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The actual driver bit is quite limited, most of the work is done by libinput, the driver itself passes on the events (and wrangles them a bit where needed).eibs-power9-11,=SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIThttps://www.suse.com/System/X11/Servers/XF86_4https://xorg.freedesktop.orglinuxppc64le<AA큤A큤eeeeed%xec3ac41f50c1bc3052b8fc8bda633fde6c40781c6043bb8743c55c8bfd1411c6a4f28befd5e00e2567027c96bdb3f1b2ebc9032240e66b73a04ed1c87189f5a184114220b281561e80f3422f0e7ae8d3e1fc85131ffc2e3b6265119e66f1adb274d724d975dcf87761eb5589f000b9c6201d5d6591fad4158ecf664eafefc0021rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootxf86-input-libinput-1.4.0-150600.1.3.src.rpmlibinput_drv.so()(64bit)xf86-input-libinputxf86-input-libinput(ppc-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    X11_ABI_XINPUTlibc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit)libinput.so.10()(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_0.12.0)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_0.14.0)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_0.19.0)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_0.20.0)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_0.21.0)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.1)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.11)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.15)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.19)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.2)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.23)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.3)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.4)(64bit)libinput.so.10(LIBINPUT_1.5)(64bit)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) xorg-x11-driver-input7.64.14.3dd,@a@aaa`2a\>@aHw`"@`y|@`lM@`KW^@][]@1@\X)@[ā@[E@ZJ@ZZľ@YYKY@Y i@XCX@XN@X @X@WSW$Wڍ@W!@WKV>@V{@VpV0V@UAU@Uz@Ut2@U`kU:0@U7@U-@U bjorn.lie@gmail.comsndirsch@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comdmueller@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comzaitor@opensuse.orgsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comzaitor@opensuse.orgtobias.johannes.klausmann@mni.thm.dezaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgsndirsch@suse.comzaitor@opensuse.orgsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comzaitor@opensuse.orgtobias.johannes.klausmann@mni.thm.dezaitor@opensuse.orgsndirsch@suse.commpluskal@suse.comzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgsndirsch@suse.comsndirsch@suse.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comtobias.johannes.klausmann@mni.thm.de- Update to version 1.4.0: * Tablets now have BTN_STYLUS3 mapped to X button 8 (i.e. the first usable one after the LMR buttons). * Tablet now have the left-handed property available so we can actually change them to left-handed.- Update to version 1.3.0 The main feature in this version is support for the new 'custom' pointer acceleration profile in libinput 1.23.0. This acceleration profile is quite flexible, so it is exposed via several properties: - "libinput Accel Custom Fallback Points" and "libinput Accel Custom Fallback Step" - "libinput Accel Custom Motion Points" and "libinput Accel Custom Motion Step" - "libinput Accel Custom Scroll Points" and "libinput Accel Custom Scroll Points" For details on what these mean, please see the man page and the libinput documentation: https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/pointer-acceleration.html In addition, the "libinput Accel Profiles Available" and "libinput Accel Profile Enabled" properties have been expanded to 3 values. For backwards compatibility, the "libinput Accel Profile Enabled" continues to support setting 2 values only.- Enable tarball sig url too, verify tarball via keyring.- Update to version 1.2.1 * few typos and misc minor fixes * property added to turn off new high-resolution wheel scrolling API- enable build on s390x (JIRA#SLE-18632)- reverted previous change; the issue was broken ckb-next, not the usage of libinput v120 API (boo#1190646)- switch to libinput v120 API broke the driver, so disable it for now via patching config.h in specfile after running configure (boo#1190646)- Update to version 1.2.0 * This release introduces support for touchpad gestures that will be available as part of X server 21.1. Additionally high-resolution scrolling data is now acquired from libinput if available and sent downstream to X server. The default scroll distance has been bumped to 120 in the process, but this should not affect correctly written clients.- Update to version 1.1.0 * This release adds a new driver-specific option: ScrollPixelDistance. This option converts movement "pixels" from libinput into the server's "scroll unit" definition and can thus help speeding up or slowing down two-finger/edge scrolling.- Update to version 1.0.1 * Only one fix, the code to set the tap button mapping property didn't correctly check for a valid device, causing memory corruption and a crash if called after a device was disabled. Or, in more user-friendly terms: if your X session crashed after calling `xinput disable $touchpad-device`, this release has the fix for it.