akonadi-calendar-devel-23.08.5-bp156.1.2 >  A fBI%z D^cnmO5DaKD D^}2fic-cj=@7xqtWV׍!/ea[mq񕟯t"e_.iق({8W~u*\ QF75OYOgP<-&qTl΍HƯ4+ޭ>#9d X`‚.ðeRv`|~} >=K=ۉm 5b }b-b̳Q :P&Sl3WdmV3SƟUU9Gf>?6rE*;qZ 9>zuxS?Suy; ЕcNfJlE|Ij5QB Lxuo\OD*j3j۽Mt[ W@Ȭ,7jq #Ȋ`~am)E ]24af5cb45fc7b62734493d658eed9863482e12fa8b90ea30418313d0c7b0cc55fadbb85be705352118d9875dc865152083f9578e fBI%z LnBN Y;եNʚ6k}W V~]nֶ-O4ȼát<ɗ&AlJiઔMv-4}!%|چT7Ҙ0&w/%}}ԿڼN'Z:؅EIm&g/znMMWH~])UNLo$7o$Pة/ov6xRmdLq{2@)_#;T0e8rB"wsKj(|6\S=R0M[ eXYnw}B6 ,pb0>}bV2ey~7wU=$z5&s.{].4f׊Tܶ2.Њ>dd0,/W7J>wXm9U1e|ݬRB3*ָy _GWUj\PԖY֜=gߞ:lKS~WTXpNvˢ>H>pA?d! + P| 77 Z7 7 7 7 07 772`7<   (89L:*QBF3GL7H(7I7X<YPZ[\7]t7^ bcde f lu$7vwd7x@7yz$48>Cakonadi-calendar-devel23.08.5bp156.1.2KDE PIM Libraries: Build EnvironmentDevelopment package for akonadi-calendar.fBi02-armsrv3SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6openSUSELGPL-2.1-or-laterhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgUnspecifiedhttps://www.kde.orglinuxaarch64*"'#!&%*"!&(#,3 m U -! ;F 5- 8%XF[FAAA큤A큤A큤A큤fBfBfBfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBlfBfBkfBleF`eF`eF`fBveF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`eF`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.so.5rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootakonadi-calendar-23.08.5-bp156.1.2.src.rpmakonadi-calendar-develakonadi-calendar-devel(aarch-64)akonadi5-calendar-develcmake(KF5AkonadiCalendar)cmake(KPim5AkonadiCalendar)    cmake(KF5CalendarCore)cmake(KF5I18n)cmake(KF5WidgetsAddons)cmake(KPim5Akonadi)libKPim5AkonadiCalendar5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) $@a`@`@`[`@`y|@`pA`W5@`@`@_T_v@_@__@_P_N7_/@_&_5_^y^@^@^@^wS@^`^=Q@^:@^r]]Y]p]@]W]n]p]M`@]Ik]6])\Q\g\ \@\e\\^\8@\@\[@[@[%@[;@[[ug@[Y[H@[oZZ3@Za@Z%Zz@ZWQZ+@Z"ZZC@Y@Y4Y?@Y@Y@YjY7Y;@X\XX[XCXYXzXOXBX=mX#W@W@WҤ@W:W@Wt@W W~D@WZW-WzW VV@VV@Vm]VA@VO@Ue@UoUĝChristophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Marin Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Fabian Vogt Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Luca Beltrame Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Luca Beltrame Christophe Giboudeaux Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Luca Beltrame Christophe Giboudeaux Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Christophe Giboudeaux Luca Beltrame Christophe Giboudeaux Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Wolfgang Bauer Luca Beltrame Luca Beltrame Christophe Giboudeaux lbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgLuca Beltrame lbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgchristophe@krop.frlbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgchristophe@krop.frchristophe@krop.frchristophe@krop.frlbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comlbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgtittiatcoke@gmail.comfabian@ritter-vogt.detittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comwbauer@tmo.attittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comcgiboudeaux@gmx.comtittiatcoke@gmail.com- Update to 23.08.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.08.5/ - No code change since 23.08.4- Update to 23.08.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.08.4/ - No code change since 23.08.3- Update to 23.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.08.3/ - No code change since 23.08.2- Update to 23.08.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.08.2/ - No code change since 23.08.1- Update to 23.08.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.08.1/ - Changes since 23.08.0: * Use correct identity when sending iTIP counter-proposal (kde#458524)- Update to 23.08.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.08.0/ - No code change since 23.07.90- Update to 23.07.90 * New feature release - Changes since 23.07.80: * Fix linking with self-built gpgmepp * Explicitly search for KPim{5,6}Libkleo- Update to 23.07.80 * New feature release - Changes since 23.04.3: * Make sure to extract only email * Fix generate emails (don't create "foo" >) * Avoid too big dialogbox * Generate properties for CalendarSettings * Add Akonadi::CalendarUtils::displayName overload that takes ETM instead of ETMCalendar * Don't link twice against KF::Codecs * Add messagelib dependency * Sign/encrypt iTIP emails (kde#297956) * make free/busy invokable from QML * Fix platforms name * Remove the never set "MailTransport" setting * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works * Simplify default mail transport code * Don't needlessly link against KIOWidgets * Add akonadi-mime dependency explicitly * Adapt to KMailTransportAkonadi being integrated into AkonadiMime * Expose missing kidentitymanagement * Add TodoModel (coming from eventviews) * Bump library version * Move SearchCollectionHelper to akonadi-calendar * Move CalendarSupport::createMimeData here * not export symbol of private methods * Add QCH support * Add missing lib * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS- Update to 23.04.