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Berry opensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgStephan Kulow opensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgopensuse-releaseteam@opensuse.orgJimmy Berry 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Update to version 20230928.864b176: * Disable aggregating over financial year- Update to version 20230925.6075c72: * ttm: Check for build success of containerfile_products before releasing * ttm: Print the full list of missing products before exiting- Update to version 20230925.04febcb: * Add review-team review on meta packages- Update to version 20230918.9d6c197: * Don't skip various checks and reviews for non-spec packages- Update to version 20230912.fe4936c: * Remove unused IBS release pipelines * Add ALP installer pipelines- Update to version 20230912.75e93b7: * Attempt to publish BCI repos more often- Update to version 20230829.44bcd82: * Don't crash when trying to fetch owner for 404 devel prjs- Update to version 20230828.37393de: * gocd: add checkers for ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 * gocd: add stagings for ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 * gocd: remove old LEO group- Update to version 20230828.02a6b36: * Switch Leap dashboard to 15.6- Update to version 20230824.337d2ce: * gocd: enable SP6 jobs on BCI- Update to version 20230823.3d34cbb: * Fix E721: Use isinstance instead of comparing types- Update to version 20230822.4be49e9: * add Leap 15.6 publish_distro config- Update to version 20230815.03a7aaa: * version_calculate: chdir to the osclib dir- Update to version 20230811.65a86bd: * publish_distro config for Leap Micro 5.5- Update to version 20230810.166affb: * factory-package-news: walk through every directory in the iso image- Update to version 20230809.3232664: * factory-package-news: use a nicer name for the forcestr function- Update to version 20230804.9200c9e: * factory-package-news: support newer python3 rpm bindings- Update to version 20230801.82c067d: * Don't specify flavors for Leap 15.4 appliances- Update to version 20230731.178896c: * Add LeapMicro 5.5 pipelines- Update to version 20230729.e576376: * added 15 SP5 QR- Update to version 20230726.2a0b30a: * gocd: Run BCI RepoPublisher at 9:23 daily * gocd: Add missing directory to BCI RepoPublisher pipeline- Update to version 20230725.2253789: * Don't include ignored errors in rebuildpacs.yaml- Update to version 20230721.2396b32: * docs/staging: remove obsolete references * Add backup server URL and update source map- Update to version 20230721.2d37d5b: * gocd: enable Leap 15.6 checkers * Revert temporary fixups, these are working now * Add a simple smoke test launching all scripts with --help * Require typing_extensions on SLE & Leap * Fallback import Literal & TypedDict from typing_extension- Update to version 20230721.3301485: * Add BCI repo publishing bot- Update to version 20230721.5bc933b: * gocd: fix image names for Dolomite- Update to version 20230718.15a1347: * stagingapi: fix execution with OSC 1.x- Update to version 20230718.1252857: * gocd: rename alp micro to Dolomite- Update to version 20230711.3bf8fdf: * Fix review_mode being set from a str and not from the enum- Update to version 20230710.395857d: * Remove unused variable * Convert namedtuples into a typed NamedTuples * Raise a concrete exception type, not the generic exception base class * ReviewBot: convert REVIEW_CHOICES into an enum * Add some type hints- Update to version 20230710.b1b5536: * Update SLE Micro to 5.5- Update to version 20230704.bb6afc9: * Update checkers,stagings and target pipelines for SLE15 (SP5 -> SP6)- Update to version 20230629.009689f: * gocd/ Ignore projects without a staging setup- Update to version 20230629.3b612be: * Cleanups for accepting scm-staging bot submissions- Update to version 20230627.8b1c308: * check_source: fix condition checking for for git packaging- Update to version 20230627.8db5f62: * Don't decline SRs from non-devel project for scmsync packages from the bot * Add type hints to action_ methods of ReviewBot- Update to version 20230622.459489f: * gocd: Add Leap 15.5 to the Vagrant publisher- Update to version 20230621.d0aaa85: * dist: Add python3-requests- Update to version 20230619.f8254e9: * Add prefix for agama so botmaster notifies openQA about builds- Update to version 20230619.bd7d620: * Handle empty configuration values properly- Update to version 20230616.d798b51: * Switch to Leap 15.5- Update to version 20230615.97267e1: * Add armv7l to 15.4- Update to version 20230615.59e3288: * dist: Pick osc from repo built against published Tumbleweed- Update to version 20230615.82c9054: * Set 15.5 as latest- Update to version 20230613.f09ff89: * Honour installcheck-ignore-conflicts config * target_packages is a dict, not a list * Move some code out of a with block- Update to version 20230606.7297d89: * also monitor the SUSE:ALP repositories- Update to version 20230606.893b74f: * Schedule Leap15.5 updates tests- Update to version 20230605.f39ef8f: * Move script to gunicorn- Update to version 20230605.bf97015: * fixed pipe line name * added ALP.Target group to the list * dist: fix rpm scriptlets call to systemd_postun * Add ALP Micro image release- Update to version 20230602.41b6a00: * dist: fix rpm scriptlets call to systemd_postun- Update to version 20230525.002c3c0: * Add Leap 15.5 to access metrics- Update to version 20230523.bb5a644: * Drop redundant `unique_product_flavor` * Do not drop the database on every run * Fixes * Refactor 'unique_product' object * Fix merging and syntax errors * Write points with flavor tag * Parse flavor type to cached data * Aggregate unique flavor access data- Update to version 20230512.422701c: * devel-project: limit request has review state only- Update to version 20230420.372c67d: * Detect some edge cases in check_required_by- Update to version 20230419.c0f2057: * Filter out access logs with error code- Update to version 20230418.aebe39c: * Publish kiwi-templates-Minimal-s390x for SLE15- Update to version 20230411.8639ce3: * Support file deps in boolean dependencies- Update to version 20230411.f596472: * Add 15.5, remove 15.3- Update to version 20230411.7f92b23: * Fix the OBS CI workflow (#2950)- Update to version 20230411.363c84c: * dist: Package osrt-repo2fileprovides- Update to version 20230411.816d0eb: * Add snobol4 to whitelist- Update to version 20230406.c548870: * Add Update to version 20230329.af36a03: * osclib: Skip debuginfo, debugsource and src rpms in fileinfo_ext_all * Remove try/catch around code which must not fail * Rewrite core algorithm of * Fix links handling- Update to version 20230324.4a241c4: * Allow cleanup_rings without locking the stagings * Expand whitelist * Look at all enabled images- Update to version 20230323.0d10247: * Handle deletion of packages with _multibuild (#2943)- Update to version 20230315.982c565: * pkglistgen: handle published repos using sha512 nistead of sha256- Update to version 20230314.143a171: * skippkg-finder: add conditionals support for the product ftp-tree- Update to version 20230309.7eca6b9: * Drop flavors in Leap155 appliances- Update to version 20230309.8252602: * add eruby generated pkglistgen.opensuse.gocd.yaml * remove pkglistgen for leap16 completely * Comment out skippkgfinder for now * Initial Leap 16.0 pkglistgen- Update to version 20230309.846b7c0: * dashboard: leap: fix openQA IDs- Update to version 20230303.db6249f: * gocd: add Micro and Bedrock packagelistgenerator call- Update to version 20230303.e6dbbae: * Create new pipeline to deploy sle-prjmgr-tools scripts- Update to version 20230303.08e0489: * Switch testing from Leap 15.3 to openSUSE Leap 15.4- Update to version 20230303.85a08f7: * Fix handling of preinstall images- Update to version 20230302.a0cb736: * Port from mock to unittest.mock- Update to version 20230210.1cf4e6b: * leapmicro: fix the wrong Leap Micro version in RelPkgs pipeline- Update to version 20230209.cdbe773: * Update totestmanager.gocd.yaml.erb * Add LeapMicro 5.4 pipelines- Update to version 20230202.cbaa2d4: * Release the multibuild container itself, that will cover all flavors- Update to version 20230202.d737b9f: * Tag the previous image in the cleanup script * Add cleanup script running at night on botmaster- Update to version 20230131.9980d01: * Remove trailing whitespace in gocd/ * Port over more uses of Request.get_creator()- Update to version 20230130.8e810cc: * More gocd errors in the new SLE pipelines * Fix gocd config ident - listing a stage as a job * gocd: Add parametrized pipeline for automatic release * gocd: Add parallel stage for totest release- Update to version 20230129.a7da0b8: * Don't schedule Leap 15.3 tests in O3- Update to version 20230125.2b3c045: * Allow specifying a devel project that has "Factory" in its name- Update to version 20230125.2c0e252: * Add explicit deprecation warning- Update to version 20230125.be71541: * Handle special DVD+Image BUILD values in SLE Micro Staging jobs- Update to version 20230125.61fdf0f: * accept_command: cleanup redundant ports_prjs assignment- Update to version 20230125.394f8ee: * use request.creator rather than request.get_creator() which is deprecated * Use old function to pass tests * Restore old xpathsearch for fullhistory searches * Use the 15.4 container * Fixes for osc-1.x- Update to version 20230125.29aed3c: * Make REGEX_LINE backwards compatible * Fix regex for access logs parsing- Update to version 20230125.4d5b976: * Switch to 15.4, 15.3 has been deleted- Update to version 20230124.c53e264: * gocd/ Always include flavor, name and machine in the check- Update to version 20230110.5f7806f: * Switch to ci-test.yml to actions/checkout@v3 and codecov/codecov-action@v3 * Drop gocd pipelines for 15.3- Update to version 20230105.9011ec4: * consistency: remove .sh suffix from * add set -e to remaining openh264 scripts as well * add set -e to not hide any failures * add openh264 tools into * reflect change in script name * fix date pattern %M->%m * Add date into archive name * Spellcheck from cboltz * Use instead * Scriptw for manual release workflow of OpenH264- Update to version 20230103.b4e2549: * retab publish_distro * check_source_tests: Adopt expected error to latest changes * Fix E741 ('l' may look like 'I') * More fixes for editor config compliance * gocd: Apply editorconfig standards * publish_distro_conf: Apply editor config standards * Validate that the files match the editor config- Update to version 20230102.e49b449: * dashboard: remove 15.3 (EOL)- Update to version 20221216.84941bd: * gocd: ensure timeout is set for packagelist generation- Update to version 20221213.82ee694: * dashboard: add openQA information to Legacy x86- Update to version 20221212.41dbcc8: * dashboard: Add LegacyX86 port and sort the list * staging_accept: update Factory version in LegacyX86 port on accept- Update to version 20221212.5effc63: * retab the line use spaces instead * publish_distro add --now to set PUBLISH_DELAY=0- Update to version 20221130.db5d69f: * gocd: drop SUSE:ALP:ARM project from pkglistgen- Update to version 20221129.8ed5c06: * Update publish_distro_conf/publish_leap155_appliances.config * Limit flavors to just one * Use correct Minimal-VM reference * comment out 15.5 flavors that do not build yet- Update to version 20221128.1e849ff: * ignore more jar version of yaml validator * gocd: add more subprojects to ALP pkglistgen- Update to version 20221125.1eb9923: * gocd: Add configuration for openSUSE:Factory:LegacyX86- Update to version 20221124.c0644df: * readd ToTest 15.4_ARM manager- Update to version 20221124.fd471a3: * ci: Adjust path to memcached as done in the package- Update to version 20221124.a808aa2: * gocd/ Also try to match disk images (#2888) * gocd/ Ignore isos which don't have an OpenQAMapping- Update to version 20221123.d483a44: * gocd/ Ignore jobs in "Development" groups * gocd/ Add --dry option * gocd/ Remove unused parameters- Update to version 20221117.de9316e: * gocd: fix another double quote in BCI- Update to version 20221117.db274c7: * gocd: fix typo in BCI release pipeline- Update to version 20221117.6e6e1ec: * Move comment out of the value block - script executor plugin doesn't like it * Update version of the config plugin * Update SLE Micro to 5.4 * gocd: change erb template file and not just the generated file * include review feedback and adapt script for SP5 * gocd: allow to publish SLE BCI repository using a token- Update to version 20221111.5c2645c: * Improve bs_mirrorfull help text- Update to version 20221111.ffbab4f: * Adapt check_source test to latest source validator output * check_bugowner: Don't get tripped over trailing space- Update to version 20221111.8fe27f7: * Move the copy & pasted bci blocks into a template- Update to version 20221111.37857f9: * Added BCI 15SP5 parts- Update to version 20221025.1ef34941: * add configuration for ALP staging- Update to version 20221025.f4999b32: * Don't hard code bash as interpreter for source_validator scripts- Update to version 20221024.39e322e2: * gocd: add openSUSE:Leap:15.4:Images to pkglistgen pipeline for the Leap 15.4 CR- Update to version 20221020.4765ffae: * osclib: Correct syntax error in typing * osclib: Submit summary-staging.txt to the devel project * osclib: Add typehints * ignore: venv, vscode and IDEA config directories- Update to version 20221013.5e2a1716: * pkglistgen: Convert sections to class * Docs: Fix typos * pkglistgen: Add type annotations * osclib: Add type annotations- Update to version 20221013.21411e52: * Fix the syncing of rebuild failures for multibuild flavors- Update to version 20220929.aad22912: * Check 'textmode' test on 15.4- Update to version 20220914.8eb34c45: * Remove publish_distro dependency on python-mb- Update to version 20220914.7abe1a52: * skippkg-finder: remove installation-images from the forbidden list- Update to version 20220902.9ea68a61: * TTM: Do not save SeenIssues if they didn't change * TTM: Add log message for changing status- Update to version 20220901.e6d11c4d: * dashboard: Remove Leap Micro 5.2 * dashboard: add Leap 15.5 * check_source: expand check_source be able to handle Leap/Backports submission * Ignore starting white space in bugowner lines- Update to version 20220829.5a8f3dbe: * Add test for group in bugowner line- Update to version 20220829.fc36daa0: * gocd: Increase the timeout for Legal.Import pipeline * Set timeout on the suse checkers- Update to version 20220829.a5ef99ba: * Fix E275: missing whitespace around keywords * Setup for SLE15 SP4 Quarterly Update- Update to version 20220829.80f24611: * Use HTTP GET for /search/request/id API endpoint- Update to version 20220826.f861a750: * Trigger aarch64 updates jobs- Update to version 20220826.79f900e7: * publish_distro: Provide missing link target in %files- Update to version 20220823.34659a46: * install and link publish_dist- Update to version 20220811.b3ea77e9: * project-installcheck: Don't record unresolvables/fails during building- Update to version 20220811.a79aecee: * MirrorCache does not require mb makehashes * Add publish-distro subpackage to spec * Add basic README for publish_distro * Correct publish_distro_conf path in * Copy of publish_distro configuration 817e024 * Add basic docs to the script * Add short summary to publish_distro * Move publish_distro 817e024 into openSUSE-release-tools- Update to version 20220811.ed451591: * Fix cache handling with osc from git master- Update to version 20220810.97f838f2: * StagingBot: call staging rebuild first (support random fails) and handle Factory:NonFree- Update to version 20220809.46872b13: * Do not fail when there is no cloud image to be released to TEST- Update to version 20220805.0414dd16: * gocd: keep LEO group name in botmaster * gocd: more rename from LEO to ALP * gocd: LEO is replaced with ALP- Update to version 20220804.2601ff93: * Dont use garbled patches for test fixture- Update to version 20220804.db4d05c0: * Change MicroOS announcer email addresses- Update to version 20220729.5c03f149: * Enable Leap 15.5 rebuild-trigger- Update to version 20220728.5b31dfff: * Enable Leap 15.5 TTM * Enable 15.5 and SLE15 SP5 Backports- Update to version 20220722.0fe292df: * Update for SLE15.Target- Update to version 20220718.1fe31ebf: * gocd: Fix previous change - comments don't work in scripts * gocd: Don't run staging-bot for SP5 (for now)- Update to version 20220715.4fd15522: * rabbit-openqa: If OSRT:OpenQAMapping contains garbage, just continue- Update to version 20220714.70a1c647: * Add Micro 5.3 into ttm * Add LeapMicro 5.3 bot configuration- Update to version 20220706.9b973c9b: * Update checkers and stagings pipelines for SLE15 (SP4 -> SP5)- Update to version 20220624.4137841c: * ci/testenv-tumbleweed: Add scm-obs-bridge for source_checker to container * package: require git-scm-bridge by osrt-check-source- Update to version 20220620.4d3c1856: * freeze: always disable images repository after freeze- Update to version 20220620.11235ac0: * ALP:Enable autosync- Update to version 20220608.67d65358: * Make 15.4 stable- Update to version 20220603.05ff2914: * Run gocd/ * Remove all Kubic tooling- Update to version 20220531.bd5f1a56: * dockerhub-publisher.gocd.yaml: Use this repo for now * dockerhub-publisher.yaml -> dockerhub-publisher.gocd.yaml- Update to version 20220531.7e00d7d8: * Introduce a new docker-publisher bot- Update to version 20220531.932157b8: * Use consistent URL for openSUSE-release-tools.git- Update to version 20220526.eab9dc70: * skippkg-finder: ignore skelcd-control only on Leap project- Update to version 20220525.a1ba599c: * Update Micro IBS project (Micro53) in botmaster- Update to version 20220524.5a34df44: * Schedule Leap15.4 maintenance updates- Update to version 20220512.551f2f3e: * Fix packages released to containers repo * Add annotations to the dashboard * Add annotation datasources * Add annotations for Leap 15.4 * Update product pattern for Leap 15.4 * Recreate the database on each run- Update to version 20220511.d5ce68f7: * dashboard: Add openSUSE:Leap:Micro:5.2:Images- Update to version 20220510.47294604: * Add support to containerfile repo to SLE15- Update to version 20220415.b52c5a26: * TTM: add openSUSE:Leap:Micro:5.2:Images to pipeline for appliance and containerfile- Update to version 20220413.aa57b28b: * dashboard: Add Leap 5.2 micro- Update to version 20220413.218122dd: * skippkg-finder: remove unneeded package from the matches list- Update to version 20220411.23ca4c85: * Write points to the DB only at the end of interval- Update to version 20220408.1d368407: * accept: Catch requests without description- Update to version 20220406.bd0bc306: * project-installcheck: Take 'excluded' as gone package- Update to version 20220405.3982570a: * Accept_command: create set_bugowner requests- Update to version 20220405.5d0676ce: * check_bugowner: Decline new packages without bugowner entry- Update to version 20220405.b7d4dbdf: * gocd: Simplify the groups and restrict them in the CI- Update to version 20220404.3e495a4f: * Don't play with the publish flag on freeze, images only switches build flag- Update to version 20220404.60a2101e: * Add automatic notifications for D-Installer- Update to version 20220402.0fac6e09: * Split the Update.Repos.leap pipeline into two- Update to version 20220402.6ce3c9b2: * repo monitor: Only keep looking for scheduling repos- Update to version 20220401.3c2ced48: * repo monitor: If a repo is in scheduler flux, just keep monitoring it * check: Just keep checking on dirty repos- Update to version 20220401.69e19f82: * Keep images repository disabled on freeze command- Update to version 20220330.1114fbdd: * Add new aggregation periods to Grafana dashboard- Update to version 20220330.68fa08aa: * Remove obsolete Leap 15.2 announcer config * Remove obsolete Leap 15.2 scheduling- Update to version 20220330.a2fa6583: * dist: no longer package check_source_in_factory * Fix adi projects having no archs- Update to version 20220330.adef152c: * Merge check_source_in_factory into Update to version 20220330.39d635d6: * Make the build fail reminder email text more generic- Update to version 20220329.3acf5457: * Add aggregates for fiscal quarter and year- Update to version 20220329.c967b052: * build-fail-reminder: Several enhancements- Update to version 20220329.e9c42f69: * Use all staging archs in adi projects- Update to version 20220329.39d8309e: * project-installcheck: Also store first failed results * project-installcheck: Store when we first saw unresolvables- Update to version 20220329.425fdc5f: * staging-installcheck: Fix syntax error- Update to version 20220329.8e2e22a2: * project-installcheck: Fix off by one error- Update to version 20220329.cc1b2e9d: * project-installcheck: Fix syntax error- Update to version 20220329.53f00a2b: * project-installcheck: Only add comments for the run in openSUSE:Factory- Update to version 20220329.5a25094e: * Extend build-fail-reminder to notify about uninstallable packages- Update to version 20220328.c6d6df6b: * project-installcheck: Comment into openSUSE:Factory packages * project-installcheck: Remove problems for gone packages- Update to version 20220325.205e07a9: * Do not decline requests with download_files errors- Update to version 20220325.45c2fb1e: * check_source: Allow a .changes line to mention 2 patches- Update to version 20220325.939beac7: * Stay with minversion 3.6 (and require module we already use elsewhere)- Update to version 20220325.1f0c9fd1: * Move download URL check to * Ignore patches that are listed as sources * Move the 'patch in changes' check from to .py- Update to version 20220324.e25e4b7c: * Run source_validator scripts from directly * Move license check from to .py * Move changes check from to .py * Move spec file checks from to .py * Unskip test for remote services - miniobs got updated- Update to version 20220324.9dc35be9: * Fix staging accept approving package list changes- Update to version 20220324.20d1bcbd: * Add test for remote services in factory-auto * dist: Enable the ability to run services in miniobs * Add test for setBadness in check_source * Move check for generated files from to .py * Move rpmlintrc checking from to .py * Remove diff preparations from * Move service check from to .py * Remove unused repo_checker config entries- Update to version 20220323.bd336586: * Remove rpmlint check from check_source * Small fixes for staging-installcheck * Add osc-pcheck: support devel prj maintainers- just testing- Update to version 20220323.ad923e6f: * Add some documentation for pkglistgen staging workflow * accept: Create pkglistgen .changes entry and commit * Prepare applying pkglistgen diffs on staging accept- Update to version 20220322.e78b5352: * staging-installcheck: Exit 1 for the letter stagings- Update to version 20220321.48333852: * osc-cycle: add option list to help output- Update to version 20220321.0b6739ce: * stagings: Report to standard repo if the images are enabled * Staging accept: build-disable the images repository- Update to version 20220319.4424623d: * pkglistgen: pass the test if the comment was replied to with 'ignore' * installcheck: Annotate the duplicated binaries yaml- Update to version 20220319.0f0a5ab6: * remove rebuild trigger for openSUSE:Step:*Update- Update to version 20220318.33072b30: * gocd: Don't evaluate a repo as succeeded if all are disabled- Update to version 20220317.76c89fd3: * pkglistgen: Fix packages disapparing in comments- Update to version 20220317.42b3f302: * CI: adapt miniobs to use the ruby OBS was built with (3.1)- Update to version 20220317.518f6f90: * pkglisten: Generate a comment for staging diffs- Update to version 20220315.0bbf3b2b: * pkglistgen: If the groups contain a summary-staging.txt evaluate it- Update to version 20220314.6cacf361: * Staging installcheck: Do not overwrite package variable- Update to version 20220314.e77cce84: * pkglistgen: Remove very noisy debug output- Update to version 20220312.c6232db2: * pkglist: Don't exit with 0 if the stagings didn't calculcate lists- Update to version 20220311.8c945063: * Check Bugowner: Accept non handled actions (like set_bugowner)- Update to version 20220311.02216420: * Fix filtering of unneeded.yml- Update to version 20220310.c92d0ecd: * Add TTM workflow for Leap Micro 5.2- Update to version 20220310.99e9d9a2: * package: Package /usr/bin/osrt-check_bugowner * check_bugowner: Relax check for patchinfo - patchinfo.