go1.12-race-1.12.6-lp150.5.1 4>$  Ap] /=„.m3r6y~o_v9忸Ǒ=W3rqQ+5nf[)OblJI96>.X-Ye4%8Gnh1r;`ˤxq>4]$jA*cp y]2tD͌U,TQ{9,UN?\9Cw).8ٟ|zJ>5NKa'|;㋯%XFp @]R T'=8932106a18cb4741931ad8f9fe1bee641af64523dbcd55ba1f7e515e13c32b647999d316dad4ad8fe143ff43a674057c0bc995e7܉] /=„ZR'‡: LoF𸇞&]."^ox>fo# ;@6+1q7.KwU ܝܓ3)Q)Ѣa?Ûr~g פΏ nպ|f!BPlGrx#w-NeEN OMQߵ~*Y~IR](mZ*e h?qqWF}/6ǁ)*dj=A i{exH4 ʓCzsxI0>p>?td  8 *Fdjtx z |   ,(8_9<_: _FGHIXY\$](^>bcc defluvz$(.pCgo1.12-race1.12.6lp150.5.1Go runtime race detectorGo runtime race detector libraries. Install this package if you wish to use the -race option, in order to detect race conditions present in your Go programs.]~7lamb19openSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSEBSD-3-Clausehttp://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Languages/Otherhttps://compiler-rt.llvm.org/linuxx86_64]}1badc49fa468a8abc11106e54b32e96a9a2a0281b8a54c0a5288ca7e64dc4929rootrootgo1.12-1.12.6-lp150.5.1.src.rpmgo1.12-racego1.12-race(x86-64)    go1.12rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)]]@\P\s@\r@\C@\@\B@\y\]o@\I\\\I\U@\ `[0[][9@[[ZnZ>Z@ZDominique Leuenberger Martin Liška Jeff Kowalczyk Jeff Kowalczyk Jeff Kowalczyk Marcus Rueckert Jeff Kowalczyk Jeff Kowalczyk Jan Engelhardt Jeff Kowalczyk Aleksa Sarai Jeff Kowalczyk Jeff Kowalczyk Jeff Kowalczyk Guillaume GARDET Jeff Kowalczyk Jeff Kowalczyk duyizhaozj321@yahoo.comduyizhaozj321@yahoo.comduyizhaozj321@yahoo.comduyizhaozj321@yahoo.comduyizhaozj321@yahoo.comfcastelli@suse.comfcastelli@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comthipp@suse.deasarai@suse.comthipp@suse.dethipp@suse.dethipp@suse.dethipp@suse.deasarai@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comdmueller@suse.comthipp@suse.dethipp@suse.deagraf@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comthipp@suse.dejmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.combg@suse.combg@suse.commpost@suse.comasarai@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comi@marguerite.sujmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comnormand@linux.vnet.ibm.comdmueller@suse.comi@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sujmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comjmassaguerpla@suse.comfcastelli@suse.comi@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sumatwey.kornilov@gmail.comguoli_l@126.commlin@suse.comdmueller@suse.comdmueller@suse.comi@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sujmassaguerpla@suse.comschwab@suse.dei@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sufcastelli@suse.comfcastelli@suse.comfcastelli@suse.comi@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sumatwey.kornilov@gmail.commatwey.kornilov@gmail.commatwey.kornilov@gmail.comfcastelli@suse.comdmueller@suse.comsebastian.kratz@piraten-ahoi.de- go1.12.6 (released 2019/06/11) includes fixes to the compiler, the linker, the go command, and the crypto/x509, net/http, and os packages. * go#32484 cmd/link: fix deferreturn detector * go#32367 net/http: make Transport ignore 408 timeout messages from server * go#32295 cmd/go: tests failing on linux-amd64-longtest * go#32282 crypto/x509: macos 10.14 SIGSEGV in crypto/x509._Cfunc_FetchPEMRoots * go#32261 syscall: Windows user32 function (SendInput) behaves incorrectly when called within golang environment * go#32168 cmd/go: accept -Wl,-R,path * go#32081 os: windows processes started with foreign token inherit the wrong environment [CVE-2019-11888] * go#32013 cmd/compile: sparse slices with struct items are not initialized * go#30526 cmd/go: MacOS binaries invalid for eventual Apple Notary- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to shortcut the build queues by allowing usage of systemd-mini- Add gcc9-rsp-clobber.patch in order to fix bsc#1121397.