maven-resolver-transport-classpath-1.9.18-150200.3.17.2 >  A ep9|]PI.0)MLVTd(ƣޝekզb PNM[xd1G&5r@#pWṱkɆgEU#a8`"/Q@VL5$){_du@0< YG:A2`Gc7 2LZ:O8֌:JO֣#8*ڎؾasҞU0޲'\vJ>)BN{geC&P8s Fq6fd8af06fd48de204011814fd8e48ae903a895093b5ce15aca11ae7dcf0daadac6ab76e17281fbd3f0837846c23af8f3d819fb3chLep9|1$KG3N&Q -W'= i 2S3*ip>K?Kd%, : f 6Y_h            < i  4 X x (89:FF]GFt HF IF XFYF\G ]G< ^HbHcIdJ eJfJlJuJ( vJLwK xK0 yKT zK|KKKKCmaven-resolver-transport-classpath1.9.18150200.3.17.2Maven Artifact Resolver Transport ClasspathA transport implementation for repositories using classpath:// URLs.enh01-ch3a1SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Apache-2.0 8PAA큤AA큤ecececececececececf5e57e244f4ea14f61de09308ebbbe7d87f32997421bb10df50a36ed2ba97f28f4262670e370bf10c997b62e5b2ae9e8d27c9dcd8f6e56e2b9b85fdf909fad5f249fbf76572047cdc222d3b10ed0120e1405fb16f65cd5c8717bed4c9c425527../maven-resolver/maven-resolver-transport-classpath.jar../maven-resolver/maven-resolver-transport-classpath.pomrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootmaven-resolver-1.9.18-150200.3.17.2.src.rpmmaven-resolver-transport-classpathmvn(org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-transport-classpath)mvn(org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-transport-classpath:pom:)mvn(org.eclipse.aether:aether-transport-classpath)mvn(org.eclipse.aether:aether-transport-classpath:pom:)osgi(org.apache.maven.resolver.transport.classpath)@@@@@    java-headlessjavapackages-filesystemmvn(org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api)mvn(org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-spi)mvn(org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) 0@dC@dRLb@bDF@b5b3"b+9a@`q`@`>_@]7@\ Upgrade to upstream version 1.9.18 * Bug + MRESOLVER-372: Sporadic AccessDeniedEx on Windows + MRESOLVER-441: Undo FileUtils changes that altered non-Windows execution path * Improvement + MRESOLVER-396: Native transport should retry on HTTP 429 (Retry-After) * Task + MRESOLVER-397: Deprecate Guice modules + MRESOLVER-405: Get rid of component name string literals, make them constants and reusable + MRESOLVER-433: Expose configuration for inhibiting Expect-Continue handshake in 1.x + MRESOLVER-435: Refresh download page + MRESOLVER-437: Resolver should not override given HTTP transport default use of expect-continue handshake- Upgrade to upstream version 1.9.15 * Bug + MRESOLVER-373: Remove lock upgrading code + MRESOLVER-375: Several key aspects are broken in provided and trusted checksum feature + MRESOLVER-376: StackOverflowError at BfDependencyCollector.processDependency + MRESOLVER-380: Lock diagnostic: attempted lock step is recorded, but on failed attempt is not removed + MRESOLVER-393: Transport HTTP does not retain last modified as sent by remote end * Improvement + MRESOLVER-220: Modify signaling for unsupported operations + MRESOLVER-382: Define local outgoing (bind) address + MRESOLVER-385: Reduce default value for aether.connector.http.connectionMaxTtl * Task + MRESOLVER-378: Update parent POM to 40 + MRESOLVER-381: Undo MRESOLVER-373 as it was fixed by other means + MRESOLVER-386: Make all injected ctors public, deprecate all def ctors + MRESOLVER-388: Transport HTTP old codec proper override- Upgrade to upstream version 1.9.12 * Bug + [MRESOLVER-371] Unjustified WARNING log added by MRESOLVER-364 + [MRESOLVER-361] Unreliable TCP and retries on upload + [MRESOLVER-357] ConflictResolver STANDARD verbosity