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It provides data plotting and handling of large data arrays, as well as window and console modes and for embedding into other programs.fGfi02-armsrv2$SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6openSUSEGPL-3.0-onlyhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgUnspecifiedhttp://mathgl.sourceforge.netlinuxaarch64$    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/`@dZ5d'@c)@b-@aŶ@``o`X_T@_$^@]@]w@\Z@Z@ZZ+@YY@YbY3X@WV͛@VKV ŬUv@UrUjUTT-@TfTTd@Nicolas Morey Atri Bhattacharya Stefan Brüns Atri Bhattacharya Atri Bhattacharya Atri Bhattacharya Christophe Giboudeaux Atri Bhattacharya Atri Bhattacharya Michel Normand Atri Bhattacharya Atri Bhattacharya Christophe Giboudeaux Atri Bhattacharya schwab@suse.deguillaume@opensuse.orgtoddrme2178@gmail.comfabian@ritter-vogt.debadshah400@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgjengelh@inai.debadshah400@gmail.combadshah400@gmail.comtchvatal@suse.comdmitr Update spec file to use openmpi-macros-devel and always use the default OpenMPI implementation.- Also disable octave bindings for openSUSE >= 1699 (TW), as octave 8.x is not yet supported by mathgl.- Disable octave bindings on Leap/SLE 15 due to missing SWIG 4.x. - Use %cmake macros as far as possible. - Fix underlinking of libmgl-mpi, requires libmgl. - Spec file cleanup.- Add mathgl-libharu2_4-compat.patch: Fix compilation against libharu 2.4.x []. - Build against wxWidgets >= 3.1 (wxGTK3) instead of wxWidgets=3.0.- Update to version 8.0.1: * Increase accuracy at line segment skipping. * Changes in SOVERSION numbering. * Minor spelling fix. - Changes from version 8.0: * Change version numbering according Debian rules. * Add accurate line segment and quadrangle/triangle face cutting at axis border crossing. * Add 'fastcut' for disable accurate but slow line/trig/quad primitives cutting at axis borders. * Restore back transparent background by default. You can set non-transparent background by using 'clf' or 'background' functions. * Compatibility changes for Qt5.15 and MSVC. * Change colorbar C-functions by adding last argument for options. * Add alpha-value in fill_background(). * Disable Qt4 interface by default. - Update mathgl-fix-python-module-path.patch to additionally correct the locations of installed python module files. - Update shlib naming scheme in keeping with upstream so version changes. - Build for multiple python versions (while ensuring stuff like docs, etc are only built once -- for the primary flavor). - Add Requires: libmgl-mpi%{libversion} dependency on -devel package as it is linked to. - Required version of swig is at least 4.0 to build octave bindings. - Drop %{name}-rpmlintrc: No longer needed.- Update to version 2.5: * Add functions ‘sum’, ‘prod’ at formula evaluation, like ‘sum(_i^2,5)’ will produce 30=0+1^2+2^2+3^2+4^2, and ‘prod(1+_i,5)’ will produce 120=5!. You can nest them for variables ‘_i’,‘_j’,...,‘_z’, like ‘sum(sum(_j+_i^2,5),5)’ will give 200. * Add user-defined functions ‘fn1()’...‘fn9()’ at formula evaluation, like ‘fn1(3)\x^_1’ will produce x^3. * Add functions ‘value’, ‘spline’ at formula evaluation, like ‘value(a,5)’ will give value of 6-th element of a, i.e. a[5]. * Add keep for keeping the data phase/sign or value along line i and j in given direction * Add mglODEs() (i.e. extend ode) for solving PDE, cascades and etc. * Add dcont to draw a set of curves, which are intersection of two isosurfaces at given level. * Add lines to draw a set of lines with arrows between points. * Add first, last to get array of first/last indexes of values larger specified one along given direction. * Add bernoulli, binomial, brownian, discrete, exponential, gaussian, shuffle, uniform, uniformint for data filling by random numbers with different distributions. * Add readbin to read data from binary files. * Add texparse to enable/disable TeX-like command parsing at text output. * Update ode: regularization is used if dt*tmax<0 (total time may differ, but number of steps still the same). * Add mgl_default_graph() – the global (default) pointer to HMGL for keeping plot settings, simplifying external scripts and capture it in GUI. * Add style ‘p’ in command smooth to use parabolic smoothing of arbitrary points. * Allow background for scaling image, centering image and tessellate image as mosaic. * Allow filling background by the specified color. * Allow masks for candle, area, region, bars, barh, chart, tape, face, polygon, ellipse, rhomb. * Allow single value specification for contour level in cont, contd, contp, contv, cont3, dcont, tricont. * Add mgl_dual_save_hdf(), mgl_real_save_hdf(), mgl_int_save_hdf() for saving single number in HDF5 file. * Add mgl_formula_calc(), mgl_formula_calc_c() for evaluating textual formulas of arbitrary set of data arrays. * Add mglDataList – global mglDataA* collection for viewing/changing in GUI data from external languages (like, Python, ...). * Add Armadillo interface for mglData and mglDataC. * If nsub parameter of command hist is negative (nsub<0) then the linear interpolation is used instead of spline one. * Add dark text colors for mgllab. * Minor bugfixes. * OBSOLETE: Qt4 interface will be disabled in the next release. * OBSOLETE: Functions colorbar will have extra argument opt for options, similarly to axis and other plotting functions. In C++ and SWIG-based interfaces this change "masked" by providing the default value for the argument. - Minor rebase of mathgl-fix-python-module-path.patch to apply cleanly against updated version. - Bump library so version appropriately. - Enable python3 bindings: now supported by upstream; build only for default python3 flavour. - Disable python bindings for Leap, since python >= 3.8 is required whereas Leap 15.2/3 only have python 3.6. - Re-enable octave bindings. - Rename python sub-package to have name consistent with openSUSE's python3 package naming guidelines. - Update _constraints to require 8 GB disk space as required by updated version. - Drop sed fix for location of numpy header file: no longer needed.- Remove the unneeded WebKit build requirements. '-Denable-json-sample=off' disables the WebKit dependency.- Disable octave bindings: no longer compatible with any suppported octave version. - Disable linking to texconfig zypper posttrans configuration script; this script is no longer installed by texlive.- Fix for /usr/lib -> /usr/libexec migration.- Add 4G min disk space default in _constraints- Update to version 2.4.4: * Add minmax for positions of local maximums and minimums. * Add ContGen() and ContFGen() to draw contour lines manually. Correspondingly cont and contf commands are extended. * Add conts for coordinate of contour lines. * Extend put for partial filling if data size(s) are smaller as destination. * Classes mglFormula and mglFormulaC now can read file with given sizes if string have the format ":fname:x1:x2:y1:y2:z1:z2". Here data is supposed in range [x1,x2]*[y1,y2]*[z1,z2] (by default [0,1]*[0,1]*[0,1]). Calc() in this case return the interpolated values. * mglData now have operator() which work as SubData() function. * Minor bugfixes. - Disable python bindings where python2 is unavailable (still no python3 support from upstream unfortunately). - Drop conditionals for old, unsupported openSUSE versions. - Enable octave bindings for openSUSE versions > 1500 (doesn't work with octave version in Leap 15.1, 15.2). - Run spec-cleaner for minor specfile cleanups. - Drop qt4 package definitions. - Drop Group tags from packages.- openmpi has been renamed to openmpi1 for openSUSE >= 1550; adapt accordingly.- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries.- Update to version 2.4.3: * Add 'clabel' command -- draw labels for colorbar. Should be used *after* drawing colorbar! * Extend 'ctick' command * Add subpixel smoothing for masks * Boxes around text (style '@') now use actual height and position of the text. * Add mask to EPS export. Note, mask angles are reduced to 45*(0,1,...7) degrees for decreasing pattern size in the EPS. * Update default masks: '*' become dot, '^' become bricks, 'd' become plus, 'D' become tacks, ';' and 'j' change lengths. * Note, you can use brush.ods to prepare user-defined masks. * Add styles '^' and '_' for command 'smooth' to find upper/lower bound of the data. * Improve FlowP() to draw both branches (in positive and negative time direction). * Improve CGI interface and update website. * Introduce struct mdual as interface for C and C++ complex numbers. It is implicitly converted to std::complex<> in C++. And need to call c2mdual() and mdual2c() in pure C. However mdual is binary compatible with C _Complex numbers. * Add flag in CMake to manually disable support of C99 complex numbers. * Bypass user-specified extension in base font family name. * Improve hints in mgllab and udav. * Add utility 'mgltask' for making output file with a set of copies of mask-file. It useful for making set of initial conditions with a few parameters varied in specified range. * Add example of OpenGL output. * Bugfix for approximate min and max position. * Bugfix for position of SVG output. * Compatibility fixes for new versions of CMake, compilers and libraries. * INCOMPATIBLE: Formally pure C interface handle complex numbers by new way due to strict following of C/C++ standards. However, the MathGL library is binary compatible with previous version(s). - Drop mathgl-fltk-includedir.patch: incorporated upstream. - Fix Group for %{name}-doc-pdf to Documentation/Other, as Documentation/PDF isn't a valid group.- Define MathGL_INSTALL_CMAKE_DIR to correct location- Update to 2.4.2: * Add custom dialog for FLTK widgets. This can be constructed from C/C++ code, or from MGL script using Special commentaries. * Add progress for displaying the progress of execution (by ’#’ symbols in console, or by progress-bar widget). * Add contp for contour lines on parametrically specified surface. * Add flow3 for flow threads of 3D vector field, which start from the plain. * Add variant of flow for drawing a flow thread, starting from specified point. * Add scaletext for disabling text size scaling in relative inplot-s (like columnplot, ...). * Add setup for setting all low-level flags. * Add coil for projecting periodical data. * Add modulo operation ‘%’ (x%y=fmod(x,y)) to the list of known operations in real-valued formulas. * Add style ‘.’ for cont to draw contour lines from saddle points. * Add style ‘.’ for flow to draw flow thread from saddle points. * Add option value in tube for setting number of edges manually. * Crop output of ode if NAN or INFINITY value occurs. * Remove style ‘~’ for plot and tens. Now, all curves try to omit points. * Add setup flag MGL_FULL_CURV which disable omitting points of curve. * Shift axis labels closer to axis. * Change size of LaTeX-like commands \sup, \sub to be the same as \overset, \underset. * Change ticks drawing in colorbar. * Add new section All samples of documentation with large set of samples for most of MathGL features. * Samples in documentation are generated automatically now (from sample.cpp). * INCOMPATIBLE: Make obsolete MGL command setsizescl. At this, the similar C/C++/Fortran/... functions still working. * Bugfixes. - Rebase patch: * mathgl-examples-install.patch- Have the -tex-doc subpackage conflict with texlive-mgltex-doc since they share several files- Do not build with Qt4 on TW/15 as Qt WebKit 4 is not available (boo#1072033) - Explicitly disable marking either Qt version as "qt" plugin: * mathgl-no-default-qt.patch- Add Provides: mathgl for the libmathgl package, to make the mathgl-lang package installable.- Adapt to latest openmpi packaging changes: setup the openmpi environment before calling cmake.- Trim some irrelevant words from descriptions.