size hints for guests which set intermediate sizes before responding (bug #16593) GUI: prevent stopped screen updates or black screen on reboot in a multi-screen setup under certain conditions Audio: many improvements for Windows 10 guests (bugs #15189, #15925, #16170, #16682, #16794 and others) Storage: fixed possible crash when using Intels SPDK API: use the correct file name of the VM machine state if the VM settings directory is renamed, for example during grouping / ungrouping a VM (bugs #16075 and #16745) API: return the correct error code if powering up a VM fails API: video recording did not automatically start at VM start when enabled in the VM settings (bug #16803) API: when relocating a medium, check that the target path is fully qualified EFI: fix for VMs with more than 3504MB RAM (bug #11103) Host-only adapter: correctly determine IPv4 netmasks on Windows hosts (bug #16826) NAT network: properly do the refcounting for starting / stopping the NAT / DHCP services if the NAT network is changed while the adapter network connection type is anything else but NAT network VBoxManage: fixed controlvm videocapfile (bug #16779) Linux / Mac OS X hosts: more fixes for loading shared libraries (5.1.20 regression; bugs #16778, #16693) Linux hosts / guests: Linux 4.12 fixes (bugs #16725, #16800) Linux hosts / guests: reduce the kernel stack consumption for Linux kernels with CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK defined Linux hosts / guests: fixes for kernel modules built with gcc-7 (bug #16772) Linux hosts / guests: Linux 4.13 fix (bug #16887) Linux hosts: don't depend on net-tools on newer distributions as this package is deprecated in favour of iproute (bug #16764) Linux hosts: make 2D video acceleration available for older Linux distributions (5.1 regression; bug #16858) Linux Additions: fix for dynamic resizing with Oracle Linux 6 with UEK4 Linux Additions: make Fedora 25 and 26 Alpha work when 3D pass-through is enabled Linux Additions: no longer recommend removing distribution- installed Additions if they are updated to our guidelines- In kernel 4.13, wait_queue_t => wait_queue_entry_t. File "vbox_fix_for_kernel_4.13.patch" patches the source to account for this change.- Fix several problems with the startup scripts. The SysV form is no longer used for most packages as proper systemd service files have been created. These fixes address bsc#1037291, #1043532, and #1045871. - Increase reserved disk space from 4 to 5 GB. This change was suddested as a fix for the 32-bit failures.- Fix missing global for 32-bit version with gcc7. (bsc#1046571). Fix missing frame buffer cleanup - private communication from Oracle - adds file "fix_KMS_support.patch".- Fix logic error in scripts to build kernel modules locally - see bnc#1042726. Fix "requires" for net-tools-deprecated so that Leap 42.3 will build. Fix missing /media for Leap 42.3. Fix typo in above changes.- Fix some typos in the various service files as noted in boo#1044931. With these fixes, TW guests start correctly. In addition, the /sbin/vboxconfig (for hosts) and the /sbin/vboxguestconfig (for guests) work correctly.- Now that kernel:HEAD:standard has changed to version 4.12.0-rcX, the VB drivers need some changes for new API's. File "vbox_fix_for_kernel_4.12.patch" is added. The added installation of "net-tools-deprecated" broke builds for Leap 42.3. That change is now conditional on building for Factory.- Add installation of package "net-tools-deprecated" as requested in boo#1027742.- Revise warning screen concerning USB passthru - fixes bnc#1041137. USB passthru opens a security hole, yet it is so valuable that many users want the feature, thus it is our default. Previously, a user needed to edit a udev rule to disable passthru. The bad part was that an update of VB changed the rule back to allow passthru without any notification. These changes modify the popup to allow the user to accept or decline passthru. If the user declines, then the root password is requested and the udev rule is modified. As these modifications will be lost with the next VB update, the inode of the udev rule is kept. If the user has previously declined and the inode has changed, the popup will show the next time VB is started. File "" is added.- add %dir /usr/share/licenses to new vnc package- Made changes to build with gcc 7.x. This adds new file "vbox_fix_for_gcc7.patch". Changed the building of VBoxVNC to remove the hack used earlier.- Make a number of changes: * Add VBoxVNC as a proper external pack rather than just make the so available (bnc #1037033). Thanks to Michal Nowak for most of this effort. One hack was required to work around a bug in "VBoxManage extpack install" whereby the --accept-license option failed to work. * Improve startup of VirtualBox through use of systemd service files: a. Beginning with Oracle version 5.0.8, the command used to build the kernel modules outside of the RPM packaging code changed; however, the openSUSE version did not implement the new method. That new code is now implemented. b. In Tumbleweed, the SysV init scripts to systemd service files stopped working. Part of the new code also checks to see if the kernel modules are loaded. If not, new script files are called to include the necessary packages and build the necessary modules. c. The hooks are in place to remove the sysv init files and do the complete conversion to systemd. This step will be done at a later time. * New files are "", "", "vboxdrv.service", and "vboxadd-service.service". * New sub-packages virtualbox-guest-source and virtualbox-vnc are produced. * Some typos in virtualbox.spec are fixed.- Add libelf-devel to build. Fixes bnc #1037511. Modified the startup files to build the kernel modules if they are missing. Files "" and "vboxguestconfig" added.- Version bump to 5.1.22 (released 2017-04-28 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: fixed VERR_IEM_INSTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Guru Meditation under certain conditions (5.1 regression; mostly Mac OS X hosts; bugs #15693, #15801, #16274, #16569, #16663) VMM: fixed software virtualization on Solaris hosts (5.1.20 regression) Storage: fixed a potential hang under rare circumstances (bug #16677) Storage: fixed a potential crash under rare circumstances (asynchronous I/O disabled or during maintenance file operations like merging snapshots) Linux hosts: make the ALSA backend work again as well as loading the GL libraries on certain hosts (5.1.20 regression; bugs #16667, #16693) Linux Additions: fixed mount.vboxsf symlink problem (5.1.20 regression; bug #16670)- VirtualBox has always been started by systemd utilizing the old-style scripts in /etc/init.d. These should be converted to the service files native to systemd. This issue has been forced as a recent update to Tumbleweed broke the startup of VB for both TW hosts and guests. This change starts the conversion to native systemd files. The original scripts are still used; however, service files are used to start and stop the VB components. In a later change, all action will be accomplished using systemd service files. Two new files named "vboxdrv.service" and "vboxadd-service.service" are added.- Fixes for CVE-2017-3561, CVE-2017-3563, CVE-2017-3576, CVE-2017-3558, CVE-2017-3587 CVE-2017-3559, CVE-2017-3575, CVE-2017-3538, CVE-2017-3513 Version bump to 5.1.20 (released 2017-04-18 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: don't check if the Extension Pack is up-to-date if the user is about to install a new Extension Pack (bug #16317) GUI: fixed a possible crash when switching a multi-monitor VM into full-screen or seamless mode GUI: several mini-toolbar fixes in full-screen / seamless mode (X11 hosts only) GUI: don't crash on restoring defaults in the appliance import dialog Windows Additions: another fix for automatic logins for Windows Vista and newer (bug #15904) ICH9: fix for Windows guests with a huge amount (>64G) of guest memory BIOS: fixed El Torito hard disk emulation geometry calculation (thanks Dwight Engen)- Add File "vbox_fix_42.3_api.patch" to handle the get_user_pages() API change in Leap 42.3.- Package This extension is already being built, just not packaged. This feature is requested in bsc #1024671.- Version bump to 5.1.18 (released 2017-08-15 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Shared Folders: fixed case insensitive filename access (5.1.16 regression; Windows guests only; bug #16549) Shared Folders: fixed access to long pathes (5.1.16 regression; Windows guests only; bugs #14651, #16564) API: fixed snapshot handling of medium attachments and PCI device attachments (bug #16545) API: make 32-bit Windows guests in raw mode boot again if the ICH9 chipset is used (5.1.16 regression) VBoxBugReport: fixed VM log collection issue Linux hosts: fixed autostart service script (bug #14955) Windows Additions: fixed automatic logins for Windows Vista and newer (5.1.4 regression; bug #15904)- Removed "vbox_fix_4.10_api_changes.patch" - fixed upstream Removed "vbox_fix_4.11_api_changes.patch" - fixed upstream - Version bump to 5.1.16 (released 2017-03-08 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: don't access the MSR_IA32_SMM_MONITOR_CTL MSR if dual-monitor treatment is not available (KVM workaround, bug #14965) VMM: another fix for handling certain MSRs on ancient CPUs without VT-x support for MSR bitmaps VMM: fixed VERR_SSM_LOAD_CPUID_MISMATCH errors when restoring a saved state with SMP guests on hosts without the CPUID/HTT bit set (bug #16428) VMM: fixed a bug in call gate emulation VMM: FWAIT instruction fix VMM: fixed a sporadic guest hang under certain conditions GUI: hide the mini-toolbar from the taskbar and the pager on certain X11 hosts GUI: better error handling on the global settings / network / host-only / DHCP server settings GUI: fixes for full-screen with multiple screens Host-only Network: fixed host-only adapter creation