- go1.12.5 (released 2019/05/06) includes fixes to the compiler, the linker, the go command, the runtime, and the os package. * go#31783 cmd/go: go get -x prints to stdout * go#31763 cmd/go: module loader fails to resolve imports within symlinked source file * go#31679 runtime: high-percentile latency of memory allocations has regressed significantly * go#31677 runtime: treap implementation of find() doesn't return the best-fit span * go#31565 cmd/link: ppc64 broken NeedsFix * go#31474 os.RemoveAll failing silently in go 1.12.2 when removing non-empty directories at / * go#31469 x/build/cmd/gopherbot: gopherbot needs human intervention * go#31396 cmd/compile: :1: symbol listed multiple times for same type across multiple packages * go#31196 cmd/go: pseudoversions can refer to external commits * go#31117 cmd/go: go directive is not only added during go mod init, but also under other conditions that are hard to deduce * go#30465 cmd/vet: Consider reverting tag conflict for embedded fields * go#30399 cmd/vet: possible to get a printf false positive with big.Int- go1.12.4 (released 2019/04/11) fixes an issue where using the prebuilt binary releases on older versions of GNU/Linux led to failures when linking programs that used cgo. Only Linux users who hit this issue need to update. Unpackaged go1.12.3 (released 2019/04/08) was accidentally released by upstream without its intended fix. It is identical to go1.12.2, except for its version number. The intended fix is in go1.12.4. go1.12.3 was never packaged for SUSE and openSUSE. * go#31293 runtime/cgo: unrecognized relocation with binaries shipped in go1.12.2- go1.12.2 (released 2019/04/05) includes fixes to the compiler, the go command, the runtime, and the doc, net, net/http/httputil, and os packages. * go#31244 go 1.12 binaries rejected from mac app store due to ___getdirentries64 * go#31211 ioutil: deadlock when WriteFile called with a 5<<30 byte buffer on Windows * go#31209 cmd/compile: struct interface{} value lost passing by value * go#31155 runtime: remove assumptions on Android Bionic's TLS layout * go#31144 net/http/httputil: ReverseProxy FlushInterval no longer flushes headers in go1.12 * go#31062 net: Error when running concurrent DNS queries using cgo on MacOS * go#31028 Go 1.12.1 dsymutil segmentation fault on MacOS Sierra * go#30996 cmd/compile: miscompilation of codependent global `var` assigments in go1.12 * go#30859 os: RemoveAll no longer returns *os.PathError * go#30666 runtime: dll injection vulnerabilities on Windows * go#30491 os: RemoveAll no longer returns *os.PathError * go#30266 cmd/go: executables are sometimes named after their module's last element, not directory- cleaning up the macros and conditionals for gcc go - use bcond_with(out) to decide whether we want to use gccgo or not. makes it easier to test both code paths as you can use osc build --with(out)=gccgo - add defines for which go version to use for different versions, that way we dont have to use the old 1.4 everywhere anymore. this allows us to use go for bootstrapping everywhere - do not use gcc go at all as even gcc-go 8 can not handle some newer constructs - define a gcc_go_version variable and use it through out the spec file, this simplifies some conditionals and makes them more understandable, and we have the complex if only once. - move architecture defines to the top- go1.12.1 (released 2019/03/14) includes fixes to cgo, the compiler, the go command, and the fmt, net/smtp, os, path/filepath, sync, and text/template packages. * go#30816 misc/cgo/test: failing TestCrossPackageTests * go#30684 cmd/go: duplicate symbols when including two main packages in -coverpkg in module mode * go#30665 cmd/go: module loader looks for the wrong tags if the "go-import" prefix includes the major-version suffix * go#30586 path/filepath: EvalSymlinks, incorrect traversal of relative paths * go#30579 os: RemoveAll doesn't remove nested un-readable directories * go#30567 cmd/compile: function inlining produces incorrect results in certain conditions * go#30493 cmd/go: error if GOCACHE is set but is not an absolute path * go#30484 fmt: map printing sort does not deterministically sort differing types * go#30478 cmd/compile: KeepAlive doesn't actually keep stack object alive * go#30470 sync: random errors on sync.Once running on MacOS Mojave or High Serra * go#30465 cmd/vet: Consider reverting tag conflict for embedded fields * go#30464 text/template: panics on method on nil interface value * go#30447 cmd/go: error if GOCACHE is set but is not an absolute path * go#30403 net/smtp: SendMail AUTH error