lucene-misc-8.5.0-150200.4.4.3 >  A cip9|K]M{{&4EvU*—GNei7d{(PVC8V- _ `"q+]5 H4]heԶ$ZJgPg >&%F*7QγK⿆8v7>3r6C|Uq _jQU^;9%1iEa GEnvh*Nl%kcX6!1Ʈ,[g8fe67a17a4da7c60009254ed619830947f41e60cbf2b1f831e563aeda8da62926b2638d8e23c78c84e38cb4b6f36270d6addf6ba 4cip9|}'*I>ll(dl`dNwtfv;j>x{Q&˵TsW!?X8UՉe{Ws!:=%!dnquF!z4Dvh{5:뫆Y4mN ܦLb^=ƕ UF`^Xl`'m Ίb~~NH#37RS^bKƚȃᔂow7f6~ ,e = J *Q;(h>p>?d ! 8 'B]cl    z (   (89<:YFGHIXY\$]<^bcd-e2f5l7uLvdwx4yLzhx|Clucene-misc8.5.0150200.4.4.3Misc module for luceneApache Lucene is a full-text search engine written entirely in Java. This package provides the "misc" module for Lucene.cibs-centriq-3\SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Apache-2.0 AA큤cccccc06d4b6e55c26ad6df8738bb8336653827d90910c01ad72cdcbeccc8938a3c182ee118c9bf242a2f219c64a9ae0487b4d9bacadeb975c89285df6a0f2fc9f457012d002b49fbeac11eae6bb420385ef28267ddc8885c931a1859df1f729b1ea23lucene/lucene-misc.jarrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootlucene-8.5.0-150200.4.4.3.src.rpmlucene-misclucene-misc(aarch-64)mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc)mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:pom:)osgi(org.apache.lucene.misc)@@@@    java-headlessjavapackages-filesystemmvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-core)mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-core)osgi(org.apache.lucene.core)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)^@^x]n]?]@]@]@]@\b@\'@[Y5Ycl@YTY@U hfstrba@s Added patch: * lucene-nodoclint.patch + Do not abort compilation on html5 errors with javadoc 17- Upgrade to version 8.5.0 * API Changes: + LUCENE-9093: Change in behavior of the UnifiedHighlighter's LengthGoalBreakIterator that will yield Passages sized a little different due to the fact that the sizing pivot is now the center of the first match and not its left edge. + LUCENE-9116: PostingsWriterBase and PostingsReaderBase no longer support setting a field's metadata via a 'long[]'. + LUCENE-9116: The FSTOrd postings format has been removed. + LUCENE-8369: Remove obsolete spatial module. + LUCENE-8621: Refactor LatLonShape, XYShape, and all query and utility classes to core. + LUCENE-9218: XY geometries API works in float space. + LUCENE-9212: Intervals.multiterm() takes CompiledAutomaton rather than plain Automaton + LUCENE-9150: Restore support for dynamic PlanetModel in spatial3d. + LUCENE-9171: QueryBuilder.newTermQuery() and .newSynonymQuery() now take boost parameters. + LUCENE-9029: Deprecate SloppyMath toRadians/toDegrees in favor of Java Math. + LUCENE-8620: Add CONTAINS support for LatLonShape and XYShape. + LUCENE-9050: MultiTermIntervalsSource.visit() was not calling back to its visitor. + LUCENE-8909: IndexWriter#getFieldNames() method is used to get fields present in index. After LUCENE-8316, this method is no longer required. Hence, deprecate IndexWriter#getFieldNames() method. + LUCENE-8755: SpatialPrefixTreeFactory now consumes the "version" parsed with Lucene's Version class. The quad and packed quad prefix trees are sensitive to this. It's recommended to pass the version like you should do likewise for analysis components for tokenized text, or else changes to the encoding in future versions may be incompatible with older indexes. + LUCENE-8956: QueryRescorer now only sorts the first topN hits instead of all initial hits. + LUCENE-8921: IndexSearcher.termStatistics() no longer takes a TermStates; it takes the docFreq and totalTermFreq. And don't call if docFreq <= 0. The previous implementation survives as deprecated and final. It's removed in 9.0. + LUCENE-8990: PointValues#estimateDocCount(visitor) estimates the number of documents that would be matched by the given IntersectVisitor. THe method is used to compute the cost() of ScorerSuppliers instead of PointValues#estimatePointCount(visitor). + LUCENE-8865: IndexSearcher now uses Executor instead of ExecutorService. This change is fully backwards compatible since ExecutorService directly implements Executor. + LUCENE-8856: Intervals queries have moved from the sandbox to the queries module. + LUCENE-8893: Intervals.wildcard() and Intervals.prefix() methods now take BytesRef rather than String. + LUCENE-3041: A query introspection API has been added. Queries should implement a visit() method, taking a QueryVisitor, and either pass the visitor down to any child queries, or call a visitX() or consumeX() method on it. All locations in the code that called Weight.extractTerms() have been changed to use this API, and the extractTerms() method has been deprecated. + LUCENE-8735: Directory.getPendingDeletions is now abstract to ensure subclasses override it. FilterDirectory now delegates the call, ensuring correct default behaviour for subclasses. + LUCENE-8662: TermsEnum.seekExact(BytesRef) to abstract and delegate seekExact(BytesRef) in FilterLeafReader.FilterTermsEnum. + LUCENE-8469: Deprecated has been removed. + LUCENE-8039: Introduce a "delta distance" method set to GeoDistance. This allows distance calculations, especially for paths, to take into account an "excursion" to