jupyter-ipykernel-5.2.1-bp156.3.1 >  A d`I%z K.8$K[`\[;e{#.og-߳jkzP)yjsV1aftKb:$PABgz1F ժQ=S ZbJi{<)6M]s^oi"P~~!^cYsYѪ' FU hX54nrNm / =A,.:UdHHg6G94{R̷#Ekr<傯Ļ-Af&CDmdUTi)VUذ7ٿ,YDՕE!9` J)vկX^GٍeX \*:RػX$)Nl?0o1}XG@|Jr+C&쾽:kK׮`|8F"k4Q_J{q:l9)9-v52xwdoyEDKM̤InzltV:` &}ہ IgtapU 8>g?V£P,!G⅏*HGr(B}H+jcƙ,]ƍ#w;ϵq~q\ oj@$ oB!xP: T$^ Gy>p>7X?7Hd $ ? CIPh t    $<Pl 04N(T8\9:&F3G3H3I4 X4Y4\4(]4@^4b5 c5d6&e6+f6.l60u6Dv6\z66677DCjupyter-ipykernel5.2.1bp156.3.1IPython Kernel for JupyterThis package provides the IPython kernel for Jupyter. This package provides the jupyter components.d[goat45lSUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6openSUSEBSD-3-Clausehttps://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Languages/Pythonhttps://github.com/ipython/ipykernellinuxnoarch< A큤A큤d2d2]ꖂ]ꖂd[]ꖂ3b0e56fa9ba38f905153162c6641234120751412bccb2967b5d555baddcd2ab5e32b5c282072d717887b60da73178fdd35a65dc3caeacba7a026e5a4255cc9975c9063b436cedf0567480fe487ece0d1479ea9545f310cba93fa184ccbab290d60c5b2a5a4890d48c693b8b908a49675b524b84ac15a7ec1c9563e05e6bffe1arootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpython-ipykernel-5.2.1-bp156.3.1.src.rpmjupyter-ipykernel    hicolor-icon-themejupyter-jupyter-clientpython3-ipykernelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)^^<@^h^0"@]ʞ]M`@\P\@[;@[;@[;@[@[h@ZZv@Z`@Z;@YYX@X@V`VZU4@Arun Persaud Arun Persaud Todd R Todd R Todd R John Vandenberg Todd R Todd R Todd R Todd R Arun Persaud Todd R toddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comarun@gmx.detoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.com- update to version 5.2.1: * Handle system commands that use UNC paths on Windows (:ghpull:`500`) * Add offset argument to seek in io test (:ghpull:`496`)- specfile: * be more specific in %files section * removed patch fix_jupyter_client_6.patch, included upstream - update to version 5.2.0: * Produce better traceback when kernel is interrupted (:ghpull:`491`) * Add InProcessKernelClient.control_channel for compatibility with jupyter-client v6.0.0 (:ghpull:`489`) * Drop support for Python 3.4 (:ghpull:`483`) * Work around issue related to Tornado with python3.8 on Windows (:ghpull:`480`, :ghpull:`481`) * Prevent entering event loop if it is None (:ghpull:`464`) * Use shell.input_transformer_manager when available (:ghpull:`411`)- Add fix_jupyter_client_6.patch Fixes issue with jupyter-client > 6 From: https://github.com/ipython/ipykernel/pull/489 See: https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_client/issues/523- Update to 5.1.4 * Fix pickle issues when using inline matplotlib backend * Fix an error during kernel shutdown * Fix compatibility issues with Python 3.8 * Remove some dead code- Update to 5.1.3 * Fix comm shutdown behavior by adding a ``deleting`` option to ``close`` which can be set to prevent registering new comm channels during shutdown * Fix ``Heartbeat._bind_socket`` to return on the first bind * Moved ``InProcessKernelClient.flush`` to ``DummySocket`` * Don't redirect stdout if nose machinery is not present * Rename `_asyncio.py` to `_asyncio_utils.py` to avoid name conflicts on Python 3.6+ * Only generate kernelspec when installing or building wheel * Fix priority ordering of control-channel messages in some cases- Replace HTML and PDF version of changelog with the single changelog.rst they contained, obsoleting jupyter-ipykernel-doc - Activated test suite - Update to 5.1.2 * Fix socket-binding race conditions * Add a no-op flush method to DummySocket and comply with stream API * Update kernel version to indicate kernel v5.3 support * Add testing for upcoming Python 3.8 and PEP 570 positional parameters- Update to 5.1.1 * 5.1.1 fixes a bug that caused cells to get stuck in a busy state.