issue preventing VirtualBox installation on Windows 10 hosts (bug #16379) NAT network: fixed two potential crashes in the DHCP server ICH9: fixed incorrect initialization of the primary bus for PCI bridges (5.1.14 regression) Storage: LsiLogic fix for Windows 10 USB: fixed not being able to attach certain USB devices having invalid characters in the device strings (5.0.18 regression; bug #15956) USB: several fixes for the USB/IP support (bug #16462) VBoxSVC: fixed another crash during shutdown under rare circumstances VBoxSVC: fixed a stack overflow on (Windows debug builds only; bug #16409) OVF: when importing an appliance handle more than 10 network adapters if the OVA was created by VirtualBox (bug #16401) OVF: fixes for exporting and importing appliances with many disks (bug #16402) VBoxManage: fixed regression with modifyhd --resize (bug #16311) rdesktop-vrdp: source code tarball fixes Linux Installers: do not rebuild kernel modules unnecessarily (bug #16408) Linux hosts: added an action for opening the VM manager window to the .desktop file Linux hosts / guests: Linux 4.11 compile fixes (bug #16506) Linux Additions: added vboxsf FS modules alias (bug #16404) Linux Additions: fix for the shared folders kernel module to compile on Linux 4.10 Linux Additions: properly install the Linux kernel module override rule on distributions without /etc/depmod.d Windows Additions: fixed a crash with recent Windows 10 builds if 3D is disabled (bug #15973)- Fix API changes for kernel 4.11. This change adds file "vbox_fix_4.11_api_changes.patch". Make some changes to various script files to remove reference to run level 4, which is not used.- Fix for missing global in vboxsf that prevented mounting shared folders for kernel 4.10. This change is the fix for bsc #1027967.- Do not proivde and symbols into the rpm database.- The fix for 3D acceleration only works for Gmome desktops. KDE desktops fail. Accordingly, 3D acceleration must still be disabled "out-of-the-box". File /etc/init.d/vboxadd contains comments on the modifications needed to turn 3D acceleration on, thus Gnome users may turn it on selectively.- Fix 3D acceleration as reported in bsc #1024934. The steps needed are as follows: - Remove file "vbox_prevent_wrong_SONAME.patch" - the original SONAME values are needed for and to be replaced by and, respectively. - Package Require insserv and fillup by the packages who call it in the pre/post install sections- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- Removed "vbox_fix_4.9_api_changes.patch" as changes are upstream. Fixed API changes for kernel 4.10 in "vbox_fix_4.10_api_changes.patch".- The version bump to 5.1.14 also addresses boo#1020856 CVE-2017-3316 CVE-2017-3332 CVE-2017-3290 CVE-2016-5545 - Version bump to 5.1.14 (released 2017-01-17 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: fixed emulation of certain instructions for 64-bit guests on 32-bit hosts VMM: properly handle certain MSRs for 64-bit guests on ancient CPUs without VT-x support for MSR bitmaps (bug #13886) GUI: fixed a crash with multimonitor setups under certain conditions GUI: allow cloning of snapshots when the VM is running NVMe: fixed compatibility with the Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK, bug #16368) VBoxSVC: fixed a crash under rare circumstances VBoxManage: added a sanity check to modifymedium --resize to prevent users from resizing their hard disk from 1GB to 1PB (bug #16311) Windows hosts: another fix for recent Windows 10 hosts Linux hosts: Linux 4.10 fixes Linux Additions: fixed protocol error during certain operations on shared folders (bug #8463)- The printing of the warning about the insecurity in USB passthru had been lost. As most people are likely to want that feature, the logic has been inverted. Now, the required udev commands to allow passthru are included. The first time that VB is started, the user will get a screen that points to the bug entry discussing the problem and states what they should do to block the insecure usage. In any case, that screen will only be printed once. File "virtualbox-60-vboxdrv.rules" has been added These changes address the issues in bnc #1018340.- Version bump to 5.1.12 (released 2016-12-20 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: fixed VERR_IEM_ASPECT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Guru Meditations with certain Linux guests if KVM paravirtualization is enabled (5.1 regression; bugs #15613 and #16251) VMM: fixed VERR_VMX_UNABLE_TO_START_VM Guru Meditations under rare conditions GUI: prevent a crash under certain conditions if the VM is terminated very early GUI: fixed certain keyboard capture issues (5.1.10 regression; Mac OS X hosts only; bug #16150) GUI: fixed dragging guest windows in seamless mode with the keyboard captured (X11 hosts only; bug #15837) GUI: fixed a problem where the new version detected dialog was covered by the appliance import dialog (Mac OS X hosts only; bug #16238) Storage: fixed NVMe reset processing when doing rmmod nvme; modprobe nvme in a Linux guest (bug #16080) Storage: fixed creating a snapshot when the VM is running and an NVMe controller is present Storage: fixed a problem with the LsiLogic SCSI controller where requests could be lost with SMP guests E1000: fixed "cable disconnected" issue (Mac OS X guests only; 5.1.10 regression; bug #16260) E1000: fixed "TX unit hang" issue (Linux guests only; 5.1.10 regression; bug #16221) API: don't crash when sanitizing certain VM names (bug #16299) Linux hosts: automatically disable asynchronous I/O on Linux 2.6.18 kernels as high I/O load may trigger kernel oopses on these kernels if this feature is enabled Linux hosts / guests: Linux 2.6.28 compile fix (bug #16267) Linux hosts: compile Linux 4.9 compile fix (bug #16286) Linux Additions: warn the user about a known bug with older Linux guests (e.g. Debian 7) requiring manual work to get 3D working (bug #15319) Linux Additions: fix the graphics driver build with Linux 4.10 and later (bug #16298) Windows Additions: fixed a crash in the WDDM driver under certain conditions- Revert "vbox_hdpi_support.patch. This patch may improve things for, but it breaks other systems. See and bsc #1014694.- I now have the necessary preprocessor symbol to modify the source depending on whether the server is 1.19.0 or greater. It is no longer necessary to detect the server version in the spec file, thus the solution is cleaner.- Leap 42.2 still has server v. 1.18.3, thus the test failed. The test has been changed to look at only the 1.xx part of the version.- Add patch file "Fix_for_server_1.19.patch" to support xorg-x11-server v. 1.19.0. The spec file now interrogates the rpm for the server and conditionally applies the patch, thus both versions build OK.- Add patch file "vbox_hidpi_support.patch" to add support for HiDPI in the management frontend. (This does not fix rendering in guest windows)- Version bump to 5.1.10 (released 2016-11-21 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: the USB filter settings dialog should allow to specify the USB revision in hexadecimal format (bug #15400) GUI: fixed crash on certain hosts when pressing certain key combinations (Windows hosts only; bug #15719) GUI: fixed issue with updating the available-geometry on host-screen work-area resize GUI: don't crash / hang on certain environments if accessibility support is enabled GUI: fixed various issues in Unscaled HiDPI Output mode (bug #15707) GUI: extend the VM Input menu with Print Screen-related actions GUI: improved handling of inserting the Guest Additions ISO image by trying all available optical drives rather than only the first one and by not asking the user if he wants to force unmounting (which doesn't work in most cases anyway) API: default to RTC using UTC for Solaris 11 guests Settings: be less restrictive when reading a VM configuration containing a host-only adapter without an interface name Storage: fixed resizing VDI images resulting in an unbootable image under certain circumstances (bug #15983) NAT: fixed several 5.1.8 regressions on Mac OS X and Windows hosts (bug #16084) Audio: fixed a few 5.1.x regressions by using the audio code from 5.0.x until the audio overhaul is completed VBoxManage: fixed documentation of the storagectl command (bug #15971) Build system: another fix for building VirtualBox on systems which default to Python 3 Windows hosts: hardening fix for Windows 10 build 14971 (bug #16202) Windows Additions: properly start the VirtualBox guest services even if the guest user name contains special characters (bug #15982) Solaris Additions: fixed preemptible mouse notification callback being executed under a spinlock for Solaris guests Linux hosts / guests: Linux 4.9 fixes (bugs #16155 and #16064) Linux Additions: fixed Linux kernel module override rule (thanks Mark Furneaux)- Remove all references to libreadline. I misinterpreted a previous error message. - Fixes for VUL-0: CVE-2016-5501,CVE-2016-5538,CVE-2016-5605,CVE-2016-5608,CVE-2016-5610,CVE-2016-5611,CVE-2016-561313 boo #1005621.- Replaced libreadline6 with libreadline7.- Found and fixed another API change for kernel 4.9. In addition, the libreadline6 package is now needed.- Fix typo in "vbox_fix_4.9_api_changes.patch".- Make another 4.9 API change.- Fix build on kernel 4.9 using patch "vbox_fix_4.9_api_changes.patch".