include the specified point. + LUCENE-8007: Index statistics Terms.getSumDocFreq(), Terms.getDocCount() are now required to be stored by codecs. Additionally, TermsEnum.totalTermFreq() and Terms.getSumTotalTermFreq() are now required: if frequencies are not stored they are equal to TermsEnum.docFreq() and Terms.getSumDocFreq(), respectively, because all freq() values equal 1. + LUCENE-8038: Deprecated PayloadScoreQuery constructors have been removed + LUCENE-8014: Similarity.computeSlopFactor() and Similarity.computePayloadFactor() have been removed + LUCENE-7996: Queries are now required to produce positive scores. + LUCENE-8099: CustomScoreQuery, BoostedQuery and BoostingQuery have been removed + LUCENE-8012: Explanation now takes Number rather than float + LUCENE-8116: SimScorer now only takes a frequency and a norm as per-document scoring factors. + LUCENE-8113: TermContext has been renamed to TermStates, and can now be constructed lazily if term statistics are not required + LUCENE-8242: Deprecated method IndexSearcher#createNormalizedWeight() has been removed + LUCENE-8267: Memory codecs removed from the codebase (MemoryPostings, MemoryDocValues). + LUCENE-8144: Moved QueryCachingPolicy.ALWAYS_CACHE to the test framework. + LUCENE-8356: StandardFilter and StandardFilterFactory have been removed + LUCENE-8373: StandardAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORD_SET has been removed + LUCENE-8388: Unused PostingsEnum#attributes() method has been removed + LUCENE-8405: TopDocs.maxScore is removed. IndexSearcher and TopFieldCollector no longer have an option to compute the maximum score when sorting by field. + LUCENE-8411: TopFieldCollector no longer takes a fillFields option, it now always fills fields. + LUCENE-8412: TopFieldCollector no longer takes a trackDocScores option. Scores need to be set on top hits via TopFieldCollector#populateScores instead. + LUCENE-6228: A new Scorable abstract class has been added, containing only those methods from Scorer that should be called from Collectors. LeafCollector.setScorer() now takes a Scorable rather than a Scorer. + LUCENE-8475: Deprecated constants have been removed from RamUsageEstimator. + LUCENE-8483: Scorers may no longer take null as a Weight + LUCENE-8352: TokenStreamComponents is now final, and can take a Consumer in its constructor + LUCENE-8498: LowerCaseTokenizer has been removed, and CharTokenizer no longer takes a normalizer function. + LUCENE-7875: Moved MultiFields static methods out of the class. getLiveDocs is now in MultiBits which is now public. getMergedFieldInfos and getIndexedFields are now in FieldInfos. getTerms is now in MultiTerms. getTermPositionsEnum and getTermDocsEnum were collapsed and renamed to just getTermPostingsEnum and moved to MultiTerms. + LUCENE-8513: MultiFields.getFields is now removed. Please avoid this class, and Fields in general, when possible. + LUCENE-8497: MultiTermAwareComponent has been removed, and in its place TokenFilterFactory and CharFilterFactory now expose type-safe normalize() methods. This decouples normalization from tokenization entirely. + LUCENE-8597: IntervalIterator now exposes a gaps() method that reports the number of gaps between its component sub-intervals. This can be used in a new filter available via Intervals.maxgaps(). + LUCENE-8609: Remove IndexWriter#numDocs() and IndexWriter#maxDoc() in favor of IndexWriter#getDocStats(). * Changes in Runtime Behavior + LUCENE-8671: Load FST off-heap also for ID-like fields if reader is not opened from an IndexWriter. + LUCENE-8730: WordDelimiterGraphFilter always emits its original token first. This brings its behaviour into line with the deprecated WordDelimiterFilter, so that the only difference in output between the two is in the position length attribute. + LUCENE-7386: Disjunctions nested in disjunctions are now flattened. This might trigger changes in the produced scores due to changes to the order in which scores of sub clauses are summed up. + LUCENE-8756: MoreLikeThisQuery now respects custom term frequencies (TermFrequencyAttribute) at search time + LUCENE-8333: Switch MoreLikeThis.setMaxDocFreqPct to use maxDoc instead of numDocs. + LUCENE-7837: Indices that were created before the previous major version will now fail to open even if they have been merged with the previous major version. + LUCENE-8020: Similarities are no longer passed terms that don't exist by queries such as SpanOrQuery, so scoring formulas no longer require divide-by-zero hacks. IndexSearcher.termStatistics/collectionStatistics return null instead of returning bogus values for a non-existent term or field. + LUCENE-7996: FunctionQuery and FunctionScoreQuery now return a score of 0 when the function produces a negative value. + LUCENE-8116: Similarities now score fields that omit norms as if the norm was 1. This might change score values on fields that omit norms. + LUCENE-8134: Index options are no longer automatically downgraded. + LUCENE-8031: Length normalization correctly reflects omission of term frequencies. + LUCENE-7444: StandardAnalyzer no longer defaults to removing English stopwords + LUCENE-8060: IndexSearcher's search and searchAfter methods now only compute total hit counts accurately up to 1,000 in order to enable top-hits optimizations such as block-max WAND (LUCENE-8135). + LUCENE-8505: IndexWriter#addIndices will now fail if the target index is sorted but the candidate is not. + LUCENE-8535: Highlighter and FVH doesn't support ToParent and ToChildBlockJoinQuery out of the box anymore. In order to highlight on Block-Join Queries a custom WeightedSpanTermExtractor / FieldQuery should be used. + LUCENE-8563: BM25 scores don't include the (k1+1) factor in their numerator anymore. This doesn't affect ordering as this is a constant factor which is the same for every document. + LUCENE-8509: WordDelimiterGraphFilter will no longer set the offsets of internal tokens by default, preventing a number of bugs when the filter is chained with tokenfilters that change the length of their tokens + LUCENE-8633: IntervalQuery scores do not use term weighting any more, the score is instead calculated as a function of the sloppy frequency of the matching intervals. + LUCENE-8635: FSTs can now remain off-heap, accessed via IndexInput, and the default codec's term dictionary (BlockTreeTermsReader) will now leave the FST for the terms index off-heap for non-primary-key fields using MMapDirectory, reducing heap usage for such fields. * New Features: + LUCENE-8903: Add LatLonShape and XYShape point query. + LUCENE-8707: Add LatLonShape and XYShape distance query. + LUCENE-9238: New XYPointField field and Queries for indexing, searching and sorting cartesian points. + LUCENE-8936: Add SpanishMinimalStemFilter + LUCENE-8764 LUCENE-8945: Add "export all terms and doc freqs" feature to Luke with delimiters. + LUCENE-8747: Composite Matches from multiple subqueries now allow access to their submatches, and a new NamedMatches API allows marking of subqueries and a simple way to find which subqueries have matched on a given document + LUCENE-8769: Introduce Range Query For Multiple Connected Ranges + LUCENE-8960: Introduce LatLonDocValuesPointInPolygonQuery for LatLonDocValuesField + LUCENE-8753: New UniformSplitPostingsFormat (name "UniformSplit") primarily benefiting in simplicity and extensibility. New STUniformSplitPostingsFormat (name "SharedTermsUniformSplit") that shares a single internal term dictionary across fields. + LUCENE-8632: New XYShape Field and Queries for indexing and searching general cartesian geometries. + LUCENE-8891: Snowball stemmer/analyzer for the Estonian language. + LUCENE-8815: Provide a DoubleValues implementation for retrieving the value of features without requiring a separate numeric field. Note that as feature values are stored with only 8 bits of mantissa the values returned may have a delta from the original values indexed. + LUCENE-8803: Provide a FeatureSortfield to allow sorting search hits by descending value of a feature. This is exposed via the factory method FeatureField#newFeatureSort. + LUCENE-8784: The KoreanTokenizer now preserves punctuations if discardPunctuation is set to false (defaults to true). + LUCENE-8812: Add new KoreanNumberFilter that can change Hangul character to number and process decimal point. It is similar to the JapaneseNumberFilter. + LUCENE-8362: Add doc-value support to range fields. + LUCENE-8766: Add monitor subproject (previously Luwak monitoring library). This allows a stream of documents to be matched against a set of registered queries in an efficien manner, for use as a monitoring or classification tool. + LUCENE-7714: Add a numeric range query in sandbox that takes advantage of index sorting. + LUCENE-8859: The completion suggester's postings format now have an option to load its internal FST off-heap. + LUCENE-2562: The well-known graphical user interface for inspecting Lucene indexes "Luke" was added as a Lucene module. It can be started from the binary distribution by calling the shell scripts in the module folder or from the source checkout by using 'ant -f lucene/luke/build.xml run'. Luke provides a Swing-based user interface and can be used to open Lucene or Solr (or Elasticsearch) indexes, inspect documents, check index commits and segments, or test (custom) analyzers. It also has maintenance functions to check index structures and force merge indexes for archival. + LUCENE-8340: LongPoint#newDistanceFeatureQuery may be used to boost scores based on how close a value of a long field is from a configurable origin. This is typically useful to boost by recency. + LUCENE-8482: LatLonPoint#newDistanceFeatureQuery may be used to boost scores based on the haversine distance of a LatLonPoint field to a provided point. This is typically useful to boost by distance. + LUCENE-8216: Added a new BM25FQuery in sandbox to blend statistics across several fields using the BM25F formula. + LUCENE-8564: GraphTokenFilter is an abstract class useful for token filters that need to read-ahead in the token stream and take into account graph structures. This also changes