- Rename to to match python package naming guidelines. - Split jupyter components into own subpackage.- Fix source URL- Update doc files- update to version 5.1.0: * Fix message-ordering bug that could result in out-of-order executions, especially on Windows (:ghpull:`356`) * Fix classifiers to indicate dropped Python 2 support (:ghpull:`354`) * Remove some dead code (:ghpull:`355`) * Support rich-media responses in inspect_requests (tooltips) (:ghpull:`361`)- Update to version 5.0.0 * Drop support for Python 2. ipykernel 5.0 requires Python >= 3.4 * Add support for IPython’s asynchronous code execution (PR #323) * Update release process in CONTRIBUTING.md (PR #339) - Drop python 2 build since they are no longer supported. - Switch to wheels for more reliable installation.- Update to version 4.9.0 * Python 3.3 is no longer supported (:ghpull:`336`) * Flush stdout/stderr in KernelApp before replacing (:ghpull:`314`) * Allow preserving stdout and stderr in KernelApp (:ghpull:`315`) * Override writable method on OutStream (:ghpull:`316`) * Add metadata to help display matplotlib figures legibly (:ghpull:`336`)- Update to version 4.8.2 * Fix compatibility issue with qt eventloop and pyzmq 17 (:ghpull:`307`). - Update to version 4.8.1 * set zmq.ROUTER_HANDOVER socket option when available to workaround libzmq reconnect bug (:ghpull:`300`). * Fix sdists including absolute paths for kernelspec files, which prevented installation from sdist on Windows (:ghpull:`306`).- Update to version 4.8.0 * set zmq.ROUTER_HANDOVER socket option when available to workaround libzmq reconnect bug (:ghpull:`300`). * Fix sdists including absolute paths for kernelspec files, which prevented installation from sdist on Windows (:ghpull:`306`).- update to version 4.8.9 * Cleanly shutdown integrated event loops when shutting down the kernel. (:ghpull:`290`) * %gui qt now uses Qt 5 by default rather than Qt 4, following a similar change in terminal IPython. (:ghpull:`293`) * Fix event loop integration for :mod:`asyncio` when run with Tornado 5, which uses asyncio where available. (:ghpull:`296`)- update to version 4.7.0: * Add event loop integration for :mod:`asyncio`. * Use the new IPython completer API. * Add support for displaying GIF images (mimetype image/gif). * Allow the kernel to be interrupted without killing the Qt console. * Fix is_complete response with cell magics. * Clean up encoding of bytes objects. * Clean up help links to use https and improve display titles. * Clean up ioloop handling in preparation for tornado 5.- Update to 4.6.1 * Fix eventloop-integration bug preventing Qt windows/widgets from displaying with ipykernel 4.6.0 and IPython ≥ 5.2. * Avoid deprecation warnings about naive datetimes when working with jupyter_client ≥ 5.0.- Implement single-spec version.- Update to 4.6.0 * Add to API `DisplayPublisher.publish` two new fully backward-compatible keyword-args: - `update: bool` - `transient: dict` * Support new `transient` key in `display_data` messages spec for `publish`. For a display data message, `transient` contains data that shouldn't be persisted to files or documents. Add a `display_id` to this `transient` dict by `display(obj, display_id=...)