gnome-shell-search-provider-contacts-45.0-150600.1.5 >  A f=;TO ?+pn?vטdgDIGE#A\g AK m$M@q]R9hgmIҘ;2ȫf] 4fyYw]URD}CʲpBKW,N@~Li|rWL5yǼ9W8瀹اvltXqYp! ͻ@&fh؊{ֱvMQy7a1,,IL |Wu4$Ra)G>IIIA*d20Te0x2mMFo3?4I =Fy"!DƚUJ28v7}$)qiX$o1e]9PD 'u";(4'hI#;`/oRmYMd_;ē60Y*|pi_ n'ugF(ʌo[HK@ e2>z}Q ;#lU(0M-cŷge5f753fe4846066cc8e57872800f1f155ed0668e10e7faf0531e41a558a4aceb172c2dc1921a273c3a1182a62f2c86ffca5e4608f=;TO ?k}H9Covf{ $}Sr1H&_xxcOS`Cz-ӂW”QOƤlA,1i$qq!VJ"::WG~sr=T\%k;xwyk[eϩqi@s-#A%QM p%M'Q3 jgJwJ U 9="k :HҰ sxy{bg`|̍S }c21+Cofw=?}:8>BX:ɏJoqdY.m-A#l=Uɿgg>^nHQG l@ )֛_r/dzxEaT}L >pAb?bd', 7 u"3 Ic     $x(8H9$H: HF^G^,H^@I^TX^\Y^d\^]^^_%b_c`Ad`e`f`l`u`v`waxayazbb(b,bMbPbTbZbCgnome-shell-search-provider-contacts45.0150600.1.5Contacts Manager for GNOME -- Search Provider for GNOME ShellThe integraded address book for GNOME. Among its features are: * Search for and view contacts; * Edit contact details and make new contacts; * Integration with online address books; * Automatic linking of contacts from different online sources. This package contains a search provider to enable GNOME Shell to get search results from contacts.f=;GPL-2.0-or-later큤AA큤f=;:f=;(f=;9f=;9f=;(0d26a5327e1843c77d704220fdb0712d940f0f6bec0a24e445650c6120bda401620c9760dc6761da2f2d0d7106e0fcea3238281ec6ac22217ef9fec0594f1069fbac0c3928061ee256190121f79cf4d582cdafccd746ae84fe89c9bab6c8611brootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootgnome-contacts-45.0-150600.1.5.src.rpmgnome-shell-search-provider-contactsgnome-shell-search-provider-contacts(aarch-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @d@ddccl@c@c-cbL@b9@b/.@a@aTU@aTU@aC1a3_`Y@`F`+_@_{ _R,@^^@^h^C^,-^]z3@]o@]\O\@\n\5@\-@\[#@[h@[9@Z@ZЛZZkZ1@ZZyZiZiZhu@Z?YzYY@@YqWv@W;WV>@VVD@V@U7@U/@U ]@UT@T-@T}Ta@T;luc14n0@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comsbrabec@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.commgorse@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.commgorse@suse.commgorse@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comluc14n0@linuxmail.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgluc14n0@linuxmail.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgfezhang@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.comzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orghpj@s Update to version 45.0: + A new implementation of the contact list should lead to much less memory consumption and a small performance increase. + Screen readers should now be able to tell which property of a contact is currently focused. + Several bugs have been fixed when selecting and cropping an avatar. Choosing a file should also be much easier now, as the file picker will filter image files. + Contacts no longer shows a duplicate window when activated from a search result. + The app will try to resize more intuitively. + Updated translations. - Comment out BuildRequires on pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) for now, just like in the script.- Update to version 45.beta: + Several bugs have been fixed when selecting and cropping an avatar. + Choosing a file should also be much easier now, as the file picker will filter image files. + A new implementation of the contact list should lead to much less memory consumption and a small performance increase + Contacts no longer shows a duplicate window when activated from a search result + The sidebar will resize more intuitively, rather than keeping a fixed width + Updated translations.- Update to version 44.0: + Contacts can now be shared with a QR code, which allows for simple and easy way of sharing contact information across devices. + The main menu now allows you to export all contacts at once. + Unsetting and editing an avatar for a contact is now more intuitive with dedicated buttons that are overlayed on top of the image. + Support for TITLE/ORG vCard properties when importing. + Fix a bug which made it impossible to add more than one address for a contact. + Several changes to the UI that makes it more consistent with GNOME design guidelines. + Birthdays on a leap year will now get a birthday notification on February 28 in non-leap years. + Added support for multiple keyboard shortcuts. + It's now possible to explicitly unset a birthday. + A bug where title buttons where shown twice is now fixed. + Updated translations.