- Update to version 1.0.0 * The biggest change here is the license change to MIT. Due to an unfortunate copy/paste error, the actual license text used was the Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer license. With the ack of the various contributors, the driver is now using the MIT license text as intended. The actual impact is low, the HPND is virtually identical to the MIT license anyway (ianal, consult your legal dept if you have one). * The only other notable change: cancelled touch points are now lifted correctly. Where libinput cancels a touch, e.g. in response to a palm being detected, the touch point previously got stuck in the down state. This is fixed now.- refresh spec file (move licenses to licensedir)- Update to version 0.30.0 * Only one noticeable change: the scroll button lock configuration option available in recent libinput versions is now exposed as the usual set of properties by this driver.- Update to version 0.29.0 * Only one real fix: we now check for the tool type as well as the serial when we create subdevices for tablet tools. Previously there were some cases where the eraser device wasn't created correctly.- move xorg.conf.d snippet from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692)- Update to version 0.28.2 * This release contains a bugfix that will likely trigger in future releases of libinput. The driver assumed wrongly that any wheel event has a nonzero discrete event and used the discrete as a divisor. Which is obviously a bad idea, mathematically speaking, because you never know what the future will bring. Hint: it will bring wheel events with a discrete of zero.- Update to version 0.28.1 * Only two commits, only one that really matters: previously the driver used the per-device slot number to fetch the tracking IDs from a driver-internal array. Because devices re-use slots, this could cause a tracking ID mismatch when two touchscreens had the finger down at the same time. This is now fixed by switching to libinput's seat-wide slot number instead.- Update to version 0.28.0 * This version adds a feature to expose the touch count for touch devices through the X device. It makes it possible for clients to adjust their UI based on the number of supported touches by this device. * Also, the draglock code had a bug and would call memset with an invalid size, causing memory corruption. You're advised to update, especially if you expect someone to use the draglock options.- Update to version 0.27.1 * Just one bugfix, a regression introduced by the new property handling in 0.27.0 caused the property to toggle left-handed to not be initialized on all devices that required it. - supersedes U_Fix-left-handed-property.patch- Add U_Fix-left-handed-property.patch: Fix "left handed" property not set on all pointers (fdo#105667).- Update to version 0.27 * The libinput driver splits libinput devices into multiple X devices (e.g. a mouse and a keyboard device) and then routes the events accordingly. In the case where there is a user- specific on one device, a VT switch or suspend/resume cycle sometimes overwrote the configuration with the devices in-order, resulting in the loss of that configuration. e.g. if the keyboard device resumes after the mouse device, the natural scroll setting may get overwritten with the default. This is fixed now. And a note to the man page, we don't support specifying devices as /dev/input/by-id or /dev/input/by-path. It's not worth the effort, so at least point this out in the man page.- Update to version 0.26 * A few patches that have been sitting on master for a while, of which two are documentation patches. The most interesting patch is for tablets: previously we didn't send a separate motion event before the button event which caused some clients to trigger the button event on the previous stylus position. - obsoletes U_Only-initialize-properties.patch- Add U_Only-initialize-properties.patch: Only initialize properties that match capabilities on a subdevice (fdo#100900).- Leap 42.3 merge * boo#1039812- Update to version 0.25.1 * Just one patch that's been sitting on master for a while now - after a proximity event we immediately post a motion event. This avoids the lines between the last known point before proximity out and the new point.- Update to version 0.25.0 * fixing two bugs with tablet pad modes on kernel 4.9 and later. First, we never successfully opened the sysfs files representing the LEDs, so they didn't update as the kernel would change them. Second, had we opened them correctly we would've likely crashed as the property update would have been sent from within the input thread. Both issues are fixed now, together with a fix for a test case failure for ppc64/aarch64.- Update to version 0.24.0: + Tablets now support a configurable pressure curve. + Tablets now have a 'area ratio' setting to be able to match the tablet aspect ratio with that of the screen. + The mouse wheel's click angle now (correctly) affects how fast the scroll wheel triggers. In particular, if you have a wheel with a very small click angle, it won't trigger for every click anymore.