* is good as well * gocd: Run check_bugowner on SLE side * Add a test case for check_bugowner * Add ReviewBot to check for bugowner lines in requests for new packages- Update to version 20220308.807b0f93: * tests: Make use of fixtures to be able to test different workflows- Update to version 20220307.0e859719: * CI: Split the tests in multiple runs- Update to version 20220307.7fa0e0de: * leapmicro: add leapmicro to pipeline * installcheck: Report all delete requests- Update to version 20220307.a7a1aa83: * Add some basic instructions on how our tests are written * docs: Remove testing.asciidoc - it's severely outdated- Update to version 20220307.93f8244a: * Rename the pkglistgen config for ring1 as well- Update to version 20220306.b5436de6: * gocd: Create release packages as early as possible- Update to version 20220305.b93adbd9: * pkglistgen: Fix exit values - True is actually bad- Update to version 20220305.040e91a1: * gocd: Fix usage- Update to version 20220305.b51fd11b: * gocd: Fix rare failure to push to notifications repo * pkglistgen: Only solve one project at a time * Installcheck: Ignore requires to packages with delete requests- Update to version 20220304.1479a628: * pkglistgen: Don't exit 1 if we skip weakremovers due to restarted builds- Update to version 20220304.a0d68e4b: * staging-installcheck: Don't exit 1 if there is a problem found- Update to version 20220304.93564783: * pkglistgen: Fix invalid import- Update to version 20220304.57322b23: * pkglistgen: Deprecate scope 'all'- Update to version 20220304.ebe2c528: * tests: Fix api_tests to mock attribute not mtime * tests: Create OSRT:FreezeTime for all tests * osclib: Add an helpful error on failed attribute save * Make frozenage less reliant on changing _frozenlinks- Update to version 20220304.986ad21b: * docs: Add note that the origin manager is unmaintained- Update to version 20220303.003f0105: * Treat all group*.yml like groups.yml- Update to version 20220303.39bbc90c: * package: pkglistgen requires zstd * More origin manager cleanup- Update to version 20220303.8ad49177: * skippkg-finder: use SLE update prior to GA for Respin- Update to version 20220302.3654dc91: * Fix XML usage in openqa bot- Update to version 20220225.65cf38f7: * freeze: Copy from target project to avoid bitrot- Update to version 20220225.970e958e: * pkglistgen: Also support zstd for Update to version 20220224.e679863a: * pkglisten: Add option to remove refresh from target- Update to version 20220223.4d2a5a2e: * skippkg_finder: fix unconditional matches if the first regex element is space- Update to version 20220222.31e00873: * Remove the origin operator and its user scripts- Update to version 20220222.897039d3: * OBS Workflow: Fix project- Update to version 20220222.bb88862d: * Use official OBS integration and retire osrt-puller- Update to version 20220222.d8ef5897: * Remove sentry integration- Update to version 20220221.3e14e55f: * Fix output of staging reviews * Target F401 - Unused imports * Target E501 - Line too long * Target E128 - Continuation line under-indented for visual indent * Target E251 - Unexpected spaces around keyword * Remove E201 - Whitespace after '(' * Target E202 - Whitespace before ')' * Target E302 - add two comment lines before class * Target E305 - Have two empty lines of a class * Target F841 - Remove unused variables * Target E261 - two spaces before inline comment * Handle E712 - don't compare with == to Booleans * Targetting E126 - Continuation line over-indented for hanging indent * Target E711 - compare against None with 'is' not != * Target E125 - Continuation line with same indent * Target E124 - Closing bracket does not match visual indentation * Target E129 - Visually indented line with same indent * Targeting E123 - Closing bracket does not match indentation- Update to version 20220218.a7ac9876: * rabbit-openqa: Don't crash on openqa jobs without BUILD- Update to version 20220218.b3d0cc66: * Use the unversioned ruby interpreter- Update to version 20220218.54d2979d: * Fix indent of statements E127 * Replace variable name 'l' (x is fine)- Update to version 20220218.5f2e5dc0: * Only have one statement in a line E701- Update to version 20220218.52dbb52b: * Remove bare excepts - * Harmonize imports on using lxml for XML parsing- Update to version 20220217.8b1acc1d: * Remove --by-develproject for adi command- Update to version 20220217.3f8763ae: * use set -e to catch more issues with the script * rename JeOS to Minimal and remove Vagrant images- Update to version 20220217.28577584: * staging: consider first staging a target even without --move- Update to version 20220215.c77acf53: * Factory staging: report pkglistgen status- Update to version 20220215.34abdb2b: * Support to move one staging into another- Update to version 20220215.805cd93d: * truncate overlong changelogs to 100 lines + last line- Update to version 20220214.e0da44c3: * Include request submitters in staging report- Update to version 20220214.bf7c5e16: * Introduce --remove-exclusion for staging select- Update to version 20220210.5effbf8b: * ToolBase: use --osc-debug for osc's config value, not the tools own debug parameter- Update to version 20220209.e936910b: * Include :Staging in :adi images and containerfile repo paths- Update to version 20220208.00fbc991: * ci: We don't use coveralls anymore- Update to version 20220202.75645389: * Check whether the FTP trees contain OSRT:ProductVersion before releasing- Update to version 20220126.2d5e72db: * Don't rely on changelogtime equality- Update to version 20220125.1bfd0ca2: * skippkg-finder: add a supplement list for adding package to the skiplist- Update to version 20220121.38112333: * gocd: Add Leap 15.4 vagrant boxes * gocd: Update link to Leap-15.3.aarch64-libvirt_aarch64.json- Update to version 20220119.dfbb1b3a: * gocd: Monitor KDE:Medias as well- Update to version 20220110.75f0d354: * gocd: Drop 15.2- Update to version 20220110.e8319fa5: * spec-cleaner imposed cleanups * dist: include again- Update to version 20220104.ae6175d3: * Dashboard: do not display containerfile values for Leap- Update to version 20220101.51f56098: * Add a dashboard for Leap- Update to version 20211217.2681ad5e: * Update MicroOS IBS project (MicroOS52) in botmaster- Update to version 20211216.50e8e352: * pkglistgen: Handle loops in project path expansion- Update to version 20211216.8eed6fc7: * Add 15.4/ARM Images totestmanager- Update to version 20211215.60b15582: * Run TTM for openSUSE:Leap:15.4:ARM (armv7)- Update to version 20211214.a7644165: * gocd: Remove timeouts for the pipelines- Update to version 20211210.dacaa5c5: * Dashboard: Add containerfile- Update to version 20211208.fda88d31: * metrics: telegraf: Fix URL for after machines were moved to openSUSE internal network- Update to version 20211201.2f3a762b: * gocd: Use https://legaldb instead of http- Update to version 20211122.1875f66a: * legal-auto: Fix regression in product import- Update to version 20211122.45e3d064: * legal-auto: Move the "ignore channels" feature in the proper function- Update to version 20211119.ce4a3e37: * Add note about missing IPv4 logs- Update to version 20211118.5f3b629b: * Skip empty cache files * Fix handling missing log files- Update to version 20211107.bab90ef3: * devel-project: make "list" the default command work in Python 3.3 * devel-project: Add a func callback to main parser- Update to version 20211105.c4e7e358: * Retry GETs if they catch a TimeoutError- Update to version 20211105.cd161f34: * add option to use newest package for resolving dependencies- Update to version 20211104.5fa0da62: * Run TTM for openSUSE:Leap:15.4:Images- Update to version 20211102.e777410a: * Move remaining vagrant publishers from Jenkins to botmaster- Update to version 20211029.a924a9b0: * Revert container-cleaner experiments- Update to version 20211029.4c20c475: * One more endless loop test against the API- Update to version 20211029.b54a9360: * Make the container cleaner endless loop against login proxy without auth- Update to version 20211029.c711dd57: * Now test endless loop on a different SSL host- Update to version 20211029.80bb54c9: * Debug endless loop to verify the underlying problem- Update to version 20211029.ca55ff6c: * gocd: Disable cache for container cleaner- Update to version 20211029.faa760d6: * gocd: Run container cleanup with full debug- Update to version 20211029.321c5259: * gocd: Experiment with a special sysctl for container cleanup- Update to version 20211027.80b3fafb: * gocd: Also run the microos stagings only once per hour * miniobs: The upstream OBS project changed repo names * pkglistgen: Skip repos without state * gocd: Fix typo found by accident- Update to version 20211027.014d1c7a: * gocd: Run release package generation for stagings only once an hour- Update to version 20211026.f1790c67: * pkglistgen: Keep caching repo solv files but copy them away- Update to version 20211026.417c4e6d: * pkglistgen: Skip relying on the global cache directory- Update to version 20211026.802e0d64: * filter out 15-sp3 and 15-sp4 from factory-source review- Update to version 20211025.11d2c9be: * Change vagrant publisher resource to staging-bot- Update to version 20211024.0472da96: * pkglistgen: Do not generate weakremovers if in release package mode * pkglistgen: Generate the release packages first- Update to version 20211022.c7c2beb4: * Adjust secret_config_id in the dashboard.generator pipeline * Add pipeline to publish the vagrant boxes to Vagrant Cloud- Update to version 20211012.2f5f796d: * try to skip channel files as submitted with kernels and livepatches, as they cannot be legal reviewed- Update to version 20211007.f5e62341: * Remove kubernetes setup * Remove devel package and make check target- Update to version 20211001.62170202: * Fix tests * CI: Run Tumbleweed container as priveleged in docker- Update to version 20210930.155a1eb6: * Fix the only offense of E731- Update to version 20210925.391bef87: * pkglistgen: add openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update:Respin * totest-manager: add openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update:Respin * skippkg-finder: add --alternative-project option overrides OPENSUSE_PROJECT for package checking- Update to version 20210923.153aea36: * check_source: Fix revert case for patch detection (fix#2640)- Update to version 20210923.8f4795d1: * Clarify status and deployment of check_source_in_factory * Delete * Delete * Delete * Delete * Delete leaper, update_crawler and manager_42 * Delete Update to version 20210922.75227421: * Adds dependency for full check_source testing- Update to version 20210922.0dd8b501: * Remove redundant information from Update to version 20210921.009ead7b: * Remove E265 from flake ignore list * Make use of the 15.3 miniobs container- Update to version 20210921.9fa0b78b: * Remove E713 offense from flaker * pkglistgen: Accept i686 as well * pkglistgen: replace if not a in with if a not in * pkglistgen: Fix architecture handling of weakremovers * gocd: Use python3 -u for pkglistgen- Update to version 20210921.22ab5cba: * miniobs: Use 15.3 repos - 15.1 is EOL- Update to version 20210920.e1eef928: * Link the new testcase from * Test to showcase a submit request to SLE- Update to version 20210916.1cb39a18: * Ignore PR verification runs with / in BUILD- Update to version 20210916.57abe572: * Fix typo in documentation * OBSLocal: functions to easily manage several review bots * OBSLocal: rename assertReviewBot to assertReviewScript * OBSLocal: improve documentation about scripts and asserts * OBSLocal: small reorganization * Extract useful stuff to a base OBSLocal.StagingWorkflow class * OBSLocal: clarify some aspects of attributes management * Rename test file to ensure it is executed in CI * Rename OBSLocal.StagingWorkflow to OBSLocal.FactoryWorkflow- Update to version 20210914.b25b3f35: * Add pipeline to setup QR home project- Update to version 20210913.f61b2e79: * gocd: rename SLE_BCI to SLE_BCI_15SP3 and add SP4 flavor- Update to version 20210910.877432d2: * do not use oscrc from fixtures (should fix #1989) * fix deprecation warning in parser- Update to version 20210907.d2e3c9d2: * Add some comments * Create ProductVersion attribute * Remove attributes when destroying a workflow- Update to version 20210907.d07908c4: * skippkg-finder: move extra packages to the OSRT attribute- Update to version 20210906.2f7e2499: * Improve text * Add line breaks * Improve text * Document ADI projects * Add documentation- Update to version 20210906.63613a92: * skippkg-finder: add two packages to the extra list for zypper dup reason- Update to version 20210901.f75b5c1b: * gocd: fix a missing whitespace between command and argument for skippkg-finder- Update to version 20210831.0de63caa: * Update specfile for skippkg-finder * Run before pkglistgen * Add to overwrite NON_FTP_PACKAGES for obsoleted and unneeded package- Update to version 20210820.43b07171: * gocd: Fix timer specification for Update.Repos.Leap- Update to version 20210819.0316d3b0: * Test to showcase a submit request to Factory- Update to version 20210819.abe2f698: * gocd: increase the timer for fire Leap updaterepos every 3 days- Update to version 20210812.b133ea61: * add release package and packagelist bots for LEO- Update to version 20210810.918f32cc: * ttm: add new ttm pipeline for Leap 15.4- Update to version 20210805.5b68d530: * OBSLocal: top-level classes documentation to clarify the scope * Point to osc.core to compare the APIs * More improvements in the documentation * In OBSLocal.StagingWorkflow.submit_package, package may not be None * Some convenience extensions to OBSLocal * OBSLocal: improved management of meta * Tiny fix in * Improvements in the documentation * Convert OBSLocal documentation to reStructured Text * document Update to version 20210729.455dc99c: * Refactor code to split big method and improve doc * Add test for inherit maintainer role * Add note about explicit ignoring of inherited maintainership * Avoid creation of duplicate add_role requests (fixes #2609)- Update to version 20210723.7e5bacec: * Fix reference to docs/ * Fix a few gocd links * Update more tools status * Update some tools status * Add some info about obsolete tools * Update gocd links * Mark sync-rebuild as obsolete * Extend container_cleanup description * Apply suggestions from the review to the inventory * Apply suggestions from the review to the inventory * Fix a few typos * Make clear that systemd units are not used by bots anymore * Fix a few typos * Add a document describing the contents of the repository- Update to version 20210722.9d1e9c24: * Fix header level in Update to version 20210722.a9b5d53a: * Improvements in based on peer review * Add Update to version 20210719.16822566: * Fix typos * Review of the tricks section while debugging the CI * Extend docker-compose commands info when debugging the CI * Add to README hints how to debug failures in CI- Update to version 20210716.80f24854: * gocd: update staging bot for Backports * gocd: update rbeuild-trigger for Backports and Step- Update to version 20210716.7b59f334: * Properly handle required-source-maintainer when it is group * Updates from code review * Check for maintainers in the source project * Add descriptions to check_source tests- Update to version 20210714.bc466636: * gocd: Drop openSUSE:Factory:WSL- Update to version 20210714.5d5297cb: * pkglistgen: initialize pkglistgen for Leap 15.4- Update to version 20210713.677b3163: * Make test CWD agnostic * Use pytest instead of nosetests (fixes #2524)- Update to version 20210713.f9ab72aa: * Package: Fix rpm warning about unversioned obsoletes * Package: Drop systemd services * Add a check on the gocd config to github actions * Transpose #2568 into the proper format * Validate the yaml-config-plugin download- Update to version 20210713.8e913573: * Preparation for switch from nosetests to pytest- Update to version 20210709.f461ce7b: * gocd: fix path for script and use suse-repos.git- Update to version 20210709.80bd9187: * Run perl checks as part of flaker ci task * fix perl warnings in Update to version 20210709.54eaaf82: * Document how to create the osc alias for the local CI instance- Update to version 20210708.ecafba4f: * Test accepting a package from a devel project * Initial testcase for * Small code reorganization in Update to version 20210708.c80ddc2c: * Rename DVD-Backports to DVD-Backports-Incidents- Update to version 20210708.b73d663f: * Add missing libraries to testenv image to run Update to version 20210707.82fd000a: * osclib/ Don't use same config for openSUSE:Leap:15.3:ARM and :Images- Update to version 20210705.8922fa23: * Revert "Exclude .open-build-service/ from docker, flake8, and git." * Update exclude section in .flake8- Update to version 20210702.b265c66f: * Staging: add 'rebase' as an alias to the 'freeze' command- Update to version 20210702.d0f59b78: * Explain how to run a single test * Allow adjusting the exposed OBS port in Docker Compose * Replace Coveralls badge with Codecov one * Add some notes about CI * [CI] Expose port 3000 of the api service- Update to version 20210701.9c0e048a: * paralelize running linter * use proper badge for ci- Update to version 20210630.2c4d242c: * Use configparser from python3-base.rpm * Make the usage message more helpful * Add a meaningful one line description * Improve instructions for Readme / Development- Update to version 20210630.a3151f0b: * update version of gh actions checkout action to speed up ci and codecov to be uptodate- Update to version 20210625.f030cb17: * Setup for SLE15 SP3 Quarterly Update- Update to version 20210623.f07ad86d: * Add the reason why a review was added (e.g. which whitelist warning was suppressed)- Update to version 20210623.7899db11: * pkglistgen opensuse gocd: remove 15.3 pkglsitgen and updaterepos- Update to version 20210622.3d879f53: * gocd: change how scripts are retrieved- Update to version 20210622.b376746f: * accept_command: use the value of attribute to set ProductVersion if always_set_productversion_to option presents- Update to version 20210621.a11cc821: * gocd/totestmanager.gocd.yaml: Update list of projects- Update to version 20210621.f05d1f9e: * Switch off abi checker as it keeps failing- Update to version 20210618.8e162872: * ttm/ Also find versions from plain tarballs * ttm/ If force is set, ignore QA and other checks- Update to version 20210618.4c407e7a: * Use codecov for coverage - easier GA integration * Increase timeout to 40 minutes * Remove travis CI * pkglistgen: Automatically merge old update repos * pkglistgen: Add a way to merge files from 000update-repos- Update to version 20210618.9a8de07f: * Create ci-test.yml- Update to version 20210618.660e75bd: * gocd: plug release in BCI pipeline- Update to version 20210616.02b53c6b: * Fix Leap:15.3:ARM which was broken when Leap:15.3:ARM:Images has been introduced- Update to version 20210614.d271a1a3: * Add 15-SP4 setup- Update to version 20210607.ed56c252: * add bot for ARM:Images * Support Leap:15.3:ARM:Images as well- Update to version 20210607.9b86fb95: * Enable pkglistgen for openSUSE:Factory:ARM rings- Update to version 20210528.983c167a: * Add Backports to the updates being tested- Update to version 20210528.c321aed8: * Decline if source_revision not set- Update to version 20210527.973d7cea: * gocd: add SLE_BCI packagelist generation- Update to version 20210520.9bd9aeb2: * Remove obsolete Leap 15.1- Update to version 20210520.fdb7ec1d: * Update e-mail address for Factory:ARM mailing list- Update to version 20210510.0d5a9cfe: * pkglistgen: Force outdir for the checkouts- Update to version 20210507.a59ce12e: * Do rebuilds for Step- Update to version 20210506.bdf351d3: * gocd: fix incorrect yaml for BCI- Update to version 20210505.9888ea18: * add packagelist and release package bots for BCI- Update to version 20210429.5470e3d1: * Update email address for Factory mailing list- Update to version 20210426.57b78c17: * Fix for wrong indented json in #2537- Update to version 20210422.ab2264e1: * Drop the old path for releasing SP3:GA/sles15-image- Update to version 20210420.1c2151c4: * Update check_source.asciidoc * Update testing.asciidoc * Update staging.asciidoc * Update staging.asciidoc * grammar-gender- Update to version 20210416.730e78b0: * Add automated rebuilds for step Backports- Update to version 20210415.4a57f7a7: * gocd: Drop obsolete projects, fix whitespace- Update to version 20210413.d92c1396: * Remove release from images-ndb repository- Update to version 20210408.3990fecd: * Remove comment inside script- Update to version 20210408.89c0136c: * Release SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:GA sles-image into :TEST and :PUBLISH- Update to version 20210408.b593b12c: * Revert pkglistgen: ignore bootstrap_copy repo- Update to version 20210406.a75bf5b7: * Update MicroOS IBS project (MicroOS51) in botmaster * pkglistgen: don't die on unset pkglistgen-ignore_repos- Update to version 20210406.0e9a3e52: * Revert "Add bot for Camerleon project"- Update to version 20210406.1055d062: * legal import: Scan openSUSE projects more often * legal-auto: Reopen obsolete reviews while scanning projects- Update to version 20210406.6b65b00a: * pkglistgen: ignore bootstrap_copy repo- Update to version 20210406.2fec2dbe: * pkglistgen: After solving check all packages listed- Update to version 20210330.e6a45eb4: * legal: Only wait 2 hours for legal reviews for openSUSE:Factory- Update to version 20210324.a747e490: * Add release to PUBLISH for containers- Update to version 20210319.fd0124a9: * Add missing repos for 15.3 * Add Leap 15.3 Maintenance configuration- Update to version 20210319.de08ea9d: * findfileconflicts: hardcode exception for glibc and bash * handle usrmerge- Update to version 20210315.d6cd0125: * Build containerfile and images repos against each other * Add containerfile_products type to totest-manager * Add a containerfile repo to adi stagings * Make Dockerfile builds pass Update to version 20210315.167397b8: * Add Leap:15.3:ARM to test armv7 Step:15- Update to version 20210311.1b7e79b9: * build-fail-reminder: don't use cgi.escape, but rather html escape the fixed string directly- Update to version 20210310.18652691: * metrics: add sample Apache vhost config * metrics: accept more flavors- Update to version 20210303.440e1a88: * Monitor release process- Update to version 20210303.72b45750: * adi: stage Non-Ring delete requests in adi projects- Update to version 20210215.e68b5e0b: * Fix repo state error handling in pkglistgen- Update to version 20210203.2caa5a9e: * Switch to python3 shebang- Update to version 20210122.29b776fd: * Calculate the i586 DVD as i686 package set- Update to version 20210119.d564b3d0: * Accept: Don't crash on actions that aren't submit/delete- Update to version 20210119.75c001c9: * pkglistgen: Check the return code of Popen calls- Update to version 20210118.bb3c6e1c: * pkglistgen: Allow to set require_all for some groups to disable ignore * Update aggregate.php- Update to version 20210106.deab50eb: * fix typo in pkglistgen.leap.15.3 * monitor: remove Jump from monitor and add Backports to monitor- Update to version 20210104.7b7d4aa8: * gocd: enable staging bot and staging installcheck on SLE15 SP3 Backports- Update to version 20201218.7cd9d749: * rebuild-trigger: run project-installcheck on SLE15-SP3 Backports- Update to version 20201217.06e44bca: * Fix typo in the source checker- Update to version 20201216.b9ce7bf1: * Also add required checks to adi stagings after adding architectures- Update to version 20201216.bb412fe4: * Fix being ignored if i586 is present- Update to version 20201215.76b63b74: * Enable TTM for openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Images- Update to version 20201211.df53c462: * check_source: mode='manual' is permitted in _service files * One .changes file per package is enough * check_source: Advertise the usage of 'osc service runall $FOO' * Don't produce directory conflicts of ghost files- Update to version 20201210.049f70f7: * Add 'kernel-64kb' to the list of kernel packages to reduce kernel spam- Update to version 20201209.32338511: * Add bot for Camerleon project- Update to version 20201202.0bafe324: * Add schedule for Leap 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3- Update to version 20201202.7103cd65: * Use string instead of byte stream for configparser * Rename ConfigParser to configparser * Replace sys.maxint with sys.maxsize- Update to version 20201127.8335cbff: * SLE15SP3: Release images-ndb to :TEST- Update to version 20201123.5ffdcc9e: * Also release sles15-image to :ToTest in SLE15.SP3.ImagesManual * Don't publish sles15-image as part of Release.Images.To.Publish- Update to version 20201123.10a2268e: * Release and publish SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:Update:CR/sles15-image as well- Update to version 20201112.4a3abc91: * metrics: Update product pattern to match Leap 15.2- Update to version 20201103.e77961f0: * pkglistgen gocd: rename Pkglistgen.openSUSE_Leap to avoid the dup'ed key- Update to version 20201102.21e0b914: * Leap 15.3: Jump project discontinued but Leap 15.3 started- Update to version 20201030.620b9480: * Merge common code of SP1 and SP2 * Add back setup for 15SP1 quarterly updates- Update to version 20201022.3934deb8: * pkglistgen gocd: remove wrong -s target option for Leap MicroOS- Update to version 20201022.fccc3b92: * pkglistgen: add Leap 15.2 MicroOS back to pipeline- Update to version 20201007.ccac00af: * Fix MQ timeouts in rabbit-repoid- Update to version 20201007.706b6713: * Do not try to push empty changes in rabbit-repoid- Update to version 20201007.c336e60c: * Check git errors in rabbit-repoid- Update to version 20200930.488b0fc7: * gocd: Run ttm for openSUSE:Jump:15.2:Images- Update to version 20200923.c33e6a9e: * Change SP2 QU job to run on Thursday * Remove 15SP1 QU settings * Add setup for 15SP2 quarterly updates- Update to version 20200921.26408ca6: * Dashboard: be more precise in percentage to avoid to display 'done' with few jobs remaining- Update to version 20200918.4b77ae84: * Add a readme about TTM- Update to version 20200909.0bb0f971: * TTM: Ignore arch check for multibuild containers- Update to version 20200907.aa447872: * handle also GO_SERVER_URL when port is 8153- Update to version 20200907.6c213476: * TTM: Verify that all successfully built products are mentioned in the config- Update to version 20200903.6c099fbb: * Dashboard: Handle 'broken' state for OBS- Update to version 20200903.1a4894ef: * Add release to TEST and PUBLIC for MicroOS- Update to version 20200903.c28f1293: * added a 30 minute timeout to the openqa run- Update to version 20200902.771d1db6: * Add the ARM rings- Update to version 20200902.aea8d9fa: * Dashboard: Handle 'locked' state for OBS- Update to version 20200826.3b33c0a6: * Revert "Retrieve packages download statistics"- Update to version 20200826.f6a30eed: * Bugfixes * [metrics-access] Fix packages path * Optimize searching access logs * Parse and count packages- Update to version 20200820.30a5ec58: * fix typo * switch to python3- Update to version 20200811.7a216cd0: * fix tests * repoid monitor: monitoring events from openSUSE:Jump * gocd: remove Leap config and enable Jump project to pipeline if needed * conf: general config for openSUSE Jump * TTM: enable Jump project on totest manager and remove old main project- Update to version 20200811.41fe9c2f: * Add MicroOSNG setup- Update to version 20200810.6e220f02: * Remove SLE-15-SP2 setup- Update to version 20200716.558f783b: * metrics/grafana/openqa: Add openSUSE Leap 15.1 and 15.2 * factory-auto: add opensuse-review-team on submits to NonFree * fixed a whitespace * skip SUSE:Channel files harder- Update to version 20200714.b826963d: * fix cutting off part of a stagings name- Update to version 20200709.cef2425d: * Merge check images and release to TEST for 15-SP3 * Add SLE15-SP3 setup.