FixedShingleFilter to extend GraphTokenFilter + LUCENE-8612: Intervals.extend() treats an interval as if it covered a wider span than it actually does, allowing users to force minimum gaps between intervals in a phrase. + LUCENE-8629: New interval functions: Intervals.before(), Intervals.after(), Intervals.within() and Intervals.overlapping(). + LUCENE-8622: Adds a minimum-should-match interval function that produces intervals spanning a subset of a set of sources. + LUCENE-8645: Intervals.fixField() allows you to report intervals from one field as if they came from another. + LUCENE-8646: New interval functions: Intervals.prefix() and Intervals.wildcard() + LUCENE-8655: Add a getter in FunctionScoreQuery class in order to access to the underlying DoubleValuesSource. + LUCENE-8697: GraphTokenStreamFiniteStrings correctly handles side paths containing gaps + LUCENE-8702: Simplify intervals returned from vararg Intervals factory methods * Improvements: + LUCENE-9149: Increase data dimension limit in BKD. + LUCENE-9102: Add maxQueryLength option to DirectSpellchecker. + LUCENE-9091: UnifiedHighlighter HTML escaping should only escape essentials + LUCENE-9105: UniformSplit postings format detects corrupted index and better handles IO exceptions. + LUCENE-9106: UniformSplit postings format allows extension of block/line serializers. + LUCENE-9093: UnifiedHighlighter's LengthGoalBreakIterator has a new fragmentAlignment option to better center the first match in the passage. Also the sizing point now pivots at the center of the first match term and not its left edge. This yields Passages that won't be identical to the previous behavior. + LUCENE-9153: Allow WhitespaceAnalyzer to set a maxTokenLength other than the default of 255 + LUCENE-9152: Improve line intersections with polygons when they are touching from the outside. + LUCENE-9123: Add new JapaneseTokenizer constructors with discardCompoundToken option that controls whether the tokenizer emits original (compound) tokens when the mode is not NORMAL. + UCENE-9253: KoreanTokenizer now supports custom dictionaries(system, unknown). + LUCENE-9171: QueryBuilder can now use BoostAttributes on input token streams to selectively boost particular terms or synonyms in parsed queries. + LUCENE-9002: Skip costly caching clause in LRUQueryCache if it makes the query many times slower. + LUCENE-9006: WordDelimiterGraphFilter's catenateAll token is now ordered before any token parts, like WDF did. + LUCENE-9028: introducing Intervals.multiterm() + LUCENE-9018: ConcatenateGraphFilter now has a configurable separator. + LUCENE-9036: ExitableDirectoryReader may interupt scaning over DocValues + LUCENE-9062: QueryVisitor now has a consumeTermsMatching() method, allowing queries that match a class of terms to pass a ByteRunAutomaton matching those that class back to the visitor. + LUCENE-9073: IntervalQuery to respond field on toString() and explain() + LUCENE-8874: Show SPI names instead of class names in Luke Analysis tab. + LUCENE-8894: Add APIs to find SPI names for Tokenizer/CharFilter/TokenFilter factory classes. + LUCENE-8914: move the logic for discarding inner modes in FloatPointNearestNeighbor to the IntersectVisitor so we take advantage of the change introduced in LUCENE-7862. + LUCENE-8955: move the logic for discarding inner modes in LatLonPoint NearestNeighbor to the IntersectVisitor so we take advantage of the change introduced in LUCENE-7862. + LUCENE-8918: PhraseQuery throws exceptions at construction time if it is passed null arguments. + LUCENE-8916: GraphTokenStreamFiniteStrings preserves all Token attributes through its finite strings TokenStreams + LUCENE-8933: Check kuromoji user dictionary beforehand to avoid unexpected runtime exceptions. (Tomoko Uchida + LUCENE-8906: Expose Lucene50PostingsFormat.IntBlockTermState as public so that other postings formats can re-use it. + LUCENE-8942: Remove redundant parameters and improve visibility strictness in LRUQueryCache + SOLR-13663: Introduce into XML Query Parser + LUCENE-8952: Use a sort key instead of true distance in NearestNeighbor + LUCENE-8620: Tessellator labels the edges of the generated triangles whether they belong to the original polygon. This information is added to the triangle encoding. + LUCENE-8964: Fix geojson shape parsing on string arrays in properties + LUCENE-8976: Use exact distance between point and bounding rectangle in FloatPointNearestNeighbor. + LUCENE-8966: The Korean analyzer now splits tokens on boundaries between digits and alphabetic characters. + LUCENE-8984: MoreLikeThis MLT is biased for uncommon fields + LUCENE-7840: Non-scoring BooleanQuery now removes SHOULD clauses before building the scorer supplier as opposed to eliminating them during scoring construction. + LUCENE-8770: BlockMaxConjunctionScorer now leverages two-phase iterators in order to avoid executing the second phase when scorers don't intersect. + LUCENE-8781: FST lookup performance has been improved in many cases by encoding Arcs using full-sized arrays with gaps. The new encoding is enabled