- Update to version 2.4.1: * Add beltc plot, which is belt with manual coloring. * Add style '~' for plot and tens to omit some points at output. * Add style ':' for axis to draw lines through point (0,0,0). * Miscellaneous bugfixes. - Changes from version 2.4.0: * Add mgllab executable, which is FLTK based version of UDAV. * Add string manipulation in MGL language: - 'str'[n] - get string of only n-th symbol; - 'str'+v - add value v to the last character of the string; - 'str',val or 'str',!val - append numeric value to the string * Add time value to MGL language in format: 'hh-mm-ss_DD.MM.YYYY' or 'hh-mm-ss' or 'DD.MM.YYYY'. * Add iris plot to show cross-dependencies of several data arrays. * Add flame2d to draw flame fractals. * Add bbox to set bounding box for 2D output. * Add section to get part of data between specified values. * Add detect to found curves along data maximums. * Add dilate to extend the region of 1-th value. * Add erode to narrow the region of 1-th value. * Add apde to solve PDE equation in inhomogeneous nonlinear media with spatial dispersion. * Add symbol to draw the glyphs defined by addsymbol. * Add addsymbol to declare user-defined symbol (or glyph), which can be used as markers for plot (with style '&') or drawn itself by symbol command. * Add openhdf to open all data arrays from HDF file. * Extend crop to cut to optimal size for FFT (i.e. to closest of 2^n*3^m*5^l). * Add function mgl_data_max_first() and data suffixes .m[xyz][fl] to find first/last maximum along direction (see Data information). * Add function mgl_datac_diff_par() to parametric derivative of complex data (see diff). * Add style 'F' for bars and barh to set fixed bar widths. * Add style 'a' for plot, tens, area and region to accurate drawing of data, which partially lie out of axis range. * Add style '#' for region to draw wired plot. * Add possibility of manual shift in multiplot. * Add parsing arguments of options for MGL commands. * MGL command correl now can perform 2d and 3d correlations. * Option meshnum now change the number of drawn markers for plot, tens, step, mark and textmark. * Function step handle data with x.nx>y.nx similarly to bars. * Extend tile and tiles by adding manual coloring and face orientation. * Add variant of MGL command copy to copy data with "incorrect" names. * Improve tick labels drawing. * Improve time-ticks (add weeks) and add subticks to its. * Improve fplot to handle several singularities. * Add LaTeX command \dfrac{}{}. This is full-sized version of \frac{}{}. Unfortunately, there is no support of nesting. Contrary, \frac allow nesting. * Add mglODEc() - ODE solver for complex variables (see ode). * Add cmplx(a,b)=a+i*b to the list of known functions in formula parsing * Update CMake find_package to find MathGL. * Increase line width for wired text. * Update documentation: add description of new commands, add hint Mixing bitmap and vector output. * Add translation to Russian for most of labels and messages. * Name all are reserved in MGL scripts now as synonym of -1. * INCOMPATIBLE: Replace libmgl-qt by libmgl-qt4 and libmgl-qt5 for resolving conflicts of simultaneously installed both Qt4 and Qt5. * Minor bugfixes. - Drop mathgl-oldtexinfo.patch: fixed upstream. - Add mathgl-fltk-includedir.patch to fix include directives for fltk headers. - Split out a -lang package. - Package the binary and desktop file for mgllab as part of the - udav package; their desktop files share the same icon unfortunately. - Disable doc for openSUSE <= 1320; no longer builds with old texi2html there. - Move AUTHORS, ChangeLog.txt, README, COPYING to -devel package for all openSUSE versions; package it using %%doc. - Add _constraints file to require at least 2 GB of physical memory on obs; otherwise builds on 64-bit openSUSE > 1320 fail.- Update to version + Library libmgl-qt is removed. You need to use libmgl-qt4 or libmgl-qt5 explicitly now. + Compatibility changes for latest MS VisualStudio. + Bugfixes. - Changes from version 2.3.5: + See Changelog.txt for list of changes. - Rebase mathgl-examples-install.patch for updated version. - Define a macro for deciding whether to enable octave bindings, but disable octave bindings for all openSUSE versions for now as mathgl fails to build with updated octave. This is a temporary workaround, and once the build issue is fixed, we should revert back to enabling octave for recent openSUSE versions. The "enable_octave" macro is defined with this in mind. - Add rpmlintrc file to suppress warning of missing man pages for the example binaries. These just clutter up the rpmlint log and have no practical use.