- Fixes for VUL-0: CVE-2016-5501,CVE-2016-5538,CVE-2016-5605,CVE-2016-5608,CVE-2016-5610,CVE-2016-5611,CVE-2016-561313 boo #1005621. - Add patch file "vbox_remove_smp_mflags.patch" to limit number of simultaneous make jobs. - Version bump to 5.1.8 (released 2016-10-18 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: fixed keyboard shortcut handling regressions (Mac OS X hosts only; bugs #15937 and #15938) GUI: fixed keyboard handling regression for separate UI (Windows hosts only; bugs #15928) NAT: don't exceed the maximum number of "search" suffixes. Patch from bug #15948. NAT: fixed parsing of port-forwarding rules with a name which contains a slash (bug #16002) NAT Network: when the host has only loopback nameserver that cannot be mapped to the guests (e.g. dnsmasq running on, make DHCP supply NAT Network DNS proxy as nameserver. Bridged Network: prevent flooding syslog with packet allocation error messages (bug #15569) Audio: now using Audio Queues on Mac OS X hosts Audio: fixed recording with the PulseAudio backend (5.1 regression) Audio: various bugfixes Snapshots: fixed regression in 5.1.4 for deleting snapshots with several disks (bug #15831) Snapshots: crash fix and better error reporting when snapshot deletion failed Storage: some fixes for the NVMe emulation with Windows guests API: fixed initialization of SAS controllers (bug #15972) Build system: make it possible to build VBox on systems which default to Python 3 Windows Additions / VGA: if the guest's power management turns a virtual screen off, blank the corresponding VM window rather than hide the window Windows Additions: fixed a generic bug which could lead to freezing shared folders (bug #15662) Linux hosts / guests: fix for kernels with CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK set (bug #16020) Linux Additions: don't require all virtual consoles be in text mode. This should fix cases when the guest is booted with a graphical boot screen (bug #15683) Linux Additions: added depmod overrides for the vboxguest and vboxsf kernel modules to fix conflicts with modules shipped by certain Linux distributions X11 Additions: disable 3D on the guest if the host does not provide enough capabilities (bug #15860)- Requesting 14000 MB is too much. Reduce the request to 12000 MB.- Some builds still run out of memory and fail. Increase to 14000 MB.- Builds keep running out of memory when building the web server part of the package. To help the memory pressure, I have forced make to run with "-j2", rather than use the number of processors. Such a change will slow the build, but will result in a higher rate of success.- Increase memory allowed in build to 10000 MB.- Remove file "fix_removal_of_DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE" - fixed upstream. - Version bump to 5.1.6 (released 2016-09-12 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: fixed issue with opening '.vbox' files and it's aliases GUI: keyboard grabbing fixes (bugs #15771 and #15745) GUI: fix for passing through Ctrl + mouse-click (Mac OS X hosts only; bug #15714) GUI: fixed automatic deletion of extension pack files (bugs #11352 and #14742) USB: fixed showing unknown device instead of the manufacturer or product description under certain circumstances (5.1.0 regression; bug #15764) XHCI: another fix for a hanging guest under certain conditions as result of the fix for bug #15747, this time for Windows 7 guests Serial: fixed high CPU usage with certain USB to serial converters on Linux hosts (bug #7796) Storage: fixed attaching stream optimized VMDK images (bug #14764) Storage: reject image variants which are unsupported by the backend (bug #7227) Storage: fixed loading saved states created with VirtualBox 5.0.10 and older when using a SCSI controller (bug #15865) Storage: fixed broken NVMe emulation if the host I/O cache setting is enabled Storage: fixed using multiple NVMe controllers if ICH9 is used NVMe: fixed a crash during reset which could happen under certain circumstances Audio: fixed microphone input (5.1.2 regression; bugs #14386 and #15802) Audio: fixed crashes under certain conditions (5.1.0 regression; bug #15887 and others) Audio: fixed recording with the ALSA backend (5.1 regression) Audio: fixed stream access mode with OSS backend (5.1 regression, thanks to Jung-uk Kim) E1000: do also return masked bits when reading the ICR register, this fixes booting from iPXE (5.1.2 regression; bug #15846) BIOS: fixed 4bpp scanline calculation (bug #15787) API: relax the check for the version attribute in OVF/OVA appliances (bug #15856) Windows hosts: fixed crashes when terminating the VM selector or other VBox COM clients (bug #15726 and others) Linux Installer: fixed path to the documentation in .rpm packages (5.1.0 regression) Linux Installer: fixed the script to prevent an SELinux complaint (bug #15816) Linux hosts: don't use 32-bit legacy capabilities Linux Additions: Linux 4.8 fix for the kernel display driver (bugs #15890 and #15896) Linux Additions: don't load the kernel modules provided by the Linux distribution but load the kernel modules from the official Guest Additions package instead (bug #15324) Linux Additions: fix dynamic resizing problems in recent Linux guests (bug #15875) User Manual: fixed error in the VBoxManage chapter for the getextradata enumerate example (bug #15862)- Add file "fix_removal_of_DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE" to compile on kernel 4.8.- Re-added missing copy of Module.symvers from vboxguest build so that loads of vboxvideo can resolve all symbols, this got lost somehow (boo#983927, boo#993091)- Update the host <-> guest KMP conflict dependencies to no longer refer to the old name (boo#983927).- Add "ExclusiveArch: %ix86 x86_64" line back into the spec file. Handle a false positive indication from kmemleak. This patch is added to "modify_for_4_8_bo_move.patch".- The API for ttm_bo_move_memcpy() is changed in kernel 4.8. Add patch file "modify_for_4_8_bo_move.patch" to handle this case.- Version bump to 5.1.4 (released 2016-08-16 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: show actual VM uptime in the session information window Audio: re-enabled speakers for Mac OS X guests (5.1.0 regression; bug #15611) Audio: fixed crashes under certain conditions USB: fixed a hang under certain conditions USB: fixed a hanging guest under certain conditions (bug #15747) PIIX4: implemented dummy SMBus controller to prevent annoying Linux kernel warnings about uninitialized SMBus base address (bug #9517) NVMe: several fixes to improve stability, fixed a crash while saving a VM state VMDK: Fixed an issue creating fixed size images with certain sizes and the Split2G option enabled (bug #15748) VHDX: fixed cloning images with VBoxManage clonehd (bug #14288) Storage: Fixed broken bandwidth limitation when the limit is very low (bug #14982) EFI: fixed sending debug messages in the EFI firmware if a serial port is enabled (bug #12161) OVF: when importing appliances, make sure that the version of the embedded VirtualBox-specific settings is processed, to get the default settings handling right VBoxManage: Don't try to set the medium type if there is no change (bug #13850) Linux installer: fixed some scripting issues (bugs #15701 and #15702) Linux installer: fixed a path issue on certain Linux distributions (bug #15717) Windows hosts: fixed corrupted mouse pointers with some Linux and Solaris guests (bug #15665) Linux Additions: made the video driver work on 32-bit guests with large video memory sizes (bug #15621) Linux Additions: made the video driver work on kernel 4.7 and later (bug #15769) Linux Additions: converted a failure message to an informational one when drivers could not be stopped during upgrade (bug #15692) Linux Additions: made the video driver work around an X server bug which cause screen refresh to stop (bug #15511) Windows Additions: auto-resizing fixes for Windows 10 guests (bug #15257) Windows Additions: fixed VBoxTray problems with Windows 2000 (bug #15661) - Other local changes: "changeset_60565.diff" is removed - fixed in upstream. "vbox-kernel47-cpu_has_pge.diff" -s removed - also fixed in upstream.- adjust file attributes on SUID helpers to avoid chkstat issues- remove obsolete libgsoap-devel (again) - remove /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules - it is overruled from vboxdrv init script anyway - vboxdrv generates a /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules file on _every_ start, note that fact in /etc/default/virtualbox and describe a strategy to control this behaviour - relocate to /usr/lib/virtualbox this is, where vboxdrv, resp. the generated 60-vboxdrv.rules file is expecting it- Remove request for patch that is no longer used.- Patch11 is file "vbox-kernel47-cpu_has_pge.diff".- Add upstream patch fix cpu_has_pge removed macro in kernel 4.7 Patch11 - Add ifarch ix86 to limit concurrency on 32bits (-j2) Remove ExcludeArch instructions- Version bump to 5.1.2 (released 2016-07-21 by Oracle) New main capabilities in Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.1 are: Improved Performance: Significantly improved performance for multi-CPU virtual machines and networking. Bug Reporting Tool: New utility able to collect all the information and logs related to the host and guest operating system, for debug or analysis purposes. Improved Logging Window: New logging functionalities to highlight and filter information related to guest Virtual Machines. Improved multimedia availability: Improved support for different USB devices and multi-channel audio availability. Flash storage emulation: New NVMHCI storage controller emulation available, able to emulate NVME devices - Flash storage - on guest Virtual Machine. Improved Linux integration: Automatic modules deployment in case of a Linux Kernel upgrade and improved systemd integration for the latest releases of popular Linux distributions. - Drop drm-vboxvideo-Add-delayed-update-to-support-fbdev.patch, fixed upstream. - Drop drm-vboxvideo-Initialize-data-needed-to-map-fbdev-memory.patch, fixed upstream. - Drop vbox-4.7.patch, fixed upstream. - vbox-permissions_warning.diff and vbox-usb-warning.diff updated to Qt5 - User Manual updated.