with PlainAuth and successful STARTTLS * go#30398 fmt: map printing sort does not deterministically sort differing types- go1.12 (released 2019/02/25) includes changes in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. Upstream expects almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. * GO111MODULE=on enables module-aware operations outside of a module directory * GODEBUG=tls13=1 enables opt-in support for TLS 1.3 in the crypto/tls package per RFC 8446. Will be default in go1.13. * trace tool now supports plotting mutator utilization curves, including cross-references to the execution trace. These are useful for analyzing the impact of the garbage collector on application latency and throughput. * arm64 assembler platform register renamed from R18 to R18_PLATFORM * improvements to gc * race detector is now supported on linux/arm64 * cgo is now supported on linux/ppc64 * go1.12 is the last release that will support binary-only packages.- Fix erroneous trailing backslash in %post script. - Use better forms of -exec \; in some places.- go1.11.5 (released 2019/01/23) security release fixes CVE-2019-6486 (bsc#1123013). * go#29903 crypto/elliptic: CPU DoS vulnerability affecting P-521 and P-384- Make our profile.d/go.sh no longer set GOROOT=, in order to make switching between versions no longer break. This ends up removing the need for go.sh entirely (because GOPATH is also set automatically). boo#1119634- go1.11.4 (released 2018/12/14) includes fixes to cgo, the compiler, linker, runtime, documentation, go command, and the net/http and go/types packages. It includes a fix to a bug introduced in Go 1.11.3 that broke go get for import path patterns containing "..." (boo#1119706). See the Go 1.11.4 milestone on our issue tracker for details. https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=milestone%3AGo1.11.4+label%3ACherryPickApproved * go#29272 misc/cgo/test: issue24161 tests broken on Darwin * go#29248 cmd/go: "go get" fails on import path patterns with wildcards ("...") * go#29191 cmd/go: symbolic links not dropped from repo * go#29112 cmd/link: too many open files on high object-count dependencies * go#28974 cmd/go: need to backport relaxing of go.mod go verb constraints to 1.11 series * go#28972 go/types: problem with alias type * go#28916 cmd/cgo: nested structure has too much alignment padding * go#28799 runtime: fatal error: out of memory on reslice with negative index * go#28752 reflect: scanning invalid return slots during a makeFunc call * go#28725 cmd/go: panic when argument doesn't match any packages * go#28694 cmd/compile: inline multiplication corrupts an argument on arm * go#28690 runtime: ThreadSanitizer CHECK failed * go#28673 x/net/http2: Transport is leaking streams on broken Body * go#28617 cmd/compile: panic during fuse with if true block containing a goto and a return * go#28586 cmd/compile: go binaries not working on exynos 64 bit CPUs * go#27395 cmd/cgo: typedef pointer arguments regression * go#27383 cmd/compile: failure on a function type alias- Update to Go 1.11.3 (released 2018/12/13). This includes fixes to the crypto/x509 and cmd/go packages. See the Go 1.11.3 milestone on upstream tracker for details: https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=milestone%3AGo1.11.3 * bsc#1118897 CVE-2018-16873 go#29230 cmd/go: remote command execution during "go get -u" * bsc#1118898 CVE-2018-16874 go#29231 cmd/go: directory traversal in "go get" via curly braces in import paths * bsc#1118899 CVE-2018-16875 go#29233 crypto/x509: CPU denial of service * Upstream is aware of a functionality regression in "go get" when executed in GOPATH mode on an import path pattern containing "..." (e.g., "go get github.com/golang/pkg/..."), when downloading packages not already present in the GOPATH workspace. This is go#29241 and will be resolved in the next minor patch release go-1.11.4- Fix build error with PIE linker flags on ppc64le. bsc#1113978 boo#1098017 * gccgo on ppc64le with default PIE enabled fails with: error while loading shared libraries: R_PPC64_ADDR16_HA re10143fb0c for symbol `' out of range * linuxppc-dev discussion: "PIE binaries are no longer mapped below 