- Update to version 20200708.6a13cb44: * WSL: Add output of gocd/ * Add openSUSE:Leap:15.2:WSL under gocd control- Update to version 20200706.c31bc8f1: * Update version attribute also in o:F:RISCV- Update to version 20200705.5aedaf1c: * Add pkglistgen instance for openSUSE:Factory:RISCV * Add rebuild trigger for openSUSE:Factory:RISCV- Update to version 20200625.d66b16f2: * Forgot to add the erb file too...- Update to version 20200623.49cd77b8: * gocd: pkglistgen for MicroOS- Update to version 20200610.3c1b0160: * Fix flake error F541 in tests/ * Fix osc.core.repository_path_expand- Update to version 20200517.e09639bc: * ignore packages that just have _channel inside- Update to version 20200515.13e2fbe2: * Fix crash in project-installcheck if there are no packages in the pra- Update to version 20200515.bfa069ee: * Trigger rebuilds on zSystem as needed- Update to version 20200505.cd067a94: * gocd: add 15.2 MicroOS ttm- Update to version 20200505.1e6677e6: * Update some ttm documentation- Update to version 20200502.027727cc: * Check for '' in in group_dir before attempting to move it- Update to version 20200502.4cba11ba: * Fix httpretty using tests- Update to version 20200430.fca4401c: * dist: drop bogus python-enum34 dependency- Update to version 20200430.56213c5d: * Update docker to run tumbleweed container * miniobs: Fix database setup for rails 6- Update to version 20200430.a354092d: * stagingapi: do not add multibuild flavor package to the ring package list * stagingapi: allow multibuild package spreads across ring- Update to version 20200325.77a14833: * Wipe all multibuild flavors for delete requests- Update to version 20200324.20869549: * Allow to disable the check of delete requests per config- Update to version 20200320.2e3dc21c: * Fix check_source for repository specific package names- Update to version 20200319.cdc271c2: * Support 'required' field for packages- Update to version 20200319.37498292: * Work around OBS issue 8994- Update to version 20200318.74ecff5c: * Use the new API from openqa to sync the right repositories- Update to version 20200317.91ee0f41: * Take the interesting repos from the output for now- Update to version 20200316.683bee4a: * Sync script for obs_rsync- Update to version 20200316.08c8cd5d: * No longer trigger obsrsync directly from rabbitmq messages- Update to version 20200316.ed7d3ce2: * Adopt fixture to changes in obs' xml output * Split the work done in rabbit-openqa into smaller chunks- Update to version 20200310.d98dd909: * Switch metrics to use python3- Update to version 20200310.e25d3bfb: * Add error message in case upload fails- Update to version 20200306.ef1064e7: * Stop repo monitor earlier: 30 hours might be a little excessive- Update to version 20200305.63aa406d: * Let the rabbit monitors run for 3 hours instead of one * Make rabbit-repoid more stable * cleanup_rings: fix python3 bytes/string type error * requestfinder: print all actions- Update to version 20200303.fbc0a9e0: * Allow overriding the prefix for setrelease- Update to version 20200302.0c376420: * Replace declined requests- Update to version 20200224.f8ecad1d: * Make images release to TEST generic- Update to version 20200224.7a060087: * Fix typos * Some refactoring * Add support for DoD repos to installcheck- Update to version 20200220.3b5f8650: * fcc_submitter: update to 15.2- Update to version 20200219.c0ab2c6b: * stagingapi: replace staging project URL to staging workflow on adi project * ttm: ignore parallel_failed jobs, but still list as failed- Update to version 20200217.a9f37804: * Release FTP repos before ISOs- Update to version 20200214.147dc94c: * use release team list also for build fails- Update to version 20200212.07272268: * ttm: add appx support for WSL images- Update to version 20200203.fe919b2b: * Added new images in 15-SP2 release tool config * dashboard: add groupid to have proper link for aarch64, powerpc, s390x * dashboard: fix openQA link- Update to version 20200131.e3c26df9: * Staging accept: No longer set the version in .product files on accept- Update to version 20200131.ff898552: * Unify the handling of standard and images repository- Update to version 20200131.1f26d7bc: * Dashboard: add ARM:Live- Update to version 20200131.38632736: * dashboard: Add openQA results * Add the same link to openqa than what is on obs_factory * Dashboard: link the product package- Update to version 20200130.1ad5de89: * dashboard: Output the time in UTC- Update to version 20200130.cb660d72: * Add timestamp to the page for update info * Add versions to the dashboard- Update to version 20200130.063dd72a: * One more fix for the dashboard generator config- Update to version 20200130.1335e55b: * Fix indentation of gocd config- Update to version 20200130.02d3038b: * Rapid prototype of a Factory dashboard- Update to version 20200129.7a3a7a36: * Use The openSUSE release team email for announcer- Update to version 20200129.fce860f3: * Actually subscribe to the repo.build_finished event- Update to version 20200128.8bd11b00: * Notify the obs_rsync plugin already when the scheduler is finished- Update to version 20200120.1be035c9: * Drop openSUSE:Leap:15.0:Images from ttm list- Update to version 20200120.0e07b678: * compare_pkglist: update to Leap 15.2 and SLE15 SP2- Update to version 20200116.13dedee6: * Fix data for openQABot- Update to version 20200115.aed727d8: * Remove data for EOL Leap_15.0- Update to version 20200107.c673e572: * Added new packages in 15-SP2 release tool- Update to version 20191227.8630e6eb: * abi-checker: add prune command * abi-checker: recognize staging * abi-checker: fix it- Update to version 20191217.e62caa7a: * findfileconflicts: Ignore kernel installed certificates in /etc/uefi/certs- Update to version 20191210.9a8ba5b5: * More flake8 cleanups * Sanitize read rebuild yaml * Avoid crash when --store is not specified on save- Update to version 20191210.10a6a78a: * stagingapi: StagingAPI doen't initial api itself- Update to version 20191210.1a22a59c: * Do not return after adi project is accepted- Update to version 20191210.4d7223f5: * Fix E203 * Fix Flake E241 * Avoid crash when store project isn't set * Fix installcheck for arm architectures- Update to version 20191210.05e7447a: * Unify openqa checks over multiple ISOs- Update to version 20191209.3bc7455e: * Always force accept into the API after checking for acceptable ourselves- Update to version 20191206.7faf8118: * Have staging accept without argument take all green * Adopt help text for adi and accept- Update to version 20191206.8f62f42c: * Don't take multibuild packages as subpackage of itself * Delete adi projects whenever we'd build disable them- Update to version 20191205.67ccc5ae: * Improve _multibuild on accept * Extend tests for accept command * Add test for selecting multibuild with 2 spec * Remove support for ring2- Update to version 20191205.24345fd4: * Pass the packages to rebuild in the POST's body- Update to version 20191204.660ec7a7: * No longer close acceptable adi stagings- Update to version 20191204.fe8bfc2c: * Align the announcer config with the template * Remove SLE12SP5 pipelines * Fix setprio command to use current API- Update to version 20191204.0c6f43f4: * Reuse function of accept to check local links- Update to version 20191203.2b4d57b2: * Only check for the rebuild project if cbuild has been set- Update to version 20191129.411c0452: * staging-installcheck: Port to use XML to check delete requests- Update to version 20191128.fe8e6c23: * check_source: query all repos if source info yields error- Update to version 20191127.ae1b6ea1: * Fix all E22x errors * Some flake8 improvements- Update to version 20191127.b07939d2: * Gracefully handle utf8 errors in installcheck- Update to version 20191126.ac861592: * Remove linkpac code - the api is doing this (for the main package) * No longer ignore exceptions on unstage * Reenable the move test * stagingapi: Supersedes request is from the same project * Implement select --move by unselect+select * Repair repair command * Fix test suite for accept * Fix local links * Accept all stagings at the same time * remove links before accepting staging projects * Collect packages for all stagings and ready before accepting * Fix accept command to force accept through API * Move accept logic into accept_command * stagingapi: just superseding old obsoleted request * stagingapi: Don't do any change for excluded request * One more fix for unignore command * Reenable Locking (was disabled to ease testing) * Added release to PUBLISH for SLE15-SP2 * Simplify request list calculation * Remove nonfree handling * stagingapi: Remove ignored requests part from rq_to_prj() * unignore: use dict iteration to matching the key * stagingapi: make sure the key of ignored_requests is integer type * Adopt to latest API changes * Disable splitter info until we find a better place to store it * Speedup select: Avoid supersede calculation if pointless * Fix unignore command * Remove comments tests for selecting * Fix check_tests - and reduce what we test there * Disable move test for now * Fix for frozen_enough test * Fix test_add_sr not to add twice * Fix rm_from_project test * Fix accept: first comment then cleanup (comments) * Run delayed job in the api container * Adopt accept_tests: Selecting no longer leaves a comment * stagingapi: Remove unneeded logging in get_package_for_request_id() * suppkg_rebuild: Move to new staging api * Fix supersede: we need to unstage always with new api * Fix for unselect with message: need to ignore afterwards * Fix for reviews (OBS issue is fixed) * Fix rebuild command * adi_command: another adi command fixes (#3) * Fix for staging-report * Fix for ignore command * Setup staging workflow in tests * Fix request list: the API was changed not to require status for obsolete * Fix for unselect command * Fix adi command for checks * Optimize request_id_for_package * Fixes for adi command * Fix for status checks in check command * Adopt to the new staging_projects api not revealing all infos * Some fixes for supersede and unselect * Started to fix the adi command * fix for staging-installcheck * Fix for unselect * Fix select command * Fix for check command * Work on adi command * Work on select command * Work on accept command - not yet done * Remove config command - the config isn't used any more * Remove update comments - are now obs history * Port unselect command to new API * Adopt check command to the new staging API * Register new adi projects- Update to version 20191120.6abc7942: * Added release to PUBLISH for SLE15-SP2- Update to version 20191118.0d0290f1: * Announcer config: use different Name's for :ARM- Update to version 20191118.10c6c1cd: * Enable announcer for ARM for Tumbleweed, Kubic and MicroOS- Update to version 20191111.509ec8f3: * QR update: submit with --yes- Update to version 20191111.df3ac6a1: * Update the package list of SP1's quarterly updates- Update to version 20191111.0f94671d: * unselect: only set origin-manager for whitelist cleanup- Update to version 20191108.6b1fd618: * dist/obs/attribute-update: provide script for updating attribute definitions.- Update to version 20191108.4d09eda6: * docs/origin-manager: provide comprehensive documentation.- Update to version 20191108.2a32702b: * osclib/origin: policy_input_calculate(): s/unkown/unknown/. * dist/obs: remove namespace from attribute names.- Update to version 20191108.03a954ae: * osclib/origin: origin_update(): support blacklist patterns for initial updates. * osc-origin: extract osrt_origin_update_packages().- Update to version 20191108.a83e40e0: * osclib/origin: origin_history(): include non-annotated requests.- Update to version 20191108.a0488c3f: * osclib/origin: origin_annotation_dump(): include pending information.- Update to version 20191108.d271224d: * osclib/core: request_action_list_maintenance_incident(): support another form. * osclib/conf: configure maintenance staging review options for origin-manager. * osclib/origin: add maintenance staging equivalent reviews to pending_submission_allowed_reviews. * osclib/origin: drop repo-checker from pending_submission_allowed_reviews. * osclib/origin: provide pending_submission_allowed_reviews_update option. * osclib/origin: reviews_filter_allowed(): support negation rules. * osclib/origin: provide reviews_filter_allowed(). * osclib/origin: project_source_pending(): include psuedo incident review. * osclib/core: reviews_remaining(): provide incident_psuedo option.- Update to version 20191108.c7e1800d: * origin-manager: indicate the decision may be overridden via command.- Update to version 20191108.558e9d65: * userscript/origin: handle HTTP failure.- Update to version 20191107.9503a04b: * tests/OBSLocal: randomString() use fixed length of 2. * tests/OBSLocal: Request: print message once created. * dist/ci/docker-compoose-test: include which test file is be executed. * osclib/origin: provide automatic update mode controls. * osclib/core: request_create_submit(): provide frequency option. * osclib/core: request_create_submit(): provide supersede flag. * osclib/core: request_action_simple_list(): include full history. * osclib/core: provide package_source_{changed,age}() functions. * osclib/core: provide attribute_value_delete(). * osclib/core: support package in attribute_value_{load,save}() functions.- Update to version 20191107.3dd0fbe7: * osc-origin,osclib/origin_listener: sync package kind logic.- Update to version 20191107.79679520: * Do a rebuildtrigger for Leap 15.2 ARM as well- Update to version 20191107.b147cf2b: * osclib/core: package_kind(): require releasename to differ from package for maintenance_update.- Update to version 20191107.3c156843: * web/origin-manager: paginate request history.- Update to version 20191106.547e954a: * osclib/origin: origin_update_pending() utilize project_remote_prefixed(). * osclib/core: provide project_remote_prefixed().- Update to version 20191105.9f80ea19: * origin-manager: origin_maintainer_review_ensure(): check for devel meta.- Update to version 20191105.931b7604: * osclib/origin_listener: consume package deletes. * tests/origin_tests: provide test for new package submission. * osc-origin: osrt_origin_update(): include potential new packages. * osclib/origin_listener: update packages that do not exist in target project. * osclib/origin: provide origin_updatable_initial(). * osclib/origin: origin_update(): support initial submissions. * osclib/origin: provide automatic_updates_initial origin config option. * osclib/core: request_create_submit(): provide ignore_if_any_request.- Update to version 20191105.bfaa89d7: * requestfinder: ConfigParser has been renamed to configparser in python3- Update to version 20191105.7e560478: * Remove dependency from cache to config * Remove old python2 code from cache- Update to version 20191105.efee5429: * Fix conflicts/obsoletes while picking dependencies- Update to version 20191104.de4ff14a: * tests/origin_tests: provide split product origin tests. * tests/origin_tests: provide devel origin tests. * tests/origin_tests: provide harness and basic tests. * tests/OBSLocal: provide randomString() for ensuring tools not name dependent. * tests/OBSLocal: provide assertReviewBot() for review script workflows. * tests/OBSLocal: submit_package(): provide optional project argument. * tests/OBSLocal: StagingWorkflow: provide and utilize remote_config_set(). * tests/OBSLocal: Request: extract change_state() from revoke. * tests/OBSLocal: tearDown(): ensure user is Admin before cleanup. * tests/OBSLocal: StagingWorkflow: stop hiding valid errors. * tests/OBSLocal: correct python 3 port attempt for subprocess output handling. * tests/OBSLocal: provide osc_user_pop() to make user switching cleaner. * tests/OBSLocal: osc_user(): indicate when switching user. * tests/OBSLocal: disable request cache during testing. * osclib/origin_listener: ultilize origin_updatable_map() include_self option. * osclib/origin: origin_updatable_map(): provide include_self option. * osclib/origin: origin_update() generate change_devel requests. * origin-manager: handle change_devel request review. * origin-manager: when appropriate simulate devel project during source change review. * origin-manager: provide devel_project_simulate_check(). * origin-manager: provide devel_project_simulate_check_command(). * origin-manager: provide and utilize origin_maintainer_review_ensure(). * osclib/origin: policy_input_calculate(): handle change from None origin. * osclib/origin: allow for identical source if origin changed. * osclib/origin: provide and utilize origin_devel_projects(). * osclib/origin: provide origin_devel_project() and utlize. * osclib/origin: provide origin_devel_project_requests(). * osclib/origin: provide devel_project_simulate enterable. * osclib/origin: require origin key in origin_annotation_load(). * osclib/origin: provide origin_workaround_strip(). * osclib/core: provide request_state_change() and utilize. * osclib/core: provide request_create_change_devel() RequestFuture. * osclib/core: provide package_role_expand() to expand package role to users. * osclib/core: provide project_role_expand() to expand project role to users. * osclib/core: provide meta_role_expand() to expand a role to users given meta. * osclib/core: break apart request_age() to provide request_created(). * osclib/cache: provide osrt.cache.disable config option to disable cache. * dist/ci/flake-extra: include origin_listener in product check. * ReviewBot: include request description in search for comment commands. * ReviewBot: rework override check to operate on actions. * osclib/comments: provide request description as comment.- Update to version 20191104.75836fec: * Start searchd in api container * Add a dummy user/password to the openSUSE:Factory section * Make exceptions easier to debug in OBSLocal- Update to version 20191104.3d0d7312: * build-fail-reminder: Fix indentation of emails- Update to version 20191029.330f0b1b: * Use python3 in shebang to not pull in python2 dependency- Update to version 20191028.3162cc5b: * Remove openqa-obs bot data for SLE- Update to version 20191024.46e12504: * add pkglistgen and stuff for Leap staging F- Update to version 20191023.521a30a0: * Add a review user for factory-auto so it can be overridden in SLE- Update to version 20191022.68be1855: * Fix check_source on public cloud images- Update to version 20191022.d893565b: * Convert to python3- Update to version 20191021.8bb85c5f: * Fix test plan URL for 15.2- Update to version 20191019.a97469df: * remove delreq-review default setting * StagingAPI: complex delete requests are no longer used- Update to version 20191019.24a8cf2b: * testenv: install shadow for useradd- Update to version 20191017.180e4464: * userscript/origin: run in no-conflict mode.- Update to version 20191017.16ae84df: * suppkg_rebuild: decode bytes before comparing- Update to version 20191017.23d4c737: * build-fail-notification: Fix how we address the user- Update to version 20191016.ad934285: * Added Vagrant box in 15-SP2 release tool- Update to version 20191016.455c1428: * build-fail-reminder: update api path to projects/:project/status- Update to version 20191015.0c4d62c5: * adi: build kiwi images in a /images repository- Update to version 20191015.35d7bf0c: * pkglistgen: fix wrong parsing way on pkglistgen-locale- Update to version 20191014.e7be100b: * rebuild_support: enable Leap 15.2- Update to version 20191008.7451a6ad: * osc-staging,issue-diff: open temporary file in write without binary mode.- Update to version 20191007.6c39d95d: * BuildFailReminder: fix inversion of to and fullname- Update to version 20191007.c1cb6a0c: * Replace kiwi-templates-SLES15-JeOS with kiwi-templates-JeOS. Package was rename in SLE-15-SP2.- Update to version 20190930.3d04dde8: * check_source: avoid crash if filename is not set- Update to version 20190927.6cbf1e6a: * Enable images repo once 000product was updated- Update to version 20190926.456b203a: * Kill review bots if they didn't output anything for 30 minutes- Update to version 20190926.40a88ace: * rebuildpacs: Ignore order of problems- Update to version 20190926.6ed04ab7: * osclib/origin_listener: change from package.update to package.commit event.- Update to version 20190926.1942065b: * osclib/origin: origin_annotation_load(): only return dict annotation. * osclib/origin: origin_annotation_load(): only consider accepted reviews. * osclib/core: review_find_last(): provide states filter.- Update to version 20190926.b8ec607f: * origin-manager: utilize ReviewBot.request_age_wait(). * ReviewBot: provide request_age_wait().- Update to version 20190926.0acfbc28: * osclib/core: rename request_action_single_list() to request_action_simple_list(). * osclib/core: switch request_action_single_list() users to request_action_list(). * osclib/core: request_action_single_list(): handle miltiple actions. * osclib/core: request_action_single_list(): exclude sourced requests.- Update to version 20190925.438b38fc: * gocd/checkers: revert Origin.Manager.Update frequency back to daily.- Update to version 20190925.8a0e6ed3: * check_source: when kind is None then it can be a new package- Update to version 20190925.9af682c9: * check_source: don't enforce name for kiwi images- Update to version 20190924.e9a2774a: * origin-manager: skip package of type not (None or source). * check_source: decline package of kind not (meta or source). * check_source: replace meta check with package_kind() == meta. * osclib/core: package_kind(): include underscore as meta prefix.- Update to version 20190924.faf6a82e: * origin-manager: drop sub-classed CommandLineInterface as parent will suffice.- Update to version 20190924.96ca2080: * osclib/stagingapi: rebuild_check(): utilize -4096 offset for build log. * osclib/stagingapi: buildlog_get(): support negative offset.- Update to version 20190923.83f1d51c: * osclib/cache: utilize rmtree_nfs_safe(). * osclib/util: provide rmtree_nfs_safe().- Update to version 20190920.155606e3: * factory-package-news: fixes for Tumbleweed- Update to version 20190919.8df44507: * gocd/monitors: *.OriginManagerUpdate: set timeout to 10 minutes.- Update to version 20190918.c185be8c: * ReviewBot: add_review(): handle 403 as expected when superseded/rovoked.- Update to version 20190918.abb40adc: * ReviewBot: _set_review(): handle review being revoked or superseded.- Update to version 20190918.abd6f65f: * osclib/core: request_create_delete(): utilize pusedo osc.core function. * osclib/core: provide create_delete_request().- Update to version 20190918.d0e2b71e: * osclib/origin_listener: skip patchinfo packages.- Update to version 20190918.1d4c6836: * osclib/origin_listener: indicate when checking for update to package. * osc-origin: osrt_origin_update(): include thread name in logger format. * osc-origin: osrt_origin_update(): remove duplicate logging import. * osclib/origin_listener: utilize apiurl as thread name for remote listener.- Update to version 20190913.9d119079: * gocd: remove PackageHub15SP1.Manager42 as project is locked.