- virtualbox-60-vboxdrv.rules: added missing udev rules for vboxdrvu and vboxnetctl ( Disable i586 builds as they fail with the OBS compiler. Increased VM to 20000 M. - Version bump to 5.0.26 (released 2016-07-18 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: fixed a bug in the task switching code (ticket #15571) GUI: allow to overwrite an existing file when saving a log file (bug #8034) GUI: fixed screenshot if the VM is started in separate mode Audio: improved recording from USB headsets and other sources which might need conversion of captured data Audio: fixed regression of not having any audio available on Solaris hosts VGA: fixed an occasional hang when running Windows guests with 3D enabled Storage: fixed a possible endless reconnect loop for the iSCSI backend if connecting to the target succeeds but further I/O requests cause a disconnect Storage: fixed a bug when resizing certain VDI images which resulted in using the whole disk on the host (bug #15582) EFI: fixed access to devices attached to SATA port 2 and higher (bug #15607) API: fixed video recording with VBoxHeadless (bug #15443) API: don't crash if there is no graphics controller configured (bug #15628) VBoxSVC: fixed several memory leaks when handling .dmg images Solaris hosts: fixed a crash on hosts with certain CPU configurations Windows hosts: properly fall back to NDIS5 on pre-Vista hosts on silent installations- Version bump to 5.0.24 (released 2016-06-28 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: reverted to the old I/O-APIC code for now to fix certain regressions with 5.0.22 (bug #15529). This means that the networking performance with certain guests will drop to the 5.0.20 level (bug #15295). One workaround is to disable GRO for Linux guests. Main: when taking a screenshot, don't save garbage for blanked screens NAT: correctly parse resolv.conf file with multiple separators (5.0.22 regression) Storage: fixed a possible corruption of stream optimized VMDK images from VMware when opened in read/write mode for the first time Audio: imlemented dynamic re-attaching of input/output devices on Mac OS X hosts ACPI: notify the guest when the battery / AC state changes instead of relying on guest polling Linux hosts: fixed VERR_VMM_SET_JMP_ABORTED_RESUME Guru Meditations on hosts with Linux 4.6 or later (bug #15439)- Version bump to 5.0.22 (released 2016-06-16 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: fixes for certain Intel Atom hosts (bug #14915) VMM: properly restore the complete FPU state for 32-bit guests on 64-bit hosts on Intel Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge CPUs VMM: new I/O-APIC implementation fixing several bugs and improving the performance under certain conditions (bug #15295 and others) VMM: fixed a potential Linux guest panic on AMD hosts VMM: fixed a potential hang with 32-bit EFI guests on Intel CPUs (VT-x without unrestricted guest execution) GUI: don't allow to start subsequent separate VM instances GUI: raised upper limit for video capture screen resolution (bug #15432) GUI: warn if the VM has less than 128MB VRAM configured and 3D enabled Main: when monitoring DNS configuration changes on Windows hosts avoid false positives from competing DHCP renewals. This should fix NAT link flaps when host has multiple DHCP configured interfaces, in particular when the host uses OpnVPN. Main: properly display an error message if the VRDE server cannot be enabled at runtime, for example because another service is using the same port NAT: Initialize guest address guess for wildcard port-forwarding rules with default guest address (bug #15412) VGA: fix for a problem which made certain legacy guests crash under certain conditions (bug #14811) ACPI: properly notify the guest if the ACPI battery state changed OVF: fixed import problems for some appliances using an AHCI controller created by 3rd party applications SDK: reduced memory usage in the webservice Java bindings Linux hosts: EL 6.8 fix (bug #15411) Linux hosts: Linux 4.7 fix (bug #15459) Linux Additions: Linux 4.7 fixes (bug #15444) Linux Additions: fix for certain 32-bit guests (5.0.18 regression; bug #15320) Linux Additions: fixed mouse pointer offset (5.0.18 regression; bug #15324) Linux Additions: made old X.Org releases work again with kernels 3.11 and later (5.0.18 regression; bug #15319) Linux Additions: fixed X.Org crash after hard guest reset (5.0.18 regression; bug #15354) Linux Additions: don't stop the X11 setup if loading the shared folders module fails (5.0.18 regression) Linux Additions: don't complain if the Drag and Drop service is not available on the host Solaris Additions: added support for 1.18 Local openSUSE specific changes: File "changeset_60565.diff" is no longer needced and has been removed. Version bump to 5.0.20 (released 2016-04-28 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: Storage: fixed a regression causing write requests from the BIOS to cause a Guru Meditation with the LsiLogic SCSI controller (5.0.18 regression; bug #15317) Storage: several emulation fixes in the BusLogic SCSI controller emulation NAT Network: support TCP in DNS proxy (same problem as in bug #14736 for NAT) NAT: rework handling of port-forwarding rules (bug #13570) NAT: rewrite host resolver to handle more query types and make it asynchronous so that a stalled lookup doesn't block all NAT traffic Snapshots: don't crash when restoring a snapshot which has more network adapters than the current state (ie when the snapshot uses ICH9 and the current state uses PIIX3) Guest Control: various bugfixes for the copyfrom and copyto commands / API (bug #14336) VBoxManage: list processor features on list hostinfo (bug #15334) Linux hosts: fix for Linux 4.5 if CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT is enabled (bug #15327) Windows Additions: fixed performance issues with PowerPoint 2010 and the WDDM graphics drivers if Aero is disabled- Add file "vbox-4.7.patch" to all builds on Kernel_HEAD_standard/x86_64 now that 4.7-rcX is released.- remove libgsoap-devel from build deps, it conflicts with gsoap-devel- Fix start failure of vboxadd service routine This script fails because /var/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/config does not exist; however, there is no need for this file. That service routine is modified. (boo #977328).- drm-vboxvideo-Initialize-data-needed-to-map-fbdev-memory.patch: * Add missing initialization of scanout buffer base and size for proper fbdev support. - drm-vboxvideo-Add-delayed-update-to-support-fbdev.patch: * Add support for delayed_io in fbdev-layer. (boo#977200).- This submission fixes the bug in VB 5.0.18 that prevents proper operation for guest VMs configured to use a LsiLogic adapter for disks. See ticket: for a description of the problem, and changeset: for the fix, which is implemented in file "changeset_60565.diff". This update contains a fix for CVE-2016-0678. Bug report b.o.o #97366 discusses this vulnerability.- Version bump to 5.0.18 (released 2016-04-18 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: position off-screen windows to be fully visible again on relaunch in consistence with default-behavior (bug #15226) GUI: fixed the View menu / Full-screen Mode behavior on Mac OS X El Capitan GUI: fixed a test which allowed to encrypt a hard disk with an empty password GUI: fixed a crash under certain conditions during VM shutdown GUI: fixed the size of the VM list scrollbar in the VM selector when entering a group PC speaker passthrough: fixes (Linux hosts only; bug #627) Drag and drop: several fixes SATA: fixed hotplug flag handling when EFI is used Storage: fixed handling of encrypted disk images with SCSI controllers (bug #14812) Storage: fixed possible crash with Solaris 7 if the BusLogic SCSI controller is used USB: properly purge non-ASCII characters from USB strings (bugs #8801, #15222) NAT Network: fixed 100% CPU load in VBoxNetNAT on Mac OS X under certain circumstances (bug #15223) ACPI: fixed ACPI tables to make the display color management settings available again for older Windows versions (4.3.22 regression) Guest Control: fixed VBoxManage copyfrom command (bug #14336) Snapshots: fixed several problems when removing older snapshots (bug #15206) VBoxManage: fixed --verbose output of the guestcontrol command Windows hosts: hardening fixes required for recent Windows 10 insider builds (bugs #15245, #15296) Windows hosts: fixed support of jumbo frames in with bridged networking (5.0.16 regression; bug #15209) Windows hosts: don't prevent receiving multicast traffic if host-only adapters are installed (bug #8698) Linux hosts: added support for the new naming scheme of NVME disks when creating raw disks Solaris hosts / guests: properly sign the kernel modules (bug #12608) Linux hosts / guests: Linux 4.5 fixes (bug #15251) Linux hosts / guests: Linux 4.6 fixes (bug #15298) Linux Additions: added a kernel graphics driver to support graphics when X.Org does not have root rights (bug #14732) Linux/Solaris Additions: fixed several issues causing Linux/Solatis guests using software rendering when 3D acceleration is available Windows Additions: fixed a hang with PowerPoint 2010 and the WDDM drivers if Aero is disabled - Drop VirtualBox-5.0.17-r106108-r106140.patch, fixed upstream.- Fix build error caused by removal of macro page_cache_release() from kernel. File "vbox-replace-page-cache-release.diff" is used to modify code to use put_page() instead.- Fix problem with SONAME for With the Oracle code, it is rather than Thanks to Max Lin for notifying me about the problem. This fix adds file "vbox_prevent_wrong_SONAME.patch"- Fix problems with previous submission Removed copy of user manual from download site as there is no special manual for 5.0.17. File VirtualBox-5.0.17-r106108-r106140.patch is added to update the Oracle source to the latest commit.- Modify Guest Additions so that openSUSE build works with new Oracle code. The following changes have been made: Added Oracle patch to bring code to r106140 commit. Moved VB guest modules to /lib/modules/.../misc/. This layout matches that of the Oracle Guest Additions ISO. Added missing copy of Module.symvers from vboxguest build so that loads of vboxvideo can resolve all symbols. Remove patch added in previous cycle to build under kernel 4.5.0. The Oracle code now has this fix. With these changes, both Gnome and KDE desktops as VB virtual machines work with gdm and the versions of X.Org that do not run as root. The only known defect is that the mouse pointer is missing when 3D acceleration is turned on in the VB control panel.