4 GiB on ppc64le" https://lists.ozlabs.org/pipermail/linuxppc-dev/2018-November/180862.html * Add for ppc64le only: #!BuildIgnore: gcc-PIE * OBS environment defaults to PIE * Upstream fix for go buildmode PIE desired, track upstream go#28531- Remove obsolete patch: * armv6l.patch - Enable %arm build - Build with go1.4 instead of gccgo for Tumbleweed (fix %arm build)- Update to go1.11.2 (released 2018/11/02) * includes fixes to the compiler, linker, documentation, go command, and the database/sql and go/types packages. - cmd/compile: * function argument hiding built-in function results in a compiler crash go#27399 * go build panics when 'len' keyword was unintentionally shadowed go#27973 - cmd/go: * 'go test -coverprofile' emits slash-separated paths on Windows go#27487 * `go help build` mentions -mod=release, which is not supported go#27398 * for go mod download, -dir option does not exist go#27498 * git export-subst causes hash mismatches go#28094 - cmd/trace: * SWEEP events' swept/reclaimed bytes info is not emitted go#27717 - database/sql: * confusing MaxIdleClosed statistic go#28325 - go/types: * embedded interface behavior now dependent on file name ordering go#28249 - misc/wasm: * Microsoft Edge 18 (latest) crashes due to TextEncoder not being supported go#27393 - net: * io.CopyN fails to copy from file to net.Conn on Windows go#27411 - runtime: * wasm: all goroutines asleep and no JavaScript callback pending - deadlock go#27425 - Fix formatting in go1.11.changes- Update to go1.11.1 (released 2018/10/01) * includes fixes to the compiler, documentation, go command, runtime, and the crypto/x509, encoding/json, go/types, net, net/http and reflect packages. - cmd/compile: * bad walkinrange rewrites on constant above 2**63 * function compiled without bounds checking and -1 index access * missing bounds checks in 1.11 * panic in cmd/compile/internal/gc.typecheck1 * race detector detects race with close(chan) and len(chan) - cmd/go: * 'go test -gcflags=all=-l' appears not to disable inlining * GOMIPS environment variable does not affect caching of mipsle code * TestScript/mod_install_versioned consistently failing on macOS High Sierra * build fails when setting linker to lld using ldflags * go list -json -compiled -test -e upspin.io/test fails with non-zero exit status - doc: * GOFLAGS environment variable not in 1.11 release notes * downloads page claims that Go 1.11 supports unsupported operating systems Documentation - encoding/json: * empty fields in json.UnmarshalTypeError - go/types: * assertion failure setting up composite literal with incomplete element type * some facts are missing after an error - net/http: * WASM Roundtripper crash when using "no-cors" mode - net: * LookupTXT bug * empty DNS answers should fail fast * testSpliceReaderAtEOF closed connection: got err = splice: invalid argument - reflect: * MethodByName().Interface() leads to fatal error: sweep increased allocation count - runtime: * invalid pointer found on stack * timeouts in os/signal tests- Update to version 1.11: * Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. * For more details check: https://golang.org/doc/go1.11 - Use gcc8 instead of gcc7 for Factory/Tumbleweed. - Update compiler-rt TSAN binary: the precompiled versions of LLVM's compiler-rt has updated to commit fe2c72c59aa7f4afa45e3f65a5d16a374b6cce26 in go1.11 source. - Remove patch: * fix-sanitizer-build-against-latest-glibc.patch: upstream fixed. - Add patch: * gcc8-go.patch: use gcc8 instead of gcc7 for Factory/Tumbleweed.- Update to version 1.10.4: * go1.10.4 (released 2018/08/24) includes fixes to the go command, linker, and the net/http, mime/multipart, ld/macho, bytes, and strings packages. See the Go 1.10.4 milestone on our issue tracker for details.- Update to version1.10.3: * go1.10.3 (released 2018/06/05) includes fixes to the go command, and the crypto/tls, crypto/x509, and strings packages. In particular, it adds minimal support to the go command for the vgo transition. See the Go 1.10.3 milestone on our issue tracker for details.