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.04.3/ - No code change since 23.04.2- Update to 23.04.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.04.2/ - No code change since 23.04.1- Update to 23.04.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.04.1/ - Changes since 23.04.0: * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS- Update to 23.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/23.04.0/- Update to 23.03.90 * New feature release- Update to 23.03.80 * New feature release- Update to 22.12.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.12.3/- Update to 22.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.12.2/- Update to 22.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.12.1/- Update to 22.12.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.12.0/- Update to 22.11.90 * New feature release- Update to 22.11.80 * New feature release- Update to 22.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.08.3/- Update to 22.08.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.08.2/- Update to 22.08.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.08.1/- Update to 22.08.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.08.0/- Update to 22.07.90 * New feature release- Update to 22.07.80 * New feature release- Update to 22.04.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.04.3/- Update to 22.04.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.04.2/- Update to 22.04.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.04.1/- Drop patch to fix the reminder daemon not starting on login. The autostart key is not automatically set to true here, so it was effectively disabled completely. The daemon tries to not start akonadi unless configured, so the patch can be dropped: * 0001-Make-sure-the-reminder-daemon-is-not-started-by-defa.patch- Update to 22.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/22.04.0/- Update to 22.03.90 * New feature release- Update to 22.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 21.12.3: * Fix compile without deprecated method * Move the reminder daemon from Kalendar here * Explicitly link against MailTransport where needed * Fix compile against qt6 * Fix include * Use new akonadi calendar install include * Make it compile against qt6 * Use properly namespaced includes from KIdentityManagement * Use upper case includes * Fix install headers * Adapt build system for building against qt6 * Determine active alarms without copying incidences * Fix cppcheck warning * Correct invalid paths used to PIM projects- Add patch to disable the autostart of the new reminder daemon: * 0001-Make-sure-the-reminder-daemon-is-not-started-by-defa.patch- Update to 21.12.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.12.3/ - No code change since 21.12.2- Update to 21.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.12.2/ - No code change since 21.12.1- Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.12.1/ - No code change since 21.12.0- Update to 21.12.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.12.0/ - Changes since 21.11.90: * Enable new GitLab CI on stable branch.- Update to 21.11.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.11.80- Update to 21.11.80 * New feature release - Changes since 21.08.3: * const'ify pointer * Remove unused includes * Add KDE CI file * Fix some clazy warning * Use qOverload directly (scripted) * Fix typo * Port to KPluginFactory::instantiatePlugin * const'ify variable + initialize variable in headers etc.- Update to 21.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.08.3/ - No code change since 21.08.2- Update to 21.08.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.08.2/ - No code change since 21.08.1- Update to 21.08.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.08.1 - Changes since 21.08.0: * Ensure created ical resources syncs initial config to storage- Update to 21.08.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.08.0 - No code change since 21.07.90- Update to 21.07.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.07.80- Update to 21.07.80 * New feature release - Changes since 21.04.3: * Modernize SIGNAL/SLOT syntax in comments * Fix clazy warning * Modernize code * Problem deleting recurring incidences with dissociated instances - Only install the license files once- Update to 21.04.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.04.3 - Changes since 21.04.2: * Revert "calendarbase.cpp - handleUidChange(): reload memory calendar"- Update to 21.04.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.04.2 - No code change since 21.04.1- Update to 21.04.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/21.04.1 - Changes since 21.04.0: * Remove some compilation warnings- Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/gear/21.04 - No code change since 21.03.90- Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80- Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here.- Update to 20.12.