for postings in the default codec and for suggesters. + LUCENE-8818: Fix encoding bug + LUCENE-8845: Allow Intervals.prefix() and Intervals.wildcard() to specify their maximum allowed expansions + LUCENE-8875: Introduce a Collector optimized for use cases when large number of hits are requested + LUCENE-8848 LUCENE-7757 LUCENE-8492: The UnifiedHighlighter now detects that parts of the query are not understood by it, and thus it should not make optimizations that result in no highlights or slow highlighting. This generally works best for WEIGHT_MATCHES mode. Consequently queries produced by ComplexPhraseQueryParser and the surround QueryParser will now highlight correctly. + LUCENE-8793: Luke enhanced UI for CustomAnalyzer: show detailed analysis steps. + LUCENE-8855: Add Accountable to some Query implementations + LUCENE-8673: Use radix partitioning when merging dimensional points instead of sorting all dimensions before hand. + LUCENE-8687: Optimise radix partitioning for points on heap. + LUCENE-8699: Change HeapPointWriter to use a single byte array instead to a list of byte arrays. In addition a new interface PointValue is added to abstract out the different formats between offline and on-heap writers. + LUCENE-8703: Build point writers in the BKD tree only when they are needed. + LUCENE-8652: SynonymQuery can now deboost the document frequency of each term when blending the score of the synonym. + LUCENE-8631: The Korean's user dictionary now picks the longest-matching word and discards the other matches. + LUCENE-8732: ConstantScoreQuery can now early terminate the query if the minimum score is greater than the constant score and total hits are not requested. + LUCENE-8750: Implements setMissingValue() on sort fields produced from DoubleValuesSource and LongValuesSource + LUCENE-8701: ToParentBlockJoinQuery now creates a child scorer that disallows skipping over non-competitive documents if the score of a parent depends on the score of multiple children (avg, max, min). Additionally the score mode 'none' that assigns a constant score to each parent can early terminate top scores's collection. + LUCENE-8751: Weight#matches now use the ScorerSupplier to build scorers with a lead cost of 1 (single document). + LUCENE-8752: Japanese new era name '令和' (Reiwa) is added to the dictionary used in JapaneseTokenizer so that the analyzer handles the era name correctly. Reiwa is set to replace the Heisei Era on May 1, 2019. + LUCENE-8671: Introduced reader attributes allows a per IndexReader configuration of codec internals. This enables a per reader configuration if FSTs are on- or off-heap on a per field basis + LUCENE-8787: spatial-extras DateRangePrefixTree used to only parse ISO-8601 timestamps with 0 or 3 digits of milliseconds precision but now parses other lengths (although > 3 not used). + LUCENE-7997: Add BaseSimilarityTestCase to sanity check similarities. SimilarityBase switches to 64-bit doubles internally to help avoid common numeric issues. Add missing range checks for similarity parameters. Improve BM25 and ClassicSimilarity's explanations. + LUCENE-8011: Improved similarity explanations. + LUCENE-4198: Codecs now have the ability to index score impacts. + LUCENE-8135: Boolean queries now implement the block-max WAND algorithm in order to speed up selection of top scored documents. + LUCENE-8279: CheckIndex now cross-checks terms with norms. + LUCENE-8660: TopDocsCollectors now return an accurate count (instead of a lower bound) if the total hit count is equal to the provided threshold. * Optimizations + LUCENE-9211: Add compression for Binary doc value fields. + LUCENE-4702: Better compression of terms dictionaries. + LUCENE-9228: Sort dvUpdates in the term order before applying if they all update a single field to the same value. This optimization can reduce the flush time by around 20% for the docValues update user cases. + LUCENE-9245: Reduce AutomatonTermsEnum memory usage. + LUCENE-9237: Faster UniformSplit intersect TermsEnum. + LUCENE-9068: FuzzyQuery builds its Automaton up-front + LUCENE-9113: Faster merging of SORTED/SORTED_SET doc values. + LUCENE-9125: Optimize Automaton.step() with binary search and introduce + LUCENE-9147: The index of stored fields and term vectors in now off-heap. + LUCENE-8928: When building a kd-tree for dimensions n > 2, compute exact bounds for an inner node every N splits to improve the quality of the tree. N is defined by SPLITS_BEFORE_EXACT_BOUNDS which is set to 4. + BaseDirectoryReader no longer sums up the 'LeafReader#numDocs' of its leaves eagerly. This especially helps when creating views of readers that hide documents, since computing the number of live documents is an expensive operation. + LUCENE-8992: TopFieldCollector and TopScoreDocCollector can now share minimum scores across leaves concurrently. + LUCENE-8932: BKDReader's index is now stored off-heap when the IndexInput is an instance of ByteBufferIndexInput. + LUCENE-9024: IntroSelector now falls back to the median of medians algorithm instead of sorting when the maximum