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This package contains bash completion support for gromacs.fBMi02-ch2c$SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6openSUSEApache-2.0 AND LGPL-2.1-or-later AND BSD-3-Clausehttps://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Otherhttps://www.gromacs.orglinuxnoarch$A큤fBLfBL8b1f90fad584bbcd5527eaf72f55a810dbfe8d904f8cd2e478b27f4c03d51fafrootrootrootrootgromacs-2022.4-bp156.2.7.src.rpmgromacs-bashgromacs-bash-completion    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3c/c;@ch@cb[cIO@brjbi0@aa@aU`.`ٹ_^Y^@]Γ@\\u*@\s[[[S @Zľ@Z@ZaYY|YYY]X@XW@VCStefan Brüns Stefan Brüns Stefan Brüns Stefan Brüns Klaus Kämpf Christoph Junghans Jan Engelhardt Max Lin Christoph Junghans Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin Christoph Junghans Atri Bhattacharya Michel Normand Christoph Junghans Christoph Junghans Christoph Junghans Christoph Junghans Klaus Kämpf Christoph Junghans Christoph Junghans Christoph Junghans Update to 2022.4 * Bugfix release, see - Drop ustream relax_test_tolerance.patch- Exclude MPI flavor on 32 bit architectures, as MPI communication does not work correctly.- Fix aarch64 build on 15.x, add relax_test_tolerance.patch - Relax memory and disk constraints- Use system muparser package, drop libmuparser2 subpackage - Use system zlib - Remove bogus/broken library package obsoletes and provides - Build openmpi version in separate _multibuild- Update to 2022.3 * Bugfix release, see - Update to 2022.2 * Bugfix release, see - Update to 2022.1 * Highlights: - Free-energy kernels are accelerated using SIMD, which make free-energy calculations up to three times as fast when using GPUs - A new formulation of the soft-cored non-bonded interactions for free-energy calculations allows for a finer control of the alchemical transformation pathways - New transformation pull coordinate allows arbitrary mathematical transformations of one of more other pull coordinates - New interface for multi-scale Quantum Mechanics / Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) simulations with the CP2K quantum chemistry package, supporting periodic boundary conditions. - grompp performance improvements - Cool quotes music playlist - Additional features were ported to modular simulator - Added AMD GPU support with SYCL via hipSYCL - More GPU offload features supported with SYCL (PME, GPU update). - Improved parallelization with GPU-accelerated runs using CUDA and extended GPU direct communication to support multi-node simulation using CUDA-aware MPI. * See - split off libmuparser2 into separate package- devel package requires binaries as well- Trim boasting from package descriptions. - Trim descriptions in less important subpackages for length. - Resolve rpmlint reports: * "libgromacs4.x86_64: E: shlib-policy-name-error SONAME:, expected package suffix: 0" * "libgromacs4.x86_64: E: shlib-policy-name-error SONAME:, expected package suffix: 6"- Update license to "LGPL-2.1-or-later AND Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause"- Tag build with "openSUSE" for easier debugging by upstream- Use openmpi macros to always build with the default openmpi version.- Enabled legacy api needed for votca-csg- Update to version 2021.2: * Fixes where mdrun could behave incorrectly. * Removed a potential race condition with GPU update (issue 4024). * Avoided issues with global reduction observed with md-vv (issue 4031). * Prohibited SETTLE interactions for atoms with perturbed masses (issue 3959). * Rerun now writes pull output correctly (issue 4043). * Fixes for ``gmx`` tools. * Fix incorrect behaviour with single residue chains in pdb2gmx (issue 4029). * Fix grompp check for position restraints with absolute reference (issue 3996). * Fix error when using VMD plugin (issue 3055). * Fix file permissions with ``gmx