- Update to version 20190913.d83c08a9: * gocd: rabbit-openqa needs a config file installed- Update to version 20190912.9c45fc37: * osclib/origin_listener: start additional listeners for remote origins. * osclib/origin_listener: change skipping log message to mention origin. * osclib/origin_listener: provide origin_updatable_map().- Update to version 20190912.f5a9538d: * check_source: only log as info if we can't get build log. This needs a more general solution but for now we'll reduce the level to not pollute the log- Update to version 20190912.6dd6428d: * Move the monitors to a agent type of their own- Update to version 20190912.49029a0e: * gocd/checkers: reduce Origin.Manager.Update frequency to weekly. * gocd/monitors: provide OriginManagerUpdate pipelines for listener. * osc-origin: update: provide --listen option. * gocd: utilize `origin update` without the need to indicate a project. * osc-origin: support invoking update without a project. * osclib/origin: provide origin_updatable_map(). * osclib/origin: provide origin_updatable(). * dist/obs: provide OSRT:OriginUpdateSkip attribute definition. * osc-origin: utilize osclib.core.RequestFuture.print_and_create(). * osclib/core: provide RequestFuture.print_and_create(). * osclib/core: provide RequestFuture.create_tolerant(). * osclib/core: provide project_attributes_list(). * osclib/core: project_attribute_list(): provide locked parameter. * osclib/core: project_attribute_list(): drop value parameter. * osclib/core: provide devel_projects(). * Move PubSubConsumer to osclib.PubSubConsumer to allow for proper import.- Update to version 20190911.d06fa8af: * build fail reminder: change mail address- Update to version 20190910.9e21e757: * check_source: We need to use the user supplied REs to check if one of those match the list of entries we want to check- Update to version 20190909.514a0f5e: * check_source: check_action_delete_repository(): simplify decline message. * check_source: check_action_delete_repository(): gate behind conf.mail-release-list. * Fix for python 3.6- Update to version 20190909.2ca2925a: * osclib/request_splitter: utilize osclib.util.sha1_short() for encoding.- Update to version 20190905.783a0674: * osclib/comments: command_find(): allow seperators after user.- Update to version 20190905.b269bf48: * announce.gocd.yaml: escape the : in pipeline names- Update to version 20190905.a24bcf0f: * Fix syntax of build-fail-reminder.gocd.yaml (endless story)- Update to version 20190905.87de492d: * New basic test case * Don't use the webui for project status * Add little SMTP server that does not send mails for testing * Fix filename of the build-fail-reminder gocd config * Inline the mail text for the mailing list post - easier to map * Deduplicate the 2 mail sending functions * build-fail-notification: Mail to -factory after 4, dr after 6 weeks- Update to version 20190904.1b3a6e1f: * osclib/core: request_action_key(): handle add_role/set_bugowner against project. * osclib/core: request_action_key(): include set_bugowner in top level condition.- Update to version 20190904.41587803: * Continue python3 port of abichecker * Fix cron for openqa - it's supposed to run every 10 minutes- Update to version 20190904.3d286c35: * Fix group name for the abichecker pipeline- Update to version 20190904.f5eee13e: * Run abichecker on botmaster as well- Update to version 20190904.fb0c4142: * oqamaint: fix more python3 issues and add _OBSOLETE=1- Update to version 20190904.3ba02675: * also remove 42.3 from apimap * remove leap 42.3 add 15.2- Update to version 20190904.0f9d84a0: * oqamaint: Take the default modules- Update to version 20190904.72915933: * Python3 port of openqa maintenance bot * Run openqa-maintenance on botmaster as well- Update to version 20190903.79a13ddd: * osclib/request_splitter: replace map() calls with loop and call.- Update to version 20190829.72c1e9b4: * obs_operator: override HTTPServer.handle_error() to capture exceptions. * osclib/sentry: tag osc version. * osclib/sentry: provide dummy client. * osclib/sentry: sentry_client(): handle 0.11.x API change.- Update to version 20190829.e912e9d2: * obs_operator: allow illegal cookie keys.- Update to version 20190829.f74d0c1d: * osc-origin: update: indicate which package is being checked.- Update to version 20190829.64280909: * web/origin-manager: allow a request to be diffed against a potential origin. * web/origin-manager: display the reason for a diff failure. * web/origin-manager: properly handle potential origin de-selection. * web/origin-manager: properly handle package de-selection. * web/origin-manager: clear table data before loading new data. * web/origin-manager: table_selection_set(): handle undefined table. * osclib/origin: origin_history(): expose source_(project,package,revision). * obs_operator: handle_package_diff(): expose target package and revision.- Update to version 20190828.14971e2d: * osc-origin: capture exception with sentry to ensure they are reported. * check_source: check for target package not found when checking out. * ReviewBot: action_method(): drop request.type sentry extra in favor or action.key. * ReviewBot: simplify sentry_sdk initialization line since defined globally. * ReviewBot: provide and action.key as sentry extras. * ReviewBot: action_method(): reduce sentry extra to filter(None, ...). * osclib/common: provide version_calcuate() and utilize by default. * osclib/git: provide describe(). * osclib/git: remove unnecessary CacheManager import.- Update to version 20190828.97f37e80: * gocd: use sep pipeline for build-fail-reminder * gocd: add Leap 15.2 announcer * Use python3 shebang- Update to version 20190828.30c7a9a2: * update_repo_handler: properly extract factory build string- Update to version 20190827.7f92a226: * ReviewBot: reduce unhandled request type log message from error to info.- Update to version 20190826.cf98ac16: * osclib/origin: origin_annotation_dump(): allow origin_info_new to be None.- Update to version 20190822.bf48f33a: * check_source: add a review for the security team if there are warnings about missing whitelist entries and this is submitted to a project that has this check activated via attribute OSRT:Config (add to bad-rpmlint-entries)- Update to version 20190820.b9c7635c: * gocd: *.Origin.Manager.Update: shift timer to account for seconds.- Update to version 20190816.a1d076d0: * Revert "userscript/origin: hide request card when no OSRT:OriginConfig."- Update to version 20190816.a7d8e044: * gocd: include :NonFree in OS.Origin.Manager.Update.- Update to version 20190816.74b9714a: * osclib/sentry: expose environment configuration. * obs_operator: provide sentry_sdk integration. * osc-origin: provide sentry_sdk integration. * osc-staging: provide sentry_sdk integration. * ReviewBot: provide sentry_sdk integration. * osclib/sentry: provide initial sentry_sdk handling.- Update to version 20190816.723e45f3: * userscript/origin: update release request handling. * userscript/origin: hide request card when no OSRT:OriginConfig. * userscript/origin: update request card column xpath.- Update to version 20190814.0bb5815b: * Add rebuild trigger for openSUSE:Factory:ARM- Update to version 20190813.1e238223: * gocd: duplicate Duplicated.Binaries check for Leap. * osclib/request_splitter: quick strategy: s/leaper/origin-manager/. * osclib/request_splitter: quick strategy: remove repo-checker from whitelist.- Update to version 20190809.d73531de: * config/manager_42: drop openSUSE:Leap:15.2 config. * config/manager_42: drop SUSE:SLE-15-SP2:GA config. * gocd/checkers.suse: drop SLE-SP2.Manager42 job. * gocd/checkers.suse: add S15.SP2.Origin.Manager.Update job.- Update to version 20190808.33b58c3b: * gocd/checkers.opensuse: wrap OS.Origin.Manager.Update with osc-origin install.- Update to version 20190808.410ee514: * gocd: provide OS.Origin.Manager.Update. * osc-origin: provide update command. * osclib/origin: provide origin_update() to process updating single package. * osclib/core: provide request_create_delete(). * osclib/core: provide request_create_submit() and RequestFuture. * osclib/core: provide message_suffix() and utilize in source_file_save().- Update to version 20190806.914d1061: * osclib/origin: always include project link when fetching source history.- Update to version 20190730.07c607e6: * Fix parsing of the --no-rebuild option * Don't pollute Factory dashboard package with powerpc infos- Update to version 20190729.3d7e928c: * Fix leap 15.2: no problems in a repo wasn't tested :)- Update to version 20190729.b3ec5fd8: * Filter out release numbers from problem output- Update to version 20190729.e13c08e3: * Have the storage commit include the details what is was for- Update to version 20190729.36a995fe: * Combine project_only and rebuild into check- Update to version 20190729.9f0aee45: * Remove project_only for Factory and update projects- Update to version 20190729.70133114: * Kill in gocd config * Rely on remote config and storage * Replace with project-installcheck functionality- Update to version 20190726.df07bcc2: * Fix fvogt's fix by putting the project in the template * Fix staging bot to actually run on SP2- Update to version 20190722.14459251: * Fix 15.1 images by introducing them again- Update to version 20190722.35dabf52: * rabbit-openqa: Catch exceptions as PUT to openqa might result in 404- Update to version 20190719.297ecd02: * factory-package-news: add aarch64 to search path- Update to version 20190719.556387c2: * rabbit-openQA: Notify openQA about images repositories published- Update to version 20190719.590e2886: * gocd: update 15.1 jobs to 15.2.- Update to version 20190719.dada45f0: * config/manager_42: add previous Leap :Update and :NonFree 15.2.- Update to version 20190718.c4bd3fef: * config/manager_42: update for Leap 15.2. * config/announcer: update for Leap 15.2.- Update to version 20190716.f688158f: * origin-manager: always accept review when no OSRT:OriginConfig. * osclib/origin: correct import order. * osclib/origin: support pending source lookup against maintenance origin. * osclib/origin: handle nested annotation loading and support maintenance incidents. * osclib/core: provide a series of request list generators. * origin-manager: allow for skipping actions with no config when multiple. * ReviewBot: nest review messages by action key when multiple actions. * osclib/origin: origin_annotation_dump() provide raw option. * osclib/core: provide request_action_key(). * osclib/core: enhance attribute_value_load() to handle boolean attributes. * osclib/core: provide action_is_patchinfo() from ReviewBot. * osclib/core: provide simplified search() and utilize.- Update to version 20190712.4693df7f: * fix git repository and ensure return value is not ignored- Update to version 20190712.238abef3: * dist: package /etc/grafana with the same mode as grafana- Update to version 20190711.a1d38b79: * Fix SP2 config- Update to version 20190710.282c7d6a: * Integrate installcheck into the sp2 pipeline- Update to version 20190709.b3522549: * gocd: call to fixup previous commit- Update to version 20190709.ee061754: * gocd: add origin-manager to SLE checkers.- Update to version 20190709.280c206c: * Run staging bot on SP2- Update to version 20190708.7f37712f: * rebuildpacs: ignore issues of petsc:openmpi- Update to version 20190708.365dacdd: * Add a script to verifying importing 32bit binaries- Update to version 20190705.052a5abc: * Fix some python2/python3 confusion with pkglistgen (for sle)- Update to version 20190705.cd7cbf3e: * Change name of the staging pipeine - gitlab is historical- Update to version 20190705.e743fab0: * Change target from SLE15-SP1 to SLE15-SP2- Update to version 20190704.4e728eb8: * Run pkglistgen on sp2 stagings- Update to version 20190704.500184e1: * Add the Package Hub 15 SP1 config to gocd * Add manager_42 configuration for Package Hub 15 SP1- Update to version 20190613.dd9c9d45: * Run MicroOS & Kubic announcers at different times * Add MicroOS announcer instance- Update to version 20190612.c85f9d9d: * Send Kubic announcements to correct mailinglist- Update to version 20190606.a44d2886: * Readd whitelist for installcheck- Update to version 20190606.bc7fb9f9: * Adapt packaging to the split * Reduce repo_checker to check a project (and rename) * staging-installcheck: remove unused imports/variables * No longer ignore existing problems in adi projects * Add maintenance-installcheck next to staging-installcheck * Remove things no longer needed in * Retire Update to version 20190606.e70c7624: * ttm: remove code to update pinned openQA comment- Update to version 20190603.8b4ad7de: * Switch rebuildpac user to factory-maintainer- Update to version 20190603.337648ba: * Remove --add from select command- Update to version 20190603.49a5e95b: * Support licensedigger as reviewer for SUSE and openSUSE- Update to version 20190603.c4a82136: * Switch reviewer factory-auto from group to user- Update to version 20190602.850eca98: * Fix inner-staging links to use cicount=copy- Update to version 20190601.2ec55156: * Extend namespace for SLE projects to monitor- Update to version 20190601.882d97cd: * Merged special resources into staging-bot * Run origin manager reviews on gocd as well- Update to version 20190531.3ecf53c9: * Reuse the staging-bot container for manager_42 * The last leaper service from packagelists- Update to version 20190531.716b6367: * Fix filename for repo checker's oscrc- Update to version 20190531.6c5cf2ce: * Remove comments from gocd scripts * Trying to fix gocd error (on valid yaml)- Update to version 20190531.537ad9df: * Fix the rebuild trigger config- Update to version 20190531.d9b871ad: * Trigger rebuilds from gocd- Update to version 20190531.e97e388d: * Add daily cleanup of Factory ignore list- Update to version 20190531.dcc007cf: * dist/k8s: drop OBS operator origin-manager report cron. * systemd: drop OBS operator origin-manager report service/timer. * dist/k8s: provide OBS operator origin-manager cron. * systemd: provide OBS operator origin-manager cron service and timer. * osc-origin: provide cron command to automate lookup management. * osc-origin: do not update lookup information if project is locked. * osclib/core: provide project_locked().- Update to version 20190531.2be3c4ee: * Add the tumbleweed URL to kubic config- Update to version 20190531.cf0368b0: * Avoid crons triggered by git changes- Update to version 20190531.93127927: * Fix support for multiple spec files- Update to version 20190531.6f4621dc: * Run factory announcer on gocd- Update to version 20190531.c354f8c8: * Export PYTHONPATH pointing to scripts checkout- Update to version 20190531.9e35b50a: * Run one more leaper service from packagelists- Update to version 20190530.f099b690: * osc-origin: add missing command descriptions. * Use a temporary directory for staging plugin * Fix projects import into legaldb- Update to version 20190530.5db13774: * Remove check_dups plugin- Update to version 20190530.8434e554: * Take pkglistgen from git - avoid deployment loop- Update to version 20190530.ba617bfb: * Fix resource name for check duplicated config- Update to version 20190530.39f3935d: * Do not crash on packages without spec file- Update to version 20190530.6d93fc45: * Ignore current Factory duplicates * Run check_duplicate_binaries once in night * Report duplicated binaries in install check * Introduce osclib.core.duplicated_binaries_in_repo- Update to version 20190529.5b46d05f: * Remove the 3 suffix - python3 is now everywhere- Update to version 20190529.f2d0f953: * No need to install flake8, it's part of the image now- Update to version 20190529.3d9c681d: * Update the list of devel projects from gocd- Update to version 20190529.b9594ea6: * Run gnome review bot on gocd * Run on gocd- Update to version 20190529.d6937865: * Need to use http urls for obs to map it- Update to version 20190529.54db9aca: * Fix staging rebuild on python3 * Run build fail reminder on botmaster- Update to version 20190529.291828b1: * Run devel projects reminder on gocd- Update to version 20190529.7bf08ffb: * Run check_source_in_factory on gocd * Run on gocd- Update to version 20190528.b16ab7c0: * gocd: Fix rendering of missing linebreak in README- Update to version 20190528.0ad5ef7f: * Remove debug from autosubmit - so it actually submits- Update to version 20190528.b8193352: * Run obs-autosubmit on gocd- Update to version 20190528.0e7f9616: * virtually accept: fix string type handling in Python3- Update to version 20190528.d7183777: * Run staging bot now in python3 as well- Update to version 20190528.77612961: * legal-auto: Port prints to logger calls * legal-auto: the pickle path needs to be a file- Update to version 20190527.8363fe38: * Move legaldb import of projects into gocd * Remove debug output left in ReviewBot- Update to version 20190527.1a9bfa3a: * Run legal-auto on botmaster as well- Update to version 20190527.a0475878: * Fix repo_checker path in gocd config- Update to version 20190527.8328b5ec: * Run project_only reports on 15.1:Update and no longer on 15.1- Update to version 20190527.7f657d82: * Run the SP5 installcheck per staging project and triggered by repo changes * Run project_only reports in python3 containers- Update to version 20190527.dd327556: * Fix whitelist handling of repo checker in python3- Update to version 20190527.edbb8573: * Exit with an error if there were exceptions caught * ReviewBot: Simplify the !interval case- Update to version 20190524.65b73f1d: * userscript/staging*: only utilize the last two domain components. * osclib/core: package_version(): drop lxml element and return string version. * systemd: increase timeout to 24 hours for origin-manager report services.- Update to version 20190524.86919f96: * README: Add explanation of developing against git osc. * .gitignore: ignore osc symlink commonly used to develop against pre-release osc.- Update to version 20190524.fa2a17cf: * accept_command: fix missing the url for uploading product file change- Update to version 20190523.823c5142: * Fix factory-package-news to work with Python 3- Update to version 20190522.4ee44da8: * dist/k8s/heroes: include openSUSE:Leap:15.1:NonFree in origin_manager_report. * osclib/util: correct python3 port by casting to list directly after filter.- Update to version 20190522.4707e237: * Require python3-osc and python3 only * Require newly released osc for python3 fixes- Update to version 20190522.5ac61a01: * There is no use of urlgrabber left- Update to version 20190521.d64a1336: * TTM: Add new failed status 'timeout_exceeded'- Update to version 20190520.ad7abc06: * Add SLES15-SP1-SAP-Azure-LI-BYOS cloud image- Update to version 20190520.c8cc0dd1: * Fix rabbitmq acknowledge: first ACK then check the content- Update to version 20190519.fd3bbccf: * Acknowledge the rabbitmq message- Update to version 20190518.34ca7128: * Fix typo in gocd config- Update to version 20190518.e101da78: * Need a destionation if there are multiple materials- Update to version 20190518.32a1e725: * Switch miniobs to use 15.1 * Add staging-report entries (moved from packagelists) * gocd: Move SP1 config here * Move here * Fix python3 for staging-report- Update to version 20190518.896c4185: * Submit openSUSE-release-tools even if there are no changes- Update to version 20190516.fab9b27f: * Convert stdout of repo checker perl part to string * Fix check_source with python3- Update to version 20190516.63108381: * Run container cleaner as python3 * sha1_short: support bytes and str- Update to version 20190516.4e26ac93: * Sort architectures to fix #2021- Update to version 20190516.6dce9a79: * Run even more bots in python3 * Run source and repo checker in python3- Update to version 20190516.69527f81: * origin-manager: switch to python3. * osclib/origin: cast filter() to list() to improve debug output [python3]. * osc-origin, osclib/origin: port first dict key/value access [python3]. * osclib/util: sha1_short(): encode data as utf-8 [python3].- Update to version 20190515.8221df00: * osclib/core: rework as package_list_kind_filtered(). * osclib/core: provide package_kind().- Update to version 20190515.33b36945: * Run ttm in python3 containers as well- Update to version 20190515.b5131ba8: * Run the monitors in python3 containers- Update to version 20190515.5a1b08d8: * osclib: make source_file_load() always return string * Switch to newly created account to update OSRT * pkglistgen: Output strings on the console- Update to version 20190515.077c32aa: * check_tags_in_requests: escalate loss of issue references to a decline. * check_tags_in_requests: make issue singular since references is plural. * check_tags_in_requests: issue state is deleted not removed.- Update to version 20190514.a1e436cb: * Add CNAME for github pages serving.- Update to version 20190514.3df85367: * userscript/origin: rework to handle requests and interface link.- Update to version 20190514.681a59ac: * Only impose a maxsize for a selected list of packages- Update to version 20190514.60b9a909: * Add SUSE checkers config here- Update to version 20190513.c5e7d06d: * userscript/origin: do not show failed when no OriginConfig.- Update to version 20190513.2657cadc: * web/origin-manager: scroll to value after selecting.- Update to version 20190513.0c46b2ca: * obs_operator: do not require session for OPTIONS method.- Update to version 20190513.f2460434: * Run staging-installcheck exclusively on python3- Update to version 20190513.b0d4f352: * Even more fixes for pkglistgen on python3- Update to version 20190513.9c9e6e94: * suppkg_rebuild: Fix TypeError on python3- Update to version 20190513.b98a02f3: * pkglistgen needs to run in the python3 container- Update to version 20190513.03a54802: * Close the rabbit connection more carefully- Update to version 20190513.ccca194f: * Even more python3 fixes for pkglistgen- Update to version 20190513.780404f4: * Fix path to * Fix update_repo_handler in python3- Update to version 20190512.90426046: * Fix repository_path_expand to also work in Factory stagings- Update to version 20190512.e68bcda3: * Fix problems with pkglistgen under python3- Update to version 20190512.4ef0c623: * Move to python3 containers for testing- Update to version 20190511.a31c3724: * Fix string/bytes confusion with installcheck * Fix and test repository_path_expand on SLE12-SP5 * Avoid warning on using .warn (python3) * Simplify travis setup even more: deploy in gocd- Update to version 20190511.ffc9b22e: * Remove more references to vcr- Update to version 20190510.fbd1bbd4: * obs_operator: handle multi-level host domains. * obs_operator: handle multi-level origin domains.- Update to version 20190510.a18d69a6: * web/origin-manager: handle multi-level domains. * web/origin-manager: correct indentation of bootstrap import. * travis: restore deployment functionality. * systemd: drop --debug from obs_operator service. * systemd: include OBS Operator origin manager report service template. * metrics: reduce request period to after 450000. * vdelreq: ensure package does exist before checking binary * Run flake8 from Tumbleweed * Redo select tests to test package with multiple spec files * Fix delete requests with multiple spec files * freeze: Stop ignoring inter project links * freeze: Remove code handling Test-DVD * For consistency reasons always link the sub packages we're selecting * Ignore tests in coverage report * Merge vcrhelpers into OBSLocal * Simplify httpretty usage * Python3 fixes * Create fixtures for devel_project_tests * Fix comment_tests to create fixtures * Create user before using it * Rename OBSLocal.OBSLocalTestCase to OBSLocal.TestCase * Create a real staging setup for freeze tests * Run the nosetests in a tumbleweed container instead of travis environment * Remove fake OBS in favor of using generated test data * Fix OBSLock to always write full ISO format * Fix crash on staging project without flag section * obs_clone: remove watchlist from persons * Do not build packages in travis but in OBS * userscript/origin.user.js: nice icons * Add container for testing in leap 15.1 * dist/package: handle python 2 vs python 3 dependencies. * dist/package: require influxdb and telegraf for Tumbleweed. * dist/package: drop %check and related build requirements. * osclib/conf: convert all non-string defaults to string equivalents. * osclib/origin: handle origin_info when None. * osclib/origin: origin_revision_state(): do not find origin when None.- Update to version 20190502.410ee689: * dist/package: add osclib dependency to all osc plugin packages.