` * Add `ipykernel_launcher` module which removes the current working directory from `sys.path` before launching the kernel. This helps to reduce the cases where the kernel won't start because there's a `random.py` (or similar) module in the current working directory. * Add busy/idle messages on IOPub during processing of aborted requests * Add active event loop setting to GUI, which enables the correct response to IPython's `is_event_loop_running_xxx` * Include IPython kernelspec in wheels to reduce reliance on "native kernel spec" in jupyter_client * Modify `OutStream` to inherit from `TextIOBase` instead of object to improve API support and error reporting * Fix IPython kernel death messages at start, such as "Kernel Restarting..." and "Kernel appears to have died", when parent-poller handles PID 1 * Various bugfixes - Install icons- Update to 4.6.0 * Add to API `DisplayPublisher.publish` two new fully backward-compatible keyword-args: - `update: bool` - `transient: dict` * Support new `transient` key in `display_data` messages spec for `publish`. For a display data message, `transient` contains data that shouldn't be persisted to files or documents. Add a `display_id` to this `transient` dict by `display(obj, display_id=...)` * Add `ipykernel_launcher` module which removes the current working directory from `sys.path` before launching the kernel. This helps to reduce the cases where the kernel won't start because there's a `random.py` (or similar) module in the current working directory. * Add busy/idle messages on IOPub during processing of aborted requests * Add active event loop setting to GUI, which enables the correct response to IPython's `is_event_loop_running_xxx` * Include IPython kernelspec in wheels to reduce reliance on "native kernel spec" in jupyter_client * Modify `OutStream` to inherit from `TextIOBase` instead of object to improve API support and error reporting * Fix IPython kernel death messages at start, such as "Kernel Restarting..." and "Kernel appears to have died", when parent-poller handles PID 1 * Various bugfixes - Update to 4.5.2 * Fix bug when instantating Comms outside of the IPython kernel (introduced in 4.5.1). - Update to 4.5.1 * Add missing ``stream`` parameter to overridden :func:`getpass` * Remove locks from iopub thread, which could cause deadlocks during debugging * Fix regression where KeyboardInterrupt was treated as an aborted request, rather than an error * Allow instantating Comms outside of the IPython kernel - Update to 4.5.0 * Use figure.dpi instead of savefig.dpi to set DPI for inline figures * Support ipympl matplotlib backend (requires IPython update as well to fully work) * Various bugfixes, including fixes for output coming from threads, and :func:`input` when called with non-string prompts, which stdlib allows. - Update to 4.4.1 * Fix circular import of matplotlib on Python 2 caused by the inline backend changes in 4.4.0. - Update to 4.4.0 * Use `MPLBACKEND`_ environment variable to tell matplotlib >= 1.5 use use the inline backend by default. This is only done if MPLBACKEND is not already set and no backend has been explicitly loaded, so setting ``MPLBACKEND=Qt4Agg`` or calling ``%matplotlib notebook`` or ``matplotlib.use('Agg')`` will take precedence. * Fixes for logging problems caused by 4.3, where logging could go to the terminal instead of the notebook. * Add ``--sys-prefix`` and ``--profile`` arguments to :command:`ipython kernel install` * Allow Comm (Widget) messages to be sent from background threads. * Select inline matplotlib backend by default if ``%matplotlib`` magic or ``matplotlib.use()`` are not called explicitly (for matplotlib >= 1.5). * Fix some longstanding minor deviations from the message protocol (missing status: ok in a few replies, connect_reply format). * Remove calls to NoOpContext from IPython, deprecated in 5.0. - Update to 4.3.2 * Use a nonempty dummy session key for inprocess kernels to avoid security warnings. * Fix Windows Python 3.5 incompatibility caused by faulthandler patch in 4.3 - Update to 4.3.0 * Publish all IO in a thread, via :class:`IOPubThread`. This solves the problem of requiring :meth:`sys.stdout.flush` to be called in the notebook to produce output promptly during long-running cells. * Remove refrences to outdated IPython guiref in kernel banner. * Patch faulthandler to use ``sys.