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/20.12.3 - No code change since 20.12.2- Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2021-02-apps-update - Changes since 20.12.1: * Allow instance creation using an item- Update to 20.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2021-01-apps-update - Changes since 20.12.0: * calendarbase.cpp - handleUidChange(): reload memory calendar- Update to 20.12.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-12-apps-update - Changes since 20.11.90: * Serializer: fix endianness on magic; rewind before load.- Update to 20.11.90 * New feature release - No code change since 20.11.80- Update to 20.11.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.08.3: * Modernize code * Serializer: don't use seek() on sequential devices * Fix generate pri file * If include is define in .h remove it if it's defined in .cpp too (scripted) * Time to increase version * Add missing lib * Port QRegExp to QRegularExpression- Update to 20.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-11-apps-update - No code change since 20.08.2- Update to 20.08.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-10-apps-update - No code change since 20.08.1- Update to 20.08.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-09-apps-update - No code change since 20.08.0- Update to 20.08.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-08-apps-update - No code change since 20.07.90- Update to 20.07.90 * New feature release - No code change since 20.07.80- Update to 20.07.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.04.3: * Convert license headers to SPDX format * Fix mem leak found by ASAN * Fix clazy warnings * Akonadi Calendar Standard Actions: s/Calendar Folder/Folder/ * Fix includes. Use uppercase includes * IncidenceChanger: add getter/setter for ETM- Update to 20.04.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-07-apps-update - No code change since 20.04.2- Update to 20.04.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-06-apps-update - No code change since 20.04.1- Update to 20.04.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-05-apps-update - No code change since 20.04.0- Update to 20.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-04-apps-update - No code change since 20.03.90- Update to 20.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 20.03.80: * publishdialog.cpp - build a proper comma-separated addresslist- Update to 20.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 19.12.3: * Fix clazy warning * Autogenerate categories file * Remove usage of KDBusConnectionPool * Make it compile against qt5.15- Update to 19.12.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-03-apps-update - Changes since 19.12.2: * calendarbase.cpp - don't crash in non-debug builds- Replace %make_jobs with %cmake_build.- Update to 19.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-02-apps-update - No code change since 19.12.1- Update to 19.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/releases/19.12.1 - No code change since 19.12.0- Update to 19.12.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/releases/19.12 - No code change since 19.11.90- Update to 19.11.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/releases/19.12-rc - No code change since 19.11.80- Update to 19.11.80 * New feature release - Changes since 19.08.3: * fix find_dependency: fix version * Prefer icons over pixmaps * Use QLatin1String in join/startswith/endsWith/contains + QString::replace operates on the same object, no need to reassign * QString::replace operates on the same object, no need to reassign * Use new api * Fix plugin name * Fix qt version- Update to 19.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.08.3.php - No code change since 19.08.2- Update build requirements and Requires of the devel package- Update to 19.08.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.08.2.php - No code change since 19.08.1- Update to 19.08.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.08.1.php - Changes since 19.08.0: * Include KDE* cmake macros before any others- Update to 19.08.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.08.0.php - No code change since 19.07.90- Update to 19.07.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.08-rc.php - Changes since 19.07.80: * Adapt to KCalendarCore namespace change * Adapt to KCalCore namespace change- Update to 19.07.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.08-beta.php - Changes since 19.04.3: * Adapt to KCalCore::Attachment changes * Adapt to KCalCore::Attendee changes * Prepare for Attendee becoming a value type * When we use framework 5.59.0 we can use new logging file directory * Remove unused legacy include * Adapt to KCalCore::Person changes * Add executable attribute * It was fixed in 5.13.0beta2 * metainfo.yaml: Fix cmakename, is own top-level entry * Fix clazy warning * Remove unused shared-pointer-to-self hack * Make it compile without FOREACH- Update to 19.04.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.04.3.php - No code changes since 19.04.2- Update to 19.04.