misbehaves + [MRESOLVER-352] Duplicate METADATA_DOWNLOADING event is being sent * Improvement + [MRESOLVER-360] disable checksum by default for .sigstore in addition to .asc * New Feature + [MRESOLVER-370] Lock factory should dump lock states on failure + [MRESOLVER-353] Make aether.checksums.algorithms settable per remote repository * Task + [MRESOLVER-366] Upgrade build plugins + [MRESOLVER-364] Revert MRESOLVER-132 + [MRESOLVER-359] Make build be explicit about build time requirements + [MRESOLVER-356] Remove Guava (is unused) + [MRESOLVER-354] Document expected checksums- Upgrade to upstream version 1.9.8 * Bug + [MRESOLVER-345] Conflict resolution in verbose mode is sensitive to version ordering + [MRESOLVER-348] SslConfig httpSecurityMode change is not detected + [MRESOLVER-339] Preemptive Auth broken when default ports used + [MRESOLVER-325] [REGRESSION] Suddenly seeing I/O errors under windows aborting the build + [MRESOLVER-330] Static name mapper is unusable with file-lock factory + [MRESOLVER-314] Getting "IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!" + [MRESOLVER-316] DF collector enters endless loop when collecting org.webjars.npm:musquette:1.1.1 + [MRESOLVER-298] javax.inject should be provided or optional + [MRESOLVER-305] Evaluate blocked repositories also when retrieving metadata + [MRESOLVER-309] PrefixesRemoteRepositoryFilterSource aborts the build while it should not + [MRESOLVER-313] Artifact file permissions are 0600 and not implicitly set by umask + [MRESOLVER-296] FileProcessor.write( File, InputStream ) is defunct + [MRESOLVER-292] Documented and used param names mismatch + [MRESOLVER-294] Fix JapiCmp configuration and document it + [MRESOLVER-285] File locking on Windows knows to misbehave + [MRESOLVER-246] m-deploy-p will create hashes for hashes + [MRESOLVER-265] Discrepancy between produced and recognized checksums + [MRESOLVER-241] Resolver checksum calculation should be driven by layout + [MRESOLVER-242] When no remote checksums provided by layout, transfer inevitably fails/warns + [MRESOLVER-250] Usage of descriptors map in DataPool prevents gargabe collection * New Feature + [MRESOLVER-32] Support parallel artifact/metadata uploads + [MRESOLVER-319] Support parallel deploy + [MRESOLVER-297] Chained LRM + [MRESOLVER-167] Support forcing specific repositories for artifacts + [MRESOLVER-268] Apply artifact checksum verification for any resolved artifact + [MRESOLVER-274] Introduce Remote Repository Filter feature + [MRESOLVER-275] Introduce trusted checksums source + [MRESOLVER-276] Resolver post-processor + [MRESOLVER-278] BREAKING: Introduce RepositorySystem shutdown hooks + [MRESOLVER-236] Make it possible to resolve .asc on a 'fail' respository. * Improvement + [MRESOLVER-346] Too eager locking + [MRESOLVER-347] Better connection pool configuration (reuse, max TTL, maxPerRoute) + [MRESOLVER-349] Adapter when locking should "give up and retry" + [MRESOLVER-350] Get rid of commons-lang dependency + [MRESOLVER-327] Make tranport-http obey system properties regarding proxy settings + [MRESOLVER-340] Make WebDAV "dance" disabled by default + [MRESOLVER-341] Add option for preemptive PUT Auth + [MRESOLVER-315] Implement preemptive authentication feature for transport-http + [MRESOLVER-328] The transport-http should be able to ignore cert errors + [MRESOLVER-337] Real cause when artifact not found with repository filtering + [MRESOLVER-287] Get rid of deprecated