__stderr__`` instead of forwarded ``sys.stderr``, which has no fileno when forwarded. * Deprecate some vestiges of the Big Split: * :func:`ipykernel.find_connection_file` is deprecated. Use :func:`jupyter_client.find_connection_file` instead. * Various pieces of code specific to IPython parallel are deprecated in ipykernel and moved to ipyparallel. - Split documentation into own subpackage- Update to version 4.2.2 * Don't show interactive debugging info when kernel crashes * Fix handling of numerical types in json_clean * Testing fixes for output capturing - update to version 4.2.1: * Fix default display name back to "Python X" instead of "pythonX" - update to version 4.2.0: * Support sending a full message in initial opening of comms (metadata, buffers were not previously allowed) * When using "ipython kernel install --name" to install the IPython kernelspec, default display-name to the same value as "--name". - update to version 4.1.1: * Fix missing "ipykernel.__version__" on Python 2. * Fix missing "target_name" when opening comms from the frontend.- Update to 4.1.0 * add ipython kernel install entrypoint for installing the IPython kernelspec * provisional implementation of comm_info request/reply for msgspec v5.1- Initial versiongoat45 16900201875.2.1-bp156.3.1python3kernel.jsonlogo-32x32.pnglogo-64x64.pngjupyter-ipykernelCOPYING.md/usr/share/jupyter/kernels//usr/share/jupyter/kernels/python3//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/jupyter-ipykernel/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP6/standard/4730e48dd07e4472cd5483089f9f8611-python-ipykernelcpioxz5noarch-suse-linuxdirectoryASCII textPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 64 x 64, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced2":v-Yutf-861e48cb42af71b49c36d2bf8d943a4423b63c00479d9d18e37cc2daa3fb01cd7? 7zXZ !t/] crt:bLL Qk>Wf ,.\'b`&e+`3;~"k='J8!!3 yCo6QNp`hԜa #o6kT8STA =/r5N7,GVa1 1ͻ}LT i)rJ/%%"gˆ' op;#5j`2_xPGߛGݏ~loݥ$Ridrl/q0߯M\7;Y(~ݤ6a[64m'έ7 y߼ƐkCn*Cq/2!yNv$[ǙR{x!=V!Pcu$汫E#612RTlel1X?$9O m BR!BbĘݤ$yӻ'ӳbgm4[i+U=@mP}/ ;JMHPY{RPmxfZ,Suǁ;ʾ+&|F܃\jpA:u?wky$ ,m^R8 mDGL&#H̒Δ/&4%з*R0~i.M A|tL)iW|[~S #v>)x_w7|w>3G^džu-͏Se<&G͙5`@hҳ340un)&8IWTLBq2'NvTҮKFX~y=%/0?_{rv~RW xŢtEXgml*QN{9fu-!˗Ɗ_{[H  = wڪژs$_Y E)-q=&ν׏cwGs45O׈8N>'Qo˩Cn\^嗾wnsC=CI>zN?"PH9f&\yQV/gvP"!?)ɍ f5xkPCGVN6XDO(#ث!ǯWR)WK1(DMWZϩH܅ jþ$#՜Y@ppqY=C煙UY|,<7bT "(`"^"Er'S܀(.=t& ZL{>/~>p9ShLVMud^MF ECOҴ6ZkZV!X`=3`qm>Q ;hAc8_t7?`#/Nhӗ&ۢ:^&=Dp}ܚ7跃P-9mn42 x 66r}HjYB` ǀ)+p~2E=^UQd 8lusN*G2DSM,SWT3Vךu"<4xynfUQ%ubL1Q?t{diK %m8s)*_" Jw K!DŽfǸhh0VFQ5.bju ß= ٠lo~hK8\yWۿu@FYczT`$v TJKEʲCV#Mb^cUWa/#~5"& LDY0:?ב Ҍnd_b"#uRt gzpE@3qR̫MY(4 ƽ4a+80\f(EpvU^G:u/8HXP'F_f%}B+TMo|+5ILpm%$RFx7DǮ 4u6 {J,!!G7憶={iiani.kyhKaW#vjn8SML<WΔWBz=EX]7Sx:  g#nԳis9Κ0j"8dGmYJ ۟sL{U&m27{Ue7h3\ᒰuX!ax_CIUotWǢ՝)˒iW\JcJ{2V\ة e@ taDBn|z+W$ eX\Hc] 73Q#9r$Hj7 9BHR5靘g.̒oEY8WpK.'L1fvZ,jI'jpQ~* 9bU5|R pԽ#9P;3 I9qi$"6a-1>XϹ=:+Yh2܎x,úPCuL^iO DaCW-3k8l93lR`}5pN𫜤.J彅q~/@Nsd,YS tpuX Mk=v?2Y]:$] !CQ%Ҡc10&/0j.;{ոJ%>6.bOf-^@Y39Lpa ti?oisR)г* oEը\xf1DV4eUT% [K֕pCs.B>%-6{A D7 ">|/r9U9̴B,i+JYeh&!}al-GLku7u|E>d^P&K&FSzfԌY?=PsgDU; H lڍmr5nO/"sC+ƋίMid8\ %W#H4?;N4 6ƌL×d8y/4vzp y =s{0/ezyknP{H.-,ϡ)zYN=L!ՒՄrvNgz{'NlRh`}}1Ԭ-ED|׉ta ҽ\"eFR/=zmpZiKxVZ5'.{E  \y1,T<зDKNb=k?$ݷMu_,U::Y$ˤDMX݄kpJ[X}ޝz(D/\eX&^ēKuyr1]<>PKƺ5ҦJvYK đnZ,mwah>\kz|%lEߤm*!t%2T& ׻蔅ZWъt3<׏z-LjaШ~K y)()#Y@RZ3D>QȈasUy_eɧ}|>ZC^ `b}C rc۱ҥ*tMĭ!.g^1EF;i9.K)+bB%PC"osZ5Xc/n=OSP"B}fOS3ae]ly