- Update to version 20190502.e4b5f68f: * [ttm] do not wait publishing if dryrun- Update to version 20190502.94176960: * PubSubConsumer: Fix cancel callbacks * PubSubConsumer: fix timer API and close callbacks * PubSubConsumer: add SSL options and fix reason API * PubSubConsumer: adopt to Pika 1.0 change- Update to version 20190502.9cdbc9ac: * obs_operator: do not validate apiurl when set by flag. * dist/ci/flake-extra: include in product grep. * web/origin-manager: provide initial interface utilizing operator handlers. * obs_operator: provide request/submit handler. * obs_operator: provide package/diff handler. * obs_operator: provide origin/projects handler. * obs_operator: provide origin/potentials handler. * obs_operator: provide origin/history handler. * obs_operator: add format support to origin/list handler. * obs_operator: handle empty body POST request. * obs_operator: support CORS preflight check OPTIONS requests. * osc-origin: add command to list package origin history. * osclib/origin: add origin_history(). * osc-origin: add command to list potential origins for a package. * osclib/origin: add origin_potentials(). * osc-origin: add projects command to list managed projects. * osc-origin: provide format flag and add support to list command. * osc-origin: include revision state information in lookup cache. * osc-origin: correct import order of origin_find(). * osclib/origin: provide origin_revision_state(). * osclib/core: review_find_last(): compare by_user instead of who. * osclib/core: provide project_attribute_list(). * osclib/core: provide package_version(). * obs_operator: change to two-level POST paths and same func naming as GET.- Update to version 20190502.09332504: * Skip latest m2crypto for python3 branches as well * Fix imports, python3 doesn't import from . * Convert iterator to list to avoid RuntimeError * family_prior: Cast the filtered list to a list- Update to version 20190430.491142d2: * osclib/pkgcache: drop as no more uses. * abichecker: remove PkgCache usage and instead always download.- Update to version 20190430.a4924ffb: * Add small OBS instance without data- Update to version 20190430.49f20d45: * Don't take latest m2crypto - fails to compile- Update to version 20190424.b4083b08: * Fix container_cleaner timer trigger * Add osrt-container_cleaner to openSUSE-release-tools package * Use openSUSE-release-tools.git * More tests in * Add container-cleaner.gocd.yaml * Add program for cleaning up maintenance_release projects for containers- Update to version 20190423.971a080f: * More porting to python3- Update to version 20190418.6b9c1c8f: * userscript/origin: rename to include user.js suffix.- Update to version 20190417.39960a3e: * Add option to release image_products into a separate repo- Update to version 20190416.00308ba8: * TTM: Remove confusing debug output * TTM: Fix another migration problem on publishing- Update to version 20190416.0862a640: * TTM: add fixup command to update attribute- Update to version 20190415.d9e7dcbe: * TTM: Ignore bootstrap - user will have to use --force * Extend the migration code * TTM: Add migration for the 'testing' status attribute * package: TTM needs python-enum34 (until we're on python3) * TTM: Fix conversion of QAResult to string- Update to version 20190415.8911f2b7: * Fix exit handling of release and publish commands * TTM: Don't set 'published' snapshot before it's done * Add info log to wasted publish calls * TTM: reset failed status if no longer failing * TTM: Do not touch attributes if dry run * TTM: Fix release_package to be available to publisher as well * TTM: Check the publish state in releaser * Set the 'testing' status in releaser * Add published comment to openqa * TTM: Simplify (and fix) openqa status * Split manager into publisher and release- Update to version 20190413.989fecad: * Improve error msg that the project was not frozen- Update to version 20190404.0016e77e: * Make the ignore whitelist always a set()- Update to version 20190403.36af69dc: * Ignore packages listed in comments- Update to version 20190329.d14cf59a: * ReviewBot: handle any exception raised by check_one_request().- Update to version 20190329.5c3f44b5: * origin-manager: require fallback review for delete requests.- Update to version 20190329.b0371a1d: * osc-staging: exclude NonFree requests from staging proposals.- Update to version 20190328.456ec244: * Remove the special logic for 000product- Update to version 20190328.f449f81: * Release/Publish container_products first * Fix yet another crash because of self.project * Don't use version_images prefix for Images projects * Fix indenting - this is really hard :( * Move some more pipelines from citest to official repo- Update to version 20190328.7f59878: * Replace all left self.project with * Fix crash on images projects (openSUSE:Leap:15.0:Images)- Update to version 20190328.1dc8e17: * Skip ttm subdir in nosetests * Remove is_image_product all together * Rename the snapshot functions and add gocd config * Moved the config into OBS/IBS * Calculate is_image_product instead of configuring it * Parse the config from yaml * Split totest manager into multiple files * Add config * Stop the fallback - we pass the real project name * Make is_image_product a config * Remove bad quotes (flake) * ToTestBaseNew is history * Merge _release functions * Merge is_snapshottable variants * Change the current_source override to a config * Move set_snapshot_number to ToTestBase * Remove overloaded iso_ and ftp_ function for SLE * Remove basically duplicated release_version function * Harmonize get_current_snapshot to take first main_product * Remove interval option - we run it as systemd timer for a while- Update to version 20190327.d8487cd: * dist/k8s: drop --debug flag from obs_operator service. * dist/k8s: provide obs_operator origin-manager report sub component. * dist/k8s: add service cache to obs_operator. * dist/k8s: provide service level cache similar to reviewbot cache.- Update to version 20190327.a8bf788: * Fix one more newline - not just in print- Update to version 20190327.eae8884: * Fix newline in SI report- Update to version 20190327.b3f1624: * Include the delete request analysis in the text file- Update to version 20190326.83e05fa: * obs_operator: verify that origin root-domain matches host domain. * obs_operator: raise exceptions when osc request environment cannot be aquired. * obs_operator: calculate apiurl from host instead of origin header.- Update to version 20190326.9d00ba0: * userscript/origin: use cross-domain request with credentials.- Update to version 20190326.2b58c02: * check_source: update grammar- Update to version 20190326.4aa89f7: * Don't hardcode Update to version 20190324.9a25908: * Don't add repo-checker from factory-auto in Leap- Update to version 20190322.83c6eb0: * origin-manager: include annotation in fallback review comment.- Update to version 20190322.f36bb8b: * userscript/origin: provide initial supplementary interface. * obs_operator: expose osc-plugin-origin commands via GET. * obs_operator: extract osc environment setup as with object. * osc-origin: osrt_origin_lookup(): print time since generated. * osc-origin: osrt_origin_lookup_file(): include project in cache file name.- Update to version 20190322.07dc46f: * osclib/origin: policy_input_calculate(): s/inital/initial/. * osc-origin: list: sort by package name. * osclib/origin: policy_input_evaluate(): only add additional review if not already set. * osclib/core: package_source_hash(): handle non-existant revision.- Update to version 20190320.d3c0e8b: * Avoid gocd warning on 9 minutes without print- Update to version 20190320.2f35ae2: * Remove repository (not set for letter stagings)- Update to version 20190320.7fc7a53: * SI: upload the result to OBS and link that on failure * SI: continue with other stagings on failures * Package the osrt- symlink in bin * Allow project comments to ignore delete requests for listed packages * SI: exit 1 if there was an error * Don't throw 404 on disappeared adi project * Do not repeated failed reports either * SI: Cache existant problems - they are always the same * SI: Go through all staging projects * Refactor a little * Repo checker: work on staging projects as a whole- Update to version 20190320.d9b4fee: * gocd: Fix PYTHONPATH for the monitor scripts- Update to version 20190320.c76e0d9: * Fix compat with pyYaml 5.1 * origin-manager: include origin annotation in comment when waiting.- Update to version 20190320.ab8a614: * No longer package rabbit-openqa but add gocd config for it * Add rabbit-repoid * PubsubConsumer: Implement max runtime- Update to version 20190320.bb48831: * Replace deprecated (and not advised) yaml.load() with yaml.safe_load(). * [openqa-maintenance] Add openSUSE Leap 15.1 configuration * osclib/origin: policy_input_evaluate(): do not list disallowed reviews.- Update to version 20190313.b7eeea5: * Added livecd-tumbleweed-xfce in livecd_products- Update to version 20190311.149e290: * pkglistgen: Don't upper case the staging letter- Update to version 20190309.bb2cb5c: * Fix adi command if there are actually checks * devel-project: notify: catch smtp exceptions rather than crashing.- Update to version 20190308.7f2195f: * No longer add repo checker as reviewer for Factory * Remove 15.1:ARM:Live- Update to version 20190308.44cbc3a: * Block adi command from accepting if checks aren't succeeding * Add all checks from staging-required-checks-adi to main repo of adi projects- Update to version 20190306.819d437: * dist: provide origin-manager report service and timer. * dist/package: provide osc-plugin-origin package. * osc-origin: provide initial origin osc subcommand. * osclib/core: package_list_without_links(): ignore meta packages (00 prefix). * osclib/origin: provide __str__ method that indicates pending. * osclib/origin: config_resolve_create_family(): force origin_expanded to string. * osclib/util: mail_send(): allow a from_key of None to indicate osc user. * osclib/util: mail_send() utilize Config.get() pattern. * osclib/util: mail_send(): use to as config key if no at sign.- Update to version 20190306.ef6e30c: * dist/ci/Dockerfile: change from Tumbleweed to Leap for build host.- Update to version 20190305.9f97c15: * cycle: Add command line parameter support * Use the JeOS-efi binaries for 15.1 arm images version reading * Use different base class for ToTest151ARMImages * Add openSUSE:Leap:15.1:ARM:Images- Update to version 20190227.214f8bb: * origin-manager: support ReviewBot override comment using origin workaround. * ReviewBot: request_override_check(): default to accept. * ReviewBot: request_override_check(): provide force option.- Update to version 20190227.b16cc9a: * Add openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Kubic images- Update to version 20190227.ca7c4fd: * legal: Fix crash on declining obsrq#670770- Update to version 20190226.6d72812: * dist/package: include origin-manager source file in source_dir. * dist/kubernetes: disable origin-manager component. * dist/kubernetes: add origin-manager component. * dist/kiwi: add origin-manager subpackage.- Update to version 20190222.9b58ce5: * Fix project/status route- Update to version 20190221.324b92a: * Output something every 5 minutes to show activity on the console- Update to version 20190220.d43faf0: * tests/obs: provide offering to appease the re-implementation of OBS. * travis: add check to complain about product references in origin-manager. * dist/package: provide origin-manager sub-package. * systemd: provide osrt-origin-manager service and timer. * origin-manager: provide ReviewBot utilizing osclib.origin. * osclib/origin: provide origin management functions. * dist/obs: provide OSRT:OriginConfig definition. * osclib/util: project_version(): return 0 instead of None for invalid project. * osclib/util: provide project_list_family_prior_pattern(). * osclib/util: project_list_family_prior(): provide include_updates option. * osclib/util: project_list_family(): cache via memoize. * osclib/util: project_list_family(): provide include_update option. * osclib/util: project_list_family(): handle :NonFree suffix. * osclib/cache: handle repetative package_source_hash_history() calls. * osclib/conf: properly load config for innerconnect projects. * osclib/core: provide request_remote_identifier() for printable identifier. * osclib/core: provide issue_tracker*() functions. * osclib/core: provide review_*() functions for summarizing review state. * osclib/core: provide project_remote_*() functions for innerconnect projects. * osclib/core: provide package_source_hash*() functions. * osclib/core: provide entity_source_link(). * osclib/conf: add repo-checker key since it does review :Update requests. * osclib/core: provide entity_exists() and use in StagingAPI.item_exists().- Update to version 20190219.8d3c53c: * Need apiurl for staging report- Update to version 20190218.0f466a0: * Add kubic-kured-image and kubic-pause-image to container_products- Update to version 20190215.53bbe03: * Add missing dependency- Update to version 20190213.be751cc: * compare_pkglist: fix return code handling introduced by 2e339acffb03b6786c902c2ebd250d1c3720e315- Update to version 20190213.af2471e: * compare_pkglist: minor improvements- Update to version 20190213.fe23e8d: * repo_checker: Simplify cycle check- Update to version 20190212.6f70fe2: * compare_pkglist: update version to Leap 15.1 and SLE15 SP1- Update to version 20190211.38c1c42: * Fix rebuildpacs for installation-images- Update to version 20190208.9984223: * osclib/list_command: 24ae4ba81 broke formatting.- Update to version 20190207.4e24164: * Remove openSUSE-images from rebuildpacs - long gone- Update to version 20190207.6d706a6: * rebuildpacs: Check the binary version not just the bdep itself * Take over rebuildpac problems from packagelists VM and tidy- Update to version 20190207.b99d841: * Fix arch-whitelist to apply to staging projects * Filter the repositories_pairs depending on the target archs * Don't try to filter staging archs * Calculcate the whitelist for letter stagings purely on config * Expand all repositories but ignore archs with 404 * repo_checker: remove explicit target project repository layer for letter stagings. * repo_checker: provide repo_checker-binary-whitelist-ring config option.- Update to version 20190206.61c0f67: * Map i686 packages to i586 to find kernel-pae-devel- Update to version 20190205.ee7cdc2: * ReviewBot: catch exception for adding devel project review * conf: use backports-reviewers for backports- Update to version 20190130.7d1fa2f: * Fix E117: over-indented (flake8 update on TW) * Fix format in rabbitmq debug- Update to version 20190130.f66fd52: * fix incompatible repo id tagging for openSUSE products- Update to version 20190126.da4ba5d: * Support connecting suse in PubSubConsumer * Only use amqp_prefix as config * Reduce debug level for channel close- Update to version 20190124.535533d: * accept_command: no longer need to triggering product converter service- Update to version 20190122.8d29352: * osc cycle: correctly handle comma-separated arg list * leaper: fix cross instance obs links * leaper: tune origin change reporting * leaper: check 15.1 explicitly * ReviewBot: refactor logic * deptool: only skip disabled repos when not listed explicitly- Update to version 20190121.a524c04: * Replace in 000release-packages * Handle special * Fix handle_update_repos for Factory and leap * Store it as susetags light * Refresh solv files for leap- Update to version 20190117.7ccdd76: * pkglistgen: Reset the tool between projects- Update to version 20190117.16fdb71: * Fix base container for tumbleweed- Update to version 20190117.f3466fc: * Fix check for "no change in snapshot version"- Update to version 20190117.954ec73: * Install pkglistgen files- Update to version 20190117.f8b4b43: * Kill * Moved the nocleanup-packages setting into remote config * Set some version for staging projects * pkglistgen: Don't crash in powerpc on i586 entries * Revert the change to copy_files * Don't hardcode architectures - take it from the project * pkglistgen: Replace empty version with OSRT:ProductVersion * pkglistgen: Ignore locked packages for expansion * pkglistgen: Add all recommends and supplements * pkglistgen: require set_namespaceproviders for now (it's old enough) * pkglistgen: Move droplist generation aside * pkglistgen: Fix test failures (including flake8) * pkglistgen: Don't update 000package-summary anymore, but diff * pkglistgen: Write group stubs for --only-release-packages * pkglistgen: Move one more function to solv_utils * pkglistgen: Trim down CommandLine interface to the minimum * pkglistgen: Introduce file_utils functions * pkglistgen: Move dump_solv into its own file * pkglistgen: move do_solve into tools class * pkglistgen: Bugfixes for create_sle_weakeremovers * pkglistgen: move create_sle_weakremovers to tool class * pkglistgen: Drop list commands * pkglistgen: Drop update command * pkglistgen: Move suggested from global to package level * pkglistgen: Take the architectures from tool not opts * pkglistgen: Move into a folder and split into 3 files- Update to version 20190116.af61a2f: * ttm: Follow Tumbleweed move to new pkglistgen pkg layout- Update to version 20190116.9ab4c3c: * accept_command: add additional version number to OSRT:ProductVersion- Update to version 20190110.a9eeeb0: * Only decline delete requests that affect linked packages within the target- Update to version 20190109.df13caa: * ttm: remove set_snapshot_number in ToTest151PowerPC- Update to version 20190104.537bdd5: * ARM: don't set the snapshot version- Update to version 20181219.960b7ba: * suppkg_rebuild: use the binaryverions query instead- Update to version 20181218.d14a232: * check_duplicate_binaries: set arch key to string instead of the list- Update to version 20181210.75e065f: * Add JeOS and containers to TW- Update to version 20181205.180ca46: * fcc_submitter: ignore removed package in the previous version- Update to version 20181204.aa1c004: * droplist: Ignore Leap:15.1 for Leap:15.1:ARM * Do not generate drop list for leap:15.1:arm at the moment * No longer default to all scopes but make it configurable * Also remove 'arm' scope * Remove 'ports' scope - powerpc uses target project * Fix deleting of files * Delete kiwi by glob * Add option to only generate release packages * Remove skip_release option * Set OBS_NAME ourselves on * pkglistgen: Add --staging option for easier scoping- Update to version 20181129.f45087d: * osclib/cache: remove double comment introduced in #1802. * metrics: sync config key with recent Leap changes. * tests/metrics: add basic test to ensure code is executable. * travis: use ecrypted e-mail address to avoid spam from forks.- Update to version 20181127.ad48ebf: * If we can't resolve the package name, it's no reason to decline- Update to version 20181127.edba5dc: * Revert extracted kiwi again- Update to version 20181126.590fd22: * dist/k8s/app.yaml: disable check-source and repo-checker components. * dist/kubernetes: utilize new image home in openSUSE:Tools:Images. * dist/package: include worker kiwi to allow extraction via _service. * dist/kiwi/worker: include obs-operator subpackage. * obs_operator: use unbuffered output to work properly in systemd. * dist/kubernetes: provide OBS Operator component.- Extract via _service and reference in spec.- Update to version 20181126.4331271: * ttm: add minimal staging config for pseudometa package * Add workaround for failing JeOS comparison on ARM- Update to version 20181126.f333b2d: * Readability cleanups * Follow flake8 import order * Iterate over product arch list- Update to version 20181124.c1a7698: * Adjust JeOS for 15.1 images- Update to version 20181123.b280e8a: * fcc_submitter: update version to 15.1- Update to version 20181122.aaef149: * leaper: just pass if only origin change left to decide * leaper: fix comment about package not in Factory * leaper: silence output of checking older dists- Update to version 20181121.5a43f6f: * Disable caching project _meta- Update to version 20181121.c2d8065: * Disable publishing for the product_repo in the test_project directly- Update to version 20181120.1f0e92c: * pkglistgen: nonefree repo handling should update to tool's repos rather than commandline's repos- Remove kiwi file again as it was causing problems within openSUSE:Factory, moved it to its own webhook triggered container on openSUSE:Tools:Images/osrt-worker-obs- Update to version 20181120.4be5ff3: * Replace urlparse.urlparse for python3 * Import url functions properly for python3 * Use more print from the future * ttm: Add ToTest151PowerPC for Leap 15.1 PowerPC- Update to version 20181119.1714c58: * staging-report: ignore projects not in a final state. * osclib/stagingapi: provide project_status_final().- Update to version 20181119.efa6674: * stagingapi: No longer build disable to sub packages- Update to version 20181116.065ab5e: * userscript/README: include more details about usage and troubleshooting.- Update to version 20181116.416172c: * Checked with aplanas: using stringio is preferred- Update to version 20181116.31e97b0: * In some cases the return value of yaml.load(description_text) can be a string containing 'none'.- Update to version 20181116.e3f260f: * Import urllib2 python agnostic * Store data as binary in the cache * Remove the reduce call the brute force way * basestring is gone - in favor or str (which also works for python2) * rabbit-openqa: fix imports for python3 * Port more code to run under python3 * Use Leap:15.1:Images for testing instead of openSUSE:Factory * Add the base container to container_products of openSUSE:Factory * Add release workflow for container products * Add new ImageProduct class to allow images with different enabled architectures * Only look at/toggle publishing of the the product repo in :ToTest * Define products in ToTestBase * Allow to specify repository and target in _release_package- Update to version 20181115.1c92d8a: * travis: add test jobs against osc python3 branch for both python 2 and 3.- Extract via _service and reference in spec.- Update to version 20181113.f936dc2: * travis: configure notification e-mail to internal list.- Update to version 20181113.56a2f40: * ReviewBot: accept patchinfo action reviews instead of ignore. * pkglistgen: Start documentation * pkglistgen: Support a recommends flag in the OUTPUT * Adapt the unselect test to the current state * Disable DEBUG for obs requests, it makes reading test failures very hard * Do not crash on staging projects without status (gcc7) * Support OBS checks instead of openqa- Update to version 20181110.2a9183f: * Caching attributes is not worth it and creates problems- Update to version 20181110.3310ec0: * systemd/staging-report: include --debug flag to provide actual output. * Rename openqa-comments to staging-report to more accurately reflect new role. * osclib/comments: force encoding to ascii to avoid OBS 400 errors. * openqa-comments: replace custom comment marker with standard, simplify and correct comment logic. * openqa-comments: rework openQA report as status check report. * openqa-comments: utilize StagingAPI.project_status() instead of duplicating. * openqa-comments: cleanup help text wording and defaults.- Update to version 20181109.c39fa33: * [ttm] remove ppc64 (BE) for TW bypass boo#1112920- Update to version 20181109.3aae284: * adi: Fix format for untracked requests- Update to version 20181108.f4371f4: * dist/spec: provide obs-operator subpackage. * userscript/staging-move-drag-n-drop: rework to utilize OBS Operator server. * obs_operator: provide initial version of server. * userscript/staging-move-drag-n-drop: provide option to click to start. * userscript/staging-move-drag-n-drop: move browser compatability check to init.- Update to version 20181108.09fd2ba: * Remove map_ring_package_to_subject - it always return project * No longer build disable on selecting non-ring packages to letter prjs- Update to version 20181108.e8daf87: * new bugowner tool- Update to version 20181108.151a4fe: * [ARM] Skip build number comparison- Update to version 20181108.4293b6b: * Avoid httppretty 0.9.6 for now- Update to version 20181107.1fec88f: * userscript/staging-move-drag-n-drop: provide initial version.- Update to version 20181107.fc99800: * check_source: check if member of staging group before attempting to skip.- Update to version 20181107.c85f26e: * Don't report that a package is ok if the resultlist is empty- Update to version 20181105.1f8bf21: * Fail rabbit-openqa and have systemd restart it- Update to version 20181105.22b89d4: * abichecker: fix for updated osc api- Update to version 20181101.33a4a3b: * osclib/request_splitter: provide stageable option and make default True.- Update to version 20181101.9f21c86: * devel-projects: remove workaround for OBS xpath bug during request search.- Update to version 20181031.0d9cde5: * osclib/core: repository_published() make x86_64 dependent on i586.- Update to version 20181030.c7fd9ba: * osclib/select: only check filter-from logic if argument was passed.- Update to version 20181030.76bb32a: * Fix indentation in is_snapshottable- Update to version 20181026.9f82d01: * leaper: block on pending factory submissions also for new packages- Update to version 20181025.78a0172: * osc-staging: handle None value for --filter-from.- Update to version 20181025.5558473: * repo_checker: filter repository published check by arch. * repo_checker: repository_state_last(): switch to simulate_merge as arg. * repo_checker: repository_state(): limit meta revision to simulate merge. * repo_checker: repository_state(): filter by relevant archs. * repo_checker: extract arch determination as target_archs_from_prairs(). * osclib/core: provide archs filter for repository state and published queries.