finalize methods + [MRESOLVER-317] Improvements for BF collector + [MRESOLVER-318] Cleanup redundant code and centralize executor handling + [MRESOLVER-303] Make checksum detection reusable + [MRESOLVER-290] Improve file handling resolver wide + [MRESOLVER-7] Download dependency POMs in parallel in BF collector + [MRESOLVER-266] Simplify adapter creation and align configuration for it + [MRESOLVER-269] Allow more compact storage of provided checksums + [MRESOLVER-273] Create more compact File locking layout/mapper + [MRESOLVER-284] BREAKING: Some Sisu parameters needs to be bound + [MRESOLVER-286] Improve basic connector closed state handling + [MRESOLVER-240] Using breadth-first approach to resolve Maven dependencies + [MRESOLVER-247] Avoid unnecessary dependency resolution by a Skip solution based on BFS + [MRESOLVER-248] Make DF and BF collector implementations coexist * Task + [MRESOLVER-326] Resolver transport-http should retry on failures + [MRESOLVER-331] Make DefaultTrackingFileManager write directly to tracking files + [MRESOLVER-333] Distinguish better resolver errors for artifact availability + [MRESOLVER-320] Investigate slower resolving speeds as reported by users + [MRESOLVER-291] Undo MRESOLVER-284 + [MRESOLVER-279] Simplify and improve trusted checksum sources + [MRESOLVER-281] Update configurations page with new elements + [MRESOLVER-282] Drop PartialFile + [MRESOLVER-230] Make supported checksum algorithms extensible + [MRESOLVER-231] Extend “smart checksum” feature + [MRESOLVER-234] Introduce “provided” checksums feature + [MRESOLVER-237] Make all checksum mismatches handled same + [MRESOLVER-239] Update and sanitize dependencies + [MRESOLVER-244] Deprecate FileTransformer API + [MRESOLVER-245] Isolate Hazelcast tests * Dependency upgrade + [MRESOLVER-311] Upgrade Parent to 39 + [MRESOLVER-293] Update dependencies, align with Maven + [MRESOLVER-272] Update parent POM to 37, remove plugin version overrides, update bnd + [MRESOLVER-280] Upgrade invoker, install, deploy, require maven 3.8.4+ + [MRESOLVER-251] Upgrade Redisson to 3.17.5 + [MRESOLVER-249] Update Hazelcast to 5.1.1 in named-locks-hazelcast module- Add an alias for the wagon connector- Build against the standalone JavaEE modules unconditionally- Remove the javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api dependency on distribution versions that do not incorporate the JavaEE modules- Add the glassfish-annotation-api jar to the build classpath- Upgrade to upstream version 1.7.3 * Bug + [MRESOLVER-96] - Dependency Injection fails after upgrading to Maven 3.6.2 + [MRESOLVER-153] - file is corrupted due to concurrent writes + [MRESOLVER-171] - Resolver fails when compiled on Java 9+ an run on Java 8 due to JDK API breakage + [MRESOLVER-189] - Using semaphore-redisson followed by rwlock-redisson on many parallel build of the same project triggers redisson error * New Feature + [MRESOLVER-90] - HTML content in POM: Maven should validate content before storing in local repo + [MRESOLVER-145] - Introduce more SyncContext implementations * Improvement + [MRESOLVER-103] - Replace deprecated HttpClient classes + [MRESOLVER-104] - maven-resolver-demo-maven-plugin uses reserved artifactId + [MRESOLVER-147] - Upgrade to Java 8 + [MRESOLVER-148] - Use vanilla Guice 4 instead of forked Guice 3 + [MRESOLVER-156] - Active dependency management for Google Guice/Guava + [MRESOLVER-168] - add DEBUG message when downloading an artifact