- Version bump to 5.0.17 (released 2016-03-07 by Oracle) Following the 5.0.16 release, the Guest Additions were updated to support Linux guests with X.Org Server running without root privileges and to fix certain 3D acceleration-related issues. There are no other changes to VirtualBox. A patch "vbox-guest-add.diff" is needed to enable the Oracle code to build with kernel 4.5.- Version bump to 5.0.16 (released 2016-03-04 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added for Linux hosts: VMM: fixed a problem which could lead to a wrong guest behavior on AMD CPUs (tickets #14831 and #15186) GUI: prevent a crash during startup under rare conditions GUI: position off-screen windows to be fully visible again on relaunch GUI: hide the VT-x/AMD-V checkbox if raw-mode is not supported (usually Mac OS X hosts; bug #15178) PC speaker passthrough: new experimental feature, available on Linux host only Audio: properly handle default audio device changes (Windows hosts) USB: serveral fixes for the xHCI controller (e.g. for webcam passthrough) BIOS: fixed int15/AH=83/AL=00 function (4.2.0 regression) iPXE: enable the HTTP download protocol on non-Linux hosts (bug #13628) Shared folders: fixed a failure to load the saved state under certain circumstances (bug #6314) Guest Control: added support for (cached) Active Directory authentication in case the domain controller is not reachable (anymore) Serial ports: raised the number of serial ports per VM from 2 to 4 (bug #9109) SDK: make the Python webservice API binding work again (5.0 regression) Seamless mode: fixed a crash under certain circumstances (bug #15106) Linux hosts: fixed the /sbin/rcvboxdrv script as well as the missing shebang in two scripts (bugs #15055 and #15057) Linux hosts: properly uninstall Python files installed by the .run installer Windows Additions: fixed guest property enumeration of logged-in users Windows Additions: fixed sporadical failure of the graphics driver in Windows 10 guests (bug #14409) Windows Additions: under rare circumstances no mouse movement events were delivered to the guest- Version bump to 5.0.14 (released 2016-01-19i by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: properly limit the number of VCPUs to the number of physical cores on Mac OS X (bug #15018) Audio: fixed a bug which prevented loading a saved state of a saved guests with HDA emulation (5.0.12 regression; bug #14981) Audio: don't crash if the backend is unable to initialize (bug #14960) Audio: fixed audio capture on Mac OS X (bug #14386) Storage: fixed a possible crash when attaching the same ISO image multiple times to the same VM (bug #14951) BIOS: properly report if two floppy drives are attached USB: fixed a problem with filters which would not capture the device under certain circumstances (5.0.10 regression; bug #15042) ExtPack: black-list Extension Packs older than 4.3.30 due to incompatible changes not being properly handled in the past Linux hosts: properly create the /sbin/rcvboxdrv symbolic link (5.0.12 regression; bug #14989) Linux Additions: fixes for Linux 4.5 (bug #15032)- vboxadd script no more fails on remote_fs failure (bnc#908383)- Version bump to 5.0.12 (released 2015-12-18i by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: fixed wrong scrolling behaviour in the VM selector window when a VM item is dragged out of the chooser-pane area GUI: fixed the validation of IPv6 port-forwarding rules GUI: suppress the first-run wizard if a CD/DVD medium is inserted using the selector UI GUI: fixed the Ctrl+Break key sequence scan codes (bug #14927) GUI: improved handling of text selection mouse pointer (bug #750) Host services: fixed a crash during VM shutdown under rare conditions (5.0.6 regression; bug #14841) Shared folders: fixed a sharing violation if a file is opened to check the attributes (Windows hosts only; bug #14450) Webcam: passthrough fix for certain devices (Mac OS X hosts only) XHCI: fixed broken emulation if software virtualization is used XHCI: several fixes 3D: fixed state handling under certain conditions (bug #13487) Audio: several fixes BIOS: added LBA64 support for being able to boot from huge hard disks (bug #7415) EFI: fix for Windows 10 guests ExtPack: before installing an Extension Pack check if there are VMs running to prevent file system locking issues rdesktop-vrdp: source code tarball fixes Linux hosts: .desktop file compatibility issue (bug #14808) Linux hosts / guests: fixes for RHEL 7.2 (bug #14866) Linux hosts: The command for recompiling the host kernel modules was changed again, to /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup (bug #14723) Linux hosts: some fixes for PCI passthrough (still highly experimental) Linux/Mac OS X hosts: fixed a VM hang during startup under certain circumstances (bug #14933) Linux Additions: prevent the compiler from doing dead-code elemination on vital code in guest / host communication (bug #14497) Linux Additions: when mounting a shared folder, explicitly pass the share name so that /proc/mounts contains this name instead of 'none' Linux Additions: workaround for a systemd problem in conjunction with SELinux which prevented to properly enable the 'vboxadd' service during while upgrading the Additions- fix permission Error In SUPR3HardenedMain Effective UID is not root (euid=1000 egid=100 uid=1000 gid=100) (rc=-10) see Remove file vbox_build_kms_modules.diff.- Temporarily disable i586 builds.- Increase memory to 8000 MB to try to fix out-of-memory error when building i586 version.- Increase memory to 7000 MB in _constraint to see if that fixes link problem on i586.- Version bump to 5.0.10 (released 2015-11-10 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: improved support for certain Intel Atom CPUs (bug #14773) VMM: system register emulation fix (5.0 regression; bug #14515) GUI: fixed immediate screenshot issue (bug #14108) GUI: fixed another 3D overlay window reparenting issue when the VM is switched to fullscreen mode on X11 hosts GUI: fixed help index (bug #14722) GUI: fixed state synchronization issue in the VM manager window when VM was paused from its runtime window Audio: fixed suspending/resuming audio streams on VM pause/unpause (bug #14784) Audio: properly reset AC97 audio streams, otherwise there is silence until a non-48 kHz stream is played Audio: fixed a small emulation quirk of the AD1980 codec of the HDA device to make recent linux guests work (bug #14653) USB: serveral fixes for the xHCI controller USB: fixed a crash under certain conditions on hosts with Linux kernels older than version 3.3 USB: better identification of certain USB devices NAT: support TCP in DNS proxy (bug #14736) NAT Network: fixed sporadic crashes on Windows hosts (bug #13899) API: when creating differencing images (e.g. as part of a snapshot or cloning a VM) use the same disk image variant as the parent image if possible, which means that e.g. a diff image for a VMDK image split into 2 GB files will also be split (bug #14764) API: event queue handling fixes preventing loss of certain events at runtime (e.g. new webcam attached), particularly important on Mac OS X hosts Webcam: passthrough fix for certain devices (Windows hosts only) VBoxManage: don't crash on snapshot restorecurrent / edit if the VM has no snapshots VBoxManage: don't crash on controlvm addencpassword (bug #14729) Mac OS X hosts: use the correct kernel on certain hosts Windows hosts: fixed VRDP external authentication Windows hosts: allow to use a shared folder path with extended-length path prefix (5.0 regression; bug #14651) Windows hosts: fix a crash in the netfilter host driver under certain conditions (bug #14799) Windows host installer: documented and fixed public properties which can be used to control the installation to some extent Windows host installer: fixed not starting the actual installation when showing the version information or help dialogs X11 Additions: added basic support for X.Org Server 1.18 (3D requires additional fixes)- Fixed typo in QMessageBox text in new popup window.- Add logic to to test if /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules exists. If not, a screen stating that passthru of USB devices is a security hole, and it refers the user to bnc#664520 for an explanation. It also explains the process for enabling USB passthru if the user really wants it. When the user closes the popup window, a dummy version of /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules is created, which prevents this window from being displayed every time VirtualBox is started. - Fixes boo#953018.