solvate`` and ``gmx genion`` (issue 4040). * Fixes that affect portability. * Support for Intel oneAPI compiler 2021.2. * Fixed compiler infinity math and MKL flags. * Fix Apple OpenCL build (issue 4008). * Fixed compilation issue with GCC 11 (issue 4039). * Fix bond type in GROMOS force fields (issue 3995). * Allow PME on CPU in runs with domain decomposition and GPU update (issue 4035). - Turn SKIP_RPATH=OFF and SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=ON instead; skipping rpath use entirely causes linking issues with tests, but we still want to disable rpaths for the installed libs of course. - Rename %{name}-bash to %{name}-bash-completion in keeping with naming convention followed by other packages. - Add lapack-devel to BuildRequires to use system versions of blas and lapack. - CMake 3.13 or higher is required; adapt BuildRequires accordingly. - Disable testing for i586: doesn't work with gmock. - Adapt to updated cmake options and drop no longer applicable ones.- Increase default disk size from 3 to 6GB in _constraints file- - version bump to 2019.6 details here: Hightlights: - Actually fix PME forces with FE without perturbed q/LJ - Avoid overzealous program abort with orientation restraints - Calculate Coulomb and LJ reciprocal terms in rerun - Added check for inconsistent input of distance restraint labels in gmx disre. - Fix compiler errors with Intel compiler - Avoid cryptic GPU detection errors when devices are unavailable or out of memory- version bump to 2019.5 details here: Hightlights: - Fix use of uninitialized data on PME only ranks - Fix out of range memory access with free-energy calculations - Fix error with intermolecular interactions and domain decomposition - Fix issues with AWH with pull-geometry ‘direction’ to be periodic - Remove assertion failure with AWH when not using the initial stage - Fix dihedral angle calculation near 180 degree boundary - Remove problematic output of gmx angle tool - Check that libhwloc headers and runtime match - Fix .gro file formatting with large boxes - Fix duplicate PDB CONECT record output- version bump to 2019.4 details here: Hightlights: - Fix incorrect pressure when atoms in CMAP cross a box boundary - Fix incorrect LJ cut-off on GPU when rvdw < rcoulomb - Fix (unlikely) missing bonded forces with CUDA GPUs and domain decomposition - Fix incorrect reporting of final kinetic energy and temperature - Fix segmentation fault in grompp and mdrun with cosine COM pulling - Fix grompp not adding angle constraints between constraints - Fix gmx wham with angle and dihedral geometries - Fix bug in gmx xpm2ps - Fix bug in gmx anaeig - Fix issue with script - Fixed writing of gro files with index groups - Made gmx make_ndx keep chain IDs - Fixes that affect portability- version bump to 2019.2 details here: Hightlights: - Fix L-BGFS minimizer - Disallow pull geometry direction-periodic with AWH - Fixed mdrun -nsteps option - gmx cluster -clndx indices now correct - gmx editconf -f in.pdb -o out.pdb again preserves chain IDs - Tools again accept .tpr files as input - Fix segmentation fault when preparing simulated annealing inputs - Fix error in AVX 512 detection code - Added warning with the use of GROMOS force fields - Prevented internal build of FFTW with clang and AVX-512 SIMD - Updated performance guide for recent Intel processors with AVX512 instruction support- add fdupes- version bump to 2019.1 details here: Hightlights: - Fix error with 2D/3D dynamic load balancing - Fix incorrect LJ repulsion force switching on GPUs - Fix segmentation fault in mdrun with domain decomposition - Fix segmentation fault with energy minimization with the group scheme - Correct free-energy Delta H output with mass lambda’s - Prevent mdrun -rerun from writing incorrect free-energy output - Fix possible division by zero in enforced-rotation code - Fix trjconv -ndec - Fix using index file groups when .tpr file not supplied - Fix tune_pme - Fixes that affect portability - Explicitly require 64-bit platforms for OpenCL- version bump to 2018.4 details here: Highlights: - Correct PME forces with free energy without perturbed charges/LJ - Add constraint contribution to foreign Hamiltonian differences - Add mass contribution to foreign Hamiltonian differences - Work around bugs with expanded ensemble runs - Checkpoint continuations require suitable .tpr files - Fix mindist output file checks - Fix gmx helix segmentation faults - Fix bug in entropy calculation in gmx anaeig - Fixed an issue where the log file could sometimes report an incorrect initial dynamic load balancing state - Fix Bromine parameters in amber forcefield files - Made normal-mode analysis work for more than one molecule - Disallow rerun using same filename as output file - Fix issue when building GROMACS without TNG- version bump to 2018.3 details here: Highlights: - Multi-domain GPU runs can no longer miss pair interactions - Fix Conjugate Gradient assertion failure at end of minimization - Multi-domain Conjugate Gradient minimimization no longer segfaults. - Fix pairlist buffer with Brownian Dynamics - Avoid “atom moved to far” errors - grompp now checks that pull groups are not close to half the box size - Fixed segmentation fault in mdrun with QM/MM ONIOM scheme - Fixed syntax error in - Fix gmx solvate topology updating - Fix bfactor output error caused by fix for Issue 2511 - Made sure that gmx rms can skip values - Fix trjconv when not providing structure file - Fix enforced rotation energy output - Fix nvcc host compiler check triggering - Report up to date hwloc version information - Disable single compilation unit with CUDA 9.0 - Avoid aborting mdrun when GPU sanity check detects errors - Improve OpenCL kernel performance on AMD Vega GPUs- version bump to 2018.2 details here: Highlights: - Prevented OpenCL timing memory leak - Fixed MPI error after constraint failure during energy minimization - Fixed moving frozen atoms with constraints - Fixed COM removal moving frozen atoms- version bump to 2018.1 details here: Highlights: - Fixed leap-frog integrator with Nose-Hoover T coupling and Parrinello-Rahman P coupling - Used SIMD bondeds without perturbed interactions - Fixed bonds whose displacement was zero - Fixed centre-of-mass motion removal on part of the system - Fixed multi-simulations with multiple ranks per simulation - Improved inter-simulation signalling implementation - Fixed FEP calculations with SHAKE - Fixed handling of mdp define statement assigning preprocessor values - Prevented log file energy average printing dividing by zero- Add _constraints file to avoid build failure and timeout on tests for slow CPU workers- version bump to 2018 details here: Highlights: - A new dual-list dynamic-pruning algorithm for the short-ranged interactions - PME long-ranged interactions can now run on a single GPU - AWH (Accelerated Weight Histogram) method is now supported - A physical validation suite is added, which runs a series of short simulations - Conserved quantities are computed and reported for more integration schemes - disable GPU on ppc64le, build error - use internal tinyxml2 as tinxml-6 is broken with gromacs, only testing is build it anyhow- enable GPU support via OpenCL- adapt to new openlmi package - source mpivars.h during build- version bump to 2016.4 details here: Highlighs: - Disabled PME tuning with the group scheme - Fixed value of Ewald shift - Fixed orientation restraint reference - Fixed bugs with setup for orientation restraints - Worked around missing OpenMP implementation in orientation restraints - Enable group-scheme SIMD kernels on recent AVX extensions - Fix FEP state with rerun - Fixed COM pull force with SD - Fix PBC