- Update to version 44.rc: + Unsetting and editing an avatar for a contact is now a bit more intuitive with the dedicated overlayed buttons. + Several changes to comply better with the GNOME HIG. + Added unit tests will now help us guarantee correctness. + We now parse the first TITLE/ORG vCard properties. + Fix a bug which made it impossible to add more than one address for a contact. + Updated translations.- Update to version 44.beta: + The main menu has been renamed to follow the GNOME HIG and now contains an action item to export all contacts. + Contacts can now be shared with a QR code, which allows for simple and easy way of sharing contact information across devices. + Birthdays on a leap year will now get a birthday notification on February 28 in non-leap years. + Added support for multiple keyboard shortcuts + It's now possible to explicitly unset a birthday + Fix a bug where some title buttons where shown twice + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(libqrencode) BuildRequires: New dependency.- Drop unneeded nor used pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0) BuildRequires.- Update to version 43.1: + This is the second stable release in the GNOME 43 series, which fixes several bugs when updating or editing a contact. + Updated translations.- Update to version 43.0: + Contacts can now import and export your contacts in the vCard format (aka VCF) to or from a file on the system. + Changes under the hood to make searching for contacts faster, and fixes several issues when editing or adding a contact. + On the UI front, Contacts has revamped the widgets when you're editing contacts. Several dialogs (like the "About" window) have gotten an upgrade and now look consistent with other GNOME apps. + Configuring your address books has moved to a dedicated spot in the new preferences window. + Updated translations.- Update to version 43.rc: + Updated screenshots for GNOME 43. + A rewrite of the core internals fixes several issues when editing or adding a contact. + Several performance optimizations when searching for contacts in the app. + Some strings for importing and exporting contacts were not marked as translatable yet. + Updated translations.- Update to version 43.beta: + Contacts can now import and export your contacts in the vCard format (aka VCF) to or from a file on the system. + The app will now warn you if your system has a configuration issue of your primary address book. + Updated translations. - Drop all traces of telepathy support, now dropped upstream (remove pkgconfig(folks-telepathy) and pkgconfig(telepathy-glib) disabled BuildRequires and stop passing telepathy=false to meson). - Add pkgconfig(libportal) and pkgconfig(libportal-gtk4) BuildRequires: New dependencies.- Update to version 42.0: + A fresh new look thanks to a port to GTK 4 and libadwaita, along with a new UI design. + It is now possible to open up a contact's location with your default maps application (provided it supports "maps:" URIs). + It is now possible to show and add the organisational role of a contact. This is an especially useful feature for corporate address books + Contacts shows a little reminder when displaying someone's contact information if their birthday is today. + Updated translations.- Update to version 42.beta: + Contact properties can be selected, which means you can also copy them to paste it elsewhere. + It is now possible to show and add the organisational role of a contact. This is mostly useful for corporate address books, as you can now see what job a colleague is performing. + Some paper cuts that got introduced when porting to GTK4 have been resolved. + Contacts shows a little reminder when displaying someone's contact information if their birthday is today. + Fixed launching the Online Accounts dialog in GNOME 42. + Updated translations. - Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: New dependency.