- Drop dependency on swig3 as swig in leap got updated to 3.x series- Update to version 2.3.4 * Minor fixes and improvements, see included ChangeLog.txt for details * Update mathgl-examples-install.patch * Update mathgl-texmf-dir.patch * Drop obsolete getopt.patch * Drop obsolete mathgl-cmake-3.2.patch- Fix octave-mathgl package dependencies- Disable json examples - Enable Octave module and Qt5 support for openSUSE Leap 42.1 - Use wxWidgets 3 for openSUSE Leap 42.1- Enable Octave module for openSUSE > 13.2- getopt.patch: Fix use of getopt - Compile with %{optflags} - Fix %postun -n %{libname}-wx%{libversion}- Update to version 2.3.3 * Minor fixes and improvements, see included ChangeLog.txt for details * Update mathgl-examples-install.patch * Update mathgl-texmf-dir.patch - Fix build with old texinfo * mathgl-oldtexinfo.patch- Disable Octave module due to swig incompatibility with Octave 4.0- Add mathgl-cmake-3.2.patch: Fix build with cmake 3.2; X11 is no longer implicit linked.- Build with MPI support- Use texinfo for documentation generation on openSUSE > 13.2- Update to version 2.3.2 * Update mgltex. * Add reading files with complex numbers by 'read' command. * Parallelize reading textual data files. * Add 'i','j','k' variables for data filling. * Add saving images in QMathGL even if corresponding format support is disabled. * Add cmake option MGL_DEF_FONT to change default font name or use built-in one (if MGL_DEF_FONT is empty). * Compatibility changes and bugfixes. * Update mathgl-fix-python-module-path.patch - Add mathgl-tex subpackage - Set correct path to texmf directory * mathgl-texmf-dir.patch - Fix package descriptions- Update to version 2.3.1 * Add MGL command 'load' for loading MGL commands from external .so module. * Add Logo() function to draw bitmap (logo), which is stretched along whole axis range * Add MGL command 'reset' which restore default settings and clear image (i.e. call DefaultPlotParam()). * Change y coordinate at x-z projection. * Improve projection of 'unrotatable' objects (like legend, title, ...). * Add projection (Ternary&8) which is the same as usual (Ternary&4) but don't print text on projections * Improve orientation of axis ticks and labels. * Add mglWnd::SetDrawFunc(). * Add mgl_set_global_warn() and mgl_get_global_warn() for set/get messages of global scope. * Make copying private of mglGraph and derived. * Add virtual destructors. * Add some static functions for mglGraph. * Add option "-n" to mglconv to disable automatic saving of the image. * Add option "-s" to mglview and mglconv to run setup script before the main one. * Add light scaling at MGLD import. * Add scaling of frames at Adjust(). * Update docs. * Update mathgl-examples-install.patch- Fix build on SLE12/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigi02-armsrv2 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=003656623e9446201d5f1c27062ff1775730afff, strippedPRRR RRRRRRRRRRR RR RRRR RRRRRR Rƛаnb̌T8ܾutf-81817f5b68898f4a004a1cddb1cd65a613c3316c18f94ad04c62c95c65f944238?7zXZ !t/%O] cr$x#des1n/Ylv|D?{(J5/nǻ?Ӗyl nh^&nmnR*6BJ &cz YM!V)6sOhkCXI 'o=T8DŽ&t{nMhxNKpȺbǤdt=E9<_D(`B ^ ͂[zKƅ22po@Cqz޲d m#ty!S#EFg7 CMMFX0e_K\v+&|zsG@E[Q؇s<\)nl|PHbIIM@5\?D߈7V WSԋ&;j~HŸ =L:Pq/&U,٬CB$D-8sո6^Bӻ-4(闡ՌM3e֛@ք_Ђђ8^1gsJ)7Mȡ^.^nt]^]wMASTmg"86{n/6Ӽ2^LHfĕD.WniØ6(Ay+`3X,kOMhм=0!, ̱m$PQG%i{nX"WZe&e>ho~Z@"#nT>3}%Pn)bQб0ytZ*CGx_4S N@GkVu^u4638ga$U$'Ŏ<ny&}]"rjRI彆ڹY+ R3SUs:Fs}y >R֡64}:<}SvE&7#1}n>e`$$~v9(E9}im;qVRdk)CC|%9 y[T_jݫL6) Bx6Vz0 hf{a.0 eCU7Ggiтay P?2:g!A[ ,"nB5jY'3?]U:XJÓbALC:;sb2T2m?npWw9) ?q7y @K: J,r3j4䈯@z,]1 X-ASi2CSWcґTҟz2߫V(eTMSr,ь6B#ғC3 ˩]4'*rr efvēȱ,&(m$\bZ(#\4NYF@%ޫu{o11`F )1J';E\p ^o(R_ARHG)H,6o ƁA١ZeJ|4y|ȵUjSj)g\K Q 8jK~F' s@-yƀpb6S{l~,Tl-mߌ3Jf 5jpg."i67^[|ed5n5Ñ>煒綍W\?]fo Zh~7x1HH27{=\zn{XDleG[>|'?б{6Bg+lH El|٢~W& U¬ wu[=x\qY"+ BtbynvRmp 9Xj@e "k$:WhǑβco|wN 2{ݴod'*W/2HZVh8R/S8`e$phIH37ڄ/"Auvȃ=2^Cs[H̑8B^Z%pi u[< kwk's(,d~Wpa< :MK[.eLxFAC%oz,ѳh.X§'E3CTe9O-!$iq`M ۱GV2ʗyqv@-AC)_t : `VΗ Rz+d-1N7>:0? 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