recursion level is exceeded, providing better worst-case runtime. + LUCENE-8920: The denser arcs of FST now index labels with a bitset in order to provide near constant time access. + LUCENE-9027: Use SIMD instructions to decode postings. + LUCENE-9049: Remove FST cached root arcs now redundant with labels indexed by bitset. This frees some on-heap FST space. + LUCENE-9045: Do not use TreeMap/TreeSet in BlockTree and PerFieldPostingsFormat. + LUCENE-8922: DisjunctionMaxQuery more efficiently leverages impacts to skip non-competitive hits. + LUCENE-8935: BooleanQuery with no scoring clause can now early terminate the query when the total hits is not requested. + LUCENE-8941: Matches on wildcard queries will defer building their full disjunction until a MatchesIterator is pulled + LUCENE-8755: spatial-extras quad and packed quad prefix trees now index points faster. + LUCENE-8860: add additional leaf node level optimizations in LatLonShapeBoundingBoxQuery. + LUCENE-8968: Improve performance of WITHIN and DISJOINT queries for Shape queries by doing just one pass whenever possible. + LUCENE-8939: Introduce shared count based early termination across multiple slices + LUCENE-8980: Blocktree's seekExact now short-circuits false if the term isn't in the min-max range of the segment. Large perf gain for ID/time like data when populated sequentially. + LUCENE-8796: Use exponential search instead of binary search in IntArrayDocIdSet#advance method + LUCENE-8865: Use incoming thread for execution if IndexSearcher has an executor. Now caller threads execute at least one search on an index even if there is an executor provided to minimize thread context switching. + LUCENE-8868: New storing strategy for BKD tree leaves with low cardinality. It stores the distinct values once with the cardinality value reducing the storage cost. + LUCENE-8885: Optimise BKD reader by exploiting cardinality information stored on leaves. + LUCENE-8896: Override default implementation of IntersectVisitor#visit(DocIDSetBuilder, byte[]) for several queries. + LUCENE-8901: Load frequencies lazily only when needed in BlockDocsEnum and BlockImpactsEverythingEnum + LUCENE-8888: Optimize distribution of points with data dimensions in BKD tree leaves. + LUCENE-8311: Phrase queries now leverage impacts. + LUCENE-8040: Optimize IndexSearcher.collectionStatistics, avoiding MultiFields/MultiTerms + LUCENE-4100: Disjunctions now support faster collection of top hits when the total hit count is not required. + LUCENE-7993: Phrase queries are now faster if total hit counts are not required. + LUCENE-8109: Boolean queries propagate information about the minimum competitive score in order to make collection faster if there are disjunctions or phrase queries as sub queries, which know how to leverage this information to run faster. + LUCENE-8439: Disjunction max queries can skip blocks to select the top documents if the total hit count is not required. + LUCENE-8204: Boolean queries with a mix of required and optional clauses are now faster if the total hit count is not required. + LUCENE-8448: Boolean queries now propagates the mininum score to their sub-scorers. + LUCENE-8511: MultiFields.getIndexedFields is now optimized; does not call getMergedFieldInfos + LUCENE-8507: TopFieldCollector can now update the minimum competitive score if the primary sort is by relevancy and the total hit count is not required. + LUCENE-8464: ConstantScoreScorer now implements setMinCompetitveScore in order to early terminate the iterator if the minimum score is greater than the constant score. + LUCENE-8607: MatchAllDocsQuery can shortcut when total hit count is not required + LUCENE-8585: Index-time jump-tables for DocValues, for O(1) advance when retrieving doc values. * Bug Fixes + LUCENE-9084: Fix potential deadlock due to circular synchronization in AnalyzingInfixSuggester + LUCENE-9115: NRTCachingDirectory no longer caches files of unknown size. + LUCENE-9144: Fix error message on OneDimensionBKDWriter when too many points are added to the writer. + LUCENE-9135: Make UniformSplit FieldMetadata counters long. + LUCENE-9200: Fix TieredMergePolicy to use double (not float) math to make its merging decisions, fixing a corner-case bug uncovered by fun randomized tests + LUCENE-9099: Unordered and Ordered interval queries now correctly handle repeated subterms - ordered intervals could supply an 'extra' minimized interval, resulting in odd matches when combined with eg CONTAINS queries; and unordered intervals would match duplicate subterms on the same position, so an query for UNORDERED(foo, foo) would match a document containing 'foo' only once. + LUCENE-9250: Add support for Circle2d#intersectsLine around the dateline. + LUCENE-9243: Add fudge factor when creating a bounding box of a XYCircle. + LUCENE-9239: Circle2D#WithinTriangle detects properly if a triangle is Within distance. + LUCENE-9251: Fix bug in the polygon tessellator where edges with different value on #isEdgeFromPolygon were bot filtered out properly. + LUCENE-9263: Fix wrong transformation