- Update to version 0.23.0: A couple of cleanups, no big features added. Most of this was in the property handling code. The most visible fix is that we now handle addition of initially disabled devices correctly, i.e. when a device is plugged in while the server is VT-switched away. In the non-logind case this previously caused a segfault. Our tablet support is good enough that we now match against tablets too. The xorg.conf.d sort order means that if you have the wacom driver installed, that driver will take over. Otherwise, libinput will handle tablets.- Update to version 0.22.0: + Fix the new tap button map option handling. + When the first device was removed (and subsequently freed by the server) the input thread would continue to call that device's read_input() func, eventually causing a crash. - Drop U_xf86-input-libinput-Fix_tap_button_map_option_handling.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add upstream patch to fix touchpad when lmr option is used: U_xf86-input-libinput-Fix_tap_button_map_option_handling.patch. Fixes fdo#97989.- Update to version 0.20.0: + Most important fix is the use of input_lock() instead of the old SIGIO stuff to handle the input thread in server 1.19. + This version now supports tablet pads and exposes properties for changing the tap button mapping and the rotation. - Rebase n_enable-tapping.patch. - Pass --with-xorg-conf-dir to configure and modify spec following upstream changes.- install the driver by default; added "Supplements: xorg-x11-server" for this (bnc#999098)- Update to version 0.19.1: + One of the property names had a clear typo in it, "Horizonal" instead of "Horizontal". This update corrects this property name. + A second patch was snuck in to avoid bug messages when submitting button numbers beyond what we can handle in the protocol.- Update to version 0.19.0 One significant change that affects packagers: the config snippet has been renamed from 90-libinput.conf to 60-libinput.conf. This should not show any immediate effects on most user's machines but there is a slight potential of user configurations to change if their custom snippets now sort after libinput instead of before. This change is part of the two-step solution to fix the handling of wacom tablets when the libinput driver is present. Previously, the libinput driver would overwrite any driver assigned to any supported devices. While it does not yet bind to tablet devices by default, some tablets also look like a keyboard, causing those devices to stop working. For those devices, the wacom driver is the better option. Since the X server is lacking an option to conditionally bind InputClass snippets based on current values (git master has a NoMatch* option), the safe alternative is to bump the libinput priority down and, at the same time, bump the wacom driver's priority up. For the cases where the wacom driver should not handle any device, simply uninstalling it is sufficient. - refreshed n_enable-tapping.patch- Update to version 0.18.0: This release adds support for tablet tool devices. Now, this support should be taken with a grain of salt, it works differently to the xf86-input-wacom driver and thus some capability differences can be observed: First, pad support is still missing, i.e. you cannot use the buttons on the tablet bit itself. There are no specific configuration options just yet, and the way we are aiming for libinput support, many of the options you are used to may not exist ever. The most important part: tool support is handled dynamically. As a tool is first brought into proximity, a new X device is created for that tool only (no multiplexing of tools through the same X device). Clients may expect a static list of tools, so for those you will need to bring the tool into proximity before starting the client. In short, do not use this driver for tablets on production workstations yet.- Update to version 0.17.0: + Fix compiler warnings about missing tablet event cases. + Add property/option for enabling/disabling tap-n-drag. + Fix default tapping drag lock property value. + Allow hotplugging a device immediately. + Change creating subdevices to something more generic.- Update to version 0.16.0: This release fixes a long-standing issue with mixed devices that expose a pointer and a keyboard interface at the same time. X requires a strict separation between pointers and keyboards, these devices were usually initialized as pointers and exhibited some keyboard functionality issues (e.g. XKB layouts didn't get applied correctly). With this release, the xorg libinput driver splits such devices into multiple X devices, one for the keyboard and one for the pointer, routing the events as necessary and thus fixing those issues. - Changes to package: + Remove patch U_xf86_input_libinput_mem_leak_fix.patch: included in this release.