from repositories + [MRESOLVER-193] - Properly type lock key names in Redis + [MRESOLVER-197] - Minors improvements (umbrella) + [MRESOLVER-204] - Add a SessionData#computeIfAbsent method + [MRESOLVER-214] - Remove clirr configuration * Task + [MRESOLVER-141] - Review index-based access to collections + [MRESOLVER-151] - Enforce a checksum policy to be provided explicitly + [MRESOLVER-152] - Perform null checks when interface contracts require it + [MRESOLVER-154] - Move SyncContextFactory interface to SPI module + [MRESOLVER-155] - Make TrackingFileManager member of DefaultUpdateCheckManager + [MRESOLVER-158] - Simplify SimpleDigest class + [MRESOLVER-159] - Mark singleton components as Sisu Singletons + [MRESOLVER-160] - Deprecate ServiceLocator + [MRESOLVER-162] - Restore binary compatibility broken by MRESOLVER-154 + [MRESOLVER-170] - Deprecate org.eclipse.aether.spi.log + [MRESOLVER-172] - Make TrackingFileManager shared singleton component + [MRESOLVER-173] - Drop deprecated AetherModule + [MRESOLVER-174] - Use all bindings in UTs and tests + [MRESOLVER-175] - Drop SyncContextFactory delegates in favor of a selector approach + [MRESOLVER-177] - Move pre-/post-processing of metadata from ResolveTask to DefaultMetadataResolver + [MRESOLVER-183] - Don't require optional dependencies for Redisson + [MRESOLVER-184] - Destroy Redisson semaphores if not used anymore + [MRESOLVER-186] - Update Maven version in Resolver Demo Snippets + [MRESOLVER-188] - Improve documentation on using the named locks with redis/hazelcast (umbrella) + [MRESOLVER-190] - [Regression] Revert MRESOLVER-184 + [MRESOLVER-191] - Document how to analyze lock issues + [MRESOLVER-196] - Document named locks configuration options + [MRESOLVER-219] - Implement NamedLock with advisory file locking + [MRESOLVER-227] - Refactor NamedLockFactorySelector to a managed component + [MRESOLVER-232] - Make SimpleNamedLockFactorySelector logic reusable * Sub-task + [MRESOLVER-198] - Replace assert by simpler but equivalent calls + [MRESOLVER-199] - Java 8 improvements + [MRESOLVER-200] - Simplify conditions with the same result and avoid extra validations + [MRESOLVER-201] - Make variables final whenever possible + [MRESOLVER-202] - Use isEmpty() instead length() <= 0 * Dependency upgrade + [MRESOLVER-185] - Upgrade Redisson to 3.15.6 * Change of API and incompatible with maven-resolver < 1.7- Upgrade to upstream version 1.6.3 * Bug + [MRESOLVER-153] - file is corrupted due to concurrent writes + [MRESOLVER-171] - Resolver fails when compiled on Java 9+ and run on Java 8 due to JDK API breakage * Improvement + [MRESOLVER-168] - add DEBUG message when downloading an artifact from repositories * Task + [MRESOLVER-177] - Move pre-/post-processing of metadata from ResolveTask to DefaultMetadataResolver * Needed for maven 3.8.4 - Removed patch: * maven-resolver-1.3.1-java8compat.patch + fixed upstream- Do not build/run the tests against the legacy guava20 package- Upgrade to upstream version 1.6.2 * Sub-task + [MRESOLVER-139] - Make SimpleDigest use SHA-1 or MD5 only + [MRESOLVER-140] - Default to SHA-1 and MD5 hashing algorithms * Bug + [MRESOLVER-25] - Resume support is broken under high concurrency + [MRESOLVER-114] - ArtifactNotFoundExceptions when building in parallel + [MRESOLVER-129] - Exclusion has no setters + [MRESOLVER-137] - Make OSGi bundles reproducible + [MRESOLVER-138] - MRESOLVER-56 introduces severe performance regression * New