- Update to version 20181025.3ad87ff: * manager_42: remove extra newline to avoid flake8 E301. * flake8: utilize raw strings to avoid invalid escape character warnings. * flake8: ignore W504.- Update to version 20181023.f7ea85e: * Fix deployment problems on rabbit-openqa- Update to version 20181023.9b1618e: * If OBS or openQA raise an exception, restart * Require python-pika in CI * First connect to AMQP then fetch initial state * Refactored rabbit-openqa to be based on PubSubConsumer * Adopt pika example on async * Moved the ISO replace_string into OBS attributes * Find a sed like syntax for Staging ISOs * Package rabbit-openqa * Make the names of the openQA checks unique * No need to if loop - we do the same for all of openqa * Link to failed test modules * Fetch all openQA jobs for the ISO every time * Gather initial buildid of repositories * Add helper bot to listen to rabbit bus and feed OBS with openQA Status- Update to version 20181021.14837b3: * pkglistgen: fix AttributeError since update_repos() moved to PkgListGen class * osc-staging: select: document --move and --filter-from options. * osc-staging: select: replace --from with --filter-from.- Update to version 20181019.649529a: * metrics/grafana/openqa: set minimum interval of 10s to avoid gaps.- Update to version 20181019.7d58952: * repo_checker: utilize 'staging' config option for instantiating StagingAPI. * osclib/cycle: remove need for StagingApi instance in favor of apiurl. * ReviewBot: staging_api(): allow for Staging subproject to be used.- Update to version 20181019.b184670: * osclib/conf: include NonFree subproject in openSUSE patterns. * osclib/conf: remove Ports subprojects as they no longer exist.- Update to version 20181019.61d9082: * We need the images repo published to have a status check- Update to version 20181017.3282c9a: * leaper: disable maintainer review addition for incidents.- Update to version 20181017.1b25b75: * dist/ci/obs-build-target: utilize TAR_SCM_TESTMODE to avoid URL check. * dist/ci/obs-build-target: stop at first error. * metrics: Fetch openqa jobs in influxdb format- Update to version 20181015.c6ff801: * check_maintenance_incidents: skip action if the action is for patchinfo- Update to version 20181011.61e1049: * Move unlink_list to pkglistgen class too * Move update_repos into Pkglistgen class * Don't make missing repos (per arch) a fatal error- Update to version 20181011.37ac71d: * [ARM 15.1] Include JeOS images in ToTest- Update to version 20181011.5d542a8: * Add openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Kubic-dvd5-dvd-aarch64 to openSUSE:Factory:ARM- Update to version 20181010.e90ac73: * pkglistgen: Fix copy&paste error on uploading results- Update to version 20181010.97f1eda: * Fix overlap calculation: modules only have filtered archs- Update to version 20181004.97e58e1: * Do no longer CC submitters in request comments- Update to version 20181004.caee905: * pkglistgen: Make sure we don't calculate non-existant architectures in stagings- Update to version 20181004.5ba0b87: * Refactor conditional_PUT as core function * pkglistgen: only PUT new data if it changed- Update to version 20180929.39a3f83: * repo_checker: re-instate staging build failure check after generic rework. * pkglistgen: Only check repository check per arch * Optimize repository_state- Update to version 20180927.2deda1a: * osclib/core: repository_state(): rework to utilize binarylist view.- Update to version 20180927.ed9afea: * Move creation of the Solver object out of loop- Update to version 20180926.ea94191: * dist/kubernetes: provide README covering basic operation. * dist/kubernetes: provide repo-checker module. * dist/kubernetes: provide check-source module. * dist/kubernetes: provide base review_bot component prototype. * dist/kubernetes: provide basic ksonnet setup for heroes cluster. * dist/kiwi: provide kiwi for building worker-obs container. * k8s-secret: provide tool to generate kubernetes secrets containing oscrc. * osclib/cache_manager: rework base directory handling. * dist/ci/osc-init: allow output file location to be set via OSCRC env var.- Update to version 20180926.015677f: * Don't take as reference for SP1 product changes- Update to version 20180924.1527c61: * check_tags_in_requests: factory property is actually an array- Update to version 20180921.e409a67: * pkglistgen: compare repository state to determine when to update solv.- Update to version 20180920.35ea0e1: * systemd/metrics-access.timer: utilize compatible calendar format.- Update to version 20180918.38e2d3f: * metrics/access/aggregate: correct empty seen key handling.- Update to version 20180918.d3afb68: * osclib/core: project_pseudometa_file_ensure(): correct comparison logic.- Update to version 20180918.aeb3b8c: * ReviewBots: utilize delete_package check where it was already assumed. * check_source: split out delete repository check to new sub action check. * check_source: decline all delete project requests. * ReviewBot: break down sub-types of delete requests.- Update to version 20180914.628c1a1: * metrics/grafana/access: add new row and graphs for image totals by product. * metrics/access/aggregate: process and summarize image totals by product. * metrics/access/aggregate: extract merge_product_plus_key() from merge(). * metrics/access/ingest: detect product image paths and included in dump. * metrics/grafana/access: remove left-over raw queries. * metrics/access/aggregate: include Leap 15.1 in published metrics.- Update to version 20180913.d102240: * check_source: reset skip_add_reviews for each request- Update to version 20180913.47324ff: * check_source: ignore _product package check- Update to version 20180910.3cf8055: * metrics: check for action/target instead of submit/target since removed. * metrics: remove workaround for OBS xpath bug during request search.- Update to version 20180905.67200cd: * metrics: correct reference to Leap config defaults pattern.- Update to version 20180905.c5ceab9: * osclib/cache: provide mechanism to init multiple times. * Utilize CacheManager for all existing caches. * osclib/cache_manager: provide general cache manager for all tools. * osclib/common: provide project name and version constants.- Update to version 20180901.9e8018f: * travis: increment targetted versions to openSUSE Leap 15.0 and SLE 15.- Update to version 20180831.8d17136: * dist/spec: add obs-service-* requirements of Update to version 20180831.1cedb3d: * compare_pkglist: queries with withlinked=1 to ignore inherited package- Update to version 20180830.814f5f6: * dist/spec: include as requirement of check-source sub package.- Update to version 20180830.e23fb18: * tests/factory_source_tests: update query after osc@f1c3156.- Update to version 20180830.99898de: * README: include section about using obs_clone tool.- Update to version 20180829.e943dab: * metrics: provide initial telegraf setup for ingesting historical snapshots.- Update to version 20180829.6a972fa: * leaper: proper maintainer review rule- Update to version 20180827.541b94d: * Remove SUSE copyright, warranty, and license headers. * LICENSE: add proper GPLv2 license.- Update to version 20180827.491706c: * leaper: comment_handler_lines_deduplicate() remove as no longer applicable.- Update to version 20180824.754012f: * README: completely rewrite and provide workflow overview SVG.- Update to version 20180823.b2be0e2: * README: update coveralls badge for new repository name.- Update to version 20180823.57ef49a: * Revert "repo_checker: change build to state in comment info."- Update to version 20180823.db50e79: * repo_checker: include repository as bot name suffix in direct package comment. * repo_checker: include repository as bot name suffix for staging comments. * osclib/conf: utilize repo_checker-project-skip for OBS SLE projects. * repo_checker: provide repo_checker-project-skip option. * repo_checker: change build to state in comment info.- Update to version 20180823.ebec421: * repo_checker: change package comment default to be direct instead of devel.- Update to version 20180822.a676367: * repo_checker: CreatePackageDescr: exclude build-env requirement.- Update to version 20180822.a02488e: * leaper: replace maintbot usage with ReviewBot methods. * check_source: replace maintbot usage with ReviewBot methods. * ReviewBot: add devel_project_review_*() methods adapted from maintbot.- Update to version 20180822.7fa84f7: * repo_checker: repository_check(): drop left over development comment. * repo_checker: rework install_check() to use target project consistently.- Update to version 20180822.4cbeaa5: * leaper: remove duplicate maintainer review check for IBS in default action.- Update to version 20180822.7f26309: * repo_checker: project_only: hook up --post-comments flag.- Update to version 20180822.a9f1bc0: * osclib/core: repository_path_expand(): skip adding duplicate path.- Update to version 20180821.fa39e68: * StagingAPI: drop inferior expanded_repos() implementation for osclib.core. * pkglistgen: utilize osclib.core.repository_path_expand(). * repo_checker: complete rework to handle arbitrary repos and maintenance. * osclib/util: provide sha1_short() adapted from repo_checker. * osclib/core: provide project_meta_revision() adapted from repo_checker. * osclib/core: provide repository state and published functions. * osclib/core: provide repository_path_search(). * osclib/core: provide repository_path_expand() adapted from StagingAPI. * osclib/core: target_archs(): expose repository argument. * osclib/conf: drop main-repo default for all projects. * ReviewBot: utilize osclib.Cache for all bots by default. * ReviewBot: utilize memoize cached config.- Update to version 20180820.d7d5724: * osc-staging: update "config" documentation to point to OSRT:Config. * osclib/core: source_file_save(): always include host in message. * osclib/stagingapi: rename dashboard_content_* methods to pseudometa_file_*. * Replace relevant 'dashboard' package references with pseudometa lookup. * osclib/stagingapi: drop {load,save}_file_content() methods. * osclib/core: provide project_pseudometa_*() functions. * osclib/core: provide source_file_save() adapted from StagingAPI.- Update to version 20180817.c11f78e: * osclib/conf: remove staging default for generic projects.- Update to version 20180817.f0fadd6: * osclib/conf: provide Leap:N:Update default settings. * osclib/conf: exclude sub-projects from matching project patterns.- Update to version 20180817.8092671: * ReviewBot: drop self.staging_config post switch to Config.get(). * repo_checker: use osclib.conf.str2bool() instead of bool(). * ReviewBots: utilize Config.get() instead of self.staging_config. * osclib/conf: provide cached get() method to supersede ReviewBot cache. * check_source: drop staging_group() for target_project_config().- Update to version 20180817.55116d3: * osclib/stagingapi: utilize osclib.core.attribute_value_*() implementations. * tests/obs: improve format of default Config attribute. * osclib/conf: decouple from StagingAPI and always fetch remote config. * osclib/conf: utilize osclib.core.attribute_value_load() instead of StagingAPI. * osclib/conf: drop dashboard/config migration to attribute. * osclib/core: provide attribute_value_(load|save) adapted from StagingAPI.- Update to version 20180817.93038db: * osc-staging: add documentation for setprio command. * osclib/prio: support non-important priority.- Update to version 20180816.fb3d580: * osclib/core: maintainers_get(): rework to properly supports groups. * osclib/core: provide groups_members() to expand muliple groups users. * Utilize ET.fromstringlist() intead of joining strings.- Update to version 20180816.7b0f756: * repo_checker: CreatePackageDescr: remove more unnecessary special cases.- Update to version 20180815.fa1f929: * repo_checker: drop whitelist_clean sub-command. * repo_checker: determine existing problems based on project_only output.- Update to version 20180815.eed6dde: * repo_checker: support multi-layer projects during project_only run. * repo_checker: properly support multi-layer projects during request mode.- Update to version 20180815.cec5fa6: * repo_checker: whitelist_clean(): correct attribute_value_save().- Update to version 20180814.f629ed8: * ReviewBot: check_one_request(): correct logic to return "lowest" result. * leaper: remove only_one_action limitation. * leaper: provide maintenance_incident support.- Update to version 20180814.17dddb4: * check_source: allow for dot in package name during in-air rename check.- Update to version 20180806.0296ba5: * manager42: don't consider ignored packages vanished- Update to version 20180803.b58b4e4: * pkglistgen: fix calling expand_repos() in CommandLineInterface * pkglistgen: respect main_repo setup for other variant- Update to version 20180802.dec881d: * leaper: fix error with no lookup_150 attribute exist after introduced PackageLookup- Update to version 20180801.cc79ce0: * Lazy evaluation the ring projects- Update to version 20180801.174755e: * pkglistgen: Support passing multiple scopes * Rename superseded_by_id to superseded_by- Update to version 20180727.27f0056: * Add salt packages to DVD for Staging tests- Update to version 20180720.7920baa: * pkglistgen: Commit a summary.yml into 000product-summary if existant * pkglist: Review the proper package (000release-packages) * pkglistgen: allow to pass staging:a as scope * pkglistgen: remove default-support-status option- Update to version 20180719.9951b45: * Move expanded_repos into staging api * repo_checker: Expand repositories of target project * repo_checker: Fix the review loop- Update to version 20180719.c9030ef: * Revert "dist/ci/Dockerfile: add python2-pyOpenSSL as dependency."- Update to version 20180718.2f192f1: * Obsoletes create_test_Factory_dvd-2.testcase * Remove debug code accidentally part of #1615 * Fix openQA group for Leap 15.1 * Add support for SLE12SP4 and SLE15SP1 * Add Leap 15.1 ARM support * Apply remote config in openqa-comments * Remove more of :DVD subproject handling * tests: remove all subproject related part * openqa-comments: do not need to check subproject * check_command: subproject method is no longer exists in dashboard * stagingapi: remove staging_walk() function * stagingapi: remove project_status_walk() function- Update to version 20180718.2f192f1: * Obsoletes create_test_Factory_dvd-2.testcase- Update to version 20180717.a83493b: * Remove debug code accidentally part of #1615- Update to version 20180717.4ced4ce: * Fix openQA group for Leap 15.1 * Add support for SLE12SP4 and SLE15SP1- Update to version 20180717.35e7657: * Add Leap 15.1 ARM support- Update to version 20180716.d161634: * Apply remote config in openqa-comments- Update to version 20180708.2c59f5e: * Remove more of :DVD subproject handling- Update to version 20180705.c561663: * tests: remove all subproject related part * openqa-comments: do not need to check subproject * check_command: subproject method is no longer exists in dashboard- Update to version 20180705.0b67025: * stagingapi: remove staging_walk() function * stagingapi: remove project_status_walk() function- Update to version 20180703.72eb7dc: * pkglistgen: Don't crash on empty groups (unsorted is one) * pkglistgen: Add --stop-after-solve option to ease debugging * pkglistgen: Add --no-checkout option to accelerate reruns * pkglistgen: Calculate the repos list instead of hardcoding * stagingapi: add support for Backports * pkglistgen: drop ring 2 * stagingapi: apply default config first- Update to version 20180703.29c4b6a: * Include deptool in spec file * Tool to debug dependencies- Update to version 20180629.4355859: * No longer have Ring2 and staging :DVD subproject- Update to version 20180629.2ed2f4e: * check_source: skip adding reviews for incidents in favor of maintbot. * check_source: replace one action limitation with configurable rule. * check_source: override rename project setting for maintenance_incident. * check_source: rework rename check to allow for suffixed :Update packages. * ReviewBot: provide self.action for direct access in sub-classes. * ReviewBot: check_action_maintenance_incident(): clarify src_package magic. * ReviewBot: downgrade patchinfo message to debug and include for release. * check_maintenance_incidencts: utilize _is_patchinfo(). * leaper: adjust for SLE 15SP1 and SLE12SP4 * Leaper: adjust for 15.1- Update to version 20180629.b29cbe4: * Adjust opensuse-leap-image references for multibuild * Add packages for Leap 15.0 JeOS- Update to version 20180628.fdc0978: * obs_clone: start from :Rings:1-MinimalX instead of :Rings:2-TestDVD.- Update to version 20180628.fc8db67: * osclib/stagingapi: attribute_value_load(): ensure using desired value.- Update to version 20180627.d5144d3: * Fix JeOS snapshotable detection for Factory:ARM- Update to version 20180626.ca7fec3: * TTM for Leap 15.1 * Fix norelease- Update to version 20180626.15618eb: * repo_checker: Fix config read/load- Update to version 20180625.89c6f1c: * devel-project: reword notifier- Update to version 20180621.c38f9ca: * metrics/access/aggregate: write zeros for empty product data.- Update to version 20180621.58f5c91: * metrics/access/ingest: update pattern to handle most recent log format. * metrics/grafana/access: add explanation about loss of custom log format. * metrics/access/aggregate: change PONTIFEX base URL based on poo#36862. * metrics/grafana/access: remove broken datasource templating from export. * metrics/access/aggregate: remove left over sprintf() from PONTIFEX lines. * metrics/access/aggregate: skip the current day since the logs are incomplete. * dist/spec: move access.json dashboard to metrics-access package.- Update to version 20180621.f2875ce: * pkglistgen: Don't warn about locked packages not found * pkglistgen: Copy away inc files too * pkglistgen: Output more infos about overlap- Update to version 20180620.d4172e6: * osclib/stagingapi: superseded_request(): revert poor indentation changes. * metrics: thankfully we lived past the days of assembly variable name limits. * metrics: ingest_dashboard(): replace max_revision duplicate variable nonsense * Revert "Output Attribute metrics (not well tested)"- Update to version 20180620.78e8212: * requestfinder: make devel project configurable * ttm: Do not put openqa comment if dryrun * ttm: Set snapshot number for Leap 15.0 Ports * ttm: Use openSUSE Leap 15.0 AArch64 not Ports- Update to version 20180619.67121e2: * systemd/metrics-access.timer: skip Monday to avoid conflict with metrics.timer. * Output Attribute metrics (not well tested) * Catch 404 in metrics * Fix test cases * Don't store empty config attribute and propose migration * Catch 404 for attributes (python3 way) * Read lock attribute from remote config * Migrate SUSE config into attributes * Make remote-config mandatory * Move config into an OBS attribute- Update to version 20180618.d41cbda: * metrics/access: add summary * dist: package metrics/access tool and related. * metrics/grafana: add access dashboard and data source. * metrics/access: initial aggregate script. * metrics/access: initial ingest script.- Update to version 20180618.18c2ba3: * Make norelease the default for SLE- Update to version 20180618.b646e55: * Generate an if configured- Update to version 20180615.b05d559: * request_splitter: gcc8 is the default compiler now- Update to version 20180615.3f7ae41: * Run ttm by systemd timer to prevent mem leaks * TTM: Remove project-base option- Update to version 20180614.3b99137: * dist/ci/Dockerfile: add python2-pyOpenSSL as dependency. * TTM: Add norelease option for use with OSD * Refactor _check_project into ReviewBot * Also release 000product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-armv7hl for Leap 15.0 ports * dist: Require python2-pika by totest-manager (new amqp dependency) * legal-auto: autopep8 * Add retried_GET * Do not pass md5 but revision * Use UTC for created * Add project sub command to legal auto * pkglistgen: log unsorted locale packages * update-crawler: also log where requests came from * Handle armv6/armv7 with totest manager as well- Update to version 20180604.ce0a143: * oqamaint: use the proper key to add incident repo * oqamaint: Make debuging of incident list in repohash easier- Update to version 20180604.fb82c46: * metrics/grafana/release: score yaxis max 100.- Update to version 20180531.95e0616: * Fix punctuation * Update to ask people to report bugs- Update to version 20180524.432237a: * openqa-maintenance: Make sure we don't go through requests twice- Update to version 20180524.7ee44e7: * [openqa-maintenance] Add kernel incidents for SLE11- Update to version 20180520.b621775: * openqabot: Quote the module name- Update to version 20180518.3a01e88: * metrics: drop release schedule before writing.- Update to version 20180518.6c6bccc: * metrics/annotation/leap:15.0: update final release date.- Update to version 20180518.ef92c2f: * Add AMQP support to TTM- Update to version 20180517.f446be2: * Freeze adi: do not check the first package in frozenlinks but metadata- Update to version 20180516.9f20fc7: * repo_checker: whitelist_clean: handle binaries_common being None.- Update to version 20180516.6459937: * repo_checker: sort whitelist before writing to config. * repo_checker: include final newline in dashboard/repo_checker file.- Update to version 20180516.629cada: * [openqa-maint] fix apimap for SLE12SP2 HA- Update to version 20180515.75b8a82: * Skip nonfree for ports scope * pkglistgen: Add ppc64le for Leap 15.0 Ports- Update to version 20180515.fd25d09: * ttm: Load and Store the ignored issues in an OBS attribute * ttm: Store the last seen build number for each issue- Update to version 20180514.8af3e4a: * Add maxsize for JeOS to handle openSUSE:Factory:ARM- Update to version 20180514.f35a199: * ttm: Allow to ignore job failures without bug reference- Update to version 20180514.5f4f4ef: * Begin porting to python3 (osc branch)- Update to version 20180514.3ca5e48: * config/manager_42/leap:15.0: increase priority of SLE-workarounds.- Update to version 20180511.eff4e45: * systemd: add service retry to support-rebuild which 502s regularly. * systemd: include SyslogIdentifier in each service to improve journal. * systemd: ensure all services have a relaxed RuntimeMaxSec. * systemd: drop Type=simple to be consistent since default not required.- Update to version 20180511.4952872: * openqa-comments: drop openSUSE: prefix to allow for generic usage. * openqa-comments: meant to be executable thus should include a shebang.- Update to version 20180511.af4e85a: * dist/spec: bump copyright year. * dist/spec: sort requirements. * dist/spec: update to new license standard. * dist/spec: move ExclusiveArch up to apply to all packages instead of devel.- Update to version 20180510.a8b760d: * dist/spec: exclusively build on x86_64 to avoid needless builds and OBS bugs.- Update to version 20180510.b4943dc: * osclib/conf: update nocleanup-packages post migration to new pkglistgen. * osclib/conf: change pkglistgen-include-suggested to False.- Update to version 20180510.ae00f10: * dist: provide osrt-staging-bot-check_duplicate_binaries@.service.- Update to version 20180510.846b2bd: * dist: provide openqa-comments service as part of staging-bot. * dist: package openqa-comments as executable.- Update to version 20180510.afbd03d: * systemd/leaper-crawler.service: wrap script with bash to handle colon. * dist/package/spec: leaper package requires maintenance.- Update to version 20180510.6fd17f1: * [oqamaint] Don't start and resolve incident job before is fully build * [oqamaint] Fix data for KGraft- Update to version 20180509.90155fc: * osclib/comments: command_find: use MULTILINE mode. * osclib/comments: command_find: stupid \r line endings.- Update to version 20180509.41bbae7: * manager_42: check if SLE-workarounds are no longer utilized and request removal.- Update to version 20180509.324f7cc: * config/manager_42/Leap:15.0: update for Leap:15.0 source project reality. * config/manager_42/Leap:15.0: include from_proj in order to work properly. * config/manager_42/Leap:15.0: remove duplicate SLE-workarounds entry.- Update to version 20180502.978881d: * [oqamaint] Take build number as last resort to avoid crash * [openqa-maintenance] Use to_xml method of Request object * [oqamaint] Do not export variables not necessary for scheduling- Update to version 20180430.eb1d0be: * ReviewBot: runner: reload checker and reset memoize session caches. * osclib/memoize: provide memoize_session_reset().- Update to version 20180427.1730947: * systemd/osrt-repo-checker-project_only@.timer: increase frequency to hourly. * repo_checker: project_only: store build hash and skip when unchanged.- Update to version 20180427.adbbde2: * repo_checker: invoke whitelist_clean() as part of project_only. * repo_checker: whitelist_clean: provide interactive flag.