- Update to version 42.alpha: + A fresh new look thanks to a port to GTK 4 and libadwaita, along with a new UI design. + It is now possible to open up a contact's location with your default maps application (provided it supports "maps:" URIs). + Fixes to the birthday editor. + Updated translations. - Drop pkgconfig(cheese) and pkgconfig(cheese-gtk4) BuildRequires: no longer needed. Stop passing -Dcheese to meson. - Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk4), and pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1): changed deps for GTK4 port. - Add pkgconfig(libportal): Requires to securely access the camera. - Drop pkgconfig(libedataserverui-1.2): no longer needed. - Drop patches included in upstream sources: + 281decd15546987ca1c467e090ea4abf7a4a0a3b.patch + 6883d4fa2a1b3803896a5f5737df765d8f6f6f62.patch + b92f5a5198d3a52aaf7317ba6d8e86c633e9e18d.patch + f89a9af36e4e2f0e92de62b3f6b7dc9ccc2b5ac6.patch- Add check section and run meson_test macro. - Update options we give to meson to match what upstream currently expects. - Add b92f5a5198d3a52aaf7317ba6d8e86c633e9e18d.patch and 6883d4fa2a1b3803896a5f5737df765d8f6f6f62.patch: Fix some warnings. Patches from upstream master branch. - Add f89a9af36e4e2f0e92de62b3f6b7dc9ccc2b5ac6.patch and 281decd15546987ca1c467e090ea4abf7a4a0a3b.patch: setup-window: Refine the margins and the minimum size. Patches from upstream master branch.- Update to version 41.0: + Long names are wrapped over more lines, which makes them more readable, especially in the case of a small screen. + Updated translations. - Update Supplements syntax in sub-package to current standard.- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support (jsc#SLE-21105).- Update to version 41.beta: + When adding or updating a contact, Contacts will now scroll the list to the newly-made contact. + The Contacts title after cancelling selecting now correctly shows "Contacts". + When opening a contact, a previously entered birthday is now shown. + We now have a dedicated selection mode button, which makes the UX for touchscreen devices much more intuitive. + Several small UI improvements, like extra tooltips that follow the GNOME HIG. + Updated translations.- Update to version 40.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 40.beta: + Cancelling selection no longer hides headerbar buttons. + Fixed: stop cursor from appearing when viewing a contact. + Updated translations.- Update to version 40.alpha: + Several issues that occurred when editing or adding postal addresses are now fixed. + Better accessibility when creating a new contact by adding support for mnemonics. + You can now select a contact by using a long press. + The avatar selector now displays properly on smaller screens. + Deleting the final contact now properly clears the title bar. + Contacts now also remembers if the window was fullscreened. + Several style and typography updates. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.38.1: + Fix searching for a contact when Contacts hasn't started yet. + Fix for an issue where it was impossible to delete an address when editing a contact. + Get rid of a minor error message when creating a contact. + Building Contacts with telepathy integration is fixed. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.38: + Editing contacts from a Nextcloud account improved.- Update to version 3.37.2: + Fixed: cannot get past the initial setup screen. - Changes from version 3.37.1: + Fix: sometimes the Contacts icon is not shown properly. + Fix: sometimes typing 'n' creates a new contact. + Virtual keyboard might give adapt for typing a name. - Replace pkgconfig(libhandy-0.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libhandy-1): Follow upstreams changes.- Update to version 3.36.2: + Fixed an issue where typing n had the same as effect as alt-Ctrl-n. + Fixed an issue where the setup window didn't show an icon. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.36.1: + AddreeBookList: Fix local addressbook isn't set as default addressbook. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.36: + A few minor fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.35.90: + When showing a contact, Contacts now provides buttons to perform relevant actions. + A refreshed UI when creating or editing a contact. + The address book window is now adaptive. - Changes from version 3.35.1: + You can now use a "back" gesture on touch devices to go back to the contact list when viewing or editing a contact. + Contacts now works on even smaller screens. + Nightly now show off with a fancy new icon. + Updated translations. - Disable translation-upate-upstream: execution fails.- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use- Update to version 3.34.1: + Make sure Contacts is started when opening a contact from another app (like Geary). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.34: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.33.92: + Updated the man page. + Updated translations. + Changes in version 3.33.91: + Make the avatars more in line with the other apps in the GNOME ecosystem. + Fix searching contacts from GNOME Shell returning no results. + Add a small description of the --search option. + Updated translations. + Changes in version 3.33.4: + Flatpak: Allow webcam access (and other small fixes). + Even better integration with CI. + Add mnemonics to the setup window. + Updated translations. + Changes in version 3.33.1: + Added a show-contact application action, so other applications can activate Contacts to show a specific contact. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-contacts-disambiguate_Gtk.HeaderBar.patch: fixed upstream.- Add gnome-contacts-disambiguate_Gtk.HeaderBar.patch: window: Disambiguate Gtk.HeaderBar, fix build with new libhandy.- Update to version 3.32.1: + appdata: Keep the same appstream ID as in 3.30. + src: Use format strings when constructing MessageDialogs. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.32: + A few minor performance optimizations. + Solved a bug where the birthday did not change. + Fixed a crash when right-clicking in the contact list. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.31.90: + Various other libhandy fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.31.4: + Small improvements for the "types" of properties ("Home", "Work", …). Contacts should now also be able to more easily identify untranslated properties from Google Contacts. + Some UI tweaks for the primary menu. + The appdata file and the desktop file are now validated by CI. + Udated translations.- Update to version 3.31.3: + Updated application icon. + Dropped the app menu. + Added a dependency on libhandy. + Fix birthday not being properly saved. + Telepathy is now disabled by default. - Add pkgconfig(libhandy-0.0) BuildRequires: New dependency. - Disable pkgconfig(folks-telepathy) and pkgconfig(telepathy-glib) BuildRequires and pass -Dtelepathy=false to meson, following upstreams new default. Start phasing out telepathy support in GNOME.- Update to version 3.30.2: + Store: remove eds_persona_store_changed(). + Contacts.Window: "Done" button actively grabs focus. + AccountsList: add a little bit more debugging info. + Store: add more debug information. + ContactSheet: don't duplicate fields when updating. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.30.1: + Fixed a crash when right-clicking in the contact list. + Fixed a problem where the symbolic icon was used as app icon. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.30: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.29.92: + Various features and bug fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.28.2: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.28.1: + Updated translations.- Unconditionally enable translation-update-upstream: on Tumbleweed, this results in a NOP and for Leap in SLE paid translations being used (boo#1086036).- Update to version 3.28.0: + Favorite contacts, which are shown at the top of the contact list. + Sort contacts by their first name or surname. + Small tweaks to the UI, such as a more welcoming setup screen and rounded avatars. + Performance improvements to the GNOME Shell search provider. + A slightly decreased memory usage. + Updated translations. - Update: + URL tag to currently the Contacts' web page. + Package description to be a bit more verbose. - Add geocode-glib-1.0 and gmodule-export-2.0 pkgconfig modules BuildRequires to avoid implicit dependencies. - Drop: + pkgconfig(champlain-0.12) BuildRequires: it is not a requirement anymore. + update-desktop-files BuildRequires and its macro: they are no longer required. + glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro: it is not used anymore since RPM file triggers.