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.04.2.php - Changes since 19.04.1: * Fix the akonadi-calendar dependencies- Update to 19.04.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.04.1.php - No code changes since 19.04.0- Update to 19.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.04.0.php - No code changes since 19.03.90- Update to 19.03.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.04-rc.php - Changes since 19.03.80: * Convert to camelcase include * Fix crash due to using an attribute from a collection that went out of scope * Workaround qt5.13 bug- Update to 19.03.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-19.04-beta.php - Changes since 18.12.3: * Fix compile with Qt 5.13 and QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 * Fix some clazy warning * Remove QT_CHECK- Update to 18.12.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.3.php - Changes since 18.12.2: * No code changes since 18.12.2- Update to 18.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.2.php - Changes since 18.12.1: * No code changes since 18.12.1- Update to 18.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.1.php - Changes since 18.12.0: * No code changes since 18.12.0- Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90- Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Allow to use debug categories- Run spec-cleaner- Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * QT_NO_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_CONNECT is defined in kf5.51 * use new syntax * Remove deprecated method- Update to 18.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.08.3.php - Changes since 18.08.2: * No code changes since 18.08.2- Update to 18.08.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.08.2.php - Changes since 18.08.1: * None- Update to 18.08.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.08.1.php - Changes since 18.08.0: * None- Update to 18.08.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.08.0.php - Changes since 18.07.80: * None- Update to 18.07.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.08-beta.php - Changes since 18.04.3: * Fix warning about TRANSLATION_DOMAIN * Fix new warning (gcc 8 ) 'warning: catching polymorphic type' * Use Q_REQUIRED_RESULT * always show an incidence if we are the organizer (kde#352214)- Update to 18.04.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.04.3.php - Changes since 18.04.2: * None- Update to 18.04.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.04.2.php - Changes since 18.04.1: * None- Update to 18.04.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.04.1.php - Changes since 18.04.0: * Binary serializer code now supports FreeBusy too, so we can remove "default" statement * always show an incidence if we are the organizer (kde#352214)- Update to 18.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.04.0.php - Changes since 18.03.90: * always show an incidence if we are the organizer (kde#352214)- Update to 18.03.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.04-rc.php - Changes since 17.12.3: * Fix interface XML * Import Akonadi Serializer plugins for incidences from kdepim-runtime * Add missing files * Add debug categories files * Use nullptr * Use override directly * Fix warning * USe QLatin1String * Port to new connect api * Use QLatin1String * Fix endif * publishdialog.cpp,h - validate email address string before accepting (kde#386988) * Add directly "/" to path * Use same method as other repo- Update to 17.12.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.3.php - Changes since 17.12.2: * None- Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None- Update to 17.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.1.php - Changes since 17.12.0: * Use the chosen organizer identity when emailing attendees- Update to 17.12.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.0.php - Changes since 17.11.90: * None- Update to 17.11.90 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12-rc.php - Changes since 17.11.80: * None- Update to 17.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12-beta.php - Changes since 17.08.3: * Too many changes to list here- Update to 17.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.08.3.php - Changes since 17.08.2: * None- Update to 17.08.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.08.2.php - Changes since 17.08.1: * USe identity settings- Update to 17.08.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.08.1.php - Changes since 17.08.0: * Fix potential crash- Update summary and description.- Update to KDE Applications 17.08.0 * New feature release * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.08.0.php - Changes since 17.04.3 : - Too many changes to list here- Update to KDE Applications 17.07.90 * KDE Applications 17.07.90 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.08-rc.php- Update to 17.04.