bugs in the swap code - Fixed flat-bottomed position restraints with multiple ranks - Fixed null pointer print in DD - Improved the “files not present” error message - Fixed LJ-PME + switch grompp error - Fixed unused SIMD PME table kernel - Fixed bugs in most double-precision Simd4 implementations - Avoid inf in SIMD double sqrt() - Fix NVML error messages - Fixed IMD interface malfunctions - Fixed initial temperature reporting - Fix exception in SIMD LJ PME solve- Fix build on Factory- __builddir is not overwritable on SLE-12, so use subdirs - disable test on s390x (too slow)- version bump to 2016.3 details here: - Highlights: - Made distance restraints work with threads and DD - Fixed Ewald surface+3DC corrections - Fixed opening of wall table files - Fixed bug in gmx insert-molecules. - Made virial reproducible - Updated to support FFTW 3.3.5 - Permitted automatic load balancing to disable itself when it makes the run slower - Improved the accuracy of timing for dynamic load balancing with GPUs - Corrected kernel launch bounds for Tesla P100 GPUs - Improved logic handling if/when the run is terminated for SETTLE warnings - Fixed bug in gmx wham for reading pullx files. - Fixed ouput bug in gmx wham - Fixed deadlock with thread-MPI - Made error reporting in grompp more user friendly - Fixed SIMD suggestion for VMX - Fixed script to work with GMXDATA - Fixed default nice level in mdrun-only build - Fixed math-test false positive - Improved documentation - OpenCL error string are now written, instead of cryptic error codes - Fixed build with GMX_USE_TNG=off - Removed variable-precision .gro writing - Fixed BG/Q platform files and install guide - Reduced the memory required for free-energy simulations- version bump to 2016.1 details here: - Highlights: - Made distance restraints work with threads and DD - Fixed Ewald surface+3DC corrections - Fixed opening of wall table files - Fixed bug in gmx insert-molecules. - Made virial reproducible - Permitted automatic load balancing to disable itself when it makes the run slower - Improved the accuracy of timing for dynamic load balancing with GPUs - Corrected kernel launch bounds for Tesla P100 GPUs - Improved logic handling if/when the run is terminated for SETTLE warnings - Fixed bug in gmx wham for reading pullx files. - Fixed ouput bug in gmx wham - Fixed deadlock with thread-MPI - Made error reporting in grompp more user friendly - Fixed SIMD suggestion for VMX - Fixed script to work with GMXDATA - Fixed default nice level in mdrun-only build - Fixed math-test false positive - Improved documentation - Fixed build with GMX_USE_TNG=off - Removed variable-precision .gro writing - Reduced the memory required for free-energy simulations- version bump to 2016 details here: - Highlights: - As always, we’ve got several useful performance improvements, with or without GPUs. CPU-side SIMD and threading enhancements will make GPU-accelerated simulations faster even if we’d left the GPU code alone! Thanks to these and additional GPU kernel improvements, in GPU-accelerated runs expect around 15% improvement in throughput. (And not just for plain vanilla MD, either... the pull code now supports OpenMP threading throughout, and multi-simulations have less coupling between simulations.) - We have a new C++11 portability layer permitting us to accelerate in SIMD on the CPU lots of minor routines. These will also often improve runs that use accelerators or many nodes through better load balancing. POWER8, ARM64, AVX512 (KNL), and more are fully SIMD accelerated now because they are supported in the new portability layer! - We made further SIMD acceleration of bonded interactions which reduces their calculation time by about a factor of 2. This improves load balance at high parallelization by a factor of 2, and shows significantly better scaling. - Similarly, SIMD