- Update to version 1.10.2: * includes fixes to the compiler, linker, and go command. - Changes in version 1.10.1: * includes fixes to the compiler, runtime, and the archive/zip, crypto/tls, crypto/x509, encoding/json, net, net/http, and net/http/pprof packages.- Removed * go-1.5-install-dont-reinstall-stdlibs.patch: patch no longer needed. - Changed * gcc7-go.patch: go1.10 source code changed, patch is no longer applies.- Update to go1.10: * Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. * This release improves caching of built packages, adds caching of successful test results, runs vet automatically during tests, and permits passing string values directly between Go and C using cgo. A new compiler option whitelist may cause unexpected invalid flag errors in code that built successfully with older releases. * For more details check: https://golang.org/doc/go1.10 - Removed the following patches: * verbose-build.patch: build system changed, patch is no longer applies * go-1.5-install-dont-reinstall-stdlibs.patch: patch no longer needed- Ensure go binaries are not stripped (eg: go tools trace), this cause some of them to misbehave - Ensure go trace html template is shipped as part of the installation, otherwise the web UI won't work - Fix license of go race- update to go1.9.4 * go1.9.2 (released 2017/10/25) includes fixes to the compiler, linker, runtime, documentation, go command, and the crypto/x509, database/sql, log, and net/smtp packages. It includes a fix to a bug introduced in Go 1.9.1 that broke go get of non-Git repositories under certain conditions. * go1.9.3 (released 2018/01/22) includes fixes to the compiler, runtime, and the database/sql, math/big, net/http, and net/url packages. * go1.9.4 (released 2018/02/07) includes a security fix to “go get”: CVE-2018-6574 (bsc#1080006)- fix bsc#1082409: Review dependencies (requires, recommends and supports)- Rename package to go1.9- Update to go1.9.2 go1.9.2 (released 2017/10/25) includes fixes to the compiler, linker, runtime, documentation, go command, and the crypto/x509, database/sql, log, and net/smtp packages. It includes a fix to a bug introduced in Go 1.9.1 that broke go get of non-Git repositories under certain conditions. See the Go 1.9.2 milestone on our issue tracker for details.- Install $GOROOT/lib packages, to include upstream files such as the timezone database. bsc#1064522- Update to go1.9.1 go1.9.1 (released 2017/10/04) includes two security fixes. See the Go 1.9.1 milestone on our issue tracker for details. Fixes included: * net/smtp: fix PlainAuth to refuse to send passwords to non-TLS servers (CVE-2017-15042, bsc#1062087) * cmd/go: arbitrary code execution during “go get” or “go get -d” (CVE-2017-15041, bsc#1062085)- Update to go1.9 There are two changes to the language: adding support for type aliases and defining when implementations may fuse floating point operations. Most of the changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. The release adds transparent monotonic time support, parallelizes compilation of functions within a package, better supports test helper functions, includes a new bit manipulation package, and has a new concurrent map type. Remove patches: - fix_certificates_lookup.patch - runtime-bump-MaxGomaxprocs.patch- Fixed incorrectly ghosted files- add fix-sanitizer-build-against-latest-glibc.patch which fixes the sanitizer built against certain glibc versions- go-race: add compiler-rt TSAN binary, necessary for the race detector builds to work. This requires building compiler-rt from source (becuase upstream Go stores precompiled binaries in the tree, and we cannot use them). In addition, a %check was added purely to ensure that we don't install the wrong version of compiler-rt. boo#1052528 - go-rpmlintrc: add some entries to address the .syso additions.- Remove ruby requirement. golang-macros are not ruby anymore, plus this requirement should have been in the golang-packaging package- Simplify all the "ifdef suse_version" by removing versions which have reach eol (13.