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.04.3.php - Changes since 17.04.2: * ETMCalendar: fix double increment in loop counter- Update to 17.04.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.04.2.php - Changes since 17.04.1: * None- Update to 17.04.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.04.1.php - Changes since 17.04.0: * Fix mem leak- Update to 17.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.04.0.php - Changes since 17.03.90: * None- Update to 17.03.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.04-rc.php - Changes since 17.03.80: * Remove unused file * Simplify unittest using QSignalSpy::wait() * Fix indent- Update to 17.03.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.04-beta.php - Changes since 16.12.3: * Add Q_DECL_OVERRIDE + nullptr * Fix build: use MailTransportAkonadi to find messagequeuejob.h * ITIPHandler: emit correct signal in case of an error loading the calendar. * More work on itiphandlertest: * Repair compilation of the invitation autotests. They are broken, but at least they build now (when enabled) * Fix includes * Don't exclude virtual calendar collections from ETMCalendar * USe new mailtransport * Adapt to new mailtransport * Fix warning reported by cppcheck * Minor optimization * Optimization * Use nullptr * Remove one Q_FOREACH * Port to for(... : ...) * Add ECMCoverageOption- Update to 16.12.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.12.3.php - Changes since 16.12.2: * Don't exclude virtual calendar collections from ETMCalendar- Update to KDE Applications 16.12.2 * KDE Applications 16.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.12.2.php- - Update to KDE Applications 16.12.1 * KDE Applications 16.12.1 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.12.1.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.12.0 * KDE Applications 16.12.0 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.12.0.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.11.90 * KDE Applications 16.12.0 RC * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.12-rc.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.11.80 * KDE Applications 16.12.0 Beta * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.12-beta.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.08.3 * KDE Applications 16.08.3 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.08.3.php- KDE Applications 16.08.2 https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.08.2.php- KDE Applications 16.08.2 https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.08.2.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.08.1 * KDE Applications 16.08.1 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.08.1.php- Build only on architectures supported by libqt5-qtwebengine- Update to KDE Applications 16.08.0 * KDE Applications 16.08.0 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.08.0.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.07.90 * KDE Applications 16.07.90 (16.08-RC) * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.08-rc.php- Cleanup build requirements- Update to KDE Applications 16.04.3 * KDE Applications 16.04.3 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.04.3.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.04.2 * KDE Applications 16.04.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.04.2.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.04.1 * KDE Applications 16.04.1 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.04.1.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.04.0 * KDE Applications 16.04.0 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.04.0.php- Update to KDE Applications 16.03.90 * KDE Applications 16.04.0 RC * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.04-rc.php- Update to KDE Applications 15.12.3 * KDE Applications 15.12.3 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.3.php * boo#970855- Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605- Update to KDE Applications 15.12.1 * KDE Applications 15.12.1 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.1.php * boo#961265- Update to KDE Applications 15.12.0 * KDE Applications 15.12.0 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.0.php * boo#958887- Update to KDE Applications 15.08.3 * KDE Applications 15.08.3 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.08.3.php * boo#954531- Update to KDE Applications 15.08.2 * KDE Applications 15.08.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.08.2.php- Update to KDE Applications 15.08.1 * KDE Applications 15.08.1 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.08.1.php- Update to KDE Applications 15.08.0 * KDE Applications 15.08.0 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.08.0.php- Initial version based on KDE Applications 15.07.90 * KDE Applications 15.08.0 RC1 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.08-rc.phpakonadi5-calendar-develi02-armsrv3 1715640777  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456723.08.5-bp156. 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