- Version bump to 5.0.8 (released 2015-10-20 by Oracle) boo#951432 CVE-2015-4813 CVE-2015-4896 This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: Mac OS X: Restore green zoom button for VM windows (it was hidden in the previous release to avoid native full-screen issues). For Yosemite and El Capitan this button should work accordingly to the Apple HIG: Full-screen by default, maximize if the user holds the Option key. Serial ports: fixed wrong IRQ number for the first serial port in the ACPI tables (5.0.6 regression; bug #14659) API: fixed a 5.0 regression in VBoxManage setproperty defaultfrontend (bug #14696) VBoxManage/vbox-img: conversion to RAW images could result in a disk image containing all zeroes Linux hosts: several fixes for systemd integration in .deb / .rpm packages (e.g. bug #14665). The command for recompiling the host kernel modules was changed to /sbin/vboxconfig Linux hosts: make host-only interfaces report operstate UP only when they have VMs attached (bug #14526) Mac OS X hosts: fix bpf capture and accounting of traffic on bridged and host-only interfaces (bug #14553) Windows guests: fixed 3D rendering issues on high resolution displays Windows Additions: fixed problems with 3D acceleration on Windows hosts with Intel HD graphics (bug #14670) Linux Additions: fix service starting on Debian systems with systemd installed but not in use (bug #14683)- Version bump to 5.0.6 (released 2015-10-02 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: GUI: the update check now uses the HTTP system proxy settings by default GUI: About dialog improvements. Copyable version text, do not close dialog on mouse-clicks and focus losing, explicit close button at the bottom of dialog and disabled close button fix on OS X. (bugs #9912, #12749) GUI: fixed bug when re-assigning shortcuts (bug #14565) GUI: fixed default focus button in message-box dialogs (bug #14486) GUI: fixed settings dialog which is opened if the network settings need to be changed at VM startup (5.0.0 regression; bug #14601) GUI: fixed crash during VM start if an early error message needs to be shown, for example Linux kernel modules not present (bug #14646) Bridged Networking: fixed handling of guest DHCP requests without UDP checksum when bridging to a wireless interface (bug #14615) Audio: latency fixes (Windows hosts only; bug #4088) Guest Control: correctly set USERNAME and USERPROFILE environment variables (Windows guests only) Guest Control: several fixes API: properly restore NAT port forwarding rules when reverting to a snapshot Parallel ports: Several fixes allowing to enable two parallel ports for a VM VBoxManage: fixed wrong output of debugvm show command VBoxManage: fixed hang when specifying logging groups with debugvm log starting with h, for example hex Windows hosts: renamed VBoxStartup.log to VBoxHardening.log and provide this log file in the GUI log viewer Windows hosts: fixed a small memory leak in the Windows host interface driver (VBoxNetAdp) which caused a BSOD if the driver verifier is enabled (bug #14562) Windows hosts: fixed a failure to start VMs on hosts where dsound.dll is not available (bug #14574) Windows hosts: another fix for VERR_LDR_MISMATCH_NATIVE errors (bug #14579) Windows hosts: fixed host-to-guest communication with bridged networking (bugs #14326, #14457) Windows hosts: fixed broken data receiving from the serial device with the named pipe backend if Kaspersky AV is installed Linux hosts: Linux 4.3 compile fixes Linux hosts: installer fix for certain systems (bug #14627) Linux hosts / guests: native systemd support for the host/guest installer scripts. The scripts for re-compiling the kernel modules are now located at /sbin/rcvboxdrv (host) and /sbin/rcvboxadd (Guest Additions) Mac OS X hosts: GUI-related fixes for El Capitan Mac OS X hosts: fixed a problem with capturing USB devices under El Capitan Mac OS X hosts: allow colon character on shared folders (bug #14554) Linux Additions: properly set the VBoxService process ID in the PID file (bug #14571) Linux Additions: Guest Control fixes (bug #14573) Windows Additions: fixed shutting down VBoxTray when running with older VirtualBox host versions Windows Additions: fixed video playback with VLC and Windows Media Player when the WDDM driver is used and 3D is not used Windows Additions: prevent a possible VLC crash when the WDDM driver is used and 3D is enabled by implementing YV12 surfaces - Drop vbox-32bit-build-error.diff, fixed upstream - Updated UserManual.pdf- BuildRequire pkgconfig(udev) instead of udev directly: this allows us to be earlier in the build phase, as we can make use of udev-mini and it solves build failures with systemd224.- The code base released by Oracle failed to build on 32-bit systems. They had already fixed the problem. This update applies their solution using patch file vbox-32bit-build-error.diff.Version bump to 5.0.4 (released 2015-09-08 by Oracle) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: VMM: fixed an issue with Windows 10 guest kernel debugging over the network for Hyper-V paravirtualized VMs VMM: fixed a bug which prevented reading the saved state of the 'PATM' unit from VirtualBox 4.3.x (bug #14512) GUI: changed default OS type for Windows from Windows XP to Windows 7 GUI: added another pre-defined guest screen resolution (bug #14384) GUI: fixed update check which was broken due to changing the location of the root certificates (bug #13096) GUI: fixed issues with synchronization of Caps lock / Num lock / Scroll lock on Windows hosts (bug #14302) GUI: don't crash during VM shutdown if 2D video acceleration and 3D support are enabled (Mac OS X hosts only) GUI: several seamless fixes for certain X11 window managers, also when used in multi-screen setups GUI: Log window size, position and cursor-position fixes Audio: fixed playing leftover/deprecated audio samples Audio: fixed playing audio after suspending the host (5.0 regression; Linux hosts using the ALSA backend) Audio: fixed playing short audio samples which were chopped off formerly Audio: fixed distortions on OS X when the sample rate of the guest stream and host device don't match Storage: fixed raw disk access and flat VMDK image access which would be always opened readonly (5.0.2 regression; bugs #14425, #14461) Storage: fixed initial encryption of VDI images after they were compacted (bug #14496) VGA: fix for certain graphics modes (bug #14516) NAT: don't freeze while the VM is paused if the network attachment mode is changed from/to NAT with activated port forwarding OVF: fixed duplicate USB controller entries in exported OVA/OVF (bug #14462) Shared Folders: fixed a path separator issue (bug #14434) Drag and drop: fixed crashes on OS X hosts when doing host-to-guest transfers VBoxManage: another attempt to not deny changing the network adapter type at VM runtime (5.0 regression; bug #14308) VBoxManage: fixed broken guestcontrol list command (5.0 regression) VBoxManage: fixed broken Guest Control stdout/stderr output (5.0 regression) Mac OS X hosts: fixed remaining problems with activated SMAP (Broadwell and later; bug #14412) Mac OS X hosts: fixed broken 3D support (5.0.2 regression; bug #14476) Linux hosts: Linux 4.2 fix Linux hosts: don't crash on older Linux distributions if the DBus service isn't running (bug #14543) Windows hosts: fixed the VERR_LDR_MISMATCH_NATIVE error message (bug #14420) Windows hosts: fix for Windows 10 build 10525 and later (bug #14502) Windows hosts: fixed network adapter enumeration on Windows 10 (bug #14437) Windows hosts: prevent intermittent host network disconnects during VM start/shutdown with bridged networking (bug #14500) Windows Additions: fixed the call to the memory allocation function (bug #14415) Linux Additions: be more forgiving if the compilation of the vboxvideo module fails (bug #14547) X11 Additions: fixed a number of small issues with dynamic resizing and full-screen and seamless modes.- Install and enable the vboxadd-service init script, to make auto-mounting of shared folders and time synchronization work - Install VBoxService to /usr/sbin/ instead of /usr/bin/ so that vboxadd-service can find it, it cannot be run as user anyway - Create the /media folder with appropriate permissions on distributions higher than 13.1, it doesn't exist any more and the one that VBoxService creates automatically cannot be accessed by normal users - Fixes boo#908669 and boo#936254Version bump to 5.0.2 (released 2015-08-13 by Oracle) A number of problems were fixed and/or added. In particular, the artifically high load average problem reported as bsc#939299 has been fixed. The complete list follows: VMM: added support for guest crash report MSRs with Hyper-V paravirtualization VMM: fixed an issue causing artifically high load averages on Linux hosts VMM: fixed a kernel panic with thread-context hooks caused by incompatible changes made to Linux 4.2 kernels VMM: fixed a saved state issue with VT-x/AMD-V disabled (5.0 regression; bug #14304) VMM: fixed VERR_SUPDRV_TSC_DELTA_MEASUREMENT_FAILED Guru Meditations on certain AMD CPUs (5.0 regression; bug #14370) VMM: fixed a crash while creating a guest core dumps via the VM debug facility (5.0 regression) VMM: This release has AVX2 passthrough disabled on every host and AVX passthrough disabled for 64-bit VMs on 32-bit hosts. This will be properly fixed in a future 5.0.x maintenance release (see e.g. bug #14262). GUI: fixed rare hang and crash on VM shutdown/poweroff GUI: X11: fixed few crashes caused by the Qt alien widgets feature GUI: X11: fixed various mini-toolbar geometry quirks like positioning, z-order, transiency issues on certain window managers (bug #14257) GUI: X11: fixed mini-toolbar minimize button issue under certain window managers (bug #14284) GUI: VM menu actions availability should now be properly updated on full-screen/seamless/scaled mode switches GUI: disk encryption password validation should be performed when user confirmed the password, not after each entered symbol GUI: do not change the VM/group selection in the VM Manager to the newly created VM if it was created by another client (e.g. VBoxManage) GUI: improve the quality in scaled mode under some circumstances (5.0 regression; bug #14303) VBoxManage: do not deny changing the network adapter type at VM runtime (5.0 regression; bug #14308) VRDP: allow Windows 10 RDP clients (bug #14216) Audio: fix a possible crash on VM process termination (5.0 regression) Storage: improved raw disk access on OS X by unmounting any accessed volume before first use and prevent any mount attempt by the host (bug #14219) 3D: basic support for saving/restoring display lists Shared Folders: fixed a problem with accessing CIFS shares (bug #14252) Shared Folders: improved path conversion between hosts and guests with different path separators (bug #14153) API: skip resetting of immutable media when the VM in saved state is started (bug #13957) API: fixed method for setting medium IDs which used zero (invalid) UUIDs instead random (valid) UUIDs if no UUIDs were passed (bug #14350) API: for Windows host fix detection of API client crashes which have a session open OVF: properly export all VBox features including the setting for paravirtualization (bug #14390) Linux hosts: more fixes for activated SMAP on Linux 3.19 and newer (Broadwell and later; bug #13961) Linux hosts: check then name space before attaching to a host network interface (bug #13795) Linux Additions: Linux 4.2 fixes (bug #14227) Linux Additions: improved the performance of stat() to speed up certain file operations on shared folders X11 Additions: various seamless mode fixes, including invisible windows under LXDE. -- Install more binaries that were in bin generated folder- Fix buffer overflow on dtrace lib: * virtualbox-snpritnf-buffer-overflow.patch - Note: still does not respect cxxflags- Fix vbox build by replacing non-existent sed parameter: * virtualbox-sed-params.patch- Version bump to 5.0.0: * Major bump from 4 series with tons of changes. * Read upstream changelog for in-depth informations - Obsoleted patches: * gcc5-support.patch * gcc51-support.patch - Refreshed patches: * gcc5-real-support.patch * vbox-disable-updates.diff * virtualbox-system-x.patch- Exclude %ix86 arch in suse_version == 1315 (openSUSE 42)- Enable building of for all supported kernel flavours * exclude also pv flavour- Disable multiversion_kernel support, taken from nvidia driver spec, should fix bnc#925663.- initial gcc5 support (it builds at least) * added: gcc5-support.patch (upstream) * added: gcc51-support.patch (upstream) * added: gcc5-real-support.patch- Add smap.diff (boo#931461)- Version bump to 4.3.28 bnc#935900 CVE-2015-3456: * VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation when rebooting certain guests (for example Solaris doing fast reboot) by fixing the implementation for INIT IPI * VMM: added some information for diagnosing rare VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMXON_PTR Guru Meditations (VT-x only) * GUI: HID LEDs sync: prevent synchronization if VM window has no focus (Windows and Mac OS X hosts only) * GUI: fixed drag and drop moving the cursor between guest screens on certain hosts * 3D: fixed a crash on restoring the VM state on X11 hosts (bug #12737) * 3D: fixed a crash on Linux guest shutdown (bug #12772) * VRDP: fixed incompatibility with rdesktop 1.8.3 * VRDP: fixed listening for IPv6 on some systems (bug #14038) * Storage: don't crash if creating an asynchronous I/O context fails (e.g. when starting many VMs) and show a proper error message * Floppy: several fixes * Audio: improved the behavior of the volume control for the HD audio device emulation * USB: increase the number of supported drivers from 3 to 5 (Windows hosts only) * PS/2 keyboard: synchronize the LED state on VM restore (Windows and Mac OS X hosts only) * NAT Network: when running multiple NAT networks with multiple VMs, only stop the respective services when stopping VMs (bug #14090) * NAT: don't kill UDP bindings on ICMP errors (bug #13475) * NAT: bandwidth limit now works properly with NAT (bug #11485) * BIOS: fixed the returned size value of the VBE 2.0 PMI function 0Ah (4.2.0 regression; bug #14096) * Guest Control: fixed parameter quoting in Windows guests (bug #13157) * Webcam passthrough improvements for Linux (V4L2) hosts to support more webcam models * API: don't fail starting a VM with VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE under certain conditions (bug #13617) * API: be more verbose on VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE if a medium is attached to a running VM (bug #13560) * API: fixed a bug which could result in losing certain screen resize events with multi-monitor guests * rdesktop-vrdp: fixed path to the keymaps (bug #12066) * rdesktop-vrdp: switch to version 1.8.3 * Windows hosts: more hardening fixes (e.g. bugs #14051, #14052) * Linux hosts: another fix for activated SMAP on Linux 3.19 and newer (Broadwell and later; bug #13961) * Linux hosts: Linux 4.1 compile fix (bug #14081) * Solaris hosts: fixed using of VNIC templates with Crossbow based bridged networking to be compatible with vanity interface names * Mac OS X hosts: fixed crash during VM termination under rare circumstances * Windows Additions/WDDM: improved video memory utilization and allow more/bigger guest screens with large resolutions (including HiDPI) * X11 Additions: prevent flickering when updating mouse cursor * Solaris Additions: fixed incorrect usage of 'prtconf' while installing Guest Additions (Solaris 10 only) - Refresh patch: * vbox-vboxadd-init-script.diff- Provide host-kmp src for use with custom kernels (bnc#925663)- Create groups properly and also create vboxsf and vboxguest on guest additions bnc#927708- Build with system libs for X instead of localy built ones. This should fix bnc#929697 - Adds patch: * virtualbox-system-x.patch- Split kmk call to multiple lines- Reorder alignment of buildroot for various install commands so it does not look so fuzzy- Allow access to vboxdrv to vboxusers group members bnc#927525- Version bump to 2.3.26: * GUI: in the snapshots pane, protect the age of snapshots against wrong host time (bug #13955) * NAT Network: fixed a bug which prevented to propagate any DNS name server / domain / search string information to the NAT network (4.3.24 regression; bugs [#13915], #13918) * NAT Network: don't delay the shutdown of VBoxSVC on Windows hosts * Mouse support: the mouse could not be moved under rare conditions if no Guest * Additions are installed (4.3.24 regression; bug #13935) * Storage: if the guest ejects a virtual CD/DVD medium, make the change permanent (bugs #9858, #12885) * VGA: made saving secondary screen sizes possible in X11 guests * SDK: fixed the VirtualBox.tlb file (4.3.20 regression; bug #13943) rdesktop-vrdp: make it work with USB devices again (4.3.14 regression; bug [#13901]) * USB: fixed a possible BSOD on Windows hosts under rare conditions * iPXE: enable the HTTP download protocol on non-Linux hosts (bug #13628) * Mac OS X hosts: don't panic on hosts with activated SMAP (Broadwell and later; bug #13951) * Linux hosts: don't crash Linux 4.0 hosts (bug #13835)- Version bump to 2.3.24: * VMM: emulation fix for the ENTER instruction under certain conditions; fixes Solaris 10 guests (VT-x without unrestricted guest execution) * VMM: fix for handling NMIs on Linux hosts with X2APIC enabled * NAT/NAT Network: fix connection drops when the host's DHCP lease was renewed (4.3.22 regression; Windows hosts only; bug #13839) * NAT: don't crash on an empty domain list when switching the DNS host configuration (4.3.22 regression; Mac OS X hosts only; bug #13874) * PXE: re-enable it on Windows hosts (4.3.22 regression; Windows hosts only; bug [#13842]) * Shared Folders: fixed a problem with Windows guests (4.3.22 regression; bug [#13786]) * Audio: improved record quality when using the DirectSound audio backend * VBoxManage: when executing the controlvm command take care that the corresponding VM runtime changes are saved permanently (bug #13892) * Windows Installer: properly install the 32-bit version of VBoxRes.dll on 32-bit hosts (bug #13876) * Linux hosts / guests: Linux 4.0 fixes (bug #13835) * OS/2 Additions: fixed mouse integration (4.3.22 regression; bug #13825) * X11 Additions: fixed a sporadic failure to deactivate virtual screens (bug [#13845]) - Use smp_mflags when building kernel modules- Install on Factory- Update to version 4.3.22: + VMM: refined measurement of TSC frequency on the host, improves timekeeping for guests + VMM: decreased CPU load resulting from guest MMIO writes to the virtual APIC + VMM: fixed interception of debug exceptions, observed while using the dbx debugger on Solaris guests (VT-x only) + GUI: 3D overlay window positioning code improved, fixed potential misplacement of 3D accelerated guest graphics content + GUI: fixed accident SSL authentication failures during update check on Windows hosts (bug #12969) + GUI: never send the "ACPI power" keyboard scancode to the guest, we have the ACPI power button for that + GUI: was unable to properly restore seamless mode VM from snapshot/saved-state under some circumstances + VBoxHeadless: don't crash if 3D is enabled in the VM settings (bug #10250) + ATA: fixed several passthrough issues (bugs #12310, #1360) + Audio: fixed DirectSound failure when the the host has no audio input device (Windows hosts only; bug #9205) + SB16: fixed compatibility issue (bug #13769) + Storage: fixed broken CD/DVD passthrough when using the IDE controller (bug #12310) + NAT: new ping proxy for Windows hosts (bug #11871) + NAT: Properly report outbound connect(2) failures to guest with TCP RST or ICMP (bug #10525) + NAT Network: no need for frequent wakeups in VBoxNetDHCP and VBoxNetNAT (bug #11681) + Host-only adapter: prevent Windows from creating an "Unidentified network" (bug #9688) + Bridged Networking: don't leak host-to-guest traffic to the wireless network when bridging to a wireless interface (bug #13714) + Main: fixed a possible race when changing the medium leading to a deadlock under rare conditions (bug #13722) + VBoxManage: fixed return code if starting a VM failed (bug #13773) + API: fixed 2 deadlock opportunities related to medium handling (bugs #13789, #13801, thank you Alexander Urakov) + API: fixed bug in XPCOM which created too few worker threads, sporadically resulting in a deadlock (bug #13802, thank you Alexander Urakov) + SDK: fixed a garbage collection leak in the Python VirtualBox webservice API binding (bug #13817) + Linux hosts: fixes for activated SMAP (Broadwell and later, bug #13820) + X11 guests: prevent unwanted hiding of guest screens on multi-monitor guests (bug #13287) + X11 guests: added support for X.Org Server 1.17 + X11 Additions: fixed a memory leak in VBoxService if libdbus is available but dbus-daemon isn't running (bug #13770) + Windows Additions: prevent VBox WDDM driver from loading if host reports weak OpenGL capabilities. 