- Update to version 3.27.92: + The titlebar is now updated when a contact's name changes. + The window will now remember its size and restore it on the next start. + Postal addresses are now sorted before notes. + Updated translations.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Update to version 3.27.90: + Support for favorite contacts. These contacts will be shown at the top of the list. + Contacts now allows sorting by both first name and surname. + Avatars are now displayed as a circle and are better optimized for memory usage. + Selection mode can now be started by right-clicking the contact list. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.27.4: + Contacts now has a shortcuts window. + Small tweaks to the setup screen. + Support --version as command-line argument. + Telepathy is no longer a mandatory dependency. + Support for maps can be disabled at compile time. + Improved the Shell search provider. + Updated translations. - Pass -D maps=true and -D telepathy=true to meson: keep now optional maps and telepathy features enabled.- Update to version 3.27.2: + ContactEditor: fix annoying const warning. + added compare by type to compare_fields. + Meson: - Flatpak: update the manifest file to use meson. - Drop autotools in favor of Meson. - Add configure script for meson. - make sure cheese is required when told so. - allow 'auto' value for `with-cheese`. + Bugs fixed: bgo#789921. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-contacts-nb-translations.patch: Fixed upstream.- Update to version 3.26.1: + add Fixes bgo#792768. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-contacts-nb-translations.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add gnome-contacts-nb-translations.patch: Update Norwegian Bokmål translations. - Use autosetup macro. - Pass with-cheese=true and with-manpage=true to meson, ensure we build the feature we want.- Update to version 3.26: + Fix crash if initial-setup == false (bgo#787450). + Updated translations.- Update to version + Fix the schema: no longer depend on an inexisting enum.- Update to version 3.25.92: + Added support for Flatpak. + Contacts can now be built with Meson. + Contacts now provides its own proper app icon. + Some labels in the contact sheet are now selectable. + Bug fixes: - Can't save notes in a contact. - Bumped minimal version of telepathy-glib, GTK+ and GLib. + Updated translations. - Add meson BuildRequires and switch autotools macros configure, make and makeinstall to meson, meson_build and meson_install following upstream switch to Meson build system. - Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec. - Stop exporting CFLAGS="%{optflags} -w", not needed anymore, either fixed due to meson build, or in vala itself. - Drop gnome-shell BuildRequires: It was only there for directory ownership, and that is no longer needed.- Update to version 3.25.4: + Contacts now provides its own application icon. + Small UI improvements to the avatar chooser dialog. + Folks now requires version 11.4 or higher. + Migrated away from intltool and libgd. + Got rid of a bunch of warnings and critical messsages. + Use the locale to translate months. - Drop obsolete clean section and post(un) handling, following macros dropped: glib2_gsettings_schema_post(un) and desktop_database_post(un), file-trigger takes care of this now. - Drop intltool BuildRequires, no longer needed. - Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires and macro for non-openSUSE only. - Add docbook-xsl-stylesheets, docbook_4 and xsltproc BuildRequires and pass --enable-man-pages=yes to configure, build manpages. - Stop packaging AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING and README, silence rpmlint, and they are in the src rpm anyway.- Update to version 3.22.1: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.20.0 (fate#318572): + Updated translations.- Update to GNOME 3.20 -- Fate#318572.- Update to version 3.19.91: + Build fixes.- Update to version 3.19.90: + Fixed minor bugs. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.18.1: + Avoid crash in search provider. + Remove unused libnotify dependency. + Updated translations. - Drop pkgconfig(libnotify) BuildRequires following upstream.- Update to version 3.18.0: + Avoid dialogs from the search provider. + Fix desktop file category. + Support searching by phone number. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.16.2: + Bug fixed concerning Maps initialization.- Update to version 3.16.1: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.16.0: + Fix syntax errors in desktop file keywords translations (bgo#736791). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.92: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.91: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.90: + Finished Contacts - Maps integration. - Add pkgconfig(libedataserverui-1.2) BuildRequires: new dependency.- Update to version 3.15.4: + Added maps view for postal address. - Add pkgconfig(champlain-0.12), pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0) and pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0) BuildRequires: New dependencies.- Update to version 3.14.2: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.14.1: + Remove unneeded logs in SearchProvider.h04-armsrv2 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=4d7107b8bdbda7908ce9e77c7f44ed2bbe6a54ec, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedASCII textdirectoryRRRR R RR RRR RR RR&lS1b^(gnome-contacts and gnome-shell)utf-8692511c1a3dbe491f6a9ad4321c5e00181a9e63ebec09b38d153dc79a6ef5f1a?7zXZ !t/ Dp] crv9yϾ m/N %eJW?z!o.12q[AȉRڈጅ݅=6N@o6=wn?E8! 5>_sS,$52:Cakת$+%N@/PfYӷpJLHh˦*o :8 L2nkM&ul u[ ڙ&O=ȜWs6|XpԴKq+(mws%I)BRY&/*+|$;\ǤobKC$gp,v,,_mqTW5g%nz/~4 w `NOj;c,G IzЌ}K8W-Xfg;q|Y*N>"qyQhTIUz_ 0i`Y+UFmPNh }x/k\l $d1ur[T+S@?>2\Ǘl^A!)8POu /х6R2˷ Hst_TdX Vw1EI:JM,,n79'nQt{2K3GvUmџ#\XPj_>]#Iz$,zʭ=e8ne Ij.dO&LQ0`?wj?YWԐrc0i&D9Pq6:wXR Y} *|pY.f8]arWܽSI>c6Yp&b& Ҝv2-l! bv~38yօ!M-7QP> 0>Id'#~EI|=_| xDUe8)+cCA#Qr-'w== bh = +Q s㕽iٺ.oilשhQ>|=У_HC]~MϨ/b01&_I $k실sgWPA<_ Muip[#X?[39Q.><1ۥ$$VxX}'@؃<>/u |4%Egw[0TŒXobzGD o"d DzmjT=+Ӊb å%_q6JSN h]3pU^1TF]Í/O 㝵 wi'6<,&S"&駋ƣKAMF<L7 UPGEAU%ј7nyʟ=lr_K aX8lmkm8[gԢn9t S؟?6A=_)j[SĹWt$|LmdI屢c8A0q6턯UJOT5b8ԒMI["9OC`AeR4G/+<@nbΔa9u7-V?%3nK4Xij #bh;#-Vr(aDe$+t j462\3$n.?/g'Q:0 3Q.o\5OQ,%|F$>^3j26HwY <߬uBk&uΟ׸;thϥ?qtMqe.EN4$)΁آzvI;s4q%9 D3Ok*UԎ]ruf8C6Koiu|P!L4$Jr#z"Go\83l/zxٍDej Q3HPHL@$,GlH߸PcS/8HQԞQu.0apCaq>-P h o@yu5:]^Xe8d)ѐ=2A<o9sx8Amjb:oWAz{j ŦQoqπ`P)Hx 7T2;ܼ,a)B3ϛ~V)u_tN6F1惺 u xR^7T2GVU~ *,<@Vyo\ ŖPBwt#Hi r5 Xj2{n>VifTO9BH÷Π"1z{:RP0V*5{=D; U;eC5_˪/%yNyv(BDyƳ2g{,~ss k`˴IԹ?ݟ&_N|n'V'd6eU8,U`Gb!;&ff ;ϤfT-2}$͜/ĽÆ_Z|1  ,aU~\p T4R-\me%Zl@ ,F=Ux{Os 4G/}6{Ao2m`Nr¢gm x…d"cnrfCb ć7&ԸCZ=u )HT;S!JoTs0s<Hg+Ze\@_`J5kQa]&C~7l*qUAHG":Ȣ7MLHVZrFK/r$qo9+e27?v%%%Wnp!kxEB[+D3F>|2t8{$ }˳ԀC^)9+k AYX^R#8s)zc-CdjS)yjqª!q?2YU4 郞zIݠŗL(O5)^pKA2tbJU&ϋI1|7~G8lkC֩Uµcgj'Xp [t)`K3nWҾrZ[=F๔CG CMZߐ|/D% 0hLb":3t^H1<2[%cL,=:N*KF\ QvJg'l`a`wc|T |@MZ7Q"UDREXI4P̪v6ݮ6փu1q#҂ YdMn~@Tݮ4_mr- * l*t'Cq2͆a-Mݰ?KH >ݧR8{/.gҥSh]lӒTUU._|H俺*?>_0؝2@;p𧻓 !d(.eV&=  ہ-c< %tJ.=qG.-=ƟlWv_VLoI_ ukhrPwIU^"#t۾nYx]dq.SI?Oя >"h:6S[2xOsZ\z=ɋ}^,fgx"!)7,:joK$CV$';fFgݬ)D8ZE;(O9֬g'4T-o2rʈpzi)Y2,!í` (T6oL(Os|Vn4Oji`kY=)A(Qgg<bPMr,;ֹǁ/5،= <*(w[.!6\5[ )GsSxĵ6a}yu (V4FCe Bc[w/ SNjv"z>|~3n/ng8`9℡P%I26K{:7=L驳VKsK ~gig߆Z Ƥ pS A'wI?e ӷ)qORaiO|.~0GM-` LXjd'm=*c񊻹(#P.)}aF0[W_V->ji5YNݔ]#= + HM@JOnsp>$RVxbqR1F,9K5gŹjMs+2$hk5<` "%߬:g̳ ^Ju *ǕϥG_BDi$ 5UbHB,ȧd5+0mYAxΏ`ѽS s 4Nmʎ nV˾XzvOiu9.;Mo TL,(Μ-{S $1[Fҧ}h `Djh4*𥁫PIS`fzIa+}X'{k*DcQ*e$3qSJLj AW@NY}W]rAB7pTp+?7c%wJ5&ڐded5*(9;yq">XʫXgY@@J"Zp/lOF!Uҩ͏Ǡl ߐ$IYicVȵ f^tF!^w3)?AJWc+p~Lܑp%Y6W0v =c.)"伲!Fむ݆绋s,cO4j wNL|`MX}FM p<[tFg󶸽Kq;ۋ,5Mp͂4| pf^@dx,DR/DisOJU9>_²,Տ=|pfoDLd躯zwj4{zJMTlH/E,`Q[,.D1xbQ)T=;?{9ֹ$^dBrT7i.omvgVe\13&%ؗǝ1) /qQK ,Ӿ=LMa±Ck&9HĘ/DyEn UNݧ\*M|%4Nӭ Yt)ed1` ?ߟ {aݵ *EI~z|)`G98V]1Js<( 00eN;bKdY,qHRNμ9ېn Z9vYP>#w~c@a}5S,=DC40\D\km- ~aN!(lur= Pc4lgIQi?2@Ľf>{u:S(YB,NݧX="Y3k׸q֣)xqE?Fy0]tizl Nb8V/jK0~IP$F=@, nߜm;I8f|%qɼGV3r{*͛MD-w×쬊^g9Ro=\Sl.E]TJH+k{ycF{J7 hВU4U#>$ (œ9FBDgd8AX7ZFm rsJi<LH1EʯO㭜7Msi3N$`r{]|T'B}\ /0|YF\1*,`m* d^Y]۠H%;^ nH#-~!9:UGO}<ٛIpC'0y`*VAwY Mg;TQݖ6 {݁HZJ+.J:G>a,X];E(I |F`\`Lڝ Fde_cfVo3ʃN>a?Oe}HѸkc ۗJuyӆq:ɸn 3}uP257޷UmT%P˱Rn@rܜ;8SϿ~~ 2ϝ2K6.PyZ}p5HĵW]AUa0'q˸m̤K$4s꧂+,H2? 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