of distance in meters to radians in Geo3DPoint. + LUCENE-9001: Fix race condition in SetOnce. + LUCENE-9030: Fix WordnetSynonymParser behaviour so it behaves similar to SolrSynonymParser. + LUCENE-9054: Fix to not overwrite junit XML files when retrying + LUCENE-9031: UnsupportedOperationException on MatchesIterator.getQuery() + LUCENE-8996: maxScore was sometimes missing from distributed grouped responses. + LUCENE-9055: Fix the detection of lines crossing triangles through edge points. + LUCENE-9103: Disjunctions can miss some hits in some rare conditions. + LUCENE-8755: spatial-extras quad and packed quad prefix trees could throw a NullPointerException for certain cell edge coordinates + LUCENE-9005: BooleanQuery.visit() would pull subVisitors from its parent visitor, rather than from a visitor for its own specific query. This could cause problems when BQ was nested under another BQ. Instead, we now pull a MUST subvisitor, pass it to any MUST subclauses, and then pull SHOULD, MUST_NOT and FILTER visitors from it rather than from the parent. + LUCENE-8831: Fixed LatLonShapeBoundingBoxQuery .hashCode methods. + LUCENE-8775: Improve tessellator to handle better cases where a hole share a vertex with the polygon. + LUCENE-8785: Ensure new threadstates are locked before retrieving the number of active threadstates. This causes assertion errors and potentially broken field attributes in the IndexWriter when IndexWriter#deleteAll is called while actively indexing. + LUCENE-8804: Forbid calls to putAttribute on frozen FieldType instances. + LUCENE-8828: Removes the buggy 'disallow overlaps' boolean from Intervals.unordered(), and replaces it with a new Intervals.unorderedNoOverlaps() method + LUCENE-8843: Don't ignore exceptions that are thrown when trying to open a file in IOUtils#fsync. + LUCENE-8835: FileSwitchDirectory now respects the file extension when listing directory contents to ensure we don't expose pending deletes if both directory point to the same underlying filesystem directory. + LUCENE-8853: FileSwitchDirectory now applies best effort to place tmp files in the same directory as the target files. + LUCENE-8892: Add missing closing parentheses in MultiBoolFunction's description() + LUCENE-8736: LatLonShapePolygonQuery returns incorrect WITHIN results with shared boundaries. Point in Polygon now correctly includes boundary points. Box and Polygon relations with triangles have also been improved to correctly include boundary points. + LUCENE-8712: Polygon2D does not detect crossings through segment edges. + LUCENE-8720: NameIntCacheLRU (in the facets module) had an int overflow bug that disabled cleaning of the cache + LUCENE-8726: ValueSource.asDoubleValuesSource() could leak a reference to IndexSearcher + LUCENE-8719: FixedShingleFilter can miss shingles at the end of a token stream if there are multiple paths with different lengths. + LUCENE-8688: TieredMergePolicy#findForcedMerges now tries to create the cheapest merges that allow the index to go down to 'maxSegmentCount' segments or less. + LUCENE-8477: Interval disjunctions could miss valid hits if some of the clauses of the disjunction are minimized away. We now rewrite intervals if a source contains a disjunction and the internal gaps matter for matching. This behaviour can be disabled if users are more interested in speed rather than accuracy of matching. + LUCENE-8741: ValueSource.fromDoubleValuesSource() was casting to Scorer instead of Scorable, leading to ClassCastExceptions + LUCENE-8754: Fix ConcurrentModificationException in SegmentInfo if attributes are accessed in MergePolicy while the merge is running + LUCENE-8765: Fixed validation of the number of added points in KD trees. * Other + LUCENE-9109: Backport some changes from master (except StackWalker) to improve TestSecurityManager + LUCENE-9110: Backport refactored stack analysis in tests to use generalized LuceneTestCase methods + LUCENE-9141: Simplify LatLonShapeXQuery API by adding a new abstract class called LatLonGeometry. Queries are executed with input objects that extend such interface. + LUCENE-9194: Simplify XYShapeXQuery API by adding a new abstract class called XYGeometry. Queries are executed with input objects that extend such interface. + LUCENE-9096: Simplification of CompressingTermVectorsWriter#flushOffsets. + LUCENE-9225: Rectangle extends LatLonGeometry so it can be used in a geometry collection. + LUCENE-8979: Code Cleanup: Use entryset for map iteration wherever possible. - Part 2 + LUCENE-8746: Refactor EdgeTree - Introduce a Component tree that represents the tree of components (e.g polygons). Edge tree is now just a tree of edges. + LUCENE-8994: Code Cleanup - Pass values to list constructor instead of empty constructor followed by addAll(). + LUCENE-9046: Fix wrong example in Javadoc of TermInSetQuery + LUCENE-8983: Add sandbox PhraseWildcardQuery to control multi-terms expansions in a phrase. + LUCENE-9067: Polygon2D#contains() is now thread safe. + LUCENE-8778 LUCENE-8911 LUCENE-8957: Define analyzer SPI names as static final