* 42.1 sle11*)- Add gcc6-go.patch for sle12 and leap42.x and use binutils-gold except for s390x/s390 Remove gcc5-go.patch cause we use gcc6 for sle12 and leap42.x and gcc7 for newer versions (factory)- build with binutils-gold on aarch64, which is hardcoded to be used for shared linking due to bugs in BFD binutils- Build with gcc-7 on Tumbleweed + Add gcc7-go.patch- Minor update to go1.8.3 Fixes included: * go1.8.2 (released 2017/05/23) includes a security fix to the crypto/elliptic package (CVE-2017-8932, bsc#1040618). * go1.8.3 (released 2017/05/24) includes fixes to the compiler, runtime, documentation, and the database/sql package.- Enable gccgo with gcc-6 for SLE12- fix update-alternatives usage. This way, we can either use go1.7 or go 1.8 without having to change the docker spec file or any other package that requires go 1.7 but it will require go 1.8 in the future.- Update to go1.8.1 Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. There are two minor changes to the language specification. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. The release adds support for 32-bit MIPS, updates the compiler back end to generate more efficient code, reduces GC pauses by eliminating stop-the-world stack rescanning, adds HTTP/2 Push support, adds HTTP graceful shutdown, adds more context support, enables profiling mutexes, and simplifies sorting slices. more at: https://golang.org/doc/go1.8 Update patches: - allow-binary-only-packages.patch - gcc5-go.patch - gcc6-go.patch- Remove mercurial build dependency. Mercurial is a version control system, like git. We are not using this in the build service to get the sources. - Do not set GOBIN. If GOBIN is unset, by default go assumes GOPATH/bin. This way, the user can change GOPATH without the need to change GOBIN. fix bsc#1026658- minor update to go1.7.5 because this is required by docker-v17.04.00-ce (bsc#1034053) fixes included: * go1.7.1 (released 2016/09/07) includes fixes to the compiler, runtime, documentation, and the compress/flate, hash/crc32, io, net, net/http, path/filepath, reflect, and syscall packages. See the Go 1.7.1 milestone on our issue tracker for details: https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=milestone%3AGo1.7.1 * go1.7.2 was not released. No changelog. * go1.7.3 (released 2016/10/19) includes fixes to the compiler, runtime, and the crypto/cipher, crypto/tls, net/http, and strings packages. See the Go 1.7.3 milestone on our issue tracker for details: https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=milestone%3AGo1.7.3 * go1.7.4 (released 2016/12/01) includes two security fixes. See the Go 1.7.4 milestone on our issue tracker for details: https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=milestone%3AGo1.7.4 * go1.7.5 (released 2017/01/26) includes fixes to the compiler, runtime, and the crypto/x509 and time packages. See the Go 1.7.5 milestone on our issue tracker for details: https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=milestone%3AGo1.7.5- Add a patch to bump _MaxGomaxprocs so that things like Docker and k8s can run properly on NUMA machines. Don't bump this number too high. bsc#1028865 + runtime-bump-MaxGomaxprocs.patch- set libdir for s390x in go.sh- define go_arch to s390x- Added s390x to the list of architectures that get built.- Disable stripping to fix __.PKGDEF issues. bsc#964546 There is an upstream issue about it as well, with a patch which will hopefully make Go more resilient to this issue. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/17890- Make sure we build go using gcc-go in Factory cause there is no go1.4- update to go1.7.0 (bsc#996303) Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. There is one minor change to the language specification. The release adds a port to IBM LinuxOne; updates the x86-64 compiler back end to generate more efficient code; includes the context package, promoted from the x/net subrepository and now used in the standard library; and adds support in the testing package for creating hierarchies of tests and benchmarks. The release also finalizes the vendoring support started in Go 1.5, making it a standard feature. more at: https://golang.org/doc/go1.7 Review patches: - armv6l.patch - fix_certificates_lookup.patch, - go-1.5-install-dont-reinstall-stdlibs.patch - gcc5-go.patch- Reverting to use gcc-go instead of go1.4 for Factory and Leap The fallback boostrap method via go1.4 does not work for Factory because of a known bug with binutils 2.27 https://github.com/golang/go/issues/16906. Leap will work but we don't have go1.4 in there.