- Update to version 20180427.add0eb7: * [openqa-maintenance] Don't accept incidents waiting for build * osclib/check_duplicate_binaries: ignore any package arch that differs from arch. * osclib/check_duplicate_binaries: rewrite to use package_binary_list(). * osclib/core: binary_src_debug: include nosrc as ignored arch. * osclib/core: package_binary_list: provide strip_multibuild option. * osclib/check_duplicate_binaries: drop unused imports post lnussel rework.- Update to version 20180426.2550cb4: * osclib/check_duplicate_binaries: ignore s/glibc.i686/glibc:i686/.- Update to version 20180426.2282f15: * metrics/grafana/dashboard: remove y-axis max from "Weekly Revisions".- Update to version 20180426.2aba87c: * freeze_command: rebase staging project do not erase users data- Update to version 20180425.abd03b3: * metrics: ingest_dashboard_config: rename seen to previous. * metrics: ingest_dashboard_config: initialize seen with last record keys. * metrics: ingest_dashboard_config: only fill missing values once.- Update to version 20180425.94fefaf: * metrics/grafana/dashboard: add release schedule annotation. * metrics/grafana/dashboard: include dashboard description. * metrics/grafana/dashboard: change all selectors to last.- Update to version 20180425.ade9313: * metrics: dashboard: drop dashboard measurement in favor of dashboard_revision. * metrics: dashboard: include revisions graph.- Update to version 20180425.adab26c: * repo_checker: provide whitelist_clean subcommand. * osclib/core: correct BINARY_REGEX by making it greedy.- Update to version 20180425.8bb627d: * [oqamaint] Reset the hashes on every review round * [oqamaint] Fix re-reviewing requests * [oqamaint] Do not append to OS_TEST_ISSUES * [oqamaint] Look at all open release requests for Updates * [oqamaint] Reschedule Updates test if the list of incidents changed * [oqamaint] Remove wrong entries in json- Update to version 20180424.2010288: * osclib/accept_command: avoid making empty commit to dashboard.- Update to version 20180424.855f660: * unmaintained: utilize package_binary_list(exclude_src_debug). * osclib/core: package_binary_list(): provide exclude_src_debug option.- Update to version 20180423.fe2e20a: * metrics/grafana: add dashboard.json. * metrics: ingest relevant dashboard files and extract metrics. * metrics: provide dashboard revision walking function and cache patterns. * metrics: instead of wiping cache place ephemeral patterns behind flag. * osclib/stagingapi: dashboard_content_load(): expose revision parameter.- Update to version 20180423.6d46e97: * metrics/grafana/staging: move legend to right side on pie charts. * metrics/grafana/review: increase hieght on lists to accomodate size. * metrics/grafana/release: increase width to 100% grid width.- Update to version 20180423.884aa1f: * [openqa-maintenance] Add openSUSE Leap 15.0 configuration- Update to version 20180423.dce40cb: * [oqamaint] Fix indentation * [oqamaint] Use reviewbot's comment API * [oqamaint] Add OS_TEST_ISSUES as openSUSE repo settings * [oqamaint] Make settings a hash instead of an array * [oqamaint] Remove symlinks - not necessary according to my experiments * [oqamaint] Create mesh compatible data for openSUSE * [oqamaint] Fetch the list of packages for openSUSE * [oqamaint] Fix openSUSE support * Rename openqa-maintenance2 to openqa-maintenance- Update to version 20180423.750f091: * metrics/annotation: add openSUSE:Leap:15.0 schedule. * Handle the JeOS multibuild package for Factory:ARM:Live * leaper: update diff link to also link to package itself * leaper: fix link to SLE-workarounds * Handle Leap:15.0:Ports images_arm repository- Update to version 20180419.3dcaf5c: * Handle more products for Factory:ARM- Update to version 20180418.c725593: * devel-project: notify: utilize osclib.core.package_list_without_links(). * osclib/core: provide package_list_without_links(). * devel-project: remove unused imports.- Update to version 20180417.5b2296e: * dist/ci/obs-build-target: in include --always to git describe. * Makefile: package all executable files in bindir. * metrics_release: remove executable flag left over from development.- Update to version 20180417.e92d7bf: * check_tags_in_requests: replace check_action__default() with built-in. * legal-auto: replace check_action__default() with built-in.- Update to version 20180417.038cb94: * ReviewBot: disable comment handler for default action handler.- Update to version 20180417.b8337f4: * [openqabot-maintenance] Catch HTTPError when try get REPOHASH * [openqa-maintenance] SLE 12 SP2 LTSS * [openqa-maintenance] start HA/SES jobs only wheen are required * [openqa-mainteance] Add data for SES5 * [openqa-maintenance] catch removed incident project * [openqa-maintenance] add missing arch for Live Patching apimap * [openqa-maintenance] Allow OS_TEST_ISSUES different than product prefix * [openqa-maintenance] Fix WSM and TCM issues data * [openqa-maintenance] Add correct issues for SLE-HA to apimap * [openqa-maintenance] Survive malformed repomd.xml * [openqa-maintenance] Add SLE-HA incidents * [openqa-maintenance] Allow and correctly use other distri from apimap.json * [openqa-maintenance] Add data for CAASP * [openqa-maintenance] Add data for KGraft on ppc64le * [openqa-maintenance] Start Incidents-Kernel flavour also for kernel packages * [openqa-maintenance] Add support for kGraft jobs * [openqa-maintenance] Rewrite of openqa-maintenace bot pt.1 * [openqa-maintenance] Add apimap and incidents data for kGraft * [openqa-naintenance] Remove uneeded kGraft data- Update to version 20180416.dc30723: * unmaintained: tool to find umaintained binaries sourced from SLE. * osclib/core: provide source_file_load() from StagingAPI.- Update to version 20180413.71fd5fe: * pkglistgen: do_update_and_solve(): print exception and continue for all projects.- Update to version 20180411.820d103: * issue-diff: utilize entity_mail() as adapted into osclib.core. * devel-project: provide notify sub-command. * osclib/util: provide mail_send(), modified from * osclib/core: provide entity_email(), modified from Update to version 20180406.ace73fe: * ttm: adjust regexp to include Snapshot * ttm: fix leap 15 docker image handling- Update to version 20180405.e96a27a: * Staging2-DVD: Drop pattern gnome_laptop * create_test_dvds: Gcc7 staging project was resurrected- Update to version 20180403.78ea7dd: * check_source: skip checks for packages without spec file- Update to version 20180329.1ab84c3: * Change remaining usage of _product to 000product * leaper: set maintainer review early * leaper: also look into :Live subproject of Factory- Update to version 20180329.9ad18cf: * Staging accept: run service in ports 000product- Update to version 20180329.8097ab6: * conf: make sure variable is not None before do lower()- Update to version 20180328.f195bc7: * repo-checker: Check delete requests for provided runtime dependencies * API: move fileinfo_ext[_all] from StagingAPI to core- Update to version 20180326.b4c885d: * totest_manager: Also release openSUSE:Leap:15.0:Images/opensuse-leap-image * totest-manager: Tumbleweed moved to the new product builder- Update to version 20180323.5d0c024: * leaper: allow comment override also on openSUSE * Add create_sle_weakremovers command- Update to version 20180319.133d87b: * Change references to osc-plugin-factory to openSUSE-release-tools. * check_source: make use of ReviewBot request_default_return. * check_source_in_factory: allow repo-checker reviews.- Update to version 20180317.88a6e97: * check_source: delete: place maintainer review check behind ignore_devel. * osclib/conf: SLE-15: set check-source-in-air-rename-allow to True. * check_source: provide in-air-rename-allow config setting.- Point to new source location.- Update to version 20180315.d11501f: * check_source: skip all checks for 00* packages * Use opensuse/tumbleweed in the Dockerfile * Avoid boolean dependencies for repo checker- Update to version 20180314.3bd6833: * metrics_release: only works for openSUSE:Factory. * metrics: do not drop entire database, but instead measurements. * metrics: switch over to grafana 5.x provisioning. * metrics: remove TW snapshots graph from release dashboard. * metrics: migrate grafana dashboards to 5.x format.- Update to version 20180312.9a26912: * pkglistgen: do_dump_solv(): include hash in update solv to avoid download. * pkglistgen: do_dump_solv(): utilize os.path.join().- Update to version 20180312.054eef2: * ReviewBot: make interval work without tty- Update to version 20180312.35e7c51: * services: Add Install section to totest-manager service- Update to version 20180311.ad60562: * ReviewBot: don't crash if staging-group is None * check_source: make adding review team configurable * check_source: fix boolean option * pkglistgen: Fix reading boolean values- Update to version 20180309.d001daf: * issue-diff: rename --config-dir as --cache-dir to be more accurate. * issue-diff: replace git sync functionality with osclib.git. * osclib/git: provide git utilities: clone() and sync().- Update to version 20180309.fe4edd6: * Treat stagings differently- Update to version 20180309.7484722: * pkglistgen: do_dump_solv: flush after write before reading back. * pkglistgen: do_dump_solv: verify primary repo gziped content sha256. * pkglistgen: do_dump_solv: use BytesIo instead of StringIO.- Update to version 20180309.f20816d: * pkglistgen: Do not run local service check when committing to release package- Update to version 20180309.f607883: * leaper: fix can_accept_review for combined user/group usage * create_test_Factory: No longer block kdelibs4-branding-upstream- Update to version 20180309.d9773c3: * metrics: provide release metrics ingestion and dashboard.- Update to version 20180308.568be98: * osclib/stagingapi: rename main_repo to cmain_repo. * osclib/stagingapi: rename delreq_review to cdelreq_review. * osclib/stagingapi: rename cstaging_nocleanup to cnocleanup_packages. * osclib/staging-api: lazy-load all config values to allow for placement in remote config.- Update to version 20180308.17ebaaa: * ReviewBot: allow both group and user review- Update to version 20180308.defd995: * osclib/conf: change priority to be string to work with ConfigParser.- Update to version 20180308.3e83a1f: * leaper: do not decline SLE requests, but rather ask managers for input. * osclib/conf: configure SLE-15 leaper-override-group. * leaper: move review groups to osclib.conf.- Update to version 20180307.f6eae67: * repo_checker: format what_depends_on as markdown bulleted list.- Update to version 20180307.d30db7e: * repo_checker: provide comment command to skip-cycle for group. * repo_checker: utilize ReviewBot.comment_api instead of new instance. * ReviewBot: provide comment command override. * osclib/core: maintainers_get(): utilize new group_members() function. * osclib/core: provide group_members() function. * osclib/comments: provide command_find() for comment commands.- Update to version 20180306.a9ec91f: * ReviewBot: do not bother commenting for unhandled request type.- Update to version 20180301.bac6644: * fix a typo that currently breaks token authentication- Update to version 20180227.adb01e2: * ttm: use dashboard_content_ensure()- Update to version 20180223.e8c002d: * ttm: handle Leap 15 live images separately * requestfinder: make sure exclude-project is a list * requestfinder: fix exclude-user and add exclude-group * leaper: allow turning FORK into something else- Update to version 20180223.af01909: * Staging2-DVD: should be Mesa-demo-x for glxgear test- Update to version 20180222.db87a62: * Do not complain 000* package has defined in the two different ring- Update to version 20180222.21777cc: * TW Staging media: Add Mesa-demo to Staging2 DVD for openQA test- Update to version 20180222.009712a: * ttm: Follow package name changes of Tumbleweed live media- Update to version 20180221.355c0b4: * Revert "staging: add exceptions for new 000* product files"- Update to version 20180220.f56ccb8: * pkglistgen: solv_cache_update(): support update repo and 4 way merge. * pkglistgen: do_dump_solv(): support update repos. * pkglistgen: solv_merge(): allow array of solv files to merge. * pkglistgen: solv_merge(): skip when inputs are older than merged. * osclib/conf: leap: set download-baseurl-update.- Update to version 20180220.945bf4f: * metrics: ingest_release_schedule(): disable for Tumbleweed until #1250. * metrics: update Leap config key to match osclib/conf post #1386.- Update to version 20180220.fc7e60b: * pkglistgen: use set_namespaceproviders function- Update to version 20180215.60cfab2: * osclib/conf: leap: repo_checker-arch-whitelist to x86_64.- Update to version 20180213.c589ef1: * autopep8 to fix indenting * Move package hints into unsorted.yml * Support unneeded.yml as list of regular expressions- Update to version 20180213.3e3f458: * conf: SLE-15: set pkglistgen-product-family-last to SLE-11:GA. * pkglistgen: expose pkglistgen-product-family-last config option. * osclib/util: project_list_family_prior(): provide last parameter. * osclib/util: project_list_family(): handle IBS SLE naming style. * pkglistgen: do_update_and_solve(): check for existence of :DVD instead of rings.- Update to version 20180212.7f93dbe: * Skip automatic rebuild for more pattern packages * Avoid hitting the request limit * Fix rebuildpacs for armv6/armv7 architectures- Update to version 20180212.87ab899: * leaper: don't check maintainer for other requests- Update to version 20180209.ad077ab: * leaper: switch off maintainer review for updates from Factory- Update to version 20180207.878b87b: * osc-staging: select: reword documentation to include XML reference. * osc-staging: select: mention additional supplemented request values. * osc-staging: select: mention quick strategy in documentation. * osc-staging: select: add filter-by example using hashtag in description.- Update to version 20180206.56df1cf: * osclib/conf: include Leap for Factory during pkglistgen. * pkglistgen: include some hints about the difference between solv files. * pkglistgen: integrate drop list creation into update_and_solve. * pkglistgen: do_dump_solv(): handle old-style product repo format. * pkglistgen: do_create_droplist(): print to file when output_dir available. * pkglistgen: provide update_merge() to combine free and nonfree solv. * osclib/util: provide project_list_family* and project_version(). * osclib/stagingapi: get_staging_projects(): utilize project_list_prefix(). * osclib/core: provide project_list_prefix(). * osclib/conf: add download-baseurl for Leap and Factory. * osclib/conf: support version in project pattern as value replacement.- Update to version 20180206.faa028a: * osclib/conf: leap: incorporate proven unselect settings. * osclib/conf: leap: incorporate proven splitter settings.- Update to version 20180206.453868a: * remove Leap 42.2 from tests- Update to version 20180203.cd1fa5d: * CreatePackageDescr: ignore deps for i-i-debuginfodeps* packages- Update to version 20180201.10fd5ae: * pkglistegen: Fix overlap generation- Update to version 20180131.b78d3b9: * build-faul-reminder: Small rewording of the 2nd mail- Update to version 20180131.d88eefe: * adi: place :NonFree requests in separate adi with :NonFree path.- Update to version 20180130.40c4c14: * status: fallback to request_age() even if no comment.- Update to version 20180129.5a472eb: * osclib/core: request_age() return delta and handle Request object. * create_test_dvds: do not lock vim-data * fcc_submitter: skip revoked request- Update to version 20180126.574cfe8: * status: provide exit code based on status. * status: provide initial implementation for checking bot status. * osclib/request_splitter: utilize osclib.core.request_age(). * devel-project: utilize osclib.core.request_age(). * osclib/core: provide request_age().- Update to version 20180126.2c8c597: * osclib/accept: print todo from staging config after completion.- Update to version 20180125.39c9cce: * check_source: add hint about how to whitelist a devel projects.- Update to version 20180125.a5dbcd1: * dist/spec: place config under %config(noreplace) directive. * announcer: handle dot in build version detected from iso. * config/announcer: add openSUSE:Factory config. * announcer: provide defaults for sender, to, and relay. * config/announcer: create Leap 15.0 config from 42.3. * config/announcer: drop repeated keys in favor of final values. * config/announcer: include config used for Leap 42.3. * announcer: provide proper packaging and generic templated service.- Update to version 20180125.3cf74b3: * dist/ci/obs-deploy: replace `osc request list` with `osc api` call.- Update to version 20180125.753f6c7: * dist/ci/docker-compose-obs: print osc output on timeout for debugging.- Update to version 20180125.d383073: * repo_checker: skip packages for which not devel project exits. * repo_checker: project_only(): correct not published check.- Update to version 20180125.9a91597: * dist/ci/obs-deploy: only commit if new source revision. * dist/ci/obs-deploy: require greater than six lines changed to create request.- Update to version 20180123.d074c5b: * Remove Vim config in favor of EditorConfig. * Add EditorConfig.- Update to version 20180122.b5fe7e7: * dist/ci/obs-deploy: only bother making request if diff. * dist/ci/obs-deploy: limit `request list` by user to avoid source requests. * docs/pkglistgen: update in the wake of wrapper script rewrite.- Update to version 20180119.a7c4bcf: * repo_checker: package_comments(): provide option to post on target package. * repo_checker: package_comments(): switch to devel_project_fallback(). * repo_checker: package_comments(): support mutiple target projects. * ReviewBot: comment_write(): provide bot_name_suffix parameter. * repo_checker: package_comments(): include link to target package.- Update to version 20180119.2d6b957: * check_source: add_role: utilize devel project fallback.- Update to version 20180119.38fd846: * osclib/request_splitter: replace devel_project_get() with core.devel_project_fallback(). * osclib/stagingapi: replace get_devel_project() with core.devel_project_get(). * update_crawler: replace get_devel_project() with osclib.core.devel_project_get(). * fcc_submitter: replace get_devel_project() with osclib.core.devel_project_get(). * ReviewBot: replace get_devel_project() with osclib.core.devel_project_get(). * osclib/core: devel_project_fallback(): do not fallback if openSUSE:Factory. * osclib/core: provide devel_project_fallback() based on request_splitter. * osclib/core: provide devel_project_get() adapted from ReviewBot. * news/web: allow dot in version. * cleanup_rings: Fix for 000product * cleanup_rings: first attempt to fix for multibuild- Update to version 20180117.b6d80ea: * fcc_submitter: fix a regression from previous commit- Update to version 20180117.e41b40e: * requestfinder: fix comment output- Update to version 20180117.b335868: * pkglistgen: delete kiwis by scope- Update to version 20180115.2da7981: * osclib/request_splitter: rework quick strategy to handle Leap 15.0 workflow. * obs_clone: reword comment in project_workaround() since not temporary. * obs_clone: clone rings. * obs_clone: handle project links. * osclib/request_splitter: allow special packages to be empty. * fcc_submitter: ignore multibuild flavor package when creating frozenlinks * fcc_submitter: move FCC project to :Staging:Factory:Candidates * new requestfinder tool- Update to version 20180112.41846c5: * systemd/metrics: change service to be non-incremental and weekly. * metrics: provide --wipe-cache option.- Update to version 20180111.54880d3: * dist/spec: license: s/and/AND/ to follow standard.- Update to version 20180110.9ab0211: * obs_clone: workaround openSUSE:Factory meta revision 429 self reference. * obs_clone: set the exit code to 1 when HTTPError encountered.- Update to version 20180110.453674c: * pkglistgen: typo locals vs locales * pkglistgen: add correct staging DVD repo * pkglistgen: use xdg.BaseDirectory- Update to version 20180109.29108bd: * pkglistgen: do_update_and_solve: staging correct :DVD subproject append. * pkglistgen: first pass __file__ through realpath due to packaging symlink. * dist/spec: move under subpackage ownership. * dist/spec: add python-requests requirement were applicable.- Update to version 20180109.09a98cd: * osclib/conf: intial SLE configuration for pkglistgen. * pkglistgen: update_and_solve: include step in output for debugging. * pkglistgen: update_and_solve: handle --dry for undelete_package(). * pkglistgen: update_and_solve: include ignore_unresolvable and local options for solve. * pkglistgen: update_and_solve: set input_dir to group_dir for solve. * osclib/conf: correct Leap 15.0 default locales-from from - to . product. * systemd/pkglistgen: add update_and_solve subcommand.- Update to version 20180109.2b037a0: * osclib/conf: allow devel projects to utilize tools that require conf. * osclib/conf: order config defaults by priority.- Update to version 20180105.7eaed34: * Revert "osclib/conf: allow devel projects to utilize tools that require conf."- Update to version 20180104.43dea82: * tests/ReviewBot_tests: add test_dryrun(). * tests/ReviewBot_tests: add test_only_replace_none(). * tests/ReviewBot_tests: add test_workflow() complex test. * tests/ReviewBot_tests: add test_basic_logger() as initial test.- Update to version 20180104.656cba4: * tests/comment_test: add test_delete_nested(). * tests/comment_test: add test_delete_batch(). * tests/comment_test: add test_basic() against OBSLocal. * tests/comment_test: move COMMENT* constants to file level. * tests/OBSLocal: re-parse config and reset authentication when changing user. * tests/OBSLocal: setup test separate cookiejar. * tests/comment_tests: add test_comment_find(). * tests/comment_tests: add test_remove_marker(). * tests/comment_tests: add test_add_marker().- Update to version 20180104.b0cd970: * osclib/conf: allow devel projects to utilize tools that require conf.- Update to version 20180104.e1b5d75: * osclib/stagingapi: detect baselibs.conf in adi package and ensure archs enabled. * check_source: load target project config during check_action_delete(). * osclib/stagingapi: load_file_content(): provide optional revision param. * osclib/stagingapi: load_file_content(): convert to makeurl() query builder.- Update to version 20180102.98a659c: * manager42: ignore meta packages * manager42: refactor * manager42: don't turn dropped packages into fork * manager42: warn about inconsistent packages * reochecker: avoid accessing empty status * repo_checker: only update comment if published or message changed. * ReviewBot: comment_write(): provide info_extra_identical parameter. * fcc_submitter: handle multibuild package in build_succeeded package list * check_duplicate_binaries: better yaml * pkglistgen: migrate bash scripts to python. * osclib/stagingapi: provide is_staging_bootstrapped() from request_splitter. * ToolBase: provide -d alias for --debug for consistency.- Update to version 20171226.96a3eec: * rebuildpacs: rebuild perf- Update to version 20171220.ba8a357: * Be more forgiving with ttm ignore comments- Update to version 20171219.ce7c0d9: * freeze_command: use result call to get proper multibuild package information for aggregatepac- Update to version 20171219.55e468e: * Fix travis failure introduced with 3e5f3b137 * Fix packaging after commit 3e5f3b137 * Don't checkout master * Add 15.0 Ports to totest-manager * pkglistgen: Actually remove overlapping packages * Add support for non-x86_64 products (Leap 15.0/aarch64) * Scripts and templates to create stagings * systemd units: remove oneshot type- Update to version 20171218.09707c0: * Update staging dvd template for firewalld and xfsprogs * rebuildpacs: ignore hdf5:serial- Update to version 20171214.0fecf50: * osc-cycle: strip commas from package names- Update to version 20171213.3dde523: * pkglistgen: Output the overlaping packages into Update to version 20171212.bffe857: * totest-manager: Make sure internal object for notifications is always valid- Update to version 20171208.d7c5a3e: * compare_pkglist: do not submit package if it has removed from target * pkglistgen: dump_solv function * pkglistgen: add droplist generator * pkglistgen: include locales and suggested * biarchtool: blacklist 000release-packages * biarchtool: also work for rings * biarchtool: blacklist patterns that are in ring1 * biarchtool: fetch all packagemetas at once- Update to version 20171205.1769209: * compare_pkglist: improve submission message * compare_pkglist: add feature to limits submission creating * compare_pkglist: fix a typo- Update to version 20171204.4661a09: * rebuildpacs: Ignore some more multibuild packages * repochecker: filter out self requirement * repochecker: add --force and --limit-group options- Update to version 20171204.86cd536: * compare_pkglist: fallback to old route if submitfrom and submitto has not defined- Update to version 20171201.913531e: * osclib/cycles: only cache target project builddepinfo to avoid excessive cache. * osclib/cycles: drop _get_builddepinfo and _get_builddepinfo_cycles since unused. * Add more details to openQA job group description about current status- Update to version 20171130.3b99a9d: * compare_pkglist: add more features- Update to version 20171127.60cdcec: * check_source: Ignore download_files failure in some cases- Update to version 20171127.3368dd5: * Implement namespace callback for locales * pkglistgen: Optionally include suggested packages too * fcc_submitter: update to Leap 15.0 * ttm: Add support for SLE 15- Update to version 20171122.ea9f948: * Split EDITOR environment variable to handle flags in prefix.