3D content now can be shown over Remote Desktop connection. + Windows Additions: some fixes for recent Windows 10 Previews + Linux Additions: fixed a compatibility issue with 64-bit Linux 2.4 kernels + Linux Additions: fixed a potential use-after-free when unloading the VBoxGuest module + Linux Additions: Linux 3.19 fixes (bug #13741)- Cleanup with spec-cleaner - Remove really obsolete conditionals due to buildstatus everywhere- update to version 4.3.20 (bnc#914447): + CVE-2014-0224 CVE-2015-0377 CVE-2014-6595 CVE-2014-6588 CVE-2014-6589 + CVE-2014-6590 CVE-2015-0427 CVE-2015-0418 + VMM: fixed reboot hang of 32-bit Windows SMP guests (bug #13319, #13462) + VMM: proper Math Fault handling with certain legacy guests (bug #9042, AMD hosts) + VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT on older CPUs that don't support MSR-bitmaps (VT-x only; bugs #13034, #13125, #13311, #13425, #13426, #13463, #13585) + GUI: fix 3D overlay window re-parenting issue when VM goes to full screen mode on X11 hosts. + GUI: fix occasional loss of focus in full-screen mode on X11 host systems (4.3.16 regression) + GUI: Mac OS X: wizards should have Cancel button (bug #12541) + GUI: added a global option to prevent automatic raising of the new window by mouse move with multi-screen guests (bug #8878) + API: accept remote display port 0 as the default RDP port (bug #8534) + VBoxManage: fixed crash when executing showvminfo command under certain circumstances (bug #13190) + ACPI: fixed occasional Guru Meditations in ACPI timer code (4.3.18 regression; bug #13521) + EFI: improved performance of IDE disk access + EFI: fixed a bug in the EFI video driver which prevented Windows to boot in UEFI mode (bug #12022) + EFI: properly announce the amount of RAM for big VMs (bugs #11103 and #13211) + Storage: fixed a crash under certain circumstances when a medium was ejected from a drive attached to the SATA controller without inserting a new medium before pausing or closing the VM (4.3.16 regression) + Storage: fixed an interrupt acknowledge issue causing hanging guests or slower I/O (4.3.18 regression) + Storage: fixed broken resume after the VM was suspended due to a full disk if host I/O caching is used + Storage: fixed a Guru Meditation under certain conditions when using the DevLsiLogic controller with VMs running in raw mode (4.3 regression; bugs #12254, #12655, #12709, #12774, #12886) + Guest Control: fixed a bug which might lead to a crash during recursive copy + SDK: Java COM bindings fixes + iPXE: enable the HTTP download protocol (bug #13628) + Runtime: do not use a fixed stack size creating temporary threads during initialization (bug #13038) + Windows hosts: fixed more startup problems on certain Windows hosts due to conflicts with anti-virus software; better error reporting (4.3.14 regression; bug #13187) + Windows hosts: fixed DirectSound host audio failure under certain conditions (bug #13418) + Windows hosts: fixed additional cases of 4.3.14 regression whereby AltGr stopped working for some people (bug #13216) + Windows Additions: preserve guest monitor layout when resizing Windows 7 or newer guests + Linux Additions: Linux 3.18 compile fixes (bug #13515) - download the Manual directly without rename- fix /usr/lib/virtualbox *.so files permissions- update to version 4.3.18: == since 3.4.16 == + VMM: fixed a potential misbehavior after restoring the A20 state from a saved state + GUI: fixed full-screen mode mini-toolbar related regressions for different platforms and window managers (bug #13369) + GUI: X11: fixed full-screen mode Unity panels quirk caused by mini-toolbar code changes in last release (bug #13365) + GUI: X11: added possibility to use legacy full-screen mode as the new one can cause multi-screen issues under Unity, see the manual for more information (bug #13365) + GUI: Mac OS X: fixed full-screen mode artifact causing black screen when 3D acceleration was enabled on 10.10 Yosemite hosts (bug #13448) + GUI: Mac OS X: fixed regression in user-space swiping from/to VBox in full-screen mode + GUI: Mac OS X: fixed issue with switching to VBox in full-screen mode through Alt+Tab and Mission Control + Storage: fixed data corruption when resizing huge VHD images under certain circumstances (bug #11960) + Storage: fixed a rare hang during startup when the BIOS enumerates the storage devices attached to the SATA controller + Storage: follow the spec with AHCI interrupt acknowledge (bug #13474) + Storage: fixed broken iSCSI authentication (4.3.14 regression, bugs #13386, #13435) + NAT Network: properly parse port forwarding rules to allow UDP rules + USB: fixed a crash on Linux hosts with older Linux kernels (bug #13400) and several other fixes + ACPI: fixed ACPI timer anomalies (bug #12076) + Guest Control: fixed a memory leak (bug #13434) + Main: when removing a VM, do also remove the VBoxStartup.log file which might exist on Windows hosts (bug #13478) + Windows hosts: fixed more startup problems on certain Windows hosts due to conflicts with anti-virus software; better error reporting (4.3.14 regression; bug #13187) + Windows hosts: propagate the process startup information to the child process (4.3.14 regression; bug #13243) + Mac OS X hosts: don't force using the discrete GPU (bug #11111) + Windows Additions: some Windows 10 tweaks + X11 guests: fix a bug handling video driver display properties which prevented GNOME Shell on Fedora 21 from starting + Linux hosts / guests: fixed a few remaining warnings in the kernel log if memory allocation fails (bug #11171) == since 4.3.14 == + VMM: fixed restoring 32-bit FPU state on 64-bit capable VMs and restoring guest FPU in raw-mode VMs (bug #12646; 4.3 regression) + GUI: properly restore normal/scale mode guest-screen size after exiting full-screen/seamless mode + GUI: mini-toolbar should provoke less artifacts/conflicts with 3D guest rendering + GUI: Mac OS X: Native full-screen multi-screen transition was able to blackout host-screens for nearly minute + GUI: X11: Modern window managers should now use native full-screen multi-screen mapping API + GUI: added extradata item for configuring the mouse capture behavior, see the manual for more information (bug #3506) + Storage: fixed a VBoxSVC crash when querying an iSCSI target with authentication configured (4.3.14 regression) + Storage: fixed a rare data corruption during reads if another allocating write is running concurrently and accesses the same range + Storage: fixed a rare crash for certain VHD images from other products + Storage: fixed a rare release assertion when using the AHCI controller + Floppy: fixed read errors and guest memory corruption when running under control of QEMM + 3D: added experimental support for rendering on offline GPUs for Mac OS X host + 3D: fixed white window appearing on entering FullScreen mode on OSX host + 3D: fixed video recording support for 3D data regression (bug #13073) + 3D: fixes for MS Office 2013 support + 3D: several fixes + Bridged Networking: improved IPv6 support when bridging to a wireless interface + NAT: prevent internal DNS service from stuck in host-resolver mode when host was switched from one network to another one while host was sleeping (Mac OS X hosts) + NAT: preserve DF (if possible) and TOS when proxying outbound UDP datagrams (bugs #9440, #12309) + NAT: don't let multicast datagrams out (bug #7338) + NAT: fixed handling of large incoming UDP datagrams on Windows hosts (bug #12136) + NAT: fixed handling of the RFC 1533 DHCP PAD option + NAT Network: fixed inbound half-close on Windows hosts + NAT Network: preserve IPv4 DF (if possible), TTL, TOS and IPv6 Hop Limit when proxying outbound UDP datagrams + VRDP: fixed a rare crash when using remote audio input + USB: fixed several regressions from 4.3.14 (bug #13320) + Audio: made the HDA sound emulation work with certain OSX guests (e.g. Mountain Lion) + Windows hosts: fixed startup problems on certain Windows hosts due to conflicts with anti-virus software (4.3.14 regression, bug #13187) + Windows hosts: fixed 4.3.14 regression whereby AltGr stopped working for some people (bug #13216) + X11 hosts: made the extra key on Brazilian Thinkpads work (bug #8745) + X11 hosts: fixed a problem of input focus cycles and immediately released key presses in full screen mode (bug #13238) + Linux hosts: fixed flooding the kernel log with USB related messages when passing through certain USB devices to a VM (bug #13085) + Linux guests: stop applications crashing when drm_wait_vblank is called (bug #13265) + Linux guests: fix a crash in gnome-session (bug #13335) + X11 guests: do not start VBoxClient over an SSH connection (bug #13107) + X11 guests: added support for X.Org Server 1.16 (bug #13207) + X11 guests: fixed a wrong parameter in the video driver which caused problems with full-screen X11 clients (bug #2748) + VirtualKD: introduced stub/loader device for speeding up Windows kernel debugging, details see - removed virtualbox-xserver-116.patch, already available upstream/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shvirtualbox-kmp-desktopvirtualbox-kmp-tracevirtualbox-kmp-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-grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=4199b6e3f67818d436fdabc3f577efe78cf6fd4e, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=f151fc56380fed803ca873e7c200e8ceb2e21320, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=6ad37b67947767306faccfd9e395f9f9a975b6d7, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=ab399e189dd9413309dafd6b6f5c0db234a4637a, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=72a2213465753198211241e3e4f05cc31065dc3c, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=3cbb612e850ec8f5a3177b26e65b0f77b5fbad48, not 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