- update to gcc6-go for Factory - add gcc6-go.patch for Factory - build with gcc-go for aarch64, ppc64le and ppc64, but for x86_64 always use go1.4, as it should be according to https://golang.org/doc/install/source#go14- build ppc64le with gcc-go- fix source location for 3rd-party libraries- CVE-2016-5386.patch: fixes bsc#988487 aka https://httpoxy.org/- update go go1.6.3 (released 2016/07/17) includes security fixes to the net/http/cgi package and net/http package when used in a CGI environment. This release also adds support for macOS Sierra. See the Go 1.6.3 milestone on our issue tracker for details. This fixes: bsc#988487 (CVE-2016-5386), so we remove CVE-2016-5386.patch)- do not set with_shared for ppc64 (BE)- bootstrap aarch64 even on SLE via gcc5-go- install shared libraries.- update version 1.6.2 * fixes to the compiler, runtime, tools, documentation, and the mime/multipart, net/http, and sort packages.- Enable build for ppc64le on SLE12 (bsc#981432)- fix bsc#974232: CVE-2016-3959: go: Infinite loop in several big integer routines - Update to version 1.6 (bsc#977394) * On Linux on little-endian 64-bit PowerPC (linux/ppc64le), Go 1.6 now supports cgo with external linking and is roughly feature complete. * Vendoring support * HTTP2 transparent support * fix gc and gccgo incompatibility regarding embedded unexported struct types containing exported fields * Linux on 64-bit MIPS and Android on 32-bit x86 * enforced rules for sharing Go pointers with C * new mechanism for template reuse * performance improvements ... and more! see more in https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.6- fix bsc#974232 CVE-2016-3959: go: Infinite loop in several big integer routines- Update to version 1.5.3 (bnc#968949): * CVE-2015-8618: go: Carry propagation in Int.Exp Montgomery code in math/big library (bnc#960151)- macro.go and golang-macros.rb moved to golang-packaging- macro.go: * added golang-macros.rb to deal with complicated macros that are hard to be written in shell script * support "--with-buildid" which is the former ugly "WITH_FAKE_BUILDID" environment variable hack * support "--shared" which is "-buildmode=shared -linkshared" in case anyone need it * add go_api_ver macro which is currently 1.5 - install shared stdlib on x86_64 - drop go-wiki-gadget.xml: it hasn't been used from the beginning - add go.gdbinit for debug friendly- Updated to 1.5.2: This release includes bug fixes to the compiler, linker, and the mime/multipart, net, and runtime packages. https://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html#go1.5.minor- Updated to 1.5.1 This release includes bug fixes to the go command, the compiler, assembler, and the fmt, net/textproto, net/http, and runtime packages. https://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html#go1.5.minor- Adapt to Leap * use gcc5-go than go1.4 is the proper requirement for Leap- go.sh, macros.go, go.spec: add missing bits for aarch64- enable build for aarch64 - rediff armv6l.patch- enable ppc64 and ppc64le- update to version 1.5 * see https://golang.org/doc/go1.5 - add: go-1.5-build-dont-reinstall-stdlibs.patch drop: go-build-dont-reinstall-stdlibs.patch * refresh patch - add: go-1.5-install-dont-reinstall-stdlibs.patch drop: go-install-dont-reinstall-stdlibs.patch * refresh patch - drop: go-1.4.2-rel.plt-alignment.patch * fix by upstream - add gcc5-go.patch * find /usr/bin/go-5 when bootstrapping with gcc5-go - use update-alternatives for /usr/bin/go and profiles.d so it can be co-installed with go1.4- fix update from 1.3.3 Update from 1.3.3 was broken in this commit https://build.opensuse.org/package/rdiff/devel:languages:go/go?linkrev=base&rev=205 That commit fixed a dangling symlink in src (src/pkg) by instead symlinking src, which broke compatibility. This commit fixes it by, instead, symlinking all the files in src.