fields and document the names in Javadocs. + LUCENE-8758: QuadPrefixTree: removed levelS and levelN fields which weren't used. + LUCENE-8975: Code Cleanup: Use entryset for map iteration wherever possible. + LUCENE-8993, LUCENE-8807: Changed all repository and download references in build files to HTTPS. + LUCENE-8998: Fix OverviewImplTest.testIsOptimized reproducible failure. + LUCENE-8999: LuceneTestCase.expectThrows now propogates assert/assumption failures up to the test w/o wrapping in a new assertion failure unless the caller has explicitly expected them + LUCENE-8062: GlobalOrdinalsWithScoreQuery is no longer eligible for query caching. + LUCENE-8847: Code Cleanup: Remove StringBuilder.append with concatenated strings. + LUCENE-8861: Script to find open Github PRs that needs attention + LUCENE-8852: ReleaseWizard tool for release managers + LUCENE-8838: Remove support for Steiner points on Tessellator. + LUCENE-8879: Improve BKDRadixSelector tests. + LUCENE-8886: Fix TestMutablePointsReaderUtils tests. + LUCENE-8680: Refactor EdgeTree#relateTriangle method. + LUCENE-8685: Refactor LatLonShape tests. + LUCENE-8713: Add Line2D tests. + LUCENE-8729: Workaround: Disable accessibility doclints (Java 13+), so compilation with recent JDK succeeds. + LUCENE-8725: Make TermsQuery.SeekingTermSetTermsEnum a top level class and public * Build + Upgrade forbiddenapis to version 2.7; upgrade Groovy to 2.4.17. + LUCENE-9041: Upgrade ecj to 3.19.0 to fix sporadic precommit javadoc issues * Test Framework + LUCENE-8825: CheckHits now display the shard index in case of mismatch between top hits. - Modified patches: * 0001-Disable-ivy-settings.patch * 0002-Dependency-generation.patch * lucene-java8compat.patch * lucene-osgi-manifests.patch + rediff to changed context - Added patch: * lucene-missing-dependencies.patch + patch out dependencies that are not needed for modules that we distribute + patch out dependencies on jars that we don't build + add target for the new monitor jars- Modified patch: * lucene-osgi-manifests.patch + add the OSGi manifest to queryparser module too- Modified patch: * lucene-osgi-manifests.patch + add the OSGi manifests also to modules that are currently not built due to missing dependencies- Remove a bogus log4j build dependency- Fix property Provides and Obsoletes in order to make upgrade smooth - Added patch: * lucene-osgi-manifests.patch + Patch the build to produce OSGi manifests needed by eclipse - Install the artifacts to "lucene" subdirectory and create compatibility symlinks - Install lucene-misc as archful artifact, since it contains JNI code- Upgrade to version 7.1.0 - Added patches: * 0001-Disable-ivy-settings.patch * 0002-Dependency-generation.patch + Sync with Fedora's 7.1.0 * lucene-java8compat.patch + Avoid using java9+ only functions- Remove the parent references from the pom files, since we are not building lucene using maven. - Overhaul the packaging to distribute the artifacts and the corresponding metadata and pom files in the same package - Specify runtime dependencies of the different packages - Remove version information from the artifact names- Remove the JPP prefix from pom filenames- Remove dependency on jline, because nothing in the build uses it- Require the different apache-commons-* packages instead of jakarta-commons-*- Do not require asm to build. Nothing depends on it- Minimum supported java is 1.8- Remove unused "%package javadoc" declaration block. - Trim filler words from descriptions. Say a thing about features.- Update to version 6.6.0: + See for a full list of changes. - Drop patches that are no longer applicable or needed: + lucene-no-classpath-in-manifest.patch + lucene-no-get.patch + lucene-2.3.0-db-javadoc.patch - Add BuildRequires: antlr-java, apache-commons-codec, apache-ivy, asm, fdupes, git - Replace SOURCE0 by full source URL. - Update to changed list of non-core modules: + Update source URL's for corresponding pom files. + Update %%install section to reflect changed list + Each module corresponds to a subpackage, named according to its jar file (except lucene which corresponds to the main jar file lucene-core-%{version}.jar). - Adapt file list to changes.- New build dependency: javapackages-local- Fix build with new javapackages-toolsibs-centriq-3 16773288698.5.0-150200. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// ERROR: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored (Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract Java archive data (JAR))ASCII textexported SGML document, ASCII textPRPPRRRL b2-\utf-87d2333b874a393ab96c45b61d602291fa3d6214a8603b524c8bb7121e44a82e9? 7zXZ !t/k] crt:bLL %4)1RG=3WNlS*-QtmJP5bAte?BX'(CB0+Qh;Ln9|fzTIHS"Wa4ֲ9Er9Cʱ9dpkGRZ  ƈLQΜe-mZ" XP!|`&ɋ{\uv7Z,(hWNb)Aط@e~o(pC#MQ;}Y3.;))z:>,i!HhGP;7>j]&Bh1"+U9TL x\3**z18m1<-5p;Un[u. nGY'%2VG̅V4:UW#7{|]^#-xzLzG @> L^HW$'=0z3;O^(3ƨ Ej"k .mVh=A dlex \\敇o &L๓sR\= Ձ/-&!n v iuб(<`:Q-\+i.6Ḯ1TÅV΋kl8r$vڂv }aZ48~CSa%B̉3diNS7u ~G(G~,MH׌ۖV[&P j=9<8B-fYک&6JZGs7qZ}WRnJPuy1E/(i5E5a>`L"5㯌:È= 0U}%? 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