Feature + [MRESOLVER-109] - AndDependencySelector should override toString + [MRESOLVER-115] - Make checksum algorithms configurable + [MRESOLVER-123] - Provide a global locking sync context by default + [MRESOLVER-131] - Introduce a Redisson-based SyncContextFactory + [MRESOLVER-165] - Add support for mirror selector on external:http:* + [MRESOLVER-166] - Add support for blocked repositories/mirrors * Improvement + [MRESOLVER-56] - Support SHA-256 and SHA-512 as checksums + [MRESOLVER-116] - Add page with all supported configuration options + [MRESOLVER-125] - Use type conversions returning primitives + [MRESOLVER-127] - Don't use boolean for property 'aether.updateCheckManager.sessionState' + [MRESOLVER-136] - Migrate from maven-bundle-plugin to bnd-maven-plugin * Task + [MRESOLVER-119] - Turn log messages to SLF4J placeholders + [MRESOLVER-130] - Move GlobalSyncContextFactory to a separate module + [MRESOLVER-132] - Remove synchronization in TrackingFileManager * Dependency upgrade + [MRESOLVER-105] - Update Plexus Components + [MRESOLVER-106] - Update HttpComponents + [MRESOLVER-107] - Update Wagon Provider API to 3.4.0 + [MRESOLVER-108] - Update mockito-core to 2.28.2 + [MRESOLVER-117] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.30 + [MRESOLVER-118] - Upgrade Sisu Components to 0.3.4 * Needed for maven 3.8.x- Set buildshell to bash for "<<<".- Upgrade to upstream version 1.4.2 * Bug: + MRESOLVER-38 – SOE/OOME in DefaultDependencyNode.accept * Improvements: + MRESOLVER-93 – PathRecordingDependencyVisitor to handle 3 cycles + MRESOLVER-102 – make build Reproducible- Upgrade to upstream version 1.4.1 * Task + [MRESOLVER-92] - Revert MRESOLVER-7 * Bug + [MRESOLVER-86] - ResolveArtifactMojo from resolver example uses plugin repositories to resolve dependencies * New Feature + [MRESOLVER-10] - New 'TransitiveDependencyManager' supporting transitive dependency management + [MRESOLVER-33] - New 'DefaultDependencyManager' managing dependencies on all levels supporting transitive dependency management * Improvement + [MRESOLVER-7] - Download dependency POMs in parallel + [MRESOLVER-84] - Add support for "release" qualifier + [MRESOLVER-87] - Refresh examples to use maven-resolver artifacts for demo + [MRESOLVER-88] - Code style cleanup to use Java 7 features- Initial packaging of maven-resolver 1.3.1 - Generate and customize the ant build files - Added patch: * maven-resolver-1.3.1-java8compat.patch + avoid calling APIs added in Java 9h01-ch3a 1706881390 1.9.18-150200. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// text, with CRLF line terminators (Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract)XML 1.0 document, ASCII textXML 1.0 document text PPPPPRRRRRWxCx:utf-856f5337318d186d492f67a8094732603ea6343dc941ddacb3119ad1c432d83bb? 7zXZ !t/8g] crt:bLL $FZpJOAv`BA6<|myQMwTG$Ӣ .EnY)␬>C:?/L ͼai?R(!X,-3t'/EVu /efCid[[ՌQj2–7OS6KF]#Ĩ.v{ٴvXnx{j'J}[)7zq_`Fc]Ɗ>k49@B|g^ܨZ}R?zII$R8j+HVuI{fH[jtLoeu$`[N;m\Nkkqz7K/gD'}Qpx7Lovã.ҟ2uBYoy|456}=$Ki~kUs ̧"=D*`mBKsr>6V"d9=1 j,*h}c<0-( I%Q8>[!jbԤN*F|w~=o$X@ߠ4f# זdSy)qyouc‚&o4c y}CԔ҅#UWIgV@N'‹irʛt@&Kbв2<6٨lms  d,~ƪZ%ҌCp xS` ;$6cZ\KSzgf֐q jwLTs ,IQHcxD,[\+~joY(G}݋ӶBm ..*x˨HΟՄn9ȉjAUQo.`8&a_Dx"A)j|%!\l)G\NXe9o^2G cpN{ed"sz!c9)vbY EW/vJBm'ijCi\.tdd}x${0-hk: hxud\op<]H"8,}䛮ﹲ(L U LuB%rS_cnB rG"b6mA hTyxM;51 B4lbCw{O-HT`??z 5eݤdPҚ!TD6+fԗoC(ڼ#6h?][mGA!2n]bګG4*9,9ǙV9=i@Rr^SȊ# [* Xc|w)|`^gDy'O3 g=[4E0\\x'b1I8O ҩ^I*3 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