- macros.go: fix missing quotes in %goinstall (bsc#939067)- macros.go: fix "summary-not-capitalized"- macros.go: * *-doc can't properly describe what the sub-package really is, and they're mostly source codes instead of the claimed "API, documentation, and examples". so rename to *-source. and not recommend to install them to save users' disk space. * %%go_requires should be handled automatically by golang-packaging * not recommend to install source package any more, so %%go_recommmends set to nil.- macros.go: * add a "WITH_FAKE_BUILDID" option to enable the fake build ID compution. * to fake build ID, you have to make sure your package has only one binary. it is nonsense that two or more nonidentical binaries have the same build ID.- enable debuginfo * the strip workaround (boo#818502) does not need any more * re-enable debug_packge/debug_install_post macros - add patch: go-1.4.2-rel.plt-alignment.patch * cmd/ld: set alignment for the .rel.plt section on 32-bit architectures * https://github.com/golang/go/issues/9802 * or i586 build will fail at extracting debuginfo - macros.go: * re-enable debug_packge/debug_install_post macros from goprep() * add ldflags to gobuild() to compute BUILD ID for debuginfo package - go itself doesn't support BUILD ID yet- Remove fix_certificates_lookup_on_sles11.patch: this is superseded by fix_certificates.patch - Add fix_certificates_lookup.patch: force Go to look for certificates only in the locations available on openSUSE and SLE. Also ensure certificates are found on SLE11 (previous fix_certificates_lookup_on_sles11.patch)- Add fix_certificates_lookup_on_sles11.patch: this patch is required to have Go programs read the system certificates on SLE11. See issue https://github.com/golang/go/issues/6391- Fix building of all the Go packages under devel:languages:go. The %goprep macro contained some unescaped lines, causing go install to attempt the installation of the build artifacts outside of the buildroot.- disable debuginfo/debug package creation on all golang packages * .a files in golang doesn't contain debuginfo right now, so extract a debug package will cause "Failed to write file: invalid section alignment" and we don't need to bother stripping them. * we can't depend on good luck for all golang packages, hoping they'll pass the build and not randomly fail.- remove "go_disable_brp_strip_static_archive" macro from macros.go, which contains redefinition of os_install_post too. - disable debug package generation for all architectures, because: * build IDs are not generated at all, even for successful builds * "Failed to write file: invalid section alignment" on arm/i586.- remove redefinition of os_install_post macro, which was used to override brp-strip-static-archive that has been manually removed from openSUSE distribution since 2011.05. - This might fix i586 builds for openSUSE:Factory: * Too many levels of recursion in macro expansion * Failed to write file: invalid section alignment- Added Obsoletes for go-vim/emacs, they went to separate projects- Fix dangling-symlink /usr/lib64/go/src/pkg /usr/share/go/src/pkg- allow-binary-only-packages.patch: Revert missed patch and update for 1.4- Updated to 1.4.2: Support of editors has been dropped- Updated to 1.3.3: includes further bug fixes to cgo, the runtime package,s and the nacl port. - Changes associated with release 1.3.2: includes bug fixes to cgo and the crypto/tls packages. See the change history for details (bnc#898901 - CVE-2014-7189).- avoid stripping debuginfo on arm, it fails (and is not necessary)- add armv6l.patch * workaround for qemu-arm bug * under qemu on armv6 the number of unix signals isn't 64 but 63. thus there is an off-by-one error while building and testing. this fix now reduces the constant defining the number of signals by 1, but that of course means signal handling won't be 100% correct. * https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/MqKTX_XIOKElamb19 15621484071.12.6-lp150. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Maintenance:10545/openSUSE_Leap_15.0_Update/dce8e659a9e54ac8544f93670d9025e6-go1.12.openSUSE_Leap_15.0_Updatecpioxz5x86_64-suse-linuxELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped6[a&,0N{hgo1.121.12.6utf-8e7b8f98c493d0571f645e2a310266a81d25a5a79bc3b736356d698b5e9f21581? 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