acceleration of SETTLE reduces the time for constraints by a factor of 3 to 5 - which has a strong effect for GPU runs. - OpenCL GPU support is now available with all combinations of MPI, thread-MPI and GPU sharing (ie. the same as CUDA). Kernel performance has improved by up to 60%. AMD GPUs benefit the most, OpenCL on NVIDIA is generally still slow. - Tools in the new analysis framework can handle trajectories that are subsets of the simulation system. - New pull coordinate geometries angle-axis, dihedral, and normal angle. - Checkpoint restarts work only in the cases where the implementation can always do what the user wants. - The version numbering has changed to be the year of the release, plus (in future) a patch number. GROMACS 2016 will be the initial release from this branch, then GROMACS 2016.1 will have the set of bugs that have been fixed in GROMACS 2016, etc.- version bump to 5.1 details here: - html documentation is gone - devel package now includes cmake macros and config filesgromacs-bashi02-ch2c 17156213592022.42022.4-bp156.2.72022.4bash_completion.dgromacs/usr/share//usr/share/bash_completion.d/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// text, with very long lines綪 :'UBFcTP~D!KX˺,ygl'oM]= 1ah+=%T-+^&ƚ(]\^jR|VAP}kьK1wS_LБ>iƖͿ*`#v~ŝ$&u{w_f{͸v=Cj*c#H[kaSWSI%攁-JfT-{*ݖa*"=+lN½BrP|Іwy݈4;y'rTVӏHar66o-Xɼ͑Z2sиŰ4%'#_n?i<5{TݾVU+NkH8ruje/ʸDzDk{0)+QcD^MOf=qɤ17'#ozZRGAޙlIٴ {VwMyZAA*PS=nW;QU Q 2grX[쩳oh?2Aa4`%>-$[N5T4ch8֜;x,@ISDGz d<#e PiEkCP43P'wފ id+ g7fI&Zq?l1UIT}Q>9>~FvO-UҎ,2ąܱhe T_6Pc'sBD(]$$HK lW!QQ1el+5IKitƒC~oWd5 4 gOMJū z5F89/4*[4> *`%m-kLjEmA|hȹ;P6;bɃ}IFa9#_uh?$IɅR j :߇_Nqod̤QQƍ(FyM.h+KcL=NuuC+9ӷ& h1q` ˞lȤi"ʩ3D)a6ᚱ`5v-M$"C9.lBhK"E݈] \ZC,hޗ2I/_:mwr3/*|qM2Լ@ %fQ/Cf,h!.7Z:>[}&1cVy Wbכjrva" yY}`tQ S8*E˵}ݏ#*y&#dװ8hV{41=Me>U`=!rKl[R"o,$e m?W"^"Gu4qlxN%3J" 0$R0Փ]Ǜ̏ lV~@Ȍa$>md 3s Ҹ:쇚 X H7'/F (kAdN8VYwZr0/}GL~U&WK7 cܮ؞!|  mˁѨ ;Pz N1B'[/ZJ6'}\\|dzhӜxv9¹HQJ_rfiǰ8*޶o=Цj *(*[al@ 95eިw8p~^*R"m7j"_(%/7d2O,C9COiqu%R˫'F1vݍIh]䁎uFt6P lQj83"Gn^ۀDjR@!e*'Cշ-UCeM˄#LlD<XX_ Brm p4*\+HoN;S-I fv=at5{k&eȴ"!b] Gl\}#BCh:v&Z<79 #Mp6+(X^AHͭ=K}ŭF(w4>fLcװfUl׵cAD &O'(Nاq4Gt7M;[9)iϞ dSY{p? +310}kAsôrϪ.S}6XUwY$=.1=  L7“hzs}YMT[DCI4[\M!c$*:mw^o~(U9V[)VdN!mcH-./\!~:>PEwIE S9#"c;é5m\bt~P9n2dJF;ZKA*:/=h|b؝-Se[b%%5 _֛2)=';XзՀZ{㻨?4[>S7^3{SirTO)#s򞜞x47*Kd7ϘTt M3%Q[^J{VG^- R{9%s/X`lJ_{•gFY:@.Fn'+ߵ,_9$zкW` ׫A`m24vfCq#] W*UvAi_qzߢZ0샋lKpD-æLy?eif Msw0JbV&~hX gű1Q!^* ^BR-.y%f#khIHbŕ ,hl]9!?MLg$?/ֵ-J8m6;1gbR0 Y<jNZ $LY2CN4pP)ȹRk JUmS5js!$jsuok"i}4vv W=pX|0[PX{DϯuU­2->XVf!o(g̞ߘ0k7:&|Uw0@ WDg!8)qs)ޜ$s_m,Sifks-Nun E1 /611LKɌok8.~ŅzN&0b&:Xی($f3w@J^%{2kI4AJ.jż V`z@+_*['h '?#IȴL RMآ;\O|N+㼟[]r Y]6*]趍uȲHb6WwcuХd53ubu8mwo6 K(@\j$SCT\#Zy /}wgN= (>.3{|h͛Ї|(Y?V t ?ava[[]E;;A> l̰wkGWasX)*w%fDt^LHaR@{7oʀV^VFW"~<&sIʭ3#8u3!Sc)s7$` dW!h+q<0]C2ʖ4xzeiDnھ{),ް#r/YֽB ͌.x~H!&bDMWōGWk䕨 -6ͬ:ASUj*LX{sJ;k+ E  w6JQAI.X\ΰ ۞Hx j)Wvi b8Э:R [Z*Adc(B9T.c-ĆG1<$r_/8o TGdvjrǬ%ړsL4%F̊"M5`_>F1,E~z(*2L%qi Dg!*ND4'j5UE "Ef Rb58Kri|u!RB㙲r^peLqjoYD ϧBnWpܐidXe}]N,mTQXx8禚6nwJgfq""+(NRqva >j &0]FO29}-<o>ohHQ10R{12w.Eu:J pN֫ 90#.8'E+^mxy\q&#D3TLl} ~ ^6dMѳP˥_>( ܒ4Oy`W:eU @N(@ȩ kn(l~x4z Z(ksx pMk8ʹDtMMy{, ]-;+"PkŮ/|L>e2N s .ޕc&݈n(8 L@m+1gqXZIhqp|g?6MeEMO.҄Tmbh*â/.O8?%SGA< iӫCz < Ḧ́ lh oD;S1(LTKiM]c0'9R!YpK-k052 @l`'!8o A"ЛQ}߶8h_$pNvr G=>zWq&d4Hs>m5wD D*]Hwt{@9.auvtpxxfivCϤ c?V0aUeM4яڙRqr GmD@U/ hY* ύG(؃X\G+eyz7; `U /XDi^vآ(@lK}ay{DYRBwC5G^.Z-? htkC4Χ,!3mA/lN:O0 ӓ 5?$Bޤ>}l@̦R籵IW6nnN~;Bˎj3Aқ`ׅ̑zsՅBZЂ`M|uq[\ $VU !=r"6־ u&t$ӷ/[+A#uEE_ P#'zQ5`䯳@ :l-ףL|5`uqqԱlGK׶f9@мdun*t8~j3Q ({~ ܝ.PL;ʹbٴP-EkMyY9}q0sZyP$9Hp U@KCdƗZ%6<0k՜`~Pp A-(!VA\'=}YG5ܻ=k&-0\ӗ <yUB[]c/'PB&qkKJat͆D9Zmf@ZcpEYFB I>6ehK/ jۄa:dԝyE+&hhf_/LC8O0kҺE~J>Grx-!t^!Ee{%/2(#7:$%W%ԣKLfHIk"?ZS,vȲ-k҆=v oqޖ Xkhƶ, zpATò~_;p÷/ڋO$W#i'翜."[}m0wNܶU1)#:y((b]Tu wS<ɿ.XlI)yL"]_NƱ~b. d%Pw6%U'R"=_x6 \4Ug@v\:%h#a`D ,b@U['j-)ߕ49;,}ןzLۄРHCW4irx+ I0UDT9|@-CmcD){Qqd]~zF11>H ~YqZүc]ţ 4:X}%SwZ2\ l]H3:d{7jhSr1xlp h 8';qD;k