- Update to version 20171122.b428ed3: * compare_pkglist: Add --submit param to submit new package- Update to version 20171121.734e384: * pkglistgen: need to expand link * pkglistgen: require python-solv- Update to version 20171121.0d31ae5: * pkglistgen: Fix script name * Skip maintainer review for certain Leap 15 submissions- Update to version 20171120.fc6eb19: * pkglistgen: require obs-service-product_converter * pkglistgen: add systemd units * pkglistgen: use new cache format of repo_checker * pkglistgen: process DVD subproject first- Update to version 20171120.87649f1: * suppkg_rebuild: count Support tag also- Update to version 20171115.6140695: * compare_pkglist: displays deleted package * compare_pkglist: misc improvements- Update to version 20171112.b690943: * pkglistgen: fix up coolo's code * pkglistgen: Output overlapping packages as yaml * pkglistgen: Allow new recommended flag to take over recommends * pkglistgen: Ignore modules recursively * pkglistgen: Implement UNWANTED support * pkglistgen: Do not ignore recommendes from other modules * pkglistgen: Have update command exit 1 if it updated something * pkglistgen: Create an unsorted.yml and output duplications- Update to version 20171110.5906e5c: * dist/spec: appease the exit status gods with || true. * dist/spec: restart totest-manager instances properly. * dist/spec: only run %systemd_postun for oneshot services.- Update to version 20171109.f927c57: * metrics: rework to store points as named tuple and write in batches. * metrics: rework request pagination to provide as generator. * metrics: call ET.clear() to release unneeded memory used by search result.- Update to version 20171109.bcdea68: * Don't die on delete requests- Update to version 20171109.3e191ca: * repo_checker: review failed stagings with only openQA failures.- Update to version 20171109.1efadc5: * metrics/grafana/review: include opensuse-review-team who graphs. * metrics/grafana/review: default to openSUSE:Factory. * metrics/grafana/review: disable annotations by default. * metrics/grafana/staging: "Project stats" to "Totals" * metrics/grafana/staging: remove 1s interval as it causes RAM issues. * metrics/grafana: standardize title prefix with 'OSRT: '. * dist/ci: grafana dir must be owned by grafana user since it writes lock. * dist/spec: correct metrics postun to reference systemctl by absolute path. * metrics: prefix release schedule file with source dir path.- Update to version 20171109.3d34370: * ttm: publish non-oss for Leap 15 too- Update to version 20171103.593c900: * dist: provide metrics service and timer. * dist: install exported dashboards in grafana dashboard directory. * dist: include in bindir. * dist: move package_name variable to Makefile.common.- Update to version 20171103.f5bc6b6: * vdelreq: add to the package * osc vdelreq: new command lists pending virtually accepted delete request status- Update to version 20171102.0a45aba: * accept_command: remove the ring package if it is 2nd specfile is removed * accept_command: force to accept the staging if --force parameter is given- Update to version 20171031.d8cd193: * systemd/devel-list: allow three retry attempts to handle regular OBS crash.- Update to version 20171031.0e1733f: * repo_checker: add newline to cycles comment to format properly. * repo_checker: project_only place dashboard update behind dryrun check. * repo_checker: project_only ensure project repository is published. * repo_checker: store and compare build hash to skip more aggressively.- Update to version 20171031.c32b59b: * devel-project: override to include withfullhistory for get_review_list().- Update to version 20171028.9cded5c: * pkglistgen: also output suggested packages- Update to version 20171027.63cde26: * pkglistgen: don't export skip_releases- Update to version 20171025.42b8b4d: * osclib/memoize: include first argument, sometimes instance, in cache key.- Update to version 20171024.32d1a97: * tests/OBSLocal: invoke scripts using `coverage` to include in report. * tests/OBSLocal: split out execute() to provide osc and generic versions. * tests/OBSLocal: include assertOBS() to clarify OBS status before test. * tests/OBSLocal: add email and include spaces in generated oscrc file. * tests/OBSLocal: rework OSCRC handling to use non-default file. * tests/OBSLocal: add workaround for leakage. * travis: before_cache: include -R in chmod .docker-tmp. * obs_clone: remove whole repositories rather than just path when fenced. * obs_clone: provide --cache feature. * osclib/cache: allow ttl of 0 to prevent caching. * dist/spec: disable `make check` during %check until integration tests resolved. * Exclude .open-build-service/ from docker, flake8, and git. * travis: provide local OBS setup and clone base data. * tests/devel_project: provide basic test against local OBS. * tests/OBSLocal: provide based class for testing against local OBS. * obs_clone: clone projects and dependencies between OBS instances. * devel-project: list: only remove self if in devel project list.- Update to version 20171024.443b432: * osclib/conf: prefer already parsed conffile over OSC_CONFIG env variable. * tests/obs: move Cache.delete_all() after CACHE_DIR changed.- Update to version 20171024.1c17971: * Blacklist new warnings introduced by flake8 3.5.0- Update to version 20171024.737d39a: * pkglistgen: dont mirror debug packages * pkglistgen: skip one cycle when undeleting- Update to version 20171021.9465b2f: * dist: add subpackage for pkglistgen * pkglisten: add some docu * pkglistgen: shell scripts to actually commit- Update to version 20171020.0479513: * travis: chmod .docker-tmp so non-root can read for caching. * travis: extend cache timeout to 7 days. * travis: optimize `osc build` cache by removing build-root. * travis: enable pip cache. * travis: install realpath to allow docker-run to correctly mount volume.- Update to version 20171020.ee34178: * travis: include all files instead of just osclib in coverage.- Update to version 20171020.7d266d5: * Another set of low-noise flake8 cleanups * Parallelize flake8 run- Update to version 20171019.24ea059: * dist/ci/docker-run: utilize throwaway credentials to workaround OBS issue. * dist/ci/osc-init: print OBS_API and OBS_USER for debugging. * dist/ci: use hidden directory .docker-tmp instead of HOME and cache on travis. * dist/ci: fallback to /public OBS API in the event of no OBS_PASS * dist/ci: provide OBS_API parameter. * travis: add distribution builds for Leap 42.3 and SLE-12-SP3. * dist/ci: rework as obs-build-target using `osc build`. * dist/ci: extract common osc setup as osc-init and provide in /usr/bin. * dist/ci/Dockerfile: include obs-deploy in /usr/bin. * dist/ci: rename to obs-deploy. * dist/ci/deploy: only commit if changes available to commit. * dist/ci/deploy: only add line if missing from _servicedata. * dist/ci/Dockerfile: switch to base tumbleweed image.- Update to version 20171019.6b7fd1b: * Enable F405,F811 (Unused imports) * Add Flake8 travis infrastructure * Import all dependencies * White space / consistent usage of spaces / indentation of 4 fixes * Remove outdated script- Update to version 20171019.be5b3ec: * devel-project: utilize get_request_list(withfullhistory) param provided by osc 0.160.0.- Update to version 20171018.44e44a6: * Python 2.6+ / 3.x style except clauses * osclib/request_splitter: provide splitter-special-packages config variable. * osclib/request_splitter: reduce default list of special packages. * Rename checknewer to and fix Flake8 fallout- Update to version 20171017.53f281e: * osc-staging: select -i: include remaining requests in comment. * osc-staging: select -i: s/merged/mergeable/ in stat comment.- Update to version 20171017.1168d47: * Fix undefined variables 'release'- Update to version 20171017.7058f07: * check_source: decline the delete request if duplicated- Update to version 20171013.406f870: * pkglistgen: initial work for openSUSE * pkglistgen: make --repositories option use an array * pkglistgen: add --ignore-unresolvable and --ignore-recommends options- Update to version 20171013.b00a8f5: * osclib/stagingapi: get_staging_projects(): provide include_dvd option. * check_source: print message if checking devel project. * check_source: move all relevant flags to config to work properly without flags. * ttm: update for Leap 15.0 * osclib: provide ConfigCommand and expose via osc-staging. * repo_checker: utilize staging configuration for whitelist additions. * repo_checker: filter empty whitelist entries. * osclib/stagingapi: set_prj_pseudometa(): only change if different. * osclib/freeze: clear staging config during freeze as well.- Update to version 20171010.a2ba667: * dist: provide check-source subpackage.- Update to version 20171010.73cec11: * dist: provide maintenance subpackage.- Update to version 20171010.3ed4156: * dist: rework totest-manager subpackage to provide new style service. * dist/spec: add python-openqa_client as Requires for totest-manager. * dist/spec: totest-manager: reword to avoid dollar sign.- Update to version 20171010.f50ea95: * dist: provide leaper services and related configuration.- Update to version 20171010.de533a2: * dist: provide staging-bot subpackage for related services. * dist/spec: include project_only repo-checker service in pre/post. * dist: provide staging-bot-devel-list service (changed from leaper). * dist: include suppkg_rebuild in staging-bot subpackage. * dist: include supersede service in staging-bot subpackage.- Update to version 20171010.02e5000: * staging: add exceptions for new 000* product files- Update to version 20171009.afbe149: * check_source: Ensure the source and destination package name matches- Update to version 20171006.e1c7377: * dist/ci/deploy: handle expanded links during target project loookup.- Update to version 20171006.4b7fb2f: * dist/ci/deploy: wait for service to complete before create submit request. * dist/ci/deploy: automatically detect target project and package. * dist/ci/deploy: pipe `osc sr --diff` to cat to ensure same behavior manually run.- Update to version 20171006.49fa091: * travis: include OBS_TARGET_PROJECT env variable during deploy script.- Update to version 20171006.e6d2ffc: * dist/ci/deploy: create submit request if none currently exists.- Update to version 20171006.e8e1a3d: * Initial metrics ingestion, processing, write to influxdb, and grafana dashboards. * docs/ initial documentation of metrics workflow. * dist/spec: create metrics sub-package.- Update to version 20171006.9621116: * check_source: drop unnecessary dest from add_option(). * check_source: drop inaccurate "with > 8 diff" from --review-team option. * check_source: interpret "None" as python None for review-team and repo-checker. * check_source: lookup staging group using StagingAPI rather than flag.- Update to version 20171006.b325f15: * dist: provide repo-checker sub-package with binary in path, service, and user. * repo_checker: project_only(): correct result_comment() usage. * dist/spec: include perl script requirements.- Update to version 20171006.b129a13: * ReviewBot: comment_write(): add info_extra parameter. * ReviewBot: comment_write(): add overview documentation. * ReviewBot: comment_write(): pre-truncate for correct comparison. * ReviewBot: comment_write() no need to str() since None is exits above.- Update to version 20171006.a63d00c: * leaper: ignore 404- Update to version 20171004.d163170: * maintbot: no maintainer review for SLE15 submissions * compare_pkglist: up to Leap 15.0 and SLE15- Update to version 20171002.0087bc6: * Initial version of pkglistgen * Handle groups files also * Exclude missing packages * Solve based on explicit package list * Implement extra and discard * Solve more groups * Add options for input and output directories * Warn about supplements * Add all devel packages * Write unsorted packages * Don't abort on unresolvable * Catch missing arch specific packages * Always output all archs - even if empty * Remove duplicated packages during merge and autopep * Support silents * Use project instead of FACTORY * Solve the packages one by one instead of a group * Output devel packages per module * Generic OUTPUT handling * Generate errors into group comments * Generate development packages into group comments * Generate recommends (requires new python-solv) * Lock all binaries duplicated between repos - the first one wins- Update to version 20171002.655a959: * conf: given default value to main_repo- Update to version 20171002.167e744: * conf: given default value to delreq_review- Update to version 20171002.a306181: * virtually accept: virtually accept the delete request * tests: fix testsuite for virtually accept- Update to version 20170928.3bbeacd: * adi_command: do not checking adi staging status if there is no selected_requests * Include CLEANUP => 1 during temp directory creation in perl scripts.- Update to version 20170920.4011159: * osclib/stagingapi: accept_status_comment(): avoid making comments for empty projects. * osclib/adi: include force=True when invoking delete_project().- Update to version 20170920.0167a82: * totest-manager: Adapt zSystems to new productbuilder- Update to version 20170918.035c367: * Disable ppc64le for now in Tumbleweed stagings- Update to version 20170916.af9750d: * rm_from_prj: always use the origin project path to set_review()- Update to version 20170915.6b1fad5: * stagingapi: refactor get_sub_packages() to support adi package * stagingapi: rm_from_prj() remove the main package in the last * stagingapi: submit_to_prj() create sub-package for adi request- Update to version 20170913.92a3a28: * osclib/list: only present submit and delete requests in main list. * osclib/list: rework change_devel_requests to include set_bugowner. * osclib/request_finder: restrict to submit and delete request types.- Update to version 20170911.3c1a264: * suppkg_rebuild: VMInstall is also valid on build service- Update to version 20170911.2c899cf: * Remove local config for sle15 - it's remote- Update to version 20170908.4077149: * Generate minimals with set compression- Update to version 20170907.ca3c504: * [openqa-maintenance bot] fix accidentaly removed wrong line * stagingapi: carry over build state during supersede. * leaper: fix iterating through list- Update to version 20170905.bd162b9: * Schedule incidents earlier * Only schedule one setting per target for now * add ltss * Add comment * Refresh incident comment * one more * Activate sp3 * Fix variable name * Clone flavors * move the test loop into review * Do not schedule incidents twice * Skip kgraft target * move variable * Fix comments * Fix duplicated posts * Convert MINIMALS to set type * Remove usage of temporary files- Update to version 20170904.2bbaa62: * totest-manager: Prevent old tests in same build blocking release with "latest=1"- Update to version 20170904.c261049: * freeze_command: update product version for openSUSE only- Update to version 20170902.bedca4c: * osclib/request_splitter: for SLE, fallback to openSUSE:Factory devel projects. * osclib/list: remove SUSE:SLE from hide_source now that devel groupings are used. * osclib/list: strip prefix from source projects to reduce verbosity. * Do not use direct flag for images * dist/package/spec: include version on osc Requires.- Update to version 20170901.7c18d96: * Fix typo in bootstrap- Update to version 20170831.b6c17fe: * osclib/stagingapi: lazy-load nocleanup-packages to allow for placement in remote config.- Update to version 20170831.819da53: * ReviewBot: downgrade message about skipping duplicate review to debug. * ReviewBot: comment_write(): skip posting empty comments extracted from handler. * repo_checker: rename package-whitelist to binary-whitelist to be more accurate.- Update to version 20170831.266f398: * travis: install libxml2-utils which provides xmllint.- Update to version 20170830.68da325: * osclib/stagingapi: create_adi_project(): add :Staging passthru project.- Update to version 20170829.ddb1395: * leaper: fix syntax error * leaper: avoid comments about unhandled request types- Update to version 20170829.7357c5f: * SUSE: wants to build test dvds on 'local' workers- Update to version 20170829.73b803a: * osclib/conf: do not disable remote config for SLE-15.- Update to version 20170828.ed70089: * totest-manager: follow another live media setup change (no multibuild)- Update to version 20170825.ca2db71: * totest-manager: do not attempt to put/post in --dry mode * totest-manager: Follow changes in Tumbleweed for the new live image setup- Update to version 20170825.4ea3820: * dist/package/spec: utilzie %osc_plugin_dir provided by osc post sr#512849.- Update to version 20170825.1d5c197: * stagingapi: Fix typo in _frozenlinks- Update to version 20170825.a2eb80c: * accept: call accept_other_new() for all projects instead of just openSUSE.- Update to version 20170824.bf5ae3d: * repo_checker: only bother to parse if --post-comments. * repo_checker: move result_comment() headers into respective check methods. * support multiple directories to check. * repo_checker: replace separate ignore methods with new algorithm. * osclib/conf: set staging-dvd-archs to empty for SUSE:* projects. * stagingapi: provide staging_walk() to cleanly handle :DVD subproject. * core: add memoize(session=True) to package_binary_list(). * repo_checker: rework to handle multiple stagings per group (ie :DVD). * cycle: cycles() rename group parameter to staging to better reflect usage.- Update to version 20170824.2aae21d: * repo_checker: delete: explicitly indicate build requirement.- Update to version 20170824.a0a461f: * repo_checker: delete: do not decline instead ignore.- Update to version 20170824.c0ede24: * ReviewBot: comment_write(): place debug_key at the end for consistency. * ReviewBot: comment_write(): pull dryrun protected bit out individually. * ReviewBot: comment_write(): provide only_replace option. * repo_checker: post passed comment only if previous failed comment. * commentapi: provide truncate() and apply during add_comment(). * repo_checker: package_comments(): drop truncation in favor of commentapi. * cycle: remove ugly ignore code from _get_builddepinfo_graph(). * ensure that parser does not bleed over to other sections. * repo_checker: use
 instead of ``` to avoid html entity escaping.- Update to version 20170824.8338287:
  * ReviewBot: simplify logger format.- Update to version 20170824.7bbd005:
  * Use configured staging group for adi- Update to version 20170824.adeb4c4:
  * Freeze Cmd: Implement freezing adi staging project- Update to version 20170823.7502d6a:
  * stagingapi: avoid making an empty package-diff comment.- Update to version 20170822.55aeefa:
  * check_source: remove DIFFCOUNT algorithm and instead always add review_team.
  * check_source: rename perl and asciidoc to match name.- Update to version 20170822.2873a27:
  * core.owner_fallback(): check if startswith() instead of equal.- Update to version 20170822.09b046f:
  * ReviewBot: get_devel_project(): correct error handling to only allow 404.
  * ReviewBot: add_review(): remove left-over print() line.- Update to version 20170822.9bd2789:
  * stagingapi: Ensure the links is valid before processing
  * Add amarok to test-2 DVD
  * Remove sw_management_kde pattern from test-2 DVD- Update to version 20170818.f230438:
  * dist/ci/Dockerfile: include `dup` before `in` to handle major base changes.- Update to version 20170818.bf1662b:
  * ReviewBot: add_review(): raise exception instead of returning boolean.
  * ReviewBot: add_review(): provide allow_duplicate parameter and default of False.- Update to version 20170818.54fcc90:
  * FccSubmitter: drop add_review() since never used and handled by other bots.
  * repo_checker: ignore non-existant binaries during lookup.- Update to version 20170818.52cce8d:
  * switch to php7 in staging project
  * totest-manager: update Kubic name to openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Kubic
  * Staging DVDs: add x86 pattern to the media
  * suppkg_rebuild: Clean up supportpkg list also- Update to version 20170814.8711b45:
  * check_source: change repo_checker default to new OBS username.- Update to version 20170811.1cefbfc:
  * update-crawler: handle devel projects- Update to version 20170808.c994bc8:
  * update crawler: latest_packages across instances- Update to version 20170807.a64d27c:
  * Catch more errors, fixes
  * Fix biarch logic to make --force work
  * Update blacklist and whiteliste
  * Don't use product filter by default
  * Add libjpeg62-turbo to whitelist
  * add openSUSE-EULAs to blacklist
  * warn about linked packages
  * Remove leftover debug statements
  * Refactor getting file list
  * Speed up duplicate binaries check- Update to version 20170807.2c08e40:
  * The first steps toward sle15 :)- Update to version 20170804.072d1eb:
  * ReviewBot: comment_write(): support package.
  * osclib/core: provide BINARY_REGEX named group pattern and utilize.
  * osclib/core: add package to BinaryParsed tuple.
  * osclib/core: provide package_binary_list() to efficiently obtain binary to package map.
  * repo_checker: package_whitelist() does not need to support group splitting to find product.
  * repo_checker: provide optional parsing of install check output and mapping to package.
  * repo_checker: provide --post-comments option on project_only subcommand.
  * repo_checker: truncate long messages to avoid crashing OBS.
  * ReviewBot: comment_write(): include target in debug message when too similar.- Update to version 20170802.cdde2bf:
  * repo_checker: add whitelist for adoption phase.
  * osclib/cycle: remove extra leading slash.
  * repo_checker: point to repo_checker file instead of old installcheck in project comment.- Update to version 20170802.99df9c5:
  * leaper: transition from SLE-12-SP3 and Leap:42.3 to SLE-15 and Leap:15.0.- Update to version 20170731.ad89a77:
  * dist/ci/Dockerfile: drop hard-coded mirror now that Tumbleweed issues resolved.- Update to version 20170731.a5e3143:
  * replace [^-]* with [^-]+ as it is more accurate.
  * drop old debug lines.
  * Rename to to be consistent.
  * switch from multi-line regex to single line and full.
  * s/INSTALL/CONFLICTS/ for file pointer for more clarity.
  * rework installcheck parsing like fileconflicts to resolve bugs.- Update to version 20170728.1ecdcfd:
  * check_source: add devel review for delete request using MaintenanceChecker logic.
  * stagingapi: provide dashboard_content_{load,save,ensure}() and utilize.
  * allow empty $repodir allowing just a project-wide check.
  * repo_checker: provide project_only subcommand to write result to installcheck.- Update to version 20170728.03ba255:
  * Factory test dvd: upgrade to postgresql96- Update to version 20170726.b7cff32:
  * osc-cycle: ignore invalid packages- Update to version 20170724.4d5ba92:
  * openqa-maintenance: update data for schedule 12sp3 jobs- Update to version 20170719.e4c11a6:
  * dist/ci/Dockerfile: add obs-service-set_version based on changes made for Factory.- Update to version 20170719.00c88d1:
  * ReviewBot: provide staging_api() from repo_checker.
  * check_source: utilize project config to allow for remote entries.
  * cache: unquote() all URLs before processing to ensure correctness.- Update to version 20170719.0a0bec5:
  * devel-project: get(): utilize and improve xpath loop.
  * devel-project: provide maintainer command to check for relevant groups.- Change set_version service to be disabled instead of buildtime.
  The change will appease the source check for Factory.- Update to version 20170717.ce00330:
  * dist/spec: add missing osc requires.
  * dist/spec: include %defattr on all %files entries.
  * travis: include OBS_EMAIL environment variable when deploying.
  * dist/spec: utilize obs_scm renaming which properly includes version in source.
  * travis: target proper home in openSUSE:Tools for deployment.
  * dist/ci/Dockerfile: include obs-service-{download_files,format_spec_file} for deployment.
  * dist/ci/ include apiurl in general so email is used during service run.- Update to version 20170713.262d988:
  * Makefile & disc/spec: include version in installed osc-staging plugin.
  * travis: include list email address in changes entry during deployment.- Change _service to rename in obs_scm instead of tar which handles
  rename properly.
- Correct previous change entries email address.- Update to version 20170713.0a84043:
  * dist/ci/ remove previous source.- Update to version 20170713.bc8cb75:
  * travis: add deployment to OBS package on master branch commit.- Initial package./bin/shh02-ch2d -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// script, ASCII text executableRaPgҖC}Eutf-874c03d67281c8bb0c1e8a6295aed078409ff6cd85848afd6c376962c83caaf8a?7zXZ
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