- Add U_xf86_input_libinput_mem_leak_fix.patch: Plug two memory leaks, patch from upstream git. - Correct minimum version of BuildRequires pkgconfig(libinput).- Update to version 0.15.0: This release adds new properties to select the pointer acceleration profile. See the libinput documentation for more details http://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/pointer-acceleration.html Note that this driver now installs a xorg.conf.d snippet in the usual locations. This snippet will assign libinput to mouse, touchpad, keyboard and touch devices but will skip tablets and joysticks (we don't support thoss in libinput yet). The filename of the snippet means it will sort after evdev and synaptics and thus override either driver. - n_enable-tapping.patch * enables tapping for touchpads in upstream xorg.conf.d snippet - removed superseded xorg.conf.d snippet- Add gpg signature- Update to version 0.14.0: + Rename a local variable to not shadow the BSD strmode(3) function. + Remove unneeded header, epoll(7) interface is not directly used. + Rename main source file to x86libinput.c. + gitignore: add patterns for automake test suite and misc other bits. + Add drag lock support. + Add an option to disable horizontal scrolling. + Revamp server fd opening. + Use xf86OpenSerial instead of a direct open() call. + Fix typo in libinput.man.- Update to version 0.13.0: + Fix compiler warnings about touchpad gestures. + man: minor man page improvements. + Add a property for Disable While Typing.- Update to version 0.12.0: + Support buttons > BTN_BACK on mice. + Add a property for tap drag lock. - Drop autoconf, automake and libtool BuildRequires, also stop running autoreconf before configure. They were needed in the past but we do not carry any patches anymore. - Remove emtpy post/postun sections.- Update to version 0.11.0: + Only init abs axes if we don't have acceleration. + Use the new unaccelerated valuator ValuatorMask features. + Fix missing scroll methods default/scroll button property.- Update to version 0.10.0: + Group scroll distances into a struct. + Add option "ButtonMapping" (fdo#90206). + man: add two linebreaks to make things easier to visually parse. + Move the option parsing into helper functions. + Add a property for middle button emulation.- xf86-input-libinput 0.9.0 * A couple of cosmetic changes but one addition of a new set of properties: properties named "libinput something Default" show the libinput default for a device. For example: libinput Click Methods Available (284): 1, 1 libinput Click Method Enabled (285): 0, 1 libinput Click Method Enabled Default (286): 1, 0 This device has software buttons and clickfingers available, clickfingers is currently enabled, software buttons is the default for this device.- no longer install driver package by default, i.e. commented out "Supplements: xorg-x11-server" in specfile - 90-libinput.conf: enable tapping on touchpads by default (http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2015-04/msg00233.html)- Install license in main package - Install 90-libinput.conf config file (boo#926942)- New package xf86-input-libinput with initial version 0.8.0: xf86-input-libinput is a libinput-based X.Org driver. The actual driver bit is quite limited, most of the work is done by libinput, the driver itself passes on the events (and wrangles them a bit where needed).ibs-power9-11 17099561231.4.0-150600. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.suse.de/SUSE:SLE-15-SP6:GA/standard/320a9023dedb53d89ed181ed56dd9a75-xf86-input-libinputcpioxz5ppc64le-suse-linuxdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=7635372a13d9c61ba1f2b864b2f995d66d3864f6, strippedASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)PRRRR R R RR RRRRRR RRRX]/+<,xorg-x11-serverutf-873d9e5e4a3a3d72b84f88cdef40ef8e539f10a8fa30921d4b3fd13d971a87a00?7zXZ !t/0ߙ] crt:bLL 'D&wΩ/"BYVKacۨ?46+$eʭ(D5 l&i+ P\Վ?:tbWϾ/M7m1tհE޺p+Rc&Xh 'g(OV1ZE>ÜɄ[u1+D-չ c1Gp#ŜҠ5&^RH(}܋)YgKk/=foY`xVrB,5q,,&lmɔ[BB|Wnh%Dd* qדU {0 ynN,Qn/ >05wMȢW*;l|=Af`?e+=c FgxiћI^$=N+,nDpi*:2m { h~ ݠ?W` -XWb,OPmgh}} 4#]do 9DSTE@o߬(+5,R D|1ř}]}u[DR,^T 1^EQƐ7V 61vе(`kzgݦ0;:߿No0:Q4P/[0;pٴYŀ%ej,3Z2O& 8 {YRmxz=5B >}-Q95;6UPnN/YUmz6R8X.i6NG.(ܼ\Q>_0ѡh:<'vTU.$ pfH Jg˘G b_pEP$TNlTA0q=u}qP8u=^ʭX[bM_jLWyҐڅ{=R ;3فEUn*J;S߄(uQ}l,8"|ĔK#5{",ˢmShv hPe9NT3صTB@uqоCS2*iDvLܲ +, ‘)$t,THui;X,iiƣ V Xk~#u-ê'?"8=P;`llYnOu;&5 ]z`ojU]t n)+ѽjC)l*o܂I}:  }$>,&]gF5LeG7+&]׮hAHǬzʨmwS)*!'>s2*09>9 %v<5qķ½ ␱邡_X6z6OA5eJ3&O4_Y]֫Mqړ:{\grfw/HrL7Z7bZ$u,B ^qΓx?ǵE{t惦û!9I|<*D~:,.maJLXӀX#1o"]9LZ{-`<̟>CL5DXr;Ƅ5#!c'ऒ)Bĉ(._bm77Dnv2TUU lp3Zf+pɟcm'yBXx%0,Qv=M 5KO׭ r>XLpf*sQ{/Srf,.Mde3^(I˯'}| `JI!Cͣr*64rV߸YuPů?'6rX)VԆC?/UKj ̾E%1e7*;aP:EQ4㼑4T4Eеv~)' vE{VegiCl!PϬaއe^l~=(['Nx캨%Sk$_eˤ@6EP,TDHQdhB 0vՊ)Hj=>{/"!I ~Qn' Ήl܏X \ =-zHc6GH:pcl k>sr;J\U7nVGRAgKCc쮤8%!k4~ ,lK9T:p-eP*?o Z&|pt_C< n}tq&'QD:%bbav>[jMD裂ߊgF%MJPrLк w=BVcb'=p{°"o-|o.h'i8j( r/ՠ&&:1)gj@FUGc9BtHȵ![f+: 74âwNj< sxK]I{k94;ƣQlq6Hz3sUNqv@|Xކ5-.cTàJŀ7,4C0I.sCP <.A4/<~r tSDЬ/,!۳%;38@LV?q `\WphMs.Z!\~7+/Jh8k%V~!E)&Gϕ:~UM)e4 Lpt!&s}#d͆N5'ۑTY:h<l1ǐ'p:yƎ2AE#р<uwBƥd9u9ؒTbVf*A Q FM$vk>} );r9 ӯ"Td>5MW _$vd Q}/xly*GK[,o ׭iA}0+gܾRՇ-]C&3ܖ8; 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